""" The :mod:`origami_rectangle` module defines the function :py:func:`origami_rectangle.create` for creating a DNA origami rectangle using the :mod:`scadnano` module. """ from typing import List, Union, cast # from . import scadnano as sc import scadnano as sc from enum import Enum, auto # TODO: write version of origami_rectangle.create that uses add_nick and add_crossover. class NickPattern(Enum): """Represents options for where to place nicks between staples.""" staggered = auto() """A nick appears in a given helix and column if the parity of the helix and column match (both even or both odd). """ staggered_opposite = auto() """A nick appears in a given helix and column if the parity of the helix and column don't match (one is even and the other is odd). CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED. """ even = auto() """A nick appears in every column and only even-index helices. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED. """ odd = auto() """A nick appears in every column and only odd-index helices. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED. """ staggered = NickPattern.staggered """Convenience reference defined so one can type :const:`origami_rectangle.staggered` instead of :const:`origami_rectangle.NickPattern.staggered`.""" staggered_opposite = NickPattern.staggered_opposite """Convenience reference defined so one can type :const:`origami_rectangle.staggered_opposite` instead of :const:`origami_rectangle.NickPattern.staggered_opposite`. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED.""" even = NickPattern.even """Convenience reference defined so one can type :const:`origami_rectangle.even` instead of :const:`origami_rectangle.NickPattern.even`. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED.""" odd = NickPattern.odd """Convenience reference defined so one can type :const:`origami_rectangle.odd` instead of :const:`origami_rectangle.NickPattern.odd`. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED.""" def create(*, num_helices: int, num_cols: int, assign_seq: bool = True, seam_left_column: int = -1, nick_pattern: NickPattern = NickPattern.staggered, twist_correction_deletion_spacing: int = 0, twist_correction_start_col: int = 1, twist_correction_deletion_offset: int = -1, num_flanking_columns: int = 1, num_flanking_helices: int = 0, custom_scaffold: str = None, edge_staples: bool = True, scaffold_nick_offset: int = -1) -> sc.Design: """ Creates a DNA origami rectangle with a given number of helices and "columns" (16-base-wide region in each helix). The columns include the 16-base regions on the end where potential "edge staples" go, as well as the two-column-wide "seam" region in the middle. Below is an example diagram of the staples created by this function. Consider for example the function call ``create(num_helices=8, num_cols=10, nick_pattern=origami_rectangle.staggered)``. The scaffold strand resulting from this call is shown below: .. code-block:: none # C0 # C1 # C2 # C3 # C4 # C5 # C6 # C7 # C8 # C9 # H0 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H1 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H2 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H3 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H4 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H5 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H6 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ | | H7 +--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------] <--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------+ Helix indices are labelled ``H0``, ``H1``, ... and column indices are labeled ``C0``, ``C1``, ... Each single symbol ``-``, ``+``, ``<``, ``>``, ``[``, ``]``, ``+`` represents one DNA base, so each column is 16 bases wide. The ``#`` is a visual delimiter between columns and does not represent any bases, nor do spaces between the base-representing symbols. The 5' end of a strand is indicated with ``[`` or ``]`` and the 3' end is indicated with ``>`` or ``<``. A crossover is indicated with .. code-block:: none + | + Below are the staples resulting from this same call. .. code-block:: none # C0 # C1 # C2 # C3 # C4 # C5 # C6 # C7 # C8 # C9 # H0 <--------------+ +--------------- -------]<------+ +--------------- -------]<------+ +--------------- -------]<------+ +--------------- -------]<------+ +--------------] | | | | | | | | H1 [--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +--------------> | | | | | | | | H2 <--------------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------] | | | | | | | | H3 [--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +--------------> | | | | | | | | H4 <--------------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------] | | | | | | | | H5 [--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +------>[------+ +--------------+ +--------------> | | | | | | | | H6 <--------------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------+ +------]<------+ +--------------] | | | | | | | | H7 [--------------+ +------>[------- ---------------+ +------>[------- ---------------+ +------>[------- ---------------+ +------>[------- ---------------+ +--------------> The seam crosses columns ``C4`` and ``C5``. The left and right edge staples respectively are in columns ``C0`` and ``C9``. Prints warning if number of bases exceeds 7249 (length of standard M13 scaffold strand), but does not otherwise cause an error. Here's an example of using :any:`origami_rectangle.create` to create a design for a 16-helix rectangle and write it to a file readable by scadnano. (By default the output file name is the same as the script calling :py:meth:`scadnano.Design.write_scadnano_file` but with the extension ``.py`` changed to ``.dna``.) .. code-block:: Python import origami_rectangle as rect # XXX: ensure num_cols is even since we divide it by 2 design = rect.create(num_helices=16, num_cols=24, nick_pattern=rect.staggered) design.write_scadnano_file() However, we caution that :py:func:`create` is not intended to be very extensible for creating many different types of DNA origami. It is more intended as an example whose source code can be an efficient reference to learn the :mod:`scadnano` API. :param num_helices: number of helices. must be even. :param num_cols: number of "columns" as defined above. must be even and at least 4. :param assign_seq: whether to assign a DNA sequence to the scaffold. If True, uses `custom_scaffold` if it is not None, or M13 otherwise. :param seam_left_column: specifies the location of the seam. (i.e., scaffold crossovers in the middle of the origami.) If positive, the seam occupies two columns, and `seam_left_column` specifies the column on the left. To make the crossover geometry work out, a nonnegative `seam_left_column` must be even, greater than 0, and less than `num_helices` - 2. If negative, it is calculated automatically to be roughly in the middle. :param nick_pattern: describes whether nicks between staples should be "staggered" or not. See :class:`origami_rectangle.NickPattern` for details. :param twist_correction_deletion_spacing: If `twist_correction_deletion_spacing` > 0, adds deletions between crossovers in one out of every `twist_correction_deletion_spacing` columns. See this paper for an explanation of twist correction in DNA origami: *Programmable molecular recognition based on the geometry of DNA nanostructures*, Sungwook Woo and Paul W. K. Rothemund, Nature Chemistry, volume 3, pages 620–627 (2011) https://doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1070 :param twist_correction_start_col: ignored if `twist_correction_deletion_spacing` <= 0, otherwise it indicates the column at which to put the first deletions. Default = 1. :param twist_correction_deletion_offset: the *relative* offset of the deletion, relative to the left side of the column. :param num_flanking_columns: the number of empty columns on the helix on each side of the origami. :param num_flanking_helices: the number of empty helices above and below the origami. :param custom_scaffold: the scaffold sequence to use. If set to ``None``, the standard 7249-base M13 is used: :py:func:`scadnano.m13`. :param edge_staples: indicates whether to include the edge staples. (Leaving them out prevents multiple origami rectangles from polymerizing in solution due to base stacking interactions on the left and right edges of the origami rectangle.) :param scaffold_nick_offset: the position of the "nick" on the scaffold (the M13 scaffold is circular, so for such a scaffold this really represents where any unused and undepicted bases of the scaffold will form a loop-out). If negative (default value) then it will be chosen to be along the origami seam. :return: a :any:`Design` representing a DNA origami rectangle """ # noqa (This line is here to suppress a PEP warning about long lines in the source code) if num_cols < 4: raise ValueError(f'num_cols must be at least 4 but is {num_cols}') # if num_cols % 4 != 2: # raise ValueError(f'num_cols must be congruent to 2 mod 4 (6, 10, 14, 18, 22, ...) but is {num_cols}') if num_cols % 2 != 0: raise ValueError(f'num_cols must be even, but is {num_cols}') if num_helices % 2 != 0: raise ValueError(f'num_helices must be even but is {num_helices}') if num_cols * num_helices * BASES_PER_COLUMN > 7249: print(f'WARNING: you chose {num_cols} columns and {num_helices} helices, ' f'which requires {num_cols * num_helices * BASES_PER_COLUMN} bases, ' f'greater than the 7249 available in standard M13.') if seam_left_column < 0: seam_left_column = num_cols // 2 - 1 if seam_left_column % 2 == 1: seam_left_column += 1 if seam_left_column % 2 == 1: raise ValueError(f'seam_left_column must be even but is {seam_left_column}') # allow empty "flanking" columns on each side num_bases_per_helix = BASES_PER_COLUMN * (num_cols + 2 * num_flanking_columns) # leftmost x offset offset_start = BASES_PER_COLUMN * num_flanking_columns # rightmost x offset offset_end = offset_start + BASES_PER_COLUMN * num_cols # x offset just to left of seam offset_mid = offset_start + BASES_PER_COLUMN * (seam_left_column + 1) helices = _create_helices(num_helices + 2 * num_flanking_helices, num_bases_per_helix) scaffold = _create_scaffold(offset_start, offset_end, offset_mid, num_helices, num_flanking_helices, scaffold_nick_offset) staples = _create_staples(offset_start, offset_end, offset_mid, num_helices, num_flanking_helices, num_cols, nick_pattern, edge_staples) design = sc.Design(helices=helices, strands=[scaffold] + staples, grid=sc.square) if twist_correction_deletion_spacing > 0: add_twist_correction_deletions(design=design, offset_start=offset_start, deletion_spacing=twist_correction_deletion_spacing, deletion_start_col=twist_correction_start_col, deletion_offset=twist_correction_deletion_offset, num_helices=num_helices, num_cols=num_cols, num_flanking_helices=num_flanking_helices) if assign_seq: scaffold_seq = sc.m13() if custom_scaffold is None else custom_scaffold design.assign_dna(scaffold, scaffold_seq) return design BASES_PER_COLUMN = 16 def _create_helices(num_helices: int, num_bases_per_helix: int) -> List[sc.Helix]: return [sc.Helix(max_offset=num_bases_per_helix) for _ in range(num_helices)] def _create_scaffold(offset_start: int, offset_end: int, offset_mid: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int, scaffold_nick_offset: int) -> sc.Strand: # top domain is continguous top_domain = sc.Domain(helix=0 + num_flanking_helices, forward=True, start=offset_start, end=offset_end) domains_left = [] domains_right = [] if scaffold_nick_offset < 0: scaffold_nick_offset = offset_mid for helix in range(1 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices): # otherwise there's a nick (bottom helix) or the seam crossover (all other than top and bottom) # possibly nick on bottom helix is not along seam center_offset = offset_mid if helix < num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 1 else scaffold_nick_offset forward = (helix % 2 == num_flanking_helices % 2) left_domain = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=forward, start=offset_start, end=center_offset) right_domain = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=forward, start=center_offset, end=offset_end) domains_left.append(left_domain) domains_right.append(right_domain) domains_left.reverse() domains = cast(List[Union[sc.Domain, sc.Loopout]], # noqa domains_left + [top_domain] + domains_right) # type: ignore return sc.Strand(domains=domains, color=sc.default_scaffold_color, is_scaffold=True) def _create_staples(offset_start: int, offset_end: int, offset_mid: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int, num_cols: int, nick_pattern: NickPattern, edge_staples: bool) -> List[sc.Strand]: if edge_staples: left_edge_staples = _create_left_edge_staples(offset_start, num_helices, num_flanking_helices) right_edge_staples = _create_right_edge_staples(offset_end, num_helices, num_flanking_helices) else: left_edge_staples = [] right_edge_staples = [] seam_staples = _create_seam_staples(offset_mid, num_helices, num_flanking_helices) inner_staples = _create_inner_staples(offset_start, offset_end, offset_mid, num_helices, num_flanking_helices, num_cols, nick_pattern) return left_edge_staples + right_edge_staples + seam_staples + inner_staples def _create_seam_staples(offset_mid: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int) -> List[sc.Strand]: staples = [] crossover_left = offset_mid - BASES_PER_COLUMN crossover_right = offset_mid + BASES_PER_COLUMN nick_bot = crossover_left + 8 nick_top = crossover_right - 8 for helix in range(1 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 1, 2): bot_helix_forward = False ss_left_top = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=not bot_helix_forward, start=crossover_left, end=nick_top) ss_left_bot = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=bot_helix_forward, start=crossover_left, end=nick_bot) ss_right_bot = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=bot_helix_forward, start=nick_bot, end=crossover_right) ss_right_top = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=not bot_helix_forward, start=nick_top, end=crossover_right) staple_left = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_left_bot, ss_left_top]) staple_right = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_right_top, ss_right_bot]) staples.append(staple_left) staples.append(staple_right) first_helix = num_flanking_helices last_helix = num_flanking_helices + num_helices - 1 first_staple_ss = sc.Domain(helix=first_helix, forward=False, start=nick_bot, end=nick_bot + BASES_PER_COLUMN * 2) last_staple_ss = sc.Domain(helix=last_helix, forward=True, start=nick_top - BASES_PER_COLUMN * 2, end=nick_top) first_staple = sc.Strand(domains=[first_staple_ss]) last_staple = sc.Strand(domains=[last_staple_ss]) return [first_staple] + staples + [last_staple] def _create_left_edge_staples(offset_start: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int) -> List[sc.Strand]: staples = [] crossover_right = offset_start + BASES_PER_COLUMN for helix in range(0 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices, 2): bot_helix_forward = True ss_5p_bot = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=bot_helix_forward, start=offset_start, end=crossover_right) ss_3p_top = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=not bot_helix_forward, start=offset_start, end=crossover_right) staple = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_5p_bot, ss_3p_top]) staples.append(staple) return staples def _create_right_edge_staples(offset_end: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int) -> List[sc.Strand]: staples = [] crossover_left = offset_end - BASES_PER_COLUMN for helix in range(0 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices, 2): bot_helix_forward = True ss_5p_top = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=not bot_helix_forward, start=crossover_left, end=offset_end) ss_3p_bot = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=bot_helix_forward, start=crossover_left, end=offset_end) staple = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_5p_top, ss_3p_bot]) staples.append(staple) return staples def _create_inner_staples(offset_start: int, offset_end: int, offset_mid: int, num_helices: int, num_flanking_helices: int, num_cols: int, nick_pattern: NickPattern) -> List[sc.Strand]: if nick_pattern is not NickPattern.staggered: raise NotImplementedError("Currently can only handle staggered nick pattern") # if ((num_cols - 4) // 2) % 2 != 0: # raise NotImplementedError("Currently can only handle num_cols such that an even number of " # "columns appear between each edge column and seam column, " # "i.e., ((num_cols - 4) // 2) % 2 == 0") len_half_col = BASES_PER_COLUMN // 2 staples = [] for col in range(num_cols): x_l = offset_start + BASES_PER_COLUMN * col x_r = offset_start + BASES_PER_COLUMN * (col + 1) x_mid_col = x_l + len_half_col if (x_l == offset_start # skip left edge column or x_r == offset_mid # skip left seam column or x_l == offset_mid # skip right seam column or x_r == offset_end): # skip right edge column continue if col % 2 == 1: # special staple in odd column is 24-base staple along top helix h1_forward = True ss_top_5p_h0 = sc.Domain(helix=0 + num_flanking_helices, forward=not h1_forward, start=x_l, end=x_mid_col + BASES_PER_COLUMN) ss_top_3p_h1 = sc.Domain(helix=1 + num_flanking_helices, forward=h1_forward, start=x_l, end=x_mid_col) staple_top = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_top_5p_h0, ss_top_3p_h1]) staples.append(staple_top) for helix in range(1 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 2, 2): helix_i_forward = True ss_helix_i = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=helix_i_forward, start=x_mid_col, end=x_r) ss_helix_ip1 = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=not helix_i_forward, start=x_l, end=x_r) ss_helix_ip2 = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 2, forward=helix_i_forward, start=x_l, end=x_mid_col) staple = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_helix_i, ss_helix_ip1, ss_helix_ip2]) staples.append(staple) else: # special staple in even column is 24-base staple along bottom helix (hm1="helix minus 1") hm1_forward = True ss_bot_5p_hm1 = sc.Domain(helix=num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 1, forward=hm1_forward, start=x_mid_col - BASES_PER_COLUMN, end=x_r) ss_bot_3p_hm2 = sc.Domain(helix=num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 2, forward=not hm1_forward, start=x_mid_col, end=x_r) staple_bot = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_bot_5p_hm1, ss_bot_3p_hm2]) staples.append(staple_bot) for helix in range(0 + num_flanking_helices, num_helices + num_flanking_helices - 3, 2): helix_i_forward = False ss_helix_i = sc.Domain(helix=helix, forward=helix_i_forward, start=x_mid_col, end=x_r) ss_helix_ip1 = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 1, forward=not helix_i_forward, start=x_l, end=x_r) ss_helix_ip2 = sc.Domain(helix=helix + 2, forward=helix_i_forward, start=x_l, end=x_mid_col) staple = sc.Strand(domains=[ss_helix_ip2, ss_helix_ip1, ss_helix_i]) staples.append(staple) return staples def add_deletion_in_range(design: sc.Design, helix: int, start: int, end: int, deletion_offset: int) -> None: # Inserts deletion somewhere in given range. # `offset` is the relative offset within a column at which to put the deletions. # If negative, chooses first available offset. candidate_offsets = [] for candidate_deletion_offset in range(start, end): if valid_deletion_offset(design, helix, candidate_deletion_offset): candidate_offsets.append(candidate_deletion_offset) if len(candidate_offsets) == 0: raise ValueError(f"no pair of Substrands found on Helix {helix} " f"overlapping interval [{start},{end})") if deletion_offset < 0: # pick offset furthest from edges of interval candidate_offsets.sort(key=lambda offset: min(offset - start, end - offset)) deletion_absolute_offset = candidate_offsets[0] else: deletion_absolute_offset = start + deletion_offset design.add_deletion(helix, deletion_absolute_offset) def valid_deletion_offset(design: sc.Design, helix: int, offset: int) -> bool: domains_at_offset = design.domains_at(helix, offset) if len(domains_at_offset) > 2: raise ValueError(f'Invalid Design; more than two Substrands found at ' f'helix {helix} and offset {offset}: ' f'{domains_at_offset}') elif len(domains_at_offset) != 2: return False for ss in domains_at_offset: if offset in ss.deletions: return False # already a deletion there if offset in (insertion[0] for insertion in ss.insertions): return False # already an insertion there if offset == ss.start: return False # no 5' end if offset == ss.end - 1: return False # no 3' end return True def add_twist_correction_deletions(design: sc.Design, offset_start: int, deletion_spacing: int, deletion_start_col: int, deletion_offset: int, num_helices: int, num_cols: int, num_flanking_helices: int) -> None: for col in range(deletion_start_col, num_cols): col_start = offset_start + col * BASES_PER_COLUMN col_end = offset_start + (col + 1) * BASES_PER_COLUMN if (col - deletion_start_col) % deletion_spacing == 0: for helix in range(num_flanking_helices, num_flanking_helices + num_helices): add_deletion_in_range(design=design, helix=helix, start=col_start + 1, end=col_end - 1, deletion_offset=deletion_offset)