/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 12.0 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 12.0 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; -- -- Name: timetable; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: timetable -- CREATE SCHEMA timetable; ALTER SCHEMA timetable OWNER TO timetable; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_table_access_method = heap; -- -- Name: academic_area; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.academic_area ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, academic_area_abbreviation character varying(40), long_title character varying(100), external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.academic_area OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: academic_classification; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.academic_classification ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, code character varying(40), name character varying(100), external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.academic_classification OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: advisor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.advisor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40) NOT NULL, first_name character varying(100), middle_name character varying(100), last_name character varying(100), acad_title character varying(50), email character varying(200), session_id bigint NOT NULL, role_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.advisor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: application_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.application_config ( name character varying(255) NOT NULL, value character varying(4000), description character varying(500) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.application_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: assigned_instructors; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.assigned_instructors ( assignment_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.assigned_instructors OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: assigned_rooms; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.assigned_rooms ( assignment_id bigint NOT NULL, room_id bigint NOT NULL, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.assigned_rooms OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: assignment; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.assignment ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, days bigint, slot bigint, time_pattern_id bigint, solution_id bigint, class_id bigint, class_name character varying(100), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, date_pattern_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.assignment OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: attachment_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.attachment_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, abbreviation character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, visibility bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.attachment_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: attribute; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.attribute ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, code character varying(20) NOT NULL, name character varying(60) NOT NULL, type_id bigint NOT NULL, parent_id bigint, session_id bigint NOT NULL, department_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.attribute OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: attribute_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.attribute_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, attribute_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.attribute_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: attribute_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.attribute_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, conjunctive boolean NOT NULL, required boolean NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.attribute_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: building; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.building ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, abbreviation character varying(20), name character varying(100), coordinate_x double precision, coordinate_y double precision, external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.building OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: building_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.building_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, bldg_id bigint, distance_from integer, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.building_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: change_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.change_log ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, manager_id bigint, time_stamp timestamp with time zone, obj_type character varying(255), obj_uid bigint, obj_title character varying(255), subj_area_id bigint, department_id bigint, source character varying(50), operation character varying(50), detail bytea ); ALTER TABLE timetable.change_log OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: class_; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.class_ ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, subpart_id bigint, expected_capacity integer, nbr_rooms integer, parent_class_id bigint, owner_id bigint, room_capacity integer, notes character varying(1000), date_pattern_id bigint, managing_dept bigint, display_instructor boolean, sched_print_note character varying(2000), class_suffix character varying(40), display_in_sched_book boolean DEFAULT true, max_expected_capacity integer, room_ratio double precision, section_number integer, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, external_uid character varying(40), enrollment integer, cancelled boolean DEFAULT false, snapshot_limit bigint, snapshot_limit_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.class_ OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: class_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.class_instructor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, class_id bigint, instructor_id bigint, percent_share integer, is_lead boolean, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, responsibility_id bigint, request_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.class_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: class_waitlist; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.class_waitlist ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, course_request_id bigint, class_id bigint, type bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.class_waitlist OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: cluster_discovery; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.cluster_discovery ( own_address character varying(200) NOT NULL, cluster_name character varying(200) NOT NULL, ping_data bytea, time_stamp timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.cluster_discovery OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: constraint_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.constraint_info ( assignment_id bigint NOT NULL, solver_info_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.constraint_info OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: contact_category; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.contact_category ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, message character varying(2048), has_role boolean NOT NULL, email character varying(1000) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.contact_category OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_catalog; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_catalog ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, external_uid character varying(40), subject character varying(10), course_nbr character varying(10), title character varying(100), perm_id character varying(20), approval_type character varying(20), designator_req boolean, prev_subject character varying(10), prev_crs_nbr character varying(10), credit_type character varying(20), credit_unit_type character varying(20), credit_format character varying(20), fixed_min_credit double precision, max_credit double precision, frac_credit_allowed boolean ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_catalog OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_credit_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_credit_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), abbreviation character varying(10), legacy_crse_master_code character varying(10) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_credit_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_credit_unit_config ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, credit_format character varying(20), owner_id bigint, credit_type bigint, credit_unit_type bigint, defines_credit_at_course_level boolean, fixed_units double precision, min_units double precision, max_units double precision, fractional_incr_allowed boolean, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, course_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_credit_unit_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_credit_unit_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), abbreviation character varying(10) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_credit_unit_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_demand; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_demand ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, priority bigint, waitlist boolean, is_alternative boolean, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone, free_time_id bigint, changed_by character varying(40), critical boolean DEFAULT false, critical_override boolean ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_demand OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_offering; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_offering ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_nbr character varying(40), is_control boolean, perm_id character varying(20), proj_demand bigint, instr_offr_id bigint, subject_area_id bigint, title character varying(200), schedule_book_note character varying(1000), demand_offering_id bigint, demand_offering_type bigint, nbr_expected_stdents bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, external_uid character varying(40), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, lastlike_demand bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, enrollment bigint, reservation bigint, course_type_id bigint, consent_type bigint, alternative_offering_id bigint, snapshot_proj_demand bigint, snapshot_prj_dmd_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_offering OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, course_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_request; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_request ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_demand_id bigint, course_offering_id bigint, ord bigint, allow_overlap boolean, credit bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, req_status bigint, req_extid character varying(40), req_ts timestamp with time zone, req_intent bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_request OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_request_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_request_option ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_request_id bigint, option_type bigint, value bytea ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_request_option OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_subpart_credit; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_subpart_credit ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_catalog_id bigint, subpart_id character varying(10), credit_type character varying(20), credit_unit_type character varying(20), credit_format character varying(20), fixed_min_credit double precision, max_credit double precision, frac_credit_allowed boolean ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_subpart_credit OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: course_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.course_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.course_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: crse_credit_format; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.crse_credit_format ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), abbreviation character varying(10) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.crse_credit_format OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, abbv character varying(40) NOT NULL, name character varying(100) NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint, dept_id bigint NOT NULL, multiple_majors boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_clasf; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_clasf ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, curriculum_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(20) NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint, nr_students bigint NOT NULL, ord bigint NOT NULL, students text, snapshot_nr_students bigint, snapshot_nr_stu_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_clasf OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_course; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_course ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_id bigint NOT NULL, cur_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, pr_share double precision NOT NULL, ord bigint NOT NULL, snapshot_pr_share double precision, snapshot_pr_shr_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_course OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_course_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_course_group ( group_id bigint NOT NULL, cur_course_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_course_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(20) NOT NULL, color character varying(20), type bigint NOT NULL, curriculum_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_major ( curriculum_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: curriculum_rule; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.curriculum_rule ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, projection double precision NOT NULL, snapshot_proj double precision, snapshot_proj_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.curriculum_rule OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: date_mapping; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.date_mapping ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, class_date bigint NOT NULL, event_date bigint NOT NULL, note character varying(1000) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.date_mapping OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: date_pattern; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.date_pattern ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), pattern character varying(366), "offset" bigint, type bigint, visible boolean, session_id bigint, nr_weeks double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.date_pattern OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: date_pattern_dept; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.date_pattern_dept ( dept_id bigint NOT NULL, pattern_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.date_pattern_dept OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: date_pattern_parent; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.date_pattern_parent ( date_pattern_id bigint NOT NULL, parent_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.date_pattern_parent OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: date_pattern_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.date_pattern_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, date_pattern_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.date_pattern_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: demand_offr_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.demand_offr_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.demand_offr_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: department; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.department ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, abbreviation character varying(20), name character varying(100), dept_code character varying(50), external_uid character varying(40), rs_color character varying(6), external_manager boolean, external_mgr_label character varying(30), external_mgr_abbv character varying(10), solver_group_id bigint, status_type bigint, dist_priority bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, allow_req_time boolean DEFAULT false, allow_req_room boolean DEFAULT false, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, allow_req_dist boolean DEFAULT false, allow_events boolean DEFAULT false, instructor_pref boolean DEFAULT true, allow_student_schd boolean DEFAULT true ); ALTER TABLE timetable.department OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: departmental_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.departmental_instructor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40), career_acct character varying(20), lname character varying(100), fname character varying(100), mname character varying(100), pos_code_type bigint, note character varying(2048), department_uniqueid bigint, ignore_too_far boolean DEFAULT false, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, email character varying(200), role_id bigint, acad_title character varying(50), teaching_pref_id bigint, max_load double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.departmental_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: dept_status_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.dept_status_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), status bigint, apply bigint, ord bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.dept_status_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: dept_to_tt_mgr; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr ( timetable_mgr_id bigint NOT NULL, department_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: designator; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.designator ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, subject_area_id bigint, instructor_id bigint, code character varying(3), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.designator OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: disabled_override; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.disabled_override ( course_id bigint NOT NULL, type_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.disabled_override OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: dist_type_dept; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.dist_type_dept ( dist_type_id bigint NOT NULL, dept_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.dist_type_dept OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: distribution_object; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.distribution_object ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, dist_pref_id bigint, sequence_number integer, pref_group_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.distribution_object OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: distribution_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.distribution_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, dist_type_id bigint, dist_grouping bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.distribution_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: distribution_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.distribution_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), req_id integer, allowed_pref character varying(10), description character varying(2048), abbreviation character varying(20), instructor_pref boolean DEFAULT false, exam_pref boolean DEFAULT false, visible boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, sequencing_required boolean DEFAULT false ); ALTER TABLE timetable.distribution_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: duration_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.duration_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, abbreviation character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, implementation character varying(255) NOT NULL, parameter character varying(200), visible boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.duration_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, event_name character varying(100), min_capacity bigint, max_capacity bigint, sponsoring_org bigint, main_contact_id bigint, class_id bigint, exam_id bigint, event_type bigint, req_attd boolean, email character varying(1000), sponsor_org_id bigint, expiration_date date ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event_contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event_contact ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_id character varying(40), email character varying(200), phone character varying(25), firstname character varying(100), middlename character varying(100), lastname character varying(100), acad_title character varying(50) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event_contact OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event_join_event_contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event_join_event_contact ( event_id bigint NOT NULL, event_contact_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event_join_event_contact OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event_note; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event_note ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, event_id bigint NOT NULL, text_note character varying(2000), time_stamp timestamp with time zone, note_type bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, uname character varying(100), meetings text, attached_file bytea, attached_name character varying(260), attached_content character varying(260), user_id character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event_note OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event_note_meeting; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event_note_meeting ( note_id bigint NOT NULL, meeting_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event_note_meeting OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: event_service_provider; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.event_service_provider ( event_id bigint NOT NULL, provider_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.event_service_provider OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exact_time_mins; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exact_time_mins ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, mins_min integer, mins_max integer, nr_slots integer, break_time integer ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exact_time_mins OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), note character varying(1000), length bigint NOT NULL, max_nbr_rooms bigint DEFAULT '1'::bigint NOT NULL, seating_type bigint NOT NULL, assigned_period bigint, assigned_pref character varying(100), avg_period bigint, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, exam_size bigint, print_offset bigint, exam_type_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_instructor ( exam_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_location_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_location_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, location_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, period_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_location_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_managers; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_managers ( session_id bigint NOT NULL, type_id bigint NOT NULL, manager_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_managers OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_owner; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_owner ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, exam_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_type bigint NOT NULL, course_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_owner OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_period; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_period ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, date_ofs bigint NOT NULL, start_slot bigint NOT NULL, length bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, event_start_offset bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, event_stop_offset bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, exam_type_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_period OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_period_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_period_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, period_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_period_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_room_assignment; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_room_assignment ( exam_id bigint NOT NULL, location_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_room_assignment OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_status; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_status ( session_id bigint NOT NULL, type_id bigint NOT NULL, status_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_status OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: exam_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.exam_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, xtype bigint NOT NULL, events boolean DEFAULT true ); ALTER TABLE timetable.exam_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: ext_dept_status; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.ext_dept_status ( ext_dept_id bigint NOT NULL, department_id bigint NOT NULL, status_type bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.ext_dept_status OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: external_building; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.external_building ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, external_uid character varying(40), abbreviation character varying(20), coordinate_x double precision, coordinate_y double precision, display_name character varying(100) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.external_building OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: external_room; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.external_room ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_bldg_id bigint, external_uid character varying(40), room_number character varying(40), coordinate_x double precision, coordinate_y double precision, capacity bigint, classification character varying(20), instructional boolean, display_name character varying(100), exam_capacity bigint, room_type bigint, area double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.external_room OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: external_room_department; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.external_room_department ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_room_id bigint, department_code character varying(50), percent bigint, assignment_type character varying(20) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.external_room_department OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: external_room_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.external_room_feature ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_room_id bigint, name character varying(20), value character varying(20) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.external_room_feature OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: feature_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.feature_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, events boolean NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.feature_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: free_time; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.free_time ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(50), day_code bigint, start_slot bigint, length bigint, category bigint, session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.free_time OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: hashed_queries; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.hashed_queries ( query_hash character varying(48) NOT NULL, query_text character varying(2048) NOT NULL, ts_create timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, nbr_use bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ts_use timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.hashed_queries OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: hibernate_unique_key; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.hibernate_unique_key ( next_hi bigint DEFAULT '32'::bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.hibernate_unique_key OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: history; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.history ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, subclass character varying(10), old_value character varying(20), new_value character varying(20), old_number character varying(20), new_number character varying(20), session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.history OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: hql_parameter; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.hql_parameter ( hql_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, label character varying(256), type character varying(2048) NOT NULL, default_value character varying(2048) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.hql_parameter OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: instr_offering_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.instr_offering_config ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, config_limit bigint, instr_offr_id bigint, unlimited_enrollment boolean, name character varying(20), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, duration_type_id bigint, instr_method_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.instr_offering_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: instructional_method; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.instructional_method ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, visible boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.instructional_method OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: instructional_offering; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.instructional_offering ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, instr_offering_perm_id bigint, not_offered boolean, "limit" integer, designator_required boolean, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, external_uid character varying(40), req_reservation boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, wk_enroll bigint, wk_change bigint, wk_drop bigint, notes character varying(2000), snapshot_limit bigint, snapshot_limit_date timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.instructional_offering OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: instructor_attributes; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.instructor_attributes ( attribute_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.instructor_attributes OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: instructor_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.instructor_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, pref_level_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.instructor_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: itype_desc; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.itype_desc ( itype integer NOT NULL, abbv character varying(7), description character varying(50), sis_ref character varying(20), basic boolean, parent integer, organized boolean ); ALTER TABLE timetable.itype_desc OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: jenrl; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.jenrl ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, jenrl double precision, solution_id bigint, class1_id bigint, class2_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.jenrl OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: lastlike_course_demand; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.lastlike_course_demand ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, subject_area_id bigint, course_nbr character varying(10), priority bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, course_perm_id character varying(20) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.lastlike_course_demand OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: location_picture; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.location_picture ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, location_id bigint NOT NULL, data_file bytea NOT NULL, file_name character varying(260) NOT NULL, content_type character varying(260) NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, type_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.location_picture OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: location_service_provider; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.location_service_provider ( location_id bigint NOT NULL, provider_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.location_service_provider OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: manager_settings; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.manager_settings ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, key_id bigint, value character varying(100), user_uniqueid bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.manager_settings OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: map_tiles; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.map_tiles ( z integer NOT NULL, x integer NOT NULL, y integer NOT NULL, data bytea NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.map_tiles OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: meeting; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.meeting ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, event_id bigint NOT NULL, meeting_date date NOT NULL, start_period bigint NOT NULL, start_offset bigint, stop_period bigint NOT NULL, stop_offset bigint, location_perm_id bigint, class_can_override boolean NOT NULL, approval_date date, approval_status bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.meeting OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: meeting_contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.meeting_contact ( meeting_id bigint NOT NULL, contact_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.meeting_contact OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: message_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.message_log ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, log_level integer NOT NULL, message text, logger character varying(255) NOT NULL, thread character varying(100), ndc text, exception text ); ALTER TABLE timetable.message_log OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: non_university_location; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.non_university_location ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, name character varying(40), capacity bigint, coordinate_x double precision, coordinate_y double precision, ignore_too_far boolean, manager_ids character varying(3000), pattern character varying(2048), ignore_room_check boolean DEFAULT false, display_name character varying(100), exam_capacity bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, permanent_id bigint NOT NULL, room_type bigint, event_dept_id bigint, area double precision, break_time bigint, event_status bigint, note character varying(2048), availability character varying(2048), external_uid character varying(40), share_note character varying(2048) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.non_university_location OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: offering_coordinator; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.offering_coordinator ( offering_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL, responsibility_id bigint, request_id bigint, uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, percent_share integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.offering_coordinator OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: offr_consent_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.offr_consent_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), abbv character varying(20) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.offr_consent_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: offr_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.offr_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, name character varying(20), description character varying(200), department_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.offr_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: offr_group_offering; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.offr_group_offering ( offr_group_id bigint NOT NULL, instr_offering_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.offr_group_offering OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: override_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.override_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.override_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_class; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_class ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, class_id bigint, pit_subpart_id bigint NOT NULL, pit_parent_id bigint, class_limit bigint, nbr_rooms integer, date_pattern_id bigint, time_pattern_id bigint, managing_dept bigint, class_suffix character varying(40), enabled_for_stu_sched boolean DEFAULT true, section_number integer, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_class OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_class_event; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_class_event ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_class_id bigint NOT NULL, event_name character varying(100) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_class_event OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_class_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_class_instructor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_class_id bigint NOT NULL, pit_dept_instr_id bigint NOT NULL, percent_share integer, normalized_pct_share integer, responsibility_id bigint, is_lead boolean ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_class_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_class_meeting; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_class_meeting ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_class_event_id bigint NOT NULL, meeting_date date NOT NULL, start_period bigint NOT NULL, start_offset bigint, stop_period bigint NOT NULL, stop_offset bigint, location_perm_id bigint, time_pattern_min_per_mtg bigint, calculated_min_per_mtg bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_class_meeting OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_class_mtg_util_period; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_class_meeting_id bigint NOT NULL, time_slot bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_course_offering; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_course_offering ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, course_offering_id bigint, subject_area_id bigint, pit_instr_offr_id bigint NOT NULL, course_nbr character varying(40), is_control boolean, perm_id character varying(20), proj_demand bigint, title character varying(200), nbr_expected_stdents bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, external_uid character