--- ready: true title: Mock Interviews --- ## For Managers Use Mock Interviews are done so to give recruits a glimpse of what they can expect from a real life interview. This is a great way to prepare them of what is to come. We have compiled a couple of questions that we know are likely asked in a real life interview. This document has those questions and are to be used when conducting a Mock Interview. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O6IGatGF-rUZsMO3ORwVdIigLF4Cgx7-MKsmMQXd4y8/edit These interviews not only involve the questions but the following too; This is how we tell the recruits to prepare for it - {{% contentlink path="topics/work/mock-interview" %}} As a Staff Member after conducting a Mock Interview it is very important to fill in the feedback form. This way we can keep track of exactly who has done the mock interviews and most importantly how they performed, also the Plug team needs this information. This is the form to be filled in this link. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Pi7Q_0PvbKbBgrTtmRj5ny6p_6cgK6DLj6KJmsOfHHw/viewform?edit_requested=true