#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit set -o errtrace set -o nounset set -o pipefail #set -o xtrace SECURE_FIRST_LOGIN="false" NO_AUTO_UPDATE="false" SKIP_SYSTEM_SETUP="false" DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_URL="" FORCE_INSTALL=0 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case "${key}" in -v|--version) echo "Setting INSTALL_VERSION=${2:-}" INSTALL_VERSION="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --http-port) echo "Setting PORT_HTTP=${2:-}" PORT_HTTP="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --https-port) echo "Setting PORT_HTTPS=${2:-}" PORT_HTTPS="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --suspension-port) echo "Setting PORT_SUSPENSION=${2:-}" PORT_SUSPENSION="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --netflow-port) echo "Setting PORT_NETFLOW=${2:-}" PORT_NETFLOW="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --ucrm-user) echo "Setting UCRM_USER=${2:-}" UCRM_USER="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --subnet) echo "Setting NETWORK_SUBNET=${2:-}" NETWORK_SUBNET="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --subnet-internal) echo "Setting NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL=${2:-}" NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; --skip-system-setup) echo "Setting SKIP_SYSTEM_SETUP=true" SKIP_SYSTEM_SETUP="true" ;; --no-auto-update) echo "Setting NO_AUTO_UPDATE=true" NO_AUTO_UPDATE="true" ;; --secure-first-login) echo "Setting SECURE_FIRST_LOGIN=true" SECURE_FIRST_LOGIN="true" ;; --yml) echo "Setting DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_URL=${2:-}" DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_URL="${2:-}" shift # past argument value ;; -f|--force) echo "Setting FORCE_INSTALL=1" FORCE_INSTALL=1 ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac shift # past argument key done UCRM_USER="${UCRM_USER:-ucrm}" UCRM_USER="$(echo -n "${UCRM_USER}" | head -n1)" UCRM_PATH="${UCRM_PATH:-/home/${UCRM_USER}}" UCRM_USERNAME="" UCRM_PASSWORD="" INSTALL_VERSION="${INSTALL_VERSION:-latest}" POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 48 | head -n 1 || true)" SECRET="$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 48 | head -n 1 || true)" INSTALL_CLOUD="${INSTALL_CLOUD:-false}" GITHUB_REPOSITORY="${GITHUB_REPOSITORY:-Ubiquiti-App/UCRM/master}" if [[ -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" ]]; then if ( cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -Eq "PORT_HTTP=" ); then PORT_HTTP=$(cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -E "PORT_HTTP=" --color=never | awk -F= ' {print $NF}') fi if ( cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -Eq "PORT_SUSPENSION=" ); then PORT_SUSPENSION=$(cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -E "PORT_SUSPENSION=" --color=never | awk -F= ' {print $NF}') fi if ( cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -Eq "PORT_HTTPS=" ); then PORT_HTTPS=$(cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -E "PORT_HTTPS=" --color=never | awk -F= ' {print $NF}') fi fi NETWORK_SUBNET="${NETWORK_SUBNET:-}" NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL="${NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL:-}" PORT_HTTP="${PORT_HTTP:-80}" PORT_SUSPENSION="${PORT_SUSPENSION:-81}" PORT_HTTPS="${PORT_HTTPS:-443}" PORT_NETFLOW="${PORT_NETFLOW:-2055}" ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTP="${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTP:-8080}" ALTERNATIVE_PORT_SUSPENSION="${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_SUSPENSION:-8081}" ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTPS="${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTPS:-8443}" ALTERNATIVE_PORT_NETFLOW="${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_NETFLOW:-2056}" version_equal_or_newer() { if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then return 0; fi local IFS=. local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2) for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)); do ver1[i]=0; done for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)); do if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]]; then ver2[i]=0; fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})); then return 0; fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})); then return 1; fi done return 0; } is_updating_to_version() { declare to="${1}" required="${2}" allowLatest="${3}" allowBeta="${4}" local toVersion if [[ "${to}" = "beta" ]]; then if [[ "${allowBeta}" = "1" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi if [[ "${to}" = "latest" ]]; then if [[ "${allowLatest}" = "1" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi toVersion=$(echo "${to}" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d\n", $1, $2, $3) }') if [[ "${toVersion}" -ge "${required}" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } check_ucrm_already_installed() { if [[ ! -d "${UCRM_PATH}" ]]; then return 0 fi if [ ! -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" ]; then return 0 fi echo "Aborting installation, because UCRM files are already present in \"${UCRM_PATH}\"." echo -e "If you want to update UCRM, use in-app update or check the update guide at https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002834888-UCRM-Beta-Update-Guide\n" exit 1 } check_system() { local architecture architecture="$(uname -m)" case "${architecture}" in amd64|x86_64) ;; *) echo "Your architecture (${architecture}) is not supported." echo "Check https://ucrm.ubnt.com/#minimum-system-requirements for minimum system requirements." exit 1 ;; esac local lsb_dist local dist_version if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/lsb-release ]]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "${DISTRIB_ID:-}")" fi if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/debian_version ]]; then lsb_dist="debian" fi if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/fedora-release ]]; then lsb_dist="fedora" fi if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/oracle-release ]]; then lsb_dist="oracleserver" fi if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]]; then if [[ -r /etc/centos-release ]] || [[ -r /etc/redhat-release ]]; then lsb_dist="centos" fi fi if [[ "" = "${lsb_dist:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "${ID:-}")" fi lsb_dist="$(echo "${lsb_dist:-}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" local supported_distribution=false case "${lsb_dist}" in ubuntu) if [[ "" = "${dist_version:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/lsb-release ]]; then dist_version="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "${DISTRIB_RELEASE:-}")" fi if version_equal_or_newer "${dist_version}" "16.04"; then supported_distribution=true fi ;; debian) dist_version="$(sed 's/\/.*//' /etc/debian_version | sed 's/\..*//')" if version_equal_or_newer "${dist_version}" "8"; then supported_distribution=true fi ;; *) if [[ "" = "${dist_version:-}" ]] && [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then dist_version="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "${VERSION_ID:-}")" fi ;; esac if [[ "${supported_distribution}" != true ]]; then echo "Your OS (${lsb_dist} ${dist_version}) is not officially supported." echo "Check https://ucrm.ubnt.com/#minimum-system-requirements for minimum system requirements." local continueUnsupported while true; do read -r -p "Do you still wish to continue? [Y/n]: " continueUnsupported case "${continueUnsupported}" in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) return 0 break;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) exit 1 break;; *) ;; esac done fi if [[ -e /proc/meminfo ]]; then local memory local memoryUnit memory="$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)" if (which bc > /dev/null 2>&1); then memoryUnit=$(echo "scale=2; ${memory}/1024^2" | bc) memoryUnit="${memoryUnit} GB" else memoryUnit="${memory} KB" fi if [[ "${memory}" -lt 2000000 ]]; then echo "WARNING: Your system has only ${memoryUnit} RAM." echo "We recommend at least 2 GB RAM to run UCRM without problems." fi fi } install_docker() { if ! (which docker > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Downloading and installing Docker." curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh fi if ! (which docker > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Docker not installed. Please check previous logs. Aborting." exit 1 fi } download_docker_compose() { echo "Downloading and installing Docker Compose." curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.16.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose } install_docker_compose() { if ! (which docker-compose > /dev/null 2>&1); then download_docker_compose fi if ! (which docker-compose > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Docker Compose not installed. Please check previous logs. Aborting." exit 1 fi if [[ "${NETWORK_SUBNET}" != "" ]] || [[ "${NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL}" != "" ]]; then local DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION local DOCKER_COMPOSE_MAJOR local DOCKER_COMPOSE_MINOR DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION="$(docker-compose -v | sed 's/.*version \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/')" if [[ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}" != "" ]]; then DOCKER_COMPOSE_MAJOR="${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION%.