varying(40), uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, lastlike_demand bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, course_type_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_course_offering OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_dept_instructor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, point_in_time_data_id bigint NOT NULL, dept_instructor_id bigint, external_uid character varying(40), career_acct character varying(20), lname character varying(100), fname character varying(100), mname character varying(100), pos_code_type bigint, department_id bigint, email character varying(200) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_dept_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, instr_offering_config_id bigint, pit_instr_offr_id bigint NOT NULL, unlimited_enrollment boolean, name character varying(20), uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, duration_type_id bigint, instr_method_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_instr_offer_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offering; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_instr_offering ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, point_in_time_data_id bigint NOT NULL, instr_offering_id bigint, instr_offering_perm_id bigint, demand integer, offr_limit bigint, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint, external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_instr_offering OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_offering_coord; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_offering_coord ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_offering_id bigint NOT NULL, pit_dept_instr_id bigint NOT NULL, responsibility_id bigint, percent_share integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_offering_coord OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_sched_subpart ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, scheduling_subpart_id bigint, pit_parent_id bigint, pit_config_id bigint NOT NULL, min_per_wk integer, itype integer, subpart_suffix character varying(5), credit_type bigint, credit_unit_type bigint, credit double precision, student_allow_overlap boolean DEFAULT false, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_sched_subpart OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_student_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_student_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint NOT NULL, minor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_student; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_student ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, point_in_time_data_id bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, external_uid character varying(40), first_name character varying(100), middle_name character varying(100), last_name character varying(100), email character varying(200) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_student OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pit_student_class_enrl; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pit_student_class_enrl ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pit_student_id bigint NOT NULL, pit_class_id bigint NOT NULL, pit_course_offering_id bigint NOT NULL, "timestamp" date, changed_by character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pit_student_class_enrl OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: point_in_time_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.point_in_time_data ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, "timestamp" date NOT NULL, name character varying(100) NOT NULL, note character varying(1000), saved_successfully boolean NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.point_in_time_data OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pos_acad_area_major ( academic_area_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pos_acad_area_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_minor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pos_acad_area_minor ( academic_area_id bigint NOT NULL, minor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pos_acad_area_minor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pos_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pos_major ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, code character varying(40), name character varying(100), external_uid character varying(20), session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pos_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: pos_minor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.pos_minor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, code character varying(40), name character varying(100), external_uid character varying(40), session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.pos_minor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: position_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.position_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), label character varying(60), sort_order integer ); ALTER TABLE timetable.position_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: preference_level; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.preference_level ( pref_id integer, pref_prolog character varying(2), pref_name character varying(20), uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, pref_abbv character varying(10) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.preference_level OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: query_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.query_log ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, time_spent bigint NOT NULL, uri character varying(255) NOT NULL, type integer NOT NULL, session_id character varying(32), userid character varying(40), query text, exception text ); ALTER TABLE timetable.query_log OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: related_course_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.related_course_info ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, event_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_type bigint NOT NULL, course_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.related_course_info OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reservation_type bigint NOT NULL, expiration_date date, reservation_limit bigint, offering_id bigint NOT NULL, group_id bigint, area_id bigint, course_id bigint, override_type bigint, start_date date ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation_clasf; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation_clasf ( reservation_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation_clasf OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation_class; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation_class ( reservation_id bigint NOT NULL, class_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation_class OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation_config ( reservation_id bigint NOT NULL, config_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation_major ( reservation_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: reservation_student; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.reservation_student ( reservation_id bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.reservation_student OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: rights; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.rights ( role_id bigint NOT NULL, value character varying(200) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.rights OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.roles ( role_id bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), abbv character varying(40), manager boolean DEFAULT true, enabled boolean DEFAULT true, instructor boolean DEFAULT false ); ALTER TABLE timetable.roles OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40), session_id bigint, building_id bigint, room_number character varying(40), capacity bigint, coordinate_x double precision, coordinate_y double precision, ignore_too_far boolean, manager_ids character varying(3000), pattern character varying(2048), ignore_room_check boolean DEFAULT false, classification character varying(20), display_name character varying(100), exam_capacity bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, permanent_id bigint NOT NULL, room_type bigint, event_dept_id bigint, area double precision, break_time bigint, event_status bigint, note character varying(2048), availability character varying(2048), share_note character varying(2048) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_dept; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_dept ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, room_id bigint, department_id bigint, is_control boolean DEFAULT false ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_dept OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_exam_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_exam_type ( location_id bigint NOT NULL, exam_type_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_exam_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_feature ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, discriminator character varying(10), label character varying(60), sis_reference character varying(20), sis_value character varying(20), department_id bigint, abbv character varying(60), session_id bigint, feature_type_id bigint, description character varying(1000) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_feature OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_feature_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_feature_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, room_feature_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_feature_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, name character varying(60), description character varying(1000), global boolean, default_group boolean, department_id bigint, abbv character varying(60) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_group_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_group_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, room_group_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_group_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_group_room; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_group_room ( room_group_id bigint NOT NULL, room_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_group_room OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_join_room_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_join_room_feature ( room_id bigint, feature_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_join_room_feature OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_picture; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_picture ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, location_id bigint NOT NULL, data_file bytea NOT NULL, file_name character varying(260) NOT NULL, content_type character varying(260) NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, type_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_picture OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, room_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_service_provider; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_service_provider ( location_id bigint NOT NULL, provider_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_service_provider OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, ord bigint NOT NULL, is_room boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: room_type_option; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.room_type_option ( room_type bigint NOT NULL, status bigint NOT NULL, message character varying(2048), break_time bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, department_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.room_type_option OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: saved_hql; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.saved_hql ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100) NOT NULL, description character varying(1000), query text NOT NULL, type integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.saved_hql OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.scheduling_subpart ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, min_per_wk integer, parent bigint, config_id bigint, itype integer, date_pattern_id bigint, auto_time_spread boolean DEFAULT true, subpart_suffix character varying(5), student_allow_overlap boolean DEFAULT false, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, uid_rolled_fwd_from bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.scheduling_subpart OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: script; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.script ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, description character varying(1024), engine character varying(32) NOT NULL, permission character varying(128), script text NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.script OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: script_parameter; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.script_parameter ( script_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, label character varying(256), type character varying(2048) NOT NULL, default_value character varying(2048) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.script_parameter OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sct_solution_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sct_solution_log ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, data bytea NOT NULL, info character varying(4000) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sct_solution_log OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sect_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sect_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, preference_type integer NOT NULL, request_id bigint NOT NULL, required boolean NOT NULL, class_id bigint, instr_mthd_id bigint, label character varying(60) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sect_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sectioning_course_types; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sectioning_course_types ( sectioning_status_id bigint NOT NULL, course_type_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sectioning_course_types OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sectioning_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sectioning_info ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, class_id bigint, nbr_exp_students double precision, nbr_hold_students double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sectioning_info OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sectioning_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sectioning_log ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, student character varying(40) NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, operation character varying(20) NOT NULL, action bytea NOT NULL, result bigint, user_id character varying(40), cpu_time numeric, wall_time numeric, message character varying(255), api_get_time numeric, api_post_time numeric, api_exception character varying(255) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sectioning_log OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sectioning_queue; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sectioning_queue ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, type bigint NOT NULL, time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, message text ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sectioning_queue OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sectioning_status; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sectioning_status ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, status bigint NOT NULL, message character varying(500), fallback_id bigint, start_date date, stop_date date, start_slot bigint, stop_slot bigint, session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sectioning_status OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: service_provider; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.service_provider ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, note character varying(1000), email character varying(200), session_id bigint, department_id bigint, all_rooms boolean DEFAULT true, visible boolean DEFAULT true ); ALTER TABLE timetable.service_provider OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: session_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.session_config ( session_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(255) NOT NULL, value character varying(4000), description character varying(500) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.session_config OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sessions; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sessions ( academic_initiative character varying(20), session_begin_date_time timestamp with time zone, classes_end_date_time timestamp with time zone, session_end_date_time timestamp with time zone, uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, holidays character varying(400), def_datepatt_id bigint, status_type bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, academic_year character varying(4), academic_term character varying(20), exam_begin_date timestamp with time zone, event_begin_date timestamp with time zone, event_end_date timestamp with time zone, sect_status bigint, wk_enroll bigint DEFAULT '1'::bigint NOT NULL, wk_change bigint DEFAULT '1'::bigint NOT NULL, wk_drop bigint DEFAULT '1'::bigint NOT NULL, duration_type_id bigint, instr_method_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sessions OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: settings; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.settings ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(30), default_value character varying(100), allowed_values character varying(500), description character varying(100) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.settings OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solution; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solution ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, created timestamp with time zone, valid boolean, commited boolean, commit_date timestamp with time zone, note character varying(1000), creator character varying(250), owner_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solution OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_gr_to_tt_mgr; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr ( solver_group_id bigint NOT NULL, timetable_mgr_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(50), abbv character varying(50), session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_info ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, type bigint, value bytea, opt character varying(250), solver_info_def_id bigint, solution_id bigint, assignment_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_info OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_info_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_info_def ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), description character varying(1000), implementation character varying(250) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_info_def OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_parameter; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_parameter ( uniqueid bigint, value character varying(2048), solver_param_def_id bigint, solution_id bigint, solver_predef_setting_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_parameter OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_parameter_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_parameter_def ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), default_value character varying(2048), description character varying(1000), type character varying(1000), ord bigint, visible boolean, solver_param_group_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_parameter_def OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_parameter_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_parameter_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), description character varying(1000), condition character varying(250), ord bigint, param_type bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_parameter_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: solver_predef_setting; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.solver_predef_setting ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100), description character varying(1000), appearance bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.solver_predef_setting OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: sponsoring_organization; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.sponsoring_organization ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(100) NOT NULL, email character varying(200) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.sponsoring_organization OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: staff; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.staff ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40), fname character varying(100), mname character varying(100), lname character varying(100), pos_code character varying(20), dept character varying(50), email character varying(200), pos_type bigint, acad_title character varying(50), campus character varying(20) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.staff OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: standard_event_note; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.standard_event_note ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20), note character varying(1000), discriminator character varying(10) DEFAULT 'global'::character varying, session_id bigint, department_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.standard_event_note OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: std_group_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.std_group_type ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, together boolean NOT NULL, allow_disabled integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, advisor boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.std_group_type OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40), first_name character varying(100), middle_name character varying(100), last_name character varying(100), email character varying(200), free_time_cat bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, schedule_preference bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, session_id bigint, sect_status bigint, schedule_emailed timestamp with time zone, max_credit double precision, req_credit double precision, req_status bigint, req_extid character varying(40), req_ts timestamp with time zone, min_credit double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_acad_area; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_acad_area ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, acad_clasf_id bigint, acad_area_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_acad_area OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_accomodation; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_accomodation ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(50), abbreviation character varying(20), external_uid character varying(40), session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_accomodation OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_advisor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_advisor ( student_id bigint NOT NULL, advisor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_advisor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_area_clasf_major ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_area_clasf_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_area_id bigint NOT NULL, acad_clasf_id bigint NOT NULL, minor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_area_clasf_minor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_class_enrl; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_class_enrl ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, course_request_id bigint, class_id bigint, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone, course_offering_id bigint, approved_date timestamp with time zone, approved_by character varying(40), changed_by character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_class_enrl OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_enrl; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_enrl ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, solution_id bigint, class_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_enrl OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_enrl_msg; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_enrl_msg ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, message character varying(255), msg_level bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, type bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone, course_demand_id bigint, ord bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_enrl_msg OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_group ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, group_abbreviation character varying(30), group_name character varying(90), external_uid character varying(40), expected_size bigint, type_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_major; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_major ( student_id bigint NOT NULL, major_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_major OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_minor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_minor ( student_id bigint NOT NULL, minor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_minor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_note; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_note ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint NOT NULL, text_note character varying(1000), time_stamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, user_id character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_note OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_sect_hist; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_sect_hist ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, data bytea, type bigint, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_sect_hist OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_to_acomodation; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_to_acomodation ( student_id bigint NOT NULL, accomodation_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_to_acomodation OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: student_to_group; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.student_to_group ( student_id bigint NOT NULL, group_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.student_to_group OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: subject_area; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.subject_area ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint, subject_area_abbreviation character varying(40), long_title character varying(100), department_uniqueid bigint, external_uid character varying(40), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.subject_area OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: task; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.task ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, script_id bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint NOT NULL, email character varying(1000), input_file bytea ); ALTER TABLE timetable.task OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: task_execution; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.task_execution ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, task_id bigint NOT NULL, exec_date bigint NOT NULL, exec_period bigint NOT NULL, status bigint NOT NULL, created_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, scheduled_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, queued_date timestamp with time zone, started_date timestamp with time zone, finished_date timestamp with time zone, log_file text, output_file bytea, output_name character varying(260), output_content character varying(260), status_message character varying(200) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.task_execution OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: task_parameter; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.task_parameter ( task_id bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, value character varying(2048) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.task_parameter OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: teaching_request; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.teaching_request ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, offering_id bigint NOT NULL, nbr_instructors integer NOT NULL, teaching_load double precision NOT NULL, same_course_pref bigint, same_common_pref bigint, responsibility_id bigint, assign_coordinator boolean NOT NULL, percent_share integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.teaching_request OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: teaching_responsibility; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.teaching_responsibility ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, reference character varying(20) NOT NULL, label character varying(60) NOT NULL, coordinator boolean NOT NULL, instructor boolean NOT NULL, abbreviation character varying(40), options bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.teaching_responsibility OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: teachreq_class; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.teachreq_class ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, percent_share integer NOT NULL, is_lead boolean NOT NULL, can_overlap boolean NOT NULL, request_id bigint NOT NULL, class_id bigint NOT NULL, assign_instructor boolean NOT NULL, common boolean NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.teachreq_class OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: teachreq_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.teachreq_instructor ( request_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.teachreq_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: time_pattern; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.time_pattern ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, name character varying(50), mins_pmt bigint, slots_pmt bigint, nr_mtgs bigint, visible boolean, type bigint, break_time integer, session_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.time_pattern OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: time_pattern_days; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.time_pattern_days ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, day_code bigint, time_pattern_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.time_pattern_days OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: time_pattern_dept; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.time_pattern_dept ( dept_id bigint NOT NULL, pattern_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.time_pattern_dept OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: time_pattern_time; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.time_pattern_time ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, start_slot bigint, time_pattern_id bigint ); ALTER TABLE timetable.time_pattern_time OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: time_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.time_pref ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, owner_id bigint, pref_level_id bigint, preference character varying(2048), time_pattern_id bigint, last_modified_time timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.time_pref OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: timetable_manager; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.timetable_manager ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, external_uid character varying(40), first_name character varying(100), middle_name character varying(100), last_name character varying(100), email_address character varying(200), last_modified_time timestamp with time zone, acad_title character varying(50) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.timetable_manager OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: tmtbl_mgr_to_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles ( manager_id bigint, role_id bigint, uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, is_primary boolean, receive_emails boolean DEFAULT true ); ALTER TABLE timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: travel_time; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.travel_time ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, session_id bigint NOT NULL, loc1_id bigint NOT NULL, loc2_id bigint NOT NULL, distance integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.travel_time OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: user_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.user_data ( external_uid character varying(40) NOT NULL, name character varying(100) NOT NULL, value character varying(4000) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.user_data OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.users ( username character varying(15) NOT NULL, password character varying(25), external_uid character varying(40) ); ALTER TABLE timetable.users OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: waitlist; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.waitlist ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint, course_offering_id bigint, type bigint DEFAULT '0'::bigint, "timestamp" timestamp with time zone ); ALTER TABLE timetable.waitlist OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: xconflict; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.xconflict ( uniqueid bigint NOT NULL, conflict_type bigint NOT NULL, distance double precision ); ALTER TABLE timetable.xconflict OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: xconflict_exam; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.xconflict_exam ( conflict_id bigint NOT NULL, exam_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.xconflict_exam OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: xconflict_instructor; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.xconflict_instructor ( conflict_id bigint NOT NULL, instructor_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.xconflict_instructor OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Name: xconflict_student; Type: TABLE; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE TABLE timetable.xconflict_student ( conflict_id bigint NOT NULL, student_id bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE timetable.xconflict_student OWNER TO timetable; -- -- Data for Name: academic_area; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.academic_area (uniqueid, session_id, academic_area_abbreviation, long_title, external_uid) FROM stdin; 142 231379 A The Woebegon's Only Academic Area A 144 223206 A Area 1 A \. -- -- Data for Name: academic_classification; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.academic_classification (uniqueid, session_id, code, name, external_uid) FROM stdin; 61 231379 01 Junior Year 01 62 231379 02 Senior Year 02 63 223206 01 Junior Year 01 64 223206 02 Senior Year 02 \. -- -- Data for Name: advisor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.advisor (uniqueid, external_uid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, acad_title, email, session_id, role_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: application_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.application_config (name, value, description) FROM stdin; tmtbl.access_level all Access Levels: all | {dept code}(:{dept code})* tmtbl.db.version 223 Timetabling database version (please do not change -- this key is used by automatic database update) tmtbl.system_message Welcome to Woebegon College test suite. Message displayed to users when they first log in to Timetabling \. -- -- Data for Name: assigned_instructors; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.assigned_instructors (assignment_id, instructor_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 142297 226242 \N 142299 226240 \N 142300 226240 \N 142301 226240 \N 142324 226240 \N 142325 226240 \N 142326 226240 \N 142327 226242 \N 142328 226242 \N 142329 226246 \N 142330 226244 \N 142331 226246 \N 142332 226244 \N 142333 226242 \N 142334 226242 \N 142335 226242 \N 142336 226238 \N 142337 226238 \N 142338 226238 \N 142339 226238 \N 142340 226238 \N 142341 226238 \N 142342 226238 \N 142343 226238 \N 142344 226238 \N 142345 226238 \N 142346 226238 \N 142347 226238 \N 142457 231388 \N 142459 231389 \N 142460 231389 \N 142461 231389 \N 142484 231389 \N 142485 231389 \N 142486 231389 \N 142487 231388 \N 142488 231388 \N 142493 231388 \N 142494 231388 \N 142495 231388 \N 142496 231385 \N 142497 231385 \N 142498 231385 \N 142499 231385 \N 142500 231385 \N 142501 231385 \N 142502 231385 \N 142503 231385 \N 142504 231385 \N 142505 231385 \N 142506 231385 \N 142507 231385 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: assigned_rooms; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.assigned_rooms (assignment_id, room_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 142297 7987 \N 142298 7986 \N 142299 7986 \N 142300 7986 \N 142301 7986 \N 142302 7989 \N 142303 7989 \N 142304 7989 \N 142305 7989 \N 142306 7989 \N 142307 7989 \N 142308 7989 \N 142309 7989 \N 142310 7988 \N 142311 7989 \N 142312 7988 \N 142313 7992 \N 142314 7992 \N 142315 7992 \N 142316 7992 \N 142317 7992 \N 142318 7992 \N 142319 7992 \N 142320 7992 \N 142321 7992 \N 142322 7992 \N 142323 7992 \N 142324 7986 \N 142325 7986 \N 142326 7986 \N 142327 7987 \N 142328 7988 \N 142329 7993 \N 142330 7993 \N 142331 7993 \N 142332 7993 \N 142333 7986 \N 142334 7986 \N 142335 7986 \N 142336 7989 \N 142337 7989 \N 142338 7988 \N 142339 7988 \N 142340 7987 \N 142341 7988 \N 142342 7987 \N 142343 7987 \N 142344 7988 \N 142345 7988 \N 142346 7988 \N 142347 7989 \N 142348 7986 \N 142349 7986 \N 142350 7986 \N 142351 7991 \N 142352 7991 \N 142353 7991 \N 142354 7991 \N 142355 7991 \N 142356 7991 \N 142357 7991 \N 142358 7991 \N 142359 7991 \N 142360 7991 \N 142361 7991 \N 142362 7991 \N 142363 7989 \N 142364 7989 \N 142365 7989 \N 142366 7988 \N 142367 7989 \N 142368 7989 \N 142369 7989 \N 142370 7989 \N 142371 7988 \N 142372 7987 \N 142373 7988 \N 142374 7989 \N 142375 7988 \N 142376 7987 \N 142377 7989 \N 142378 7988 \N 142379 7987 \N 142380 7989 \N 142381 7988 \N 142382 7987 \N 142383 7987 \N 142384 7986 \N 142385 7987 \N 142386 7988 \N 142387 7988 \N 142388 7989 \N 142389 7988 \N 142390 7989 \N 142391 7989 \N 142392 7989 \N 142393 7989 \N 142394 7988 \N 142395 7993 \N 142396 7993 \N 142397 7993 \N 142398 7993 \N 142399 7993 \N 142400 7993 \N 142401 7993 \N 142402 7993 \N 142403 7993 \N 142404 7993 \N 142405 7986 \N 142406 7993 \N 142407 7993 \N 142408 7993 \N 142409 7988 \N 142410 7987 \N 142411 7993 \N 142412 7993 \N 142413 7993 \N 142414 7993 \N 142415 7987 \N 142416 7987 \N 142417 7988 \N 142418 7986 \N 142419 7992 \N 142420 7992 \N 142421 7992 \N 142422 7986 \N 142423 7987 \N 142424 7986 \N 142425 7988 \N 142426 7989 \N 142427 7989 \N 142428 7988 \N 142429 7989 \N 142430 7989 \N 142431 7993 \N 142432 7993 \N 142433 7993 \N 142434 7993 \N 142435 7993 \N 142436 7988 \N 142437 7987 \N 142438 7986 \N 142439 7987 \N 142440 7987 \N 142441 7987 \N 142442 7988 \N 142443 7993 \N 142444 7993 \N 142445 7993 \N 142446 7993 \N 142457 8019 \N 142458 8023 \N 142459 8023 \N 142460 8023 \N 142461 8023 \N 142462 8020 \N 142463 8020 \N 142464 8020 \N 142465 8020 \N 142466 8020 \N 142467 8020 \N 142468 8020 \N 142469 8024 \N 142470 8020 \N 142471 8024 \N 142472 8020 \N 142473 8015 \N 142474 8015 \N 142475 8015 \N 142476 8015 \N 142477 8015 \N 142478 8015 \N 142479 8015 \N 142480 8015 \N 142481 8015 \N 142482 8015 \N 142483 8015 \N 142484 8023 \N 142485 8023 \N 142486 8023 \N 142487 8024 \N 142488 8019 \N 142489 8016 \N 142490 8016 \N 142491 8016 \N 142492 8016 \N 142493 8023 \N 142494 8023 \N 142495 8023 \N 142496 8020 \N 142497 8020 \N 142498 8020 \N 142499 8024 \N 142500 8020 \N 142501 8020 \N 142502 8024 \N 142503 8020 \N 142504 8020 \N 142505 8020 \N 142506 8020 \N 142507 8020 \N 142508 8023 \N 142509 8023 \N 142510 8023 \N 142511 8022 \N 142512 8022 \N 142513 8019 \N 142514 8015 \N 142515 8022 \N 142516 8022 \N 142517 8022 \N 142518 8022 \N 142519 8015 \N 142520 8015 \N 142521 8022 \N 142522 8022 \N 142523 8019 \N 142524 8019 \N 142525 8024 \N 142526 8024 \N 142527 8020 \N 142528 8020 \N 142529 8020 \N 142530 8019 \N 142531 8020 \N 142532 8024 \N 142533 8024 \N 142534 8024 \N 142535 8020 \N 142536 8024 \N 142537 8024 \N 142538 8019 \N 142539 8020 \N 142540 8020 \N 142541 8024 \N 142542 8019 \N 142543 8024 \N 142544 8023 \N 142545 8020 \N 142546 8020 \N 142547 8024 \N 142548 8020 \N 142549 8024 \N 142550 8019 \N 142551 8024 \N 142552 8020 \N 142553 8024 \N 142554 8020 \N 142555 8016 \N 142556 8016 \N 142557 8016 \N 142558 8016 \N 142559 8016 \N 142560 8016 \N 142561 8016 \N 142562 8016 \N 142563 8016 \N 142564 8016 \N 142565 8023 \N 142566 8016 \N 142567 8016 \N 142568 8016 \N 142569 8019 \N 142570 8024 \N 142571 8016 \N 142572 8016 \N 142573 8016 \N 142574 8016 \N 142575 8019 \N 142576 8019 \N 142577 8019 \N 142578 8023 \N 142579 8015 \N 142580 8015 \N 142581 8015 \N 142582 8023 \N 142583 8019 \N 142584 8024 \N 142585 8023 \N 142586 8020 \N 142587 8020 \N 142588 8019 \N 142589 8020 \N 142590 8020 \N 142591 8016 \N 142592 8016 \N 142593 8016 \N 142594 8016 \N 142595 8016 \N 142596 8024 \N 142597 8019 \N 142598 8023 \N 142599 8019 \N 142600 8024 \N 142601 8019 \N 142602 8019 \N 142603 8016 \N 142604 8016 \N 142605 8016 \N 142606 8016 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: assignment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.assignment (uniqueid, days, slot, time_pattern_id, solution_id, class_id, class_name, last_modified_time, date_pattern_id) FROM stdin; 142297 84 114 1371 807 223884 ALG 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142298 124 186 1480 806 223249 BAND 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142299 40 150 1373 806 223240 BIOL 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142300 40 126 1373 806 223899 BIOL 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142301 40 114 1373 806 223900 BIOL 101 Lec 3 \N 49 142302 32 186 1377 807 223902 BIOL 101 Rec 1 \N 49 142303 8 174 1377 807 223903 BIOL 101 Rec 2 \N 49 142304 16 90 1377 807 223904 BIOL 101 Rec 3 \N 49 142305 4 102 1377 807 223905 BIOL 101 Rec 4 \N 49 142306 32 138 1377 807 223906 BIOL 101 Rec 5 \N 49 142307 32 150 1377 807 223907 BIOL 101 Rec 6 \N 49 142308 64 102 1377 807 223908 BIOL 101 Rec 7 \N 49 142309 8 138 1377 807 223909 BIOL 101 Rec 8 \N 49 142310 16 114 1377 807 223910 BIOL 101 Rec 9 \N 49 142311 16 162 1377 807 223976 BIOL 101 Rec 10 \N 49 142312 16 126 1377 807 223977 BIOL 101 Rec 11 \N 49 142313 4 162 1378 807 223914 BIOL 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142314 16 162 1378 807 223915 BIOL 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142315 16 114 1378 807 223916 BIOL 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142316 16 90 1378 807 223917 BIOL 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142317 4 186 1378 807 223918 BIOL 101 Lab 5 \N 49 142318 8 162 1378 807 223919 BIOL 101 Lab 6 \N 49 142319 8 138 1378 807 223920 BIOL 101 Lab 7 \N 49 142320 8 186 1378 807 223921 BIOL 101 Lab 8 \N 49 142321 4 114 1378 807 223922 BIOL 101 Lab 9 \N 49 142322 8 90 1378 807 223978 BIOL 101 Lab 10 \N 49 142323 16 186 1378 807 223979 BIOL 101 Lab 11 \N 49 142324 32 138 1377 806 223926 BIOL 101 Pso 1 \N 49 142325 8 138 1377 806 223927 BIOL 101 Pso 2 \N 49 142326 16 138 1377 806 223973 BIOL 101 Pso 3 \N 49 142327 80 102 1373 807 223245 C S 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142328 68 126 1373 807 223947 C S 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142329 8 186 1378 807 223949 C S 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142330 4 162 1378 807 223950 C S 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142331 8 162 1378 807 223951 C S 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142332 4 114 1378 807 223970 C S 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142333 84 150 1371 806 223869 CALC 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142334 84 174 1371 806 223956 CALC 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142335 84 90 1371 806 223957 CALC 101 Lec 3 \N 49 142336 8 126 1377 807 223870 CALC 101 Rec 1 \N 49 142337 32 162 1377 807 223958 CALC 101 Rec 2 \N 49 142338 8 114 1377 807 223959 CALC 101 Rec 3 \N 49 142339 8 138 1377 807 223960 CALC 101 Rec 4 \N 49 142340 4 102 1377 807 223961 CALC 101 Rec 5 \N 49 142341 32 150 1377 807 223962 CALC 101 Rec 6 \N 49 142342 16 150 1377 807 223963 CALC 101 Rec 7 \N 49 142343 4 150 1377 807 223964 CALC 101 Rec 8 \N 49 142344 32 102 1377 807 223965 CALC 101 Rec 9 \N 49 142345 32 138 1377 807 223966 CALC 101 Rec 10 \N 49 142346 32 126 1377 807 223967 CALC 101 Rec 11 \N 49 142347 8 150 1377 807 223968 CALC 101 Rec 12 \N 49 142348 20 126 1373 806 223256 CHM 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142349 68 138 1373 806 223257 CHM 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142350 80 114 1373 806 223258 CHM 101 Lec 3 \N 49 142351 32 138 1379 807 223259 CHM 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142352 8 138 1379 807 223260 CHM 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142353 4 138 1379 807 223261 CHM 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142354 32 180 1379 807 223263 CHM 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142355 4 90 1379 807 223264 CHM 101 Lab 5 \N 49 142356 32 90 1379 807 223265 CHM 101 Lab 6 \N 49 142357 4 180 1379 807 223267 CHM 101 Lab 7 \N 49 142358 16 90 1379 807 223268 CHM 101 Lab 8 \N 49 142359 16 180 1379 807 223269 CHM 101 Lab 9 \N 49 142360 8 180 1379 807 223817 CHM 101 Lab 10 \N 49 142361 8 90 1379 807 223818 CHM 101 Lab 11 \N 49 142362 16 138 1379 807 223819 CHM 101 Lab 12 \N 49 142363 8 186 1377 807 223824 CHM 101 Rec 1 \N 49 142364 16 186 1377 807 223825 CHM 101 Rec 2 \N 49 142365 32 198 1377 807 223826 CHM 101 Rec 3 \N 49 142366 32 90 1377 807 223827 CHM 101 Rec 4 \N 49 142367 32 126 1377 807 223828 CHM 101 Rec 5 \N 49 142368 16 102 1377 807 223829 CHM 101 Rec 6 \N 49 142369 8 162 1377 807 223830 CHM 101 Rec 7 \N 49 142370 4 162 1377 807 223831 CHM 101 Rec 8 \N 49 142371 8 102 1377 807 223832 CHM 101 Rec 9 \N 49 142372 64 150 1377 807 223833 CHM 101 Rec 10 \N 49 142373 32 114 1377 807 223834 CHM 101 Rec 11 \N 49 142374 64 186 1377 807 223835 CHM 101 Rec 12 \N 49 142375 40 162 1374 807 223297 COM 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142376 40 198 1374 807 223298 COM 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142377 40 90 1374 807 223299 COM 101 Lec 3 \N 49 142378 40 180 1374 807 223300 COM 101 Lec 4 \N 49 142379 40 162 1374 807 223301 COM 101 Lec 5 \N 49 142380 40 108 1374 807 223302 COM 101 Lec 6 \N 49 142381 40 198 1374 807 223303 COM 101 Lec 7 \N 49 142382 40 144 1374 807 223304 COM 101 Lec 8 \N 49 142383 40 108 1374 807 223305 COM 101 Lec 9 \N 49 142384 40 90 1374 806 223291 ECON 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142385 84 198 1371 807 223310 ENGL 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142386 84 90 1371 807 223311 ENGL 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142387 84 186 1371 807 223312 ENGL 101 Lec 3 \N 49 142388 84 150 1371 807 223313 ENGL 101 Lec 4 \N 49 142389 84 102 1371 807 223314 ENGL 101 Lec 5 \N 49 142390 84 126 1371 807 223315 ENGL 101 Lec 6 \N 49 142391 84 114 1371 807 223316 ENGL 101 Lec 7 \N 49 142392 84 138 1371 807 223317 ENGL 101 Lec 8 \N 49 142393 84 174 1371 807 223318 ENGL 101 Lec 9 \N 49 142394 84 162 1371 807 223319 ENGL 101 Lec 10 \N 49 142395 16 102 1377 807 223851 ENGL 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142396 8 114 1377 807 223852 ENGL 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142397 4 150 1377 807 223853 ENGL 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142398 4 138 1377 807 223854 ENGL 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142399 32 174 1377 807 223855 ENGL 101 Lab 5 \N 49 142400 16 114 1377 807 223856 ENGL 101 Lab 6 \N 49 142401 16 162 1377 807 223857 ENGL 101 Lab 7 \N 49 142402 8 150 1377 807 223858 ENGL 101 Lab 8 \N 49 142403 16 126 1377 807 223859 ENGL 101 Lab 9 \N 49 142404 32 90 1377 807 223860 ENGL 101 Lab 10 \N 49 142405 40 174 1373 807 223996 ENGR 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142406 8 90 1378 807 223998 ENGR 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142407 64 114 1378 807 223999 ENGR 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142408 32 138 1378 807 224000 ENGR 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142409 84 138 1371 807 223324 GER 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142410 84 186 1371 807 223325 GER 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142411 64 102 1377 807 224005 GER 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142412 16 174 1377 807 224006 GER 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142413 64 90 1377 807 224007 GER 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142414 16 90 1377 807 224008 GER 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142415 40 90 1374 807 223330 HIST 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142416 84 126 1371 807 223331 HIST 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142417 84 198 1371 807 224017 LING 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142418 20 102 1373 806 224057 MBIO 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142419 64 186 1378 807 224059 MBIO 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142420 64 162 1378 807 224060 MBIO 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142421 64 114 1378 807 224061 MBIO 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142422 64 102 1377 806 224022 PHAR 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142423 40 126 1374 807 223344 PHIL 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142424 40 162 1373 807 223350 PHYS 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142425 68 114 1373 807 223351 PHYS 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142426 64 162 1377 807 224032 PHYS 101 Rec 1 \N 49 142427 4 186 1377 807 224033 PHYS 101 Rec 2 \N 49 142428 8 90 1377 807 224034 PHYS 101 Rec 3 \N 49 142429 8 198 1377 807 224035 PHYS 101 Rec 4 \N 49 142430 32 174 1377 807 224036 PHYS 101 Rec 5 \N 49 142431 4 90 1378 807 224038 PHYS 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142432 32 114 1378 807 224039 PHYS 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142433 64 138 1378 807 224040 PHYS 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142434 64 162 1378 807 224041 PHYS 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142435 16 138 1378 807 224042 PHYS 101 Lab 5 \N 49 142436 84 150 1371 807 223356 POL 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142437 84 162 1371 807 224028 POL 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142438 84 162 1371 806 223363 PSY 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142439 84 138 1371 807 223373 SOC 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142440 84 90 1371 807 224050 SOC 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142441 40 180 1374 807 223378 SPAN 101 Lec 1 \N 49 142442 84 174 1371 807 223379 SPAN 101 Lec 2 \N 49 142443 32 162 1377 807 223800 SPAN 101 Lab 1 \N 49 142444 32 102 1377 807 223801 SPAN 101 Lab 2 \N 49 142445 32 186 1377 807 223802 SPAN 101 Lab 3 \N 49 142446 8 138 1377 807 223803 SPAN 101 Lab 4 \N 49 142457 84 114 1539 826 231391 ALG 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142458 124 186 1531 827 231393 BAND 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142459 68 174 1548 827 231395 BIOL 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142460 40 90 1548 827 231396 BIOL 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142461 68 114 1548 827 231397 BIOL 101 Lec 3 \N 853 142462 64 138 1558 826 231411 BIOL 101 Rec 1 \N 853 142463 4 90 1558 826 231412 BIOL 101 Rec 2 \N 853 142464 8 162 1558 826 231413 BIOL 101 Rec 3 \N 853 142465 64 162 1558 826 231414 BIOL 101 Rec 4 \N 853 142466 16 138 1558 826 231415 BIOL 101 Rec 5 \N 853 142467 4 114 1558 826 231416 BIOL 101 Rec 6 \N 853 142468 16 162 1558 826 231417 BIOL 101 Rec 7 \N 853 142469 16 186 1558 826 231418 BIOL 101 Rec 8 \N 853 142470 16 90 1558 826 231419 BIOL 101 Rec 9 \N 853 142471 32 126 1558 826 231420 BIOL 101 Rec 10 \N 853 142472 16 114 1558 826 231421 BIOL 101 Rec 11 \N 853 142473 16 138 1562 826 231399 BIOL 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142474 16 186 1562 826 231400 BIOL 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142475 16 114 1562 826 231401 BIOL 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142476 8 138 1562 826 231402 BIOL 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142477 4 186 1562 826 231403 BIOL 101 Lab 5 \N 853 142478 4 162 1562 826 231404 BIOL 101 Lab 6 \N 853 142479 8 90 1562 826 231405 BIOL 101 Lab 7 \N 853 142480 8 114 1562 826 231406 BIOL 101 Lab 8 \N 853 142481 16 90 1562 826 231407 BIOL 101 Lab 9 \N 853 142482 4 138 1562 826 231408 BIOL 101 Lab 10 \N 853 142483 16 162 1562 826 231409 BIOL 101 Lab 11 \N 853 142484 16 174 1558 827 231423 BIOL 101 Pso 1 \N 853 142485 16 114 1558 827 231424 BIOL 101 Pso 2 \N 853 142486 8 102 1558 827 231425 BIOL 101 Pso 3 \N 853 142487 68 162 1548 826 231434 C S 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142488 80 150 1548 826 231435 C S 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142489 32 138 1562 826 231429 C S 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142490 32 90 1562 826 231430 C S 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142491 16 114 1562 826 231431 C S 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142492 64 162 1562 826 231432 C S 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142493 84 90 1539 827 231437 CALC 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142494 84 126 1539 827 231438 CALC 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142495 84 102 1539 827 231439 CALC 101 Lec 3 \N 853 142496 4 126 1558 826 231441 CALC 101 Rec 1 \N 853 142497 64 126 1558 826 231445 CALC 101 Rec 2 \N 853 142498 32 186 1558 826 231449 CALC 101 Rec 3 \N 853 142499 4 174 1558 826 231451 CALC 101 Rec 4 \N 853 142500 32 174 1558 826 231443 CALC 101 Rec 5 \N 853 142501 32 126 1558 826 231446 CALC 101 Rec 6 \N 853 142502 16 174 1558 826 231448 CALC 101 Rec 7 \N 853 142503 8 174 1558 826 231452 CALC 101 Rec 8 \N 853 142504 4 162 1558 826 231442 CALC 101 Rec 9 \N 853 142505 32 150 1558 826 231444 CALC 101 Rec 10 \N 853 142506 8 150 1558 826 231447 CALC 101 Rec 11 \N 853 142507 32 138 1558 826 231450 CALC 101 Rec 12 \N 853 142508 80 150 1548 827 231456 CHM 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142509 40 114 1548 827 231457 CHM 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142510 40 138 1548 827 231458 CHM 101 Lec 3 \N 853 142511 8 138 1564 826 231461 CHM 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142512 4 180 1564 826 231466 CHM 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142513 8 90 1564 826 231467 CHM 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142514 32 180 1564 826 231468 CHM 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142515 4 90 1564 826 231460 CHM 101 Lab 5 \N 853 142516 16 90 1564 826 231462 CHM 101 Lab 6 \N 853 142517 16 180 1564 826 231463 CHM 101 Lab 7 \N 853 142518 32 138 1564 826 231465 CHM 101 Lab 8 \N 853 142519 8 180 1564 826 231464 CHM 101 Lab 9 \N 853 142520 32 90 1564 826 231469 CHM 101 Lab 10 \N 853 142521 16 138 1564 826 231470 CHM 101 Lab 11 \N 853 142522 4 138 1564 826 231471 CHM 101 Lab 12 \N 853 142523 32 90 1558 826 231480 CHM 101 Rec 1 \N 853 142524 32 102 1558 826 231477 CHM 101 Rec 2 \N 853 142525 4 186 1558 826 231484 CHM 101 Rec 3 \N 853 142526 64 174 1558 826 231479 CHM 101 Rec 4 \N 853 142527 4 138 1558 826 231483 CHM 101 Rec 5 \N 853 142528 8 138 1558 826 231473 CHM 101 Rec 6 \N 853 142529 16 126 1558 826 231474 CHM 101 Rec 7 \N 853 142530 4 150 1558 826 231478 CHM 101 Rec 8 \N 853 142531 32 162 1558 826 231476 CHM 101 Rec 9 \N 853 142532 8 126 1558 826 231475 CHM 101 Rec 10 \N 853 142533 64 102 1558 826 231481 CHM 101 Rec 11 \N 853 142534 16 162 1558 826 231482 CHM 101 Rec 12 \N 853 142535 40 90 1549 826 231486 COM 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142536 40 198 1549 826 231487 COM 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142537 40 90 1549 826 231488 COM 101 Lec 3 \N 853 142538 40 162 1549 826 231489 COM 101 Lec 4 \N 853 142539 40 198 1549 826 231490 COM 101 Lec 5 \N 853 142540 40 108 1549 826 231491 COM 101 Lec 6 \N 853 142541 40 180 1549 826 231492 COM 101 Lec 7 \N 853 142542 40 126 1549 826 231493 COM 101 Lec 8 \N 853 142543 40 108 1549 826 231494 COM 101 Lec 9 \N 853 142544 84 138 1539 827 231496 ECON 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142545 84 198 1539 826 231498 ENGL 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142546 84 186 1539 826 231499 ENGL 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142547 84 126 1539 826 231500 ENGL 101 Lec 3 \N 853 142548 84 174 1539 826 231501 ENGL 101 Lec 4 \N 853 142549 84 138 1539 826 231502 ENGL 101 Lec 5 \N 853 142550 84 162 1539 826 231503 ENGL 101 Lec 6 \N 853 142551 84 114 1539 826 231504 ENGL 101 Lec 7 \N 853 142552 84 102 1539 826 231505 ENGL 101 Lec 8 \N 853 142553 84 90 1539 826 231506 ENGL 101 Lec 9 \N 853 142554 84 150 1539 826 231507 ENGL 101 Lec 10 \N 853 142555 8 174 1558 826 231511 ENGL 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142556 8 198 1558 826 231515 ENGL 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142557 8 138 1558 826 231518 ENGL 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142558 64 138 1558 826 231516 ENGL 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142559 4 198 1558 826 231512 ENGL 101 Lab 5 \N 853 142560 64 186 1558 826 231513 ENGL 101 Lab 6 \N 853 142561 32 114 1558 826 231509 ENGL 101 Lab 7 \N 853 142562 8 150 1558 826 231510 ENGL 101 Lab 8 \N 853 142563 32 198 1558 826 231514 ENGL 101 Lab 9 \N 853 142564 32 174 1558 826 231517 ENGL 101 Lab 10 \N 853 142565 40 174 1548 826 231524 ENGR 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142566 4 114 1562 826 231520 ENGR 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142567 64 114 1562 826 231521 ENGR 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142568 16 90 1562 826 231522 ENGR 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142569 84 90 1539 826 231526 GER 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142570 84 150 1539 826 231527 GER 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142571 4 186 1558 826 231531 GER 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142572 4 102 1558 826 231532 GER 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142573 32 126 1558 826 231529 GER 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142574 32 162 1558 826 231530 GER 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142575 84 186 1539 826 231534 HIST 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142576 84 174 1539 826 231535 HIST 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142577 84 198 1539 826 231537 LING 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142578 40 126 1548 827 231539 MBIO 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142579 64 138 1562 826 231541 MBIO 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142580 64 186 1562 826 231542 MBIO 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142581 64 162 1562 826 231543 MBIO 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142582 32 102 1558 827 231545 PHAR 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142583 84 126 1539 826 231547 PHIL 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142584 40 150 1548 826 231549 PHYS 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142585 40 162 1548 826 231550 PHYS 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142586 8 126 1558 826 231553 PHYS 101 Rec 1 \N 853 142587 8 186 1558 826 231556 PHYS 101 Rec 2 \N 853 142588 32 114 1558 826 231552 PHYS 101 Rec 3 \N 853 142589 64 90 1558 826 231554 PHYS 101 Rec 4 \N 853 142590 64 114 1558 826 231555 PHYS 101 Rec 5 \N 853 142591 4 162 1562 826 231560 PHYS 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142592 16 162 1562 826 231562 PHYS 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142593 8 90 1562 826 231559 PHYS 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142594 4 138 1562 826 231561 PHYS 101 Lab 4 \N 853 142595 8 114 1562 826 231558 PHYS 101 Lab 5 \N 853 142596 40 162 1549 826 231564 POL 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142597 40 144 1549 826 231565 POL 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142598 84 162 1539 827 231567 PSY 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142599 84 102 1539 826 231569 SOC 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142600 84 198 1539 826 231570 SOC 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142601 40 180 1549 826 231572 SPAN 101 Lec 1 \N 853 142602 40 198 1549 826 231573 SPAN 101 Lec 2 \N 853 142603 16 138 1558 826 231577 SPAN 101 Lab 1 \N 853 142604 8 162 1558 826 231578 SPAN 101 Lab 2 \N 853 142605 64 102 1558 826 231575 SPAN 101 Lab 3 \N 853 142606 16 186 1558 826 231576 SPAN 101 Lab 4 \N 853 \. -- -- Data for Name: attachment_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.attachment_type (uniqueid, reference, abbreviation, label, visibility) FROM stdin; 1867719 OTHER Other Not Specified 6 1867720 PICTURE Picture Room Picture 15 \. -- -- Data for Name: attribute; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.attribute (uniqueid, code, name, type_id, parent_id, session_id, department_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: attribute_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.attribute_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, attribute_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: attribute_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.attribute_type (uniqueid, reference, label, conjunctive, required) FROM stdin; 1933253 Performance Performance Level f t 1933254 Skill Skill t t 1933255 Qualification Qualification f t 1933256 Cerfification Cerfification f t \. -- -- Data for Name: building; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.building (uniqueid, session_id, abbreviation, name, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, external_uid) FROM stdin; 1761 223206 EDUC Education Hall 1 1 \N 1762 223206 THTR Theater of Performing Arts 2 1 \N 1782 231379 EDUC Education Hall 1 1 \N 1783 231379 THTR Theater of Performing Arts 2 1 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: building_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.building_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, bldg_id, distance_from, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 121515 226240 2 1761 \N \N 123256 231389 2 1782 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: change_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.change_log (uniqueid, session_id, manager_id, time_stamp, obj_type, obj_uid, obj_title, subj_area_id, department_id, source, operation, detail) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: class_; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.class_ (uniqueid, subpart_id, expected_capacity, nbr_rooms, parent_class_id, owner_id, room_capacity, notes, date_pattern_id, managing_dept, display_instructor, sched_print_note, class_suffix, display_in_sched_book, max_expected_capacity, room_ratio, section_number, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from, external_uid, enrollment, cancelled, snapshot_limit, snapshot_limit_date) FROM stdin; 223240 223239 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 003001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223245 223244 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223249 223248 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223256 223254 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 003001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223257 223254 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 002001 t 4 1 2 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223258 223254 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 3 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223259 223255 1 1 223256 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223260 223255 1 1 223256 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 011001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223261 223255 1 1 223256 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 012001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223263 223255 1 1 223256 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223264 223255 1 1 223257 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223265 223255 1 1 223257 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223267 223255 1 1 223257 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223268 223255 1 1 223257 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223269 223255 1 1 223258 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223291 223290 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223297 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223298 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223299 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223300 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223301 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223302 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223303 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223304 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223305 223296 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 0 f \N \N 223310 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223311 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223312 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223313 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223314 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223315 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223316 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223317 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223318 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223319 223309 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223324 223323 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223325 223323 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223330 223329 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223331 223329 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223344 223343 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223350 223349 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 3 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223351 223349 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223356 223355 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223363 223362 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223373 223372 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223378 223377 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223379 223377 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223800 223799 1 1 223378 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223801 223799 1 1 223378 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223802 223799 1 1 223379 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223803 223799 1 1 223379 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 0 f \N \N 223817 223255 1 1 223258 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223818 223255 1 1 223258 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 11 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223819 223255 1 1 223258 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 12 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223824 223815 1 1 223259 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223825 223815 1 1 223260 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 011001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223826 223815 1 1 223261 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 012001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223827 223815 1 1 223263 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223828 223815 1 1 223264 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223829 223815 1 1 223265 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223830 223815 1 1 223267 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223831 223815 1 1 223268 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223832 223815 1 1 223269 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223833 223815 1 1 223817 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223834 223815 1 1 223818 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 11 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223835 223815 1 1 223819 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 12 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223851 223848 1 1 223310 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223852 223848 1 1 223311 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223853 223848 1 1 223312 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223854 223848 1 1 223313 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223855 223848 1 1 223314 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223856 223848 1 1 223315 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223857 223848 1 1 223316 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223858 223848 1 1 223317 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223859 223848 1 1 223318 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223860 223848 1 1 223319 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223869 223867 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 002001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223870 223868 1 1 223869 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223884 223228 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223899 223239 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 002001 t 4 1 2 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223900 223239 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 3 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223902 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223903 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223904 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223905 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 011001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 0 f \N \N 223906 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223907 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223908 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223909 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223910 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223914 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223915 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223916 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223917 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223918 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 011001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223919 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 0 f \N \N 223920 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223921 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223922 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223926 223925 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223927 223925 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 003001 t 4 1 2 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223947 223244 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 223949 223948 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223950 223948 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223951 223948 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223956 223867 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 003001 t 4 1 2 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223957 223867 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 3 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223958 223868 1 1 223869 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223959 223868 1 1 223869 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 006001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223960 223868 1 1 223869 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223961 223868 1 1 223956 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 011001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223962 223868 1 1 223956 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 009001 t 1 1 6 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223963 223868 1 1 223956 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 010001 t 1 1 7 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223964 223868 1 1 223956 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 012001 t 1 1 8 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223965 223868 1 1 223957 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 9 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223966 223868 1 1 223957 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223967 223868 1 1 223957 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 11 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223968 223868 1 1 223957 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 12 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223970 223948 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223973 223925 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 002001 t 4 1 3 \N \N \N 4 f \N \N 223976 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 008001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223977 223901 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 007001 t 1 1 11 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223978 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 10 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223979 223913 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 11 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223996 223995 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 3 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 223998 223997 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 223999 223997 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224000 223997 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224005 224004 1 1 223324 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224006 224004 1 1 223324 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224007 224004 1 1 223325 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224008 224004 1 1 223325 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224017 224016 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224022 224021 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 4 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 224028 223355 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 2 f \N \N 224032 224030 1 1 223350 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224033 224030 1 1 223350 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224034 224030 1 1 223350 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224035 224030 1 1 223351 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224036 224030 1 1 223351 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224038 224031 1 1 224032 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224039 224031 1 1 224033 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 005001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224040 224031 1 1 224034 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 004001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224041 224031 1 1 224035 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 4 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224042 224031 1 1 224036 \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 5 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224050 223372 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 2 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224057 224056 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 226199 t \N 001001 t 3 1 1 \N \N \N 3 f \N \N 224059 224058 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 003001 t 1 1 1 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224060 224058 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 002001 t 1 1 2 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 224061 224058 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 223207 t \N 001001 t 1 1 3 \N \N \N 1 f \N \N 231391 231390 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223884 \N 2 f \N \N 231393 231392 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223249 \N 2 f \N \N 231395 231394 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223900 \N 4 f \N \N 231396 231394 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 2 \N 223240 \N 4 f \N \N 231397 231394 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 3 \N 223899 \N 2 f \N \N 231399 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223922 \N 1 f \N \N 231400 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223919 \N 1 f \N \N 231401 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223914 \N 1 f \N \N 231402 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223920 \N 1 f \N \N 231403 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223915 \N 1 f \N \N 231404 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223979 \N 1 f \N \N 231405 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223916 \N 1 f \N \N 231406 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223917 \N 1 f \N \N 231407 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223921 \N 0 f \N \N 231408 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223918 \N 1 f \N \N 231409 231398 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 11 \N 223978 \N 1 f \N \N 231411 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223910 \N 1 f \N \N 231412 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223908 \N 1 f \N \N 231413 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223902 \N 1 f \N \N 231414 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223904 \N 1 f \N \N 231415 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223977 \N 1 f \N \N 231416 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223906 \N 1 f \N \N 231417 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223903 \N 1 f \N \N 231418 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223976 \N 1 f \N \N 231419 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223907 \N 1 f \N \N 231420 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223905 \N 0 f \N \N 231421 231410 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 11 \N 223909 \N 1 f \N \N 231423 231422 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223973 \N 4 f \N \N 231424 231422 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 2 \N 223926 \N 4 f \N \N 231425 231422 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 3 \N 223927 \N 2 f \N \N 231429 231428 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223949 \N 1 f \N \N 231430 231428 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223970 \N 1 f \N \N 231431 231428 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223951 \N 1 f \N \N 231432 231428 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223950 \N 0 f \N \N 231434 231433 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223947 \N 2 f \N \N 231435 231433 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223245 \N 1 f \N \N 231437 231436 