* bias and relative bias in cdd_results.csv are incorrect when option -bins is not set. To get the correct bias value, the displayed values should be multiplied with (1- 'default number of bins') where the default number of bins is the number of individuals (or cases). * sse will use the wrong simulated data for reestimation if the simulation model file has more than one $INPUT statement. The table file with simulated data used for reestimation will only include the items from the last $INPUT. Note: It works fine to split $INPUT over several lines, as long as the text $INPUT only appears once. * Data values with more than five significant digits in sse. The simulated datasets used in sse are \$TABLE output from NONMEM, and NONMEM rounds off values when printing tables. In NONMEM 6 1013201 is rounded to 1013200 (five significant digits), and if this makes a significant change to the model estimation, for example if the value is a covariate, then the sse results will be wrong. In NONMEM7 it is possible to set the FORMAT option in $TABLE to make sure no important information is lost. With NONMEM 6 the user must make sure the rounding to five significant digits does not harm the results. * Lower case user defined and reserved words Starting with NONMEM 7.2 lower case user defined and reserved words are supported. This is not supported by PsN. For example in $INPUT all reserved words have to be upper case. * Dropped covariates in scm can cause scm results to be invalid. If the column of a covariate is set to DROP in $INPUT and the covariate is set to be investigated by the scm the results cannot be trusted and PsN will not give any warnings or errors. The workaround is to make sure that no covariates that are being used by the scm are set to DROP. The bug was fixed in development release 4.6.6.