fixed now - Project Management: SetProject_DefPitchMode - allows now setting the stretchmarker-mode as well(as set in Project Settings); updated docs to recent pitch-shift-modes - Render: AddProjectFileToRenderQueue - adds a projectfile or the current active project to the render-queue - Render: AddRenderPreset - adds a new render-preset - Render: ApplyRenderTable_Project - applies a RenderTable to the active project - Render: ApplyRenderTable_ProjectFile - applies a RenderTable to a projectfile - Render: CreateRenderCFG_AVI_Video - creates a render-string for the format video-AVI - Render: CreateRenderCFG_GIF - creates a render-string of the format video-gif - Render: CreateRenderCFG_LCF - creates a render-string of the format video-lcf - Render: CreateRenderCFG_M4AMAC - creates a render-string for the format audio-M4A for Mac - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MKV_Video - creates a render-string for the format video-MKV - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MOVMAC_Video - creates a render-string for the format video-MOV for Mac - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MP4MAC_Video - creates a render-string for the format video-MP4 for Mac - Render: CreateRenderCFG_QTMOVMP4_Video - creates a render-string for the format video-QT/MOV/MP4 - Render: CreateNewRenderTable - creates a new RenderTable, which holds all render-settings; can be applied later to projects or projectfiles - Render: DeleteRenderPreset_Bounds - deletes a bounds-render-preset from reaper-render.ini and the used render-presets in the Render to File-dialog - Render: DeleteRenderPreset_FormatOptions - deletes a format/options-render-preset from reaper-render.ini and the used render-presets in the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetLastRenderPaths - returns the last 20 used render-output-paths, that have been used for rendering by any project in Reaper. - Render: GetLastUsedRenderPatterns - returns the last 12 used render-patterns, that have been used for rendering by any project in Reaper. - Render: GetRenderQueuedProjects - gets the projectfilenames of the projects currently in the render-queue - Render: GetRender_AutoIncrementFilename - gets the current state of the “Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetRender_OfflineOnlineMode - gets the current mode of the offline/online-render-dropdownlist from the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetRender_ProjectSampleRateForMix - gets the current state of the “Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetRender_ResampleMode - gets the current state of the “Resample mode (if needed)”-dropdownlist from the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetRender_SaveCopyOfProject - gets the current state of the “Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog - Render: GetRender_QueueDelay - Gets the checkstate of the “Delay queued render to allow samples to load”-checkbox of the Render to File-dialog. - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_AIFF - gets the settings of an audio-AIFF-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_AudioCD - gets the settings of an audio-AudioCD-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_AVI_Video - gets the settings of an video-avi-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_DDP - returns, if a renderstring is a valid DDP-renderstring - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_FLAC - gets the settings of an audio-flac-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_GIF - gets the settings of a video-gif-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_LCF - gets the settings of a video-lcf-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_M4AMac - gets the settings of an audio M4A for Mac - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MKV_Video - gets the settings of a video-mkv-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MOVMac_Video - gets the settings of a video-MOV for Mac - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP4Mac_Video - gets the settings of a video-MP4 for Mac - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3 - gets the settings of an audio-mp3-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3MaxQuality - gets the settings of an audio-mp3-maxquality-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3CBR - gets the settings of an audio-mp3-cbr-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3VBR - gets the settings of an audio-mp3-vbr-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_MP3ABR - gets the settings of an audio-mp3-abr-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_OGG - gets the settings of an audio-ogg-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_OPUS - gets the settings of an audio-opus-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_QTMOVMP4_Video - gets the settings of an audio-opus-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_WAV - gets the settings of an audio-wav-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_WAVPACK - gets the settings of an audio-wavpack-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderCFG_Settings_WebMVideo - gets the settings of a video-webm-rendercfg-string - Render: GetRenderPreset_Names - returns the render-presetnames currently stored - Render: GetRenderPreset_RenderTable - returns a RenderTable of all settings of a specific render-preset - Render: GetRenderTable_Project - returns a table with all render-settings of the currently active project - Render: GetRenderTable_ProjectFile - returns a table with all render-dialog-settings from an rpp-projectfile or ProjectStateChunk - Render: IsValidRenderTable - returns, if a table is a valid RenderTable - Render: RenderProject_RenderTable - renders a projectfile or the current active project using a RenderTable - Render: RenderProject_RenderQueue - renders a specific project from the render-queue - Render: SetRender_AutoIncrementFilename - sets the current state of the “Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog - Render: SetRender_OfflineOnlineMode - gets the current mode of the offline/online-render-dropdownlist from the Render to File-dialog - Render: SetRender_ProjectSampleRateForMix - sets the current state of the “Use project sample rate for mixing and FX/synth processing”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog - Render: SetRender_ResampleMode - sets the current state of the “Resample mode (if needed)”-dropdownlist from the Render to File-dialog - Render: SetRender_SaveCopyOfProject - sets the checked-state of the “Save copy of project to outfile.wav.RPP”-checkbox from the Render to File-dialog. - Render: SetRender_QueueDelay - Sets the “Delay queued render to allow samples to load”-checkbox of the Render to File-dialog. - Render: SetRenderPreset - sets the values of an existing render-preset - Scripts: GetPitchShiftModes.lua - gets a full list of all pitch-shiftmodes of the currently running Reaper-instance, formats it and puts it into clipboard - Scripts: ultraschall_Add_ExampleScripts_To_Reaper.lua - adds the example-scripts into Reaper, can be searched for using examples - Scripts: ultraschall_Help_Reaper_Api_Video_Documentation.lua - opens the video-api-documenation in the browser - Scripts: ultraschall_Help_Reaper_Api_Web_Documentation.lua - opens the web-rc-api-documenation in the browser - Scripts: ultraschall_Help_Reaper_ConfigVars_Documentation.lua - opens the config-vars-documenation in the browser - Scripts: ultraschall_OpenFolder_Api_Documentation.lua - opens the documentation-folders - Scripts: ultraschall_OpenFolder_Api_ExampleScripts.lua - opens the example-scripts-folder - Scripts: ultraschall_Remove_ExampleScripts_To_Reaper.lua - removes the example-scripts from Reaper again - Trackmanagement: DeleteTracks_TrackString - deletes all tracks given in a trackstring - UserInterface: GetCheckboxState - gets the current checkstate of a checkbox-hwnd - UserInterface: SetCheckboxState - sets a new checkstate of a checkbox-hwnd Changes from Beta 2.74 to Beta 2.75 - ChildScripts: GetScriptParameters - omitted parameters, who were nil or "" -> fixed - ChildScripts: GetScriptReturnvalues - omitted returnvalues, who were nil or "" -> fixed - ChildScripts: SetScriptParameters - omitted parameters, who were nil or "" -> fixed - ChildScripts: SetScriptReturnvalues - omitted returnvalues, who were nil or "" -> fixed - Docs: corrected wrong functioncount in docs - Docs: CreateTemporaryFileOfProjectfile - moved in docs to Project-Files -> Helper functions - Docs: ConfigVars: defpitchcfg - updated PitchShiftmodes - Docs: Reaper - updated docs to Reaper 5.978, JS-extension 0.986 - Docs: Reaper-API - GetSetProjectInfo - added missing information about RENDER_DITHER (dither/noiseshape stems) and RENDER_SRATE(when returned RENDER_SRATE=0) - Docs: Reaper ConfigVars - added better description for g_config_project - Docs: render-codes-decoded-base64-strings.txt - fixed errors, mostly regarding mp3 - Docs: US-Concepts - added functions to checking datatypes and removed beta-functions information from How to install hotfixes - Docs: US-Concepts “Rendering: About Rendering-functions” - added information about RenderProject_RenderTable as well as removing the info about needing to save current active project before rendering - Docs: US-Concepts “Rendering: Change more render-settings in projectfiles” - rewritten, as the difficult alteration of projectfiles isn’t needed anymore for rendering the current project - Docs: when Beta-functions is enabled, the docgenerator adds beta-functions into docs as well - FileIO: CountLinesInFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: GetAllFilenamesInPath - didn’t add a directory-separator between file and path, if path was missing / or  at the end -> fixed now - FileIO: GetLengthOfFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadBinaryFileFromPattern - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadBinaryFileUntilPattern - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadBinaryFile_Offset - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadFileAsLines_Array - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadFullFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadLinerangeFromFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: ReadValueFromFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: WriteValueToFile - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_Insert - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_InsertBinary - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_Replace - errormessages return now the filename as well - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary - errormessages return now the filename as well - Fun: WinterlySnowflakes - only initialized now, when called (used to be initialized at every startup of an US-API-instance) - General: cleanup of functions-engine - removed 3569 useless lines, who contained old debugcode sleeping in comments. - GFX: GFX_GetMouseCap - interpreted modifier-keys as mouseclicks, when gfx.getkey had been used in script; mousewheel sometimes kept stuck at one value-> fixed - Helpers: Base64_Encoder - fixed bug that caused encoded strings to end with wrong letter - Helpers: CreateUSApiDocs_HTML - removed, as I’m not using it for ages now - Helpers: GetReaperAppVersion - didn’t return subversionnumber for pre-releases -> fixed now; returns pre-release-versions as well now - Helpers: MB - allows now to choose your own texts for the buttons - Helpers: LimitFractionOfFloat - improved code a little for rounding-operations, hope it works now properly - Helpers: print2 - didn’t show anything, if the first parameter was nil -> fixed now - HWND: GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine - returns now the HWND of the TCP as well - IniFiles: Reaper-Render-Codes.ini - removed, not necessary anymore - IniFiles: Reaper-Render-Codes-for-AudioCD.ini - removed, not necessary anymore - MediaItems: EnumerateMediaItemsInTrack - had wrong functionname in index -> fixed - MediaItems: PreviewMediaFile- uses now Xenakios’ function Xen_StartSourcePreview(more stable that way), has now gain and loop as additional parameters - MediaItems: StopAnyPreview - uses now Xenakios’ function Xen_StopSourcePreview(more stable that way) - Projectmanagement: all SetProject-functions - added missing ProjectStateChunk-returnvalue to docs - Projectmanagement: GetProject_NumberOfTracks - sped code up by magnitudes for huge projects; parameter ProjectStateChunk wasn’t working due stupid typo -> fixed now - Projectmanagement: GetProject_RenderFilename - could produce Lua-error, when no Renderfilename was existing in the projectfile - Projectmanagement: GetProject_RenderPattern - added new render-pattern options to the docs - Projectmanagement: GetProject_RenderRange - added bounds-option for selected regions - Projectmanagement: SetProject_RenderPattern - added new render-pattern options to the docs; stabilized, when no render-pattern was set in project/ProjectStateChunk - Projectmanagement: SetProject_RenderFilename - stabilized, when no render-filename was set in project/ProjectStateChunk - Projectmanagement: SetProject_RenderRange - added bounds-option for selected regions - ReaPack: Reapack-API-xml-generator.lua - added installation of Docs-opening-scripts as well. - Render: CreateRenderCFG_AudioCD - improved and lifted limitations for leadin-silence-values - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MP3ABR - reimplemented, supports now “Do not allow joint stereo” and “Write ReplayGain tag”-checkboxes; forgot to add FasterEncode-setting -> fixed now - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MP3CBR - reimplemented, supports now “Do not allow joint stereo” and “Write ReplayGain tag”-checkboxes; forgot to add FasterEncode-setting -> fixed now - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MP3MaxQuality - reimplemented, supports now “Write ReplayGain tag”-checkbox - Render: CreateRenderCFG_MP3VBR - reimplemented, supports now “Do not allow joint stereo” and “Write ReplayGain tag”-checkboxes; forgot to add FasterEncode-setting -> fixed now - Render: CreateRenderCFG_OGG - reimplemented, should be more stable now; lifted limitations with bitrates - Render: CreateRenderCFG_Opus - reimplemented, should be more stable now and supports now all options - Render: CreateRenderCFG_Opus2 - deprecated, use CreateRenderCFG_Opus instead - Render: CreateRenderCFG_WebMVideo - rewritten, lifted many limitations - Render: GetOutputFormat_RenderCfg - moved to docs-index Rendering of Project -> Analyzing Renderstrings; allows now passing a project/projecttab as well recoded, is now more future-proof - Render: RenderProject - renamed from RenderProject_RenderCFG, which is still available, but undocumented; reimplemented: sped up rendering the current project by magnitudes; no “save before rendering” necessary anymore; stabilized deleting the targetfile(if selected) - Render: RenderProject_Regions - renamed from RenderProjectRegions_RenderCFG, which is still available, but undocumented; sped up rendering the current project by magnitudes; no “save before rendering” necessary anymore; stabilized deleting the targetfile(if selected) parameters renderfilename_with_path and rendercfg are now mandatory - Routing: GetTrackAUXSendReceives - recv_tracknumber is now 1-based, as it should be(thanks to woodslanding) - Routing: SetTrackAUXSendReceives - recv_tracknumber is now 1-based, as it should be(thanks to woodslanding) - Routing: AddTrackAUXSendReceives - had parameters tracknumber and recv_tracknumber accidentally reversed, when not working with StateChunks .. oops -> fixed (thanks to woodslanding) - TrackManagement: GetTrackHeightState - stabilised parameter TrackStateChunk, returns now locked-trackstate - TrackManagement: SetTrackHeightState - stabilised parameter TrackStateChunk, allows now setting locked-trackstate - TrackManagement: SetTracksSelected - when trackstring=nil or "", it deselects all tracks now ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.74: - “Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime” - 10th of April 2019 Has now 822 functions, with 22 new ones - ROUTING - sped up the routing-functions by magnitudes, who also allow now using TrackStateChunks which can be faster than Reaper’s own API-functions - GFX_GETMOUSECAP - this allows you to get mouse-states in gfx-windows, including doubleclick and drag. Much easier than to code it yourself using gfx.mouse_cap. - ULTRASCHALL.GETUSERINPUTS - like reaper.GetUserInputs BUT you can safely type commas into its inputfields! - PROGRESSBAR - you can code now your own progressbar, including optionally showing it in the ReaScript-console - MOVE CHILD-HWND RELATIVE WITHIN THEIR PARENT-HWND - if you don’t want to deal with screen-positions when moving around gui-elements, use GetChildSizeWithinParentHWND and MoveChildWithinParentHWND - VERTICAL SCROLL - works now like a charm - IMPROVED CHANGELOG - will be much more readable for this and future releases - Bugfixes and many more. New features in 4.00beta2.74 - AudioManagement: GetHWInputs_Aliasnames - returns the input-alias-names and their associated hardware-input-channels - AudioManagement: GetHWOutputs_Aliasnames - returns the output-alias-names and their associated hardware-output-channels - ChildScripts: GetScriptIdentifier_Description - gets the description of your script - ChildScripts: SetScriptIdentifier_Description - sets a description for your script - ChildScripts: GetScriptIdentifier_Title - gets the title of your script; default is the filename - ChildScripts: SetScriptIdentifier_Title - sets the title of your script - ExampleScript: Helpers_ProgressBar_Example.lua - shows a simple progressbar in the ReaScript-console, that iterates over all filenames in ResourcePath/Effects - ExampleScript: Helpers_ProgressBar_Example.gif - a demo-gif of ProgressBar_Example.lua - ExampleScript: GFX_SimpleDrawingTool.lua - a simple