class PermissionError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "PermissionError"; } } const cryptoSubtle = { importKey: async (key, digestmod, format="raw", permitExports=false) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.importKey( format, key, { name: "HMAC", hash: {name: digestmod} }, permitExports, ["sign", "verify"] ); }, generateKey: async (digestmod, permitExports=false) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "HMAC", hash: {name: digestmod} }, permitExports, ["sign", "verify"] ); }, exportKey: async (key, format="raw") => { if (!key.extractable) { throw new PermissionError("Key exports are not allowed. You can permit this during key-generation."); } return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.exportKey(format, key); }, sign: async (msg, key) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.sign( { name: "HMAC", hash: }, key, msg ); }, verify: async (msg, signature, key) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.verify( "HMAC", key, signature, msg ); }, }; const getDigestModFromParam = (digestmod, digestmods) => { if (!digestmod) { throw new TypeError("Missing required parameter 'digestmod'."); } let bits = [].concat(String(digestmod).match(/[0-9]+/)).at(0)|0; digestmod = `SHA-${bits}`; if (!digestmods.includes(digestmod)) { throw new TypeError(`Available digestmod are: '${digestmods.join(", ")}'.`); } if (bits === 1) { bits = 160; } return [ digestmod, bits ]; }; /** * Simple Input Handler. * -------------------- * Accepts only bytes eg. TypedArray, ArrayBuffer, * DataView, also a regular array (filled with integers) * is possible. */ class BytesInput { static toBytes(input) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(input) && !(typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && input instanceof Buffer)) { input = input.buffer; } return [new Uint8Array(input), false, "bytes"]; } } /** * Simple Output Handler. * --------------------- * Returns bytes in the form of: * - ArrayBuffer * - Uint8Array * - DataView */ class BytesOutput { static get typeList() { return [ "buffer", "bytes", "uint8", "view" ]; } static getType(type) { if (!BytesOutput.typeList.includes(type)) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown output type: '${type}'`); } return type; } static compile(Uint8ArrayOut, type) { type = BytesOutput.getType(type); let compiled; if (type === "buffer") { compiled = Uint8ArrayOut.buffer; } else if (type === "view") { compiled = new DataView(Uint8ArrayOut.buffer); } else { compiled = Uint8ArrayOut; } return compiled; } } /** * Advanced Input Handler. * ---------------------- * Accepts almost every Input and converts it * into an Uint8Array (bytes). */ class SmartInput { static makeDataView(byteLen) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteLen); return new DataView(buffer); } static floatingPoints(input, littleEndian=false) { const view = this.makeDataView(8); view.setFloat64(0, input, littleEndian); return view; } static numbers(input, littleEndian=false) { let view; let type; // Integer if (Number.isInteger(input)) { type = "int"; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(input)) { let safeInt; let smallerOrBigger; let minMax; if (input < 0) { safeInt = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; smallerOrBigger = "smaller"; minMax = "MIN"; } else { safeInt = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; smallerOrBigger = "bigger"; minMax = "MAX"; } throw new RangeError(`The provided integer is ${smallerOrBigger} than ${minMax}_SAFE_INTEGER: '${safeInt}'\nData integrity is not guaranteed. Use a BigInt to avoid this issue.\n(If you see this error although a float was provided, the input has to many digits before the decimal point to store the decimal places in a float with 64 bits.)`); } // Signed Integer if (input < 0) { // 64 bit if (input < -2147483648) { view = this.makeDataView(8); view.setBigInt64(0, BigInt(input), littleEndian); } // 32 littleEndian else if (input < -32768) { view = this.makeDataView(4); view.setInt32(0, input, littleEndian); } // 16 littleEndian else { view = this.makeDataView(2); view.setInt16(0, input, littleEndian); } } // Unsigned Integer else if (input > 0) { // 64 bit if (input > 4294967295) { view = this.makeDataView(8); view.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(input), littleEndian); } // 32 bit else if (input > 65535) { view = this.makeDataView(4); view.setUint32(0, input, littleEndian); } // 16 bit else { view = this.makeDataView(2); view.setInt16(0, input, littleEndian); } } // Zero else { view = new Uint16Array([0]); } } // Floating Point Number: else { type = "float"; view = this.floatingPoints(input, littleEndian); } return [new Uint8Array(view.buffer), type]; } static bigInts(input, littleEndian=false) { // Since BigInts are not limited to 64 bits, they might // overflow the BigInt64Array values. A little more // handwork is therefore needed. // as the integer size is not known yet, the bytes get a // makeshift home "byteArray", which is a regular array const byteArray = new Array(); const append = (littleEndian) ? "push" : "unshift"; const maxN = 18446744073709551616n; // split the input into 64 bit integers if (input < 0) { while (input < -9223372036854775808n) { byteArray[append](input % maxN); input >>= 64n; } } else { while (input >= maxN) { byteArray[append](input % maxN); input >>= 64n; } } // append the remaining byte byteArray[append](input); // determine the required size for the typed array // by taking the amount of 64 bit integers * 8 // (8 bytes for each 64 bit integer) const byteLen = byteArray.length * 8; // create a fresh data view const view = this.makeDataView(byteLen); // set all 64 bit integers byteArray.forEach((bigInt, i) => { const offset = i * 8; view.setBigUint64(offset, bigInt, littleEndian); }); return new Uint8Array(view.buffer); } static toBytes(input, settings) { let inputUint8; let negative = false; let type = "bytes"; // ArrayBuffer: if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer) { inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(input.slice()); } // TypedArray/DataView or node Buffer: else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(input)) { if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && input instanceof Buffer) { inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(input); } else { inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(input.buffer.slice()); } } // String: else if (typeof input === "string" || input instanceof String) { inputUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(input); } // Number: else if (typeof input === "number") { if (isNaN(input)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot proceed. Input is NaN."); } else if (input == Infinity) { throw new TypeError("Cannot proceed. Input is Infinity."); } if (settings.signed && input < 0) { negative = true; input = -input; } if (settings.numberMode) { const view = this.floatingPoints(input, settings.littleEndian); inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(view.buffer); type = "float"; } else { [inputUint8, type] = this.numbers(input, settings.littleEndian); } } // BigInt: else if (typeof input === "bigint") { if (settings.signed && input < 0) { negative = true; input *= -1n; } inputUint8 = this.bigInts(input, settings.littleEndian); type = "int"; } // Array else if (Array.isArray(input)) { const collection = new Array(); for (const elem of input) { collection.push(...this.toBytes(elem, settings)[0]); } inputUint8 = Uint8Array.from(collection); } else { throw new TypeError("The provided input type can not be processed."); } return [inputUint8, negative, type]; } } /** * Advanced Output Handler. * ----------------------- * This Output handler makes it possible to * convert an Uint8Array (bytes) into a desired * format of a big variety. * * The default output is an ArrayBuffer. */ class SmartOutput { static get typeList() { return [ "bigint64", "bigint_n", "biguint64", "buffer", "bytes", "float32", "float64", "float_n", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int_n", "str", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint_n", "view" ]; } static getType(type) { if (!this.typeList.includes(type)) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown output type: '${type}'`); } return type; } static makeTypedArrayBuffer(Uint8ArrayOut, bytesPerElem, littleEndian, negative) { const len = Uint8ArrayOut.byteLength; const delta = (bytesPerElem - (Uint8ArrayOut.byteLength % bytesPerElem)) % bytesPerElem; const newLen = len + delta; // if the array is negative and the len is gt 1 // fill the whole array with 255 const fillVal = (negative && len > 1) ? 255 : 0; let newArray = Uint8ArrayOut; if (delta) { newArray = new Uint8Array(newLen); newArray.fill(fillVal); const offset = (littleEndian) ? 0 : delta; newArray.set(Uint8ArrayOut, offset); } return newArray.buffer; } static makeTypedArray(inArray, type, littleEndian, negative) { let outArray; if (type === "int16" || type === "uint16") { const buffer = this.makeTypedArrayBuffer(inArray, 2, littleEndian, negative); outArray = (type === "int16") ? new Int16Array(buffer) : new Uint16Array(buffer); } else if (type === "int32" || type === "uint32" || type === "float32") { const buffer = this.makeTypedArrayBuffer(inArray, 4, littleEndian, negative); if (type === "int32") { outArray = new Int32Array(buffer); } else if (type === "uint32") { outArray = new Uint32Array(buffer); } else { outArray = new Float32Array(buffer); } } else if (type === "bigint64" || type === "biguint64" || type === "float64") { const buffer = this.makeTypedArrayBuffer(inArray, 8, littleEndian, negative); if (type === "bigint64") { outArray = new BigInt64Array(buffer); } else if (type === "biguint64") { outArray = new BigUint64Array(buffer); } else { outArray = new Float64Array(buffer); } } return outArray; } static compile(Uint8ArrayOut, type, littleEndian=false, negative=false) { type = this.getType(type); let compiled; // If the array is negative (which is only // true for signed encoding) get the positive // decimal number first and feed it with a // negative sign to SmartInput to construct // the unsigned output which is not shortened. if (negative) { let n; if (type.match(/^float/)) { n = -(this.compile(Uint8ArrayOut, "float_n", littleEndian)); } else { n = -(this.compile(Uint8ArrayOut, "uint_n", littleEndian)); } if (type === "float_n") { return n; } Uint8ArrayOut = SmartInput.toBytes(n, {littleEndian, numberMode: false, signed: false})[0]; } if (type === "buffer") { compiled = Uint8ArrayOut.buffer; } else if (type === "bytes" || type === "uint8") { compiled = Uint8ArrayOut; } else if (type === "int8") { compiled = new Int8Array(Uint8ArrayOut.buffer); } else if (type === "view") { compiled = new DataView(Uint8ArrayOut.buffer); } else if (type === "str") { compiled = new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8ArrayOut); } else if (type === "uint_n" || type === "int_n" || type === "bigint_n") { // If the input consists of only one byte, expand it if (Uint8ArrayOut.length === 1) { const uint16Buffer = this.makeTypedArrayBuffer(Uint8ArrayOut, 2, littleEndian, negative); Uint8ArrayOut = new Uint8Array(uint16Buffer); } if (littleEndian) { Uint8ArrayOut.reverse(); } // calculate a unsigned big integer let n = 0n; Uint8ArrayOut.forEach((b) => n = (n << 8n) + BigInt(b)); // convert to signed int if requested if (type !== "uint_n") { n = BigInt.asIntN(Uint8ArrayOut.length*8, n); } // convert to regular number if possible (and no bigint was requested) if (type !== "bigint_n" && n >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && n <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { compiled = Number(n); } else { compiled = n; } } else if (type === "float_n") { if (Uint8ArrayOut.length <= 4) { let array; if (Uint8ArrayOut.length === 4) { array = Uint8ArrayOut; } else { array = this.makeTypedArray(Uint8ArrayOut, "float32", false, negative); } const view = new DataView(array.buffer); compiled = view.getFloat32(0, littleEndian); } else if (Uint8ArrayOut.length <= 8) { let array; if (Uint8ArrayOut.length === 8) { array = Uint8ArrayOut; } else { array = this.makeTypedArray(Uint8ArrayOut, "float64", false, negative); } const view = new DataView(array.buffer); compiled = view.getFloat64(0, littleEndian); } else { throw new RangeError("The provided input is to complex to be converted into a floating point.") } } else if (type === "number") { if (Uint8ArrayOut.length !== 8) { throw new TypeError("Type mismatch. Cannot convert into number."); } const float64 = new Float64Array(Uint8ArrayOut.buffer); compiled = Number(float64); } else { compiled = this.makeTypedArray(Uint8ArrayOut, type, littleEndian, negative); } return compiled; } } const DEFAULT_INPUT_HANDLER = SmartInput; const DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HANDLER = SmartOutput; class SignError extends TypeError { constructor() { super("The input is signed but the converter is not set to treat input as signed.\nYou can pass the string 'signed' to the decode function or when constructing the converter."); = "SignError"; } } class DecodingError extends TypeError { constructor(char, msg=null) { if (msg === null) { msg = `Character '${char}' is not part of the charset.