is_block_editor() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Enqueue Gutenberg block assets for both frontend + backend. * * `wp-blocks`: includes block type registration and related functions. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function ub_update_css_version($updated){ static $frontendStyleUpdated = false; static $editorStyleUpdated = false; if($updated === 'frontend'){ $frontendStyleUpdated = true; } else if($updated === 'editor'){ $editorStyleUpdated = true; } if($frontendStyleUpdated && $editorStyleUpdated){ update_option( 'ultimate_blocks_css_version', Ultimate_Blocks_Constants::plugin_version() ); if(!file_exists(wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/sprite-twitter.png')){ copy(dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/blocks/click-to-tweet/icons/sprite-twitter.png', wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/sprite-twitter.png'); } $frontendStyleUpdated = false; $editorStyleUpdated = false; } } function ub_load_assets() { if (file_exists(wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/') && get_option('ultimate_blocks_css_version') != Ultimate_Blocks_Constants::plugin_version()){ $frontStyleFile = fopen(wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/', 'w'); $blockDir = dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/blocks/'; $blockList = get_option( 'ultimate_blocks', false ); foreach ( $blockList as $key => $block ) { $blockDirName = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', trim(preg_replace('/\(.+\)/', '', $blockList[ $key ]['label'])) )); $frontStyleLocation = $blockDir . $blockDirName . '/style.css'; if(file_exists($frontStyleLocation) && $blockList[ $key ]['active']){ //also detect if block is enabled if($block['name'] === 'ub/click-to-tweet'){ fwrite($frontStyleFile, str_replace("src/blocks/click-to-tweet/icons", "ultimate-blocks", file_get_contents($frontStyleLocation))); } else{ fwrite($frontStyleFile, file_get_contents($frontStyleLocation)); } } if($block['name'] === 'ub/styled-box' && $blockList[$key]['active']){ //add css for blocks phased out by styled box fwrite($frontStyleFile, file_get_contents($blockDir . 'feature-box' . '/style.css')); fwrite($frontStyleFile, file_get_contents($blockDir . 'notification-box' . '/style.css')); fwrite($frontStyleFile, file_get_contents($blockDir . 'number-box' . '/style.css')); } } fclose($frontStyleFile); ub_update_css_version('frontend'); } wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate_blocks-cgb-style-css', // Handle. file_exists(wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/') ? content_url('/uploads/ultimate-blocks/') : plugins_url( 'dist/', dirname( __FILE__ ) ), // Block style CSS. array(), // Dependency to include the CSS after it. Ultimate_Blocks_Constants::plugin_version() // Version: latest version number. ); } function ultimate_blocks_cgb_block_assets() { // Styles. if ( is_singular() and has_blocks() ){ require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'common.php'; $presentBlocks = ub_getPresentBlocks(); foreach( $presentBlocks as $block ){ if( strpos($block['blockName'], 'ub/' ) === 0){ ub_load_assets(); break; } } } elseif ( ub_check_is_gutenberg_page() ){ ub_load_assets(); } } // End function ultimate_blocks_cgb_block_assets(). // Hook: Frontend assets. add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', 'ultimate_blocks_cgb_block_assets' ); function ub_include_block_attribute_css() { require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'defaults.php'; require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'common.php'; $presentBlocks = array_unique(ub_getPresentBlocks(), SORT_REGULAR); $blockStylesheets = ""; $hasNoSmoothScroll = true; foreach( $presentBlocks as $block ){ if(isset($defaultValues[$block['blockName']])){ $attributes = array_merge(array_map(function($attribute){ return $attribute['default']; }, $defaultValues[$block['blockName']]['attributes']), $block['attrs']); } if(isset($attributes) && isset($attributes['blockID']) && $attributes['blockID'] != ''){ switch ($block['blockName']){ default: //nothing could be done break; case 'ub/button': $prefix = '#ub-button-' . $attributes['blockID']; if( !array_key_exists('buttons', $attributes) || count($attributes['buttons']) === 0 ){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' a{' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['buttonIsTransparent']){ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: transparent;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: '.$attributes['buttonColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: 3px solid '.$attributes['buttonColor'].';'; } else{ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: '.$attributes['buttonColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: '.$attributes['buttonTextColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: none;'; } $blockStylesheets .= 'border-radius: '.($attributes['buttonRounded'] ? '60' : '0').'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' a:hover{' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['buttonIsTransparent']){ $blockStylesheets .= 'color: '.$attributes['buttonHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: 3px solid '.$attributes['buttonHoverColor'].';'; } else{ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: '.$attributes['buttonHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: '.$attributes['buttonTextHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: none;'; } $blockStylesheets .= '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub-button-content-holder{' . PHP_EOL . 'flex-direction: '.($attributes['iconPosition'] === 'left'?'row':'row-reverse').';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } else{ foreach($attributes['buttons'] as $key => $button){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-button-container:nth-child('.