!#start YYYYJJJ 010000 !#end YYYYJJJ 000000 #layer 1 / ! This Species Definition File is for Use with the COMBINE tool built for ! post-processing CMAQ output. It is compatible with CMAQv5.2. ! Date: May 12 2017 ! Output variables that begin with 'PM' represent those in which a size cut was ! applied based on modeled aerosol mode parameters. For example, PM25_NA is all ! sodium that falls below 2.5 um diameter. These 'PM' variables are used for ! comparisons at IMPROVE and CSN sites. ! Output variables that begin with 'PMAMS' represent the mass that would have ! been detected by an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. ! Output variables beginning with 'A' (aside from AIR_DENS) represent a ! combination of aerosol species in which no size cut was applied. For example, ! ASO4IJ is the sum of i-mode and j-mode sulfate. These 'A' variables are used ! for comparisons at CASTNet sites. ! Output variables beginning with 'PMC' refer to the coarse fraction of total PM, ! computed by summing all modes and subtracting the PM2.5 fraction. These 'PMC' ! variables are used for comparisons at SEARCH sites. ! This Species Definition File is just for use with the uncoupled, offline CMAQ, ! model. If you are processing WRF-CMAQ results, a different Species Definition ! file is required. / File [1]: CMAQ conc/aconc file / File [2]: METCRO3D file / File [3]: ELMO/AELMO file / File [4]: METCRO2D file / /new species ,units ,expression !-------------------------------------------! !------------- Meteorology -----------------! !-------------------------------------------! AIR_DENS ,kg m-3 ,DENS[2] RH ,% ,100.00*RH[3] SFC_TMP ,C ,(TEMP2[4]-273.15) PBLH ,m ,PBL[4] SOL_RAD ,W m-2 ,RGRND[4] precip ,cm ,RC[4]>=0 ? RN[4]+RC[4] : RN[4] WSPD10 ,m s-1 ,WSPD10[4] WDIR10 ,deg ,WDIR10[4] !-------------------------------------------! !--------------- Gases ---------------------! !-------------------------------------------! ALD2 ,ppbV ,1000.0*ALD2[1] BENZENE ,ppbV ,1000.0*BENZENE[1] CO ,ppbV ,1000.0*CO[1] ETH ,ppbV ,1000.0*ETH[1] ETHA ,ppbV ,1000.0*ETHA[1] FORM ,ppbV ,1000.0*FORM[1] H2O2 ,ppbV ,1000.0*H2O2[1] HNO3 ,ppbV ,1000.0*HNO3[1] HNO3_UGM3 ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(HNO3[1]*2.1756*DENS[2]) HONO ,ppbV ,1000.0*HONO[1] HOX ,ppbV ,1000.0*(OH[1]+HO2[1]) OH ,ppbV ,1000.0*(OH[1]) ISOP ,ppbV ,1000.0*ISOP[1] N2O5 ,ppbV ,1000.0*N2O5[1] NH3 ,ppbV ,1000.0*NH3[1] NH3_UGM3 ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(NH3[1]*0.5880*DENS[2]) NHX ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(NH3[1]*0.5880*DENS[2])+ANH4I[1]+ANH4J[1]+ANH4K[1] NO ,ppbV ,1000.0*NO[1] NO2 ,ppbV ,1000.0*NO2[1] NOX ,ppbV ,1000.0*(NO[1] + NO2[1]) ANO3_PPB ,ppbV ,(ANO3I[1]+ANO3J[1]+ANO3K[1])/(DENS[2]*(62.0/28.97)) NTR ,ppbV ,1000.0*(NTR1[1]+NTR2[1]+INTR[1]) PANS ,ppbV ,1000.0*(PAN[1]+PANX[1]+OPAN[1]) NOY ,ppbV ,1000.0* (NO[1]+NO2[1]+NO3[1]+2*N2O5[1]+HONO[1]+HNO3[1]+PNA[1] \ +CRON[1]+CLNO2[1]+CLNO3[1]) \ +PANS[0]+NTR[0]+ANO3_PPB[0] O3 ,ppbV ,1000.0*O3[1] SO2 ,ppbV ,1000.0*SO2[1] SO2_UGM3 ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(SO2[1]*2.2118*DENS[2]) TERP ,ppbV ,1000.0*TERP[1] TOL ,ppbV ,1000.0*TOL[1] XYL ,ppbV ,1000.0*XYLMN[1] !Additional Toxic gases !ACROLEIN ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(ACROLEIN[1]*1.9365*DENS[2]) !ACRO_PRIMARY ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(ACRO_PRIMARY*1.9365*DENS[2]) !ALD2_PRIMARY ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(ALD2_PRIMARY[1]*1.5188*DENS[2]) !FORM_PRIMARY ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(FORM_PRIMARY[1]*1.0356*DENS[2]) !BUTADIENE13 ,ug m-3 ,1000.0*(BUTADIENE13[1]*1.8674*DENS[2]) !HCL ,ppbV ,1000.0*HCL[1] !TOLUENE ,ppbV ,1000.0*TOLU[1] !Mercuric gas species !HG_0 ,ng/m3 ,1000.0*(HG[1]*8.3330*DENS[2]*1000.0) !HG_II ,ng/m3 ,1000.0*(HGIIGAS[1]*8.3330*DENS[2]*1000.0) !! Unused Gases. Presented Here for illustration. Users can uncomment !! them if they choose. !ALDX ,ppbV ,1000.0*ALDX[1] !IOLE ,ppbV ,1000.0*IOLE[1] !OLE ,ppbV ,1000.0*OLE[1] !PAR ,ppbV ,1000.0*PAR[1] !PAN ,ppbV ,1000.0*PAN[1] !SULF ,ppbV ,1000.0*SULF[1] ! emitted VOCs !VOC ,ppbC ,1000.0* (PAR[1] +2.0*ETHA[1] +3.0*PRPA[1] +MEOH[1]\ ! +2.0*ETH[1] +2.0*ETOH[1] +2.0*OLE[1] +3.0*ACET[1] \ ! +7.0*TOL[1] +8.0*XYLMN[1] +6.0*BENZENE[1] \ ! +FORM[1] +3.0*GLY[1] +4.0*KET[1] +2.0*ETHY[1] \ ! +2.0*ALD2[1] + 4.0*IOLE[1] + 2.0*ALDX[1] \ ! +5.0*ISOP[1] + 10.0*TERP[1]+ 10.0*NAPH[1] +10.*APIN[1]) !-------------------------------------------! !--------------- Particles -----------------! !-------------------------------------------! !! Crustal Elements AFEJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_FE[3] AALJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_AL[3] ASIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_SI[3] ATIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_TI[3] ACAJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_CA[3] AMGJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_MG[3] AKJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_K[3] AMNJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_MN[3] ASOILJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_SOILIMPV[3] !! Non-Crustal Inorganic Particle Species AHPLUSIJ ,umol m-3 ,PMF_HP[3] ANAK ,ug m-3 ,PMC_NA[3] AMGK ,ug m-3 ,PMC_MG[3] AKK ,ug m-3 ,PMC_K[3] ACAK ,ug m-3 ,PMC_CA[3] ACLIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_CL[3] AECIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_EC[3] ANAIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_NA[3] ANO3IJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_NO3[3] ANO3K ,ug m-3 ,PMC_NO3[3] TNO3 ,ug m-3 ,TNO3[3] ANH4IJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_NH4[3] ANH4K ,ug m-3 ,PMC_NH4[3] ASO4IJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_SO4[3] ASO4K ,ug m-3 ,PMC_SO4[3] !! Organic Particle Species APOCIJ ,ugC m-3 ,PMF_POC[3] APOMIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_POA[3] ASOCIJ ,ugC m-3 ,PMF_SOC[3] ASOMIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_SOA[3] AOCIJ ,ugC m-3 ,PMF_OC[3] AOMIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_OA[3] !!! Anthropogenic-VOC Derived Organic Aerosol AORGAJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_ASOA[3] !!! Biogenic-VOC Derived Organic Aerosol AORGBJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_BSOA[3] !!! Cloud-Processed SOA AORGCJ ,ug m-3 ,AORGCJ[1] !!! OM/OC ratios AOMOCRAT_TOT , ,PMF_OMOC[3] !! Total PM Aggregates ATOTI ,ug m-3 ,PMAIT_MASS[3] ATOTJ ,ug m-3 ,PMACC_MASS[3] ATOTK ,ug m-3 ,PMC_MASS[3] ATOTIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_MASS[3] ATOTIJK ,ug m-3 ,PM_MASS[3] !! Unspeciated PM including non-carbon organic mass AUNSPEC1IJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_UN_IMPV1[3] !! Non-Carbon Organic Mass ANCOMIJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_NCOM[3] !! Unspeciated PM excluding non-carbon organic mass AUNSPEC2IJ ,ug m-3 ,PMF_UN_IMPV2[3] !! AMS Projection of Output Concentrations PMAMS_CL ,ug m-3 ,PMAMS_CL[3] PMAMS_NH4 ,ug m-3 ,PMAMS_NH4[3] PMAMS_NO3 ,ug m-3 ,PMAMS_NO3[3] PMAMS_OA ,ug m-3 ,PMAMS_OA[3] PMAMS_SO4 ,ug m-3 ,PMAMS_SO4[3] !! PM1 Cutoff Output PM1_TOT ,ug m-3 ,PM1[3] !! Unused PM1 Species. Included Here for demonstration !PM1_EC ,ug m-3 ,PM1_EC[3] !PM1_OC ,ugC m-3 ,PM1_OC[3] !PM1_OM ,ug m-3 ,PM1_OA[3] !PM1_SO4 ,ug m-3 ,PM1_SO4[3] !PM1_CL ,ug m-3 ,PM1_CL[3] !PM1_NA ,ug m-3 ,PM1_NA[3] !PM1_MG ,ug m-3 ,PM1_MG[3] !PM1_K ,ug m-3 ,PM1_K[3] !PM1_CA ,ug m-3 ,PM1_CA[3] !PM1_NH4 ,ug m-3 ,PM1_NH4[3] !PM1_NO3 ,ug m-3 ,PM1_NO3[3] !PM1_SOIL ,ug m-3 ,PM1_SOIL[3] !PM1_UNSPEC1 ,ug m-3 ,PM1_UNSP1[3] !PM1_UNSPCRS ,ug m-3 ,PM1_UNSPCRS[3] !! PM2.5 species computed using modeled size distribution PM25_HP ,ug m-3 ,PM25_HP[3] PM25_CL ,ug m-3 ,PM25_CL[3] PM25_EC ,ug m-3 ,PM25_EC[3] PM25_NA ,ug m-3 ,PM25_NA[3] PM25_MG ,ug m-3 ,PM25_MG[3] PM25_K ,ug m-3 ,PM25_K[3] PM25_CA ,ug m-3 ,PM25_CA[3] PM25_NH4 ,ug m-3 ,PM25_NH4[3] PM25_NO3 ,ug m-3 ,PM25_NO3[3] PM25_OC ,ugC m-3 ,PM25_OC[3] PM25_OM ,ug m-3 ,PM25_OA[3] PM25_SOIL ,ug m-3 ,PM25_SOIL[3] PM25_SO4 ,ug m-3 ,PM25_SO4[3] PM25_TOT ,ug m-3 ,PM25[3] PM25_UNSPEC1 ,ug m-3 ,PM25_UNSP1[3] PM25_UNSPCRS ,ug m-3 ,PM25_UNSPCRS[3] !! Fine particle acidity (pH). pH is undefined if there is no aerosol water. !Do not trust predictions when hourly water is <0.01 ug m-3. FINEPHF will !have large negative value (-9.999E36) when pH is not to be trusted. !AH2OIJ ,ug m-3 ,AH2OI[1]+AH2OJ[1] !HPMOLAL ,mol kg-1 ,AHPLUSIJ[0]/AH2OIJ[0]*1000.0 !ACIDITYTEMP , ,-1*LOG10(HPMOLAL[0]) !FINEPHF , ,AH2OIJ[0]>0.01 ? ACIDITYTEMP[0] : -9.999E36 !! PM10.0 and Coarse-Sized Species PM10 ,ug m-3 ,PM10[3] PMC_CL ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10_CL[3] PMC_NA ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10_NA[3] PMC_NH4 ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10_NH4[3] PMC_NO3 ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10_NO3[3] PMC_SO4 ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10_SO4[3] PMC_TOT ,ug m-3 ,PM25TO10[3] !! FRM PM Equivalent Calculation PMIJ_FRM ,ug m-3 ,PMF_FRM[3] PM25_FRM ,ug m-3 ,PM25_FRM[3]