`; } super(msg); = "DecodingError"; } } /** * Utilities for every BaseEx class. * -------------------------------- * Requires IO Handlers */ class Utils { constructor(main) { // Store the calling class in this.root // for accessability. this.root = main; // set specific args object for converters this.converterArgs = {}; // If charsets are uses by the parent class, // add extra functions for the user. this.#charsetUserToolsConstructor(); } setIOHandlers(inputHandler=DEFAULT_INPUT_HANDLER, outputHandler=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HANDLER) { this.inputHandler = inputHandler; this.outputHandler = outputHandler; } /** * Constructor for the ability to add a charset and * change the default version. */ #charsetUserToolsConstructor() { /** * Save method to add a charset. * @param {string} name - "Charset name." * @param {[string|set|array]} - "Charset" */ this.root.addCharset = (name, _charset, _padChars=[], info=true) => { const normalize = (typeName, set, setLen) => { if (setLen === 0 && set.length) { console.warn(`This converter has no ${typeName}. The following argument was ignored:\n'${set}'`); return []; } let inputLen = setLen; if (typeof set === "string") { set = [...set]; } if (Array.isArray(set)) { // Store the input length of the input inputLen = set.length; // Convert to "Set" -> eliminate duplicates // If duplicates are found the length of the // Set and the length of the initial input // differ. set = new Set(set); } else if (!(set instanceof Set)) { throw new TypeError(`The ${typeName} must be one of the types:\n'str', 'set', 'array'."`); } if (set.size === setLen) { return [...set]; } if (inputLen !== setLen) { throw new Error(`Your ${typeName} has a length of ${inputLen}. The converter requires a length of ${setLen}.`); } else { const charAmounts = {}; _charset = [..._charset]; _charset.forEach(c => { if (c in charAmounts) { charAmounts[c]++; } else { charAmounts[c] = 1; } }); let infoStr = ""; if (setLen < 100) { infoStr = `${_charset.join("")}\n`; _charset.forEach(c => { if (charAmounts[c] > 1) { infoStr += "^"; } else { infoStr += " "; } }); } const rChars = Object.keys(charAmounts).filter(c => charAmounts[c] > 1); throw new Error(`You have repetitive char(s) [ ${rChars.join(" | ")} ] in your ${typeName}. Make sure each character is unique.\n${infoStr}`); } }; if (this.root.frozenCharsets) { throw new Error("The charsets of this converter cannot be changed."); } if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new TypeError("The charset name must be a string."); } if (info && name in this.root.charsets) { console.warn(`An existing charset with name ${name} will get replaced.`); } const charset = normalize("charset", _charset, this.root.converter.radix); const padChars = normalize("padding set", _padChars, this.root.padCharAmount); this.root.charsets[name] = charset; if (padChars.length) { this.root.padChars[name] = padChars; } if (info) {`New charset '${name}' was added and is ready to use`); } }; // Save method (argument gets validated) to // change the default version. this.root.setDefaultCharset = (version) => { if (!(version in this.root.charsets)) { const sets = Object.keys(this.root.charsets).join("\n * "); const msg = `Charset ${version} was not found. Available charsets are:\n * ${sets}`; throw new TypeError(msg); } this.root.version = version; }; } /** * Argument lists for error messages. * @param {string[]} args * @returns string - Arguments joined as a string. */ #makeArgList(args) { return => `'${s}'`).join(", "); } /** * Removes all padded zeros a the start of the string, * adds a "-" if value is negative. * @param {string} output - Former output. * @param {boolean} negative - Indicates a negative value if true. * @returns {string} - Output without zero padding and a sign if negative. */ toSignedStr(output, negative) { output = output.replace(/^0+(?!$)/, ""); if (negative) { output = "-".concat(output); } return output; } /** * Analyzes the input for a negative sign. * If a sign is found, it gets removed but * negative bool gets true; * @param {string} input - Input number as a string. * @returns {array} - Number without sign and negativity indication bool. */ extractSign(input) { let negative = false; if (input[0] === "-") { negative = true; input = input.slice(1); } return [input, negative]; } /** * All possible error messages for invalid arguments, * gets adjusted according to the converter settings. * @param {string} arg - Argument. * @param {string[]} versions - Charset array. * @param {string[]} outputTypes - Array of output types. * @param {boolean} initial - Indicates if the arguments where passed during construction. */ #invalidArgument(arg, versions, outputTypes, initial) { const loopConverterArgs = () => Object.keys(this.converterArgs).map( key => this.converterArgs[key].map( keyword => `'${keyword}'` ) .join(" and ") ) .join("\n - "); throw new TypeError([ `'${arg}'\n\nParameters:`, initial ? "\n * valid declarations for IO handlers are 'bytesOnly', 'bytesIn', 'bytesOut'" : "", this.root.isMutable.signed ? "\n * pass 'signed' to disable, 'unsigned' to enable the use of the twos's complement for negative integers" : "", this.root.isMutable.littleEndian ? "\n * 'be' for big , 'le' for little endian byte order for case conversion" : "", this.root.isMutable.padding ? "\n * pass 'pad' to fill up, 'nopad' to not fill up the output with the particular padding" : "", this.root.isMutable.upper ? "\n * valid args for changing the encoded output case are 'upper' and 'lower'" : "", `\n * valid args for the output type are ${this.#makeArgList(outputTypes)}`, versions ? `\n * the option(s) for version/charset are: ${this.#makeArgList(versions)}` : "", "\n * valid args for integrity check are: 'integrity' and 'nointegrity'", this.root.hasDecimalMode ? "\n * 'decimal' for decimal-mode (directly converts Numbers including decimal values, without byte-conversion)" : "", "\n * 'number' for number-mode (converts every number into a Float64Array to keep the natural js number type)", Object.keys(this.converterArgs).length ? `\n * converter specific args:\n - ${loopConverterArgs()}` : "", "\n\nTraceback:" ].join("")); } /** * Test if provided arguments are in the argument list. * Everything gets converted to lowercase and returned. * @param {string[]} args - Passed arguments. * @param {boolean} initial - Indicates if the arguments where passed during construction. * @returns {Object} - Converter settings object. */ validateArgs(args, initial=false) { // default settings const parameters = { decimalMode: this.root.decimalMode, integrity: this.root.integrity, littleEndian: this.root.littleEndian, numberMode: this.root.numberMode, options: this.root.options, outputType: this.root.outputType, padding: this.root.padding, signed: this.root.signed, upper: this.root.upper, version: this.root.version }; // add any existing converter specific args for (const param in this.converterArgs) { parameters[param] = this.root[param]; } // if no args are provided return the default settings immediately if (!args.length) { // if initial call set default IO handlers if (initial) { this.setIOHandlers(); } return parameters; } // Helper function to test the presence of a // particular arg. If found, true is returned // and it gets removed from the array. const extractArg = (arg) => { if (args.includes(arg)) { args.splice(args.indexOf(arg), 1); return true; } return false; }; // set available versions and extra arguments const versions = Object.keys(this.root.charsets); const extraArgList = { integrity: ["nointegrity", "integrity"], littleEndian: ["be", "le"], padding: ["nopad", "pad"], signed: ["unsigned", "signed"], upper: ["lower", "upper"], ...this.converterArgs }; // if initial, look for IO specifications if (initial) { if (extractArg("bytes_only")) { this.setIOHandlers(BytesInput, BytesOutput); } else { const inHandler = (extractArg("bytes_in")) ? BytesInput : DEFAULT_INPUT_HANDLER; const outHandler = (extractArg("bytes_out")) ? BytesOutput : DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HANDLER; this.setIOHandlers(inHandler, outHandler); } } // set valid output types const outputTypes = this.outputHandler.typeList; // test for special "number" keyword if (extractArg("number")) { parameters.numberMode = true; parameters.outputType = "float_n"; } // test for the special "decimal" keyword if (extractArg("decimal")) { if (!this.root.hasDecimalMode) { throw TypeError(`Argument 'decimal' is only allowed for converters with a non-integer base.`); } parameters.decimalMode = true; parameters.outputType = "decimal"; if (parameters.numberMode) { parameters.numberMode = false; console.warn("-> number-mode was disabled due to the decimal-mode"); } } // walk through the remaining arguments args.forEach((arg) => { // additional/optional non boolean options if (typeof arg === "object") { parameters.options = {...parameters.options, ...arg}; return; } arg = String(arg).toLowerCase(); if (versions.includes(arg)) { parameters.version = arg; } else if (outputTypes.includes(arg)) { parameters.outputType = arg; } else { // set invalid args to true for starters // if a valid arg is found later it will // get changed let invalidArg = true; // walk through the mutable parameter list for (const param in extraArgList) { if (extraArgList[param].includes(arg)) { invalidArg = false; // extra params always have two options // they are converted into booleans // index 0 > false // index 1 > true if (this.root.isMutable[param]) { parameters[param] = Boolean(extraArgList[param].indexOf(arg)); } else { throw TypeError(`Argument '${arg}' is not allowed for this type of converter.`); } } } if (invalidArg) { this.#invalidArgument(arg, versions, outputTypes, initial); } } }); // If padding and signed are true, padding // is set to false and a warning is getting // displayed. if (parameters.padding && parameters.signed) { parameters.padding = false; console.warn("-> padding was set to false due to the signed conversion"); } // overwrite the default parameters for the initial call if (initial) { for (const param in parameters) { this.root[param] = parameters[param]; } } return parameters; } /** * A TypeError specifically for sign errors. */ signError() { throw new SignError(); } /** * Wrap output to "cols" characters per line. * @param {string} output - Output string. * @param {number} cols - Number of cols per line. * @returns {string} - Wrapped output. */ wrapOutput(output, cols=0) { if (!cols) { return output; } const m = new RegExp(`.{1,${cols}}`, "gu"); return output.match(m).join("\n"); } /** * Ensures a string input. * @param {*} input - Input. * @param {boolean} [keepWS=false] - If set to false, whitespace is getting removed from the input if present. * @returns {string} - Normalized input. */ normalizeInput(input, keepWS=false) { if (keepWS) { return String(input); } return String(input).replace(/\s/g, ""); } } /** * BaseEx Base Converter. * --------------------- * Core class for base-conversion and substitution * based on a given charset. */ class BaseConverter { /** * BaseEx BaseConverter Constructor. * @param {number} radix - Radix for the converter. * @param {number} [bsEnc] - Block Size (input bytes grouped by bs) for encoding (if zero the integer has no limitation). * @param {number} [bsDec] - Block Size (input bytes grouped by bs) for decoding (if zero the integer has no limitation). * @param {number} [decPadVal=0] - Value used for padding during decoding. */ constructor(radix, bsEnc=null, bsDec=null, decPadVal=0) { this.radix = radix; if (bsEnc !== null && bsDec !== null) { this.bsEnc = bsEnc; this.bsDec = bsDec; } else { [this.bsEnc, this.bsDec] = this.constructor.guessBS(radix); } this.decPadVal = decPadVal; this.powers = {}; } /** * Experimental feature! * Calc how many bits are needed to represent * 256 conditions (1 byte). If the radix is * less than 8 bits, skip that part and use * the radix value directly. */ static guessBS(radix) { let bsDecPre = (radix < 8) ? radix : Math.ceil(256 / radix); // If the result is a multiple of 8 it // is appropriate to reduce the result while (bsDecPre > 8 && !