drawing-tool demo, that demonstrates GFX_GetMouseCap() - ExampleScript: GFX_SimpleDrawingTool.gif - a demo-gif of SimpleDrawingTool.lua - GFX: GFX_GetMouseCap - checks and returns mouse-clicks in Lua-gfx-windows, including doubleclick, dragging, mousewheel-states, etc. Much more handy than gfx.mouse_cap. - Helpers: ConvertIntegerIntoString2 - converts multiple integers into a string, 8 to 32 bit integers can be converted - Helpers: ConvertStringToIntegers - converts a string into multiple integers; you can set the size of the integer - Helpers: print - prints its values to the ReaScript-console, separating the displayed parameters with newlines now - Helpers: print_update - prints its values to the ReaScript console, but clears the console before displaying. Good for progressbars and displaying a few statuses without constantly scrolling. - Helpers: PrintProgressBar - prints a simple progressbar into the ReaScript-console; you should call ResetProgressBar before starting a new progressbar - Helpers: ResetProgressBar - resets progressbar-settings, so you can start a new progressbar - HWND: GetChildSizeWithinParentHWND - gets dimensions of a childhwnd relative to the position of a parenthwnd - HWND: MoveChildWithinParentHWND - moves a childhwnd relative or absolute within its parenthwnd - MediaItems: CopyMediaItemToDestinationTrack - copies a MediaItem to a destinationtrack at position. Thanks to nikolalkc for allowing me to adapt his function - Routing: AreAUXSendReceivesTablesEqual - compares two AllAUXSendReceives-tables, as returned by GetAllAUXSendReceives and GetAllAUXSendReceives2 - Routing: AreHWOutsTablesEqual - compares two AllHWOuts-tables, as returned by GetAllHWOuts and GetAllHWOuts2 - Routing: AreMainSendsTablesEqual - compares two AllMainSends-tables, as returned by GetAllMainSendStates and GetAllMainSendStates2 - TrackManagement: GetTracknumberByGuid - gets a tracknumber and MediaTrack-object by guid - UserInterface: SetVerticalRelativeScroll - like SetVerticalScroll but sets the arrange-vertical-scroll, relative to it’s current vscroll-position - Ultraschall: GetTypeOfTrack - returns the type of a track, either StudioLink/StudioLinkOnAir or SoundBoard - Ultraschall: GetAllAUXSendReceives2 - like GetAllAUXSendReceives, but returns type of track as well - Ultraschall: GetAllHWOuts2 - like GetAllHWOuts, but returns type of track as well - Ultraschall: GetAllMainSendStates2 - like GetAllMainSendStates, but returns type of track as well - Ultraschall: IsTrackSoundboard - returns, if a track is a valid Ultraschall-Soundboard-track - Ultraschall: IsTrackStudioLink - returns, if a track is a valid StudioLink-track - Ultraschall: IsTrackStudioLinkOnAir - returns, if a track is a valid StudioLinkOnAir-track Changes from Beta 2.73 to Beta 2.74 - Docs: Functions reference - added pan-law info to the descriptions for many routing-functions - Docs: GetLastCursorPosition - added info about limitations in Reaper - Docs: GetScriptIdentifier - moved in the index to Api-Helper functions -> Child Scripts, where it belongs to - Docs: GetScriptReturnvalues - corrected docs and cleared them up a little - Docs: ReaperApidocs and ConfigVar-docs: updated to Reaper 5.974 and JS-extension 0.980 - Docs: ReaperApidocs: added info about JS_Mouse_GetState and fixed Markdown-issues with JS_Window_GetScrollInfo and JS_Window_SetScrollPos - Docs: Reaper-ConfigVars: added new settings in video_colorspace from Reaper 5.972 and pre-release onlys to labelitems2, pooledenvtranstime and video_defimglen - Docs: relayouted changelog for beta 2.72 upwards, the featurelist should be better readable, now - Docs: SetVerticalZoom - added info into description about how to do relative-vertical-zoom - ExampleScript: renamed the scripts and demogifs, so the names reflect more, of what category the scripts are; removed Track/Item-extstate scripts, as this feature is deprecated - ExtStates: GetTrackExtState - deprecated, as Reaper will have that feature in a future version in better - ExtStates: SetTrackExtState - deprecated, as Reaper will have that feature in a future version in better - ExtStates: GetItemExtState - deprecated, as Reaper will have that feature in a future version in better - ExtStates: SetItemExtState - deprecated, as Reaper will have that feature in a future version in better - Helpers: print - renamed to print_alt, print itself now separates the parameters with newlines(not two spaces) - Helpers: SetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber - undo parameter wasn’t used properly -> fixed now - HWND: GetRenderToFileHWND - fixed bug, that sometimes caused the function not to find the RenderToFile-window - HWND: IsValidHWND - shouldn’t crash anymore on Mac, when passing a non-existing HWND. - Routing: ApplyAllHWOuts - sped up code by magnitudes; allows now setting the HWOut-table by guid; that way, you can apply stored hwouts correctly, even if trackorder changes - Routing: ApplyAllAUXSendReceives - sped up code by magnitudes; allows now setting the HWOut-table by guid; that way, you can apply stored routings correctly, even if trackorder changes - Routing: ApplyAllMainSendStates - fixed error in docs; allows now setting the HWOut-table by guid; that way, you can apply different MainSends correctly, even if trackorder changes - Routing: AddTrackHWOut - rewritten, is much faster now and supports now adding to trackstatechunks as well; removed useless parameter undo - Routing: AddTrackAUXSendReceives - rewritten, is much faster now and supports now adding to trackstatechunks as well; removed useless parameter undo - Routing: CountTrackHWOuts - allows now TrackStateChunks as well - Routing: CountTrackAUXSendReceives - allows now TrackStateChunks as well - Routing: DeleteTrackAUXSendReceives - sped up; supports now deleting from TrackStateChunks as well; removed useless parameter undo - Routing: DeleteTrackHWOut - sped up; supports now deleting from TrackstateChunks as well when tracknumber=-1; removed useless parameter undo - Routing: GetAllHWOuts - sped up; stores now the guids of the track and the receive tracks as well; allows you to keep right tracks and receive-tracks, even if trackorder changes - Routing: GetAllAUXSendReceives - sped up; stores now the guid of the tracks as well; allows you to keep right track, even if trackorder changes - Routing: GetAllMainSendStates - sped up; stores now the guid of the tracks as well; allows you to keep right track, even if trackorder changes - Routing: GetTrackAUXSendReceives - sped up; supports now getting from TrackstateChunks as well when tracknumber=-1 - Routing: GetTrackHWOut - sped up; supports now getting from TrackstateChunks as well when tracknumber=-1 - Routing: GetTrackMainSendState - sped up execution when not working with TrackStateChunks - Routing: SetTrackMainSendState - sped up execution when not working with TrackStateChunks; returns changed TrackStateChunk now only, when working with TrackStateChunks - Routing: SetTrackAUXSendReceives - sped up execution; supports now TrackStateChunks as well, when tracknumber=-1; removed useless parameter undo - Routing: SetTrackHWOut - sped up execution; supports now TrackStateChunks as well, when tracknumber=-1; removed parameter undo, as it useless, now - StateChunks: GetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber - forgot to remove retval “overflow” from docs -> fixed - UserInterface: GetUserInputs - you can now enter commas into inputfields; parameter length renamed to values_length and is now optional; nil for default length 10; -1 for autolength; requested by woodslanding - UserInterface: GetVZoom - renamed to GetVerticalZoom for better readability, sorry for any inconvenience - UserInterface: SetVZoom - renamed to SetVerticalZoom for better readability, sorry for any inconvenience - UserInterface: SetVerticalScroll - last minute changes prevented the parameter from being passed to the function -> fixed - Ultraschall: CountUltraschallEffectPlugins - removed, as it was useless - Ultraschall: pause_follow_one_cycle - moved to Ultraschall Specific in the index of the docs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.73: - “Radiohead - Bangers’n’Mash” - 9th of March 2019 Has now 800 functions, with 20 new ones - NEW HWNDS to get, like Render Queue, Preferences, Project Settings and more - ROUTING-CONVENIENCE FEATURES to work better with Routing-stuff. Includes now MKVOL from/to DB-converter for that! - PRINT3 outputs it’s parameters to the Clipboard. New features in 4.00beta2.73 - Config: GetSetConfigAutoMute - gets/sets the automute-config-variable - Config: GetSetConfigAutoMuteFlags - gets/sets the automuteflags-config-variable - Config: GetSetConfigAutoSaveInt - gets/sets the autosaveint-config-variable - Config: GetSetConfigAutoSaveMode - gets/sets the autosavemode-config-variable - Helper: DB2MKVOL - converts a dB-value into its MKVOL-representation, which can be used by routing-functions for the volume - Helper: MKVOL2DB - converts a MKVOL-value(as used by volume in routing-settings) into its dB-representation - Helper: print3 - like print and print2, but puts the parameters into the clipboard instead - HWND: GetRenderQueueHWND - gets the HWND of the Render-Queue-window, if opened - HWND: GetProjectSettingsHWND - gets the HWND of the Project Settings-window, if opened - HWND: GetSaveLiveOutputToDiskHWND - gets the HWND of the Save Live Output To Disk-window, if opened - HWND: GetConsolidateTracksHWND - gets the HWND of the Consolidate Tracks-window, if opened - HWND: GetExportProjectMIDIHWND - gets the HWND of the Export Project MIDI-window, if opened - HWND: GetProjectDirectoryCleanupHWND - gets the HWND of the Project Directory Cleanup-window, if opened - HWND: GetBatchFileItemConverterHWND - gets the HWND of the Batch File/Item Converter-window, if opened - Routing: ClearRoutingMatrix - clears the routing-matrix, either completely or just parts of it(Send/Receive, HWOuts, MasterSends) including or excluding the Master-Track - Routing: GetAllHWOuts - returns a table with all HWOut-settings of all tracks of the current project - Routing: GetAllAUXSendReceive - returns a table with all Send/Receive-settings of all tracks of the current project - Routing: GetAllMainSendStates - returns a table with all MainSend(Master Send)-settings of all tracks of the current project - Routing: ApplyAllHWOuts - applies a table, as returned by GetAllHWOuts to all tracks. That way, you can easily alter HWOuts of multiple tracks in that table, before passing it to ApplyAllHWOuts - Routing: ApplyAllAUXSendReceives - applies a table, as returned by GetAllAUXSendReceive to all tracks. That way, you can easily alter AUXSendReceives of multiple tracks in that table, before passing it to ApplyAllAUXSendReceives - Routing: ApplyAllMainSendStates - applies a table, as returned by GetAllMainSendStates to all tracks. That way, you can easily alter MainSend(Master-Send)-states of multiple tracks in that table, before passing it to ApplyAllMainSendStates Changes from 4.00beta2.72 to 4.00beta2.73 - ChildScripts: Main_OnCommandByFilename - fixed bug with Scriptidentifier-creation - ChildScripts:MIDI_OnCommandByFilename - fixed bug with Scriptidentifier-creation - Config: GetIniFileValue - improved code - Config: SetIniFileValue - fixed bug that caused inifiles to explode in size - Docs: Reaper Api docs: Video Processor: corrected YET ANOTHER Markdown-f….p in the example code of chapter Coding Introduction - Docs: Reaper-Docs: updated to Reaper 5.972 - Docs: Reaper-Api-docs: fixed further layout-problems with Markdown in some descriptions I really, really, really, really, really, really, really need to write my own MarkDown-dialect. It makes me nuts, having to deal with Markdown’s ambiguities… - Routing: CountTrackAUXSendReceives - when track isn’t found, it returns now an error-message - Routing: DeleteTrackAUXSendReceives - allows now to delete all AuxSendReceives of a track at once, when idx=-1 - Routing: DeleteTrackHWOut - allows now to delete all HWOuts of a track at once, when idx=-1 - Routing: GetTrackAUXSendReceives - had internal variable exposed -> fixed now - Routing: SetTrackHWOut - fixed bug with an incorrect idx-numbering - Routing: SetTrackAUXSendReceives - fixed bug with an incorrect idx-numbering - Script-Identifier: Ultraschall.ScriptIdentifier - fixed bugs with Scriptidentifier-creation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.72: - “Blue Oyster Cult - Don’t fear the Reaper” - 1st of March 2019 Has now 780 functions, with 80 new ones Among them new features, like: - REAPACK INSTALLABLE, it can be installed using ReaPack now, using - Request by X-Raym - DEFER-FUNCTIONS, that allow setting, how often a specific defer-loop shall be executed, every n’th cycle/second. They also allow being terminated from inside and outside the current script. - CHILDSCRIPTS, that allow you to run scripts as multiple script-instances, pass parameters and returnvalues to and from them - Request by lokasenna - GET HWNDS, get numerous HWNDs, including the one of your gfx.init-window, ArrangeView, Timeline, Render to File-dialog, Actions-dialog, etc - Request by Sexan - PRINT AND PRINT2, replaces the unuseable print-function from Lua - NEW BACKGROUNDSCRIPTS, who monitor statechanges of playstate, editcursorposition and loop-button - CUSTOM MARKERS AND REGIONS, that follow the scheme "_custommarkername: text", that can be easily managed. Have multiple markertypes with custom-markers and custom-regions with this feature. - request by VanillaChief - REAPER-INTERNALS DOCS, updated to Reaper 5.971(including the new Video Processor-docs), SWS, JS-Extension 0.971 and ReaPack. - many, many, many, many bugfixes New features in 4.00beta2.72 - API: ultraschall.hotfixdate - holds the release-date of the currently installed hotfix, returned by GetApiVersion now - ArrangeView: GetVerticalScroll - gets the current vertical-scroll-factor of the arrangeview - ArrangeView: SetVerticalScroll - sets a new vertical-scroll-factor of the arrangeview - BackgroundScripts: new background-script - ultraschall_track_old_playstate.lua - stores old playstate into extstate ultraschall->last_playstate - BackgroundScripts: GetLastPlayState - returns the last playstate before the current one - ChildScripts: Main_OnCommandByFilename - runs a command by its filename instead of the ActionCommandID/command-id; returns a unique script-identifier for the started script-instance, that you can use as extstate to communicate with that script; allows passing of parameters to the started script! - ChildScripts: MIDI_OnCommandByFilename - runs a command in the MIDI-Editor context by its filename instead of the ActionCommandID/command-id; returns a unique script-identifier for the started script-instance, that you can use as extstate to communicate with that script allows passing of parameters to the started script! - Child-Scripts: SetScriptParameters - sets parameters for a child-script, as started by Main_OnCommandByFilename and MIDI_OnCommandByFilename - Child-Scripts: GetScriptParameters - gets parameters for a child-script, as started by Main_OnCommandByFilename and MIDI_OnCommandByFilename - Child-Scripts: GetScriptReturnvalues - gets returnvalues, that a script-instance with a specific scriptidentifier sent to the current script - Child-Scripts: SetScriptReturnvalues - sends returnvalues to a script-instance with a specific scriptidentifier - Child-Scripts: GetScriptReturnvalues_Sender - gets, which child-scripts(and their corresponding ScriptIdentifier) have sent return-values to the current script - Config: GetSetIntConfigVar - gets/sets a configuration-variable of the type integer-bitfield - Config: GetIniFileValue - gets an ini-value from an ini-file; unlike SWS’s own functions for that(2.9.7 and earlier), this has no problems with Umlauts in the path - Config: SetIniFileValue - sets an ini-value into an ini-file; unlike SWS’s own functions for that(2.9.7 and earlier), this has no problems with Umlauts in the path - Docs: US_Api_AUD.html - added - Docs: US_Api_Concepts_AUD.html - added - Docs: US_Api_Concepts_DOC.html - added - Docs: US_Api_Concepts_GFX.html - added - Docs: US_Api_Concepts_GUI.html - added - Docs: US_Api_Concepts_VID.html - added - Docs: US_Api_DOC.html - added - Docs: US_Api_GFX.html - added - Docs: US_Api_GUI.html - added - Docs: US_Api_VID.html - added - Docs: US_Api-AUD.USDocML - added - Docs: US_Api-DOC.USDocML - added - Docs: US_Api-GFX.USDocML - added - Docs: US_Api-GUI.USDocML - added - Docs: US_Api-VID.USDocML - added - Docs: NewUltraschallDoc_VID_Converter.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallDoc_GUI_Converter.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallDoc_DOC_Converter.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallDoc_AUD_Converter.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallConceptsDocConverter_AUD.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallConceptsDocConverter_DOC.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallConceptsDocConverter_GFX.