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223956 \N 4 f \N \N 231438 231436 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 2 \N 223869 \N 4 f \N \N 231439 231436 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 3 \N 223957 \N 4 f \N \N 231441 231440 1 1 231437 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223964 \N 1 f \N \N 231442 231440 1 1 231439 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223967 \N 1 f \N \N 231443 231440 1 1 231438 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223959 \N 1 f \N \N 231444 231440 1 1 231439 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223966 \N 1 f \N \N 231445 231440 1 1 231437 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223963 \N 1 f \N \N 231446 231440 1 1 231438 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223958 \N 1 f \N \N 231447 231440 1 1 231439 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 11 \N 223968 \N 1 f \N \N 231448 231440 1 1 231438 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223960 \N 1 f \N \N 231449 231440 1 1 231437 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223961 \N 1 f \N \N 231450 231440 1 1 231439 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 12 \N 223965 \N 1 f \N \N 231451 231440 1 1 231437 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223962 \N 1 f \N \N 231452 231440 1 1 231438 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223870 \N 1 f \N \N 231456 231455 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223256 \N 4 f \N \N 231457 231455 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 2 \N 223258 \N 4 f \N \N 231458 231455 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 3 \N 223257 \N 4 f \N \N 231460 231459 1 1 231457 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223818 \N 1 f \N \N 231461 231459 1 1 231456 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223261 \N 1 f \N \N 231462 231459 1 1 231457 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223817 \N 1 f \N \N 231463 231459 1 1 231457 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223819 \N 1 f \N \N 231464 231459 1 1 231458 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223265 \N 1 f \N \N 231465 231459 1 1 231457 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223269 \N 1 f \N \N 231466 231459 1 1 231456 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223263 \N 1 f \N \N 231467 231459 1 1 231456 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223260 \N 1 f \N \N 231468 231459 1 1 231456 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223259 \N 1 f \N \N 231469 231459 1 1 231458 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223268 \N 1 f \N \N 231470 231459 1 1 231458 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 11 \N 223267 \N 1 f \N \N 231471 231459 1 1 231458 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 12 \N 223264 \N 1 f \N \N 231473 231472 1 1 231462 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223833 \N 1 f \N \N 231474 231472 1 1 231463 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223835 \N 1 f \N \N 231475 231472 1 1 231469 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223831 \N 1 f \N \N 231476 231472 1 1 231464 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223829 \N 1 f \N \N 231477 231472 1 1 231466 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223827 \N 1 f \N \N 231478 231472 1 1 231465 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223832 \N 1 f \N \N 231479 231472 1 1 231468 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223824 \N 1 f \N \N 231480 231472 1 1 231461 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223826 \N 1 f \N \N 231481 231472 1 1 231470 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 11 \N 223830 \N 1 f \N \N 231482 231472 1 1 231471 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 12 \N 223828 \N 1 f \N \N 231483 231472 1 1 231460 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223834 \N 1 f \N \N 231484 231472 1 1 231467 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223825 \N 1 f \N \N 231486 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223303 \N 1 f \N \N 231487 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223301 \N 1 f \N \N 231488 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223304 \N 1 f \N \N 231489 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223299 \N 0 f \N \N 231490 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223305 \N 1 f \N \N 231491 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223298 \N 1 f \N \N 231492 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223297 \N 1 f \N \N 231493 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223302 \N 0 f \N \N 231494 231485 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223300 \N 1 f \N \N 231496 231495 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223291 \N 3 f \N \N 231498 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223314 \N 1 f \N \N 231499 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223312 \N 1 f \N \N 231500 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223311 \N 1 f \N \N 231501 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223310 \N 1 f \N \N 231502 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223318 \N 1 f \N \N 231503 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223313 \N 1 f \N \N 231504 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223317 \N 1 f \N \N 231505 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223316 \N 1 f \N \N 231506 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223319 \N 1 f \N \N 231507 231497 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223315 \N 1 f \N \N 231509 231508 1 1 231504 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 7 \N 223858 \N 1 f \N \N 231510 231508 1 1 231505 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 8 \N 223857 \N 1 f \N \N 231511 231508 1 1 231498 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223855 \N 1 f \N \N 231512 231508 1 1 231502 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 223859 \N 1 f \N \N 231513 231508 1 1 231503 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 6 \N 223854 \N 1 f \N \N 231514 231508 1 1 231506 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 9 \N 223860 \N 1 f \N \N 231515 231508 1 1 231499 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223853 \N 1 f \N \N 231516 231508 1 1 231501 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223851 \N 1 f \N \N 231517 231508 1 1 231507 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 10 \N 223856 \N 1 f \N \N 231518 231508 1 1 231500 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223852 \N 1 f \N \N 231520 231519 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223999 \N 1 f \N \N 231521 231519 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 224000 \N 1 f \N \N 231522 231519 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223998 \N 1 f \N \N 231524 231523 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 3 1 1 \N 223996 \N 3 f \N \N 231526 231525 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223325 \N 2 f \N \N 231527 231525 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223324 \N 2 f \N \N 231529 231528 1 1 231527 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 224005 \N 1 f \N \N 231530 231528 1 1 231527 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 224006 \N 1 f \N \N 231531 231528 1 1 231526 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 224008 \N 1 f \N \N 231532 231528 1 1 231526 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 224007 \N 1 f \N \N 231534 231533 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223330 \N 1 f \N \N 231535 231533 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223331 \N 2 f \N \N 231537 231536 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 224017 \N 1 f \N \N 231539 231538 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 3 1 1 \N 224057 \N 3 f \N \N 231541 231540 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 224061 \N 1 f \N \N 231542 231540 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 224059 \N 1 f \N \N 231543 231540 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 224060 \N 1 f \N \N 231545 231544 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 224022 \N 3 f \N \N 231547 231546 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223344 \N 2 f \N \N 231549 231548 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223351 \N 2 f \N \N 231550 231548 3 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 3 1 2 \N 223350 \N 3 f \N \N 231552 231551 1 1 231550 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 224032 \N 1 f \N \N 231553 231551 1 1 231549 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 224036 \N 1 f \N \N 231554 231551 1 1 231550 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 224033 \N 1 f \N \N 231555 231551 1 1 231550 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 224034 \N 1 f \N \N 231556 231551 1 1 231549 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 224035 \N 1 f \N \N 231558 231557 1 1 231555 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 5 \N 224040 \N 1 f \N \N 231559 231557 1 1 231552 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 224038 \N 1 f \N \N 231560 231557 1 1 231553 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 224042 \N 1 f \N \N 231561 231557 1 1 231554 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 224039 \N 1 f \N \N 231562 231557 1 1 231556 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 224041 \N 1 f \N \N 231564 231563 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 224028 \N 2 f \N \N 231565 231563 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223356 \N 1 f \N \N 231567 231566 4 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231382 t \N \N t 4 1 1 \N 223363 \N 4 f \N \N 231569 231568 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 224050 \N 1 f \N \N 231570 231568 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223373 \N 1 f \N \N 231572 231571 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 1 \N 223379 \N 2 f \N \N 231573 231571 2 1 \N \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 2 1 2 \N 223378 \N 1 f \N \N 231575 231574 1 1 231573 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 3 \N 223801 \N 0 f \N \N 231576 231574 1 1 231573 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 4 \N 223800 \N 1 f \N \N 231577 231574 1 1 231572 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 1 \N 223802 \N 1 f \N \N 231578 231574 1 1 231572 \N \N \N \N 231383 t \N \N t 1 1 2 \N 223803 \N 1 f \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: class_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.class_instructor (uniqueid, class_id, instructor_id, percent_share, is_lead, last_modified_time, responsibility_id, request_id) FROM stdin; 38068 223884 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38069 223245 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38070 223947 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38071 223949 226246 100 t \N \N \N 38072 223950 226244 100 t \N \N \N 38073 223951 226246 100 t \N \N \N 38074 223970 226244 100 t \N \N \N 38078 223240 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38079 223899 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38080 223900 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38081 223926 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38082 223927 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38083 223973 226240 100 t \N \N \N 38084 223869 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38085 223870 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38086 223958 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38087 223959 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38088 223960 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38089 223956 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38090 223961 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38091 223962 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38092 223963 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38093 223964 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38094 223957 226242 100 t \N \N \N 38095 223965 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38096 223966 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38097 223967 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38098 223968 226238 100 t \N \N \N 38108 231391 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38109 231396 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38110 231423 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38111 231424 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38112 231425 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38113 231395 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38114 231397 231389 100 t \N \N \N 38115 231435 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38116 231434 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38117 231451 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38118 231448 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38119 231438 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38120 231439 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38121 231446 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38122 231442 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38123 231452 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38124 231444 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38125 231437 231388 100 t \N \N \N 38126 231441 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38127 231450 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38128 231443 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38129 231445 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38130 231447 231385 100 t \N \N \N 38131 231449 231385 100 t \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: class_waitlist; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.class_waitlist (uniqueid, student_id, course_request_id, class_id, type, "timestamp") FROM stdin; 226169 223384 226168 223884 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 226173 223384 226172 223297 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 226174 223384 226172 223301 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 226178 223384 226177 223363 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 226182 223384 226181 223291 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 226186 223384 226185 223373 1 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \. -- -- Data for Name: cluster_discovery; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.cluster_discovery (own_address, cluster_name, ping_data, time_stamp) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: constraint_info; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.constraint_info (assignment_id, solver_info_id) FROM stdin; 142333 274933 142333 274934 142333 274935 142333 274936 142334 274937 142334 274938 142334 274939 142334 274940 142335 274941 142335 274942 142335 274943 142335 274944 142336 274933 142337 274934 142338 274935 142339 274936 142340 274937 142341 274938 142342 274939 142343 274940 142344 274941 142345 274942 142346 274943 142347 274944 142348 274945 142348 274946 142348 274947 142348 274948 142349 274949 142349 274950 142349 274951 142349 274952 142350 274953 142350 274954 142350 274955 142350 274956 142351 274945 142352 274946 142353 274947 142354 274948 142355 274949 142356 274950 142357 274951 142358 274952 142359 274953 142360 274954 142361 274955 142362 274956 142363 274945 142364 274946 142365 274947 142366 274948 142367 274949 142368 274950 142369 274951 142370 274952 142371 274953 142372 274954 142373 274955 142374 274956 142385 274957 142386 274958 142387 274959 142388 274960 142389 274961 142390 274962 142391 274963 142392 274964 142393 274965 142394 274966 142395 274957 142396 274958 142397 274959 142398 274960 142399 274961 142400 274962 142401 274963 142402 274964 142403 274965 142404 274966 142405 274967 142405 274968 142405 274969 142406 274967 142407 274968 142408 274969 142409 274970 142409 274971 142410 274972 142410 274973 142411 274970 142412 274971 142413 274972 142414 274973 142418 274974 142418 274975 142418 274976 142419 274974 142420 274975 142421 274976 142424 274977 142424 274978 142424 274979 142425 274980 142425 274981 142426 274977 142427 274978 142428 274979 142429 274980 142430 274981 142431 274977 142432 274978 142433 274979 142434 274980 142435 274981 142441 274982 142441 274983 142442 274984 142442 274985 142443 274982 142444 274983 142445 274984 142446 274985 142493 275153 142493 275154 142493 275155 142493 275156 142494 275157 142494 275158 142494 275159 142494 275160 142495 275161 142495 275162 142495 275163 142495 275164 142496 275153 142497 275154 142498 275155 142499 275156 142500 275157 142501 275158 142502 275159 142503 275160 142504 275161 142505 275162 142506 275163 142507 275164 142508 275165 142508 275166 142508 275167 142508 275168 142509 275169 142509 275170 142509 275171 142509 275172 142510 275173 142510 275174 142510 275175 142510 275176 142511 275165 142512 275166 142513 275167 142514 275168 142515 275169 142516 275170 142517 275171 142518 275172 142519 275173 142520 275174 142521 275175 142522 275176 142523 275165 142524 275166 142525 275167 142526 275168 142527 275169 142528 275170 142529 275171 142530 275172 142531 275173 142532 275174 142533 275175 142534 275176 142545 275177 142546 275178 142547 275179 142548 275180 142549 275181 142550 275182 142551 275183 142552 275184 142553 275185 142554 275186 142555 275177 142556 275178 142557 275179 142558 275180 142559 275181 142560 275182 142561 275183 142562 275184 142563 275185 142564 275186 142565 275187 142565 275188 142565 275189 142566 275187 142567 275188 142568 275189 142569 275190 142569 275191 142570 275192 142570 275193 142571 275190 142572 275191 142573 275192 142574 275193 142578 275194 142578 275195 142578 275196 142579 275194 142580 275195 142581 275196 142584 275197 142584 275198 142585 275199 142585 275200 142585 275201 142586 275197 142587 275198 142588 275199 142589 275200 142590 275201 142591 275197 142592 275198 142593 275199 142594 275200 142595 275201 142601 275202 142601 275203 142602 275204 142602 275205 142603 275202 142604 275203 142605 275204 142606 275205 \. -- -- Data for Name: contact_category; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.contact_category (uniqueid, reference, label, message, has_role, email) FROM stdin; 2097088 01-QUESTION Ask a question \N f \N 2097089 02-ERROR Report an error \N f \N 2097090 03-SUGGESTION Make a suggestion \N f \N 2097091 04-REQ-TIMEPAT Request addition of a time pattern 1. Specify the list of classes or scheduling subparts on which the requested time pattern need to be set (e.g., AB 100 Lec 1, AB 100 Lec 2) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify the time pattern (number of meetings and number of minutes per meeting, e.g., 2x75) : \r\n\r\n3. Specify the available days (e.g., MW, WF, MF, TTh) : \r\n\r\n4. Specify the available starting times (e.g., 7:30am, 8:30am, 9:30am, ... 4:30pm) : \r\n t \N 2097092 05-REQ-EXTIME Request addition of an exact time 1. Specify the list of classes on which the requested time pattern need to be set (e.g., AB 100 Lec 1, AB 100 Lec 2) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify the time (e.g., MWF 8:15am - 10:20am) : \r\n t \N 2097093 06-REQ-DATEPAT Request addition of a date pattern 1. Specify the list of classes or scheduling subparts on which the requested date pattern need to be set (e.g., AB 100 Lec 1, AB 100 Lec 2) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify the list weeks for the date pattern (e.g., Weeks 2-8; alternatively, you can specify start and end date) : \r\n t \N 2097094 07-REQ-CHOWN Request a change of owner on class and/or scheduling subpart 1. Specify the list of classes or scheduling subparts on which the requested date pattern need to be set (e.g., AB 100 Lec 1, AB 100 Lec 2) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify the new owner (e.g., LLR) : \r\n t \N 2097095 08-REQ-CROSSLIST Request a course cross-listing 1. Specify the controlling course (e.g., AB 100) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify courses that should be cross-listed with the controlling course (e.g., CDFS 100) : \r\n t \N 2097096 09-REQ-ROOMSHR Request a room to be shared 1. Specify the room that needs to be shared (e.g., GRIS 100) : \r\n\r\n2. Specify the departments between which the room needs to be shared (e.g., 1282-Aeronautics & Astronautics and 1287-Industrial Engineering) : \r\n\r\n3. Specify the times when the room is to be allocated for one of the departments or when the room is not available (e.g., MWF for Aero, TTh for I E, not available after 3:00pm) : \r\n t \N 2097097 10-REQ-ADMIN Request any other administrative change \N t \N 2097098 11-NOT-LLRDONE LLR/LAB data entry is done 1. Specify the managing department (e.g., LLR or LAB) : \r\n t \N 2097099 12-OTHER Other \N t \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_catalog; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_catalog (uniqueid, session_id, external_uid, subject, course_nbr, title, perm_id, approval_type, designator_req, prev_subject, prev_crs_nbr, credit_type, credit_unit_type, credit_format, fixed_min_credit, max_credit, frac_credit_allowed) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: course_credit_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_credit_type (uniqueid, reference, label, abbreviation, legacy_crse_master_code) FROM stdin; 238 collegiate Collegiate Credit \N 239 continuingEdUnits Continuing Education Units CEU Q 240 equivalent Equivalent Credit EQV E 241 mastersCredit Masters Credit MS M 242 phdThesisCredit Phd Thesis Credit PhD T \. -- -- Data for Name: course_credit_unit_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_credit_unit_config (uniqueid, credit_format, owner_id, credit_type, credit_unit_type, defines_credit_at_course_level, fixed_units, min_units, max_units, fractional_incr_allowed, last_modified_time, course_id) FROM stdin; 27602 fixedUnit \N 238 248 t 3 \N \N \N \N 135715 27604 fixedUnit 223228 238 248 f 3 \N \N \N \N \N 27621 fixedUnit \N 238 248 t 3 \N \N \N \N 135753 27622 fixedUnit 231390 238 248 f 3 \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_credit_unit_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_credit_unit_type (uniqueid, reference, label, abbreviation) FROM stdin; 248 semesterHours Semester Hours \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_demand; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_demand (uniqueid, student_id, priority, waitlist, is_alternative, "timestamp", free_time_id, changed_by, critical, critical_override) FROM stdin; 225476 223385 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:02+02 \N \N f \N 225479 223385 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:02+02 \N \N f \N 225482 223385 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:02+02 \N \N f \N 225485 223385 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:02+02 \N \N f \N 225488 223385 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:02+02 \N \N f \N 225492 223386 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:04+02 \N \N f \N 225496 223386 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:04+02 \N \N f \N 225500 223386 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:04+02 \N \N f \N 225503 223386 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:04+02 \N \N f \N 225506 223386 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:04+02 \N \N f \N 225510 223387 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:05+02 \N \N f \N 225516 223387 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:05+02 \N \N f \N 225521 223387 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:05+02 \N \N f \N 225525 223387 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:05+02 \N \N f \N 225528 223387 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:05+02 \N \N f \N 225532 223388 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:06+02 \N \N f \N 225538 223388 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:06+02 \N \N f \N 225543 223388 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:06+02 \N \N f \N 225547 223388 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:06+02 \N \N f \N 225550 223388 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:06+02 \N \N f \N 225554 223389 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:07+02 \N \N f \N 225560 223389 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:07+02 \N \N f \N 225565 223389 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:07+02 \N \N f \N 225569 223389 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:07+02 \N \N f \N 225572 223389 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:07+02 \N \N f \N 225576 223390 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225581 223390 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225586 223390 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225590 223390 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225594 223390 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225597 223390 5 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:08+02 \N \N f \N 225600 223391 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225605 223391 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225611 223391 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225615 223391 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225619 223391 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225622 223392 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225627 223392 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225632 223392 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225636 223392 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225640 223392 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:09+02 \N \N f \N 225644 223393 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225649 223393 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225654 223393 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225658 223393 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225662 223393 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225666 223394 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225672 223394 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225675 223394 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225678 223394 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225681 223394 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:10+02 \N \N f \N 225685 223395 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225688 223395 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225692 223395 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225696 223395 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225699 223395 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225702 223395 5 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:11+02 \N \N f \N 225705 223396 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:12+02 \N \N f \N 225708 223396 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:12+02 \N \N f \N 225711 223396 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:12+02 \N \N f \N 225714 223396 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:12+02 \N \N f \N 225717 223396 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:12+02 \N \N f \N 225722 223397 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225728 223397 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225732 223397 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225737 223397 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225741 223397 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225745 223398 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225751 223398 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225755 223398 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225760 223398 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225764 223398 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:13+02 \N \N f \N 225768 223399 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:14+02 \N \N f \N 225774 223399 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:14+02 \N \N f \N 225778 223399 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:14+02 \N \N f \N 225780 223399 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:14+02 \N \N f \N 225784 223399 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:14+02 \N \N f \N 225788 223400 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225791 223400 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225797 223400 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225802 223400 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225806 223400 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225810 223401 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225813 223401 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225819 223401 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225824 223401 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225828 223401 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:15+02 \N \N f \N 225832 223402 0 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:16+02 \N \N f \N 225836 223402 1 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:16+02 \N \N f \N 225841 223402 2 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:16+02 \N \N f \N 225843 223402 3 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:16+02 \N \N f \N 225846 223402 4 f f 2007-04-25 10:31:16+02 \N \N f \N 226167 223384 0 f f 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \N \N f \N 226171 223384 1 f f 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \N \N f \N 226176 223384 2 f f 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \N \N f \N 226180 223384 3 f f 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \N \N f \N 226184 223384 4 f f 2007-04-25 11:53:22+02 \N \N f \N 237788 231849 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:20+02 \N \N f \N 237790 231849 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237792 231849 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237794 231849 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237796 231849 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237799 232436 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237801 232436 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237803 232436 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237805 232436 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237807 232436 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237810 232448 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237812 232448 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237814 232448 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237816 232448 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237818 232448 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237821 232460 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237823 232460 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237825 232460 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237827 232460 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237829 232460 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237832 232472 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237834 232472 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237836 232472 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237838 232472 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237840 232472 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237843 232484 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237845 232484 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237847 232484 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237849 232484 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237851 232484 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237854 232496 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237856 232496 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237858 232496 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237860 232496 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237862 232496 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237864 232496 5 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237867 232510 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237869 232510 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237871 232510 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237873 232510 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237875 232510 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237878 232522 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237880 232522 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237882 232522 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237884 232522 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237886 232522 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237889 232534 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237891 232534 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237893 232534 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237895 232534 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237897 232534 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237900 232546 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237902 232546 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237904 232546 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237906 232546 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237908 232546 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237911 232558 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237913 232558 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237915 232558 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237917 232558 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237919 232558 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237921 232558 5 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237924 232572 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237926 232572 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237928 232572 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237930 232572 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237932 232572 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237935 232584 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237937 232584 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237939 232584 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237941 232584 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237943 232584 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237946 232596 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237948 232596 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237950 232596 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237952 232596 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237954 232596 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237957 232608 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237959 232608 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237961 232608 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237963 232608 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237965 232608 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237968 232620 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237970 232620 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237972 232620 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237974 232620 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237976 232620 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237979 232632 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237981 232632 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237983 232632 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237985 232632 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237987 232632 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237990 232644 0 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237992 232644 1 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237994 232644 2 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237996 232644 3 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N 237998 232644 4 f f 2010-09-22 16:25:21+02 \N \N f \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_offering; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_offering (uniqueid, course_nbr, is_control, perm_id, proj_demand, instr_offr_id, subject_area_id, title, schedule_book_note, demand_offering_id, demand_offering_type, nbr_expected_stdents, external_uid, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from, lastlike_demand, enrollment, reservation, course_type_id, consent_type, alternative_offering_id, snapshot_proj_demand, snapshot_prj_dmd_date) FROM stdin; 135715 101 t \N 0 132313 761 Algebra I \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 2 2 2 \N \N \N \N \N 135716 101 t \N 0 132314 762 Introduction to Biology \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 11 10 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135717 101 t \N 0 132315 763 Introductory Computing \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135718 101 t \N 0 132316 764 Band \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135719 101 t \N 0 132317 765 Chemistry I \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 12 12 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135720 101 t \N 0 132318 766 Micoeconomics \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135721 101 t \N 0 132319 767 Communications I \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 9 8 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135722 101 t \N 0 132320 768 English \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 10 10 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135723 101 t \N 0 132321 769 German \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135724 101 t \N 0 132322 770 History of the World \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135726 101 t \N 0 132324 772 Philosophy \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 2 2 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135727 101 t \N 0 132325 773 Physics \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 5 5 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135728 101 t \N 0 132326 774 Political Science \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135729 101 t \N 0 132327 775 Psychology \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135730 201 t \N 0 132328 776 Advanced Chinese \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 0 0 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135731 101 t \N 0 132329 777 Sociology \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135732 101 t \N 0 132330 778 Spanish \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 4 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135733 101 t \N 0 132331 771 Calculus \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 12 12 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135735 201 t \N 0 132334 762 Principles of Microbiology \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 0 0 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135736 101 t \N 0 132335 779 Freshman Engineering \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 3 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135737 101 t \N 0 132336 780 Introduction to Linguistics \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 1 1 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135738 101 t \N 0 132337 781 Seminars in Pharmacy \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 3 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135739 101 t \N 0 132338 782 Principles of Microbiology \N \N \N 0 \N \N \N 3 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N 135753 101 t \N \N 132351 799 Algebra I \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135715 2 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135754 