(bsDecPre % 8)) { bsDecPre /= 8; } // Search for the amount of bytes, which are necessary // to represent the assumed amount of bytes. If the result // is equal or bigger than the assumption for decoding, the // amount of bytes for encoding is found. let bsEnc = 0; while (((bsEnc * 8) * Math.log(2) / Math.log(radix)) < bsDecPre) { bsEnc++; } // The result for decoding can now get calculated accurately. const bsDec = Math.ceil((bsEnc * 8) * Math.log(2) / Math.log(radix)); return [bsEnc, bsDec]; } /** * BaseEx Universal Base Encoding. * @param {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; byteLength: any; byteOffset: any; length: any; BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1; }} inputBytes - Input as Uint8Array. * @param {string} charset - The charset used for conversion. * @param {boolean} littleEndian - Byte order, little endian bool. * @param {function} replacer - Replacer function can replace groups of characters during encoding. * @returns {number[]} - Output string and padding amount. */ encode(inputBytes, charset, littleEndian=false, replacer=null) { // Initialize output string and set yet unknown // zero padding to zero. let bs = this.bsEnc; if (bs === 0) { bs = inputBytes.byteLength; } let output = ""; const zeroPadding = (bs) ? (bs - inputBytes.length % bs) % bs : 0; const zeroArray = new Array(zeroPadding).fill(0); let byteArray; if (littleEndian) { // as the following loop walks through the array // from left to right, the input bytes get reversed // to favor the least significant first inputBytes.reverse(); byteArray = [...zeroArray, ...inputBytes]; } else { byteArray = [...inputBytes, ...zeroArray]; } // Iterate over the input array in groups with the length // of the given blocksize. // If the radix is 10, make a shortcut here by converting // all bytes into the decimal number "n" and return the // result as a string. if (this.radix === 10) { let n = 0n; for (let i=0; i= this.radix) { [q, r] = this.divmod(q, this.radix); bXarray.unshift(parseInt(r, 10)); } // Append the remaining quotient to the array bXarray.unshift(parseInt(q, 10)); // If the length of the array is less than the // given output bs, it gets filled up with zeros. // (This happens in groups of null bytes) while (bXarray.length < this.bsDec) { bXarray.unshift(0); } // Each digit is used as an index to pick a // corresponding char from the charset. The // chars get concatenated and stored in "frame". let frame = ""; bXarray.forEach( charIndex => frame = frame.concat(charset[charIndex]) ); // Ascii85 is replacing four consecutive "!" into "z" // Also other replacements can be implemented and used // at this point. if (replacer) { frame = replacer(frame, zeroPadding); } output = output.concat(frame); } // The output string is returned. Also the amount // of padded zeros. The specific class decides how // to handle the padding. return [output, zeroPadding]; } /** * BaseEx Universal Base Decoding. * Decodes to a string of the given radix to a byte array. * @param {string} inputBaseStr - Base as string (will also get converted to string but can only be used if valid after that). * @param {string[]} charset - The charset used for conversion. * @param {string[]} padSet - Padding characters for integrity check. * @param {boolean} integrity - If set to false invalid character will be ignored. * @param {boolean} littleEndian - Byte order, little endian bool. * @returns {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; byteLength: any; byteOffset: any; length: any; BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1; }} - The decoded output as Uint8Array. */ decode(inputBaseStr, charset, padSet=[], integrity=true, littleEndian=false) { // Convert each char of the input to the radix-integer // (this becomes the corresponding index of the char // from the charset). Every char, that is not found in // in the set is getting ignored. if (!inputBaseStr) { return new Uint8Array(0); } let bs = this.bsDec; const byteArray = []; [...inputBaseStr].forEach(c => { const index = charset.indexOf(c); if (index > -1) { byteArray.push(index); } else if (integrity && padSet.indexOf(c) === -1) { throw new DecodingError(c); } }); let padChars; if (bs === 0) { bs = byteArray.length; } else { padChars = (bs - byteArray.length % bs) % bs; const fillArray = new Array(padChars).fill(this.decPadVal); if (littleEndian) { byteArray.unshift(...fillArray); } else { byteArray.push(...fillArray); } } // Initialize a new default array to store // the converted radix-256 integers. let b256Array = new Array(); // Iterate over the input bytes in groups of // the blocksize. for (let i=0, l=byteArray.length; i { this.powers[exp] = BigInt(this.pow(exp)); return this.powers[exp]; })(); n += BigInt(byteArray[i+j]) * pow; } // To store the output chunks, initialize a // new default array. const subArray256 = []; // The subarray gets converted into a bs*8-bit // binary number "n", most significant byte // first (big endian). // Initialize quotient and remainder for base conversion let q = n, r; // Divide n until the quotient is less than 256. while (q >= 256) { [q, r] = this.divmod(q, 256); subArray256.unshift(parseInt(r, 10)); } // Append the remaining quotient to the array subArray256.unshift(parseInt(q, 10)); // If the length of the array is less than the required // bs after decoding it gets filled up with zeros. // (Again, this happens with null bytes.) while (subArray256.length < this.bsEnc) { subArray256.unshift(0); } // The subarray gets concatenated with the // main array. b256Array.push(...subArray256); } // Remove padded zeros (or in case of LE all leading zeros) if (littleEndian) { if (b256Array.length > 1) { // remove all zeros from the start of the array while (!b256Array[0]) { b256Array.shift(); } if (!b256Array.length) { b256Array.push(0); } b256Array.reverse(); } } else if (this.bsDec) { const padding = this.padChars(padChars); // remove all bytes according to the padding b256Array.splice(b256Array.length-padding); } return Uint8Array.from(b256Array); } /** * Calculates the amount of bytes, which are padding bytes. * @param {number} charCount - Pass the amount of characters, which were added during encoding. * @returns {number} - Amount of padding characters. */ padBytes(charCount) { return Math.floor((charCount * this.bsDec) / this.bsEnc); } /** * Calculates the amount of bytes which can get removed * from the decoded output bytes. * @param {number} byteCount - Added bytes for padding * @returns {number} - Amount of output bytes to be removed. */ padChars(byteCount) { return Math.ceil((byteCount * this.bsEnc) / this.bsDec); } /** * Calculates the power for the current base * according to the given position as BigInt. * * @param {number} n - Position * @returns {BigInt} - BigInt power value */ pow(n) { return BigInt(this.radix)**BigInt(n); } /** * Divmod function, which returns the results as * an array of two BigInts. * @param {*} x - Dividend * @param {*} y - Divisor * @returns {number[]} - [Quotient, Remainder] */ divmod(x, y) { [x, y] = [BigInt(x), BigInt(y)]; return [(x / y), (x % y)]; } } /** * Base of every BaseConverter. Provides basic * en- and decoding, makes sure, that every * property is set (to false by default). * Also allows global feature additions. * * Requires BaseEx Utils */ class BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx BaseTemplate Constructor. * @param {boolean} appendUtils - If set to false, the utils are not getting used. */ constructor(appendUtils=true) { // predefined settings this.charsets = {}; this.decimalMode = false; this.frozenCharsets = false; this.hasDecimalMode = false; this.hasSignedMode = false; this.integrity = true; this.littleEndian = false; this.numberMode = false; this.outputType = "buffer"; this.padding = false; this.padCharAmount = 0; this.padChars = {}; this.nonASCII = false; this.signed = false; this.upper = null; if (appendUtils) this.utils = new Utils(this); this.version = "default"; this.options = { lineWrap: 0 }; // list of allowed/disallowed args to change this.isMutable = { integrity: true, littleEndian: false, padding: false, signed: false, upper: false, }; } /** * BaseEx Generic Encoder. * @param {*} input - Any input the used byte converter allows. * @param {function} [replacerFN] - Replacer function, which is passed to the encoder. * @param {function} [postEncodeFN] - Function, which is executed after encoding. * @param {...any} args - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base encoded string. */ encode(input, replacerFN, postEncodeFN, ...args) { // apply settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); // handle input let [inputBytes, negative, type] = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings); // generate replacer function if given let replacer = null; if (replacerFN) { replacer = replacerFN(settings); } // Convert to base string let [output, zeroPadding] = this.converter.encode(inputBytes, this.charsets[settings.version], settings.littleEndian, replacer); // set sign if requested if (settings.signed) { output = this.utils.toSignedStr(output, negative); } // set upper case if requested if (settings.upper) { output = output.toUpperCase(); } // modify the output based on a given function (optionally) if (postEncodeFN) { output = postEncodeFN({ inputBytes, output, settings, zeroPadding, type }); } return this.utils.wrapOutput(output, settings.options.lineWrap); } /** * BaseEx Generic Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base String. * @param {function} [preDecodeFN] - Function, which gets executed before decoding. * @param {function} [postDecodeFN] - Function, which gets executed after decoding * @param {...any} args - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, preDecodeFN, postDecodeFN, keepNL, ...args) { // apply settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); // ensure a string input input = this.utils.normalizeInput(input, keepNL); // set negative to false for starters let negative = false; // Test for a negative sign if converter supports it if (this.hasSignedMode) { [ input, negative ] = this.utils.extractSign(input); // But don't allow a sign if the decoder is not configured to use it if (negative && !settings.signed) { this.utils.signError(); } } // Make the input lower case if alphabet has only one case // (single case alphabets are stored as lower case strings) if (this.isMutable.upper) { input = input.toLowerCase(); } // Run pre decode function if provided if (preDecodeFN) { input = preDecodeFN({ input, settings }); } // Run the decoder let output = this.converter.decode( input, this.charsets[settings.version], this.padChars[settings.version], settings.integrity, settings.littleEndian ); // Run post decode function if provided if (postDecodeFN) { output = postDecodeFN({ input, output, settings }); } return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(output, settings.outputType, settings.littleEndian, negative); } } /** * [BaseEx|Base1 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 1 Converter. * ----------------------- * This is a unary/base1 converter. It is converting input * to a decimal number, which is converted into an unary * string. Due to the limitations on string (or array) length * it is only suitable for the conversions of numbers up to * roughly 2^28. */ class Base1 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx Base1 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); // All chars in the string are used and picked randomly (prob. suitable for obfuscation) this.charsets.all = [..." !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"]; // The sequence is used from left to right again and again this.charsets.sequence = [..."Hello World!"]; // Standard unary string with one character this.charsets.default = ["1"]; // Telly Mark string, using hash for 5 and vertical bar for 1 this.charsets.tmark = ["|", "#"]; // Base 10 converter this.converter = new BaseConverter(10, 0, 0); // converter settings this.hasSignedMode = true; this.littleEndian = true; this.signed = true; // mutable extra args this.isMutable.charsets = false; this.isMutable.signed = true; this.isMutable.upper = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Base1 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base1 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { // argument validation and input settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); let inputBytes, negative; [inputBytes, negative,] = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings); // Convert to BaseRadix string let base10 = this.converter.encode(inputBytes, null, settings.littleEndian)[0]; let n = BigInt(base10); // Limit the input before it even starts. // The executing engine will most likely // give up much earlier. // (2**29-24 during tests) if (n > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new RangeError("Invalid string length."); } else if (n > 16777216) { console.warn("The string length is really long. The JavaScript engine may have memory issues generating the output string."); } n = Number(n); const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; const charAmount = charset.length; let output = ""; // Convert to unary in respect to the version differences if (charAmount === 1) { output =; } else if (settings.version === "all") { for (let i=0; i 4) { output = - singulars) / 5); } output +=; } else { for (let i=0; i { // Remove "0x" if present normInput = normInput.replace(/^0x/, ""); // remove non-charset characters if integrity // check is disabled if (!settings.integrity) { normInput = normInput .toLowerCase() .replace(/[^0-9a-f]/g, ""); } // Ensure even number of characters if (normInput.length % 2) { normInput = "0".concat(normInput); } return normInput; }; return super.decode(input, normalizeInput, null, false, ...args); } } /** * [BaseEx|Base32 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 32 Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base32 converter. Various input can be * converted to a base32 string or a base32 string * can be decoded into various formats. It is possible * to convert in both signed and unsigned mode in little * and big endian byte order. * * Available charsets are: * - RFC 3548 * - RFC 4648 * - crockford * - zbase32 */ class Base32 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx Base32 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); this.converter = new BaseConverter(32, 5, 8); // charsets this.charsets.crockford = [ ..."0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz" ]; this.padChars.crockford = ["="], this.charsets.rfc3548 = [..."abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567"]; this.padChars.rfc3548 = ["="]; this.charsets.rfc4648 = [..."0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"]; this.padChars.rfc4648 = ["="]; this.charsets.zbase32 = [..."ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769"]; this.padChars.zbase32 = ["="]; // predefined settings this.padCharAmount = 1; this.hasSignedMode = true; this.version = "rfc4648"; // mutable extra args this.isMutable.littleEndian = true; this.isMutable.padding = true; this.isMutable.signed = true; this.isMutable.upper = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); this.padding = (/rfc3548|rfc4648/).test(this.version); this.upper = this.version === "crockford"; } /** * BaseEx Base32 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base32 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const applyPadding = ({ output, settings, zeroPadding }) => { if (!settings.littleEndian) { // Cut of redundant chars and append padding if set if (zeroPadding) { const padValue = this.converter.padBytes(zeroPadding); const padChar = this.padChars[settings.version].at(0); output = output.slice(0, -padValue); if (settings.padding) { output = output.concat(padChar.repeat(padValue)); } } } return output; }; return super.encode(input, null, applyPadding, ...args); } /** * BaseEx Base32 Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base32 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { return super.decode(input, null, null, false, ...args); } } /** * [BaseEx|Base58 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 58 Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base58 converter. Various input can be * converted to a base58 string or a base58 string * can be decoded into various formats. * * Available charsets are: * - default * - bitcoin * - flickr */ class Base58 extends BaseTemplate{ /** * BaseEx Base58 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); this.converter = new BaseConverter(58, 0, 0); // charsets this.charsets.default = [..."123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "default", { get: () => [ ] }); this.charsets.bitcoin = [..."123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "bitcoin", { get: () => [ ] }); = [..."123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "flickr", { get: () => [ ] }); // predefined settings this.padding = true; this.version = "bitcoin"; // mutable extra args this.isMutable.padding = true; this.isMutable.signed = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Base58 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base58 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const applyPadding = ({ inputBytes, output, settings, type }) => { if (settings.padding && type !== "int") { // Count all null bytes at the start of the array // stop if a byte with a value is reached. If it goes // all the way through it, reset index and stop. let i = 0; const end = inputBytes.length; // pad char is always! the first char in the set const padChar = this.charsets[settings.version].at(0); // only proceed if input has a length at all if (end) { while (!inputBytes[i]) { i++; if (i === end) { i = 0; break; } } // The value for zero padding is the index of the // first byte with a value plus one. const zeroPadding = i; // Set a one for every leading null byte if (zeroPadding) { output = (padChar.repeat(zeroPadding)).concat(output); } } } return output; }; return super.encode(input, null, applyPadding, ...args); } /** * BaseEx Base58 Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base58 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // post decoding function const applyPadding = ({ input, output, settings }) => { // pad char is always! the first char in the set const padChar = this.charsets[settings.version].at(0); if (settings.padding && input.length > 1) { // Count leading padding (char should be 1) let i = 0; while (input[i] === padChar) { i++; } // The counter becomes the zero padding value const zeroPadding = i; // Create a new Uint8Array with leading null bytes // with the amount of zeroPadding if (zeroPadding) { output = Uint8Array.from([ Array(zeroPadding).fill(0), ...output]); } } return output; }; return super.decode(input, null, applyPadding, false, ...args); } } /** * [BaseEx|Base64 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 64 Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base64 converter. Various input can be * converted to a base64 string or a base64 string * can be decoded into various formats. * * Available charsets are: * - default * - urlsafe */ class Base64 extends BaseTemplate { /**this.padChars. * BaseEx Base64 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); this.converter = new BaseConverter(64, 3, 4); // charsets this.charsets.default = [..."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"]; this.padChars.default = ["="]; this.charsets.urlsafe = this.charsets.default.slice(0, -2).concat(["-", "_"]); this.padChars.urlsafe = ["="]; // predefined settings this.padCharAmount = 1; this.padding = true; // mutable extra args this.isMutable.padding = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Base64 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base64 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const applyPadding = ({ output, settings, zeroPadding }) => { // Cut of redundant chars and append padding if set if (zeroPadding) { const padValue = this.converter.padBytes(zeroPadding); const padChar = this.padChars[settings.version].at(0); output = output.slice(0, -padValue); if (settings.padding) { output = output.concat(padChar.repeat(padValue)); } } return output; }; return super.encode(input, null, applyPadding, ...args); } /** * BaseEx Base64 Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base64 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { return super.decode(input, null, null, false, ...args); } } /** * [BaseEx|UUencode Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx UUencode Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a UUencoder/UUdecoder. Various input can be * converted to a UUencoded string or a UUencoded string * can be decoded into various formats. * * Available charsets are: * - default * - original * - xx */ class UUencode extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx UUencode Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); this.converter = new BaseConverter(64, 3, 4); // charsets this.charsets.default = [..."`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "default", { get: () => [ ] }); this.charsets.original = [" ", ...this.charsets.default.slice(1)]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "original", { get: () => [ ] }); this.charsets.xx = [..."+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]; Object.defineProperty(this.padChars, "xx", { get: () => [ ] }); // predefined settings this.padding = true; this.buffering = false; this.utils.converterArgs.buffering = ["nobuffering", "buffering"]; this.isMutable.buffering = true; this.header = false; this.utils.converterArgs.header = ["noheader", "header"]; this.isMutable.header = true; this.isMutable.integrity = false; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx UUencoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - UUencode string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const format = ({ output, settings, zeroPadding }) => { const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; const outArray = [...output]; const outLen = outArray.length; settings.options.lineWrap = 0; if (settings.header && !settings.buffering) { const permissions = settings.options.permissions || een(); const fileName = settings.options.file || ees(); output = `begin ${permissions} ${fileName}\n`; } else { output = ""; } // repeatedly take 60 chars from the output for (let start=0; start= outLen) { const byteCount = this.converter.padChars(lArray.length) - zeroPadding; // add the the current chars plus the leading // count char output += `${}${lArray.join("")}\n`; } // add the the current chars plus the leading // count char ("M" for default charsets) else { output += `${}${lArray.join("")}\n`; } } if (!settings.buffering) { output += `${}\n`; if (settings.header) { output += "end\n"; } } return output; }; return super.encode(input, null, format, ...args); } /** * BaseEx UUdecoder. * @param {string} input - UUencode String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { let padChars = 0; const format = ({ input, settings }) => { const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; const lines = input.trim().split(/\r?\n/); const inArray = []; if ((/^begin/i).test( { lines.shift(); } for (const line of lines) { const lArray = [...line]; const byteCount = charset.indexOf(lArray.shift()); if (!(byteCount > 0)) { break; } inArray.push(...lArray); if (byteCount !== 45) { let len = lArray.length; // fix probably missing spaces for original charset if (settings.version === "original") { const expectedLen = calcUUStrLen(byteCount); while (len < expectedLen) { len++; inArray.push(" "); } } padChars = this.converter.padChars(len) - byteCount; break; } // fix probably missing spaces for original charset else if (lArray.length !== 60 && settings.version === "original") { while (inArray.length % 60) { inArray.push(" "); } } } return inArray.join(""); }; const removePadChars = ({ output }) => { if (padChars) { output = new Uint8Array(output.slice(0, -padChars)); } return output; }; return super.decode(input, format, removePadChars, true, ...args); } } const een = () => { const o = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 8); return `${o()}${o()}${o()}`; }; const ees = () => { const name = [ "unchronological", "unconditionally", "underemphasized", "underprivileged", "undistinguished", "unsophisticated", "untitled", "untitled-1", "untitled-3", "uuencode" ]; const ext = [ "applescript", "bat", "beam", "bin", "exe", "js", "mam", "py", "sh", "vdo", "wiz" ]; const pick = (arr) => * arr.length)); return `${pick(name)}.${pick(ext)}`; }; const calcUUStrLen = byteCount => { const len = byteCount / 3 * 4; if (len % 4) { return Math.floor(len/4) * 4 + 4; } return len; }; /** * [BaseEx|Base85 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 85 Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base85 converter. Various input can be * converted to a base85 string or a base85 string * can be decoded into various formats. * * Available charsets are: * - adobe * - ascii85 * - rfc1924 * - z85 * * Adobe and ascii85 are the basically the same. * Adobe will produce the same output, apart from * the <~wrapping~>. * * Z85 is an important variant, because of the * more interpreter-friendly character set. * * The RFC 1924 version is a hybrid. It is not using * the mandatory 128 bit calculation. Instead only * the charset is getting used. */ class Base85 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx Base85 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); this.converter = new BaseConverter(85, 4, 5, 84); // charsets this.charsets.adobe = [..."!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"]; this.charsets.ascii85 = this.charsets.adobe.slice(); this.charsets.rfc1924 = [..."0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!#$%&()*+-;<=>?@^_`{|}~"]; this.charsets.z85 = [..."0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-:+=^!/*?&<>()[]{}@%$#"]; // predefined settings this.version = "ascii85"; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Base85 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base85 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { // Replace five consecutive "!" with a "z" // for adobe and ascii85 const replacerFN = (settings) => { let replacer; if (settings.version.match(/adobe|ascii85/)) { replacer = (frame, zPad) => (!zPad && frame === "!!!!!") ? "z" : frame; } return replacer; }; // Remove padded values and add a frame for the // adobe variant const framesAndPadding = ({ output, settings, zeroPadding }) => { // Cut of redundant chars if (zeroPadding) { const padValue = this.converter.padBytes(zeroPadding); output = output.slice(0, -padValue); } // Adobes variant gets its <~framing~> if (settings.version === "adobe") { output = `<~${output}~>`; } return output; }; return super.encode(input, replacerFN, framesAndPadding, ...args); } /** * BaseEx Base85 Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base85 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { const prepareInput = ({ input, settings }) => { // For default ascii85 convert "z" back to "!!!!!" // Remove the adobe <~frame~> if (settings.version.match(/adobe|ascii85/)) { input = input.replace(/z/g, "!!!!!"); if (settings.version === "adobe") { input = input.replace(/^<~|~>$/g, ""); } } return input }; return super.decode(input, prepareInput, null, false, ...args); } } /** * [BaseEx|Base91 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT AND BSD-3-Clause (Base91, Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Joachim Henke) */ /** * BaseEx Base 91 Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base91 converter. Various input can be * converted to a base91 string or a base91 string * can be decoded into various formats. * * It is an implementation of Joachim Henkes method * to encode binary data as ASCII characters -> basE91 * * * As this method requires to split the bytes, the * default conversion class "BaseConverter" is not * getting used in this case. */ class Base91 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx basE91 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); // converter (properties only) this.converter = { radix: 91, bsEnc: 0, bsDec: 0 }; // charsets this.charsets.default = [..."