--- _db_id: 608 available_flavours: - none content_type: project from_repo: projects/tilde/repo-card-tutorial/part-1 prerequisites: hard: - projects/tilde/repo-card-tutorial/part-1 ready: true submission_type: continue_repo title: 'Tilde project tutorial: How Continue Repo projects work' --- There are a few kinds of projects you can do and they can be submitted in different ways. In this tutorial you'll see how to get a "continue repo" project to complete. ## Start the project If you have not yet clicked the "start project" button for this card, do so now. You'll see the card move to In Progress. Now explore the card. Click on the details button and see what's there. You'll notice that the repo attached to this card is something you have worked with before. ## Make a new PR and get it merged - Make a new branch - Add a bit more text to your markdown file. - Make a new PR - Get it merged ## Move your card to the REVIEW column (AFTER YOUR PR IS MERGED! NOT BEFORE!) This should feel very familiar. Do what it takes to get your card to complete.