101 t \N \N 132352 800 Band \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135718 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135755 101 t \N \N 132353 801 Introduction to Biology \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135716 10 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135756 201 t \N \N 132354 801 Principles of Microbiology \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135735 0 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135757 101 t \N \N 132355 802 Introductory Computing \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135717 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135758 101 t \N \N 132356 803 Calculus \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135733 12 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135759 201 t \N \N 132357 804 Advanced Chinese \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135730 0 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135760 101 t \N \N 132358 805 Chemistry I \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135719 12 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135761 101 t \N \N 132359 806 Communications I \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135721 8 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135762 101 t \N \N 132360 807 Micoeconomics \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135720 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135763 101 t \N \N 132361 808 English \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135722 10 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135764 101 t \N \N 132362 809 Freshman Engineering \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135736 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135765 101 t \N \N 132363 810 German \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135723 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135766 101 t \N \N 132364 811 History of the World \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135724 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135767 101 t \N \N 132365 812 Introduction to Linguistics \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135737 1 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135768 101 t \N \N 132366 813 Principles of Microbiology \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135739 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135769 101 t \N \N 132367 814 Seminars in Pharmacy \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135738 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135770 101 t \N \N 132368 815 Philosophy \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135726 2 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135771 101 t \N \N 132369 816 Physics \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135727 5 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135772 101 t \N \N 132370 817 Political Science \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135728 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135773 101 t \N \N 132371 818 Psychology \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135729 4 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135774 101 t \N \N 132372 819 Sociology \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135731 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 135775 101 t \N \N 132373 820 Spanish \N \N \N 0 \N \N 135732 3 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, course_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: course_request; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_request (uniqueid, course_demand_id, course_offering_id, ord, allow_overlap, credit, req_status, req_extid, req_ts, req_intent) FROM stdin; 225477 225476 135715 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225480 225479 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225483 225482 135729 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225486 225485 135720 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225489 225488 135723 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225493 225492 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225497 225496 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225501 225500 135729 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225504 225503 135720 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225507 225506 135717 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225511 225510 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225517 225516 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225522 225521 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225526 225525 135738 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225529 225528 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225533 225532 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225539 225538 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225544 225543 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225548 225547 135738 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225551 225550 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225555 225554 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225561 225560 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225566 225565 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225570 225569 135738 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225573 225572 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225577 225576 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225582 225581 135727 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225587 225586 135736 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225591 225590 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225595 225594 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225598 225597 135718 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225601 225600 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225606 225605 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225612 225611 135736 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225616 225615 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225620 225619 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225623 225622 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225628 225627 135727 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225633 225632 135736 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225637 225636 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225641 225640 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225645 225644 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225650 225649 135727 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225655 225654 135717 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225659 225658 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225663 225662 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225667 225666 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225673 225672 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225676 225675 135728 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225679 225678 135729 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225682 225681 135732 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225686 225685 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225689 225688 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225693 225692 135723 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225697 225696 135726 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225700 225699 135724 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225703 225702 135718 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225706 225705 135731 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225709 225708 135724 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225712 225711 135737 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225715 225714 135726 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225718 225717 135727 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225723 225722 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225729 225728 135739 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225733 225732 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225738 225737 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225742 225741 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225746 225745 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225752 225751 135739 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225756 225755 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225761 225760 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225765 225764 135723 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225769 225768 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225775 225774 135739 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225779 225778 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225781 225780 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225785 225784 135732 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225789 225788 135728 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225792 225791 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225798 225797 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225803 225802 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225807 225806 135732 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225811 225810 135724 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225814 225813 135716 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225820 225819 135719 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225825 225824 135722 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225829 225828 135723 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225833 225832 135717 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225837 225836 135727 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225842 225841 135733 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225844 225843 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 225847 225846 135728 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 226168 226167 135715 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 226172 226171 135721 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 226177 226176 135729 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 226181 226180 135720 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 226185 226184 135731 0 f -1 \N \N \N \N 237789 237788 135753 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237791 237790 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237793 237792 135773 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237795 237794 135762 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237797 237796 135774 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237800 237799 135753 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237802 237801 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237804 237803 135773 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237806 237805 135762 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237808 237807 135765 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237811 237810 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237813 237812 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237815 237814 135773 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237817 237816 135762 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237819 237818 135757 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237822 237821 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237824 237823 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237826 237825 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237828 237827 135769 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237830 237829 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237833 237832 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237835 237834 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237837 237836 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237839 237838 135769 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237841 237840 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237844 237843 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237846 237845 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237848 237847 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237850 237849 135769 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237852 237851 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237855 237854 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237857 237856 135771 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237859 237858 135764 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237861 237860 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237863 237862 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237865 237864 135754 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237868 237867 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237870 237869 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237872 237871 135764 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237874 237873 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237876 237875 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237879 237878 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237881 237880 135771 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237883 237882 135764 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237885 237884 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237887 237886 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237890 237889 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237892 237891 135771 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237894 237893 135757 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237896 237895 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237898 237897 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237901 237900 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237903 237902 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237905 237904 135772 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237907 237906 135773 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237909 237908 135775 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237912 237911 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237914 237913 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237916 237915 135765 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237918 237917 135770 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237920 237919 135766 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237922 237921 135754 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237925 237924 135774 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237927 237926 135766 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237929 237928 135767 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237931 237930 135770 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237933 237932 135771 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237936 237935 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237938 237937 135768 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237940 237939 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237942 237941 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237944 237943 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237947 237946 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237949 237948 135768 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237951 237950 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237953 237952 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237955 237954 135765 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237958 237957 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237960 237959 135768 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237962 237961 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237964 237963 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237966 237965 135775 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237969 237968 135772 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237971 237970 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237973 237972 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237975 237974 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237977 237976 135775 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237980 237979 135766 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237982 237981 135755 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237984 237983 135760 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237986 237985 135763 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237988 237987 135765 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237991 237990 135757 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237993 237992 135771 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237995 237994 135758 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237997 237996 135761 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N 237999 237998 135772 0 f 0 \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: course_request_option; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_request_option (uniqueid, course_request_id, option_type, value) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: course_subpart_credit; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_subpart_credit (uniqueid, course_catalog_id, subpart_id, credit_type, credit_unit_type, credit_format, fixed_min_credit, max_credit, frac_credit_allowed) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: course_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.course_type (uniqueid, reference, label) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: crse_credit_format; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.crse_credit_format (uniqueid, reference, label, abbreviation) FROM stdin; 243 arrangeHours Arrange Hours AH 244 fixedUnit Fixed Unit \N 245 variableMinMax Variable Min/Max \N 246 variableRange Variable Range \N \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum (uniqueid, abbv, name, acad_area_id, dept_id, multiple_majors) FROM stdin; 238619 A/M3 The Woebegon's Only Academic Area / Major 3 142 231383 f 238634 A/M2 The Woebegon's Only Academic Area / Major 2 142 231383 f 238654 A/M1 The Woebegon's Only Academic Area / Major 1 142 231383 f \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_clasf; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_clasf (uniqueid, curriculum_id, name, acad_clasf_id, nr_students, ord, students, snapshot_nr_students, snapshot_nr_stu_date) FROM stdin; 238620 238619 02 62 2 1 \N \N \N 238627 238619 01 61 2 0 \N \N \N 238635 238634 02 62 2 1 \N \N \N 238644 238634 01 61 4 0 \N \N \N 238655 238654 01 61 5 0 \N \N \N 238665 238654 02 62 4 1 \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_course; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_course (uniqueid, course_id, cur_clasf_id, pr_share, ord, snapshot_pr_share, snapshot_pr_shr_date) FROM stdin; 238621 135762 238620 1 3 \N \N 238622 135761 238620 1 2 \N \N 238623 135753 238620 1 1 \N \N 238624 135765 238620 0.5 0 \N \N 238625 135774 238620 0.5 5 \N \N 238626 135773 238620 1 4 \N \N 238628 135768 238627 1 3 \N \N 238629 135758 238627 1 1 \N \N 238630 135760 238627 1 2 \N \N 238631 135765 238627 0.5 4 \N \N 238632 135755 238627 1 0 \N \N 238633 135775 238627 0.5 5 \N \N 238636 135763 238635 0.5 3 \N \N 238637 135771 238635 0.5 1 \N \N 238638 135773 238635 0.5 7 \N \N 238639 135761 238635 0.5 2 \N \N 238640 135757 238635 1 4 \N \N 238641 135758 238635 1 0 \N \N 238642 135762 238635 0.5 5 \N \N 238643 135772 238635 0.5 6 \N \N 238645 135761 238644 0.5 4 \N \N 238646 135754 238644 0.25 7 \N \N 238647 135755 238644 0.25 8 \N \N 238648 135757 238644 0.25 6 \N \N 238649 135760 238644 1 1 \N \N 238650 135763 238644 0.5 5 \N \N 238651 135758 238644 1 0 \N \N 238652 135764 238644 0.75 3 \N \N 238653 135771 238644 0.75 2 \N \N 238656 135775 238655 0.2 8 \N \N 238657 135760 238655 1 2 \N \N 238658 135772 238655 0.2 7 \N \N 238659 135755 238655 1 0 \N \N 238660 135758 238655 0.6 3 \N \N 238661 135765 238655 0.2 6 \N \N 238662 135763 238655 1 1 \N \N 238663 135769 238655 0.6 4 \N \N 238664 135766 238655 0.2 5 \N \N 238666 135773 238665 0.25 14 \N \N 238667 135760 238665 0.25 2 \N \N 238668 135770 238665 0.5 9 \N \N 238669 135761 238665 0.5 8 \N \N 238670 135754 238665 0.25 10 \N \N 238671 135766 238665 0.5 4 \N \N 238672 135774 238665 0.25 15 \N \N 238673 135772 238665 0.25 6 \N \N 238674 135767 238665 0.25 11 \N \N 238675 135758 238665 0.25 3 \N \N 238676 135765 238665 0.25 5 \N \N 238677 135768 238665 0.25 12 \N \N 238678 135763 238665 0.5 1 \N \N 238679 135775 238665 0.25 7 \N \N 238680 135771 238665 0.25 13 \N \N 238681 135755 238665 0.5 0 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_course_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_course_group (group_id, cur_course_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_group (uniqueid, name, color, type, curriculum_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_major (curriculum_id, major_id) FROM stdin; 238654 1201 238634 1204 238619 1205 \. -- -- Data for Name: curriculum_rule; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.curriculum_rule (uniqueid, acad_area_id, major_id, acad_clasf_id, projection, snapshot_proj, snapshot_proj_date) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: date_mapping; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.date_mapping (uniqueid, session_id, class_date, event_date, note) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: date_pattern; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.date_pattern (uniqueid, name, pattern, "offset", type, visible, session_id, nr_weeks) FROM stdin; 49 Full Term 111111011111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 0 0 t 223206 \N 51 Week 2-15 11111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -7 2 t 223206 \N 52 Week 1-10 111111011111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011 0 0 t 223206 \N 53 Week 6-15 1111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -35 0 t 223206 \N 54 Week 1-8 1111110111111001111101111110111111011111101111110001111011 0 0 t 223206 \N 55 Week 9-15 11110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -58 0 t 223206 \N 56 Week 1-5 1111110111111001111101111110111111 0 0 t 223206 \N 57 Week 6-10 1111110111111000111101111110111111011 -35 0 t 223206 \N 58 Week 11-15 111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -72 0 t 223206 \N 59 Odd Wks 111111000000000111110000000011111100000000111111000000000011110110000000111101100000001111011000000000000111111 0 1 t 223206 \N 60 Even Wks 1111110000000011111100000000111111000000000011110110000000111101100000001111011000000000000111111 -7 1 t 223206 \N 61 Week 1 1111111 0 2 t 223206 \N 62 Week 2 1111111 -7 2 t 223206 \N 63 Week 3 111111 -15 2 t 223206 \N 64 Week 4 1111111 -21 2 t 223206 \N 65 Week 5 1111111 -28 2 t 223206 \N 66 Week 6 1111111 -35 2 t 223206 \N 67 Week 7 1111111 -42 2 t 223206 \N 68 Week 8 1111111 -51 2 t 223206 \N 69 Week 9 1111111 -58 2 t 223206 \N 70 Week 10 1111111 -65 2 t 223206 \N 71 Week 11 1111111 -72 2 t 223206 \N 72 Week 12 1111111 -79 2 t 223206 \N 73 Week 13 1111111 -86 2 t 223206 \N 74 Week 14 1111111 -98 2 t 223206 \N 75 Week 15 1111111 -105 2 t 223206 \N 369 Week -1 1111111 7 2 t 223206 \N 853 Full Term 111111011111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 0 0 t 231379 \N 854 Week 1-10 111111011111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011 0 0 t 231379 \N 855 Week 6-15 1111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -35 0 t 231379 \N 856 Week 1-8 1111110111111001111101111110111111011111101111110001111011 0 0 t 231379 \N 857 Week 9-15 11110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -58 0 t 231379 \N 858 Week 1-5 1111110111111001111101111110111111 0 0 t 231379 \N 859 Week 6-10 1111110111111000111101111110111111011 -35 0 t 231379 \N 860 Week 11-15 111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -72 0 t 231379 \N 861 Odd Wks 111111000000000111110000000011111100000000111111000000000011110110000000111101100000001111011000000000000111111 0 1 t 231379 \N 862 Even Wks 1111110000000011111100000000111111000000000011110110000000111101100000001111011000000000000111111 -7 1 t 231379 \N 863 Week -1 1111111 7 2 t 231379 \N 864 Week 1 1111111 0 2 t 231379 \N 865 Week 2 1111111 -7 2 t 231379 \N 866 Week 2-15 11111100111110111111011111101111110111111000111101111110111111011111101111110111111011000001111110111111 -7 2 t 231379 \N 867 Week 3 111111 -15 2 t 231379 \N 868 Week 4 1111111 -21 2 t 231379 \N 869 Week 5 1111111 -28 2 t 231379 \N 870 Week 6 1111111 -35 2 t 231379 \N 871 Week 7 1111111 -42 2 t 231379 \N 872 Week 8 1111111 -51 2 t 231379 \N 873 Week 9 1111111 -58 2 t 231379 \N 874 Week 10 1111111 -65 2 t 231379 \N 875 Week 11 1111111 -72 2 t 231379 \N 876 Week 12 1111111 -79 2 t 231379 \N 877 Week 13 1111111 -86 2 t 231379 \N 878 Week 14 1111111 -98 2 t 231379 \N 879 Week 15 1111111 -105 2 t 231379 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: date_pattern_dept; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.date_pattern_dept (dept_id, pattern_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: date_pattern_parent; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.date_pattern_parent (date_pattern_id, parent_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: date_pattern_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.date_pattern_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, date_pattern_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: demand_offr_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.demand_offr_type (uniqueid, reference, label) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: department; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.department (uniqueid, session_id, abbreviation, name, dept_code, external_uid, rs_color, external_manager, external_mgr_label, external_mgr_abbv, solver_group_id, status_type, dist_priority, allow_req_time, allow_req_room, last_modified_time, allow_req_dist, allow_events, instructor_pref, allow_student_schd) FROM stdin; 223207 223206 Instr Student Instructional Planning 0101 Woebegon Dept 0101 f032f0 f \N \N 344 \N 0 f f \N f t t t 226199 223206 Centr Central Office 0100 \N 32f0f0 t Large Lecture Room LLR 345 271 -1 f f \N f t f t 226216 223206 Adm Admission Office 0102 \N f032f0 f \N \N \N \N 0 f f \N f t t t 231382 231379 Centr Central Office 0100 \N f032f0 t Large Lecture Room LLR 365 \N -1 f f \N f t f t 231383 231379 Instr Student Instructional Planning 0101 Woebegon Dept 0101 32f0f0 f \N \N 366 \N 0 f f \N f t t t 231384 231379 Adm Admission Office 0102 \N \N f \N \N \N \N 0 f f \N f t t t \. -- -- Data for Name: departmental_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.departmental_instructor (uniqueid, external_uid, career_acct, lname, fname, mname, pos_code_type, note, department_uniqueid, ignore_too_far, last_modified_time, email, role_id, acad_title, teaching_pref_id, max_load) FROM stdin; 226238 102 \N SMITH JOHN WILLIAM 1 \N 223207 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 226240 101 \N NEWMAN GEORGE \N 2 \N 223207 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 226242 100 \N DOE JOE \N 6 \N 223207 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 226244 \N \N STUDENT JOHN \N 11 \N 223207 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 226246 \N \N STUDENT STEVEN \N 19 \N 223207 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 231385 102 \N SMITH JOHN WILLIAM 1 \N 231383 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 231386 \N \N STUDENT STEVEN \N 19 \N 231383 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 231387 \N \N STUDENT JOHN \N 11 \N 231383 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 231388 100 \N DOE JOE \N 6 \N 231383 f \N \N \N \N \N \N 231389 101 \N NEWMAN GEORGE \N 2 \N 231383 f \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: dept_status_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.dept_status_type (uniqueid, reference, label, status, apply, ord) FROM stdin; 265 initial Initial Data Load 1048576 1 0 266 input Input Data Entry 2623161 1 1 267 timetabling Timetabling 2625465 1 2 268 publish Timetable Published 2683401 1 4 269 finished Session Finished 524809 1 5 270 dept_input External Mgr. Input Data Entry 135 2 7 271 dept_timetabling External Mgr. Timetabling 423 2 8 272 dept_publish External Mgr. Timetable Published 1 2 10 325 dept_readonly Department Read Only 9 2 11 326 dept_edit Department Allow Edit 441 2 12 385 dept_readonly_ni External Mgr. Timetabling (No Instructor Assignments) 391 2 9 414 exams Examination Timetabling 2625033 1 3 445 demo Demo (All Enabled) 2686975 1 6 1834952 exam_disabled Examination Disabled 0 4 13 1834953 exam_edit Examination Data Entry 1536 4 14 1834954 exam_timetabling Examination Timetabling 3584 4 15 1834955 exam_publish Examination Published 12800 4 16 \. -- -- Data for Name: dept_to_tt_mgr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr (timetable_mgr_id, department_id) FROM stdin; 473 223207 510 223207 470 226199 472 226199 510 226199 471 226216 510 226216 470 231382 472 231382 510 231382 473 231383 510 231383 530 231383 471 231384 510 231384 \. -- -- Data for Name: designator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.designator (uniqueid, subject_area_id, instructor_id, code, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: disabled_override; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.disabled_override (course_id, type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: dist_type_dept; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.dist_type_dept (dist_type_id, dept_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: distribution_object; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.distribution_object (uniqueid, dist_pref_id, sequence_number, pref_group_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 5732 121720 1 230634 \N 5733 121720 2 230623 \N 5734 121721 1 230684 \N 5735 121721 2 230687 \N 5736 121722 3 230620 \N 5737 121722 2 230617 \N 5738 121722 1 230614 \N 5739 121723 2 230604 \N 5740 121723 1 230597 \N 5752 123392 1 231698 \N 5753 123392 2 231733 \N 5754 123394 2 231736 \N 5755 123394 1 231727 \N 5756 123394 3 231688 \N 5757 123395 1 231722 \N 5758 123395 2 231702 \N 5759 123396 2 231694 \N 5760 123396 1 231690 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: distribution_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.distribution_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, dist_type_id, dist_grouping, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from) FROM stdin; 121720 223206 2 407 -1 \N \N 121721 223206 1 406 -1 \N \N 121722 223206 7 405 -1 \N \N 121723 223206 1 406 -1 \N \N 123392 231379 1 406 -1 \N \N 123393 231379 7 405 -1 \N \N 123394 231379 7 405 -1 \N \N 123395 231379 2 407 -1 \N \N 123396 231379 1 406 -1 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: distribution_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.distribution_type (uniqueid, reference, label, req_id, allowed_pref, description, abbreviation, instructor_pref, exam_pref, visible, sequencing_required) FROM stdin; 61 BTB Back-To-Back & Same Room 1 P43210R Classes must be offered in adjacent time segments and must be placed in the same room. Given classes must also be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes cannot be back-to-back. There must be at least half-hour between these classes, and they must be taught on the same days and in the same room. BTB Same Room t f t f 62 BTB_TIME Back-To-Back 2 P43210R Classes must be offered in adjacent time segments but may be placed in different rooms. Given classes must also be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: no pair of classes can be taught back-to-back. They may not overlap in time, but must be taught on the same days. This means that there must be at least half-hour between these classes. BTB t f t f 63 SAME_TIME Same Time 3 P43210R Given classes must be taught at the same time of day (independent of the actual day the classes meet). For the classes of the same length, this is the same constraint as same start. For classes of different length, the shorter one cannot start before, nor end after, the longer one.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: one class may not meet on any day at a time of day that overlaps with that of the other. For example, one class can not meet M 7:30 while the other meets F 7:30. Note the difference here from the different time constraint that only prohibits the actual class meetings from overlapping. Same Time f f t f 64 SAME_DAYS Same Days 4 P43210R Given classes must be taught on the same days. In case of classes of different time patterns, a class with fewer meetings must meet on a subset of the days used by the class with more meetings. For example, if one class pattern is 3x50, all others given in the constraint can only be taught on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. For a 2x100 class MW, MF, WF is allowed but TTh is prohibited.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: any pair of classes classes cannot be taught on the same days (cannot overlap in days). For instance, if one class is MFW, the second has to be TTh. Same Days t f t f 65 NHB(1) 1 Hour Between 5 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 1 hour in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 1 hour in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 1h Btw f f t f 66 NHB(2) 2 Hours Between 6 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 2 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 2 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 2h Btw f f t f 67 NHB(3) 3 Hours Between 7 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 3 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 3 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 3h Btw f f t f 68 NHB(4) 4 Hours Between 8 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 4 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 4 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 4h Btw f f t f 69 NHB(5) 5 Hours Between 9 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 5 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 5 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 5h Btw f f t f 70 NHB(6) 6 Hours Between 10 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 6 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 6 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 6h Btw f f t f 71 NHB(7) 7 Hours Between 11 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 7 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 7 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 7h Btw f f t f 72 NHB(8) 8 Hours Between 12 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 8 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 8 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 8h Btw f f t f 73 DIFF_TIME Different Time 13 P43210R Given classes cannot overlap in time. They may be taught at the same time of day if they are on different days. For instance, MF 7:30 is compatible with TTh 7:30.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: every pair of classes in the constraint must overlap in time. Diff Time f f t f 74 NHB(1.5) 90 Minutes Between 14 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 90 minutes in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 90 minutes in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 90min Btw f f t f 75 NHB(4.5) 4.5 Hours Between 15 P43210R Given classes must have exactly 4.5 hours in between the end of one and the beginning of another. As with the back-to-back time constraint, given classes must be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not have 4.5 hours in between. They may not overlap in time but must be taught on the same days. 4.5h Btw f f t f 101 SAME_ROOM Same Room 17 P43210R Given classes must be taught in the same room.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: any pair of classes in the constraint cannot be taught in the same room. Same Room t f t f 102 NHB_GTE(1) At Least 1 Hour Between 18 P43210R Given classes have to have 1 hour or more in between.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: given classes have to have less than 1 hour in between. >=1h Btw t f t f 103 SAME_START Same Start Time 16 P43210R Given classes must start during the same half-hour period of a day (independent of the actual day the classes meet). For instance, MW 7:30 is compatible with TTh 7:30 but not with MWF 8:00.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: any pair of classes in the given constraint cannot start during the same half-hour period of any day of the week. Same Start f f t f 104 NHB_LT(6) Less Than 6 Hours Between 19 P43210R Given classes must have less than 6 hours from end of first class to the beginning of the next. Given classes must also be taught on the same days.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: given classes must have 6 or more hours between. This constraint does not carry over from classes taught at the end of one day to the beginning of the next. <6h Btw t f t f 161 SAME_STUDENTS Same Students 20 210R Given classes are treated as they are attended by the same students, i.e., they cannot overlap in time and if they are back-to-back the assigned rooms cannot be too far (student limit is used). Same Students f f t f 162 SAME_INSTR Same Instructor 21 210R Given classes are treated as they are taught by the same instructor, i.e., they cannot overlap in time and if they are back-to-back the assigned rooms cannot be too far (instructor limit is used).
If the constraint is required and the classes are back-to-back, discouraged and strongly discouraged distances between assigned rooms are also considered. Same Instr f f t f 163 CAN_SHARE_ROOM Can Share Room 22 2R Given classes can share the room (use the room in the same time) if the room is big enough. Share Room f f t f 164 SPREAD Spread In Time 23 2R Given classes have to be spread in time (overlapping of the classes in time needs to be minimized). Time Spread f f t f 185 MIN_ROOM_USE Minimize Number Of Rooms Used 25 P43210R Minimize number of rooms used by the given set of classes. Min Rooms t f t f 205 BTB_DAY Back-To-Back Day 26 P43210R Classes must be offered on adjacent days and may be placed in different rooms.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes can not be taught on adjacent days. They also can not be taught on the same days. This means that there must be at least one day between these classes. BTB Day f f t f 206 MIN_GRUSE(10x1h) Minimize Use Of 1h Groups 27 P43210R Minimize number of groups of time that are used by the given classes. The time is spread into the following 10 groups of one hour: 7:30a-8:30a, 8:30a-9:30a, 9:30a-10:30a, ... 4:30p-5:30p. Min 1h Groups f f t f 207 MIN_GRUSE(5x2h) Minimize Use Of 2h Groups 28 P43210R Minimize number of groups of time that are used by the given classes. The time is spread into the following 5 groups of two hours: 7:30a-9:30a, 9:30a-11:30a, 11:30a-1:30p, 1:30p-3:30p, 3:30p-5:30p. Min 2h Groups f f t f 208 MIN_GRUSE(3x3h) Minimize Use Of 3h Groups 29 P43210R Minimize number of groups of time that are used by the given classes. The time is spread into the following 3 groups: 7:30a-10:30a, 10:30a-2:30p, 2:30p-5:30p. Min 3h Groups f f t f 209 MIN_GRUSE(2x5h) Minimize Use Of 5h Groups 30 P43210R Minimize number of groups of time that are used by the given classes. The time is spread into the following 2 groups: 7:30a-12:30a, 12:30a-5:30p. Min 5h Groups f f t f 305 NDB_GT_1 More Than 1 Day Between 32 P43210R Given classes must have two or more days in between.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: given classes must be offered on adjacent days or with at most one day in between. >1d Btw f f t f 345 CH_NOTOVERLAP Children Cannot Overlap 33 210R If parent classes do not overlap in time, children classes can not overlap in time as well.
