--- _db_id: 588 content_type: topic ready: true title: Honor Code --- Integrity is important to us and our partners. And if you want to have an epic career, it should be important to you too. What is Integrity? > Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking. **Your job here** is to learn. You need to learn the technical materials and you need to learn how to behave like a professional. Tilde, and our projects, tests and other content exist to help you learn, and to help us know how you are doing in your development. The point of this whole thing is _your_ growth, _your_ skills, _your_ future. The point is not to simply mark cards as complete. ## Here is what we expect 1. If we give you a test, then your answers will be your own. You will not copy people. 2. If we give you a project to do, you do it yourself. You can ask for help with understanding, but you need to code it yourself 3. If anyone tried to copy your work, say no. Tell them why it's a bad idea and help them understand the work 4. If you get stuck, ask for help. If you think someone else needs help, be brave enough to ask the "stupid questions". 5. If you see someone who is engaging in dishonest activity, tell a staff member! If you are reviewing someone's work and it looks like they copied, you can give it a RED FLAG and add a comment showing where they copied work from. 6. Be nice. Be respectful. Be helpful. If you have any meetings or workshops, be on time. 7. If you have any problems, communicate about them early. For example if you are going to miss a deadline, let us know. 8. Always do your best. Follow instructions carefully. Always RTFQ (google it) ## Why does understanding matter? If you graduate and get a job, you will expected to solve new problems. You will be expected to create things that nobody has created before. There wont be anyone to copy from, there wont be a way to cheat or hide from the system. If you want a solid career, understanding is golden. And from our side, if people who graduate from our program don't know what they are doing then it makes it much harder for use to create opportunities for people. If you pursue understanding then you'll help us to help more people. ## What is plagiarism? It's taking someone else's work, and submitting it as your own. That's the short version. If you are caught plagiarising we might not even let you into our full program. If you are caught plagiarising repeatedly we will have to kick you off the program.