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallConceptsDocConverter_GUI.lua - added - Docs: NewUltraschallConceptsDocConverter_VID.lua - added - Docs: Child Scripts: Introduction - added chapter - Docs: Child Scripts: The unique ScriptIdentifier - added chapter - Docs: Child Scripts: Running Childscripts - added chapter - Docs: Child Scripts: Passing Parameters and Returnvalues - added chapter - Docs: DeferScripts: Introduction to Ultraschall’s Defer-functions - added chapter - Docs: DeferScripts: Special Defer-loops in the Ultraschall-API - added chapter - Docs: DeferScripts: Stopping Defer-loops from in- and outside of scripts - added chapter - Docs: Concepts: Error Messaging System: Other helpers for Error-Messaging-system - added chapter - Docs: Concepts: Installation - added instructions on how to install the Ultraschall-API using ReaPack-package-manager - Docs: Concepts: Markers and Regions: Custom-Markers and Custom-Regions - ReaperDocs: added new SWS2.10.0.1-functions - ReaperDocs: updated new JS-extension-plugin-functions, up to 0.971 - ReaperDocs: added new Video-Processor-Api-functions, as of Reaper 5.971 - ReaPack: ReaPack-functions - added ReaPack-functions to Reaper-Internals docs - Defer: GetDeferIdentifier - gets the identifier of a Defer1 to Defer20-cycle of the current script - Defer: Defer1 to Defer20 - run a customized defer-cycle, in which you can decide, how often it should be run. You can also stop such a defer-cycle from in/outside the script using StopDeferCycle. For that, Defer1 to Defer20 will return an identifier, which can be used to stop this specific defer-cycle. You should only use each DeferXX-cycle once in a script-instance, or the timing will become corrupt! - Defer: StopDeferCycle - stops a Defer1 to Defer20-defer-instance from a script-instance - Dialogs: GetUserInputs - gets the user-input. Like Reaper’s own GetUserInputs but a different parameter-scheme, that should be easier to handle. - Dialogs: BrowseForOpenFiles - utilizes JS_Dialog_BrowseForOpenFiles-function, but returns the files and paths in a more comfortable way - Editing: RippleCut_Regions - ripple-cuts all regions between startposition and endposition and moves all regions after endposition toward projectstart by difference between startposition and endposition - ErrorMessages: ShowErrorMessagesInReascriptConsole - toggles, if errormessages shall be shown in the ReaConsole immediately, when they happen - ExampleScript: A_Simple_EventManager_with_Backgroundhelpers_and_Defer01.lua - a simple demo-eventmanager, that employs the background-helper-scripts and the Defer01-function - FileIO: GetAllRecursiveFilesAndSubdirectories - returns all subdirectories with all their files with full path of a directory - GFX: GFX_DrawThickRoundRect - draws a round-rectangle with variable thickness - GFX: GFX_BlitFramebuffer - blits the content of a framebuffer into the drawing-buffer; will resize, if necessary and retains aspect-ratio - Helpers: SplitStringAtNULLBytes - splits a string at NULL-bytes ( \0 ) - Helpers: Base64_Encoder - encodes a string into a Base64-encoded string - Helpers: CreateTemporaryFileOfProjectfile - creates a valid temporary-copy of an rpp-projectfile; use nil for the currently opened one(must be saved first) - Helpers: Base64_Decoder - decodes a Base64-encoded string - Helpers: StateChunkLayouter - layouts statechunks according the layouting rules of rpp-projectfiles; makes parsing them much easier - Helpers: print - replacement for Lua’s own print-function(which is quite useless in Reaper); displays the printed parameters in the ReaScript-console - Helpers: print2 - like print, but displays the parameters as a messagebox instead - Helpers: ConvertIntegerToBits - converts an integer-value into its individual bitvalues - Helpers: ReverseEndianess_Byte - changes endianess of a byte-value - Helpers: ConvertIntegerIntoString - converts the individual bytes of an integer into a string - Helpers: ReplacePartOfString - replaces a part of a string, beginning from an offset and up to a length; can be used for easy string insertion as well - HWND: IsValidHWND - checks, if a HWND is a valid one - HWND: GFX_Init - opens a new gfx-window. Like gfx.init, but this returns its HWND-windowhandler-object as well - HWND: GFX_GetWindowHWND - gets the HWND of a opened gfx-window, opened with ultraschall.GFX_Init - HWND: GetReaperWindowAttributes - returns several attributes of the Reaper-window, like size/position, active-state, childwindows, etc - HWND: GetTopmostHWND - returns the topmost hwnd(window-handler) of a child-hwnd; returns also all the parent-hwnds - HWND: Windows_Find - finds Reaper-windows by title and returns their HWNDs - HWND: GetAllReaScriptIDEWindows - returns the HWNDs of all opened ReaperIDE-windows - HWND: GetReaScriptConsoleWindow - returns the HWND of the ReaScript-console, if open at all. - HWND: HasHWNDChildWindowNames - allows to check, if a certain HWND has child-hwnds of certain name(s). Good to make probability-checks for the right Reaper-windows-check. - HWND: GetRenderToFileHWND - returns the HWND of the Render to File-dialog - HWND: GetActionsHWND - returns the HWND of the Actions-dialog - HWND: GetVideoHWND - returns the HWND of the Video Window - HWND: GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine - returns the HWND-window-handler for the tracklist- and timeline-area of the arrangeview - Markers: GetAllCustomMarkers - gets all custom-markers of a certain name, as table - Markers: GetAllCustomRegions - gets all custom-regions of a certain name, as table - Markers: CountAllCustomMarkers - counts all custom-markers of a certain name - Markers: CountAllCustomRegions - counts all custom-regions of a certain name - Markers: EnumerateCustomMarkers - enumerates a custom-marker of a certain name - Markers: EnumerateCustomRegions - enumerates a custom-region of a certain name - Markers: DeleteCustomMarkers - deletes a custom-marker of a certain name - Markers: DeleteCustomRegions - deletes a custom-region of a certain name - Markers: AddCustomMarker - adds a custom-marker of a certain name - Markers: AddCustomRegion - adds a custom-region of a certain name - Markers: SetCustomMarker - sets a custom-marker of a certain name - Markers: SetCustomRegion - sets a custom-region of a certain name - Markers: GetNextFreeRegionIndex - gets the next free region-shown-indexnumber - Markers: IsMarkerValidCustomMarker - checks a marker, if it’s a valid custom-marker - Markers: IsRegionValidCustomRegion - checks a marker, if it’s a valid custom-region - MediaItems: EnumerateMediaItemsInTrack - readded, got lost in earlier versions somehow, leading to GetTrackLength being useless - Render: IsReaperRendering - returns, if Reaper is currently rendering a file - Render: GetProject_RenderOutputPath - returns the output-directories for rendered files from a projectfile - Script-Identifier: GetScriptIdentifier - returns a unique identifier-string for the current script-instance, that can be used to send command/string to this scriptinstance - Trackstates: GetTrackSelection_TrackStateChunk - gets, if a track in a StateChunk is selected; works only with TrackStateChunks from ProjectStateChunks - Trackstates: SetTrackSelection_TrackStateChunk - sets a track in a StateChunk selected; works only with TrackStateChunks from ProjectStateChunks - Transport: SetLoopState - sets the current loop-state(button) - Transport: GetLoopState - gets the current state of loop - Transport: GetLastLoopState - gets the last loop-state, needs RunBackgroundHelperFeatures to be run first - Ultraschall: CountUltraschallEffectPlugins - counts number of instances of StudioLink, StudioLinkOnAir, Ultraschall-Soundboard and Ultraschall_Dynamics-plugins in a track. Also returns a table with all bypass/offline-states - Video: VID_VideoUIStateCoords2Pixels - converts the coordinates, returned by the video-processor-function ui_get_state into pixels - Video: VID_Pixels2VideoUIStateCoords - converts back the coordinates from pixels into the coordinates returned by the video-processor-function ui_get_state Changes from 4.00beta2.7 to 4.00beta2.72 - Api: GetApiVersion - updated versionsnumbering; returns now the release-date of the currently installed hotfixes - Api: hotfixes are now loaded before beta-functions - Api: requires now version 0.963 of Julian Sader’s plugin - Api: ultraschall_api.lua - checks now, if it is run within the beta-engine-parts of this API and prevents including it if necessary. This prevents duplicate execution of functions, when coding within the beta-functions-engine-scripts. - ArrangeView: IsValidArrangeviewSnapshot - checks now vertical-scrollfactor as well - ArrangeView: IsValidArrangeviewSnapshot - improved checking for validity of parameters - ArrangeView: RestoreArrangeviewSnapshot - improved checking for validity of parameters - ArrangeView: RestoreArrangeviewSnapshot - restores now vertical-scrollfactor as well - ArrangeView: RetrieveArrangeviewSnapshot - improved checking for validity of parameters - ArrangeView: RetrieveArrangeviewSnapshot - retrieves now vertical-scrollfactor as well - ArrangeView: StoreArrangeviewSnapshot - improved checking for validity of parameters - ArrangeView: StoreArrangeviewSnapshot - stores now vertical-scrollfactor as well - Colors: RGB2Grayscale - improved checking for validity of parameters - Config: GetIniFileExternalState - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Config: GetReaperWorkDir - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Config: GetUSExternalState - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Config: SetIniFileExternalState - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value - Config: SetPlayCursorWidth - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value - Config: SetReaperWorkDir - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value - Config: SetStartNewFileRecSizeState - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value - Config: SetUSExternalState - converts now all passed parameters to string, regardless of their type - Config: SetUSExternalState - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value - Dialogs: CloseReaConsole - renamed to CloseReaScriptConsole, as the ReaConsole is something different; added plausability-checks and localization to get the right ReaScript-Console-window - Dialogs: ultraschall.MB - converts now all passed data into string, no matter what type it is - Docs: Changelog - fixed Markdown-formatting-issues - Docs: Docgenerator - reworked the docengine-creator for more fluffy working of it - Docs: docs generate and include now beta-functions as well - Docs: docs use now GetApiVersion for displaying version-numbering - Docs: Introduction/Concepts: Datatypes: Checking Datatypes - fixed Markdown-issues - Docs: MB - moved to User Interface -> Dialogs in the docs - Envelopes: CountEnvelopePoints - improved checking for validity of parameters - Envelopes: CountMuteEnvelopePoints - improved checking for validity of parameters - Envelopes: GetClosestEnvelopePointIDX_ByTime - improved checking for validity of parameters - Envelopes: GetEnvelopePoint - improved checking for validity of parameters - Envelopes: GetEnvelopePointIDX_Between - improved checking for validity of parameters - Envelopes: SetEnvelopeHeight - improved checking for validity of parameters - ErrorMessages: AddErrorMessage - when set with ShowErrorMessagesInReascriptConsole, it shows now errormessages immediately in the ReaScriptConsole - ErrorMessages: ReadErrorMessage - accepted a string for the integer-parameter errornumber which rendered the function useless -> fixed - ErrorMessages: ReadErrorMessage - improved error-message, errornumber now checks, if being an integer - FileIO: CreateValidTempFile - added info about the path of the created tempfile/tempfilename - FileIO: GetAllFilesnamesInPath renamed to GetAllFilenamesInPath - stupid typo in functionname…sorry for any inconveniences - FileIO: GetLengthOfFile - improved checking for validity of parameters - FileIO: MakeCopyOfFile_Binary - added check, if a file is already in use and can’t be read - FileIO: ReadBinaryFileFromPattern - added check, if a file is already in use and can’t be read - FileIO: ReadBinaryFileUntilPattern - added check, if a file is already in use and can’t be read - FileIO: ReadFullFile - added check, if a file is already in use and can’t be read - FileIO: ReadFullFile - produced Lua-error, when passing a boolean as filename_with_path -> fixed - FileIO: ReadValueFromFile - produced Lua-error, when passing a boolean as filename_with_path -> fixed - FileIO: WriteValueToFile - converts now the parameter value to a string, regardless of it’s original datatype - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_Insert - converts now the parameter value to a string, regardless of it’s original datatype - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_InsertBinary - converts now the parameter value to a string, regardless of it’s original datatype - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_Replace - converts now the parameter value to a string, regardless of it’s original datatype - FileIO: WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary - converts now the parameter value to a string, regardless of it’s original datatype - Fun: WinterlySnowflakes - preparation of the snowflakes produced wrong default-values of gfx.x, gfx.y, gfx.r, gfx.g, gfx.g -> fixed - Helpers: CloseReaConsole - updated to behavior of version 0.963 of the JS-plugin - Helpers: GetPath - when sep is nil, it returns now the path until the last useful separator, either \ or / - Helpers: RunBackgroundHelperFeatures - allows now switching off the background-scripts - Helpers: SearchStringInString - dropped nested searchstring-functionality as it was useless; recoded from scratch for more stability - Markers: GetAllRegionsBetween - didn’t return regions, that began before startposition and ended after endposition -> fixed - Markers: GetClosestNextMarker - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: GetClosestNextRegionEdge - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: GetMarkerByScreenCoordinates - returned useless newlines -> fixed now - Markers: GetMarkerByTime - returned useless newlines -> fixed now - Markers: GetMarkerByTime - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Markers: GetRegionByScreenCoordinates - returned useless newlines -> fixed now - Markers: GetRegionByTime - returned useless newlines -> fixed now - Markers: GetRegionByTime - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Markers: GetTimeSignaturesByTime - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Markers: IsMarkerEdit - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: IsMarkerNormal - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: IsRegionEditRegion - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: IsRegionPodrange - improved checking for validity of parameters - Markers: MoveMarkersBy - did move regions as well, though I claimed the opposite..oops -> fixed - MediaItem: GetMediafileAttributes - added info into the docs about rpp-projects, which will create a proxy file, when getting the mediafile-attributes - MediaItem: InsertMediaItemFromFile - added MediaTrack and the new editcursorposition as retvals; the latter used to be third retval without being documented as such -> moved to the end of the retvals sorry for that inconvenience - MediaItems: GetNextClosestItemEdge - improved checking for validity of parameters - MediaItems: GetPreviousClosestItemEdge - improved checking for validity of parameters - MuteButtons: GetNextMuteState - improved checking for validity of parameters - MuteButtons: GetPreviousMuteState - improved checking for validity of parameters - MuteButtons: ToggleMute - improved checking for validity of parameters - MuteButtons: ToggleMute_TrackObject - improved checking for validity of parameters - Navigation: JumpBackwardBy - improved checking for validity of parameters - Navigation: JumpBackwardBy_Recording - improved checking for validity of parameters - Navigation: JumpForwardBy - improved checking for validity of parameters - Navigation: JumpForwardBy_Recording - improved checking for validity of parameters - ProjectManagement: GetAllLockedTracks - improved checking for validity of parameters - ProjectManagement: GetAllSelectedTracks - improved checking for validity of parameters - ProjectManagement: GetProject_GetMarker - could produce a Lua-error, when filename was nil -> fixed - ProjectManagement: GetProject_GetRegion - could produce a Lua-error, when filename was nil -> fixed - ProjectManagement: GetProject_Length - fixed issue with projectfiles smaller than 1000 bytes, which couldn’t be parsed - ProjectManagement: GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsHighState - improved checking for validity of parameters - ProjectManagement: GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsState - improved checking for validity of parameters - ProjectManagement: SetProject_RenderPattern - didn’t save render-patterns with spaces in them properly - ReaperDocs: fixed tons of MarkDown-layout errors. - ReaperDocs: Functionnames-titles in the individual entries are not linked anymore, but rather the > at the left side of the title now - ReaperDocs: JS-extension - updated to 0.964 - ReaperDocs: OscLocalMessageToHost - didn’t show title -> fixed - ReaperDocs: SWS - updated to 2.10.1 - ReaperDocs: updated to 5.97 - Render: CreateRenderCFG_AIFF - returned the wrong render-cfg-string due a stupid typo -> fixed - Render: GetProject_RenderFilename - sometimes returned one " at the end -> fixed - Render: RenderProject_RenderCFG - if you use nil as renderfilename_with_path, it will render as renderfilename using the filename/renderpattern already set in the project didn’t return correct filecount if rendering was canceled, leading to possible error-message -> fixed - Render: RenderProjectRegions_RenderCFG - if you use nil as renderfilename_with_path, it will render as renderfilename using the filename/renderpattern already set in the project - TrackStates: GetTrackAutomodeState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackAutoRecArmState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackBeatState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackBusCompState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackBypFXState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackFreeModeState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackGroupFlags_HighState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackGroupFlagsState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackHeightState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackIcon_Filename - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackID - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackINQState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackIPhaseState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackIsBusState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackLayoutNames - improved checking for validity of parameters when no layout available made a Lua-error -> fixed now - TrackStates: GetTrackLength - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackLockState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMainSendState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMidiBankProgFn - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMidiColorMapFn - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMidiCTL - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMidiInputChanMap - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMIDIOutState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMidiTextStrFn - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackMuteSoloState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackName - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackNChansState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackPanMode - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackPeakColorState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackPerfState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackRecCFG - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackRecState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackScore - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackShowInMixState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackVolPan - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackVUState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: GetTrackWidth - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackAutomodeState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackAutoRecArmState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackBeatState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackBusCompState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackBypFXState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackFreeModeState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackGroupFlags_HighState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackGroupFlagsState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackHeightState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackIcon_Filename - improved checking for validity of parameters; didn’t add trackicon, when no image was set already -> fixed; when Iconfilename_with_path=nil, removes trackicon now - TrackStates: SetTrackID - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackINQState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackIPhaseState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackIsBusState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackLayoutNames - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackLockState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMainSendState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMidiBankProgFn - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMidiColorMapFn - improved checking for validity of parameters, setting filename to "" removes the MidiColorMap, now - TrackStates: SetTrackMidiCTL - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMidiInputChanMap - improved checking for validity of parameters; didn’t set MidiInputChanMap -> fixed; removes now MidiInputChanMap, when InputChanMap=nil - TrackStates: SetTrackMIDIOutState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMidiTextStrFn - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackMuteSoloState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackName - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackNChansState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackPanMode - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackPeakColorState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackPerfState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackRecCFG - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackRecState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackScore - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackShowInMixState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackVolPan - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackVUState - improved checking for validity of parameters - TrackStates: SetTrackWidth - improved checking for validity of parameters - Ultraschall Docs: functiontitles aren’t links anymore, added a clickable symbol at the beginning of the title line of each function now - Ultraschall Docs: print, print2 and toboolean as well as all API-variables are now written in bold, as all other functions are - Windows: GetReaperWindowPosition_Left - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Windows: GetReaperWindowPosition_Right - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for getting the ini-file-value - Windows: SetReaperWindowToSize - using now the SetIniFileValue-function for setting the ini-file-value ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.7: - “Frank Zappa - The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet” - 15th of December 2018 Has now 700 functions, with about 250 new ones! New features in 4.00beta2.7 - SetEnvelopeHeight - set the height and compactible state of an envelope-lane/envelopestatechunk - GetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber - get a TrackStateChunk without the hassle of creating a trackobject first - SetTrackStateChunk_Tracknumber - set a TrackStateChunk without the hassle of creating a trackobject first - GetTrackWidth - gets the Track-Width - GetTrackVolPan - gets Vol and Pan-settings of the track - GetTrackScore - gets Score of the track - GetTrackPanMode - gets PanMode of the track - GetTrackMidiColorMapFn - gets MidiColorMapFilename of the track - GetTrackMidiBankProgFn - gets MidiBankProg-Filename of the track - GetTrackMidiTextStrFn - gets MidiTextStr-Filename of the track - GetTrackID - gets the track-ID - CountPatternInString - counts a pattern in a sourcestring and returns appearances and positions of appearances - ConvertColor - converts color to native, without the hassle that Reaper needs - CountNormalMarkers_NumGap - returns the first numbering-gap within shown-markernumbers - CenterViewToCursor - centers arrange view to play-, edit- or mousecursor-timeposition. - SetReaperWindowToSize - to set the size of Reaper’s Main Window - toboolean - converts a string to boolean, if possible. Like Lua’s tostring() or tonumber()-functions - CheckActionCommandIDFormat - checks, if an action-command-id is properly formatted - CheckActionCommandIDFormat2 - checks, if an action-command-id is properly formatted and if it exists in the Reaper-installation - IsRegionAtPosition - checks, if regions are at a certain position and returns their index-numbers - IsMarkerAtPosition - checks, if markers are at a certain position and returns their index-numbers - SetTrackID - sets the track-ID - SetTrackMidiColorMapFn - sets MidiColorMapFilename of the track - SetTrackMidiBankProgFn - sets MidiBankProg-Filename of the track - SetTrackMidiTextStrFn - sets MidiTextStr-Filename of the track - SetTrackPanMode - sets PanMode of the track - SetTrackWidth - sets the Track-Width - InsertMediaItemFromFile - inserts a mediafile into the project at position and in specific track - GetMediafileAttributes - returns mediafile-attributes - GetMarkerByName - gets markers/regions by name - GetMarkerByName_Pattern - gets markers/regions that have a certain character-sequence in their name - GetMarkerByIndex - gets values of a certain marker/region, count by either markers or regions - SetMarkerByIndex - sets values of a certain marker/region, count by either markers or regions - GetReaperAppVersion - returns the appversion and the bits-version of the Reaper-App, separated into version and bits(unlike reaper.GetAppVersion()) - GetOS - returns the operating system and it’s bits separated, unlike reaper.GetOS() - IsOS_Windows - returns true, if the operating-system is Windows, false if not. Also returns the bits of the os. - IsOS_Mac - returns true, if the operating-system is MacOS, false if not. Also returns the bits of the os. - IsOS_Other - returns true, if the operating-system is other(usually Linux), false if not. Also returns the bits of the os. - GetItemSpectralConfig - gets the FFT-size of the spectral-edit-view of a specific item/statechunk - SetItemSpectralConfig - sets the FFT-size of the spectral-edit-view of a specific item/statechunk - GetItemSpectralEdit - Get the settings of a given spectral-edit-boundary-box - CountItemSpectralEdits - Counts the number of spectral-edit-boundary-boxes - DeleteItemSpectralEdit - deletes a spectral-edit-boundary-box - SetTrackScore - sets SCORE-state of a track - SetTrackVolPan - set vol, pan, panlaw of a track - SetTrackRecCFG - set track-rec-encoding-configuration - LimitFractionOfFloat - takes a float-value and reduces the number of digits in the fraction-part of the float; (500th Api function!) - SearchStringInString - searches for occurrences of a string within another string; differs from CountPatternInString in that it allows disabling searching for strings within already found strings - GetAllEntriesFromTable - returns all entries from a table in an iterable form; good for unknown tables/tablestructures - GetItemSourceFile_Take - returns filename, pcm-source and the media-item-take-object of a requested take - GetAllDirectoriesInPath - gets all directory-names in path - GetAllFilesnamesInPath - gets all filenames in path - CountDirectoriesAndFilesInPath - counts files and directories in path - APIExists - returns, if a certain function/element exists in the ultraschall-api - AddItemSpectralEdit - adds an spectral-editing-box into an item/statechunk - GetItemSpectralVisibilityState - get the visibility-state of spectral-edit of a certain MediaItem - IsValidEnvStateChunk - checks, if a string is a valid envelope-state-chunk - IsValidTrackStateChunk - checks, if a sring is a valid trackstate-chunk - IsValidItemStateChunk - checks, if a string is a valid itemstate-chunk - EnumProjects - gets the projectfilename+path and the ReaProject-object of a requested project - DeleteProjExtState_Section - deletes all project-extstates from a specific section - DeleteProjExtState_Key - deletes the value from a specific project-extstates->section->key - GetProjExtState_AllKeyValues - get all keys and values from a proj-extstate - IsValidGuid - checks, if a string is a valid guid - SetGuidExtState - sets a proj-extstate with a guid as extname(good for additional metadata for tracks/items/etc - GetGuidExtState - gets a proj-extstate with a guid as extname(good for additional metadata for tracks/items/etc - GetVZoom - returns the current vertical-zoomfactor of the current project - SetVZoom - sets the vertical-zoomfactor of the current project - StoreArrangeviewSnapshot - stores a snapshot of current start/endposition and verticalzoom from the arrangeview into a proj-extstate-slot - IsValidArrangeviewSnapshot - checks, whether an arrangeview-snapshot-slot is set/valid - RetrieveArrangeviewSnapshot - returns the values set in a specific Arrangeview-Snapshot-slot - RestoreArrangeviewSnapshot - sets arrangeview to start/endposition/verticalzoom, as set in the arrangeview-snapshot-slot - DeleteArrangeviewSnapshot - deletes an arrangeview-snapshot-slot - SetBitfield - sets/unsets/toggles individual bits in a bitfield - PreventCreatingUndoPoint - prevents creation of an undo-point(only useful in non-defer-scripts) - SetIntConfigVar_Bitfield - allows setting config-vars, that are integer-bitfields, quite easy - IsValidProjectStateChunk - checks, if a string is a valid ProjectStateChunk - CountMarkersAndRegions - counts markers and regions and returns their count as two(!) retvals - GetLastMarkerPosition - gets the position and idx of the last marker in the project - GetLastRegion - gets start/endposition and idx of the last ending region in the project - GetLastTimeSigMarkerPosition - gets position, measure- and beatposition of the last time-sig-marker in the project - MakeCopyOfTable - creates a true copy of a table(not only references) adapted from Tyler Neylon’s function, found at Stack Overflow Thanks to him for allowing me to use it :) - CheckForValidFileFormats - checks for valid fileformats that are supported by Reaper(still missing mp4, opus, m4a, m4v) - CompareStringWithAsciiValues - Compares a string with a number of ASCII-Values, given as individual parameters - CountEntriesInTable_Main - Counts the entries in a table; counts only the “main”-entries; returns subtables for recursive counting - ConvertStringToAscii_Array - Converts a string into an array, where each entry contains the numerical representation of the accompanying character in string - CompareArrays - Compares two arrays and returns all entries from array2, that’s missing in array1 - GetAllMediaItemGUIDs - returns a table with the guids of all MediaItems - InsertImageFile - Inserts an image-file into the project, allows looping it and giving length of the newly created item - SetItemExtState - Sets a projextstate for an item - GetItemExtState - Gets a projextstate for an item - SetTrackExtState - Sets a projextstate for a track - GetTrackExtState - Gets a projextstate for a track - CountLinesInString - Counts the lines in a string - GetIDEFontSize - gets the current fontsize set for Reaper’s IDE - SetIDEFontSize - sets a new fontsize for Reaper’s IDE - MB - like reaper.MB, but allows omitting title and type parameters for faster use. - ReadFileAsLines_Array - like ReadLinerangeFromFile, but returns the read lines as an array - GetAllMarkersBetween - returns an array with all markers between start and endposition - GetAllRegionssBetween - returns an array with all regions between start and endposition - GetAllRegions - returns an array with all regions in the project - MoveMarkersTo - moves all markers between start/endposition to a specific position - MoveRegionsTo - moves all regions between start/endposition to a specific position - CreateValidTempFile - determines a valid temporary filename and creates it, if needed. - When using the first time, it installs automatically an action for showing the Api-Help(Ultraschall and Reaper) - SetItemSpectrogram - toggles displaying spectral-edit for an item or an itemstatechunk - SetItemSpectralEdit - sets an existing spectral-edit for an item or an itemstatechunk - CountProjectTabs - counts currently opened projecttabs - GetProject_Tabs - returns all project-tabs and their accompanying filenames - CheckForChangedProjectTabs - checks, if the order of the projecttabs changed, or projecttabs were new/closed since last calling this function - GetAllSelectedMediaItems - returns an array with all selected MediaItems in the project - SetMediaItemsSelected_TimeSelection - Sets MediaItems selected within Time-Selection - GetParentTrack_MediaItem - returns the tracknumber and trackobject, in which a given MediaItem lies - IsItemInTrack2 - checks, whether an item is within a track - IsItemInTrack3 - checks, whether an item is within a number of tracks - ReturnTypeOfReaperObject - returns, type of Reaper-object - IsObjectValidReaperObject - checks, whether an object is a valid Reaper-object(project, item, take, etc) - KeepTableEntriesOfType - removes entries from a table, that aren’t of a certain type - RemoveTableEntriesOfType - removes entries from a table, that are of a certain type - IsValidTrackString - checks, whether a trackstring is a valid one - IsItemInTimerange - checks, whether an item is within a timerange - OnlyItemsInTracksAndTimerange - throws out all MediaItems from a MediaItemArray, that aren’t in given tracks and timerange - ApplyActionToMediaItem - applies an action to a MediaItem - ZoomVertical_MidiEditor - vertical zoom in MIDI-Editor - ZoomHorizontal_MidiEditor - horizontal zoom in MIDI-Editor - OpenItemInMidiEditor - opens an item in the MIDI-editor - ApplyActionToMediaItemArray - applies an action to given items - ApplyActionToTrack - applies an action to given tracks - GetAllMediaItemsInTimeSelection - returns all media-items from within time-selection - NormalizeItems - normalizes given items - added an ini-file with all render-codes for Video, MP3, FLAC, DDP, OPUS, OGG and AIFF - GetOutputFormat_RenderString - returns the output-format of a render-cfg-string from rpp-files/ProjectStateChunks and the reaper-render.ini - GetProject_RenderCFG - returns the render-string(which contains all render-settings of a project) of a project/ProjectStateChunk - SetProject_RenderCFG - sets the render-string(which contains all render-settings of a project) of a project - GetAllMediaItems - gets all MediaItems from the current project in a MediaItemArray - CreateRenderCFG_Opus - creates the render-cfg-string for an opus-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_OGG - creates the render-cfg-string for an OGG-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_DDP - creates the render-cfg-string for a DDP-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_AIFF - creates the render-cfg-string for an AIFF-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_FLAC - creates the render-cfg-string for a FLAC-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_WAVPACK - creates the render-cfg-string for a WAVPACK-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_WebMVideo - creates the render-cfg-string for an WebM-Video-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - RenderProject_RenderCFG - renders a project, using a certain render-string, created from the aforementioned functions - CreateRenderCFG_MP3MaxQuality - creates the render-cfg-string for a MP3-maxquality-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_MP3VBR - creates the render-cfg-string for a MP3-vbr-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_MP3ABR - creates the render-cfg-string