--- title: How students work remotely ready: True --- Here are the roles, events and allocations you need to be aware of. ## Roles ### Junior Tech Lead Each group is allocated a JTL. The JTL can be either a student or a junior staff member. **The JTL is a servant leader** A JTL is not the group boss. They are there to help the team pursue success by helping to give the students what they need. What they need !== what they want ### Junior Scrum Master The junior scrum master is another servant leader position. They facilitate scrum events when needed and coach the JTL and the group as a whole on Agile and Scrum best practices. ### Allocations You can find the JTL and Scrum master allocations [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQgx3k8seHjxNUYSCAnEUwzHw7xtv6o41RpOsJZXMkMjUs-AffVkX7tMZPXLSKd_dUinl3Ccg6Bu00f/pubhtml?gid=289931684&single=true) ## Meetings ### Sprint planning aka board review **Who**: this is run and owned by a junior scrum master. JTL is present as a source of technical information. JTL’s also help keep it real. Eg if a student says they will do something in a week but it should take a day then the JTL should speak up. **Duration**: 1 hour max. **Frequency**: once per week per group. **Purpose**: Plan out the work for the coming week and ensure that plan is reasonable and makes sense. ## Daily standup **Who**: This is run by the JTL. Scrum master need not be present but should observe from time to time **Duration**: 15 minutes **Frequency**. Daily at the same time. It needs to be a time that fits the group AND keeps the JTL productive. The time can be negotiated with the group if needed. **Purpose**: Make sure everyone is on track towards their sprint goal. Coordinate work within the group and highlight and resolve impediments.