Note: This constraint only needs to be put on the parent classes. Preferred configurations are Required All Classes or Pairwise (Strongly) Preferred. Ch No Ovlap f f t f 367 MEET_WITH Meet Together 31 2R Given classes are meeting together (same as if the given classes require constraints Can Share Room, Same Room, Same Time and Same Days all together). Meet Together f f t f 405 EX_SAME_PER Same Period 36 P43210R Exams are to be placed at the same period.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: exams are to be placed at different periods. Same Per f t t f 406 EX_SAME_ROOM Same Room 37 P43210R Exams are to be placed at the same room(s).
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: exams are to be placed at different rooms. Same Room f t t f 1179612 MAX_HRS_DAY(6) At Most 6 Hours A Day 39 210R Classes are to be placed in a way that there is no more than six hours in any day. At Most 6 Hrs t f t f 1179613 MAX_HRS_DAY(7) At Most 7 Hours A Day 40 210R Classes are to be placed in a way that there is no more than seven hours in any day. At Most 7 Hrs t f t f 1179614 MAX_HRS_DAY(8) At Most 8 Hours A Day 41 210R Classes are to be placed in a way that there is no more than eight hours in any day. At Most 8 Hrs t f t f 1277913 LINKED_SECTIONS Linked Classes 42 R Classes (of different courses) are to be attended by the same students. For instance, if class A1 (of a course A) and class B1 (of a course B) are linked, a student requesting both courses must attend A1 if and only if he also attends B1. This is a student sectioning constraint that is interpreted as Same Students constraint during course timetabling. Linked f f t f 1376214 MAX_HRS_DAY(5) At Most 5 Hours A Day 43 210R Classes are to be placed in a way that there is no more than five hours in any day. At Most 5 Hrs t f t f 1376215 BTB_PRECEDENCE Back-To-Back Precedence 44 P43210R Given classes have to be taught in the given order, on the same days, and in adjacent time segments.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: Given classes have to be taught in the given order, on the same days, but cannot be back-to-back. BTB Precede f f t f 407 EX_PRECEDENCE Precedence 38 P43210R Exams are to be placed in the given order.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: exams are to be placed in the order reverse to the given one. Precede f t t t 1376216 SAME_D_T Same Days-Time 45 P43210R Given classes must be taught at the same time of day and on the same days.
This constraint combines Same Days and Same Time distribution preferences.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: Any pair of classes classes cannot be taught on the same days during the same time. Same Days-Time f f t f 1376217 SAME_D_R_T Same Days-Room-Time 46 P43210R Given classes must be taught at the same time of day, on the same days and in the same room.
Note that this constraint is the same as Meet Together constraint, except it does not allow for room sharing. In other words, it is only useful when these classes are taught during non-overlapping date patterns.
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: Any pair of classes classes cannot be taught on the same days during the same time in the same room. Same Days-Room-Time f f t f 1376218 SAME_WEEKS Same Weeks 47 P43210R Given classes must be taught during the same weeks (i.e., must have the same date pattern).
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: any two classes must have non overlapping date patterns. Same Weeks f f t f 1474515 EX_SHARE_ROOM Can Share Room 48 2R Given examinations can share a room (use the same room during the same period) if the room is big enough. If examinations of different seating type are sharing a room, the more restrictive seating type is used to check the room size. Share Room f t t f 1572816 NO_CONFLICT Ignore Student Conflicts 49 2R All student conflicts between the given classes are to be ignored. No Conflicts f f t f 165 PRECEDENCE Precedence 24 P43210R Given classes have to be taught in the given order (the first meeting of the first class has to end before the first meeting of the second class etc.)
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: classes have to be taught in the order reverse to the given one Precede f f t t 365 FOLLOWING_DAY Next Day 34 P43210R The second class has to be placed on the following day of the first class (if the first class is on Friday, second class have to be on Monday).
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: The second class has to be placed on the previous day of the first class (if the first class is on Monday, second class have to be on Friday).
Note: This constraint works only between pairs of classes. Next Day f f t t 366 EVERY_OTHER_DAY Two Days After 35 P43210R The second class has to be placed two days after the first class (Monday → Wednesday, Tuesday → Thurday, Wednesday → Friday, Thursday → Monday, Friday → Tuesday).
When prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: The second class has to be placed two days before the first class (Monday → Thursday, Tuesday → Friday, Wednesday → Monday, Thursday → Tuesday, Friday → Wednesday).
Note: This constraint works only between pairs of classes. 2d After f f t t \. -- -- Data for Name: duration_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.duration_type (uniqueid, reference, abbreviation, label, implementation, parameter, visible) FROM stdin; 1802185 MIN_PER_WEEK Mins Minutes per Week org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.MinutesPerWeek \N t 1802186 WEEKLY_MIN Wk Mins Average Weekly Minutes org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.WeeklyMinutes \N t 1802187 SEMESTER_MIN Sem Mins Semester Minutes org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.SemesterMinutes \N t 1802188 SEMESTER_HRS Sem Hrs Semester Hours org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.SemesterHours 50 t 1802189 MEETING_MIN Mtg Mins Meeting Minutes org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.MeetingMinutes 0.95,1.10 t 1802190 MEETING_HRS Mtg Hrs Meeting Hours org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.MeetingHours 50,0.95,1.10 t \. -- -- Data for Name: event; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event (uniqueid, event_name, min_capacity, max_capacity, sponsoring_org, main_contact_id, class_id, exam_id, event_type, req_attd, email, sponsor_org_id, expiration_date) FROM stdin; 226646 BIOL 101 Pso 3 4 4 \N 226645 223973 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226663 BIOL 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 223900 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226695 BIOL 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 223899 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226727 BIOL 101 Pso 2 4 4 \N 226645 223927 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226744 CALC 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 223956 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226790 BIOL 101 Pso 1 4 4 \N 226645 223926 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226807 CALC 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223869 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226853 CHM 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223256 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226885 CALC 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 223957 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226931 CHM 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 223257 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226962 BIOL 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223240 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 226994 PHAR 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 224022 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227010 BAND 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223249 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227086 CHM 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 223258 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227117 MBIO 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 224057 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227149 PSY 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223363 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227195 ECON 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 223291 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227227 ENGL 101 Lec 7 1 1 \N 226645 223316 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227273 ENGL 101 Lec 8 1 1 \N 226645 223317 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227319 BIOL 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 223909 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227336 ENGL 101 Lec 9 1 1 \N 226645 223318 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227382 BIOL 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 223908 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227398 ENGL 101 Lec 10 1 1 \N 226645 223319 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227444 BIOL 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 223907 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227461 BIOL 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 223906 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227478 BIOL 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 223905 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227495 BIOL 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 223904 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227512 ENGL 101 Lec 6 1 1 \N 226645 223315 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227558 BIOL 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 223903 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227575 BIOL 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 223902 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227592 ENGL 101 Lec 5 1 1 \N 226645 223314 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227638 ENGL 101 Lec 4 1 1 \N 226645 223313 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227684 ENGL 101 Lec 1 1 1 \N 226645 223310 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227730 ENGL 101 Lec 3 1 1 \N 226645 223312 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227776 ENGL 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 226645 223311 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227822 BIOL 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 223920 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227839 BIOL 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 223917 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227856 BIOL 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 223916 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227873 BIOL 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 223919 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227890 BIOL 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 223918 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227907 BIOL 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 223977 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227924 BIOL 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 223976 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227941 BIOL 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223915 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227958 BIOL 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223914 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227975 BIOL 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 223910 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 227992 ALG 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223884 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228038 ENGL 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 223855 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228055 ENGL 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 223854 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228072 ENGL 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 223853 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228089 ENGL 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223852 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228106 ENGL 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223851 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228123 C S 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223949 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228140 C S 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 223947 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228171 C S 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223245 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228202 BIOL 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 223922 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228219 BIOL 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 223921 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228236 BIOL 101 Lab 11 1 1 \N 226645 223979 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228253 BIOL 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 223978 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228270 CALC 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 223959 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228287 CALC 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 223958 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228304 CALC 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 223960 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228321 C S 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223950 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228338 C S 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 223970 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228355 C S 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 223951 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228372 CALC 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 223870 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228389 CALC 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 223967 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228406 CALC 101 Rec 12 1 1 \N 226645 223968 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228423 CALC 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 223965 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228440 CALC 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 223966 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228457 CALC 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 223963 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228474 CALC 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 223964 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228491 CALC 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 223961 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228508 CALC 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 223962 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228525 PHYS 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 224041 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228541 PHYS 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 224042 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228558 PHYS 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 224039 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228575 PHYS 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 224040 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228591 PHYS 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 224036 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228608 PHYS 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 224038 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228625 SOC 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223373 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228671 POL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223356 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228717 POL 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 224028 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228763 CHM 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 223264 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228780 CHM 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 223265 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228797 CHM 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 223267 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228814 CHM 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 223268 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228831 CHM 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223259 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228848 CHM 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223260 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228865 CHM 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 223261 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228882 CHM 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 223263 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228899 CHM 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 223269 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228916 MBIO 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 224061 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228932 PHIL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223344 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228964 PHYS 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 223350 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 228996 MBIO 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 224060 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229012 PHYS 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 224035 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229029 CHM 101 Lab 11 1 1 \N 226645 223818 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229046 CHM 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 223817 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229063 PHYS 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 223351 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229094 PHYS 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 224032 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229110 PHYS 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 224033 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229127 PHYS 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 224034 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229144 CHM 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 223825 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229161 CHM 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 223826 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229178 CHM 101 Lab 12 1 1 \N 226645 223819 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229195 CHM 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 223824 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229212 CHM 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 223829 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229229 CHM 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 223830 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229246 CHM 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 223827 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229263 CHM 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 223828 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229280 GER 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 224006 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229297 GER 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 224007 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229313 GER 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 223325 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229359 GER 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 224005 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229375 MBIO 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 224059 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229391 HIST 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 223331 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229437 CHM 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 223833 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229453 LING 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 224017 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229499 CHM 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 223832 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229516 GER 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 224008 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229533 CHM 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 223831 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229550 HIST 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223330 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229582 CHM 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 223834 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229599 CHM 101 Rec 12 1 1 \N 226645 223835 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229615 COM 101 Lec 1 1 1 \N 226645 223297 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229647 COM 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 226645 223298 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229679 COM 101 Lec 3 1 1 \N 226645 223299 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229711 COM 101 Lec 4 1 1 \N 226645 223300 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229743 COM 101 Lec 5 1 1 \N 226645 223301 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229775 SOC 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 224050 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229821 ENGL 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 223856 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229838 SPAN 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223378 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229870 ENGL 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 223857 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229887 SPAN 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 223379 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229933 ENGL 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 223858 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229950 SPAN 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223800 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229967 SPAN 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223801 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 229984 SPAN 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 223802 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230001 SPAN 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 223803 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230018 ENGR 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 223999 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230034 ENGR 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 224000 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230051 GER 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 223324 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230097 COM 101 Lec 7 1 1 \N 226645 223303 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230129 ENGL 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 223859 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230146 COM 101 Lec 6 1 1 \N 226645 223302 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230178 ENGL 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 223860 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230195 COM 101 Lec 9 1 1 \N 226645 223305 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230227 ENGR 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 223996 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230259 COM 101 Lec 8 1 1 \N 226645 223304 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 230291 ENGR 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 223998 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 231209 ALG 101 2 2 \N 230841 \N 230331 1 \N \N \N \N 231211 BAND 101 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230335 1 \N \N \N \N 231213 BIOL 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230338 1 \N \N \N \N 231216 BIOL 101 Lec 3 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230342 1 \N \N \N \N 231219 BIOL 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230584 1 \N \N \N \N 231222 C S 101 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230597 1 \N \N \N \N 231224 CALC 101 Lec 1, 2 8 8 \N 230841 \N 230604 1 \N \N \N \N 231227 CALC 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230611 1 \N \N \N \N 231229 CHM 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230614 1 \N \N \N \N 231231 CHM 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230617 1 \N \N \N \N 231233 CHM 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230620 1 \N \N \N \N 231235 COM 101 Lec 3, 4, 5, 6 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230623 1 \N \N \N \N 231238 COM 101 Lec 1, 2, 7, 8 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230634 1 \N \N \N \N 231241 ECON 101 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230650 1 \N \N \N \N 231243 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 230841 \N 230653 1 \N \N \N \N 231247 POL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 230841 \N 230684 1 \N \N \N \N 231249 PHIL 101 Lec 1; SOC 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230670 1 \N \N \N \N 231251 SOC 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 230841 \N 230678 1 \N \N \N \N 231253 PSY 101 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230681 1 \N \N \N \N 231255 POL 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 230841 \N 230687 1 \N \N \N \N 231257 ENGR 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230690 1 \N \N \N \N 231259 GER 101 Lec 1; SPAN 101 Lec 2 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230693 1 \N \N \N \N 231261 GER 101 Lec 2; SPAN 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 230841 \N 230697 1 \N \N \N \N 231263 MBIO 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230701 1 \N \N \N \N 231265 PHYS 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 230841 \N 230704 1 \N \N \N \N 231267 PHYS 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 230841 \N 230707 1 \N \N \N \N 231315 Performances \N \N \N 231314 \N \N 4 \N \N \N \N 231343 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231055 2 \N \N \N \N 231345 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231058 2 \N \N \N \N 231347 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231061 2 \N \N \N \N 231349 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 226645 \N 231070 2 \N \N \N \N 231352 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 226645 \N 231073 2 \N \N \N \N 231355 BIOL 101 11 11 \N 226645 \N 231095 2 \N \N \N \N 231359 SOC 101; SPAN 101 8 8 \N 226645 \N 231086 2 \N \N \N \N 231361 SOC 101; SPAN 101 8 8 \N 226645 \N 231090 2 \N \N \N \N 231363 CALC 101 12 12 \N 226645 \N 231098 2 \N \N \N \N 231367 CALC 101 12 12 \N 226645 \N 231101 2 \N \N \N \N 233325 CHM 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231468 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233341 CHM 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 231460 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233357 CHM 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231466 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233373 CHM 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231467 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233389 CHM 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 231465 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233405 CHM 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 231464 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233421 CHM 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 231462 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233437 CHM 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 231463 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233453 CHM 101 Lab 12 1 1 \N 226645 231471 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233469 CHM 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231480 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233485 CHM 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 231469 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233501 CHM 101 Lab 11 1 1 \N 226645 231470 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233517 CHM 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231479 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233532 CHM 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231483 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233548 CHM 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231477 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233564 CHM 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231484 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233580 CALC 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231451 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233596 CALC 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231449 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233612 CALC 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231445 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233627 CALC 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231441 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233643 CALC 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 231452 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233659 CALC 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 231448 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233675 CALC 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 231446 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233691 CALC 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231443 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233707 CALC 101 Rec 12 1 1 \N 226645 231450 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233723 CALC 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 231447 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233739 CALC 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 231444 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233755 CALC 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 231442 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233771 CHM 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231461 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233787 BIOL 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 231406 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233803 BIOL 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 231407 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233819 BIOL 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 231408 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233835 BIOL 101 Lab 11 1 1 \N 226645 231409 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233851 C S 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231434 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233881 C S 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231435 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233911 C S 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231429 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233927 C S 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231430 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233943 C S 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231431 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233959 C S 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231432 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233974 BIOL 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231414 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 233989 BIOL 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231413 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234005 BIOL 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 231416 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234021 BIOL 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231415 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234037 BIOL 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 231418 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234053 BIOL 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 231417 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234069 BIOL 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 231420 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234085 BIOL 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 231419 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234101 BIOL 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231399 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234117 BIOL 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 231421 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234133 BIOL 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231401 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234149 BIOL 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231400 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234165 BIOL 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 231403 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234181 BIOL 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231402 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234197 BIOL 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 231405 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234213 BIOL 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 231404 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234229 PHIL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231547 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234274 MBIO 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231542 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234289 MBIO 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231543 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234304 MBIO 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231541 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234319 HIST 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231535 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234364 LING 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231537 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234409 PHYS 101 Rec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231555 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234424 PHYS 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231560 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234440 PHYS 101 Rec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231552 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234456 PHYS 101 Rec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231554 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234471 PHYS 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231553 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234487 PHYS 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231556 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234503 PHYS 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231549 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234534 PHYS 101 Lec 2 3 3 \N 226645 231550 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234565 ENGR 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231521 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234580 ENGR 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231520 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234596 ENGR 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 231524 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234627 ENGL 101 Lab 10 1 1 \N 226645 231517 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234643 ENGL 101 Lab 9 1 1 \N 226645 231514 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234659 ENGL 101 Lab 8 1 1 \N 226645 231510 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234675 ENGL 101 Lab 7 1 1 \N 226645 231509 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234691 ENGL 101 Lab 6 1 1 \N 226645 231513 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234706 HIST 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231534 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234751 GER 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231530 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234767 GER 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231529 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234783 GER 