# Stick with Markdown Snippets _中文请见 [这里](https://github.com/UniFreak/SublimeMdSnippets/blob/master/README.cn.md "中文 README")_ We love the simplicity of markdown syntax, but there are a few that are actually complex, like table, code block, and links... This plugin come to rescue Though obviously there are other markdown snippets plugins out there, but this plugin **try to stick with markdown flavour syntax** ## Feature - Stick with markdown syntax snippets - Simplify table, code block, url and image link creation - Dynamically add table column and row - Configurable code block language alias ## Installation There are two ways to install, the first and recommended way is via `Package Control`: 1. Make sure you have `Package Control` installed, see 2. Open Command Pallete, and run `Package Control: Install Package` 2. Search for `Stick With Markdown Snippets` and install Another way is to clone source from github: 1. Browse into your sublime text's package folder 2. Run `git clone https://github.com/UniFreak/SublimeMdSnippets.git` ## Usage This plugin provide four snippet: table, code block, url link and image link. Just type in trigger then press tab to generate **NOTE**: After updating of `Markdown Editing`, I found that snippet trigger \`\` doesn't work anymore. To fix this, you can open its user's key binding setting and find these lines and comment out them: ``` { "keys": ["`"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/macros/Skip Closing Character.sublime-macro"}, "context": [ { "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true }, { "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^`", "match_all": true }, { "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown", "match_all": true } ] }, ``` ### Table Trigger by: `|||` Result in: ``` |header|header| |------|------| |content|content| ``` More conveniently, **you can add table column and table row dynamically**: - when cursor in last header cell, use tab to add column, use enter to move to table body - when cursor in last table body cell, use enter to add row, use tab to tab out the table snippet This gif will make things clear ![table gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniFreak/SublimeMdSnippets/master/shot.gif) ### Code Block Trigger by: ``. Result in:
You can also **specify language alias** like ``js, then it will be expand to
You can specify language alias in setting file. Default setting is like this: ``` { "lang_alias": { "js": "javascript", "py": "python", "md": "markdown", "rb": "ruby" } } ``` ### Image Link Trigger by: `![` Result in: `![alt text](img path "optional title")` ### Url Link Trigger by: `[[` Result in: `[text](url "optional title")`