--- _db_id: 258 available_flavours: - python content_type: project prerequisites: hard: - topics/python-specific/kafka soft: [] ready: true submission_type: repo tags: - python - kafka title: Python and Kafka --- The first step is to create an "app" on twitter. https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps And then in your virtualenv, install these dependencies: ``` pip install kafka-python pip install python-twitter pip install tweepy ``` Create a topic. Pick something you are interested in. For example you might want to collect tweets about data-engineering, covid-19, or space travel. Whatever you want :) Write a script that will print tweets to standard out, and also publish them to kafka. Make sure that you follow good practices - don't hard-code any secret information (like your passwords) and don't hard-code configuration either (it should come from your environmental variables)