*}" DOCKER_COMPOSE_MINOR="${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION#*.}" else DOCKER_COMPOSE_MAJOR="0" DOCKER_COMPOSE_MINOR="0" fi if [ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_MAJOR}" -lt 2 ] && [ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_MINOR}" -lt 9 ] || [ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_MAJOR}" -lt 1 ]; then echo "Docker Compose version ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION} is not supported. Please upgrade to version 1.9 or newer." local DO_UPDATE_DOCKER_COMPOSE while true; do read -r -p "Would you like to upgrade Docker Compose automatically? [Y/n]: " DO_UPDATE_DOCKER_COMPOSE case "${DO_UPDATE_DOCKER_COMPOSE}" in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) download_docker_compose break;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) exit 1 break;; *) ;; esac done fi fi } create_user() { if (which getent > /dev/null 2>&1); then if [ -z "$(getent passwd "${UCRM_USER}")" ]; then echo "Creating user ${UCRM_USER}." if (which adduser > /dev/null 2>&1); then adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" "${UCRM_USER}" || true elif (which useradd > /dev/null 2>&1); then useradd "${UCRM_USER}" || true fi usermod -aG docker "${UCRM_USER}" || true fi fi if (which groups > /dev/null 2>&1); then if ! (groups "${UCRM_USER}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "docker"); then echo "Adding user \"${UCRM_USER}\" to \"docker\" group." usermod -aG docker "${UCRM_USER}" || true fi fi if [[ ! -d "${UCRM_PATH}" ]]; then echo "Creating directory ${UCRM_PATH}." mkdir -p "${UCRM_PATH}" fi } download_docker_compose_files() { if [ ! -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" ]; then echo "Downloading docker compose files." if [[ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_URL}" != "" ]]; then curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML_URL}" elif (echo "${INSTALL_VERSION}" | grep -q "beta"); then curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/docker-compose.beta.yml" else curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/docker-compose.yml" fi curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" if [[ ! -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" ]]; then curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/docker-compose.env" fi curl -o "${UCRM_PATH}/elasticsearch.yml" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/elasticsearch.yml" chmod 777 "${UCRM_PATH}/elasticsearch.yml" sed -i -e "s/ image: ubnt\/ucrm-billing:.*/ image: ubnt\/ucrm-billing:${INSTALL_VERSION}/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ image: ubnt\/ucrm-billing:.*/ image: ubnt\/ucrm-billing:${INSTALL_VERSION}/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" echo "Replacing env in docker compose." sed -i -e "s/POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ucrmdbpass1/POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" sed -i -e "s/SECRET=changeThisSecretKey/SECRET=${SECRET}/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" echo "UCRM_USER=${UCRM_USER}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" check_ports configure_cloud configure_network_subnet fi } check_port_http() { while (nc -z "${PORT_HTTP}" >/dev/null 2>&1); do if [ "${INSTALL_CLOUD}" = true ]; then echo "ERROR: Port ${PORT_HTTP} is already in use." exit 1; fi read -r -p "Port ${PORT_HTTP} is already in use, please choose a different HTTP port for UCRM. [${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTP}]: " PORT_HTTP PORT_HTTP=${PORT_HTTP:-$ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTP} while ! [[ "${PORT_HTTP}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "${PORT_HTTP:-}" -le 0 ]] || [[ "${PORT_HTTP:-}" -ge 65536 ]]; do read -r -p "Entered port is invalid, please try again: " PORT_HTTP done done export PORT_HTTP } check_port_suspension() { while (nc -z "${PORT_SUSPENSION}" >/dev/null 2>&1); do if [ "${INSTALL_CLOUD}" = true ]; then echo "ERROR: Port ${PORT_SUSPENSION} is already in use." exit 1; fi read -r -p "Port ${PORT_SUSPENSION} is already in use, please choose a different suspension page port for UCRM. [${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_SUSPENSION}]: " PORT_SUSPENSION PORT_SUSPENSION=${PORT_SUSPENSION:-$ALTERNATIVE_PORT_SUSPENSION} while ! [[ "${PORT_SUSPENSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "${PORT_SUSPENSION:-}" -le 0 ]] || [[ "${PORT_SUSPENSION:-}" -ge 65536 ]]; do read -r -p "Entered port is invalid, please try again: " PORT_SUSPENSION done done export PORT_SUSPENSION } check_port_https() { while (nc -z "${PORT_HTTPS}" >/dev/null 2>&1); do