This PsN version has been tested on the following systems: Windows XP 32-bit with ActivePerl 5.16.3, gfortran 4.6.0 and NONMEM 7.1.0, 7.1.2 and 7.2.0 Windows 7 64-bit with ActivePerl 5.20.1 (32 bit), gfortran 4.8.1 and NONMEM 7.3.0 Windows 7 64-bit with ActivePerl 5.16.3 (32 bit), gfortran 4.6.0 and NONMEM 7.3.0 Windows 7 64-bit with Strawberry Perl 5.18.2, gfortran 4.7.3 and NONMEM 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 MacOS X 10.10.3 with Perl 5.18.2, gfortran 4.8.0 and NONMEM 7.3.0 MacOS X 10.6.6 with ActiveState Perl 5.16.3, gfortran 4.6.2 and NONMEM 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 MacOS X 10.6.6 with ActiveState Perl 5.16.3, ifort 12.0.0 and NONMEM 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 Ubuntu Linux 14.10 with Perl 5.20.1, gfortran 4.9.1 and NONMEM 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 Fedora 20 with Perl 5.18.2, gfortran 4.8.2 and NONMEM 7.2.0 Scientific Linux 6.3 with Perl 5.10.1, gfortran 4.4.7 and NONMEM 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 CentOS 6.5 with Perl 5.10.1, gfortran 4.4.7 and NONMEM 7.1.0, 7.1.2 and 7.3.0 Debian 7.5 with Perl 5.14.2, gfortran 4.7.2 and NONMEM 7.3.0 ************************ Installation ************************ Follow the installation instructions on ************************ Documentation ************************ All documentation is found in the doc subdirectory of the PsN installation directory. During installation it is also possible to have all documentation copied to a user-specified directory. All documentation can also be downloaded from the PsN website ************************ Dependencies ************************ - It is recommended to use Xpose version 4.5.3 for the -cwres functionality and the default execute, vpc and bootstrap R plots. ************************ Known issues ************************ - Windows users need to be careful to choose a Perl version where the extra modules needed for PsN are available. See the instructions on - Installation problem on some Windows systems where perl 'system' command does not work. Make sure perl module File::Copy::Recursive is installed *before* (re)running the installation script ********************************************* Changes and bug fixes from PsN 4.2.0 to 4.4.0 ********************************************* ___precond___ - New tool, preconditioning of a model to improve its numerical properties. See precond_userguide.pdf ___nca___ - Code for default R plot. The default R plots template uses the ncappc R package from CRAN. This template only creates a very basic plot, but it is a good starting point for more advanced non-compartmental analysis using ncappc. ___vpc/npc___ - vpc binning can now take multiple arrays for -bin_array or -auto_bin to use for different strata - When F_FLAG=0 PsN will now also allow ICALL == 4 witout complaining. - new option -irep to vpc and npc. An alternative way of marking beginning of new simulation sample in -sim_table. This makes it easier to use R-processed data as input, since the NONMEM-type header is not needed at the beginning of each new sample. - vpc/npc can be run without an input model when option -sim_table and -orig_table are used. - vpc/npc will set NOAPPEND in $TABLE, and instead add items DV, PRED, WRES and/or RES explicitly if needed. - vpc: Added prediction intervals 25% and 75% to -fine_pi, now -fine_pi gives intervals 0,10,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,75,80,90 and 95% - the vpc_results file will include a column with median idv value for each bin. - bug fix: if lloq and/or uloq is used, only display mean and delta-mean for real values if 0 real observations were below lloq or above uloq. - bug fix: handle global paths to input files on windows (sim_table, orig_table,sim_model) - bug fix: binning when bin_by_count=0 and either no_of_bins or single_bin_size without overlap, could sometimes get observation(s) with single highest idv in stratum excluded from last bin because of numerical error. - bug fix: Relax input check when user sets -flip_comments and model has $PRIOR. - Added code for default R plots ___scm___ - scm now checks that all covariates in the code section are listed as test_relations and gives an error otherwise. - input check that W is defined in model when using option time_varying - When scm runs a dummy model to filter the data set on IGNORE/ACCEPT before computing statistics for covariates, any DROP/SKIP in $INPUT will be kept. The first undropped column will be copied to the dropped positions in $TABLE of the filter model, so that the filtered data set still has the same number of columns and the same $INPUT record