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~\""]; this.version = "default"; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx basE91 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - basE91 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { // argument validation and input settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); const inputBytes = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings)[0]; // As this base representation splits the bytes // the read bits need to be stores somewhere. // This is done in "bitCount". "n", similar to // other solutions here, holds the integer which // is converted to the desired base. let bitCount = 0; let n = 0; let output = ""; const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; inputBytes.forEach(byte => { //n = n + byte * 2^bitcount; n += (byte << bitCount); // Add 8 bits forEach byte bitCount += 8; // If the count exceeds 13 bits, base convert the // current frame. if (bitCount > 13) { // Set bit amount "count" to 13, check the // remainder of n % 2^13. If it is 88 or // lower. Take one more bit from the stream // and calculate the remainder for n % 2^14. let count = 13; let rN = n % 8192; if (rN < 89) { count = 14; rN = n % 16384; } // Remove 13 or 14 bits from the integer, // decrease the bitCount by the same amount. n >>= count; bitCount -= count; // Calculate quotient and remainder from // the before calculated remainder of n // -> "rN" let q, r; [q, r] = this.#divmod(rN, 91); // Lookup the corresponding characters for // "r" and "q" in the set, append it to the // output string. output = `${output}${charset[r]}${charset[q]}`; } }); // If the bitCount is not zero at the end, // calculate quotient and remainder of 91 // once more. if (bitCount) { let q, r; [q, r] = this.#divmod(n, 91); // The remainder is concatenated in any case output = output.concat(charset[r]); // The quotient is also appended, but only // if the bitCount still has the size of a byte // or n can still represent 91 conditions. if (bitCount > 7 || n > 90) { output = output.concat(charset[q]); } } return this.utils.wrapOutput(output, settings.options.lineWrap); } /** * BaseEx basE91 Decoder. * @param {string} input - basE91 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // Argument validation and output settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; // Make it a string, whatever goes in input = this.utils.normalizeInput(input); let inArray = [...input]; // remove unwanted characters if integrity is false if (!settings.integrity) { inArray = inArray.filter(c => charset.includes(c)); } let l = inArray.length; // For starters leave the last char behind // if the length of the input string is odd. let odd = false; if (l % 2) { odd = true; l--; } // Set again integer n for base conversion. // Also initialize a bitCount(er) let n = 0; let bitCount = 0; // Initialize an ordinary array const b256Array = new Array(); // Walk through the string in steps of two // (aka collect remainder- and quotient-pairs) for (let i=0; i 88) ? 13 : 14; // calculate back the individual bytes (base256) do { b256Array.push(n % 256); n >>= 8; bitCount -= 8; } while (bitCount > 7); } // Calculate the last byte if the input is odd // and add it if (odd) { const lastChar =; const rN = charset.indexOf(lastChar); b256Array.push(((rN << bitCount) + n) % 256); } const output = Uint8Array.from(b256Array); // Return the output return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(output, settings.outputType); } /** * Divmod Function. * @param {*} x - number 1 * @param {*} y - number 2 * @returns {number} Modulo y of x */ #divmod (x, y) { return [Math.floor(x/y), x%y]; } } /** * [BaseEx|LEB128 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Little Endian Base 128 Converter. * --------------------------------------- * * This is a leb128 converter. Various input can be * converted to a leb128 string or a leb128 string * can be decoded into various formats. * * There is no real charset available as the input is * getting converted to bytes. For having the chance * to store these bytes, there is a hexadecimal output * available. */ class LEB128 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx LEB128 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { // initialize base template without utils super(); // converters this.converter = new BaseConverter(10, 0, 0); this.hexlify = new BaseConverter(16, 1, 2); // charsets this.charsets.default = ""; this.charsets.hex = ""; // predefined settings this.version = "default"; this.frozenCharsets = true; // predefined settings this.littleEndian = true; this.hasSignedMode = true; this.isMutable.signed = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx LEB128 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; }} - LEB128 encoded Unit8Array (or hex string of it). */ encode(input, ...args) { // argument validation and input settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); const signed = settings.signed; settings.signed = true; const [ inputBytes, negative, ] = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings); // Convert to BaseRadix string let base10 = this.converter.encode(inputBytes, null, settings.littleEndian)[0]; let n = BigInt(base10); let output = new Array(); if (negative) { if (!signed) { throw new TypeError("Negative values in unsigned mode are invalid."); } n = -n; } if (signed) { for (;;) { const byte = Number(n & 127n); n >>= 7n; if ((n == 0 && (byte & 64) == 0) || (n == -1 && (byte & 64) != 0)) { output.push(byte); break; } output.push(byte | 128); } } else { for (;;) { const byte = Number(n & 127n); n >>= 7n; if (n == 0) { output.push(byte); break; } output.push(byte | 128); } } const Uint8Output = Uint8Array.from(output); if (settings.version === "hex") { return this.hexlify.encode(Uint8Output, [..."0123456789abcdef"], false)[0]; } return Uint8Output; } /** * BaseEx LEB128 Decoder. * @param {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; }|string} input - LEB128-Bytes or String of Hex-Version. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // Argument validation and output settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); if (settings.version === "hex") { input = this.hexlify.decode(this.utils.normalizeInput(input).toLowerCase(), [..."0123456789abcdef"], [], settings.integrity, false); } else if (typeof input.byteLength !== "undefined") { input = BytesInput.toBytes(input)[0]; } else { throw new TypeError("Input must be a bytes like object."); } if (input.length === 1 && !input[0]) { return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(new Uint8Array(1), settings.outputType, true); } input = Array.from(input); let n = 0n; let shiftVal = -7n; let byte; for (byte of input) { shiftVal += 7n; n += (BigInt(byte & 127) << shiftVal); } if (settings.signed && ((byte & 64) !== 0)) { n |= -(1n << shiftVal + 7n); } // Test for a negative sign let decimalNum, negative; [decimalNum, negative] = this.utils.extractSign(n.toString()); const output = this.converter.decode(decimalNum, [..."0123456789"], [], settings.integrity, true); // Return the output return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(output, settings.outputType, true, negative); } } /** * [BaseEx|Ecoji Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT OR Apache-2.0 * @see */ /** * BaseEx Ecoji (a Base 1024) Converter. * ------------------------------------ * This an implementation of the Ecoji converter. * Various input can be converted to an Ecoji string * or an Ecoji string can be decoded into various * formats. Versions 1 and 2 are supported. * This variant pretty much follows the standard * (at least in its results, the algorithm is very * different from the original). * A deviation is the handling of padding. The last * pad char can be trimmed for both versions and * additionally omitted completely if integrity * checks are disabled. */ class Ecoji extends BaseTemplate { #revEmojiVersion = {}; #padRegex = null; /** * BaseEx Ecoji Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); // charsets this.charsets.emojis_v1 = [..."🀄🃏🅰🅱🅾🅿🆎🆑🆒🆓🆔🆕🆖🆗🆘🆙🆚🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬🇭🇮🇯🇰🇱🇲🇳🇴🇵🇶🇷🇸🇹🇺🇻🇼🇽🇾🇿🈁🈂🈚🈯🈲🈳🈴🈵🈶🈷🈸🈹🈺🉐🉑🌀🌁🌂🌃🌄🌅🌆🌇🌈🌉🌊🌋🌌🌍🌎🌏🌐🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜🌝🌞🌟🌠🌡🌤🌥🌦🌧🌨🌩🌪🌫🌬🌭🌮🌯🌰🌱🌲🌳🌴🌵🌶🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🌽🌾🌿🍀🍁🍂🍃🍄🍅🍆🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🍔🍕🍖🍗🍘🍙🍚🍛🍜🍝🍞🍟🍠🍡🍢🍣🍤🍥🍦🍧🍨🍩🍪🍫🍬🍭🍮🍯🍰🍱🍲🍳🍴🍵🍶🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🍼🍽🍾🍿🎀🎁🎂🎃🎄🎅🎆🎇🎈🎉🎊🎋🎌🎍🎎🎏🎐🎑🎒🎓🎖🎗🎙🎚🎛🎞🎟🎠🎡🎢🎣🎤🎥🎦🎧🎨🎩🎪🎫🎬🎭🎮🎯🎰🎱🎲🎳🎴🎵🎶🎷🎸🎹🎺🎻🎼🎽🎾🎿🏀🏁🏂🏃🏄🏅🏆🏇🏈🏉🏊🏋🏌🏎🏏🏐🏑🏒🏓🏔🏕🏖🏗🏘🏙🏚🏛🏜🏝🏞🏟🏠🏡🏢🏣🏤🏥🏦🏧🏨🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏮🏯🏰🏳🏴🏵🏷🏸🏹🏺🏻🏼🏽🏾🏿🐀🐁🐂🐃🐄🐅🐆🐇🐈🐉🐊🐋🐌🐍🐎🐏🐐🐑🐒🐓🐔🐕🐖🐗🐘🐙🐚🐛🐜🐝🐞🐟🐠🐡🐢🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🐨🐩🐪🐫🐬🐭🐮🐯🐰🐱🐲🐳🐴🐵🐶🐷🐸🐹🐺🐻🐼🐽🐾🐿👀👁👂👃👄👅👆👇👈👉👊👋👌👍👎👏👐👑👒👓👔👕👖👗👘👙👚👛👜👝👞👟👠👡👢👣👤👥👦👧👨👩👪👫👬👭👮👯👰👱👲👳👴👵👶👷👸👹👺👻👼👽👾👿💀💁💂💃💄💅💆💇💈💉💊💋💌💍💎💏💐💑💒💓💔💕💖💗💘💙💚💛💜💝💞💟💠💡💢💣💤💥💦💧💨💩💪💫💬💭💮💯💰💱💲💳💴💵💶💷💸💹💺💻💼💽💾💿📀📁📂📃📄📅📆📇📈📉📊📋📌📍📎📏📐📒📓📔📕📖📗📘📙📚📛📜📝📞📟📠📡📢📣📤📥📦📧📨📩📪📫📬📭📮📯📰📱📲📳📴📵📶📷📸📹📺📻📼📽📿🔀🔁🔂🔃🔄🔅🔆🔇🔈🔉🔊🔋🔌🔍🔎🔏🔐🔑🔒🔓🔔🔕🔖🔗🔘🔙🔚🔛🔜🔝🔞🔟🔠🔡🔢🔣🔤🔥🔦🔧🔨🔩🔪🔫🔬🔭🔮🔯🔰🔱🔲🔳🔴🔵🔶🔷🔸🔹🔺🔻🔼🔽🕉🕊🕋🕌🕍🕎🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛🕜🕝🕞🕟🕠🕡🕢🕣🕤🕥🕦🕧🕯🕰🕳🕴🕵🕶🕷🕸🕹🕺🖇🖊🖋🖌🖍🖐🖕🖖🖤🖥🖨🖱🖲🖼🗂🗃🗄🗑🗒🗓🗜🗝🗞🗡🗣🗨🗯🗳🗺🗻🗼🗽🗾🗿😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐😑😒😓😔😕😖😗😘😙😚😛😜😝😞😟😠😡😢😣😤😥😦😧😨😩😪😫😬😭😮😯😰😱😲😳😴😵😶😷😸😹😺😻😼😽😾😿🙀🙁🙂🙃🙄🙅🙆🙇🙈🙉🙊🙌🙍🙎🙏🚀🚁🚂🚃🚄🚅🚆🚇🚈🚉🚊🚋🚌🚍🚎🚏🚐🚑🚒🚓🚔🚕🚖🚗🚘🚙🚚🚛🚜🚝🚞🚟🚠🚡🚢🚣🚤🚥🚦🚧🚨🚩🚪🚫🚬🚭🚮🚯🚰🚱🚲🚳🚴🚵🚶🚷🚸🚹🚺🚻🚼🚽🚾🚿🛀🛁🛂🛃🛄🛅🛋🛌🛍🛎🛏🛐🛑🛒🛠🛡🛢🛣🛤🛥🛩🛫🛬🛰🛳🛴🛵🛶🛷🛸🛹🤐🤑🤒🤓🤔🤕🤖🤗🤘🤙🤚🤛🤜🤝🤞🤟🤠🤡🤢🤣🤤🤥🤦🤧🤨🤩🤪🤫🤬🤭🤮🤯🤰🤱🤲🤳🤴🤵🤶🤷🤸🤹🤺🤼🤽🤾🥀🥁🥂🥃🥄🥅🥇🥈🥉🥊🥋🥌🥍🥎🥏🥐🥑🥒🥓🥔🥕🥖🥗🥘🥙🥚🥛🥜🥝🥞🥟🥠🥡🥢🥣🥤🥥🥦🥧🥨🥩🥪🥫🥬🥭🥮🥯🥰🥳🥴🥵🥶🥺🥼🥽🥾🥿🦀🦁🦂🦃🦄🦅🦆🦇🦈🦉🦊🦋🦌🦍🦎🦏🦐🦑🦒🦓🦔🦕🦖🦗🦘🦙🦚🦛🦜🦝🦞🦟🦠🦡🦢🦰🦱🦲🦳🦴🦵🦶🦷🦸🦹🧀🧁🧂🧐🧑🧒🧓🧔🧕"]; this.padChars.emojis_v1 = [ "⚜", "🏍", "📑", "🙋", "☕" ]; this.charsets.emojis_v2 = [..."🀄🃏⏰⏳☔♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓♿⚓⚡⚽⚾⛄⛅⛎⛔⛪⛲⛳⛵⛺⛽✊✋✨⭐🛕🛖🛗🛝🛞🛟🛺🈁🛻🤌🤏🤿🥱🥲🥸🥹🥻🦣🦤🦥🦦🦧🌀🌁🌂🌃🌄🌅🌆🌇🌈🌉🌊🌋🌌🌍🌎🌏🌐🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜🌝🌞🌟🌠🦨🦩🦪🦫🦬🦭🦮🦯🦺🦻🌭🌮🌯🌰🌱🌲🌳🌴🌵🦼🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🌽🌾🌿🍀🍁🍂🍃🍄🍅🍆🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍓🍔🍕🍖🍗🍘🍙🍚🍛🍜🍝🍞🍟🍠🍡🍢🍣🍤🍥🍦🍧🍨🍩🍪🍫🍬🍭🍮🍯🍰🍱🍲🍳🍴🍵🍶🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🍼🦽🍾🍿🎀🎁🎂🎃🎄🎅🎆🎇🎈🎉🎊🎋🎌🎍🎎🎏🎐🎑🎒🎓🦾🦿🧃🧄🧅🧆🧇🎠🎡🎢🎣🎤🎥🧈🎧🎨🎩🎪🎫🎬🎭🎮🎯🎰🎱🎲🎳🎴🎵🎶🎷🎸🎹🎺🎻🎼🎽🎾🎿🏀🏁🏂🏃🏄🏅🏆🏇🏈🏉🏊🧉🧊🧋🏏🏐🏑🏒🏓🧌🧍🧎🧏🧖🧗🧘🧙🧚🧛🧜🧝🏠🏡🏢🏣🏤🏥🏦🧞🏨🏩🏪🏫🏬🏭🏮🏯🏰🧟🏴🧠🧢🏸🏹🏺🧣🧤🧥🧦🧧🐀🐁🐂🐃🐄🐅🐆🐇🐈🐉🐊🐋🐌🐍🐎🐏🐐🐑🐒🐓🐔🐕🐖🐗🐘🐙🐚🐛🐜🐝🐞🐟🐠🐡🐢🐣🐤🐥🐦🐧🐨🐩🐪🐫🐬🐭🐮🐯🐰🐱🐲🐳🐴🐵🐶🐷🐸🐹🐺🐻🐼🐽🐾🧨👀🧩👂👃👄👅👆👇👈👉👊👋👌👍👎👏👐👑👒👓👔👕👖👗👘👙👚👛👜👝👞👟👠👡👢👣👤👥👦👧👨👩👪👫👬👭👮👯👰👱👲👳👴👵👶👷👸👹👺👻👼👽👾👿💀💁💂💃💄💅💆💇💈💉💊💋💌💍💎💏💐💑💒💓💔💕💖💗💘💙💚💛💜💝💞💟💠💡💢💣💤💥💦💧💨💩💪💫💬💭💮💯💰💱💲💳💴💵💶💷💸🧪💺💻💼💽💾💿📀🧫📂📃📄🧬📆📇📈📉📊📋📌📍📎📏📐📒📓📔📕📖📗📘📙📚📛📜📝📞📟📠📡📢📣📤📥📦📧📨📩📪📫📬📭📮📯📰📱📲📳🧭📵📶📷📸📹📺📻📼🧮📿🧯🧰🧱🧲🧳🔅🔆🔇🔈🔉🔊🔋🔌🔍🔎🔏🔐🔑🔒🔓🔔🔕🔖🔗🔘🧴🧵🧶🧷🧸🧹🧺🧻🧼🧽🧾🧿🔥🔦🔧🔨🔩🔪🔫🔬🔭🔮🔯🔰🔱🔲🔳🩰🩱🩲🩳🩴🩸🩹🩺🩻🩼🪀🪁🕋🕌🕍🕎🪂🪃🪄🪅🪆🪐🪑🪒🪓🪔🪕🪖🪗🪘🪙🪚🪛🪜🪝🪞🪟🪠🪡🪢🪣🪤🪥🪦🪧🪨🪩🪪🪫🕺🪬🪰🪱🪲🪳🪴🖕🖖🖤🪵🪶🪷🪸🪹🪺🫀🫁🫂🫃🫄🫅🫐🫑🫒🫓🫔🫕🫖🫗🗻🗼🗽🗾🗿😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐😑😒😓😔😕😖😗😘😙😚😛😜😝😞😟😠😡😢😣😤😥😦😧😨😩😪😫😬😭😮😯😰😱😲😳😴😵😶😷😸😹😺😻😼😽😾😿🙀🙁🙂🙃🙄🙅🙆🙇🙈🙉🙊🙌🙍🙎🙏🚀🚁🚂🚃🚄🚅🚆🚇🚈🚉🚊🚋🚌🚍🚎🚏🚐🚑🚒🚓🚔🚕🚖🚗🚘🚙🚚🚛🚜🚝🚞🚟🚠🚡🚢🚣🚤🚥🚦🚧🚨🚩🚪🚫🚬🚭🚮🚯🚰🚱🚲🚳🚴🚵🚶🚷🚸🚹🚺🚻🚼🚽🚾🚿🛀🛁🛂🛃🛄🛅🫘🛌🫙🫠🫡🛐🛑🛒🫢🫣🫤🫥🫦🫧🫰🛫🛬🫱🫲🛴🛵🛶🛷🛸🛹🤐🤑🤒🤓🤔🤕🤖🤗🤘🤙🤚🤛🤜🤝🤞🤟🤠🤡🤢🤣🤤🤥🤦🤧🤨🤩🤪🤫🤬🤭🤮🤯🤰🤱🤲🤳🤴🤵🤶🤷🤸🤹🤺🤼🤽🤾🥀🥁🥂🥃🥄🥅🥇🥈🥉🥊🥋🥌🥍🥎🥏🥐🥑🥒🥓🥔🥕🥖🥗🥘🥙🥚🥛🥜🥝🥞🥟🥠🥡🥢🥣🥤🥥🥦🥧🥨🥩🥪🥫🥬🥭🥮🥯🥰🥳🥴🥵🥶🥺🥼🥽🥾🥿🦀🦁🦂🦃🦄🦅🦆🦇🦈🦉🦊🦋🦌🦍🦎🦏🦐🦑🦒🦓🦔🦕🦖🦗🦘🦙🦚🦛🦜🦝🦞🦟🦠🦡🦢🫳🫴🫵🫶🦴🦵🦶🦷🦸🦹🧀🧁🧂🧐🧑🧒🧓🧔🧕"]; this.padChars.emojis_v2 = [ "🥷", "🛼", "📑", "🙋", "☕" ]; // init mapping for decoding particularities of the two versions this.#init(); // converter this.converter = new BaseConverter(1024, 5, 4); // predefined settings this.padding = true; this.padCharAmount = 5; this.nonASCII = true; this.version = "emojis_v2"; // mutable extra args this.isMutable.padding = true; this.isMutable.trim = true; // set trim option this.trim = null; this.utils.converterArgs.trim = ["notrim", "trim"]; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); if (this.trim === null) { this.trim = this.version === "emojis_v2"; } } /** * Analyzes v1 and two charsets for equal and non * equal characters to create a "revEmojiObj" for * decoding lookup. Also generates a RegExp object * for handling concatenated strings. */ #init() { // Stores all padding for a regex generation. const padAll = {}; // Creates an object which holds all characters // of both versions. Unique chars for version one // are getting the version value "1", version two "2" // and overlaps "3". const revEmojisAdd = (version, set) => { set.forEach((char) => { if (char in this.#revEmojiVersion) { this.#revEmojiVersion[char].version += version; } else { this.#revEmojiVersion[char] = { version }; } }); }; // This function adds a padding character of both // versions to the object, with additional information // about the padding type. In this process each unique // padChar is also added to the "padAll" object. const handlePadding = (version, set, type) => { set.forEach(padChar => { if (padChar in padAll) { this.#revEmojiVersion[padChar].version = 3; } else { this.#revEmojiVersion[padChar] = { version, padding: type }; padAll[padChar] = type; } }); }; revEmojisAdd(1, this.charsets.emojis_v1); revEmojisAdd(2, this.charsets.emojis_v2); handlePadding(1, this.padChars.emojis_v1.slice(0, -1), "last"); handlePadding(2, this.padChars.emojis_v2.slice(0, -1), "last"); handlePadding(1, this.padChars.emojis_v1.slice(-1), "fill"); handlePadding(2, this.padChars.emojis_v2.slice(-1), "fill"); // Create an array of keys for the final regex const regexArray = []; for (const padChar in padAll) { if (padAll[padChar] === "last") { regexArray.push(padChar); } else { regexArray.push(`${padChar}+`); } } // create a regex obj for matching all pad chars this.#padRegex = new RegExp(regexArray.join("|"), "g"); } /** * BaseEx Ecoji Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Ecoji encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const applyPadding = ({ output, settings, zeroPadding }) => { const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; let outArray = [...output]; if (zeroPadding > 1) { const padValue = this.converter.padBytes(zeroPadding); if (settings.padding) { const padLen = settings.trim ? 