var HMACObj = (function () { 'use strict'; class PermissionError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "PermissionError"; } } const cryptoSubtle = { importKey: async (key, digestmod, format="raw", permitExports=false) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.importKey( format, key, { name: "HMAC", hash: {name: digestmod} }, permitExports, ["sign", "verify"] ); }, generateKey: async (digestmod, permitExports=false) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "HMAC", hash: {name: digestmod} }, permitExports, ["sign", "verify"] ); }, exportKey: async (key, format="raw") => { if (!key.extractable) { throw new PermissionError("Key exports are not allowed. You can permit this during key-generation."); } return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.exportKey(format, key); }, sign: async (msg, key) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.sign( { name: "HMAC", hash: }, key, msg ); }, verify: async (msg, signature, key) => { return await globalThis.crypto.subtle.verify( "HMAC", key, signature, msg ); }, }; const getDigestModFromParam = (digestmod, digestmods) => { if (!digestmod) { throw new TypeError("Missing required parameter 'digestmod'."); } let bits = [].concat(String(digestmod).match(/[0-9]+/)).at(0)|0; digestmod = `SHA-${bits}`; if (!digestmods.includes(digestmod)) { throw new TypeError(`Available digestmod are: '${digestmods.join(", ")}'.`); } if (bits === 1) { bits = 160; } return [ digestmod, bits ]; }; /** * [HMACObj]{@link} * * @version 1.0.6 * @author UmamiAppearance [] * @license MIT */ let BASE_EX; if (typeof BaseEx === "undefined") { throw new Error("BaseEx is required for this module to work. Please make sure the whole library or the BaseEx class can be globally found under the name 'BaseEx'."); } if ("BaseEx" in BaseEx) { BASE_EX = new BaseEx.BaseEx(); } else { BASE_EX = new BaseEx(); } const DIGESTMODS = ["SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512"]; const KEY_FORMATS = ["raw", "jwk"]; /** * Creates a HMAC-SHA-(1-512) object for JavaScript. * It is related to pythons hmac library in its methods * and features but with many extras. * * It provides an easy access to the global Crypto.subtle * method, and also makes it possible to get multiple * different digest methods. * * @see: */ class HMACObj { #bits = null; #digest = null; #digestmod = null; #input = []; #key = null; #keyFormats = this.constructor.keyFormats(); #keyIsExportable = null; /** * Creates a HMAC Object. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... */ constructor(digestmod) { [ this.#digestmod, this.#bits ] = getDigestModFromParam(digestmod, DIGESTMODS); this.#addConverters(); } /** * BaseEx instance. */ static baseEx = BASE_EX; /** * Static method to receive information about the * available digestmod. * @returns {set} - A set of available digestmod. */ static digestmodsAvailable() { return new Set(DIGESTMODS); } /** * Static method to receive information about the * available key formats. * @returns {set} - A set of available key formats. */ static keyFormats() { return new Set(KEY_FORMATS); } /** * Static method to generate a crypto key for the HMAC algorithm. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - If true the key can get exported. * @returns {Object} - Crypto Key. */ static async generateKey(digestmod="", permitExports=false) { digestmod = getDigestModFromParam(digestmod, DIGESTMODS).at(0); return await cryptoSubtle.generateKey(digestmod, permitExports); } /** * Return a === b. This function uses an approach designed * to prevent timing analysis by avoiding content-based * short circuiting behavior, making it appropriate for * cryptography. * a and b (or more precisely their byte representation) * must both be of the same type. * @param {*} a * @param {*} b * @returns */ static compareDigest(a, b) { if (typeof a === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined") { throw new Error("HMACobj.compareDigest takes exactly two positional arguments."); } a = BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(a, "uint8"); b = BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(b, "uint8"); // set the greater array as 'A' let A, B; if (a.byteLength > b.byteLength) { A = a; B = b; } else { A = b; B = a; } // Walk through the greater (or equally sized) array and // compare each value with the value at the corresponding // index. (If B is smaller it will return undefined at a // certain point). const test =, i) => { return byte ===; }); // Only if every value is true the result of the // reduced array will be 1. If one value is false // the result will be zero. const passed = Boolean(test.reduce((x, y) => x*y)); return passed; } /** * Asynchronously creates a new instance. In contrast * to the regular new operator a message and key can * be provided. If a message is set, a key must also be * handed over or a crypto key gets generated automatically. * A message gets passed to the 'update' method. * * @param {*} key - Almost any input can be provided. It gets converted to bytes and used for the crypto key generation. