## Team Declaration

#### Team Name - Iconicto

|             | Name     | Student ID Number | Github Handle |
| Team Leader | John Doe | 2018IS039         | @johndoe      |
| Member 1    | John Doe | 2018IS039         | @johndoe      |
| Member 2    | John Doe | 2018IS039         | @johndoe      |
| Member 3    | John Doe | 2018IS039         | @johndoe      |
| Member 4    | John Doe | 2018IS039         | @johndoe      |     

## What we are building

Give a bried introduction to your project here. Include the impact your project has on the society as well has how you are planning to help the community.

## How we built it

**[Initial Update]**
Mention the initial update of your project here

**[Update 2]**
Use these update blocks to announce the new features you have pushed into your repositoty. Limit the updates to a maximum of 5.

**[Final Update]**
Mention details about your final update here.

## Conclusion
Tell us how you enjoyed the hackathon and what new stuff have you learned during the hackathion. Feel free to share any interesting inside jokes here too! We love a good laugh!

## Demo Link
 Demo Link: <i>Link to your demo (Optional)</i>

## Link to Code
Frontend: <i>Link to GitHub repository</i>
backend: <i>Link to GitHub repository</i>