with its DROPs/SKIPs can be used for the scm models. - Removed broken scm config file option -base_criteria_values. - new command-line option -base_ofv to replace -base_criteria_values. - updated and corrected warnings related to time-varying covariates ___boot_scm___ - Removed broken option -base_criteria_values. - updated and corrected warnings related to time-varying covariates - bug fix: make sure base model is run for each bootstrap data set ___sse___ - sse will accept missing data files for alternative models. This is ok since data will be replaced with simulated data anyway. - sse will accept running with -samples=1 - Bug fix: alternative models with METHOD=BAYES would cause sse to crash. - Added code for default ppe R plot ___bootstrap___ - bootstrap can now be automatically resumed also when -clean=3 in original run. Set -directory to existing directory of interrupted run, then samples that were finished will be read into memory directly and only samples that were not finished will be run with NONMEM. - New option -no-run_base_model. By default bootstrap will run the base model if lst-file is not available, but if -no-run_base_model is set then the base model will not be run even if lst-file is missing. If no output from the base model is available, the bootstrap will still continue and produce results, although there will be no parameter of ofv for the base model in the raw_results file. - New option -no-update_inits. By default the bootstrap models will get the final estimates of the base model as initial estimates, provided that base model lst-file is available. If option -no-update_inits is set, the bootstrap models will get the same initial estimates as the base model, even if final estimates are available from the lst-file. - New option -summarize: recompute bootstrap_results.csv based on existing raw_results. - new command-line option copy_data - Added error message for bootstrap stratify_on When there are more columns in $INPUT than in the data file and the stratify_on is set to a column with higher number than the number of columns in the data file the resulting error message is to hard to understand. Added a separate error message for this situation. - Added code for default R plot ___update_inits___ - New guide update_inits_userguide.pdf - update is now an alias for update_inits on all platforms. update is versioned like all other scripts. For example: update-4.3.0 will be equivalent to update_inits-4.3.0 - model files with mulitple $PROB are now supported. - $MSFI filename of second and later $PROB will be updated - new options -update_fix, -fix_thetas, -unfix_thetas - removed option -diagonal_dominance. New option -ensure_posdef with same intent (ensure that OMEGA and SIGMA blocks are positive definite) but better algorithm. - Modified procedure for automatic renumbering, see details in userguide. - support any extension (.ctl, .mod, .txt) of control stream. - Modification of option -add_prior to put $PRIOR in appropriate place and to use new informative prior names such as $THETAP, $THETAPV etc. ___randtest___ - two new options: 1) -update_inits with default true: update initial estimates before estimating with randomized data 2) -full_model_inits with default false, i.e. use final estimates from full model estimation on input data rather than base model estimates from input data as initial estimates for randomized data estimation. - When a base model is given and retries functionality is turned on (-retries >0, -tweak_inits is on), initiate a retry when the ofv of a sample is worse than the ofv of the base model, i.e. local minimum. - a new csv-format output file with actual delta-ofv at different p-values, and actual p-values for theoretical dofv:s from chisquare distribution. - new command-line option -copy_data - Added code for default R plot ___execute___ - Automatically unset display_iterations if -silent is set - removed options -summarize and fake functionality. - New option -reduced_model_ofv. Initiate a retry unless ofv is at least as good as this value. Option -retries must be set > 0 for it to have effect. See details in execute userguide. - New option -timestamp for directory name - option -model_dir_name will skip model extension, and there will be no dot between dir and the number. For example run2.mod will give rundir name run2.dir1. - Added code for default R plot ___parallel_retries___ - New option -timestamp for directory name - option -model_dir_name will skip model extension, and there will be no dot between dir and the number. For example run2.mod will give rundir name run2.dir1. - parallel_retries will behave more like execute, i.e. the best try