--- _db_id: 152 content_type: topic ready: true title: Data Visualisation --- Data visualisation is a great way to quickly see what is going on in the data. There are many different ways to visualise data, but some basic principles that always apply are: - Is the graph easily readable? - Is this the appropriate graph for the type of data / information that I am trying to display? - Is the graph accurately representing the data? - What story am I trying to tell? Is the story clear from the graph? - Have I given the reader all the information they need to interpret this graph at a glance? Are the axes labeled, and if relevant, is there a legend and title? [This webiste](https://www.mymarketresearchmethods.com/types-of-charts-choose/) shows some of the most frequently used types of graphs, and what data they are most suitable for. Below, we give a quick summary: - Show the distribution of a single continuous variable: histograms - Show the number of observations in a category: donut plots, tree plots, bar graphs - Show averages or counts by category: bar graph - Show average and distribution by category: box plot - Show the relationship between two variables: scatterplots, line graphs - Show changes over time: line graph (or a bubble chart if you have several variables) ## Tutorials To get you introduced to data visualisation, complete the following tutorial(s): **Compulsory**: Go through the DataCamp course [Introduction to Data Visualisation with Python](https://www.datacamp.com/courses/introduction-to-data-visualization-with-python). **Optional**: Complete Kaggle's [Data Visualisation: From Non-Coder to Coder](https://www.kaggle.com/learn/data-visualization-from-non-coder-to-coder). **Advanced: Making interactive graphs with Plotly** [Here](https://kyso.io/KyleOS/cufflinks-intro?utm_campaign=News&utm_medium=Community&utm_source=DataCamp.com%20add%20to%20curriculum%20visualisation) is a great walk-through of different types of plots in [Plotly](https://plot.ly/python/) with [Cufflinks](https://plot.ly/ipython-notebooks/cufflinks/).