if [ "${INSTALL_CLOUD}" = true ]; then echo "ERROR: Port ${PORT_HTTPS} is already in use." exit 1; fi read -r -p "Port ${PORT_HTTPS} is already in use, please choose a different HTTPS port for UCRM. [${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTPS}]: " PORT_HTTPS PORT_HTTPS=${PORT_HTTPS:-$ALTERNATIVE_PORT_HTTPS} while ! [[ "${PORT_HTTPS}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "${PORT_HTTPS:-}" -le 0 ]] || [[ "${PORT_HTTPS:-}" -ge 65536 ]]; do read -r -p "Entered port is invalid, please try again: " PORT_HTTPS done done export PORT_HTTPS } check_port_netflow() { PORT_NETFLOW_ORIGINAL=${PORT_NETFLOW} while (nc -z -u -v "${PORT_NETFLOW}" >/dev/null 2>&1); do if [ "${INSTALL_CLOUD}" = true ]; then echo "ERROR: Port ${PORT_NETFLOW} is already in use." exit 1; fi read -r -p "Port ${PORT_NETFLOW} is already in use, please choose a different NetFlow port for UCRM. [${ALTERNATIVE_PORT_NETFLOW}] (or skip connection test with \"s\"): " PORT_NETFLOW PORT_NETFLOW=${PORT_NETFLOW:-$ALTERNATIVE_PORT_NETFLOW} while ! [[ "${PORT_NETFLOW}" =~ ^[s|S]{1}$ ]] && (! [[ "${PORT_NETFLOW}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ "${PORT_NETFLOW:-}" -le 0 ]] || [[ "${PORT_NETFLOW:-}" -ge 65536 ]]); do read -r -p "Entered port is invalid, please try again (or skip connection test with \"s\"): " PORT_NETFLOW done if [[ "${PORT_NETFLOW}" =~ ^(s|S)$ ]]; then PORT_NETFLOW=${PORT_NETFLOW_ORIGINAL} break fi done export PORT_NETFLOW } check_ports() { echo "Checking available ports." check_port_http check_port_suspension check_port_https check_port_netflow sed -i -e "s/- 8080:80/- ${PORT_HTTP}:80/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/- 8443:443/- ${PORT_HTTPS}:443/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/- 8081:81/- ${PORT_SUSPENSION}:81/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/- 2055:2055/- ${PORT_NETFLOW}:2055/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" echo "#used only in installation" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" echo "SERVER_PORT=${PORT_HTTP}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" echo "SERVER_SUSPEND_PORT=${PORT_SUSPENSION}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" echo "UCRM will be available on port ${PORT_HTTP} (or ${PORT_HTTPS} for HTTPS)." echo "UCRM suspension page will be available on port ${PORT_SUSPENSION}." } configure_cloud() { if [ "$INSTALL_CLOUD" = true ]; then if [ -f "${CLOUD_CONF}" ]; then cat "${CLOUD_CONF}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" fi fi } patch__compose__add_networks() { if ! cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" | grep -Eq "networks:"; then sed -i -e "s/version: '2'/&\n\nnetworks:\n public:\n internal: false\n internal:\n internal: true\n/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ postgresql:/&\n networks:\n - internal/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ elastic:/&\n networks:\n - internal/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ rabbitmq:/&\n networks:\n - internal/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ web_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ supervisord:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ sync_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ crm_search_devices_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ crm_netflow_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" sed -i -e "s/ crm_ping_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal\n - public/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" fi if ! cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" | grep -Eq "networks:"; then sed -i -e "s/ migrate_app:/&\n networks:\n - internal/g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" fi } configure_network_subnet() { if [[ "${NETWORK_SUBNET}" != "" ]]; then patch__compose__add_networks sed -i -e "s| internal: false|&\n ipam:\n config:\n - subnet: ${NETWORK_SUBNET}|g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" fi if [[ "${NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL}" != "" ]]; then patch__compose__add_networks sed -i -e "s| internal: true|&\n ipam:\n config:\n - subnet: ${NETWORK_SUBNET_INTERNAL}|g" "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" fi } download_docker_images() { echo "Downloading docker images." if ! (docker-compose -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" pull); then if [[ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" = "0" ]]; then echo "Image for version \"${version}\" not found." exit 1 fi fi } configure_wizard_user() { if ! (is_updating_to_version "${INSTALL_VERSION}" "2006000" 1 1); then return 0 fi if ( cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -Eq "UCRM_USERNAME" ) && ( cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -Eq "UCRM_PASSWORD" ); then UCRM_USERNAME=$(cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -E "UCRM_USERNAME=" --color=never | awk -F= ' {print $NF}') UCRM_PASSWORD=$(cat -vt "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" | grep -E "UCRM_PASSWORD=" --color=never | awk -F= ' {print $NF}') elif [[ "${SECURE_FIRST_LOGIN}" = "true" ]]; then UCRM_USERNAME="admin" UCRM_PASSWORD="$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 7 | head -n 1 || true)" echo "UCRM_USERNAME=${UCRM_USERNAME}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" echo "UCRM_PASSWORD=${UCRM_PASSWORD}" >> "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.env" fi } print_wizard_login() { if [[ "${UCRM_USERNAME}" = "" ]] || [[ "${UCRM_PASSWORD}" = "" ]]; then return 0 fi echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "Initial login information:" echo "Username: ${UCRM_USERNAME}" echo "Password: ${UCRM_PASSWORD}" echo "--------------------------------------------------" echo "" } start_docker_images() { echo "Starting docker images." docker-compose -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.migrate.yml" run migrate_app && \ docker-compose -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" up -d && \ docker-compose -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" ps } confirm_ucrm_running() { local ucrmRunning ucrmRunning=false n=0 until [ ${n} -ge 10 ] do sleep 3s ucrmRunning=true nc -z "${PORT_HTTP}" && break echo "." ucrmRunning=false n=$((n+1)) done if [[ "${ucrmRunning}" = true ]]; then # some fservices are booting ( sleep 3s printf "\r%-55s\n" "UCRM ready"; printf "\r%-55s\n" "Go to http://localhost:${PORT_HTTP} or use the server IP instead of localhost if you installed UCRM remotely"; return 0 else printf "\nUCRM installation failed.\nPlease report this on UCRM Community Forum.\n" exit 1 fi } detect_installation_finished() { # print web container log and wait for its initialization containerName=$(docker-compose -f "${UCRM_PATH}/docker-compose.yml" ps | grep -m1 "make server" | awk '{print $1}') docker exec -t "${containerName}" bash -c 'if [[ ! -f /tmp/UCRM_init.log ]]; then \ echo "UCRM is booting now, will be available soon"; \ else \ echo "Booting UCRM"; spin="-\|/"; i=0; \ while true; \ do line=$(tail -1 /tmp/UCRM_init.log); \ i=$(( (i+1) %4 )); \ printf "\r%-45s%s" "$line" "${spin:$i:1}"; \ [ "$line" != "UCRM ready" ] || break; \ sleep 0.1; \ done; \ sleep 3s; \ printf "\r%-55s\n" "UCRM ready"; \ printf "\r%-55s\n" "Go to http://localhost:'"${PORT_HTTP}"' or use the server IP instead of localhost if you installed UCRM remotely"; \ fi' || confirm_ucrm_running } print_intro() { echo "+------------------------------------------------+" echo "| UCRM - Complete WISP Management Platform |" echo "| |" echo "| https://ucrm.ubnt.com/ (installer v2.6) |" echo "+------------------------------------------------+" echo "" } configure_elasticsearch6_permissions() { if ! (is_updating_to_version "${INSTALL_VERSION}" "2011000" 1 1); then return 1 fi if [[ ! -d "${UCRM_PATH}/data/elasticsearch6" ]]; then mkdir -p "${UCRM_PATH}/data/elasticsearch6" fi chmod -R 777 "${UCRM_PATH}/data/elasticsearch6" } configure_auto_update_permissions() { if [[ ! -d "${UCRM_PATH}/data/ucrm/updates" ]]; then mkdir -p "${UCRM_PATH}/data/ucrm/updates" fi chown -R "${UCRM_USER}" "${UCRM_PATH}" } setup_auto_update() { if ! (is_updating_to_version "${INSTALL_VERSION}" "2006000" 1 1); then return 0 fi if [[ "${NO_AUTO_UPDATE}" = "true" ]]; then echo "Skipping auto-update setup." else if crontab -l -u "${UCRM_USER}"; then if ! crontab -u "${UCRM_USER}" -r; then echo "Failed to clean crontab." exit 1 fi fi configure_auto_update_permissions UPDATE_CRON_SCRIPT="${UCRM_PATH}/update-cron.sh" curl -o "${UPDATE_CRON_SCRIPT}" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/update-cron.sh" if ! (chown "${UCRM_USER}" "${UPDATE_CRON_SCRIPT}"); then echo "Failed to setup auto-update script." exit 1 fi if ! (chmod +x "${UPDATE_CRON_SCRIPT}"); then echo "Failed to setup auto-update script." exit 1 fi if ! (crontab -l -u "${UCRM_USER}"; echo "* * * * * ${UPDATE_CRON_SCRIPT} > /dev/null 2>&1 || true") | crontab -u "${UCRM_USER}" -; then echo "Failed to setup auto-update cron job." exit 1 fi fi } main() { print_intro check_ucrm_already_installed if [[ "${SKIP_SYSTEM_SETUP}" = "false" ]]; then check_system install_docker install_docker_compose create_user fi download_docker_compose_files download_docker_images configure_wizard_user setup_auto_update configure_elasticsearch6_permissions || true start_docker_images detect_installation_finished print_wizard_login exit 0 } main