($key+1).') a{' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonIsTransparent']){ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: transparent;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: 3px solid '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonColor'].';'; } else{ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonTextColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: none;'; } if($attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonRounded']){ $blockStylesheets .= 'border-radius: ' . (array_key_exists('buttonRadius', $attributes['buttons'][$key]) && $attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonRadius'] ?: '60' ) . (array_key_exists('buttonRadiusUnit', $attributes['buttons'][$key]) && $attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonRadiusUnit'] ?: 'px') . ';' . PHP_EOL; } else{ $blockStylesheets .= 'border-radius: 0;' . PHP_EOL; } $blockStylesheets .= '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub-button-container:nth-child('.($key+1).') a:hover{' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonIsTransparent']){ $blockStylesheets .= 'color: '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: 3px solid '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonHoverColor'].';'; } else{ $blockStylesheets .= 'background-color: '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: '.$attributes['buttons'][$key]['buttonTextHoverColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border: none;'; } $blockStylesheets .= '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub-button-container:nth-child('.($key+1).') .ub-button-content-holder{' . PHP_EOL . 'flex-direction: '.($attributes['buttons'][$key]['iconPosition'] === 'left'?'row':'row-reverse').';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } } break; case 'ub/call-to-action-block': $prefix = '#ub_call_to_action_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: '.$attributes['ctaBackgroundColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'border-width: '.$attributes['ctaBorderSize'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'border-color: '.$attributes['ctaBorderColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_call_to_action_headline_text{' . PHP_EOL . 'font-size: '.$attributes['headFontSize'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['headColor'] ?: "inherit") . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['headAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_cta_content_text{' . PHP_EOL . 'font-size: '.$attributes['contentFontSize'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['contentColor'] ?: "inherit") . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['contentAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_cta_button{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: '.$attributes['buttonColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'width: '.$attributes['buttonWidth'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_cta_button_text{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['buttonTextColor'] ?: 'inherit'). ';' . PHP_EOL . 'font-size: '.$attributes['buttonFontSize'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/click-to-tweet': $prefix = '#ub_click_to_tweet_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'border-color: '.$attributes['borderColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_tweet{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['tweetColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'font-size: '.$attributes['tweetFontSize'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/content-filter-block': $prefix = '#ub-content-filter-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-content-filter-tag{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['buttonColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['buttonTextColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub-content-filter-tag.ub-selected{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['activeButtonColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['activeButtonTextColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/content-toggle-block': $attributes = array_merge($attributes, array_map(function($attribute){ return $attribute['default']; }, $defaultValues['ub/content-toggle-panel-block']['attributes']), $block['innerBlocks'][0]['attrs']); $prefix = '#ub-content-toggle-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion{' . PHP_EOL . 'border-color: ' . $attributes['theme'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-title-wrap{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['theme'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-title{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['titleColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-toggle-wrap{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . $attributes['toggleColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . '.ub-content-toggle-title-'. $attributes['blockID'] . ' > a{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['titleLinkColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}'; break; case 'ub/countdown': $prefix = '#ub_countdown_'. $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['messageAlign'] . PHP_EOL . '}'; $timeUnits = ["week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"]; switch ($attributes['style']){ case 'Odometer': $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-countdown-odometer-container{' . PHP_EOL . 'grid-template-columns: ' . implode(' auto ', array_fill(0, array_search($attributes['smallestUnit'], $timeUnits) - array_search($attributes['largestUnit'], $timeUnits) +1, '1fr')) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}'; break; case 'Circular': $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_countdown_circular_container{' . PHP_EOL . 