中文文档请见 [这里][readmecn] ## Installation There are two ways to install, the first and recommended way is via `Package Control`: 1. Make sure you have `Package Control` installed, see 2. Search for `Direct Open` using `Package Control` and install Another way is to clone source from github: 1. Browse into your sublime text's package folder 2. Run `git clone https://github.com/UniFreak/SublimeDirectOpen.git` ## Configuration & Usage There is already a configured `Host` entry in the setting file, you can add your own file entries according to `Host` configuration. The file name is configured by `title` and file path by `location`, like this: ```json { "files": [ { "title" : "Host", "location" : "/etc/hosts" }, ] } ``` After this, you can then bring up the file selection pop-up by hitting `ctrl+shift+o` (Windows) or `super+shift+o` (Mac) and select one file for editing. like this: ![example](./shot.png) ## Thanks Many thanks to the [SublimeHostsEdit][hostsEdit]'s author, it inspired me to create this plugin. ## TODO [hostsEdit]: https://github.com/martinssipenko/SublimeHostsEdit [readmecn]: https://github.com/UniFreak/SublimeDirectOpen/blob/master/README.cn.md