1 : padValue; const padArr = new Array(padLen).fill(this.padChars[settings.version].at(-1)); outArray.splice(outArray.length-padValue, padValue, ...padArr); } else { outArray.splice(outArray.length-padValue, padValue); } } else if (zeroPadding === 1) { const lastVal = charset.indexOf(outArray.pop()); const x = lastVal >> 8; outArray.push(this.padChars[settings.version].at(x)); } return outArray.join(""); }; return super.encode(input, null, applyPadding, ...args); } /** * BaseEx Ecoji Decoder. * @param {string} input - Ecoji String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // Argument validation and output settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); input = this.utils.normalizeInput(input); let version = settings.version; let versionKey = null; if (settings.version === "emojis_v1" || settings.version === "emojis_v2") { // versionKey can be both v1 or v2 versionKey = 3; } // the actual decoding is wrapped in a function // for the possibility to call it multiple times const decode = (input) => { if (versionKey !== null) { versionKey = this.#preDecode(input, versionKey, settings.integrity); version = (versionKey === 3) ? settings.version : `emojis_v${versionKey}`; } const charset = this.charsets[version]; const inArray = [...input]; const lastChar =; let skipLast = false; for (let i=0, l=this.padChars[version].length-1; i { const end = match.index +; preOutArray.push(...decode(input.slice(start, end))); start = end; }); // in case the last group has no padding, it is not yet // decoded -> do it now if (start !== input.length) { preOutArray.push(...decode(input.slice(start, input.length))); } output = Uint8Array.from(preOutArray); } return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(output, settings.outputType); } /** * Determines the version (1/2) and analyzes the input for integrity. * @param {string} input - Input string. * @param {number} versionKey - Version key from former calls (initially always 3). * @param {boolean} integrity - If false non standard or wrong padding gets ignored. * @returns {number} - Version key (1|2|3) */ #preDecode(input, versionKey, integrity) { const inArray = [...input]; let sawPadding; inArray.forEach((char, i) => { if (char in this.#revEmojiVersion) { const charVersion = this.#revEmojiVersion[char].version; // version changes can only happen if the char is // not in both versions (not 3) if (charVersion !== 3) { if (versionKey === 3) { versionKey = charVersion; } else if (versionKey !== charVersion) { throw new TypeError(`Emojis from different ecoji versions seen : ${char} from emojis_v${charVersion}`); } } // analyze possible wrong padding if integrity checks // are enabled if (integrity) { const padding = this.#revEmojiVersion[char].padding; if (padding) { // index relative to a group of four bytes const relIndex = i%4; sawPadding = true; if (padding === "fill") { if (relIndex === 0) { throw new TypeError(`Padding unexpectedly seen in first position ${char}`); } } else if (relIndex !== 3) { throw new TypeError(`Last padding seen in unexpected position ${char}`); } } else if (sawPadding) { throw new TypeError("Unexpectedly saw non-padding after padding"); } } } else { throw new DecodingError(char); } }); // lastly test for invalid string if (integrity && inArray.length % 4) { if ( versionKey === 1 || this.#revEmojiVersion[].padding !== "fill" ) { throw new TypeError("Unexpected end of data, input data size not multiple of 4"); } } return versionKey; } } /** * [BaseEx|Base2048 Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base 2048 Converter. * ------------------------ * This is a base2048/converter. Various input can be * converted to a hex string or a hex string can be * decoded into various formats. It is possible to * convert in both signed and unsigned mode. * * @see */ class Base2048 extends BaseTemplate { /** * BaseEx Base2048 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); // converter (properties only) this.converter = { radix: 2048, bsEnc: 11, bsEncPad: 3, bsDec: 8 }; // default settings this.charsets.default = [..."89ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzÆÐØÞßæðøþĐđĦħıĸŁłŊŋŒœŦŧƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏƐƑƒƓƔƕƖƗƘƙƚƛƜƝƞƟƢƣƤƥƦƧƨƩƪƫƬƭƮƱƲƳƴƵƶƷƸƹƺƻƼƽƾƿǀǁǂǃǝǤǥǶǷȜȝȠȡȢȣȤȥȴȵȶȷȸȹȺȻȼȽȾȿɀɁɂɃɄɅɆɇɈɉɊɋɌɍɎɏɐɑɒɓɔɕɖɗɘəɚɛɜɝɞɟɠɡɢɣɤɥɦɧɨɩɪɫɬɭɮɯɰɱɲɳɴɵɶɷɸɹɺɻɼɽɾɿʀʁʂʃʄʅʆʇʈʉʊʋʌʍʎʏʐʑʒʓʔʕʖʗʘʙʚʛʜʝʞʟʠʡʢʣʤʥʦʧʨʩʪʫʬʭʮʯͰͱͲͳͶͷͻͼͽͿΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϏϗϘϙϚϛϜϝϞϟϠϡϢϣϤϥϦϧϨϩϪϫϬϭϮϯϳϷϸϺϻϼϽϾϿЂЄЅІЈЉЊЋЏАБВГДЕЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзиклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяђєѕіјљњћџѠѡѢѣѤѥѦѧѨѩѪѫѬѭѮѯѰѱѲѳѴѵѸѹѺѻѼѽѾѿҀҁҊҋҌҍҎҏҐґҒғҔҕҖҗҘҙҚқҜҝҞҟҠҡҢңҤҥҦҧҨҩҪҫҬҭҮүҰұҲҳҴҵҶҷҸҹҺһҼҽҾҿӀӃӄӅӆӇӈӉӊӋӌӍӎӏӔӕӘәӠӡӨөӶӷӺӻӼӽӾӿԀԁԂԃԄԅԆԇԈԉԊԋԌԍԎԏԐԑԒԓԔԕԖԗԘԙԚԛԜԝԞԟԠԡԢԣԤԥԦԧԨԩԪԫԬԭԮԯԱԲԳԴԵԶԷԸԹԺԻԼԽԾԿՀՁՂՃՄՅՆՇՈՉՊՋՌՍՎՏՐՑՒՓՔՕՖաբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆאבגדהוזחטיךכלםמןנסעףפץצקרשתװױײؠءابةتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغػؼؽؾؿفقكلمنهوىي٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ٮٯٱٲٳٴٹٺٻټٽپٿڀځڂڃڄڅچڇڈډڊڋڌڍڎڏڐڑڒړڔڕږڗژڙښڛڜڝڞڟڠڡڢڣڤڥڦڧڨکڪګڬڭڮگڰڱڲڳڴڵڶڷڸڹںڻڼڽھڿہۃۄۅۆۇۈۉۊۋیۍێۏېۑےەۮۯ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹ۺۻۼۿܐܒܓܔܕܖܗܘܙܚܛܜܝܞܟܠܡܢܣܤܥܦܧܨܩܪܫܬܭܮܯݍݎݏݐݑݒݓݔݕݖݗݘݙݚݛݜݝݞݟݠݡݢݣݤݥݦݧݨݩݪݫݬݭݮݯݰݱݲݳݴݵݶݷݸݹݺݻݼݽݾݿހށނރބޅކއވމފދތލގޏސޑޒޓޔޕޖޗޘޙޚޛޜޝޞޟޠޡޢޣޤޥޱ߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉ߊߋߌߍߎߏߐߑߒߓߔߕߖߗߘߙߚߛߜߝߞߟߠߡߢߣߤߥߦߧߨߩߪࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏࠐࠑࠒࠓࠔࠕࡀࡁࡂࡃࡄࡅࡆࡇࡈࡉࡊࡋࡌࡍࡎࡏࡐࡑࡒࡓࡔࡕࡖࡗࡘࡠࡡࡢࡣࡤࡥࡦࡧࡨࡩࡪࢠࢡࢢࢣࢤࢥࢦࢧࢨࢩࢪࢫࢬࢭࢮࢯࢰࢱࢲࢳࢴࢶࢷࢸࢹࢺࢻࢼࢽऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलळवशषसहऽॐॠॡ०१२३४५६७८९ॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼॽॾॿঀঅআইঈউঊঋঌএঐওঔকখগঘঙচছজঝঞটঠডঢণতথদধনপফবভমযরলশষসহঽৎৠৡ০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯ৰৱ৴৵৶৷৸৹ৼਅਆਇਈਉਊਏਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਵਸਹੜ੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯ੲੳੴઅઆઇઈઉઊઋઌઍએઐઑઓઔકખગઘઙચછજઝઞટઠડઢણતથદધનપફબભમયરલળવશષસહઽૐૠૡ૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯ૹଅଆଇଈଉଊଋଌଏଐଓଔକଖଗଘଙଚଛଜଝଞଟଠଡଢଣତଥଦଧନପଫବଭମଯରଲଳଵଶଷସହଽୟୠୡ୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯ୱ୲୳୴୵୶୷ஃஅஆஇஈஉஊஎஏஐஒஓகஙசஜஞடணதநனபமயரறலளழவஶஷஸஹௐ௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯௰௱௲అఆఇఈఉఊఋఌఎఏఐఒఓఔకఖగఘఙచఛజఝఞటఠడఢణతథదధనపఫబభమయరఱలళఴవశషసహఽౘౙౚౠౡ౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౮౯౸౹౺౻౼౽౾ಀಅಆಇಈಉಊಋಌಎಏಐಒಓಔಕಖಗಘಙಚಛಜಝಞಟಠಡಢಣತಥದಧನಪಫಬಭಮಯರಱಲಳವಶಷಸಹಽೞೠೡ೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯ೱೲഅആഇഈഉഊഋഌഎഏഐഒഓഔകഖഗഘങചഛജഝഞടഠഡഢണതഥദധനഩപഫബഭമയരറലളഴവശഷസഹഺഽൎൔൕൖ൘൙൚൛൜൝൞ൟൠൡ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯൰൱൲൳൴൵൶൷൸ൺൻർൽൾൿඅආඇඈඉඊඋඌඍඎඏඐඑඒඓඔඕඖකඛගඝඞඟචඡජඣඤඥඦටඨඩඪණඬතථදධනඳපඵබභමඹයරලවශෂසහළෆ෦෧෨෩෪෫෬෭෮෯กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟภมยรฤลฦวศษสหฬอฮฯะาเแโใไๅ๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙ກຂຄງຈຊຍດຕຖທນບປຜຝພຟມຢຣລວສຫອຮຯະາຽເແໂໃໄ໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙ໞໟༀ༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩༪༫༬༭༮༯༰༱༲༳ཀཁགངཅཆཇཉཊཋཌཎཏཐདནཔཕབམཙཚཛཝཞཟའཡརལཤཥསཧཨཪཫཬྈྉྊྋྌကခဂဃငစဆဇဈဉညဋဌဍဎဏတထဒဓနပဖဗဘမယရလဝသဟဠအဢဣဤဥဧဨဩဪဿ၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉ၐၑၒၓၔၕ"]; this.padChars.default = [..."01234567"]; this.padCharAmount = 8; this.hasSignedMode = true; this.littleEndian = false; this.nonASCII = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Base2048 Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base2048 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); let inputBytes = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings).at(0); const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; const padChars = this.padChars[settings.version]; let output = ""; let z = 0; let numZBits = 0; inputBytes.forEach(uint8 => { for (let i=this.converter.bsDec-1; i>=0; i--) { z = (z << 1) + ((uint8 >> i) & 1); numZBits++; if (numZBits === this.converter.bsEnc) { output +=; z = 0; numZBits = 0; } } }); if (numZBits !== 0) { let bitCount; let isPadding; if (numZBits <= this.converter.bsEncPad) { bitCount = this.converter.bsEncPad; isPadding = true; } else { bitCount = this.converter.bsEnc; isPadding = false; } while (numZBits !== bitCount) { z = (z << 1) + 1; numZBits++; if (numZBits > this.converter.bsEnc) { throw new Error("Cannot process input. This is a bug!"); } } if (isPadding) { output +=; } else { output +=; } } return this.utils.wrapOutput(output, settings.options.lineWrap); } /** * BaseEx Base2048 Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base2048/Hex String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // apply settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); // ensure a string input input = this.utils.normalizeInput(input); const inArray = [...input]; const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; const padChars = this.padChars[settings.version]; const byteArray = new Array(); let uint8 = 0; let numUint8Bits = 0; inArray.forEach((c, i) => { let numZBits; let z = charset.indexOf(c); if (z > -1) { numZBits = this.converter.bsEnc; } else { z = padChars.indexOf(c); if (z > -1) { if (i+1 !== inArray.length) { throw new DecodingError(null, `Secondary character found before end of input, index: ${i}`); } numZBits = this.converter.bsEncPad; } else if (settings.integrity) { throw new DecodingError(c); } } // Take most significant bit first for (let j=numZBits-1; j>=0; j--) { uint8 = (uint8 << 1) + ((z >> j) & 1); numUint8Bits++; if (numUint8Bits === this.converter.bsDec) { byteArray.push(uint8); uint8 = 0; numUint8Bits = 0; } } }); return this.utils.outputHandler.compile( Uint8Array.from(byteArray), settings.outputType ); } } /** * [BaseEx|SimpleBase Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx SimpleBase Converter. * --------------------------- * SimpleBase provides the simple mathematical base * conversion as known from (n).toString(radix) and * parseInt(n, radix). * * The constructor needs a radix between 2-62 as the * first argument. In other regards it behaves pretty * much as any other converter. */ class SimpleBase extends BaseTemplate { /** * SimpleBase Constructor. * @param {number} radix - Radix between 2 and 62 * @param {...any} args - Converter settings. */ constructor(radix, ...args) { super(); if (!radix || !Number.isInteger(radix) || radix < 2 || radix > 62) { throw new RangeError("Radix argument must be provided and has to be an integer between 2 and 62.") } this.converter = new BaseConverter(radix, 0, 0); // charsets this.charsets.default = [..."0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"].slice(0, radix); // predefined settings this.frozenCharsets = true; this.hasSignedMode = true; this.littleEndian = !(radix === 2 || radix === 16); this.signed = true; this.version = "default"; // list of allowed/disallowed args to change this.isMutable.littleEndian = true, this.isMutable.upper = radix <= 36; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx SimpleBase Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - Base 2-62 encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { return super.encode(input, null, null, ...args); } /** * BaseEx SimpleBase Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base 2-62 String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(rawInput, ...args) { // pre decoding function const normalizeInput = ({ input }) => { // normalize input (add leading zeros) for base 2 and 16 if (this.converter.radix === 2) { const leadingZeros = (8 - (input.length % 8)) % 8; input = `${"0".repeat(leadingZeros)}${input}`; } else if (this.converter.radix === 16) { const leadingZeros = input.length % 2; input = `${"0".repeat(leadingZeros)}${input}`; } return input; }; return super.decode(rawInput, normalizeInput, null, false, ...args); } } /** * big.js v6.2.1 // Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Mclaughlin // // Modified (reduced) and minified for BaseEx */ let DP=20,RM=1,MAX_DP=1e6,NE=-7,PE=21,STRICT=!1,NAME="[big.js] ",INVALID=NAME+"Invalid ",INVALID_DP=INVALID+"decimal places",INVALID_RM=INVALID+"rounding mode",P={},NUMERIC=/^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i;function _Big_(){function Big(n){let x=this;if(!(x instanceof Big))return void 0===n?_Big_():new Big(n);if(n instanceof Big)x.s=n.s,x.e=n.e,x.c=n.c.slice();else {if("string"!=typeof n){if(!0===Big.strict&&"bigint"!=typeof n)throw TypeError(INVALID+"value");n=0===n&&1/n<0?"-0":String(n);}parse(x,n);}x.constructor=Big;}return Big.prototype=P,Big.DP=DP,Big.RM=RM,Big.NE=NE,Big.PE=PE,Big.strict=STRICT,Big.roundDown=0,Big.roundHalfUp=1,Big.roundHalfEven=2,Big.roundUp=3,Big}function parse(x,n){let e,i,nl;if(!NUMERIC.test(n))throw Error(`${INVALID}number`);for(x.s="-"==n.charAt(0)?(n=n.slice(1),-1):1,(e=n.indexOf("."))>-1&&(n=n.replace(".","")),(>0?(e<0&&(e=i),e+=+n.slice(i+1),n=n.substring(0,i)):e<0&&(e=n.length),nl=n.length,i=0;i0&&"0"==n.charAt(--nl););for(x.e=e-i-1,x.c=[],e=0;i<=nl;)x.c[e++]=+n.charAt(i++);}return x}function round(x,sd,rm,more){let xc=x.c;if(void 0===rm&&(rm=x.constructor.RM),0!==rm&&1!==rm&&2!==rm&&3!==rm)throw Error(INVALID_RM);if(sd<1)more=3===rm&&(more||!!xc[0])||0===sd&&(1===rm&&xc[0]>=5||2===rm&&(xc[0]>5||5===xc[0]&&(more||void 0!==xc[1]))),xc.length=1,more?(x.e=x.e-sd+1,xc[0]=1):xc[0]=x.e=0;else if(sd=5||2===rm&&(xc[sd]>5||5===xc[sd]&&(more||void 0!