# Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V. # Uranium is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher. from enum import IntEnum import struct import subprocess import sys import threading from time import sleep from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from UM.Backend.SignalSocket import SignalSocket from UM.Logger import Logger from UM.Signal import Signal, signalemitter import UM.Application from UM.PluginObject import PluginObject from UM.Platform import Platform import Arcus ## The current processing state of the backend. class BackendState(IntEnum): NotStarted = 1 Processing = 2 Done = 3 Error = 4 Disabled = 5 ## Base class for any backend communication (separate piece of software). # It makes use of the Socket class from libArcus for the actual communication bits. # The message_handlers dict should be filled with string (full name of proto message), function pairs. @signalemitter class Backend(PluginObject): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Call super to make multiple inheritance work. self._supported_commands = {} self._message_handlers = {} self._socket = None self._port = 49674 self._process = None # type: Optional[subprocess.Popen] self._backend_log = [] self._backend_log_max_lines = None self._backend_state = BackendState.NotStarted UM.Application.Application.getInstance().callLater(self._createSocket) processingProgress = Signal() backendStateChange = Signal() backendConnected = Signal() backendQuit = Signal() def setState(self, new_state): if new_state != self._backend_state: self._backend_state = new_state self.backendStateChange.emit(self._backend_state) ## \brief Start the backend / engine. # Runs the engine, this is only called when the socket is fully opened & ready to accept connections def startEngine(self): command = self.getEngineCommand() if not command: self._createSocket() return if not self._backend_log_max_lines: self._backend_log = [] # Double check that the old process is indeed killed. if self._process is not None: self._process.terminate() Logger.log("d", "Engine process is killed. Received return code %s", self._process.wait()) self._process = self._runEngineProcess(command) if self._process is None: # Failed to start engine. return Logger.log("i", "Started engine process: %s", self.getEngineCommand()[0]) self._backendLog(bytes("Calling engine with: %s\n" % self.getEngineCommand(), "utf-8")) t = threading.Thread(target = self._storeOutputToLogThread, args = (self._process.stdout,), name = "EngineOutputThread") t.daemon = True t.start() t = threading.Thread(target = self._storeStderrToLogThread, args = (self._process.stderr,), name = "EngineErrorThread") t.daemon = True t.start() def close(self): if self._socket: while self._socket.getState() == Arcus.SocketState.Opening: sleep(0.1) self._socket.close() def _backendLog(self, line): try: line_str = line.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: line_str = line.decode("latin1") #Latin-1 as a fallback since it can never give decoding errors. All characters are 1 byte. Logger.log("d", "[Backend] " + line_str.strip()) self._backend_log.append(line) ## Get the logging messages of the backend connection. # \returns def getLog(self): if self._backend_log_max_lines and type(self._backend_log_max_lines) == int: while len(self._backend_log) >= self._backend_log_max_lines: del(self._backend_log[0]) return self._backend_log ## Get the command used to start the backend executable def getEngineCommand(self): return [UM.Application.Application.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("backend/location"), "--port", str(self._socket.getPort())] ## Start the (external) backend process. def _runEngineProcess(self, command_list) -> Optional[subprocess.Popen]: kwargs = {} #type: Dict[str, Any] if sys.platform == "win32": su = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() su.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW su.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs["startupinfo"] = su kwargs["creationflags"] = 0x00004000 # BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS try: return subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdin = None, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) except PermissionError: Logger.log("e", "Couldn't start back-end: No permission to execute process.") except FileNotFoundError: Logger.logException("e", "Unable to find backend executable: %s", command_list[0]) except BlockingIOError: Logger.log("e", "Couldn't start back-end: Resource is temporarily unavailable") return None def _storeOutputToLogThread(self, handle): while True: try: line = handle.readline() except OSError: Logger.logException("w", "Exception handling stdout log from backend.") continue if line == b"": self.backendQuit.emit() break self._backendLog(line) def _storeStderrToLogThread(self, handle): while True: try: line = handle.readline() except OSError: Logger.logException("w", "Exception handling stderr log from backend.") continue if line == b"": break self._backendLog(line) ## Private socket state changed handler. def _onSocketStateChanged(self, state): self._logSocketState(state) if state == Arcus.SocketState.Listening: if not UM.Application.Application.getInstance().getUseExternalBackend(): self.startEngine() elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Connected: Logger.log("d", "Backend connected on port %s", self._port) self.backendConnected.emit() ## Debug function created to provide more info for CURA-2127 def _logSocketState(self, state): if state == Arcus.SocketState.Listening: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Listening") elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Connecting: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Connecting") elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Connected: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Connected") elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Error: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Error") elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Closing: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Closing") elif state == Arcus.SocketState.Closed: Logger.log("d", "Socket state changed to Closed") ## Private message handler def _onMessageReceived(self): message = self._socket.takeNextMessage() if message.getTypeName() not in self._message_handlers: Logger.log("e", "No handler defined for message of type %s", message.getTypeName()) return self._message_handlers[message.getTypeName()](message) ## Private socket error handler def _onSocketError(self, error): if error.getErrorCode() == Arcus.ErrorCode.BindFailedError: self._port += 1 Logger.log("d", "Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to %s", self._port) elif error.getErrorCode() == Arcus.ErrorCode.ConnectionResetError: Logger.log("i", "Backend crashed or closed.") elif error.getErrorCode() == Arcus.ErrorCode.Debug: Logger.log("d", "Socket debug: %s", str(error)) return else: Logger.log("w", "Unhandled socket error %s", str(error)) self._createSocket() ## Creates a socket and attaches listeners. def _createSocket(self, protocol_file): if self._socket: Logger.log("d", "Previous socket existed. Closing that first.") # temp debug logging self._socket.stateChanged.disconnect(self._onSocketStateChanged) self._socket.messageReceived.disconnect(self._onMessageReceived) self._socket.error.disconnect(self._onSocketError) # Hack for (at least) Linux. If the socket is connecting, the close will deadlock. while self._socket.getState() == Arcus.SocketState.Opening: sleep(0.1) # If the error occurred due to parsing, both connections believe that connection is okay. # So we need to force a close. self._socket.close() self._socket = SignalSocket() self._socket.stateChanged.connect(self._onSocketStateChanged) self._socket.messageReceived.connect(self._onMessageReceived) self._socket.error.connect(self._onSocketError) if Platform.isWindows(): # On Windows, the Protobuf DiskSourceTree does stupid things with paths. # So convert to forward slashes here so it finds the proto file properly. # Using sys.getfilesystemencoding() avoid the application crashing if it is # installed on a path with non-ascii characters GitHub issue #3907 protocol_file = protocol_file.replace("\\", "/").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if not self._socket.registerAllMessageTypes(protocol_file): Logger.log("e", "Could not register Uranium protocol messages: %s", self._socket.getLastError()) if UM.Application.Application.getInstance().getUseExternalBackend(): Logger.log("i", "Listening for backend connections on %s", self._port) self._socket.listen("", self._port)