'grid-template-columns: ' . implode(' ', array_fill(0, array_search($attributes['smallestUnit'], $timeUnits) - array_search($attributes['largestUnit'], $timeUnits) +1 , '1fr')) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}'; break; default: $blockStylesheets .=''; } break; case 'ub/divider': $blockStylesheets .= '#ub_divider_' . $attributes['blockID'] . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'border-top: '.$attributes['borderSize'].'px '.$attributes['borderStyle'].' '.$attributes['borderColor'] .';' . PHP_EOL . 'margin-top: '.$attributes['borderHeight'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'margin-bottom: '.$attributes['borderHeight'].'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/expand': $blockStylesheets .= '#ub-expand-' . $attributes['blockID'] . ' .ub-expand-toggle-button{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['toggleAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/feature-box-block': $prefix = '#ub_feature_box_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_feature_one_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title1Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_feature_two_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title2Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_feature_three_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title3Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_feature_one_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body1Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub_feature_two_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body2Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_feature_three_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body3Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' ; break; case 'ub/how-to': $prefix = '#ub_howto_' . $attributes['blockID']; if($attributes['sectionListStyle'] === 'none'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_howto-section-display,' . $prefix . ' .ub_howto-step-display,' . $prefix . ' .ub_howto-step-display .ub_howto-step{' . PHP_EOL . 'list-style: none;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL ; } if($attributes['suppliesListStyle'] === 'none'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_howto-supplies-list{' . PHP_EOL . 'list-style: none;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } if($attributes['toolsListStyle'] === 'none'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_howto-tools-list{' . PHP_EOL . 'list-style: none;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } function ub_howto_getStepPic($step){ return $step['stepPic']; } function ub_howto_generateStepPicStyle($stepPic){ return 'width: '. $stepPic['width'] .'px;' . ($stepPic['float'] === 'left' ? 'padding-right: 10px;' : ($stepPic['float'] === 'right' ? 'padding-left: 10px;' : '') ) . ($stepPic['float'] === 'none' ? '' : 'float: ' . $stepPic['float'] . ';'); } $blockStylesheets .= '@media (min-width: 768px){' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['useSections']){ $sectionPicArray = array_map( function($section){ return array_map('ub_howto_getStepPic', $section['steps']); }, $attributes['section']); $blockStylesheets .= implode(array_map(function($section, $outerIndex, $prefix){ return implode(array_map(function($stepPic, $outerIndex, $innerIndex, $prefix){ if($stepPic['width'] > 0){ return $prefix . ' .ub_howto-section:nth-child('. ($outerIndex + 1) .') .ub_howto-step:nth-child(' . ($innerIndex + 1) . ') figure,' . $prefix . ' .ub_howto-section:nth-child('. ($outerIndex + 1) .') .ub_howto-step:nth-child(' . ($innerIndex + 1) . ') .ub_howto-step-image {' . ub_howto_generateStepPicStyle($stepPic) . '}' . PHP_EOL; } else { return ''; } }, $section, array_fill(0, count($section), $outerIndex) , array_keys($section), array_fill(0, count($section), $prefix) )); }, $sectionPicArray, array_keys($sectionPicArray), array_fill(0, count($sectionPicArray), $prefix ) )); } else { $stepPicArray = array_map('ub_howto_getStepPic', $attributes['section'][0]['steps']); $blockStylesheets .= implode(array_map(function($stepPic, $index, $prefix){ if(array_key_exists('width', $stepPic) && $stepPic['width'] > 0){ return $prefix . ' .ub_howto-step:nth-child(' . ($index+1) .') figure,' . $prefix . '.ub_howto-step:nth-child(' . ($index+1) .') .ub_howto-step-image {' . ub_howto_generateStepPicStyle($stepPic) . '}' . PHP_EOL; } else { return ''; } }, $stepPicArray, array_keys($stepPicArray), array_fill(0, count($stepPicArray), $prefix))); } if($attributes['finalImageWidth'] > 0){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_howto-yield-image-container{' . 'width: ' . $attributes['finalImageWidth'] . 'px;' . ($attributes['finalImageFloat'] === 'left' ? 'padding-right: 10px;' : ($attributes['finalImageFloat'] === 'right' ? 'padding-left: 10px;' : '') ) . ($attributes['finalImageFloat'] === 'none' ? '' : 'float: ' . $attributes['finalImageFloat'] . ';'); '}'; } $blockStylesheets .= '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/image-slider': $prefix = '#ub_image_slider_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .swiper-slide img{' . PHP_EOL . 'max-height: ' . $attributes['sliderHeight'] . 'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/notification-box-block': $blockStylesheets .