Highlights & Device Specific Changes: Build type: Monthly Device: Xiaomi POCO M2 Pro / Redmi Note 9S / Redmi Note 9 Pro / Redmi Note 9 Pro Max / Redmi Note 10 Lite (miatoll) Device maintainer: RITESHROKX ===== 10 May, 2024 ===== - Used HintManager for HWUI - Removed cache on early boot - Removed duplicate USB props - Disabled per-cgroup PSI accounting - Restart qcrild upon boot to system - Set RELAX_USES_LIBRARY_CHECK to true - Switched to new AIDL IR service - Disabled ULL mode in Audio - Fixed 24bit audio playback - Removed Smart Charging nodes - Fixed issue with no audio output if "Google Assistant" was enabled - Improvement in UI (More Smoother Animations) - Enabled apk fs-verity - Avoid delay for vblank disable from DRM - Stopped BT logspam - Updated CarrierConfig from sweetin V14.0.1.0.TKFINXM - Enabled editable_enhanced_4g_lte_bool globally - Fixed dual sim preferences getting reset - Fixed annonying pop-ups when Airplane mode is enabled or disabled - Globally enabled LTE+ icon - Set LTE+ threshold bandwidth to 0 (so LTE+ icon will show whenever it's available) - Enabled VoLTE/VoWIFI For All Indian Carriers - Moved miui camera sepolices to vendor - Improved rounded_corner_content_padding - Adjusted status bar padding - Adjusted number of notification icons on status bar - Added support for Spatial Audio (updated blobs from cheetah-14-AP1A.240405.002) - Added Moto Dolby support - Added LMC-Camera v8.3_Release_1 (Temporarily) ===== 28th April, 2024 === - Initial A14 Official Release ===== 9th July, 2023 === - Added inbuilt Miui Camera (Leica v4.0) - Updated KSU version to v0.6.2 - Updated blobs from V14.0.3.0.SJZMIXM - Disabled ZRAM writeback - Removed useless props - Overall increased Stability, Smoothness and fixed minor bugs ===== 28th May, 2023 === - Added support for Miui camera - Added support for KernelSU - Switched to FBEv2 encryption - Improved vibration - Removed extra gapps in gapps build - Imported Google photos properties from pixelify - Enabled LTE_CA workaround - Enabled apk fs-verity - Enabled LTE+ icon when available - Imported more surface flinger flags - Removed unused libs - Switched to common Xiaomi light AIDL - Switched to common Xiaomi fingerprint HIDL - Switched to AIDL power hal - Removed aptX(HD) encoder shared libs - Build QTI vibrator from source - Updated USB controller configuration - Flatten APEXs for performance - Update media codecs from V13.0.2.0.SJZMIXM and blobs from v13.0.4.0SJZMIXM - Improved screen recording - Increased QS panel smoothness after QPR2 update - Updated cheetah fp to May 2023 - Overall increased Stability, smoothness & ram management ===== 18th Jan, 2023 === - Added QR scanner shortcut in lock screen - Dropped smart charging - Updated cheetah fp to January 2023 - Misc small improvements and bug fixes ===== 25 Dec, 2022 ===== - Synced with latest cherish source changes - Switched FP to cheetah December - Added dirac - Nuked FM - Disabled launcher and camera app from pinning - Enabled zygote critical window - Fixed cabc mode - Misc small improvements and bug fixes