@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix sdmx: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix qb: . @prefix sdmx-concept: . a owl:Ontology; owl:versionInfo "0.3"; rdfs:label "SDMX-RDF vocabulary"; rdfs:comment "This vocabulary extends the data cube vocabulary to support publication of statistical data in RDF, using an information model based on SDMX"; dcterms:created "2010-02-05"^^xsd:date; dcterms:modified "2010-07-22"^^xsd:date; dcterms:title "Vocabulary for publishing SDMX statistical data in RDF"; dcterms:source ; dcterms:references ; dcterms:contributor [foaf:mbox "richard@cyganiak.de"], [foaf:mbox "jeni@jenitennison.com"], [foaf:mbox "arofan.gregory@earthlink.net"], [foaf:mbox "ian@epimorphics.com"], [foaf:mbox "dave@epimorphics.com"]; . # --- Note --------------------------- # In the revised structure, as developed at ODaF2010, the core representation # of multidimensional data is covered by a general purpose "data cube" vocabulary. # This SDMX-RDF vocabulary is now an extension to the Data Cube core to cover # notions specific to aggregate statistical information as modelled in SDMX. # The current version just covers the representation of Concept Roles. # Future work will develop the SDMX vocabulary in more detail, based upon # the earlier SDMX-RDF draft. # --- DataStructureDefinitions --------------------------- sdmx:DataStructureDefinition a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Data Structure Definition"@en; rdfs:comment "A specialization of qb:DataStructureDefinition which additional constraints: if there are multiple measures then a MeasureDimensionProperty must be included in the DSD"@en; rdfs:subClassOf qb:DataStructureDefinition ; . # --- Concepts --------------------------- sdmx:CodeList a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Concept scheme"@en; rdfs:subClassOf skos:ConceptScheme; . sdmx:Concept a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "concept"@en; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept; rdfs:comment "Denotes an SDMX concept, used in the particular SDMX terminological sense, which is in principle narrower than skos:Concept"; . # --- Concept Roles --------------------------- sdmx:ConceptRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Concept role (abstract)"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:Concept; rdfs:comment "Abstract superclass of classes denoting statistical roles which be played by concepts"@en; . sdmx:FrequencyRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Frequency property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension or attribute that plays the role of frequency"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:CountRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Count property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension or attribute that plays the role of an identifier where the identifier is taken from a known system of counts (e.g. the Nth current dataset update for a given day)"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:EntityRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Entity property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension or attribute that plays the role of the DataAttribute subject to whom the data refers (e.g. the reporting agent for primary reporting, the country for secondary reporting)"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:TimeRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Time property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension that specifies the time of the observation of the primaryMeasure"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:MeasureTypeRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Measure type property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension that plays the role of identifying a type of measure"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:NonObsTimeRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Non-observation time property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension or attribute that plays the role of a date/time identifier in the KeyFamily which is not related to the time of the observation"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:IdentityRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Identity property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a dimension or attribute that plays the role of an identifier which is taken from a known scheme of identifiers."@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . sdmx:PrimaryMeasureRole a rdfs:Class, owl:Class; rdfs:label "Primary measure property"@en; rdfs:comment "concept for a measure that plays the role of the observation in a time series"@en; rdfs:subClassOf sdmx:ConceptRole; . # --- Linking to the reusable generic concepts from qb --------------------------- qb:measureType qb:concept sdmx:measureTypeConcept . sdmx:measureTypeConcept a sdmx:MeasureTypeRole, sdmx:ConceptRole, skos:Concept; rdfs:label "measureType"@en; rdfs:comment "The concept corresponding to the generic measure type dimension which indicates which measure is being denoted by the primary measure on an observation"@en; . # --- Support for round-tripping the primary measure --------------------------- sdmx:primaryMeasure a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:label "primary measure"@en; rdfs:comment "Indicates an additional component used as the primary measure within the SDMX data. In the case of multi-measure data sets the RDF representation uses the specific measure rather than a subsuming overall measure. This property records the subsuming primary measure (typically sdmx-measure:obsValue) to enable round tripping of this information."@en; rdfs:domain sdmx:DataStructureDefinition; rdfs:range qb:MeasureProperty ; .