--- _db_id: 373 content_type: topic nqf: ncit ready: false tags: - sql title: Database Development unit_standards: - 114048 - 114049 --- ### 1. Database management systems
**Watch this video for an intro to relationship databases (databases that use SQL)** {{< youtube NvrpuBAMddw >}}
**For a second introduction to RDMS watch this video** {{< youtube h8IWmmxIyS0 >}}
[Please visit this link to find the reading material for this section.](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dMScjMotTkmfCypnV4eFmb5OQTIQaWXe3CL-Tr1ZHuc/edit?usp=sharing)
### 2. Introduction to SQL For a basic intro to SQL commands, watch this video: {{< youtube bEtnYWuo2Bw >}}
[Please find here the reading material for this section](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/5047/mod_book/chapter/3565/Introduction%20to%20SQL.pdf) ### 3. NoSql Databases [Please find here the reading material for this section](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/5047/mod_book/chapter/3566/NoSql%20presentation.pdf) ### 4. MongoDB Introduction to MongoDB For a basic introduction to MongoDB please check out the video below. {{< youtube EE8ZTQxa0AM >}} **Installation** Please follow the link below depending on your platform: - [Window](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/) - [Ubuntu](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/) - [Mac](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/) **Applying CRUD operations with the low-level MongoDB driver** Please follow along with the lecture using the provided reading material. [Please click here to download the material.](https://umuzi.gnomio.com/pluginfile.php/5047/mod_book/chapter/3567/Node%20Craftsman.pdf)