will be selected and the output files of this try will be copied to the directory of the input model. - new userguide parallel_retries_userguide.pdf ___sir___ - New option -covmat_input - New option -rawres_input - More input checks and better error handling e.g. in cases when some NONMEM runs fail during the evaluation. Print successful samples count to sir_results.csv. - Modified algorithm, see user guide. - New output file with NONMEM-like format empirical covariance matrix - new command-line option copy_data - bug fix handling of $CONTR in input model. - new option -problems_per_file to decide how many $PROBLEM per model file for the evaluation runs. - Added code for default R plot ___sumo___ - sumo now prints delta-ofv if the "Based on:" annotation is present in model - bug fix: running sumo on file without extension .res or .lst would cause a crash - use labels instead of generic parameter names in output, and skip parameters that are fixed or same - print shrinkage from NMoutput, print number of individuals and observation records ___covmat___ - New script, compute variance-covariance matrix based on -rawres_input ___pvar___ - Added code for default R plot - pvar will also run base model from scm, pvar can handle scm results after clean<=2. - Updated pvar_results.csv to include model name. ___frem___ - It will be checked that SIGMA and OMEGA blocks are postive definite, using Cholesky decomposition. If non-positive definite the diagonal will be inflated slightly until positive definite ___llp___ - Added code for default R plot - input check that omega or sigma selected is not part of a BLOCK, which of course cannot be individually FIXED. - Updated documentation on omega and sigma input. - bug fix: handling of numerical issues in search for new parameter value guess ___nmoutput2so___ - New tool for creating a PharmML standardized output file xml summarizing the outputs of a NONMEM run. ___pind___ - bug fix: handle -clean=3 ___cdd___ - Added code for default R plot ___mcmp___ - Added code for default R plot ___NONMEM interaction___ - PsN will now preserve the record order of the input control streams. A new option -psn_record_order can be used for the legacy built in record order. - bug fix: handle multiple $SIZES records - bug fix: FIXED and FIXE are allowed as synonyms to FIX in $OMEGA and $SIGMA - bug fix: handle comma-separated sets of parentheses in $THETA, for example $THETA (1 FIX), (2 FIX) - bug fix: support (init,options) and (options,init) form of $OMEGA/$SIGMA in addition to form with space instead of comma. Bugfix in parsing of (low init high) with spaces instead of comma in $THETA. Bugfix pattern matching when searching for CORRELATION, CHOLESKY etc in $SIGMA, match parts of string instead of just whole string. Added tests - bug fix: parsing output from run when NONMEM crashes during covariance step - bug fix: reading of covariance matrix from run where MINIMIZATION TERMINATED and $COV UNCONDITIONAL - bug fix: parsing of eigenvalues in NM7.3 lst-file when ext-file is missing - bug fix: handle value +Infinity and similar in NM7 output files .ext cov coi cor phi - changed default of -check_nmtran to off. - if option -check_nmtran is set and model contains verbatim code, then PsN will try to detect undefined variables in abbreviated code by creating a dummy model without the verbatim code and running nmtran on the dummy. If nmtran gives error "UNDEFINED VARIABLE" then PsN will parse nmtran output for the variable name and print a warning telling the user to double check that the variable is defined. If the variable is defined in verbatim code then the warning will be printed even if all is well, but this information is included in the warning. - parsing of NONMEM output: STANDARD/CORRELATION form estimates and se:s of OMEGA and SIGMA are now parsed from lst or ext file. Note: PsN still does not support STANDARD/CORRELATION form when updating a model with final estimates from a previous run (update_inits, vpc, frem, ...). - bug fix: Output parsing: If multiple $EST and a est-step that is not the last had text in lst saying "PROGRAM TERMINATED BY OBJ" then PsN would consider the whole run failed, even though a later est-step was successful. - Rewritten code for reading cov, cor and coi matrices from NONMEM. Rewritten filtering for removing rows and columns for parameters that are not estimated (FIXED or SAME). Now PsN will parse cov, cor, coi independently instead of requiring that all are found in order to parse any. - Rewrite of code for parsing shrinkage and etabar. - Bug fix: parsing of lst-files for NM 6.1. - If PsN detects an NMtran error as the cause of a missing