for a MP3-abr-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - CreateRenderCFG_MP3CBR - creates the render-cfg-string for a MP3-cbr-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - AddIntToChar - add an integer-value to the numerical representation of a character and return it as a new character - CreateRenderCFG_WAV - creates the render-cfg-string for a WAV-file; use it in rpp-projectfiles/ProjectStateChunks or reaper-render.ini - PreviewMediaItem - play a preview of a MediaItem - StopAnyPreview - stop preview of a MediaItem - InsertTrackAtIndex - insert one or more new tracks into your project; more control about that than with Reaper’s original function - MoveTracks - moves given track(s) to a new position - PreviewMediaFile - play preview of a mediafile, that is not necessarily in the project - MakeFunctionUndoable - run a function with it and it will create an Undo-Point for that given function automatically - GetProject_Selection - get the time-selection of an rpp-project or ProjectStateChunk - SetProject_Selection - set the time-selection of an rpp-project or ProjectStateChunk - DirectoryExists - check, if a directory already exists in a path - All parts of the API have now their own build-counters in the ultraschall_api.ini - API checks now, if SWS2.9.7 is installed and displays an error-message, if it’s missing. - ApplyFunctionToMediaItemArray - applies a function to all MediaItems in a MediaItemArray - ReturnTableAsIndividualValues - returns index 1 to 64 of a table as return-values - GetMediaItemTake - returns a MediaItem_Take of an item, either a specific or the active one - requires now Reaper 5.95 - GetProject_MarkersAndRegions - returns Markers and Regions from a Projectfile/ProjectStateChunk into an array - RenderProjectRegions_RenderCFG - renders a project’s region - GetGapsBetweenItems - returns a table with all gaps between items in a track - IsValidMatchingPattern - checks, if a string is a valid pattern-matching string - IsValidReaProject - checks, if a ReaProject-object is a valid one - type - returns the type of an object, either Lua’s own datatypes or Reaper’s own datatypes (SWS-specific-datatypes are not supported…yet(?)) - SetTrackGroupFlagsState - sets the GroupFlagsState in a track or a TrackStateChunk for track-group 1-32 - SetTrackGroupFlags_HighState - sets the GroupFlagsState in a track or a TrackStateChunk for track-group 33-64 - GetTrackGroupFlags_HighState - gets the GroupFlagsState in a track or a TrackStateChunk for track-group 33-64 - all(!) TrackStates are now get/settable(!) - all functions create now useful error-messages, who can be retrieved with the error-message-functions, refer to the Developer -> Error Handling-functions in the index of the functions-reference Good riddance, what a long term hard work to code that... - GetCurrentTimeLengthOfFrame - gets the length of a frame in seconds of a certain project; good for video/image-related functions like InsertImageFile - GetLengthOfFrames - gets the length of a number of frames in seconds of a certain project; good for video/image-related functions like InsertImageFile - GetStartNewFileRecSizeState - gets, if Reaper shall start a new file during recording, after XXX MBs, and the maximum size of a recorded file til restart - SetStartNewFileRecSizeState - sets, if Reaper shall start a new file during recording, after XXX MBs, and the maximum size of a recorded file til restart - GetPlayCursorWidth - get the width of the playcursor in pixels - SetPlayCursorWidth - set the width of the playcursor in pixels - GetReaperAlwaysOnTopState - get, if Reaper is set to be always on top of other applications, as set by action 40239 - GetInputOutputLatency_Seconds - returns the input/output-latency in seconds - CreateTrackString_ArmedTracks - creates a trackstring with the tracknumbers of all armed tracks - CreateTrackString_UnarmedTracks - creates a trackstring with the tracknumbers of all unarmed tracks - IsValidEnvelopePointArray - checks, if an EnvelopePointArray is a valid one - Api_InstallPath - an API-variable that contains the path to the install-folder of the Ultraschall-API - ConvertOldProjectToCurrentReaperVersion - converts an rpp-projectfile from an earlier version of Reaper to the current one - CreateRenderCFG_AudioCD - create a renderstring for audio-cd-images - GetMarkerUpdateCounter - returns an update-counter for all markers in all projects, that is updated, as soon as a marker is added/deleted/set/moved/altered - CreateTrackStringByGUID - creates a trackstring of all tracks, given as GUIDs - CreateTrackStringByTracknames - creates a trackstring of all tracks, given as tracknames - CreateTrackStringByMediaTracks - creates a trackstring with all track-objects in a MediaTrackArray - GetScreenHeight - returns the height of the screen - GetScreenWidth - returns the width of the screen - pause_follow_one_cycle - skips followmode-auto-off-checking-script for one cycle; only relevant for scripts that shall work within Ultraschall.FM-extension - DeleteMediaItemsBetween - deletes MediaItems between start and endposition within tracks, given by trackstring; the deleting-equivalent of GetAllMediaItemsBetween - GetSetConfigAcidImport - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable acidimport; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigActionMenu - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable actionmenu; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigAdjRecLat - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable adjreclat; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigAdjRecManLat - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable adjrecmanlat; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigAdjRecManLatIn - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable adjrecmanlatin; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigAfxCfg - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable afxcfg; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetSetConfigAllStereoPairs - gets/sets the configuration-setting for configuration-variable afxcfg; also adds the setting to reaper.ini, if needed - GetDuplicatesFromArrays - returns the entries from an array, that are duplicate or are in only one of these two arrays - OnlyFilesOfCertainType - returns all files of a certain type from an array of filenames - ConcatIntegerIndexedTables - concatenate the entries from two tables into one - CreateColorTable - create a ColorTable that includes colorpatterns - CreateSonicRainboomColorTable - creates a ColorTable with Ultraschall’s standard-trackcolor-pattern “Sonic Rainboom Color” - IsValidColorTable - checks, whether a ColorTable is a valid one - ApplyColorTableToTrackColors - Apply a ColorTable to colorize MediaTracks - Docs - added parts of Reaper Internals to the US-Apidocs, more to come - GetCurrentReaperWorkDir - gets the current working directory of Reaper; if you create file without a path in Lua, they will be stored in that path - SetCurrentReaperWorkDir - sets the current working directory of Reaper; if you create file without a path in Lua, they will be stored in that path; needs a Reaper restart! - DirectoryExists2 - returns, if a certain path exists. Unlike DirectoryExists, which checks, whether a directory in a path exists - GetScriptFilenameFromActionCommandID - gets the script-filename associated to a specific ActionCommandID - GetProject_CountAutomationItems - counts the automation-items in a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_AutomationItemStateChunk - gets an automation-item from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_ProjectBay - gets the projectbay from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Metronome - gets the statechunk for all metronome-settings from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterPlayspeed - gets the statechunk for all master-playspeed-settings from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Tempo - gets the statechunk for all tempo-settings from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Extensions - gets the statechunk for all extension-settings from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Lock - gets the individual lock-settings from a project/ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_GlobalAuto - returns the global automation override-settings of an rpp-file or ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Tempo - returns the tempo-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_Playrate - returns the playrate-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterAutomode - returns the Mastertrack-automation-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterSel - returns the Mastertrack-selection-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterFXByp - returns the Mastertrack-fx-bypass-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterMuteSolo - returns the Mastertrack-mute-solo-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterNChans - returns the Mastertrack-num-channels-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterTrackHeight - returns the Mastertrack-trackheight-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterTrackColor - returns the Mastertrack-trackcolor-mode-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_CountMasterHWOuts - counts the HWOuts for a Master-track of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterHWOut - returns the Mastertrack-HWOUT-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk; there can be multiple ones, selectable by idx - GetProject_MasterVolume - returns the Master-volume-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterPanMode - returns the MasterPanMode of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterWidth - returns the Width-Knob2-settings of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsState - returns the Master-groupflags-state of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterGroupFlagsHighState - returns the Master-grouphigh-flags-state of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_GroupDisabled - returns the state, which groups are disabled, of an rpp-file or a ProjectStateChunk - GetProject_MasterHWVolEnvStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterHWVolEnv - GetProject_MasterFXListStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterFXList - GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterDualPanEnv - GetProject_MasterDualPanEnv2StateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterDualPanEnv2 - GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvLStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterDualPanEnvL - GetProject_MasterDualPanEnvL2StateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterDualPanEnvL2 - GetProject_MasterVolEnvStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterVolEnv - GetProject_MasterVolEnv2StateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterVolEnv2 - GetProject_MasterVolEnv3StateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterVolEnv3 - GetProject_MasterHWPanEnvStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the MasterHWPanEnv - GetProject_MasterPanMode_Ex - returns the state of the MasterPanMode_Ex - GetProject_TempoEnv_ExStateChunk - returns the statechunk of the TempoEnv_Ex - Docs: MediaItems: Moving and Manipulating - added - Docs: MediaItems: Inserting Items and Files - added - ChangeColorBrightness - changes the brightness of a r, g, b-color-value - ChangeColorContrast - changes contrast of a r,g,b-color-value - ReverseTable - reverses the order of the entries of an integer-indexed table - ChangeColorSaturation - changes the saturation of a color-value - Docs: Datatypes_Colortables - docs about the structure of a ColorTable - ultraschall.Euro - holds an €-symbol, that is difficult to type into Reaper’s IDE - Docs: MediaItems: Programming Spectral Edit - added - Docs: MediaItems: Miscellaneous - added - Docs: Added Config-Variable into the Reaper-Internals-docs - added converted Config-Variable-docs as USDocML-file - CombineBytesToInteger - combines multiple bytes into one integer-value - SplitIntegerIntoBytes - splits a 32-bit-integer-value into four bytes - GetReaperScriptPath - returns path to the scripts-folder of Reaper - GetReaperColorThemesPath - returns path to the theme-folder of Reaoer - GetReaperJSFXPath - returns path to the JSFX-plugin-folder of Reaper - GetReaperWebRCPath - returns path to Reaper’s own and User’s own WebRC-webpage-folder - Docs - added File Management: Introduction to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs - added docs for ultraschall.Euro, which holds the €-currency symbol - Docs - added - File Management: Read to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Added example-scripts: ArrangeView_Snapshots_Example.lua Changed_Project_Tab_Example.lua Color_Example.lua Render_Current_Project.lua Render_Project.lua RippleCut_Selected_Tracks.lua Shorten_MediaItems_In_Selection_Example.lua - GetProject_Length - gets the length of an rpp-projectfile - added new analyser-scripts for statechunks: Item_State_Diffs_Monitor.lua, Track_State_Diffs_Monitor.lua, Project_State_Diffs_Monitor.lua, Env_State_Diffs_Monitor.lua - Docs: File Management: Write - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: File Management: Analyse - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: File Management: Misc - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Project Management: Introduction - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Project Management: Check for changed projecttabs - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: added WebRC-API-docs - Docs: added Video-Processor-API-docs - Docs: reworked slightly the header of the Reaper-Internals-page - Docs: Color Management: Introduction - added chapter - Docs: Color Management: Native Color Conversion - added chapter - Docs: Color Management: Brightness, Contrast and Colorsaturation - added chapter - Docs: Color Management: Working with Colortables - added chapter - Docs: Color Management: Creating Colortables - added chapter - Docs: Color Management: Applying Colortables - added chapter - ConvertColorFromMac - Converts a native-Mac to rgb-values - ConvertColorFromWin - Converts a native-Windows/Linux-color to rgb-values - ConvertColorToMac - Converts rgb-values to a native-MacOS-color - ConvertColorToWin - Converts rgb-values to a native-Windows/Linux-color - ApplyColorTableToItemColors - applies a ColorTable to MediaItems in a MediaItemArray - Docs: added all functions from JS-plugin by Julian Sader and Xenakios to Reaper-Api-Docs - ultraschall_track_old_cursorposition.lua - background-script for returning the last editcursor-position before the current one - RunBackgroundHelperFeatures - runs background-scripts included with the Ultraschall-API - GetLastCursorPosition - returns the last editcursor-position before the current one; needs Backgroundscripts started first using RunBackgroundHelperFeatures - Docs: Concepts-page - added chapter about Extstates for MediaTracks, MediaItems and guids - IsMuteAtPosition - checks, whether a mute-point exists in a track at a position - IsMuteAtPosition_TrackObject - checks, whether a mute-point exists in a MediaTrack-object at a position - DeleteMuteState - deletes a mute-point in a track at a given position - DeleteMuteState_TrackObject - deletes a mute-point in a MediaTrack-object at a given position - Docs: Concepts-page - added chapter about backgroundscripts in Ultraschall-API and the use of it for functions like GetLastCursorPosition - Docs: Concepts-page - added chapter about cough/mute-buttons - requires now Julian Sader’s plugin as well - CloseReaConsole - closes ReaConsole-window - DeleteErrorMessage - deletes a specific error-message from the error-messaging-system - Docs: Error-Messaging-System - added docchapters to Introductions/Concepts-page - GFX_BlitBufferImage - blits the framebuffer into the window and resizes it, if needed, using the correct aspect ratio; preliminary support - Docs: Trackstate Management: Introduction - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Routing: Introduction - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Routing: Send and Receives - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Routing: Hardware Outs - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - ApplyActionToMediaItemArray2 - applies an action to multiple items at once, unlike ApplyActionToMediaItemArray(which applies the action to each item individually) - PutMediaItemsToClipboard_MediaItemArray - puts all MediaItems from MediaItemArray into the clipboard - Docs: ExtState Management: Introduction - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Ini-Files - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Inifile-Functions - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Ultraschall.ini - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Track and Item-Extstates - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Track Extstates - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: ExtState Management: Item Extstates - added chapter to Introduction/Concepts-page - MoveRegionsBy - moves regions by seconds - MoveTimeSigMarkersBy - moves Timesignature/Tempo-markers by seconds - ShowMenu - shows a new context-menu at a given position - Docs: Markers and Regions: Introduction - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Markers and Regions: General How To - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Markers and Regions: Helpers and Manipulation - added to Introduction/Concepts-page - CycleTable - cycles the entries of a table through - GetErrorMessage_Funcname - returns error-message of a certain function - CountErrorMessage_Funcname - counts all error-messages a certain function left in the error-messagin-system - GetLastErrorMessage_Funcname - returns the last error-message a certain function left in the error-messaging-system - DisplayMarkersRegions_underneath_Mouse.lua - example-script that displays the markers/regions underneath the mouse - ShowMediaItems_In_Timeselection_and_SelectedTracks.lua - example script that shows selected items by time-selection and track-selection - TrackAndItem_ColorCycler.lua - example script that cycles colors of tracks and items - Render_Project.