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {string|number} digestmod - The parameter must contain one of the numbers (1/256/384/512), eg: SHA-1, sha256, 384, ... * @param {string} [keyFormat="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. If not set to raw, 'key' must match the format. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - If a key is getting generated, this bool sets it to exportable or not. * @returns {Object} - A HMACObj instance. */ static async new(key=null, msg=null, digestmod="", keyFormat="raw", permitExports=false) { const hmacObj = new this(digestmod); if (key) { if (keyFormat === "object") { await hmacObj.setKey(key); } else { await hmacObj.importKey(key, keyFormat, permitExports); } } if (msg !== null) { if (!key) { await hmacObj.generateKey(); console.warn("A message but no key was provided. The key was generated for you."); } await hmacObj.update(msg); } return hmacObj; } /** * The size of the resulting hash in bytes. */ get digestSize() { return this.#bits / 8; } /** * The internal block size of the hash algorithm in bytes. */ get blockSize() { return this.#bits > 256 ? 128 : 64; } /** * The canonical name of this HMAC, always uppercase, * e.g. HMAC-SHA-256. */ get name() { return "HMAC-" + this.#digestmod; } /** * Shortcut to the BaseEx byte converter. * @param {*} input - Almost any input. * @returns {Object} - Uint8Array/Byte representation of the input. */ #ensureBytes(input) { return BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(input, "bytes"); } /** * Test wether the provided format matches the * predetermined formats. */ #testFormat(format) { if (!this.#keyFormats.has(format)) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid key format '${format}'\n\nValid formats are: ${KEY_FORMATS.join(", ")}` ); } } /** * Test wether a key is assigned to the current instance. */ #testKeyAvail() { if (this.#key === null) { throw new Error("No key is assigned yet. Import or generate key."); } } /** * Convert buffer to many different representations. * (Helper for method 'sign') * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer - ArrayBuffer. * @param {string} base - Base Representation as required by BaseEx. * @returns {string} - Base Representation. */ #bufferToBase(buffer, base) { const decapitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toLowerCase().concat(str.slice(1)); const errMsg = "Invalid base conversion keyword."; base = decapitalize(base.replace(/^to/, "")); if (base === "hex" || base == "hexdigest") { base = "base16"; } else if (base === "bytes") { base = "byteConverter"; } else if ((/SimpleBase/i).test(base)) { base = `base${[].concat(String(base).match(/[0-9]+/)).at(0)|0}`; if (!(base in BASE_EX.simpleBase)) { throw new TypeError(errMsg); } return BASE_EX.simpleBase[base].encode(buffer); } if (!(base in BASE_EX)) { throw new TypeError(errMsg); } return BASE_EX[base].encode(buffer); } /** * Update the HMAC object with almost any input. The input * gets converted to a Uint8Array. Unless 'replace' is set * to true, repeated calls are equivalent to a single call * with the concatenation of all the arguments: * hmacObj.update(a); hmacObj.update(b) is in many occasions * equivalent to hmacObj.update(a+b). * * (Note: The process is a concatenation of bytes. Take as * an exception for instance: * hmacObj.update(1); hmacObj.update(2) which is not the same * as hmacObj.update(1+2)) * * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {boolean} replace - If true, the input is not concatenated with former input. */ async update(msg, replace=false) { msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); this.#testKeyAvail(); if (replace) { this.#input = Array.from(msg); } else { this.#input = this.#input.concat(Array.from(msg)); } this.#digest = await cryptoSubtle.sign( Uint8Array.from(this.#input), this.#key ); } /** * Shortcut to 'update(input, true)'. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. */ async replace(msg) { await this.update(msg, true); } /** * Method to replace the assigned Crypto Key. * @param {Object} cryptoKey - The new Crypto Key. */ async setKey(cryptoKey) { this.