==xc[sd+1]||1&xc[sd-1]))||3===rm&&(more||!!xc[0]),xc.length=sd,more)for(;++xc[--sd]>9;)if(xc[sd]=0,0===sd){++x.e,xc.unshift(1);break}for(sd=xc.length;!xc[--sd];)xc.pop();}return x}function stringify(x,doExponential,isNonzero){let e=x.e,s=x.c.join(""),n=s.length;if(doExponential)s=s.charAt(0)+(n>1?"."+s.slice(1):"")+(e<0?"e":"e+")+e;else if(e<0){for(;++e;)s="0"+s;s="0."+s;}else if(e>0)if(++e>n)for(e-=n;e--;)s+="0";else e1&&(s=s.charAt(0)+"."+s.slice(1));return x.s<0&&isNonzero?"-"+s:s}P.abs=function(){let x=new this.constructor(this);return x.s=1,x},P.cmp=function(y){let isneg,x=this,xc=x.c,yc=(y=new x.constructor(y)).c,i=x.s,j=y.s,k=x.e,l=y.e;if(!xc[0]||!yc[0])return xc[0]?i:yc[0]?-j:0;if(i!=j)return i;if(isneg=i<0,k!=l)return k>l^isneg?1:-1;for(j=(k=xc.length)<(l=yc.length)?k:l,i=-1;++iyc[i]^isneg?1:-1;return k==l?0:k>l^isneg?1:-1},P.eq=function(y){return 0===this.cmp(y)},{return this.cmp(y)>0},P.gte=function(y){return this.cmp(y)>-1},{return this.cmp(y)<0},P.lte=function(y){return this.cmp(y)<1},P.minus=P.sub=function(y){let i,j,t,xlty,x=this,Big=x.constructor,a=x.s,b=(y=new Big(y)).s;if(a!=b)return y.s=-b,;let xc=x.c.slice(),xe=x.e,yc=y.c,ye=y.e;if(!xc[0]||!yc[0])return yc[0]?y.s=-b:xc[0]?y=new Big(x):y.s=1,y;if(a=xe-ye){for((xlty=a<0)?(a=-a,t=xc):(ye=xe,t=yc),t.reverse(),b=a;b--;)t.push(0);t.reverse();}else for(j=((xlty=xc.length0)for(;b--;)xc[i++]=0;for(b=i;j>a;){if(xc[--j]0?(ye=xe,t=yc):(e=-e,t=xc),t.reverse();e--;)t.push(0);t.reverse();}for(xc.length-yc.length<0&&(t=yc,yc=xc,xc=t),e=yc.length,k=0;e;xc[e]%=10)k=(xc[--e]=xc[e]+yc[e]+k)/10|0;for(k&&(xc.unshift(k),++ye),e=xc.length;0===xc[--e];)xc.pop();return y.c=xc,y.e=ye,y},P.round=function(dp,rm){if(void 0===dp)dp=0;else if(dp!==~~dp||dp<-MAX_DP||dp>MAX_DP)throw Error(INVALID_DP);return round(new this.constructor(this),dp+this.e+1,rm)},P.toFixed=function(dp,rm){let x=this,n=x.c[0];if(void 0!==dp){if(dp!==~~dp||dp<0||dp>MAX_DP)throw Error(INVALID_DP);for(x=round(new x.constructor(x),dp+x.e+1,rm),dp=dp+x.e+1;x.c.length=Big.PE,!!x.c[0])},P.toNumber=function(){let n=Number(stringify(this,!0,!0));if(!0===this.constructor.strict&&!this.eq(n.toString()))throw Error(NAME+"Imprecise conversion");return n};const Big=_Big_(); /** * [BaseEx|BasePhi Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Base Phi Converter. * ------------------------ * * This is a base phi converter. Various input can be * converted to a base phi string or a base phi string * can be decoded into various formats. * */ class BasePhi extends BaseTemplate { #Phi = Big("1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448622705260462818902449707207204189391137484754088075386891752"); /** * BaseEx basE91 Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { super(); // converter (properties only) this.converter = { radix: 2, // radix is Phi, but the normalized representation allows two chars bsEnc: 0, bsDec: 0 }; // base10 converter to have always have a numerical input this.b10 = new BaseConverter(10, 0, 0); // charsets this.charsets.default = ["0", "1"]; this.version = "default"; this.signed = true; this.hasDecimalMode = true; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx BasePhi Encoder. * @param {*} input - Input according to the used byte converter. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {string} - BasePhi encoded string. */ encode(input, ...args) { // argument validation and input settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; let inputBytes; let negative; let n; let output = ""; // Base Phi allows direct encoding of rational // and irrational numbers, which can be enabled // by using the special type "decimal". Input // type must be "Number" for this mode. if (settings.decimalMode) { if (Number.isFinite(input)) { if (input < 0) { negative = true; n = Big(-input); } else { negative = false; n = Big(input); } } else { throw new TypeError("When running the converter in decimal-mode, only input of type 'Number' is allowed.") } } // Every other type first converts the byte representation // of the input to base 10. else { [ inputBytes, negative, ] = this.utils.inputHandler.toBytes(input, settings); n = Big( this.b10.encode(inputBytes, null, settings.littleEndian)[0] ); } // if "n" if 0 or 1 stop here and return 0 or 1 (according to the charset) if (n.eq(0) || n.eq(1)) { output = charset[n.toNumber()]; if (negative) { output = `-${output}`; } return output; } // create two arrays to store all exponents const exponents = []; const decExponents = []; // The very first step is to find the highest exponent // of Phi which fits into "n" (the rounded highest exponent // is also the highest Lucas number which fits into "n") // To find the highest fitting exponent start with // Phi^0 (1) and Phi^1 (Phi). let last = Big(1); let cur = this.#Phi; let exp = 0; // Now add the result with the last higher value "cur", // util "cur" is bigger than "n" while ( { [ last, cur ] = this.#nextPhiExp(last, cur); exp++; } /** * Recursive reduction function for "n". Finds the largest * fitting exponent of Phi (Lucas index), stores that index * in the exponent arrays and reduces "n" by the current exponents * power. * Once started, it calls itself until "n" is zero. * @param {Object} cur - Current result of Phi^exp as a Big.js object. * @param {Object} prev - Previous result of Phi^exp as a Big.js object. * @param {number} exp - Exponent of Phi/Lucas index. */ const reduceN = (cur, prev, exp) => { // Due to the high floating point precision "n" should // be exactly zero, but if not, an approximation is // sufficient. if (this.#approxNull(n)) return; // Reduce the exponents of Phi until it power fits into "n" while ( { [ cur, prev ] = this.#prevPhiExp(cur, prev); // if "cur" gets negative return immediately // prevent an infinite loop if (cur.lte(0)) { console.warn("Could not find an exact base-phi representation. Value is approximated."); return; } exp--; } // Store the exponents if (exp > -1) { exponents.unshift(exp); } else { decExponents.push(exp); } // Reduce "n" n = n.minus(cur); reduceN(cur, prev, exp); }; // Initial call of the reduction function reduceN(last, cur, exp); // Create a BasePhi string by setting a "1" at every // index stored in the "exponent" array. for every // number between two indices a zero is added. exp = 0; exponents.forEach(nExp => { while (exp < nExp) { output = `${charset[0]}${output}`; exp++; } output = `${charset[1]}${output}`; exp++; }); // Add a decimal point if (!output) { output = "0."; } else { output += "."; } // Proceed with the decimal exponents exp = -1; decExponents.forEach(nExp => { while (exp > nExp) { output += charset[0]; exp--; } output += charset[1]; exp--; }); // Add a "-" if the input is negative. if (negative) { output = `-${output}`; } return output; } /** * BaseEx Base Phi Decoder. * @param {string} input - Base Phi String. * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output according to converter settings. */ decode(input, ...args) { // Argument validation and output settings const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); const charset = this.charsets[settings.version]; let negative; [ input, negative ] = this.utils.extractSign( this.utils.normalizeInput(input) ); // remove unwanted characters if integrity is false if (!settings.integrity) { const testChars = [...charset, "."]; input = [...input].filter(c => testChars.includes(c)).join(""); } // Split the input String at the decimal sign // and initialize a big.js-object with value 0 const inputSplit = input.split("."); if (settings.integrity && inputSplit.length > 2) { throw new DecodingError(null, "There are multiple decimal points in the input."); } const [ posExpStr, decExpStr ] = inputSplit; let n = Big(0); // Initialize two variables "last" and "cur" // for Phi^exp-1 and Phi^exp let last = this.#Phi.minus(1); let cur = Big(1); // Convert the left side of the input string // to an array of chars and reverse it. Raise // the exponent of Phi and its values until a // one is found in the array, if a "1" was found // add the value "cur" to number "n" (one can // also be another corresponding char of the set // which represents 1). [...posExpStr].reverse().forEach((char) => { const charIndex = charset.indexOf(char); if (charIndex === 1) { n =; } else if (charIndex !== 0) { throw new DecodingError(char); } [ last, cur ] = this.#nextPhiExp(last, cur); }); // Now also add the values for the decimal places. if (decExpStr) { let prev = Big(1); cur = this.#Phi.minus(prev); [...decExpStr].forEach((char) => { const charIndex = charset.indexOf(char); if (charIndex === 1) { n =; } else if (charIndex !== 0) { throw new DecodingError(char); } [ cur, prev ] = this.#prevPhiExp(cur, prev); }); } // If running in decimal mode return n as a Number if (settings.decimalMode) { return n.toNumber(); } // For every other case round "n" and turn it // into a string of an integer. n = n.round().toFixed(); // Use the base 10 decoder to get the byte // representation of "n". const output = this.b10.decode(n, [..."0123456789"], [], settings.integrity, settings.littleEndian); // Return the output according to the settings. return this.utils.outputHandler.compile(output, settings.outputType, settings.littleEndian, negative); } /** * Test if n is approximately zero. * @param {Object} n - Big.js Object. * @returns {Boolean} */ #approxNull(n) { return !(n.round(50) .abs() .toNumber() ); } /** * Get the results of of the following exponents of Phi * from the predecessors. * @param {Object} last - Phi^exp-1 as a big.js-object * @param {Object} cur - Phi^exp as a big.js-object * @returns {Object[]} - Array with Phi^exp and Phi^exp+1 */ #nextPhiExp(last, cur) { return [ cur, ]; } /** * Get the results of of the previous exponents of Phi * from the predecessors. * @param {Object} cur - Phi^exp as a big.js-object * @param {Object} prev - Phi^exp-1 as a big.js-object * @returns {Object[]} - Array with Phi^exp-1 and Phi^exp */ #prevPhiExp(cur, prev) { return [ prev.minus(cur), cur ]; } } /** * [BaseEx|Byte Converter]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ // Endianness of the system const LITTLE_ENDIAN = (() => { const testInt = new Uint16Array([1]); const byteRepresentation = new Uint8Array(testInt.buffer); return Boolean(; })(); /** * BaseEx Byte Converter. * --------------------- * * This is a byte converter. Various input can be * converted to a bytes or bytes can be decoded into * various formats. * * As en- and decoder were already available, for the * use of converting in- and output for the base * converters, this is just a little extra tool, which * was fast and easy to create. */ class ByteConverter { /** * BaseEx ByteConverter Constructor. * @param {...string} [args] - Converter settings. */ constructor(...args) { // predefined settings this.littleEndian = LITTLE_ENDIAN; this.numberMode = false; this.outputType = "buffer"; // simplified utils this.utils = { validateArgs: (args, initial=false) => { const parameters = { littleEndian: this.littleEndian, numberMode: this.numberMode, outputType: this.outputType, signed: false, }; if (!args.length) { return parameters; } if (args.includes("number")) { args.splice(args.indexOf("number"), 1); parameters.numberMode = true; parameters.outputType = "float_n"; } const outTypes = => `'${s}'`).join(", "); args.forEach((arg) => { arg = String(arg).toLowerCase(); if (arg === "le") { parameters.littleEndian = true; } else if (arg === "be") { parameters.littleEndian = false; } else if (SmartOutput.typeList.includes(arg)) { parameters.outputType = arg; } else { throw new TypeError(`Invalid argument: '${arg}.