= '#ub-notification-box-' . $attributes['blockID'] . ' .ub_notify_text{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/number-box-block': $prefix = '#ub-number-box-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_number_one_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title1Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub_number_two_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title2Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub_number_three_title{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['title3Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_number_one_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body1Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_number_two_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body2Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub_number_three_body{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['body3Align'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_number_column{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['borderColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_number_box_number{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['numberBackground'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_number_box_number>p{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . $attributes['numberColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}'; break; case 'ub/progress-bar': $prefix = '#ub-progress-bar-'. $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-text p{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['detailAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-text p{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['detailAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['barType'] === 'linear'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-line-path{' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-dashoffset: 100px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-label{' . PHP_EOL . 'width: '.$attributes['percentage'].'%;' . PHP_EOL; } else{ $circleRadius = 50 - ($attributes['barThickness'] + 3)/2; $circlePathLength = $circleRadius * M_PI * 2; $blockStylesheets .= '#ub-progress-bar-'. $attributes['blockID'] . ' .ub_progress-bar-container{' . PHP_EOL . 'height: 150px;' . PHP_EOL . 'width: 150px;' . PHP_EOL . ( in_array($attributes['detailAlign'], ['left', 'right']) ? 'float: ' . $attributes['detailAlign'] : 'margin: auto' ) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-circle-trail{' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-dasharray: '.$circlePathLength.'px,'.$circlePathLength.'px' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-circle-path{' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-dasharray: 0px, '.$circlePathLength.'px' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_progress-bar-label{' . PHP_EOL; } $blockStylesheets .= 'visibility: hidden;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['labelColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';'. PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . '.ub_progress-bar-filled .ub_progress-bar-label{' . PHP_EOL . 'visibility: visible;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['barType'] === 'linear'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix. '.ub_progress-bar-filled .ub_progress-bar-line-path{' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-dashoffset: ' . (100-$attributes['percentage']) . 'px'; } else{ $strokeArcLength = $circlePathLength * $attributes['percentage'] / 100; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '.ub_progress-bar-filled .ub_progress-bar-circle-path{' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-linecap: round;' . PHP_EOL . 'stroke-dasharray: '.$strokeArcLength.'px, '.$circlePathLength.'px;' . PHP_EOL; } $blockStylesheets .= '}'; break; case 'ub/review': $prefix = '#ub_review_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_review_item_name{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['titleAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_review_author_name{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['authorAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_review_description{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['descriptionAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_review_cta_main>a{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['callToActionForeColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_review_cta_btn{' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['callToActionForeColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'border-color: ' . $attributes['callToActionBorderColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['callToActionBackColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_review_image{' . PHP_EOL . 'max-height: ' . $attributes['imageSize'] . 'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'max-width: ' . $attributes['imageSize'] . 'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; if(!$attributes['useSummary']){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_review_overall_value{' . PHP_EOL . 'display: block;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'ub/social-share': $icon_sizes = array( 'normal' => 20, 'medium' => 30, 'large' => 40, ); $icon_size = $icon_sizes[$attributes['iconSize']]; $prefix = '#ub-social-share-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .social-share-icon{' . PHP_EOL . 'width:' . ( $icon_size * 1.5 ) . 'px;' . PHP_EOL . 'height:' . ( $icon_size * 1.5 ) . 'px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; if($attributes['buttonColor'] != ''){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' a{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['buttonColor'] . ';' . '}' ; } break; case 'ub/star-rating-block': $prefix = '#ub-star-rating-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-star-outer-container{' . PHP_EOL . 'justify-content: '. ($attributes['starAlign'] === 'center' ? 'center' : ('flex-'.($attributes['starAlign'] === 'left' ? 'start' : 'end'))).';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub-review-text{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '. $attributes['reviewTextAlign'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['reviewTextColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' svg{' . PHP_EOL . 