#key = cryptoKey; if (this.#input.length) { console.warn("A new crypto key was established. A fresh digest is now getting calculated."); this.#digest = await cryptoSubtle.sign( Uint8Array.from(this.#input), this.#key ); } } /** * Import a Crypto Key from almost any input or * a pre existing key. * @param {*} key - Almost any input can be provided. It gets converted to bytes and used for the crypto key generation. * @param {string} [format="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. If not set to raw, 'key' must match the format. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=false] - This bool sets the generated key to exportable or not. */ async importKey(key, format="raw", permitExports=false) { if (format === "raw") { key = this.#ensureBytes(key); } else { this.#testFormat(format); } this.#keyIsExportable = permitExports; const keyObj = await cryptoSubtle.importKey(key, this.#digestmod, format, permitExports); await this.setKey(keyObj); } /** * Method to apply a auto generated Crypto Key * to the instance. * @param {boolean} [permitExports=true] - This bool sets the generated key to exportable or not. */ async generateKey(permitExports=true) { this.#keyIsExportable = Boolean(permitExports); const keyObj = await cryptoSubtle.generateKey(this.#digestmod, this.#keyIsExportable); await this.setKey(keyObj); } /** * Exports the Crypto Key assigned to the instance, * if it is a exportable key. * @param {string} [format="raw"] - As defined by KEY_FORMATS. * @returns {Object} - Crypto Key */ async exportKey(format="raw") { this.#testFormat(format); if (this.#key === null) { throw new Error("Key is unset."); } if (!this.#keyIsExportable) { throw new PermissionError("Key exports are not allowed. You have to permit this before key-generation."); } const key = await cryptoSubtle.exportKey(this.#key, format); return key; } /** * Return a copy (“clone”) of the hmac object. This can be used * to efficiently compute the digests of strings that share a * common initial substring. * @returns {Object} - HMACObject instance. */ async copy() { return await this.#key, this.#input.length ? Uint8Array.from(this.#input) : null, this.#digestmod, "object", this.#keyIsExportable ); } /** * Signs a single message independent from the current * instance message. * @param {*} msg - Input gets converted to bytes and processed by crypto.subtle.digest. * @param {*} [base=null] - Optional Base Representation as required by BaseEx. * @returns {ArrayBuffer|string} - ArrayBuffer or a representation of the signed message. */ async sign(msg, base=null) { this.#testKeyAvail(); msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); const buffer = await cryptoSubtle.sign(msg, this.#key); if (base !== null) { return this.#bufferToBase(buffer, base); } return buffer; } /** * A given message and signature can be tested * if it is signed with the current instance * crypto key. * @param {*} msg - Message. * @param {ArrayBuffer} signature - Signature as ArrayBuffer. * @returns {boolean} - Verification result. */ async verify(msg, signature) { msg = this.#ensureBytes(msg); this.#testKeyAvail(); if (this.signature === null) { throw new TypeError("Signature must be provided"); } const isValid = await cryptoSubtle.verify(msg, signature, this.#key); return isValid; } /** * Returns the current digest as an ArrayBuffer; * @returns {ArrayBuffer} */ digest() { return this.#digest; } /** * Appends BaseEx encoders to the returned object for the ability * to covert the byte array of a hash to many representations. */ #addConverters() { const detach = (arr, str) => arr.splice(arr.indexOf(str), 1); const capitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase().concat(str.slice(1)); this.hexdigest = () => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.base16.encode(this.#digest) : null; const converters = Object.keys(BASE_EX); this.basedigest = { toSimpleBase: {} }; detach(converters, "base1"); detach(converters, "byteConverter"); detach(converters, "simpleBase"); for (const converter of converters) { this.basedigest[`to${capitalize(converter)}`] = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX[converter].encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } for (const converter in BASE_EX.simpleBase) { this.basedigest.toSimpleBase[capitalize(converter)] = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.simpleBase[converter].encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } this.basedigest.toBytes = (...args) => this.#digest ? BASE_EX.byteConverter.encode(this.#digest, ...args) : null; } } return HMACObj; })();