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231532 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234799 GER 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231531 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234815 GER 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231527 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234860 GER 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231526 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234905 ENGR 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231522 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234921 ENGL 101 Lec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231501 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 234966 ENGL 101 Lec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231502 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235011 ENGL 101 Lec 6 1 1 \N 226645 231503 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235056 ENGL 101 Lec 7 1 1 \N 226645 231504 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235101 ENGL 101 Lec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231498 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235146 ENGL 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231499 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235191 ENGL 101 Lec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231500 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235236 ENGL 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231515 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235252 ENGL 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231518 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235268 ENGL 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231516 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235283 ENGL 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 231512 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235299 ENGL 101 Lec 8 1 1 \N 226645 231505 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235344 ENGL 101 Lec 9 1 1 \N 226645 231506 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235389 ENGL 101 Lec 10 1 1 \N 226645 231507 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235434 ENGL 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231511 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235450 CHM 101 Rec 11 1 1 \N 226645 231481 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235465 CHM 101 Rec 10 1 1 \N 226645 231475 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235481 COM 101 Lec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231486 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235512 CHM 101 Rec 12 1 1 \N 226645 231482 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235528 CHM 101 Rec 7 1 1 \N 226645 231474 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235544 CHM 101 Rec 6 1 1 \N 226645 231473 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235560 CHM 101 Rec 9 1 1 \N 226645 231476 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235576 CHM 101 Rec 8 1 1 \N 226645 231478 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235592 COM 101 Lec 7 1 1 \N 226645 231492 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235623 COM 101 Lec 6 1 1 \N 226645 231491 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235654 COM 101 Lec 9 1 1 \N 226645 231494 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235685 COM 101 Lec 8 1 1 \N 226645 231493 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235716 COM 101 Lec 3 1 1 \N 226645 231488 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235747 COM 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231487 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235778 COM 101 Lec 5 1 1 \N 226645 231490 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235809 COM 101 Lec 4 1 1 \N 226645 231489 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235840 SPAN 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231573 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235871 SPAN 101 Lab 1 1 1 \N 226645 231577 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235887 SOC 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231570 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235932 SPAN 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231572 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235963 SPAN 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231576 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235979 SPAN 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231578 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 235995 SPAN 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231575 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236010 PHYS 101 Lab 4 1 1 \N 226645 231561 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236026 PHYS 101 Lab 5 1 1 \N 226645 231558 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236042 PHYS 101 Lab 2 1 1 \N 226645 231562 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236058 PHYS 101 Lab 3 1 1 \N 226645 231559 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236074 SOC 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231569 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236119 POL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231564 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236150 POL 101 Lec 2 2 2 \N 226645 231565 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236181 BIOL 101 Rec 2 1 1 \N 226645 231412 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236197 BIOL 101 Rec 1 1 1 \N 226645 231411 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236212 ALG 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 231391 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236257 PHAR 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231545 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236273 BIOL 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 231397 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236303 BIOL 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 231396 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236334 MBIO 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 231539 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236365 ECON 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231496 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236410 BIOL 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231395 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236440 BIOL 101 Pso 1 4 4 \N 226645 231423 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236456 BAND 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231393 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236531 BIOL 101 Pso 2 4 4 \N 226645 231424 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236547 BIOL 101 Pso 3 4 4 \N 226645 231425 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236563 PSY 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231567 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236608 CALC 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231437 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236653 CALC 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 231438 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236698 CALC 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 231439 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236743 CHM 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 231458 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236774 CHM 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 231457 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 236805 CHM 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 231456 \N 0 \N \N \N \N 239012 BIOL 101 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231676 1 \N \N \N \N 239014 GER 101 Lec 2; SPAN 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231678 1 \N \N \N \N 239016 BIOL 101 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231681 1 \N \N \N \N 239019 ENGR 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231683 1 \N \N \N \N 239021 GER 101 Lec 1; SPAN 101 Lec 2 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231685 1 \N \N \N \N 239023 CHM 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231688 1 \N \N \N \N 239025 POL 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231690 1 \N \N \N \N 239027 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231692 1 \N \N \N \N 239029 POL 101 Lec 2 1 1 \N 226645 \N 231694 1 \N \N \N \N 239031 ECON 101 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231696 1 \N \N \N \N 239033 C S 101 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231698 1 \N \N \N \N 239035 BIOL 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231700 1 \N \N \N \N 239037 COM 101 Lec 2, 4, 8, 9 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231702 1 \N \N \N \N 239039 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 226645 \N 231707 1 \N \N \N \N 239043 CALC 101 Lec 3 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231709 1 \N \N \N \N 239046 MBIO 101 Lec 1 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231711 1 \N \N \N \N 239048 BAND 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231713 1 \N \N \N \N 239050 PHIL 101 Lec 1; SOC 101 Lec 2 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231715 1 \N \N \N \N 239052 SOC 101 Lec 1 1 1 \N 226645 \N 231718 1 \N \N \N \N 239054 PSY 101 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231720 1 \N \N \N \N 239056 COM 101 Lec 1, 3, 6, 7 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231722 1 \N \N \N \N 239059 CHM 101 Lec 1 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231727 1 \N \N \N \N 239061 PHYS 101 Lec 2 3 3 \N 226645 \N 231729 1 \N \N \N \N 239063 PHYS 101 Lec 1 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231731 1 \N \N \N \N 239065 CALC 101 Lec 1, 2 8 8 \N 226645 \N 231733 1 \N \N \N \N 239068 CHM 101 Lec 2 4 4 \N 226645 \N 231736 1 \N \N \N \N 239108 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231654 2 \N \N \N \N 239110 CALC 101 12 12 \N 226645 \N 231656 2 \N \N \N \N 239114 SOC 101; SPAN 101 8 8 \N 226645 \N 231658 2 \N \N \N \N 239116 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231661 2 \N \N \N \N 239118 SOC 101; SPAN 101 8 8 \N 226645 \N 231663 2 \N \N \N \N 239120 CALC 101 12 12 \N 226645 \N 231666 2 \N \N \N \N 239124 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 226645 \N 231668 2 \N \N \N \N 239127 ENGL 101 10 10 \N 226645 \N 231670 2 \N \N \N \N 239130 BIOL 101 11 11 \N 226645 \N 231672 2 \N \N \N \N 239134 ALG 101 2 2 \N 226645 \N 231674 2 \N \N \N \N 239136 Performances \N \N \N 231314 \N \N 4 \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: event_contact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event_contact (uniqueid, external_id, email, phone, firstname, middlename, lastname, acad_title) FROM stdin; 226645 1 test-admin@unitime.org unknown Abraham \N Root \N 230841 5 demo-exam@unitime.org unknown Manager \N Exam \N 231314 null test-event@unitime.org \N Event \N Manager \N \. -- -- Data for Name: event_join_event_contact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event_join_event_contact (event_id, event_contact_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: event_note; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event_note (uniqueid, event_id, text_note, time_stamp, note_type, uname, meetings, attached_file, attached_name, attached_content, user_id) FROM stdin; 231316 231315 \N 2010-09-22 14:13:09+02 0 \N \N \N \N \N \N 239153 239136 \N 2010-09-22 17:10:14+02 0 A. Root M 08/23 - 09/20 8:00a THTR 101\nM 09/27 - 12/06 8:00a THTR 101 \N \N \N \N 239171 239136 \N 2010-09-22 17:10:19+02 2 A. Root M 08/23 - 09/20 8:00a THTR 101\nM 09/27 - 12/06 8:00a THTR 101 \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: event_note_meeting; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event_note_meeting (note_id, meeting_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: event_service_provider; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.event_service_provider (event_id, provider_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: exact_time_mins; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exact_time_mins (uniqueid, mins_min, mins_max, nr_slots, break_time) FROM stdin; 214405 0 0 0 0 214406 1 5 1 0 214407 6 10 2 0 214408 11 15 4 0 214409 16 20 5 0 214410 21 25 6 0 214411 26 30 7 0 214412 31 35 8 15 214413 36 40 10 15 214414 41 45 11 15 214415 46 50 12 10 214416 51 55 13 15 214417 56 60 14 10 214418 61 65 16 15 214419 66 70 17 15 214420 71 75 18 15 214421 76 80 19 15 214422 81 85 20 15 214423 86 90 21 15 214424 91 95 23 15 214425 96 100 24 10 214426 101 105 25 15 214427 106 110 26 15 214428 111 115 28 15 214429 116 120 29 15 214430 121 125 30 15 214431 126 130 31 15 214432 131 135 32 15 214433 136 140 34 15 214434 141 145 35 15 214435 146 150 36 10 214436 151 155 37 15 214437 156 160 38 15 214438 161 165 40 15 214439 166 170 41 15 214440 171 175 42 15 214441 176 180 43 15 214442 181 185 44 15 214443 186 190 46 15 214444 191 195 47 15 214445 196 200 48 10 214446 201 205 49 15 214447 206 210 50 15 214448 211 215 52 15 214449 216 220 53 15 214450 221 225 54 15 214451 226 230 55 15 214452 231 235 56 15 214453 236 240 58 15 214454 241 245 59 15 214455 246 250 60 10 214456 251 255 61 15 214457 256 260 62 15 214458 261 265 64 15 214459 266 270 65 15 214460 271 275 66 15 214461 276 280 67 15 214462 281 285 68 15 214463 286 290 70 15 214464 291 295 71 15 214465 296 300 72 10 214466 301 305 73 15 214467 306 310 74 15 214468 311 315 76 15 214469 316 320 77 15 214470 321 325 78 15 214471 326 330 79 15 214472 331 335 80 15 214473 336 340 82 15 214474 341 345 83 15 214475 346 350 84 10 214476 351 355 85 15 214477 356 360 86 15 214478 361 365 88 15 214479 366 370 89 15 214480 371 375 90 15 214481 376 380 91 5 214482 381 385 92 15 214483 386 390 94 15 214484 391 395 95 15 214485 396 400 96 10 214486 401 405 97 15 214487 406 410 98 15 214488 411 415 100 15 214489 416 420 101 15 214490 421 425 102 15 214491 426 430 103 15 214492 431 435 104 15 214493 436 440 106 15 214494 441 445 107 15 214495 446 450 108 10 214496 451 455 109 15 214497 456 460 110 15 214498 461 465 112 15 214499 466 470 113 15 214500 471 475 114 15 214501 476 480 115 15 214502 481 485 116 15 214503 486 490 118 15 214504 491 495 119 15 214505 496 500 120 10 214506 501 505 121 15 214507 506 510 122 15 214508 511 515 124 15 214509 516 520 125 15 214510 521 525 126 15 214511 526 530 127 15 214512 531 535 128 15 214513 536 540 130 15 214514 541 545 131 15 214515 546 550 132 10 214516 551 555 133 15 214517 556 560 134 15 214518 561 565 136 15 214519 566 570 137 15 214520 571 575 138 15 214521 576 580 139 15 214522 581 585 140 15 214523 586 590 142 15 214524 591 595 143 15 214525 596 600 144 10 214526 601 605 145 15 214527 606 610 146 15 214528 611 615 148 15 214529 616 620 149 15 214530 621 625 150 15 214531 626 630 151 15 214532 631 635 152 15 214533 636 640 154 15 214534 641 645 155 15 214535 646 650 156 10 214536 651 655 157 15 214537 656 660 158 15 214538 661 665 160 15 214539 666 670 161 15 214540 671 675 162 15 214541 676 680 163 15 214542 681 685 164 15 214543 686 690 166 15 214544 691 695 167 15 214545 696 700 168 10 214546 701 705 169 15 214547 706 710 170 15 214548 711 715 172 15 214549 716 720 173 15 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam (uniqueid, session_id, name, note, length, max_nbr_rooms, seating_type, assigned_period, assigned_pref, avg_period, uid_rolled_fwd_from, exam_size, print_offset, exam_type_id) FROM stdin; 230331 223206 ALG 101 \N 120 2 1 226566 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230335 223206 BAND 101 \N 60 1 0 226562 0:0:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230338 223206 \N \N 180 4 1 230774 1:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230342 223206 \N \N 180 4 1 226564 0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230584 223206 \N \N 180 4 1 226564 0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230597 223206 C S 101 \N 60 1 0 226568 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230604 223206 \N \N 60 2 0 230772 0:0:-4:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230611 223206 \N \N 60 2 1 226562 -2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230614 223206 \N \N 120 1 0 226570 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230617 223206 \N \N 120 1 0 226566 0:0:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230620 223206 \N \N 120 1 0 226560 0:0:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230623 223206 COM 101 Lec 3, 4, 5, 6 \N 60 2 1 226570 0:2:-4:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230634 223206 COM 101 Lec 1, 2, 7, 8 \N 60 2 1 226574 0:2:-4:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230650 223206 ECON 101 \N 120 1 0 230770 2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230653 223206 ENGL 101 \N 60 4 0 226576 0:0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230670 223206 PHIL 101 Lec 1; SOC 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 226560 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230678 223206 SOC 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 1 226566 0:0:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230681 223206 PSY 101 \N 120 2 1 226564 0:0:-100 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230684 223206 POL 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 0 226560 -2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230687 223206 POL 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 0 230774 0:0:-4 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230690 223206 ENGR 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 226570 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230693 223206 GER 101 Lec 1; SPAN 101 Lec 2 \N 60 1 1 230770 2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230697 223206 GER 101 Lec 2; SPAN 101 Lec 1 \N 60 1 1 226574 2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230701 223206 MBIO 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 226566 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230704 223206 PHYS 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 230774 1:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 230707 223206 PHYS 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 1 226574 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540049 231055 223206 ALG 101 \N 60 1 1 226583 -2:0:-100 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231058 223206 ALG 101 \N 60 1 1 226593 -2:0:-100 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231061 223206 ALG 101 \N 120 1 1 226636 -2:0:-100 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231070 223206 ENGL 101 \N 120 4 1 226594 -1:2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231073 223206 ENGL 101 \N 120 4 1 226638 -1:2:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231086 223206 SOC 101; SPAN 101 \N 120 1 1 226596 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231090 223206 SOC 101; SPAN 101 \N 120 1 1 226626 0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231095 223206 BIOL 101 \N 120 4 1 226624 0:0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231098 223206 CALC 101 \N 120 4 1 226588 0:0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231101 223206 CALC 101 \N 120 4 1 226618 0:0:0:0:0 \N \N \N \N 1540050 231654 231379 ALG 101 \N 120 1 1 231643 0:0:-100 55 231061 \N \N 1540050 231656 231379 CALC 101 \N 120 4 1 231597 0:0:0:0:0 37 231101 \N \N 1540050 231658 231379 SOC 101; SPAN 101 \N 120 1 1 231617 -1:0:0 15 231086 \N \N 1540050 231661 231379 ALG 101 \N 60 1 1 231614 -2:0:-100 12 231058 \N \N 1540050 231663 231379 SOC 101; SPAN 101 \N 120 1 1 231637 -1:0:0 45 231090 \N \N 1540050 231666 231379 CALC 101 \N 120 4 1 231631 0:0:0:0:0 7 231098 \N \N 1540050 231668 231379 ENGL 101 \N 120 4 1 231599 -1:0:0:0 13 231070 \N \N 1540050 231670 231379 ENGL 101 \N 120 4 1 231613 R:0:0:0 57 231073 \N \N 1540050 231672 231379 BIOL 101 \N 120 4 1 231633 0:0:0:0:0 43 231095 \N \N 1540050 231674 231379 ALG 101 \N 60 1 1 231632 -2:0:-100 2 231055 \N \N 1540050 231676 231379 BIOL 101 \N 180 4 1 231581 0:0:0 8 230338 \N \N 1540049 231678 231379 GER 101 Lec 2; SPAN 101 Lec 1 \N 60 1 1 231588 2:0:0 9 230693 \N \N 1540049 231681 231379 BIOL 101 \N 180 4 1 231581 0:0:-4:0 2 230342 \N \N 1540049 231683 231379 ENGR 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 231579 0:0:0 5 230690 \N \N 1540049 231685 231379 GER 101 Lec 1; SPAN 101 Lec 2 \N 60 1 1 231583 0:0:0 6 230697 \N \N 1540049 231688 231379 CHM 101 Lec 3 \N 120 1 0 231584 0:0:-4 3 230617 \N \N 1540049 231690 231379 POL 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 0 231579 -2:0:-4 8 230687 \N \N 1540049 231692 231379 ALG 101 \N 120 2 1 231584 0:0:0 3 230331 \N \N 1540049 231694 231379 POL 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 0 231585 -2:0:-4 0 230684 \N \N 1540049 231696 231379 ECON 101 \N 120 1 0 231579 0:0:0 9 230650 \N \N 1540049 231698 231379 C S 101 \N 60 1 0 231580 0:0:0 4 230597 \N \N 1540049 231700 231379 BIOL 101 \N 180 4 1 231581 0:0:0 2 230584 \N \N 1540049 231702 231379 COM 101 Lec 2, 4, 8, 9 \N 60 2 1 231585 0:0:-4 5 230623 \N \N 1540049 231707 231379 ENGL 101 \N 60 4 0 231586 0:0:0:0:0 7 230653 \N \N 1540049 231709 231379 CALC 101 Lec 3 \N 60 2 1 231582 0:0:-4:0 1 230611 \N \N 1540049 231711 231379 MBIO 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 231584 0:0:0 3 230701 \N \N 1540049 231713 231379 BAND 101 \N 60 1 0 231582 0:0:0 1 230335 \N \N 1540049 231715 231379 PHIL 101 Lec 1; SOC 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 1 231585 0:0:0 0 230670 \N \N 1540049 231718 231379 SOC 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 231579 0:0:-4 3 230678 \N \N 1540049 231720 231379 PSY 101 \N 120 2 1 231582 0:0:-100 2 230681 \N \N 1540049 231722 231379 COM 101 Lec 1, 3, 6, 7 \N 60 2 1 231580 0:0:-4:-4 6 230634 \N \N 1540049 231727 231379 CHM 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 0 231588 2:0:-4 5 230614 \N \N 1540049 231729 231379 PHYS 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 1 231587 1:0:0 8 230704 \N \N 1540049 231731 231379 PHYS 101 Lec 1 \N 120 1 1 231584 0:0:0 6 230707 \N \N 1540049 231733 231379 CALC 101 Lec 1, 2 \N 60 2 0 231589 0:0:-4:0 10 230604 \N \N 1540049 231736 231379 CHM 101 Lec 2 \N 120 1 0 231585 0:0:-4 0 230620 \N \N 1540049 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_instructor (exam_id, instructor_id) FROM stdin; 230611 226238 231098 226238 231101 226238 230338 226240 230584 226240 231095 226240 230331 226242 230597 226242 230604 226242 231055 226242 231058 226242 231061 226242 230342 226244 230342 226246 231656 231385 231666 231385 231709 231385 231700 231386 231700 231387 231654 231388 231661 231388 231674 231388 231692 231388 231698 231388 231733 231388 231672 231389 231676 231389 231681 231389 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_location_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_location_pref (uniqueid, location_id, pref_level_id, period_id) FROM stdin; 123200 7986 6 230774 123201 7986 6 226570 123202 7986 6 226564 123203 7986 7 226587 123204 7986 7 226588 123205 7986 7 226589 123206 7986 7 226590 123207 7986 7 226591 123208 7986 7 226592 123209 7986 7 226593 123210 7986 7 226594 123211 7986 7 226595 123212 7986 7 226596 123213 7986 7 226597 123214 7986 7 226598 123215 7986 7 226599 123216 7986 7 226600 123217 7986 7 226601 123218 7986 7 226602 123219 7986 7 226603 123220 7986 7 226604 123221 7986 7 226605 123222 7986 7 226606 123223 7986 7 226607 123224 7986 7 226608 123225 7987 7 230772 123226 7987 7 230770 123227 7989 7 226633 123228 7989 7 226634 123229 7989 7 226635 123230 7989 7 226636 123231 7989 7 226637 123232 7989 7 226638 123233 7989 7 226639 123234 7989 7 226640 123235 7989 7 226641 123236 7989 7 226642 123237 7989 7 226643 123238 7989 7 226644 123335 8020 7 231642 123336 8020 7 231643 123337 8020 7 231644 123338 8020 7 231645 123339 8020 7 231646 123340 8020 7 231650 123341 8020 7 231649 123342 8020 7 231648 123343 8020 7 231647 123344 8020 7 231653 123345 8020 7 231652 123346 8020 7 231651 123347 8024 7 231589 123348 8024 7 231588 123349 8023 7 231602 123350 8023 7 231601 123351 8023 7 231604 123352 8023 7 231603 123353 8023 7 231606 123354 8023 7 231605 123355 8023 7 231608 123356 8023 7 231607 123357 8023 6 231584 123358 8023 6 231587 123359 8023 7 231596 123360 8023 6 231581 123361 8023 7 231598 123362 8023 7 231597 123363 8023 7 231600 123364 8023 7 231599 123365 8023 7 231617 123366 8023 7 231609 123367 8023 7 231610 123368 8023 7 231611 123369 8023 7 231612 123370 8023 7 231613 123371 8023 7 231614 123372 8023 7 231615 123373 8023 7 231616 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_managers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_managers (session_id, type_id, manager_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_owner; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_owner (uniqueid, exam_id, owner_id, owner_type, course_id) FROM stdin; 230364 230335 135718 1 135718 230582 230338 223240 3 135716 230591 230331 132313 0 135715 230593 230584 223899 3 135716 230671 230670 223344 3 135726 230672 230670 223373 3 135731 230679 230678 224050 3 135731 230691 230690 223996 3 135736 230702 230701 224057 3 135739 230705 230704 223350 3 135727 230708 230707 223351 3 135727 230723 230681 135729 1 135729 230725 230693 223379 3 135732 230726 230693 223324 3 135723 230728 230697 223378 3 135732 230729 230697 223325 3 135723 230740 230614 223256 3 135719 230742 230620 223258 3 135719 230744 230617 223257 3 135719 230746 230623 223302 3 135721 230747 230623 223299 3 135721 230748 230623 223301 3 135721 230749 230623 223300 3 135721 230751 230634 223304 3 135721 230752 230634 223298 3 135721 230753 230634 223303 3 135721 230754 230634 223297 3 135721 230758 230650 135720 1 135720 230762 230653 135722 1 135722 230784 230342 223900 3 135716 230786 230597 135717 1 135717 230942 230684 223356 3 135728 230944 230687 224028 3 135728 230946 230604 223956 3 135733 230947 230604 223869 3 135733 230949 230611 223957 3 135733 231179 231055 135715 1 135715 231181 231058 135715 1 135715 231183 231061 135715 1 135715 231185 231095 135716 1 135716 231187 231098 135733 1 135733 231189 231101 135733 1 135733 231191 231070 135722 1 135722 231193 231073 135722 1 135722 231195 231086 135731 1 135731 231196 231086 135732 1 135732 231198 231090 135732 1 135732 231199 231090 135731 1 135731 238905 231692 132351 0 135753 238907 231713 135754 1 135754 238909 231681 231395 3 135755 238911 231676 231396 3 135755 238913 231700 231397 3 135755 238915 231698 135757 1 135757 238920 231733 231438 3 135758 238921 231733 231437 3 135758 238925 231709 231439 3 135758 238927 231727 231456 3 135760 238929 231736 231457 3 135760 238931 231688 231458 3 135760 238933 231722 231488 3 135761 238934 231722 231486 3 135761 238935 231722 231491 3 135761 238936 231722 231492 3 135761 238938 231702 231489 3 135761 238939 231702 231487 3 135761 238940 231702 231493 3 135761 238941 231702 231494 3 135761 238943 231696 135762 1 135762 238945 231707 135763 1 135763 238947 231683 231524 3 135764 238949 231685 231573 3 135775 238950 231685 231526 3 135765 238952 231678 231572 3 135775 238953 231678 231527 3 135765 238955 231711 231539 3 135768 238957 231715 231570 3 135774 238958 231715 231547 3 135770 238960 231731 231549 3 135771 238962 231729 231550 3 135771 238964 231690 231564 3 135772 238966 231694 231565 3 135772 238968 231720 135773 1 135773 238970 231718 231569 3 135774 239076 231661 135753 1 135753 239078 231674 135753 1 135753 239080 231654 135753 1 135753 239082 231672 135755 1 135755 239084 231656 135758 1 135758 239086 231666 135758 1 135758 239088 231668 135763 1 135763 239090 231670 135763 1 135763 239092 231658 135774 1 135774 239093 231658 135775 1 135775 239095 231663 135775 1 135775 239096 231663 135774 1 135774 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_period; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_period (uniqueid, session_id, date_ofs, start_slot, length, pref_level_id, event_start_offset, event_stop_offset, exam_type_id) FROM stdin; 226560 223206 0 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 226562 223206 0 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 226564 223206 0 156 36 4 0 0 1540049 226566 223206 1 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 226568 223206 1 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 226570 223206 1 156 36 4 0 0 1540049 226574 223206 2 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 226576 223206 2 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 226581 223206 -105 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226582 223206 -105 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226583 223206 -104 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226584 223206 -104 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226585 223206 -103 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226586 223206 -103 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226587 223206 -96 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226588 223206 -96 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226589 223206 -95 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226590 223206 -95 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226591 223206 -91 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226592 223206 -91 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226593 223206 -90 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226594 223206 -90 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226595 223206 -89 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226596 223206 -89 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226597 223206 -84 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226598 223206 -84 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226599 223206 -83 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226600 223206 -83 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226601 223206 -82 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226602 223206 -82 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226603 223206 -77 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226604 223206 -77 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226605 223206 -76 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226606 223206 -76 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226607 223206 -75 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226608 223206 -75 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226609 223206 -70 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226610 223206 -70 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226611 223206 -69 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226612 223206 -69 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226613 223206 -68 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226614 223206 -68 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226615 223206 -56 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226616 223206 -56 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226617 223206 -55 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226618 223206 -55 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226619 223206 -54 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226620 223206 -54 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226621 223206 -49 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226622 223206 -49 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226623 223206 -48 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226624 223206 -48 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226625 223206 -47 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226626 223206 -47 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226627 223206 -42 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226628 223206 -42 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226629 223206 -41 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226630 223206 -41 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226631 223206 -40 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226632 223206 -40 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226633 223206 -35 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226634 223206 -35 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226635 223206 -34 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226636 223206 -34 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226637 223206 -33 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226638 223206 -33 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226639 223206 -28 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226640 223206 -28 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226641 223206 -27 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226642 223206 -27 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 226643 223206 -26 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 226644 223206 -26 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 230770 223206 3 96 24 6 0 0 1540049 230772 223206 3 138 12 6 0 0 1540049 230774 223206 2 156 36 5 0 0 1540049 231579 231379 0 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 231580 231379 0 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 231581 231379 0 156 36 4 0 0 1540049 231582 231379 1 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 231583 231379 1 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 231584 231379 1 156 36 4 0 0 1540049 231585 231379 2 96 24 4 0 0 1540049 231586 231379 2 138 12 4 0 0 1540049 231587 231379 2 156 36 5 0 0 1540049 231588 231379 3 96 24 6 0 0 1540049 231589 231379 3 138 12 6 0 0 1540049 231590 231379 -105 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231591 231379 -105 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231592 231379 -104 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231593 231379 -104 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231594 231379 -103 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231595 231379 -103 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231596 231379 -96 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231597 231379 -96 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231598 231379 -95 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231599 231379 -95 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231600 231379 -91 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231601 231379 -91 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231602 231379 -90 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231603 231379 -90 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231604 231379 -89 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231605 231379 -89 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231606 231379 -84 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231607 231379 -84 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231608 231379 -83 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231609 231379 -83 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231610 231379 -82 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231611 231379 -82 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231612 231379 -77 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231613 231379 -77 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231614 231379 -76 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231615 231379 -76 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231616 231379 -75 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231617 231379 -75 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231618 231379 -70 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231619 231379 -70 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231620 231379 -69 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231621 231379 -69 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231622 231379 -68 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231623 231379 -68 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231624 231379 -56 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231625 231379 -56 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231626 231379 -55 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231627 231379 -55 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231628 231379 -54 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231629 231379 -54 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231630 231379 -49 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231631 231379 -49 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231632 231379 -48 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231633 231379 -48 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231634 231379 -47 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231635 231379 -47 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231636 231379 -42 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231637 