--- layout: post comments: true title: Post Template author: UCLAdeepvision date: 2022-04-10 --- > This block is a brief introduction of your project. You can put your abstract here or any headers you want the readers to know. {: class="table-of-content"} * TOC {:toc} ## Main Content Your article starts here. You can refer to the [source code](https://github.com/lilianweng/lil-log/tree/master/_posts) of [lil's blogs](https://lilianweng.github.io/lil-log/) for article structure ideas or Markdown syntax. We've provided a [sample post](https://ucladeepvision.github.io/CS188-Projects-2022Winter/2017/06/21/an-overview-of-deep-learning.html) from Lilian Weng and you can find the source code [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UCLAdeepvision/CS188-Projects-2022Winter/main/_posts/2017-06-21-an-overview-of-deep-learning.md) ## Basic Syntax ### Image Please create a folder with the name of your team id under /assets/images/, put all your images into the folder and reference the images in your main content. You can add an image to your survey like this: ![YOLO]({{ '/assets/images/UCLAdeepvision/object_detection.png' | relative_url }}) {: style="width: 400px; max-width: 100%;"} *Fig 1. YOLO: An object detection method in computer vision* [1]. Please cite the image if it is taken from other people's work. ### Table Here is an example for creating tables, including alignment syntax. | | column 1 | column 2 | | :--- | :----: | ---: | | row1 | Text | Text | | row2 | Text | Text | ### Code Block ``` # This is a sample code block import torch print (torch.__version__) ``` ### Formula Please use latex to generate formulas, such as: $$ \tilde{\mathbf{z}}^{(t)}_i = \frac{\alpha \tilde{\mathbf{z}}^{(t-1)}_i + (1-\alpha) \mathbf{z}_i}{1-\alpha^t} $$ or you can write in-text formula $$y = wx + b$$. ### More Markdown Syntax You can find more Markdown syntax at [this page](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/). ## Reference Please make sure to cite properly in your work, for example: [1] Dwibedi, Debidatta, et al. "Counting out time: Class agnostic video repetition counting in the wild." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020. [2] --- ## Data Rich and Physics Certain | Experiment | Parameters | Results | Comments | | :--- | :----: | :---: | ---: | | **DL + Data** | | Predicting only velocity | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->5->5->1
activation: ReLU | ~100% accurate | Generalises well over various initial velocities | | Predicting only displacement | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | Reasonable | Better prediction for $u_0 \in dataset$, average prediction outside | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->2
activation: tanh | Reasonable | Better prediction for $u_0 \in dataset$, poor prediction outside | ----- | **DL + Physics** | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$, using Loss $L_{physics} = \|v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted}\|$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | ~0% accuracy | Expected result as no supervision of any kind is provided | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$, using Loss $L_{velocity+phy} = (v_{predicted}-v_{actual})^2+\gamma*(v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted})^2$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | Reasonable | Prediction of $v_t$ is good. Was able to learn $s_t$ reasonably well without direct supervision | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$, using Loss $L_{supervised+phy} = (v_{predicted}-v_{actual})^2+(s_{predicted}-s_{actual})^2+\gamma*(v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted})^2$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | Reasonable | Not a better result w.r.t direct supervision | **Observations :** - Physics equations are certain in this case and are the best to use. - Both DL, Hybrid(DL+Physics) methods performance are equivalent (actual accuracy/loss varies based on fine training, random dataset generation) Re running the above experiments with Dataset size of 200(Data Starvation), yielded the following observations - DL performance is comparable with 10000 dataset when trained on much mode epochs(5x) - Hybrid(DL+Physics) without direct supervision on $s_t$ has comparable/better closeness than DL only method for limited epochs($\sim$300) training. ## Data Rich and Physics Uncertain | Experiment | Parameters | Results | Comments | | :--- | :----: | :---: | ---: | | **DL + Data** |\ | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->2
activation: tanh | Reasonable | Better prediction for $u_0 \in dataset$, poor prediction outside | | **DL + Physics** | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$
using Loss $L_{physics} = \|v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted}\|$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | ~0% accuracy | Expected result as no supervision of any kind is provided | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$
using Loss $L_{velocity+phy} = (v_{predicted}-v_{actual})^2+\gamma*(v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted})^2$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | Reasonable | Prediction of $v_t$ is good. Was able to learn $s_t$ reasonably well without direct supervision | | Predicting both $v_t, s_t$
using Loss $L_{supervised+phy} = (v_{predicted}-v_{actual})^2+(s_{predicted}-s_{actual})^2+\gamma*(v_{predicted}^2-u_{initial}^2-2*g*s_{predicted})^2$ | Dataset size : 10000
Network : 2->16->16->1
activation: ReLU | Reasonable | Not a better result w.r.t direct supervision, but bettr than DL when $u0$ is out of dataset | **Observations :** - Both DL, Hybrid(DL+Physics) methods performance are similar, Hybrid(DL+Physics) is better when $u0$ is out of dataset, DL is better for $u0$ in dataset. - Physics equations are not certain in this case and the above methods are better to use than Physics. ## Data Starvation and Physics Uncertain - Similar observations as in data rich