'fill: ' . $attributes['starColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/styled-box': $prefix = '#ub-styled-box-' . $attributes['blockID']; if($attributes['mode'] === 'notification'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '.ub-notification-box{'. PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . $attributes['backColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . $attributes['foreColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'border-left-color: ' . $attributes['outlineColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . ($attributes['text'][0] === '' ? '' : 'text-align: ' . $attributes['textAlign'][0] . ';' . PHP_EOL) . '}' . PHP_EOL; } else if($attributes['mode'] === 'feature'){ foreach(range(1, count($attributes['text'])) as $i){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-feature:nth-child('.$i.') .ub-feature-title{'. PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['titleAlign'][$i-1] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub-feature:nth-child('.$i.') .ub-feature-body{'. PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['textAlign'][$i-1] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } } else if($attributes['mode'] === 'number'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub-number-panel{' . PHP_EOL . 'border-color: ' . $attributes['outlineColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub-number-container{' . PHP_EOL . 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'px ' . $attributes['outlineStyle'] . ' ' . $attributes['outlineColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'border-radius: ' . $attributes['outlineRoundingRadius'] . $radiusUnit . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: ' . ($attributes['boxColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'ub/styled-list': $prefix = '#ub_styled_list-' . $attributes['blockID']; if($attributes['iconSize'] < 3){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .fa-li{' . PHP_EOL . 'top: -0.1em;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } elseif($attributes['iconSize'] >= 5){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .fa-li{' . PHP_EOL . 'top: 3px;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } $iconData = Ultimate_Blocks_IconSet::generate_fontawesome_icon($attributes['selectedIcon']); $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $attributes['alignment'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' li::before{' . PHP_EOL . 'top: ' . ($attributes['iconSize'] >= 5 ? 3 : ($attributes['iconSize'] < 3 ? 2 : 0)) . 'px; font-size: 1em; height: ' . ((4 + $attributes['iconSize']) / 10) . 'em; width: ' . ((4 + $attributes['iconSize']) / 10) . 'em; background-image:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,\');' . PHP_EOL . '}' . $prefix . ' li{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-indent: -' . (0.4 + $attributes['iconSize'] * 0.1) . 'em;' . PHP_EOL . ($attributes['fontSize'] > 0 ? 'font-size: ' . ($attributes['fontSize']) . 'px;' . PHP_EOL : '') ; if($attributes['itemSpacing'] > 0){ $blockStylesheets .= 'margin-bottom: '. $attributes['itemSpacing'] . 'px; }' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' li>ul{' . PHP_EOL . 'margin-top: '. $attributes['itemSpacing'] . 'px;'; } $blockStylesheets .= '}'; if($attributes['columns'] > 1){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '>ul{' . PHP_EOL . 'grid-template-columns: ' . str_repeat('auto ', $attributes['columns'] - 1) . 'auto;' . PHP_EOL . '}'; } if($attributes['columns'] > $attributes['maxMobileColumns']){ $blockStylesheets .= '@media (max-width: 599px){' . PHP_EOL. $prefix . '>ul{' . PHP_EOL . 'grid-template-columns: ' . str_repeat('auto ', $attributes['maxMobileColumns'] - 1) . 'auto;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . '}'; } break; case 'ub/tabbed-content-block': $prefix = '#ub-tabbed-content-' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-tabbed-content-tab-title-wrap{' . PHP_EOL . ($attributes['tabStyle'] === 'underline' ? '' : 'background-color: ' . ($attributes['normalColor'] ? : 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL) . 'border-color: lightgrey;' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['normalTitleColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ', ' . $prefix . ',' . $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . ($attributes['tabStyle'] === 'underline' ? 'border-bottom: 5px solid ' . $attributes['titleColor'] . ';' . PHP_EOL : 'background-color: ' . $attributes['theme'] . ';' . PHP_EOL) . //'border-color: ' . $attributes['theme'] . ';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['titleColor'] ?: 'inherit') . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-tabbed-content-tabs-title{' . PHP_EOL . 'justify-content: ' . ($attributes['tabsAlignment'] === 'center' ? 'center' : 'flex-' . ($attributes['tabsAlignment'] === 'left' ? 'start' : 'end' )) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; foreach($attributes['tabsTitleAlignment'] as $key => $titleAlign){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .wp-block-ub-tabbed-content-tab-title-wrap:nth-child('.($key+1).'){' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: ' . $titleAlign . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'ub/table-of-contents-block': $prefix = '#ub_table-of-contents-' . $attributes['blockID']; if($attributes['listStyle'] === 'plain'){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' ul{' . PHP_EOL . 'list-style: none;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } if($attributes['enableSmoothScroll'] && $hasNoSmoothScroll){ $blockStylesheets .= 'html {' . PHP_EOL . 