lst-file, then add the contents of FMSG (the nmtran error message file) to the message that PsN prints to screen saying that there was an nmtran error. - Improved handling of NMTRAN error messages and license error messages that appear in the lst-file. Store those pre-run messages in parsing_error_message that can be displayed by e.g. sumo ___General___ - Automatic generation of R plots based on templates that can be easily replaced with the user's own custom template(s). See documentation in common_options.pdf and/or individual user guides for tools that have sample template scripts included in the PsN installation package: nca, execute, bootstrap, vpc, randtest, sse, llp, mcmp, pvar, cdd and sir - Major rewrite of retries handling code, improved check that tweaked omega and sigma blocks are positive definite, updated rules for selecting best retry, and a large number of tests for the new code. See documentation in common_options.pdf - Complete redesign of data file handling and generation. PsN will not open the data file unless necessary (for bootstrapping, covariate statistics computation, ...). A large number of data class tests have been added to the test suite. Covariate statistics computation code for scm, boot_scm, frem and lasso have been moved to the data class. Data set creation for bootstrap, cdd, randtest have been moved to new data class subroutines and are redesigned to return file references to the created files rather than data objects. Internally, PsN will use reference(s) to the data file(s) instead of passing around data objects. These changes affect nonpb, randtest, crossval, xv_scm, scm, bootstrap, cdd, lasso, frem - handle spaces in the path (enclose filepath with quotes in $DATA if necessary) - enable option -cwres also for NM7. PsN computation of cwres requires R with library xpose4 to be installed. Either the command R must be in the path, or the R executable has to be defined in psn.conf. - Possibility to make PsN installation portable (PsN installation directory movable, without changing psn.conf). See documentation in psn_installation.pdf and psn_configuration.pdf - Possible to set option -directory=path/to/folder where path/to does not yest exist. Before you could only specify a path with several levels in -dir if all but the last directory already existed. - Expanded test suite - support for para mode of NMQual, see NMQual section in psn_configuration.pdf. - rewrite of -stop_motion functionality - centralisation of round,ceil and other basic math functions to separate module with new tests. - Removed all usage of Perl's looks_like_number since it behaves differently on windows and unix. Replaced with PsN's own math::usable_number which uses regexp to see if string interpretation is a number. - change how data class computes median: first compute median for individual and then over individuals - Nicer formatting for -verbose output - Allow empty lines (,,,,,,,,,,) in -rawres_input files. - Review of online help for all tools - The common option -warn_with_trace was broken and is now working again. It is now just a boolean option not taking any integer argument. - New option -standardised_output for creating a PharmML standardized output xml. - PsN can call the DDMoRe converter toolbox to automatically convert a PharmML-format model to nmtran format, if converter_path in psn.conf is set to the converter classpath and java is installed. - Less delay (sleep) when jobs are submitted, thank you to Ruben Faelens. - Guide common_options_defaults_version_psn.pdf has been renamed to common_options.pdf, and the options have been organised according to themes instead of alphabetically. All user guides have been revised. - bug fix: in automatic setting of $MSFI when option -maxevals or -handle_crashes is set. Make sure existing $MSFI and possible options are not overwritten if $MSFI already exists in model file. - bug fix: broken option -mirror_plots - removed options -prepend_model_to_lst, -nonparametric_etas, -nonparametric_marginals - resume functionality internally in modelfit. If model->is_run read existing lst-file, do not run. Run models that are not run, create raw_results. Currently accessible only from bootstrap. - removed attribute rerun - New runrecord annotation handling - bug fix: handling of Windows type line breaks when using internal function slurp_file. ___Cluster/grid interaction___ - bug fix: for run_on_slurm: Request specific format of jobID when using squeue to find finished jobs, so that jobID cannot be truncated. - bug fix: in printing slurm sbatch command to file for easier debugging. - Add printing of LSF jobId to file named jobId in NM_run subfolders.