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - DisplayMarkersRegions_underneath_Mouse.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - ShowMediaItems_In_Timeselection_and_SelectedTracks.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - Render_Current_Project.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - Changed_Project_Tab_Example.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - ArrangeView_Snapshots_Example.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - RippleCut_Selected_Tracks.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - Color_Example.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - Shorten_MediaItems_In_Selection_Example.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - ColorTables_ColorCycler.gif - added example-gif that demonstrates example-script - Docs: Helper_Functions: Introduction - added chapter to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Helper_Functions: Clipboard Management - added chapter to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Helper_Functions: Data Manipulation - added chapter to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Helper_Functions: Undo Management - added chapter to the Introduction/Concepts-page - Docs: Final words - added chapter to the Introduction/Concepts-page - GetSetConfigAlwaysAllowKB - gets/sets value for configvar alwaysallowkb - GetSetConfigApplyFXTail - get/sets value for configvar applyfxtail - GetSetConfigAdjRecManLatIn -get/sets value for configvar ajdrecmanlatin - GetSetConfigAudioPrShift - get/sets value for configvar audioprshift - GetSetConfigAudioCloseStop - get/sets value for configvar audioclosestop - GetSetConfigAudioThreadPr - get/sets value for configvar audiothreadpr - GetSetConfigAudioCloseTrackWnds - get/sets value for configvar audioclosetrackwnds - WinterlySnowflakes - replaces gfx.update with a version, that displays falling snowflakes everytime gfx.update is run Changes from 4.00beta2.6 to 4.00beta2.7 - Tons of bugfixes. I mean, tons as in metric tons ;) - GetTrackRecCFG - added documentation, that was still missing -> fixed now; added missing return-value - GetLastErrorMessage2 - had wrong functionname, corrected documentation - cleaned up code and improved readability - GetPartialString - returns nil in case of error now - WriteValueToFile - minor additions to documentation - CreateTrackNumbersString - minor additions to documentation - SetTrackMuteSoloState - corrected documentation’s-description - initialization of the framework on Mac could potentially not work due wrong separator -> fixed now - improved installation and usage-procedure of the framework heavily - GetTrackAutoRecArmState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackAutomodeState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackBeatState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackBusCompState - supports now trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackBypFXState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackFreeModeState - supports now trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackGroupFlagsState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackHeightState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackINQState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackIPhaseState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackIcon_Filename - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - GetTrackIsBusState - supports now trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackLayoutNames - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - GetTrackLockState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackMIDIOutState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackMainSendState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackMidiCTL - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackMidiInputChanMap - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - GetTrackMuteSoloState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackNChansState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackName - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - GetTrackPeakColorState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackPerfState - supports now trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackRecCFG - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackRecState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackShowInMixState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well; sped up code - GetTrackVUState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well, fixed bug; sped up code - SetTrackAutoRecArmState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackAutomodeState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackBeatState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackBusCompState - supports now trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackBypFXState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackFreeModeState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackHeightState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackINQState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackIPhaseState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackIcon_Filename - supports now trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackIsBusState - supports now trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackLayoutNames - supports now trackstatechunks as well; minor improvements - SetTrackLockState - supports now trackstatechunks as well; improved speed - SetTrackMIDIOutState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackMainSendState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackMidiCTL - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackMidiInputChanMap - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackMuteSoloState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackNChansState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackName - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackPeakColorState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackPerfState - supports now trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackRecState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackShowInMixState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - SetTrackVUState - supports now mastertrack and trackstatechunks as well - ToggleScrollingDuringPlayback - also affects scrolling during recording now; sometimes, continuous scroll wouldn’t restart -> fixed now - GetNextClosestItemEdge - had trouble finding the end of the last item in a track -> fixed now - GetPreviousClosestItemEdge - had trouble finding the beginning of the first item in track as well as the item before the current item at times -> fixed now - GetClosestPreviousMarker - always used cursorposition as calculation base, never mouseposition; it also couldn’t find the previous marker before the current one -> fixed now - GetClosestNextMarker - always used cursorposition as calculation base, never mouseposition -> fixed now - GetClosestNextRegionEdge - renamed from GetClosestNextRegion; always used cursorposition as calculation base, never mouseposition -> fixed now - GetClosestPreviousRegionEdge - renamed from GetClosestPreviousRegion; always used cursorposition as calculation base, never mouseposition -> fixed now - GetApiVersion - returns now an additional return-value of type “number”, that you can use for version-comparison like “if required_version>version then” - SplitStringAtLineFeedToArray - was missing the returned count-variable in the documentation -> fixed now - ToggleScrollingDuringPlayback - changed parameter move_editcursor to boolean; added goto_playcursor which moves view to playcursor; fixed bug that messed up scrolling during recording. - Ultraschall-Api is now located in UserPlugins in the resources-folder(where every third-party-plugin belongs to ;) ) - IsItemInTrack - tracknumber is now 1 based, means: 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc - ApiTest displays only one message now (damn was it annoying before… ;) ) - ReadFullFile - fixed small bug and returns now the number of lines of files, if binary is set to false - GetProject_DefPitchMode - added Rubber Band Pitchmodes and updated elastique to 3.2.3 with missing settings - SetProject_DefPitchMode - added Rubber Band Pitchmodes and updated elastique to 3.2.3 with missing settings - AddErrorMessage - new parameters, parametername and errorcode, so you can specify these better - ReadErrorMessage - includes the new parameters parametername and errorcode, sped up code; used to reset creation date instead of readstate -> fixed - GetLastErrorMessage - includes the new parameters parametername and errorcode, readstatus is now a string with “unread” or the last readtime(no boolean anymore); sped up code; used to reset creation date instead of readstate -> fixed - DeleteLastErrorMessage - deletes now the last errormessage, only changed the errorcounter before - GetLastErrorMessage2 - includes the new parameters parametername and errorcode; used to reset creation date instead of readstate -> fixed - ShowLastErrorMessage - reworked the messagebox to include functionname, parametername, errormessage and errorcode - GetPath - returns nil now, if the separator can’t be found, and throws an error-message as well in that case; did return parts of the path in filename -> fixed now - GetPartialString - returns nil now, if the separator can’t be found, and throws an error-message as well in that case; sped up code - RunCommand - throws an error-message, if an invalid action-command-id is given - CSV2Line - rewritten and sped up - RGB2Num - removed - CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray - rewrote and sped up code; supports now other separators and separators longer than one character, swapped retvals - IsItemInTrack - minor improvements - Docs: removed SWS-logo from all functions, that don’t require SWS - SetChapterMarker - removed - ImportChaptersFromFile - removed - ExportChapterMarkersToFile - removed - EnumerateChapterMarkers - removed - EnumerateDummyMarkers - removed - EnumerateEditRegion - removed - GetAllChapterMarkers - removed - DeleteChapterMarker - removed - DeleteDummyMarker - removed - CountChapterMarkers - removed - CountDummyMarkers - removed - ChapterToDummyMarker - removed - ChapterToEditMarker - removed - ChapterToMarker - removed - DummyToChapterMarker - removed - DummyToEditMarker - removed - DummyToMarker - removed - EditToChapterMarker - removed - EditToDummyMarker - removed - MarkerToChapterMarker - removed - MarkerToDummyMarker - removed - IsMarkerChapter - removed - IsMarkerDummy - removed - AddChapterMarker - removed - AddDummyMarker - removed - CountUSExternalState_sec - did not check for existence of ultraschall.ini -> fixed - CountUSExternalState_key - did not check for existence of ultraschall.ini -> fixed - EnumerateUSExternalState_sec - returned empty strings, when the ultraschall.ini contained them -> fixed - EnumerateUSExternalState_key - number was expected to be string and produced problems -> fixed - SetPlayCursor_WhenPlaying - added parameter-validity-check for parameter position - SetPlayAndEditCursor_WhenPlaying - added parameter-validity-check for parameter position - JumpForwardBy - added parameter seekplay for choosing, if playcursor shall move too; moves mainly editcursor now; pause caused problems -> fixed - JumpBackwardBy - added parameter seekplay for choosing, if playcursor shall move too; moves mainly editcursor now; pause caused problems -> fixed - GetNextClosestItemEdge - was looking in the wrong track, which caused problems with items in a single track -> fixed - GetPreviousClosestItemEdge - was looking in the wrong track, which caused problems with items in a single track -> fixed - GetClosestNextRegionEdge - returns now “beg” oder “end” to indicate, which side of the region has been found - GetClosestPreviousRegionEdge - returns now “beg” oder “end” to indicate, which side of the region has been found - ToggleMute_TrackObject - sped up code - GetItemPlayRate_StateChunk - docs, added information about some of the parameters, like pitch-settings - ToggleStateButton - added section-info to the docs - RefreshToolbar_Action - added section-info to the docs - ToggleStateAction - added section-info to the docs - CountNormalMarkers - added support for planned chapter-markers(color_value 100, 255, 0); was counting wrong, when regions were available -> fixed - accidentally used os as return-variable in many functions, leading to overwriting of Lua’s own os.functions() like, etc -> fixed - CountPatternInString - internal changes to prevent accidental overwriting of Lua’s own string.functions() - SplitStringAtLineFeedToArray - the entries in the array still contained the useless line-feed -> fixed - integer parameters accept only integers from now on (used to be numbers) - CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray - the returned count-value was one too high -> fixed - CountNormalMarkers - added support for planned chapter marker - EnumerateNormalMarkers - support for planned chapter marker added; added missing info in the docs - EnumerateEditMarkers - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - SetNormalMarker - added support for planned chapter marker; expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - SetEditMarker - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - DeleteNormalMarker - added support for planned chapter marker; deleted in some situations non-normal-markers -> fixed - DeleteEditMarker - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - IsMarkerEdit - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - IsMarkerNormal - added support for planned chapter marker; expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-marker, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - IsRegionEditRegion - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-region, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - SetEditRegion - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-region, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - DeleteEditRegion - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-region, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - EnumerateEditRegion - expected “_Edit:” as name of edit-region, instead of “_Edit” -> fixed - GetAllNormalMarkers - added index-number and shown-number to the array; completed docs - GetAllMarkers - added index-number, shown-number and color to the array; completed docs; didn’t get the first marker -> fixed - GetAllEditMarkers - added index-number to the array; completed docs - DeletePodRangeRegion - return value is now boolean - DeleteNormalMarker - completed docs - ExportNormalMarkersToFile - completed docs - CountNormalMarkers_NumGap - completed docs - MarkerToEditMarker - completed docs - CountEditMarkers - used to count edit-regions as well -> fixed now - ExportEditMarkersToFile - crashed due bug with edit-regions -> fixed now - WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary - naming conflict, 2 functions had the name WriteValueToFile_Replace; renamed one to WriteValueToFile_ReplaceBinary - EditToMarker - small internal changes to give the marker it’s correct color: Reaper’s default color for marker - CreateTrackNumbersString_SelectedTracks - additions to the docs - ReadValueFromFile - returns now all found lines as array; retval numberoflines used to give the same number as number_of_foundlines, so I changed it to numberoflines_in_file, that returns the total number of lines in the file, even if fewer lines are returned - Renderfunctions - improved behavior when rendering currently opened project; always uses now the correct projectfile, used to guess location of projectfile one dir above the recording-dir - GetProject_GroupOverride, GetProject_RippleState, GetProject_ReaperVersion - documentation stated “kb-ini-file” instead of “rpp-projectfile” -> fixed - renamed GetMarkerByIndex to GetMarkerAndRegionsByIndex to reflect the fact, that it supports markers AND regions - SplitStringAtLineFeedToArray - used to treat LFCR as two linebreaks, which caused empty lines in windows-strings. Treats LFCR as one linebreak now. - ReadLinerangeFromFile - allows now reading the whole file, when giving -1 as lastlinenumber; added missing information in the docs - As the Functions-Engine is essential for all parts of the Ultraschall-API, it can’t be turned off anymore. - renamed MoveMarkers to MoveMarkersBy, reimplemented it, as sometimes, it messed up marker order after movement - ReadValueFromFile - sped up code, returned wrong found-lines-value -> fixed - CheckMediaItemArray - did not return the altered MediaItemArray and count, when returning retval=false -> fixed - ChangeOffsetOfMediaItems_FromArray - typos in the docs -> fixed - GetSelectedMediaItemsAtPosition - error in documentation -> fixed - OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring_StateChunk - had the docs of OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring -> fixed now - CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray - accidentally reversed retvals in the docs -> fixed - restructured index of the Api-docs - GetProject_AddMediaToProjectAfterRender - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_ApplyFXCFG - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_AutoCrossFade - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_CountMarkersAndRegions - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_CursorPos - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_DefPitchMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_EnvAttach - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_Feedback - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_GetMarker - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_GetRegion - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_Grid - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_GroupOverride - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_HorizontalZoom - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_ItemMixBehavior - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_Loop - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_LoopGran - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_MaxProjectLength - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_MixerUIFlags - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_NumberOfTracks - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_PanLaw - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_PanMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_PeakGain - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_ProjOffsets - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_ReaperVersion - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well; exposed internal variables -> fixed - GetProject_RecMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RecPath - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RecordCFG - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderDitherState - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderFilename - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well; exposed an internal variable temp -> fixed - GetProject_RenderFreqNChans - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderPattern - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well; exposed an internal variable temp -> fixed - GetProject_RenderRange - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderResample - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderSpeed - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RenderStems - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_RippleState - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_SMPTESync - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_SampleRate - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_TakeLane - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_TempoTimeSignature - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_TimeBase - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_Timemode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_TrackMixingDepth - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_TrackStateChunk - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_UseRecConfig - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_VerticalZoom - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - GetProject_VideoConfig - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - TimeStringToSeconds_hh_mm_ss_mss - had wrong functionname and link in the docs -> fixed - GetItemAllTakes - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemBeat - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemChanMode - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemFadeFlag - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemFadeIn - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemFadeOut - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemGUID - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemGroup - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemIGUID - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemIID - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemLength - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemLock - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemLoop - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemMixFlag - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!); returned the BEAT-state, not MIXFLAG -> fixed - GetItemMute - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemName - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemPlayRate - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemPosition - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemRecPass - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemSampleOffset - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemSelected - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemSnapOffset - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemUSTrackNumber_StateChunk - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - GetItemVolPan - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - SetTrackHWOut - had wrong link in the docs -> fixed - SetItemUSTrackNumber_StateChunk - tracknumbers are 1 based now - SetItemLength - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - SetItemPosition - allows usage of MediaItems themselves as well now; added parameter MediaItem before StateChunk(!) - RenderProjectToAIFF - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_AIFF and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToFLAC - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_FLAC and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToMP3_ABR - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_MP3ABR and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToMP3_CBR - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_AMP3CBR and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToMP3_MaxQuality - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_MP3MaxQuality and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToMP3_VBR - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_MP3VBR and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - RenderProjectToOpus - removed, use CreateRenderCFG_Opus and RenderProject_RenderCFG instead - GetProject_VideoConfig - corrected documentation - SetProject_VideoConfig - corrected documentation - SetProject_RecMode - corrected documentation - GetProject_SMPTESync - returned wrong retvals, fixed - GetPath - returns now also the filename, returns "“,”" instead of nil in case of error. - SetProject_AddMediaToProjectAfterRender - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_ApplyFXCFG - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_AutoCrossFade - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_CursorPos - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_DefPitchMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_EnvAttach - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_Feedback - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_Grid - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_GroupOverride - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_HorizontalZoom - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_ItemMixBehavior - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_Loop - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_LoopGran - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_MaxProjectLength - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_MixerUIFlags - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_PanLaw - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_PanMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_PeakGain - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_ProjOffsets - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RecMode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RecPath - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RecordCFG - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderCFG - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderDitherState - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderFilename - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderFreqNChans - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderPattern - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well; now allows removing the RENDERPATTERN-entry from a Projectfile using nil as parameter. Good, if you only want to set a Rendername in a project. - SetProject_RenderRange - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderResample - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderSpeed - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RenderStems - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_RippleState - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_SMPTESync - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_SampleRate - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_Selection - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_TakeLane - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_TempoTimeSignature - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_TimeBase - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_Timemode - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_TrackMixingDepth - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well; hadn’t correct parameters in the docs -> fixed - SetProject_UseRecConfig - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - SetProject_VerticalZoom - allows usage of ProjectStateChunks now as well - OpenURL - had a problem on Windows, when the url-string contained spaces -> fixed; returns -1 in case of error, now - GetReaperAppVersion - returns now the operating system as well if the Reaper-installation is a portable one. - GetClosestGoToPoints - added options to get closest goto-points from current edit/playcursor-position; added returning marker/region name - ReadBinaryFileFromPattern - corrected docs, rewrote function for more speed - CountKeysByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - CountSectionsByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - CountValuesByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - EnumerateKeysByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - EnumerateSectionsByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - EnumerateValuesByPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - ReadBinaryFileFromPattern - checks for malformed patterns, now - ReadBinaryFileUntilPattern - had wrong functionname in error-message -> fixed, checks for malformed patterns, now - ReadValueFromFile - checks for malformed patterns, now - RippleInsert_MediaItemStateChunks - had a bug that could cause an error-message -> fixed - GetTrackGroupFlagsState - had a bug in checking for validity of TrackStateChunks -> fixed - SetKBIniActions - rewritten, as the previous version wasn’t working right - SetKBIniScripts - rewritten, as the previous version wasn’t working right - SetKBIniKeys - rewritten, as the previous version wasn’t working right - AddTrackAUXSendReceives - didn’t support Master Track, changed that - SetTrackAUXSendReceives - didn’t support Master Track, changed that - DeleteTrackAUXSendReceives - didn’t support Master Track, changed that - ToggleScrollingDuringPlayback - minor corrections in the docs - GetAllRegionsBetween - corrections in the docs - GetItemSpectralVisibilityState - had wrong functionname in docs -> fixed - GetTrackExtState - corrections in the docs - DeleteArrangeviewSnapshot - had wrong functionname in docs -> fixed - CenterViewToCursor - had documented a retval that the function doesn’t return -> fixed - CreateTrackNumbersString - renamed to CreateTrackString - CreateTrackNumbersString_SelectedTracks - renamed to CreateTrackString_SelectedTracks - GetMediaItemsFromClipboard - using renamed function CreateTrackString() now - InsertMediaItemFromFile - using renamed function CreateTrackString_SelectedTracks() now - GetClosestNextRegionEdge - docs: was missing additional return-value edge_type -> fixed now - JumpBackwardBy - docs: changed name of parameter position to seconds, as that represents more, what the parameter does - JumpForwardBy - docs: changed name of parameter position to seconds, as that represents more, what the parameter does - JumpBackwardBy_Recording - docs: changed name of parameter position to seconds, as that represents more, what the parameter does - JumpForwardBy_Recording - docs: changed name of parameter position to seconds, as that represents more, what the parameter does - GetClosestGoToPoints - added mouse-cursor-position as possible option - GetNextClosestItemEdge - was returning wrong retvals when no item was found -> fixed - CenterViewToCursor - added parameter for a non-cursor-position of your choice to center to - SetItemPosition - exchanged position and optional statechunk-parameters to be in line with SetProject/Track-statefunctions - SetItemLength - exchanged length and optional statechunk-parameters to be in line with SetProject/Track-statefunctions - GetSplitCrossFadeState_ReaperIni - removed, will return as a new function - MoveMediaItemsSectionTo - renamed to MoveMediaItemsBetween_To, as this is more in line with the corresponding of functionnames for getting, deleting, splitting items - InsertMediaItem_MediaItem - allows now inserting MediaItems from other projects as well and into tracks of other projects - InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk - allows now tracks in other projects to be target; h ad an issue, that it always required ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER in the itemstatechunk to get the target-track -> fixed now to also allow passing a MediaTrack, as the docs always stated has now additional retvals startposition, endposition, length fixed the docs - ReadBinaryFile_Offset - if startoffset is negative, the offset will be seen from the end of the file now - ReadBinaryFile - removed, due being a duplication of ReadFullFile - ReadFileAsLines_Array - corrected docs - CreateTrackString_AllTracks - renamed from CreateAllTracksTrackString to be more in line with other CreateTrackString-functions - RippleCut - removed the move_markers parameter; added add_to_clipboard parameters, which puts the cut-items to the clipboard - RippleCut_Reverse - removed the move_markers parameter; added add_to_clipboard parameters, which puts the cut-items to the clipboard - SectionCut - removed the move_markers parameter; added add_to_clipboard parameters, which puts the cut-items to the clipboard - SectionCut_Inverse - removed the move_markers parameter; added add_to_clipboard parameters, which puts the cut-items to the clipboard - EnumerateIniFileExternalState_sec - added error-messages for invalid section-indices - GetUSExternalState - returns now only the value-returnvalue - GetID3TagsFromCurrentProject - removed, due being useless in Ultraschall 4.0 - GetID3TagsFromCurrentProject_PodcastTags - removed, due being useless in Ultraschall 4.0 - SetID3TagsForCurrentProject - removed, due being useless in Ultraschall 4.0 - SetID3TagsForCurrentProject_PodcastTags - removed, due being useless in Ultraschall 4.0 - Msg - removed, was useless ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.6: - “Is that all there is? - Peggy Lee” - 19th of October 2017 New features in 4.00beta2.6 - has now 450 functions, with about 30 new ones: - CreateAllTracksTrackString - creates a trackstring with all tracks in the current project - new datastructure “EnvelopePointObjects” and “EnvelopePointArrays”(for EnvelopePointObjects) for easier massworking with envelopepoints - CreateEnvelopePointObject - creates an EnvelopePointObject - GetEnvelopePoint - gets envelopepoint easier than Reaper’s own functions. Returns value converted to db-value as well - GetClosestEnvelopePointIDX_ByTime - gets envelope-point-idx closest to a given timeposition - GetEnvelopePointIDX_Between - gets envelope-points between start and endtime - AddEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject - adds an EnvelopePointObject - AddEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray - adds an array of EnvelopePointObjects - CheckEnvelopePointObject - checks, if an EnvelopePointObject is a valid one - DeleteEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject - deletes an envelope-point, according to the EnvelopePointObject - DeleteEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray - deletes envelope-points, according to EnvelopePointObjects in EnvelopePointArray - SetEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointObject - sets an envelope-point, according to the EnvelopePointObject - SetEnvelopePoints_EnvelopePointArray - sets envelope-points, according to EnvelopePointObjects in EnvelopePointArray - CountEnvelopePoints - counts envelope-point in a given track and envelope-name - ToggleIDE_Errormessages - toggles, if API shows the errormessages in Reaper’s IDE or not - WriteValueToFile_Insert - inserts a string into a specific line-position of a file - WriteValueToFile_Replace - replaces specific lines in a file with value - GetLengthOfFile - returns length of a file - ReadBinaryFile_Offset - reads a binary file. Allows partial reading of a file as well. - WriteValueToFile_InsertBinary - inserts a value into a binary file at specified position - WriteValueToFile_Replace - replaces a specified portion of a file with a value - GetStringFromClipboard_SWS - returns the content of the clipboard, using the SWS-function reaper.CF_GetClipboardBig, but manages the stuff necessary, that surrounds using this function - SecondsToTimeString_hh_mm_ss_mss - converts seconds into a timestring of the format hh:mm:ss.mss - TimeStringToSeconds_hh_mm_ss_mss - converts a timestring of the format hh:mm:ss.mss into seconds - ParseMarkerString - converts a string with markernames or a string with timestrings and markernames into an array - RenumerateMarkers - renumbers the shown-marker-ids in the project, beginning with the first one to the last one. Good for “ordering” markers, that were included in unordered way. - ReadFullFile - reads a file and returns it’s contents - StartTime - a new api-variable that contains the starting time of the current instance of the api, which probably means, your script, that embeds the framework Changes from 4.00beta2.5 to 4.00beta2.6 - corrections in the documentation - GetClosestNextMarker - couldn’t find last marker and showed a time, even if no marker was found -> fixed now; markers that are at time_position are now seen as a previous marker - GetClosestPreviousMarker - couldn’t find first marker and showed a time, even if no marker was found -> fixed now; markers that are at time_position are now seen as a next marker - GetClosestPreviousRegion - fixed possible bug preventing from finding the first region -> fixed now - GetClosestNextRegion - fixed possible bug preventing from finding the last region -> fixed now - GetClosestGoToPoints - new boolean parameters check_itemedge, check_marker, check_region to set, for which type of elements to look for; returns now also an item-number; instead of “Item”, it uses “Itembeg” for the beginning and “Itemend” for the end of an item now as elementtype for items; added the itemtypes to the docs - GetNextClosestItemEdge - new return values: closest_item, item_number, edgetype, found_item - GetPreviousClosestItemEdge - new return values: closest_item, item_number, edgetype, found_item - WriteValueToFile - new parameter for optional appending a value to a file, other minor corrections - SetTrackRecState - missing parameter description for tracknumber in the docs -> fixed now - GetMediaItemsFromClipboard - produced an error, that made this function unusable -> fixed now - RippleInsert - didn’t move an item close to “position” sometimes, before inserting -> fixed now - RippleInsert_MediaItemStateChunks - didn’t move an item close to “position” sometimes, before inserting -> fixed now - GetPreviousMuteState used to use 0 for track 1, 1 for track 2. Changed to 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc - GetNextMuteState used to use 0 for track 1, 1 for track 2. Changed to 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc - CountMuteEnvelopePoints used to use 0 for track 1, 1 for track 2. Changed to 1 for track 1, 2 for track 2, etc could also produce an error when using an invalid track. -> Fixed now. - ToggleMute - could produce an error, when using an invalid track. -> Fixed now. - GetTrackAutoRecArmState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackAutomodeState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBeatState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBusCompState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBypFXState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackFreeModeState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackGroupFlagsState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackHeightState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackINQState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIPhaseState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIcon_Filename - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIsBusState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackLayoutNames - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackLockState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMIDIOutState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMainSendState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMidiCTL - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMidiInputChanMap - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMuteSoloState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackNChansState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackName - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackPeakColorState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackPerfState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackRecState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackShowInMixState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackVUState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1; produced an error when using nil as tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackAutoRecArmState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackAutomodeState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackBeatState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackBusCompState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackBypFXState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackFreeModeState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackHeightState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackINQState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackIPhaseState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackIcon_Filename - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackIsBusState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackLayoutNames - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackLockState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackMIDIOutState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackMainSendState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackMidiCTL - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackMidiInputChanMap - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackMuteSoloState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackNChansState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackName - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackPeakColorState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackPerfState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackRecState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackShowInMixState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 - SetTrackVUState - tracknumbers start now with 1 for track 1, instead of 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta 2.5: - “Musique non stop - Technopop - Kraftwerk” - 10th of September 2017 New features in 4.00beta2.5 - Import Markers/Regions from RPP-Projectfiles - Selection/Deselection of items, as well as getting functions for getting selected items - functions for checking MediaItemArray and MediaItemStateChunkArrays for validity - Trackstatechunks: getting/adding/setting/deleting/counting items in/to trackstate-chunks - Routing-Send/Receive - functions for count, add, get, set, delete - HWOut-settings - functions for count, add, get, set, delete - Lock Track Controls - get, set functions - Track Selection functions - get, set - Functions to lock-MediaItems easily - added RippleInsert for mediaitemstatechunkarrays - get MediaItems from clipboard - many functions for getting MediaItem-states from MediaItemStateChunks - some functions for setting MediaItem-states into MediaItemStateChunks - more MediaItem-insertion functions for MediaItemStateChunks - choosing MediaItems from specific tracks from MediaItemArray - new trackstring-analysis and manipulation-functions - functions for getting Mediaitems from specific tracks - apply statechunk to MediaItems, for extended manipulation of MediaItems using manipulated MediaItemStateChunks - Reaper-Main-Window: get left and right sides in relation to the screen position - client2screen2client x-coordinate conversion functions - developer: new Errormessaging system, that will, in the future, give readable error-messages, when errors occur during execution of functions. Currently only some functions return error messages; will change over time. - tons of other helper-functions in many areas Changes from 4.00beta2.1 to 4.00beta2.5 - minor corrections in documentation - RenderProjectToAIFF - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToFLAC - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToMP3_ABR - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToMP3_CBR - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToMP3_MaxQuality - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToMP3_VBR - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToOPUS - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - RenderProjectToWebMVideo - new parameters for start and endposition of the renderrange. Nil as projectfilename renders the currently opened project. - GetProject_HorizontalZoom was incorrectly named GetProject_Zoom in the docs -> fixed - GetApiVersion was incorrectly linked to GetPath in the docs -> fixed - GetAllMediaItemsBetween - adds “ULTRASCHALL_TRACKNUMBER tracknumber” to returned statechunks, to know, from which track the item originated from - SplitMediaItems_Position - bug introduced in beta 2.1 that split only first track -> fixed - RippleInsert - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - InsertMediaItemArray - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - GetMediaItemsAtPosition - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - DeleteMediaItems_Position - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - GetAllMediaItemsBetween - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - MoveMediaItemsAfter_By - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - MoveMediaItemsBefore_By - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - MoveMediaItemsSectionTo - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - SectionCut - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - SectionCut_Inverse - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - RippleCut - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - RippleCut_Reverse - bug introduced in beta 2.1 -> fixed - RemoveDuplicateTracksInTrackstring - entries in trackstringarray are now numbers, not strings - SetTrackAutoRecArmState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackAutomodeState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackBeatState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackBusCompState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackBypFXState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackFreeModeState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackHeightState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackINQState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackIPhaseState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackIcon_Filename - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackIsBusState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackLayoutNames - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackLockState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackMIDIOutState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackMainSendState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackMidiCTL - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackMidiInputChanMap - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackMuteSoloState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackNChansState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackName - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackPeakColorState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackPerfState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackRecState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackShowInMixState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - SetTrackVUState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackAutoRecArmState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackAutomodeState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBeatState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBusCompState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackBypFXState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackFreeModeState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackGroupFlagsState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackHeightState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackINQState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIPhaseState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIcon_Filename - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackIsBusState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackLayoutNames - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackLockState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMIDIOutState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMainSendState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMidiCTL - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMidiInputChanMap - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackMuteSoloState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackNChansState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackName - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackPeakColorState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackPerfState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackRecState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackShowInMixState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetTrackVUState - had a bug when using tracknumbers higher than the highest available tracknumber -> fixed - GetMediaItemsAtPosition - returns now an array with the MediaItemStateChunks as well - RemoveDuplicateTracksInTrackstring - produced Lua-error, when giving nil as parameter -> fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta2.1: - “Ich und der Rock - Renft” - 30th of August New features in 4.00beta2.1 - mostly bugfixes - ultraschall.Separator - contains the proper separator for the system it runs on. If you want to do file-operation, you should use this instead of \ or /, to make your script Mac and Windows compliant. - ultraschall.Script_Path - contains the path to the scripts-folder of Reaper Changes from 4.00beta2 to 4.00beta2.1 - changed the lines, you need to include into your script. refer “3. How to use the API in your LUA-Script” in the doc-file. - some functions didn’t work on Mac, due it’s use of / instead of  as directory-separator. Has been fixed now. - moved all ultraschall-related variables into the ultraschall-table. - GetPartialString - returns nil in case of error - CSV2Line - returns nil in case of error, bugfixing - RGB2Num - returns nil in case or error - CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray - returns nil in case or error, bugfixing - GetNextMuteState - corrected documentation - GetNextMuteState_TrackObject - corrected documentation - GetPreviousMuteState - corrected documentation - GetPreviousMuteState_TrackObject - corrected documentation - ImportChaptersFromFile - corrected documentation - ImportEditFromFile - corrected documentation - ImportMarkersFromFile - corrected documentation - ImportChaptersFromFile_Filerequester - corrected documentation - ImportEditFromFile_Filerequester - corrected documentation - ImportMarkersFromFile_Filerequester - corrected documentation - RemoveDuplicateTracksInTrackstring - improved return values - OnlyMediaItemsOfTracksInTrackstring - improved return values - ChangeDeltaOffsetOfMediaItems_FromArray - bugfixing - InsertMediaItem_MediaItem - improved return values - InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk - improved return values ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 Beta2: - “Shock The Monkey - Peter Gabriel” - 20th August 2017 New Features in 4.00beta2 - about 190 new functions with: - Configuration: Import/Export from/to reaper-kb.ini-files - Configuration: New Management-functions for Configuration-files that follow standard ini-files - Clipboard: Clipboard Functions, get and put (thanks to fernsehmuell for the mac-side) - Envelopes: Move Envelope-Points in a track - File-Management: extended fileread-functions, including reading lines that follow patterns, and more - Markers: Move Markers, as well as Edit Markers - Markers: Get Markers/Regions/Time-Signature-marker by their graphical representation, means: you can use e.g. the mouse to find markers the mouse is hovering above - Items: Get, Split, Insert, Delete, Shorten, Cut, RippleCut, RippleInsert, etc of single and multiple MediaItems in 1 or more tracks - Projectfiles: Get and set 40 settings in rpp-projectfiles. More to come. - Projectfiles: Import Tracks with Items and all FX and settings from project-files using GetProject_TrackStateChunk. You can insert them with the new item function InsertMediaItem_MediaItemStateChunk - Rendering: Render projectfiles as mp3, mp3_vbr, mp3_cbr, mp3_abr, opus, flac, aiff, and webm(video). That’s right: no render dialog necessary! - Docs: The Documentation-System, that automatically creates the API-Docs from the API itself, using CreateUSApiDocs_HTML. Will be extended to be a fully equipped automatic-documentation-system for Ultraschall - Tons of other functions in all areas. Changes from 4.00beta1 to 4.00beta2 - Marker/Regions-functions - they used to ignore regions which led to wrong markers/regions -> fixed - ultraschall.WriteValueToFile - default write-mode changed to binary-file behavior(doesn’t add useless newlines anymore) non binary-mode can be chosen by a new parameter “binarymode” set to false, if it’s set to nil or true, value will be treated as binaryvalue and saved as such. ultraschall.WriteValueToFile(Filename_with_path, Value, binarymode) - CSV2IndividualLines - renamed to CSV2IndividualLinesAsArray and added number of lines as additional return-value - NumberRangeAsCsvOfNumbers - renamed to CreateTrackNumbersString - Structure - reworked API-structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.00 beta1: - “Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles” - 10th of July 2017 New Features in 4.00beta1 - about 140 new functions with: - Markers: extensive marker-management, with markers for chapter, edit, dummy, normal and podrange-regions - Configuration: functions for an Ultraschall.ini. Ultraschall needs it’s own config-file, at last ;) - CoughButtons: CoughButton-management for setting, toggling, getting envelope-points in the mute-envelope-lane - Navigation: Jumping to position, setting playcursor, toggling scrolling during playback, finding next item/marker/region and more - Track-Management: Getting and Setting tons of track-states, that are usually hard to fumble out of Reaper. - File-Management: Write a value to a file. - Dozens of helper-functions here and there ]]> Label Label