import smtplib import string import os from time import strftime import sys #Settings TO_ADDRESS = '' SMTP_SERVER = 'smtpEmailServer' SMTP_USERNAME = "" SMTP_PASSWORD = "EmailPassword" SUBJECT = "OpenCanary Alert" EMAILTEMPLATE = """From: OpenCanary RPi Subject: OpenCanary Alert from RPi New Events """ NEWLINE = "\n\r" SOURCELOGFILE = '/var/tmp/opencanary-tmp.log' # very basic code to send a simple email to the defined recipient def SendEmail(emailText): emailSent = False try: emailMessage = EMAILTEMPLATE + emailText server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER,587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD) server.sendmail(SMTP_USERNAME, TO_ADDRESS, emailMessage) server.quit() emailSent = True except: print("Error sending Emails - Log not Emptied") return emailSent # utility to find the value for a given source parameter. # sample of event string elements is # , "node_id": "opencanary-1", "src_host": "", "src_port": "37284"} # the string to check should be of the format "src_port" def findParam(sourceEvent,checkString): result = "" fullCheckString = '"'+checkString+'": "' startChar = sourceEvent.find(fullCheckString) if(startChar>0): startChar +=len(fullCheckString) endChar =sourceEvent.find('"',startChar) if(endChar>0): result = sourceEvent[startChar:endChar] else: print("no matching end \n") return result #basic parser for each line of text to see if it is one of the whitelisted events that do not need reporting def CheckLine (sourceEvent): sendTheEmail = True print("checking line > {}\n",sourceEvent) sourceIP = findParam(sourceEvent,"src_host") destinationPort = findParam(sourceEvent,"dst_port") sourcePort = findParam(sourceEvent,"src_port") print("source IP: {} destination port: {} \n".format(sourceIP,destinationPort)) #better code would be to use a config file, but for now lets just add some simple cases if(sourceIP ==""): if(destinationPort=="631"): #local port on Rpi doing a regular check of the printer port sendTheEmail = False else: if(sourceIP == ""): if(destinationPort == "445") or (destinationPort == "139" ): #mac mini doing a regular port check on these 2 ports sendTheEmail = False else: if(sourceIP == ""): if(destinationPort == "139"): #main PC on wired network sendTheEmail = False displayCommand = "{0}:{1} > {2} ".format (sourceIP,sourcePort,destinationPort) if (sendTheEmail): displayCommand += '\033[31;40m UNKNOWN \033[37;40m\n' else: displayCommand += '\033[32;40m Ignored \033[37;40m\n' # change this tty to tty1 if you are using a dedicated screen hat # tty will just display to the active screen you are logged on to. f = open("/dev/tty", "w") f.write(displayCommand) f.close() return sendTheEmail #main code starts here localText = "" file2 = open(SOURCELOGFILE,'r') count =0 for line in file2: if (CheckLine(line.strip())==True): count +=1 localText += "Event {}: {}".format(count,line.strip()) localText += NEWLINE else: print("ignoring line\n\r") file2.close if (count >0): emailsSent= SendEmail (localText) if(emailsSent): #this is a bit crude but acts as a simple emptying of the source file # Only clear the log if the email was sent # if not the log will remain and next time it will re-try file2 = open(SOURCELOGFILE,'w') file2.writelines([]) file2.close