--- title: "What You Need To Know (as a tech recruit)" ready: true --- ## Ground Rules In order to be efficient and productive we have some ground rules: You are expected to be online most of the time between _9am and 5pm (barring lunch)_ There are a few things that can go wrong: 1. Loadshedding: In the case of loadshedding we still expect you to fill in the form as early as possible 2. Personal illness or emergency. You can apply for leave using [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRy444hA3WR4Vul4nTXOuC0x9ZuA3TFBaB8aA-PPMDCeQN8g/viewform). And if something crazy comes up just communicate with your cohort leader via Rocketchat. ### Good professional behaviour When people arrive at Umuzi they aren't professionals yet. But when they leave they are. Here are a few professional behaviors you should start practicing today: - **Communicate Communicate Communicate** communication is key to success. - If you were or will be late or absent **communicate** - If you have a problem **communicate** - If you are unsure of something **communicate** - Check your calendars daily. This includes the calendars mentioned below. - Check your Rocket Chat at lease 3 times daily (Morning, Midday, and before you log off). - Check your email at lease 3 times daily (Morning, Midday, and before you log off). - Always be on time for workshops and meetings - Always be respectful and helpful to your peers - Ask the dumb questions! Some people are too shy to ask so ask for them - Push to github daily. - Always submit high quality work - Always submit your work on time - DO NOT copy or plagiarize your work. - Strive for understanding - When you get feedback about your work, implement it ## Tilde Tilde means home and during your time at Umuzi this will be the home of the majority or your learnings as well as the board that shows you your user journey and what you will be working on next. You can access Tilde [Here](https://tilde-front-dot-umuzi-prod.nw.r.appspot.com/) Please also read [Agile Triage](http://syllabus.africacode.net/agile/agile-triage/) and [Kanban wastes](http://syllabus.africacode.net/agile/kanban-wastes/) ##### Tech Meetups These are currently carried out online due to COVID-19 keep an eye on the `#meetups-and-events` channel on Rocket Chat ## How we work remotely [Here](https://umuzi-org.github.io/tech-department/remote-work/) you can see how we work remotely and our current conventions and practices, we also make changes to our procedures as and when needed but try to keep this up to date as we evolve. ## Getting help You'll notice that those forms we ask you to fill in are supposed to show us who needs help and who doesn't. There sure are a lot of you so we'll try our best to keep track of what everyone needs. But we are all only human. If you feel like you are not being noticed please feel free to contact: - your cohort - your mentor - your team mates - your cohort leadership - management Seriously, we're all dedicated to helping you grow as much as possible. Help us to do that by asking for help when you need it. ## Communication Communication is a crucial part of the department and also encourages productivity. We use: ##### Rocket Chat This is the most important platform for communication. There are various Rocket Chat channels for different purposes. The sole purpose is to administer communication between recruits and the tech staff: - To get feedback from managers. - To share relevant material and opportunities with fellow recruits. - To get departmental and cohort specific announcements. Make sure you check your Rocket Chat at least 3 times a day. _Why is Rocket Chat important?_ - Rocket Chat (and tools like Rocket Chat) are industry standards. So start developing good habits now - Our staff are not always in the office, sometimes work happens off site. But communication should still happen ##### Emails For any official communication and setting up meetings, events and workshops. Check your emails at least once a day. ##### WhatsApp groups For communication within cohorts and the mighty Coding Department WhatsApp group for the whole department. ##### NCIT Material & Assessments As you will be doing assessments for your National Certificate in Information Technology - Systems Development The material and assessments are found on [Gnomio](http://umuzi.gnomio.com/). This is where you will also submit these assessments ### Important Spreadsheets, Forms and Calendars (I suggest you bookmark these) - [Tech Events Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/3?cid=dW11emkub3JnXzF1dGs1OWJuc2RqMDNpZDI3ZzlzZGJmb2EwQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20) That all tech events are scheduled on. This is where you will find dates for Workshops, Talks and Meetups. Check this everyday. - [Leave Request Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRy444hA3WR4Vul4nTXOuC0x9ZuA3TFBaB8aA-PPMDCeQN8g/viewform?usp=sf_link) This is to be completed for any leave requested or taken. - [Disciplinary Policy](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/2134/mod_resource/content/1/Umuzi_Disciplinary%20Procedure.pdf) | [Disciplinary Guidelines](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2DdiI0gdMvY3dFSJoJdWTAFxeTyixJs6auIt1wZVwU/edit?ts=5e732649#gid=0) | [Code Of Conduct](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/2176/mod_resource/content/1/Umuzi%20Code%20of%20Conduct_December%202018.pdf) | [Sexual Harassment Policy](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/2304/mod_resource/content/1/Sexual%20Harassment%20Policy.pdf) These are the Umuzi policies please read through them and familiarise yourself with them. ## How to learn extra quickly If you want to turbocharge your education there are a few things you can do. Here are just a few suggestions: Build something useful in your spare time! We've seen all sorts of cool stuff come from our recruits. There's been a chatbot, a chess tournament system, a library managment system, games... what can you build in your free time? If you have some ideas and need a little bit of help knowing where to start just ask :) Another thing you can do is just practice. If you practice your problem solving skills you'll be more hirable. The bigger the problems you can solve the further you'll go in your career. These are all wonderful resources. - https://codewars.com - https://www.hackerrank.com/ - https://projecteuler.net/archives And of course, you can work on your "soft skills". Spoiler alert, soft skills are actually pretty hard to master. You can start by working on the top 8 developer habits. Try watch this until the end: - [Top 8 developer habits - Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQ7psiU23I) - [Top 8 developer habits - Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZNXkQxu9Rw) - [Top 8 developer habits - Part 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RleN-6uMF04) ### Senior Tech Staff - Sheena O'Connell - sheena.oconnell@umuzi.org - Sam Hampton - samantha.hampton@umuzi.org - Ryan O'Connell - ryan.oconnell@umuzi.org