\nValid arguments are:\n'le', 'be', ${outTypes}`); } }); if (initial) { for (const param in parameters) { this[param] = parameters[param]; } } return parameters; } }; // apply user settings this.utils.validateArgs(args, true); } /** * BaseEx Byte Encoder. * @param {*} input - Almost any input. * @param {...str} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; }} - Bytes of Input. */ encode(input, ...args) { const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); return SmartInput.toBytes(input, settings)[0]; } /** * BaseEx Byte Decoder. * @param {{ buffer: ArrayBufferLike; }} input - Bytes/Buffer/View * @param {...any} [args] - Converter settings. * @returns {*} - Output of requested type. */ decode(input, ...args) { const settings = this.utils.validateArgs(args); return SmartOutput.compile(input, settings.outputType, settings.littleEndian); } } /** * [BaseEx]{@link} * * @version 0.8.1 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ /** * BaseEx Converter Collection. * --------------------------- * This class holds almost any available converter * of the whole BaseEx converter collection. The * instances are ready to use. Various input can be * converted to a base string or the base string can be * decoded into various formats. */ class BaseEx { /** * BaseEx Base Collection Constructor. * @param {string} [outputType] - Output type. */ constructor(outputType="buffer") { if (!DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HANDLER.typeList.includes(outputType)) { let message = `Invalid argument '${outputType}' for output type. Allowed types are:\n`; message = message.concat(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HANDLER.typeList.join(", ")); throw new TypeError(message); } this.base1 = new Base1("default", outputType); this.base16 = new Base16("default", outputType); this.base32_crockford = new Base32("rfc4648", outputType); this.base32_rfc3548 = new Base32("rfc3548", outputType); this.base32_rfc4648 = new Base32("rfc4648", outputType); this.base32_zbase32 = new Base32("zbase32", outputType); this.base58 = new Base58("default", outputType); this.base58_bitcoin = new Base58("bitcoin", outputType); this.base58_flickr = new Base58("flickr", outputType); this.base64 = new Base64("default", outputType); this.base64_urlsafe = new Base64("urlsafe", outputType); this.uuencode = new UUencode("default", outputType); this.uuencode_original = new UUencode("original", outputType); this.xxencode = new UUencode("xx", outputType); this.base85_adobe = new Base85("adobe", outputType); this.base85_ascii = new Base85("ascii85", outputType); this.base85_z85 = new Base85("z85", outputType); this.base91 = new Base91("default",outputType); this.leb128 = new LEB128("default", outputType); this.ecoji_v1 = new Ecoji("emojis_v1", outputType); this.ecoji_v2 = new Ecoji("emojis_v2", outputType); this.base2048 = new Base2048("default", outputType); this.basePhi = new BasePhi("default", outputType); this.byteConverter = new ByteConverter(outputType); this.simpleBase = {}; for (let i=2; i<=62; i++) { this.simpleBase[`base${i}`] = new SimpleBase(i, outputType); } } } /** * [HMACObj]{@link} * * @version 1.0.6 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ let BASE_EX; if (typeof BaseEx === "undefined") { throw new Error("BaseEx is required for this module to work. Please make sure the whole library or the BaseEx class can be globally found under the name 'BaseEx'."); } if ("BaseEx" in BaseEx) { BASE_EX = new BaseEx.BaseEx(); } else { BASE_EX = new BaseEx(); } const DIGESTMODS = ["SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512"]; const KEY_FORMATS = ["raw", "jwk"]; /** * Creates a HMAC-SHA-(1-512) object for JavaScript. * It is related to pythons hmac library in its methods * and features but with many extras. * * It provides an easy access to the global Crypto.subtle * method, and also makes it possible to get multiple * different digest methods. * * @see: */ class HMACObj { #bits = null; #digest = null; #digestmod = null; #input = []; #key = null; #keyFormats = this.constructor.keyFormats(); #keyIsExportable = null; /** * Creates a HMAC Object. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... */ constructor(digestmod) { [ this.#digestmod, this.#bits ] = getDigestModFromParam(digestmod, DIGESTMODS); this.#addConverters(); } /** * BaseEx instance. */ static baseEx = BASE_EX; /** * Static method to receive information about the * available digestmod. * @returns {set} - A set of available digestmod. */ static digestmodsAvailable() { return new Set(DIGESTMODS); } /** * Static method to receive information about the * available key formats. * @returns {set} - A set of available key formats. */ static keyFormats() { return new Set(KEY_FORMATS); } /** * Static method to generate a crypto key for the HMAC algorithm. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - If true the key can get exported. * @returns {Object} - Crypto Key. */ static async generateKey(digestmod="", permitExports=false) { digestmod = getDigestModFromParam(digestmod, DIGESTMODS).at(0); return await cryptoSubtle.generateKey(digestmod, permitExports); } /** * Return a === b. This function uses an approach designed * to prevent timing analysis by avoiding content-based * short circuiting behavior, making it appropriate for * cryptography. * a and b (or more precisely their byte representation) * must both be of the same type. * @param {*} a * @param {*} b * @returns */ static compareDigest(a, b) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined") { throw new Error("HMACobj.compareDigest takes exactly two positional arguments."); } a = BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(a, "uint8"); b = BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(b, "uint8"); // set the greater array as 'A' let A, B; if (a.byteLength > b.byteLength) { A = a; B = b; } else { A = b; B = a; } // Walk through the greater (or equally sized) array and // compare each value with the value at the corresponding // index. (If B is smaller it will return undefined at a // certain point). const test =, i) => { return byte ===; }); // Only if every value is true the result of the // reduced array will be 1. If one value is false // the result will be zero. const passed = Boolean(test.reduce((x, y) => x*y)); return passed; } /** * Asynchronously creates a new instance. In contrast * to the regular new operator a message and key can * be provided. If a message is set, a key must also be * handed over or a crypto key gets generated automatically. * A message gets passed to the 'update' method. * * @param {*} key - Almost any input can be provided. It gets converted to bytes and used for the crypto key generation. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... * @param {string} [keyFormat="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. If not set to raw, 'key' must match the format. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - If a key is getting generated, this bool sets it to exportable or not. * @returns {Object} - A HMACObj instance. */ static async new(key=null, msg=null, digestmod="", keyFormat="raw", permitExports=false) { const hmacObj = new this(digestmod); if (key) { if (keyFormat === "object") { await hmacObj.setKey(key); } else { await hmacObj.importKey(key, keyFormat, permitExports); } } if (msg !== null) { if (!key) { await hmacObj.generateKey(); console.warn("A message but no key was provided. The key was generated for you."); } await hmacObj.update(msg); } return hmacObj; } /** * The size of the resulting hash in bytes. */ get digestSize() { return this.#bits / 8; } /** * The internal block size of the hash algorithm in bytes. */ get blockSize() { return this.#bits > 256 ? 128 : 64; } /** * The canonical name of this HMAC, always uppercase, * e.g. HMAC-SHA-256. */ get name() { return "HMAC-" + this.#digestmod; } /** * Shortcut to the BaseEx byte converter. * @param {*} input - Almost any input. * @returns {Object} - Uint8Array/Byte representation of the input. */ #ensureBytes(input) { return BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(input, "bytes"); } /** * Test wether the provided format matches the * predetermined formats. */ #testFormat(format) { if (!this.#keyFormats.has(format)) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid key format '${format}'\n\nValid formats are: ${KEY_FORMATS.join(", ")}` ); } } /** * Test wether a key is assigned to the current instance. */ #testKeyAvail() { if (this.#key === null) { throw new Error("No key is assigned yet. Import or generate key."); } } /** * Convert buffer to many different representations. * (Helper for method 'sign') * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer - ArrayBuffer. * @param {string} base - Base Representation as required by BaseEx. * @returns {string} - Base Representation. */ #bufferToBase(buffer, base) { const decapitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toLowerCase().concat(str.slice(1)); const errMsg = "Invalid base conversion keyword."; base = decapitalize(base.replace(/^to/, "")); if (base === "hex" || base == "hexdigest") { base = "base16"; } else if (base === "bytes") { base = "byteConverter"; } else if ((/SimpleBase/i).test(base)) { base = `base${[].concat(String(base).match(/[0-9]+/)).at(0)|0}`; if (!(base in BASE_EX.simpleBase)) { throw new TypeError(errMsg); } return BASE_EX.simpleBase[base].encode(buffer); } if (!(base in BASE_EX)) { throw new TypeError(errMsg); } return BASE_EX[base].encode(buffer); } /** * Update the HMAC object with almost any input. The input * gets converted to a Uint8Array. Unless 'replace' is set * to true, repeated calls are equivalent to a single call * with the concatenation of all the arguments: * hmacObj.update(a); hmacObj.update(b) is in many occasions * equivalent to hmacObj.update(a+b). * * (Note: The process is a concatenation of bytes. Take as * an exception for instance: * hmacObj.update(1); hmacObj.update(2) which is not the same * as hmacObj.update(1+2)) * * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {boolean} replace - If true, the input is not concatenated with former input. */ async update(msg, replace=false) { msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); this.#testKeyAvail(); if (replace) { this.#input = Array.from(msg); } else { this.#input = this.#input.concat(Array.from(msg)); } this.#digest = await cryptoSubtle.sign( Uint8Array.from(this.#input), this.#key ); } /** * Shortcut to 'update(input, true)'. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. */ async replace(msg) { await this.update(msg, true); } /** * Method to replace the assigned Crypto Key. * @param {Object} cryptoKey - The new Crypto Key. */ async setKey(cryptoKey) { this.#key = cryptoKey; if (this.#input.length) { console.warn("A new crypto key was established. A fresh digest is now getting calculated."); this.#digest = await cryptoSubtle.sign( Uint8Array.from(this.#input), this.#key ); } } /** * Import a Crypto Key from almost any input or * a pre existing key. * @param {*} key - Almost any input can be provided. It gets converted to bytes and used for the crypto key generation. * @param {string} [format="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. If not set to raw, 'key' must match the format. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - This bool sets the generated key to exportable or not. */ async importKey(key, format="raw", permitExports=false) { if (format === "raw") { key = this.#ensureBytes(key); } else { this.#testFormat(format); } this.#keyIsExportable = permitExports; const keyObj = await cryptoSubtle.importKey(key, this.#digestmod, format, permitExports); await this.setKey(keyObj); } /** * Method to apply a auto generated Crypto Key * to the instance. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=true] - This bool sets the generated key to exportable or not. */ async generateKey(permitExports=true) { this.#keyIsExportable = Boolean(permitExports); const keyObj = await cryptoSubtle.generateKey(this.#digestmod, this.#keyIsExportable); await this.setKey(keyObj); } /** * Exports the Crypto Key assigned to the instance, * if it is a exportable key. * @param {string} [format="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. * @returns {Object} - Crypto Key */ async exportKey(format="raw") { this.#testFormat(format); if (this.#key === null) { throw new Error("Key is unset."); } if (!this.#keyIsExportable) { throw new PermissionError("Key exports are not allowed. You have to permit this before key-generation."); } const key = await cryptoSubtle.exportKey(this.#key, format); return key; } /** * Return a copy (“clone”) of the hmac object. This can be used * to efficiently compute the digests of strings that share a * common initial substring. * @returns {Object} - HMACObject instance. */ async copy() { return await this.#key, this.#input.length ? Uint8Array.from(this.#input) : null, this.#digestmod, "object", this.#keyIsExportable ); } /** * Signs a single message independent from the current * instance message. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {*} [base=null] - Optional Base Representation as required by BaseEx. * @returns {ArrayBuffer|string} - ArrayBuffer or a representation of the signed message. */ async sign(msg, base=null) { this.#testKeyAvail(); msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); const buffer = await cryptoSubtle.sign(msg, this.#key); if (base !== null) { return this.#bufferToBase(buffer, base); } return buffer; } /** * A given message and signature can be tested * if it is signed with the current instance * crypto key. * @param {*} msg - Message. * @param {ArrayBuffer} signature - Signature as ArrayBuffer. * @returns {boolean} - Verification result. */ async verify(msg, signature) { msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); this.#testKeyAvail(); if (this.signature === null) { throw new TypeError("Signature must be provided"); } const isValid = await cryptoSubtle.verify(msg, signature, this.#key); return isValid; } /** * Returns the current digest as an ArrayBuffer; * @returns {ArrayBuffer} */ digest() { return this.#digest; } /** * Appends BaseEx encoders to the returned object for the ability * to covert the byte array of a hash to many representations. */ #addConverters() { const detach = (arr, str) => arr.splice(arr.indexOf(str), 1); const capitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase().concat(str.slice(1)); this.hexdigest = () => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.base16.encode(this.#digest) : null; const converters = Object.keys(BASE_EX); this.basedigest = { toSimpleBase: {} }; detach(converters, "base1"); detach(converters, "byteConverter"); detach(converters, "simpleBase"); for (const converter of converters) { this.basedigest[`to${capitalize(converter)}`] = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX[converter].encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } for (const converter in BASE_EX.simpleBase) { this.basedigest.toSimpleBase[capitalize(converter)] = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.simpleBase[converter].encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } this.basedigest.toBytes = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } } export { HMACObj as default };