'scroll-behavior: smooth;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; $hasNoSmoothScroll = false; } if($attributes['allowToCHiding']){ $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '.ub_table-of-contents-collapsed {' . PHP_EOL . 'max-width: fit-content;' . PHP_EOL . 'max-width: -moz-fit-content;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . '.ub_table-of-contents-collapsed .ub_table-of-contents-header {' . PHP_EOL . 'margin-bottom: 0;' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; } $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . ' .ub_table-of-contents-header{' . PHP_EOL . 'justify-self: ' . ($attributes['titleAlignment'] === 'center' ? 'center' : 'flex-' . ($attributes['titleAlignment'] === 'left' ? 'start' : 'end')) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/testimonial': $prefix = '#ub_testimonial_' . $attributes['blockID']; $blockStylesheets .= $prefix . '{' . PHP_EOL . 'background-color: '.$attributes['backgroundColor'].';' . PHP_EOL . 'color: ' . ($attributes['textColor'] ?: "inherit") . ';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_testimonial_text{' . PHP_EOL . 'font-size: '.$attributes['textSize'].'px;'. PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['textAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix. ' .ub_testimonial_author{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['authorAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . $prefix . ' .ub_testimonial_author_role{' . PHP_EOL . 'text-align: '.$attributes['authorRoleAlign'].';' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'ub/post-grid': $prefix = '#ub_post-grid-block_' . $attributes['blockID']; break; } } } $blockStylesheets = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $blockStylesheets ); ob_start(); ?> $block ) { $blockDirName = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', trim(preg_replace('/\(.+\)/', '', $blockList[ $key ]['label'])) )); $adminStyleLocation = $blockDir . $blockDirName . '/editor.css'; if(file_exists($adminStyleLocation) && $blockList[ $key ]['active']){ //also detect if block is enabled fwrite($adminStyleFile, file_get_contents($adminStyleLocation)); } if($block['name'] === 'ub/styled-box' && $blockList[$key]['active']){ //add css for blocks phased out by styled box fwrite($adminStyleFile, file_get_contents($blockDir . 'feature-box' . '/editor.css')); fwrite($adminStyleFile, file_get_contents($blockDir . 'number-box' . '/editor.css')); } } fclose($adminStyleFile); ub_update_css_version('editor'); } wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate_blocks-cgb-block-editor-css', // Handle. file_exists(wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/ultimate-blocks/') ? content_url('/uploads/ultimate-blocks/') : plugins_url( 'dist/', dirname( __FILE__ ) ), // Block editor CSS. array( 'wp-edit-blocks' ), // Dependency to include the CSS after it. Ultimate_Blocks_Constants::plugin_version() // Version: latest version number ); } // End function ultimate_blocks_cgb_editor_assets(). // Hook: Editor assets. add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'ultimate_blocks_cgb_editor_assets' ); function ub_register_settings(){ register_setting('ub_settings', 'ub_icon_choices', array( 'type' => 'string', 'show_in_rest' => true, 'default' => '' //value should be in json )); } add_action( 'init', 'ub_register_settings' ); /** * Rank Math ToC Plugins List. */ add_filter( 'rank_math/researches/toc_plugins', function( $toc_plugins ) { $toc_plugins['ultimate-blocks/ultimate-blocks.php'] = 'Ultimate Blocks'; return $toc_plugins; }); // Click to Tweet Block. require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/click-to-tweet/block.php'; // Social Share Block. require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/social-share/block.php'; // Content toggle Block. require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/content-toggle/block.php'; // Tabbed Content Block. require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/tabbed-content/block.php'; // Progress Bar Block. require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/progress-bar/block.php'; // Countdown Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/countdown/block.php'; // Image Slider Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/image-slider/block.php'; // Table of Contents Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/table-of-contents/block.php'; // Button Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/button/block.php'; // Content Filter Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/content-filter/block.php'; // Call to Action Block require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/call-to-action/block.php'; // Feature Box require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/feature-box/block.php'; // Notification Box require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/notification-box/block.php'; // Number Box require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/number-box/block.php'; // Star Rating require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/star-rating/block.php'; // Testimonial require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/testimonial/block.php'; // Review require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/review/block.php'; // Divider require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/divider/block.php'; //Post-Grid require_once plugin_dir_path( __File__ ) . 'blocks/post-grid/block.php'; //Styled Box require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/styled-box/block.php'; //Expand require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/expand/block.php'; // Styled List require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/styled-list/block.php'; // How To require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'blocks/how-to/block.php';