# GameMaker Language (GML) Bundle for Sublime ## Features - Syntax Highlighting - Keywords/Built-In Variables Autocompletion - User-created Resources Autocompletion - Function/Control Snippets - Auto Indentation - Create new script through Sublime (Beta) ## Installation Using [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control): Command Palette (⌘⇧P) ➤ Package Control: Install package ➤ GameMaker Language (GML) Bundle Restart your Sublime and you're ready to rock! ## Usage ### GameMaker: Studio 2 - [Checkout my tutorial on setting up your GameMaker Studio: 2 for Sublime](http://code.uduse.com/2017/02/10/set-up-your-sublime-text-3-to-write-gamemaker-studio-2-codes/)! - Name your source file with extension ```gml```. For example, ```example.gml```. Syntax highlighting will be applied automatically. - Partially type keywords, built-in variables, and names of user-created resources to trigger autocompletion. To enable user-created resources completions, make sure your project root directory is opened in Sublime. - Partially type function names to trigger function snippets. If multiple parameters are avaliable, TAB (↹) to go to next one. Most of the built-in functions are avaliable as snippets. - Other custom snippets are: ```for```, ```if```, ```else```, ```repeat```, ```switch```, ```while```, ```with```, and ```print``` that writes ```show_debug_message```. - To indent your gml file, use: ```Command Palette (⌘⇧P) ➤ Indentation: Reindent Lines.``` - To create a new script, use: ```Command Palette (⌘⇧P) ➤ GameMaker: New Script``` ### GameMaker: Studio 1.4 or earlier: - You need to copy & paste manually between Sublime and GameMaker: Studio. - Name your source file with extension ```gmll```, the extra 'l' stands for legacy. For example, ```example.gmll```. - User-created resources autocompletion is not supported. - Everything else is pretty much the same as GameMaker: Studio 2.