********************************************* Changes and bug fixes from PsN 5.4.0 to 5.5.0 ********************************************* ___General___ * Fix problems giving executable scripts to extra_files option * Fix errors caused by newer versions of perl (probably v5.40.0) The errors either started with 'Attempt to call undefined import method with arguments ("splitpath" ...) via package "File::Spec"' or Duplicate specification '"last_est_complete!" for option "last_est_complete"' ___vpc___ * Support reference correction of model defined idvs having etas * Remove the refcorr_table option * Fixes to calculation of refcorr for non-logtransformed data ___frem___ * Handle missing_data_token properly when it is not -99 ___sse___ * Calculation of relative absolute bias was wrong. Now it does abs((est-true)/true) before it did (est-true)/abs(true)