Changes between PsN 2.2.5 and 2.3.0 1. Support for NONMEM VI 2.0 has been added. 2. Major documentation effort. All command-line help texts have been reviewed and updated. 3. User-guide documents for common PsN options, bootstrap, execute, sse, npc/vpc, llp and cdd are now available in the subfolder "doc" under the PsN Core and Toolkit installation directory, which is chosen during the installation (e.g. C:\Perl\site\lib\doc). There are still gaps, but they are smaller than before. 4. New feature to help make runs more reproducible: A new file, "version_and_option_info.txt" is created in the run directory (_dirXX) whenever execute/sse/bootstrap/npc or any of the other major PsN scripts are run. The file contains the PsN version, the date and time, the actual values of the optional options to the script, the command that started the run and the actual values of optional general PsN options. The general PsN options include nm_version (NONMEM version as named in psn.conf) and seed. 5. Changed principle for selecting best result from a set of retries. Please see the change log or the README.txt file for details. 6. New script called "PsN" that lists all PsN scripts available using "psn -h" or "psn -help", and lists all available NONMEM versions (the ones listed in psn.conf) using "psn -nm_versions" 7. New script called "psn_options" that lists options common to most scripts ("psn_options -h"). 8. New version of sumo, including help texts. see "sumo -help" 9. Lots of new additions and changes, please see the change log or the README.txt file for details.