# https://github.com/canonical/subiquity version: 1 # sets the default user name and password - in this case "password" - has been created via mkpasswd -m sha-512 identity: realname: '' hostname: hostname password: "$6$SFSJImkPPNDMWnW1$AGxOm4TudWtN155NmI2B/BNdjs7E0.jo2JAf8tJF.KDtIBTlv3n7YJ2EkRb0JoG2VOnSAszrynJUE.U8JSu2j." username: ubuntu # set the default locale and keyboard locale: en_GB.UTF-8 keyboard: layout: gb # defines the start point - so minimal - default if omitted is a full install source: id: ubuntu-budgie-desktop-minimal # what extra packages to be installed packages: - remmina # what to run immediately after the installation - curtin with target means to perform # the operation on the target install late-commands: - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -y --quiet=2 remove onboard magnus - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -y --quiet=2 autoremove - curtin in-target -- apt install -y $(check-language-support -l en) updates: all timezone: Europe/London # define what type of install - here is lvm with a password to make an encrypted installation storage: layout: name: lvm password: password match: size: largest