231379 -42 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231638 231379 -41 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231639 231379 -41 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231640 231379 -40 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231641 231379 -40 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231642 231379 -35 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231643 231379 -35 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231644 231379 -34 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231645 231379 -34 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231646 231379 -33 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231647 231379 -33 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231648 231379 -28 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231649 231379 -28 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231650 231379 -27 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231651 231379 -27 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 231652 231379 -26 222 12 4 0 0 1540050 231653 231379 -26 240 24 4 0 0 1540050 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_period_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_period_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, period_id) FROM stdin; 121605 230331 3 226564 121607 230331 3 226560 121608 230331 3 226562 121657 230693 6 226574 121659 230693 7 226576 121660 230697 6 226574 121662 230697 7 226576 121678 230650 7 226576 121681 230650 7 226574 121724 230684 2 226560 121726 230687 3 230774 121728 230687 3 226576 121729 230687 2 226574 121730 230604 2 230772 121733 230611 2 226562 123160 231055 4 226584 123161 231055 3 226585 123162 231055 4 226586 123163 231055 2 226583 123164 231055 3 226581 123166 231055 4 226582 123167 231058 2 226593 123168 231058 3 226595 123169 231058 4 226596 123171 231058 4 226594 123172 231058 4 226592 123173 231058 3 226591 123174 231061 4 226634 123175 231061 4 226638 123177 231061 2 226636 123178 231095 4 226626 123179 231095 4 226624 123180 231095 4 226622 123181 231098 4 226590 123182 231098 4 226588 123183 231101 4 226620 123184 231101 4 226616 123185 231101 4 226618 123186 231070 3 226596 123187 231070 4 226592 123188 231070 3 226594 123189 231073 3 226638 123190 231073 4 226636 123191 231073 4 226634 123192 231086 4 226592 123193 231086 4 226594 123194 231086 4 226596 123195 231090 4 226624 123196 231090 4 226626 123197 231090 4 226622 123397 231692 3 231581 123398 231692 3 231580 123400 231692 3 231579 123408 231733 2 231589 123412 231709 2 231580 123422 231696 7 231586 123423 231696 7 231585 123426 231685 7 231586 123427 231685 6 231585 123430 231678 6 231585 123431 231678 7 231586 123437 231690 2 231579 123438 231694 2 231585 123439 231694 3 231587 123440 231694 3 231586 123465 231661 3 231616 123466 231661 4 231617 123467 231661 4 231613 123468 231661 2 231614 123470 231661 4 231615 123471 231661 3 231612 123472 231674 3 231630 123473 231674 3 231634 123474 231674 2 231632 123475 231674 4 231635 123476 231674 4 231633 123478 231674 4 231631 123479 231654 3 231646 123481 231654 4 231647 123482 231654 4 231643 123483 231654 4 231645 123484 231654 3 231642 123485 231654 2 231644 123486 231672 4 231631 123487 231672 4 231635 123488 231672 4 231633 123489 231656 4 231599 123490 231656 4 231597 123491 231666 4 231633 123492 231666 4 231631 123493 231666 4 231635 123494 231668 3 231599 123495 231668 4 231597 123496 231670 4 231613 123497 231658 3 231617 123498 231658 4 231615 123499 231658 4 231613 123500 231663 4 231641 123501 231663 4 231639 123502 231663 3 231637 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_room_assignment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_room_assignment (exam_id, location_id) FROM stdin; 230331 7988 230335 7986 230338 7986 230338 7988 230342 7987 230342 7989 230584 7986 230584 7988 230597 7994 230604 7986 230604 7994 230611 7994 230614 7986 230617 7986 230620 7986 230623 7987 230623 7988 230634 7987 230634 7988 230650 7986 230653 7986 230653 7988 230653 7994 230670 7994 230678 7987 230681 7994 230684 7987 230687 7987 230690 7994 230693 7994 230697 7994 230701 7994 230704 7994 230707 7986 231055 7987 231058 7987 231061 7987 231070 7987 231070 7994 231073 7986 231073 7994 231086 7994 231090 7994 231095 7986 231095 7989 231095 7994 231098 7987 231098 7988 231098 7994 231101 7987 231101 7988 231101 7994 231654 8024 231656 8017 231656 8019 231656 8024 231658 8017 231661 8024 231663 8017 231666 8017 231666 8019 231666 8024 231668 8017 231668 8024 231670 8017 231670 8024 231672 8017 231672 8020 231672 8023 231674 8024 231676 8017 231678 8017 231681 8023 231681 8024 231683 8017 231685 8017 231688 8023 231690 8019 231692 8024 231694 8019 231696 8023 231698 8017 231700 8019 231702 8024 231707 8017 231707 8023 231707 8024 231709 8019 231709 8023 231711 8017 231713 8024 231715 8017 231718 8024 231720 8017 231722 8019 231722 8024 231727 8023 231729 8017 231731 8019 231733 8017 231733 8023 231736 8023 \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_status (session_id, type_id, status_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: exam_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.exam_type (uniqueid, reference, label, xtype, events) FROM stdin; 1540049 final Final 0 t 1540050 midterm Midterm 1 f \. -- -- Data for Name: ext_dept_status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.ext_dept_status (ext_dept_id, department_id, status_type) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: external_building; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.external_building (uniqueid, session_id, external_uid, abbreviation, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, display_name) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: external_room; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.external_room (uniqueid, external_bldg_id, external_uid, room_number, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, capacity, classification, instructional, display_name, exam_capacity, room_type, area) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: external_room_department; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.external_room_department (uniqueid, external_room_id, department_code, percent, assignment_type) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: external_room_feature; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.external_room_feature (uniqueid, external_room_id, name, value) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: feature_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.feature_type (uniqueid, reference, label, events) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: free_time; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.free_time (uniqueid, name, day_code, start_slot, length, category, session_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: hashed_queries; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.hashed_queries (query_hash, query_text, ts_create, nbr_use, ts_use) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: hibernate_unique_key; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.hibernate_unique_key (next_hi) FROM stdin; 65 \. -- -- Data for Name: history; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.history (uniqueid, subclass, old_value, new_value, old_number, new_number, session_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: hql_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.hql_parameter (hql_id, name, label, type, default_value) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: instr_offering_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.instr_offering_config (uniqueid, config_limit, instr_offr_id, unlimited_enrollment, name, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from, duration_type_id, instr_method_id) FROM stdin; 36948 2 132313 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36949 11 132314 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36950 4 132315 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36951 4 132316 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36952 12 132317 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36953 4 132318 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36954 9 132319 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36955 10 132320 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36956 4 132321 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36957 4 132322 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36959 2 132324 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36960 5 132325 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36961 4 132326 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36962 4 132327 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36963 2 132328 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36964 4 132329 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36965 4 132330 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36966 12 132331 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36967 3 132334 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36968 3 132335 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36969 2 132336 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36970 4 132337 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36971 3 132338 f 1 \N \N \N \N 36986 2 132351 f 1 \N 36948 \N \N 36987 4 132352 f 1 \N 36951 \N \N 36988 11 132353 f 1 \N 36949 \N \N 36989 3 132354 f 1 \N 36967 \N \N 36990 4 132355 f 1 \N 36950 \N \N 36991 12 132356 f 1 \N 36966 \N \N 36992 2 132357 f 1 \N 36963 \N \N 36993 12 132358 f 1 \N 36952 \N \N 36994 9 132359 f 1 \N 36954 \N \N 36995 4 132360 f 1 \N 36953 \N \N 36996 10 132361 f 1 \N 36955 \N \N 36997 3 132362 f 1 \N 36968 \N \N 36998 4 132363 f 1 \N 36956 \N \N 36999 4 132364 f 1 \N 36957 \N \N 37000 2 132365 f 1 \N 36969 \N \N 37001 3 132366 f 1 \N 36971 \N \N 37002 4 132367 f 1 \N 36970 \N \N 37003 2 132368 f 1 \N 36959 \N \N 37004 5 132369 f 1 \N 36960 \N \N 37005 4 132370 f 1 \N 36961 \N \N 37006 4 132371 f 1 \N 36962 \N \N 37007 4 132372 f 1 \N 36964 \N \N 37008 4 132373 f 1 \N 36965 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: instructional_method; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.instructional_method (uniqueid, reference, label, visible) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: instructional_offering; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.instructional_offering (uniqueid, session_id, instr_offering_perm_id, not_offered, "limit", designator_required, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from, external_uid, req_reservation, wk_enroll, wk_change, wk_drop, notes, snapshot_limit, snapshot_limit_date) FROM stdin; 132313 223206 1 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132314 223206 2 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132315 223206 3 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132316 223206 4 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132317 223206 5 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132318 223206 6 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132319 223206 7 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132320 223206 8 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132321 223206 9 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132322 223206 10 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132324 223206 12 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132325 223206 13 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132326 223206 14 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132327 223206 15 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132328 223206 16 t \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132329 223206 17 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132330 223206 18 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132331 223206 166800 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132334 223206 166801 t \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132335 223206 166802 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132336 223206 166803 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132337 223206 166804 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132338 223206 166805 f \N f \N \N \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132351 231379 1 f \N f \N 132313 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132352 231379 4 f \N f \N 132316 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132353 231379 2 f \N f \N 132314 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132354 231379 166801 t \N f \N 132334 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132355 231379 3 f \N f \N 132315 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132356 231379 166800 f \N f \N 132331 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132357 231379 16 t \N f \N 132328 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132358 231379 5 f \N f \N 132317 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132359 231379 7 f \N f \N 132319 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132360 231379 6 f \N f \N 132318 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132361 231379 8 f \N f \N 132320 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132362 231379 166802 f \N f \N 132335 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132363 231379 9 f \N f \N 132321 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132364 231379 10 f \N f \N 132322 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132365 231379 166803 f \N f \N 132336 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132366 231379 166805 f \N f \N 132338 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132367 231379 166804 f \N f \N 132337 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132368 231379 12 f \N f \N 132324 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132369 231379 13 f \N f \N 132325 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132370 231379 14 f \N f \N 132326 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132371 231379 15 f \N f \N 132327 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132372 231379 17 f \N f \N 132329 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N 132373 231379 18 f \N f \N 132330 \N f \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: instructor_attributes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.instructor_attributes (attribute_id, instructor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: instructor_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.instructor_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, instructor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: itype_desc; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.itype_desc (itype, abbv, description, sis_ref, basic, parent, organized) FROM stdin; 10 Lec Lecture lec t \N t 11 Lec 1 Lecture 1 lec f 10 t 12 Lec 2 Lecture 2 lec f 10 t 13 Lec 3 Lecture 3 lec f 10 t 14 Lec 4 Lecture 4 lec f 10 t 15 Lec 5 Lecture 5 lec f 10 t 16 Lec 6 Lecture 6 lec f 10 t 17 Lec 7 Lecture 7 lec f 10 t 18 Lec 8 Lecture 8 lec f 10 t 19 Lec 9 Lecture 9 lec f 10 t 20 Rec Recitation rec t \N t 21 Rec 1 Recitation 1 rec f 20 t 22 Rec 2 Recitation 2 rec f 20 t 23 Rec 3 Recitation 3 rec f 20 t 24 Rec 4 Recitation 4 rec f 20 t 25 Prsn Presentation prsn t \N t 26 Prsn1 Presentation 1 prsn f 25 t 27 Prsn2 Presentation 2 prsn f 25 t 28 Prsn3 Presentation 3 prsn f 25 t 29 Prsn4 Presentation 4 prsn f 25 t 30 Lab Laboratory lab t \N t 31 Lab 1 Laboratory 1 lab f 30 t 32 Lab 2 Laboratory 2 lab f 30 t 33 Lab 3 Laboratory 3 lab f 30 t 34 Lab 4 Laboratory 4 lab f 30 t 35 LabP Laboratory Preparation labP t \N t 36 LabP1 Laboratory Preparation 1 labP f 35 t 37 LabP2 Laboratory Preparation 2 labP f 35 t 38 LabP3 Laboratory Preparation 3 labP f 35 t 39 LabP4 Laboratory Preparation 4 labP f 35 t 40 Stdo Studio stdo t \N t 41 Stdo1 Studio 1 stdo f 40 t 42 Stdo2 Studio 2 stdo f 40 t 43 Stdo3 Studio 3 stdo f 40 t 44 Stdo4 Studio 4 stdo f 40 t 45 Dist Distance Learning dist t \N f 46 Dist1 Distance Learning 1 dist f 45 f 47 Dist2 Distance Learning 2 dist f 45 f 48 Dist3 Distance Learning 3 dist f 45 f 49 Dist4 Distance Learning 4 dist f 45 f 50 Clin Clinic clin t \N f 51 Clin1 Clinic 1 clin f 50 f 52 Clin2 Clinic 2 clin f 50 f 53 Clin3 Clinic 3 clin f 50 f 54 Clin4 Clinic 4 clin f 50 f 55 Clin5 Clinic 5 clin f 50 f 56 Clin6 Clinic 6 clin f 50 f 57 Clin7 Clinic 7 clin f 50 f 58 Clin8 Clinic 8 clin f 50 f 59 Clin9 Clinic 9 clin f 50 f 60 Expr Experiential expr t \N f 61 Expr1 Experiential 1 expr f 60 f 62 Expr2 Experiential 2 expr f 60 f 63 Expr3 Experiential 3 expr f 60 f 64 Expr4 Experiential 4 expr f 60 f 65 Expr5 Experiential 5 expr f 60 f 66 Expr6 Experiential 6 expr f 60 f 67 Expr7 Experiential 7 expr f 60 f 68 Expr8 Experiential 8 expr f 60 f 69 Expr9 Experiential 9 expr f 60 f 70 Res Research res t \N f 71 Res 1 Research 1 res f 70 f 72 Res 2 Research 2 res f 70 f 73 Res 3 Research 3 res f 70 f 74 Res 4 Research 4 res f 70 f 75 Res 5 Research 5 res f 70 f 76 Res 6 Research 6 res f 70 f 77 Res 7 Research 7 res f 70 f 78 Res 8 Research 8 res f 70 f 79 Res 9 Research 9 res f 70 f 80 Ind Individual Study ind t \N f 81 Ind 1 Individual Study 1 ind f 80 f 82 Ind 2 Individual Study 2 ind f 80 f 83 Ind 3 Individual Study 3 ind f 80 f 84 Ind 4 Individual Study 4 ind f 80 f 85 Ind 5 Individual Study 5 ind f 80 f 86 Ind 6 Individual Study 6 ind f 80 f 87 Ind 7 Individual Study 7 ind f 80 f 88 Ind 8 Individual Study 8 ind f 80 f 89 Ind 9 Individual Study 9 ind f 80 f 90 Pso Practice Study Observation pso t \N f 91 Pso 1 Practice Study Observation 1 pso f 90 f 92 Pso 2 Practice Study Observation 2 pso f 90 f 93 Pso 3 Practice Study Observation 3 pso f 90 f 94 Pso 4 Practice Study Observation 4 pso f 90 f 95 Pso 5 Practice Study Observation 5 pso f 90 f 96 Pso 6 Practice Study Observation 6 pso f 90 f 97 Pso 7 Practice Study Observation 7 pso f 90 f 98 Pso 8 Practice Study Observation 8 pso f 90 f 99 Pso 9 Practice Study Observation 9 pso f 90 f \. -- -- Data for Name: jenrl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.jenrl (uniqueid, jenrl, solution_id, class1_id, class2_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: lastlike_course_demand; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.lastlike_course_demand (uniqueid, student_id, subject_area_id, course_nbr, priority, course_perm_id) FROM stdin; 224760 223384 767 101 1 \N 224761 223384 775 101 2 \N 224762 223384 766 101 3 \N 224763 223384 777 101 4 \N 224764 223384 761 101 0 \N 224765 223385 761 101 0 \N 224766 223385 767 101 1 \N 224767 223385 775 101 2 \N 224768 223385 766 101 3 \N 224769 223385 769 101 4 \N 224770 223386 768 101 1 \N 224771 223386 775 101 2 \N 224772 223386 766 101 3 \N 224773 223386 763 101 4 \N 224774 223386 771 101 0 \N 224775 223387 762 101 1 \N 224776 223387 765 101 2 \N 224777 223387 771 101 3 \N 224778 223387 781 101 4 \N 224779 223387 768 101 5 \N 224780 223388 762 101 1 \N 224781 223388 765 101 2 \N 224782 223388 771 101 3 \N 224783 223388 781 101 4 \N 224784 223388 768 101 5 \N 224785 223389 762 101 1 \N 224786 223389 765 101 2 \N 224787 223389 771 101 3 \N 224788 223389 781 101 4 \N 224789 223389 768 101 5 \N 224790 223390 765 101 0 \N 224791 223390 773 101 1 \N 224792 223390 779 101 2 \N 224793 223390 771 101 3 \N 224794 223390 767 101 4 \N 224795 223390 764 101 5 \N 224796 223391 765 101 1 \N 224797 223391 762 101 2 \N 224798 223391 779 101 3 \N 224799 223391 771 101 4 \N 224800 223391 767 101 5 \N 224801 223392 765 101 1 \N 224802 223392 773 101 2 \N 224803 223392 779 101 3 \N 224804 223392 771 101 4 \N 224805 223392 768 101 5 \N 224806 223393 765 101 1 \N 224807 223393 773 101 2 \N 224808 223393 763 101 3 \N 224809 223393 771 101 4 \N 224810 223393 768 101 5 \N 224811 223394 762 101 1 \N 224812 223394 767 101 2 \N 224813 223394 774 101 3 \N 224814 223394 775 101 4 \N 224815 223394 778 101 5 \N 224816 223395 768 101 1 \N 224817 223395 769 101 2 \N 224818 223395 772 101 3 \N 224819 223395 770 101 4 \N 224820 223395 764 101 5 \N 224821 223395 767 101 0 \N 224822 223396 777 101 1 \N 224823 223396 770 101 2 \N 224824 223396 780 101 3 \N 224825 223396 772 101 4 \N 224826 223396 773 101 5 \N 224827 223397 762 101 1 \N 224828 223397 782 101 2 \N 224829 223397 765 101 3 \N 224830 223397 771 101 4 \N 224831 223397 768 101 5 \N 224832 223398 762 101 1 \N 224833 223398 782 101 2 \N 224834 223398 765 101 3 \N 224835 223398 771 101 4 \N 224836 223398 769 101 5 \N 224837 223399 762 101 1 \N 224838 223399 782 101 2 \N 224839 223399 765 101 3 \N 224840 223399 771 101 4 \N 224841 223399 778 101 5 \N 224842 223400 774 101 0 \N 224843 223400 762 101 1 \N 224844 223400 765 101 2 \N 224845 223400 768 101 3 \N 224846 223400 778 101 4 \N 224847 223401 770 101 1 \N 224848 223401 762 101 2 \N 224849 223401 765 101 3 \N 224850 223401 768 101 4 \N 224851 223401 769 101 5 \N 224852 223402 763 101 1 \N 224853 223402 773 101 2 \N 224854 223402 771 101 3 \N 224855 223402 767 101 4 \N 224856 223402 774 101 5 \N 231738 223384 807 101 3 \N 231739 223385 807 101 3 \N 231740 223386 802 101 4 \N 231741 223389 805 101 2 \N 231742 223391 801 101 2 \N 231743 223392 816 101 2 \N 231744 223399 805 101 3 \N 231745 223399 820 101 5 \N 231746 223401 811 101 1 \N 231747 223384 806 101 1 \N 231748 223385 799 101 0 \N 231749 223388 805 101 2 \N 231750 223392 803 101 4 \N 231751 223394 820 101 5 \N 231752 223395 811 101 4 \N 231753 223398 803 101 4 \N 231754 223401 805 101 3 \N 231755 223402 806 101 4 \N 231756 223384 799 101 0 \N 231757 223384 818 101 2 \N 231758 223384 819 101 4 \N 231759 223386 818 101 2 \N 231760 223387 814 101 4 \N 231761 223390 803 101 3 \N 231762 223390 805 101 0 \N 231763 223391 805 101 1 \N 231764 223392 808 101 5 \N 231765 223393 816 101 2 \N 231766 223395 810 101 2 \N 231767 223398 801 101 1 \N 231768 223399 801 101 1 \N 231769 223400 820 101 4 \N 231770 223401 801 101 2 \N 231771 223401 810 101 5 \N 231772 223402 817 101 5 \N 231773 223385 806 101 1 \N 231774 223387 805 101 2 \N 231775 223388 803 101 3 \N 231776 223388 808 101 5 \N 231777 223389 801 101 1 \N 231778 223390 809 101 2 \N 231779 223393 805 101 1 \N 231780 223395 808 101 1 \N 231781 223396 815 101 4 \N 231782 223396 816 101 5 \N 231783 223397 808 101 5 \N 231784 223398 813 101 2 \N 231785 223400 817 101 0 \N 231786 223385 810 101 4 \N 231787 223387 801 101 1 \N 231788 223387 803 101 3 \N 231789 223390 800 101 5 \N 231790 223391 806 101 5 \N 231791 223391 809 101 3 \N 231792 223392 805 101 1 \N 231793 223393 808 101 5 \N 231794 223394 806 101 2 \N 231795 223395 800 101 5 \N 231796 223397 813 101 2 \N 231797 223400 805 101 2 \N 231798 223402 803 101 3 \N 231801 223385 818 101 2 \N 231802 223386 803 101 0 \N 231803 223386 807 101 3 \N 231804 223386 808 101 1 \N 231805 223388 801 101 1 \N 231806 223389 808 101 5 \N 231807 223390 816 101 1 \N 231808 223391 803 101 4 \N 231809 223392 809 101 3 \N 231810 223393 803 101 4 \N 231811 223395 806 101 0 \N 231812 223396 811 101 2 \N 231813 223397 801 101 1 \N 231814 223397 803 101 4 \N 231815 223399 803 101 4 \N 231816 223400 801 101 1 \N 231817 223402 816 101 2 \N 231820 223394 801 101 1 \N 231821 223395 815 101 3 \N 231822 223396 812 101 3 \N 231823 223397 805 101 3 \N 231824 223399 813 101 2 \N 231825 223401 808 101 4 \N 231826 223387 808 101 5 \N 231827 223388 814 101 4 \N 231828 223389 803 101 3 \N 231829 223389 814 101 4 \N 231830 223390 806 101 4 \N 231831 223393 802 101 3 \N 231832 223394 817 101 3 \N 231833 223394 818 101 4 \N 231834 223396 819 101 1 \N 231835 223398 805 101 3 \N 231836 223398 810 101 5 \N 231837 223400 808 101 3 \N 231838 223402 802 101 1 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: location_picture; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.location_picture (uniqueid, location_id, data_file, file_name, content_type, time_stamp, type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: location_service_provider; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.location_service_provider (location_id, provider_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: manager_settings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.manager_settings (uniqueid, key_id, value, user_uniqueid) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: map_tiles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.map_tiles (z, x, y, data, time_stamp) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: meeting; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.meeting (uniqueid, event_id, meeting_date, start_period, start_offset, stop_period, stop_offset, location_perm_id, class_can_override, approval_date, approval_status) FROM stdin; 226648 226646 2007-10-17 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226649 226646 2007-09-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226650 226646 2007-11-28 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226651 226646 2007-12-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226652 226646 2007-08-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226653 226646 2007-11-14 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226654 226646 2007-10-03 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226655 226646 2007-08-22 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226656 226646 2007-10-31 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226657 226646 2007-11-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226658 226646 2007-09-19 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226659 226646 2007-10-10 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226660 226646 2007-09-12 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226661 226646 2007-09-26 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226662 226646 2007-10-24 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226665 226663 2007-12-06 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226666 226663 2007-10-04 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226667 226663 2007-09-11 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226668 226663 2007-11-08 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226669 226663 2007-10-02 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226670 226663 2007-10-23 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226671 226663 2007-10-16 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226672 226663 2007-10-18 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226673 226663 2007-09-25 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226674 226663 2007-11-13 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226675 226663 2007-09-04 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226676 226663 2007-11-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226677 226663 2007-10-11 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226678 226663 2007-11-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226679 226663 2007-12-04 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226680 226663 2007-11-06 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226681 226663 2007-09-06 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226682 226663 2007-09-18 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226683 226663 2007-11-20 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226684 226663 2007-10-30 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226685 226663 2007-09-13 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226686 226663 2007-08-23 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226687 226663 2007-08-28 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226688 226663 2007-09-20 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226689 226663 2007-11-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226690 226663 2007-08-30 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226691 226663 2007-08-21 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226692 226663 2007-10-25 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226693 226663 2007-09-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226694 226663 2007-11-15 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226697 226695 2007-12-04 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226698 226695 2007-10-11 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226699 226695 2007-10-04 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226700 226695 2007-09-13 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226701 226695 2007-10-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226702 226695 2007-11-20 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226703 226695 2007-11-01 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226704 226695 2007-08-23 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226705 226695 2007-10-02 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226706 226695 2007-08-21 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226707 226695 2007-10-23 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226708 226695 2007-09-06 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226709 226695 2007-11-13 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226710 226695 2007-08-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226711 226695 2007-11-06 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226712 226695 2007-09-18 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226713 226695 2007-09-11 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226714 226695 2007-12-06 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226715 226695 2007-11-29 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226716 226695 2007-10-18 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226717 226695 2007-09-25 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226718 226695 2007-11-15 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226719 226695 2007-09-20 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226720 226695 2007-09-27 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226721 226695 2007-09-04 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226722 226695 2007-11-08 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226723 226695 2007-10-16 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226724 226695 2007-10-25 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226725 226695 2007-08-28 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226726 226695 2007-11-27 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226729 226727 2007-12-06 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226730 226727 2007-10-11 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226731 226727 2007-09-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226732 226727 2007-09-13 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226733 226727 2007-09-20 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226734 226727 2007-10-18 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226735 226727 2007-10-25 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226736 226727 2007-09-06 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226737 226727 2007-11-15 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226738 226727 2007-08-23 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226739 226727 2007-10-04 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226740 226727 2007-11-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226741 226727 2007-11-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226742 226727 2007-11-08 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226743 226727 2007-08-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226746 226744 2007-10-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226747 226744 2007-09-24 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226748 226744 2007-11-02 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226749 226744 2007-10-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226750 226744 2007-09-10 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226751 226744 2007-09-26 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226752 226744 2007-12-03 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226753 226744 2007-10-22 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226754 226744 2007-10-19 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226755 226744 2007-11-19 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226756 226744 2007-11-16 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226757 226744 2007-09-17 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226758 226744 2007-10-24 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226759 226744 2007-10-31 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226760 226744 2007-12-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226761 226744 2007-11-09 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226762 226744 2007-11-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226763 226744 2007-09-21 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226764 226744 2007-11-28 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226765 226744 2007-08-24 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226766 226744 2007-10-15 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226767 226744 2007-11-26 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226768 226744 2007-08-20 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226769 226744 2007-12-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226770 226744 2007-10-26 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226771 226744 2007-08-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226772 226744 2007-09-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226773 226744 2007-08-22 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226774 226744 2007-10-17 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226775 226744 2007-09-14 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226776 226744 2007-10-03 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226777 226744 2007-08-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226778 226744 2007-10-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226779 226744 2007-11-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226780 226744 2007-09-12 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226781 226744 2007-11-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226782 226744 2007-09-28 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226783 226744 2007-09-19 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226784 226744 2007-11-14 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226785 226744 2007-11-12 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226786 226744 2007-08-31 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226787 226744 2007-10-10 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226788 226744 2007-10-12 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226789 226744 2007-09-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226792 226790 2007-09-25 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226793 226790 2007-10-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226794 226790 2007-10-02 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226795 226790 2007-08-21 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226796 226790 2007-10-23 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226797 226790 2007-08-28 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226798 226790 2007-12-04 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226799 226790 2007-09-11 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226800 226790 2007-11-20 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226801 226790 2007-09-04 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226802 226790 2007-09-18 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226803 226790 2007-11-13 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226804 226790 2007-10-16 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226805 226790 2007-11-06 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226806 226790 2007-11-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226809 226807 2007-10-24 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226810 226807 2007-09-24 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226811 226807 2007-09-28 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226812 226807 2007-09-14 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226813 226807 2007-10-10 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226814 226807 2007-11-07 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226815 226807 2007-10-31 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226816 226807 2007-10-01 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226817 226807 2007-11-02 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226818 226807 2007-10-19 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226819 226807 2007-08-31 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226820 226807 2007-10-12 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226821 226807 2007-11-12 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226822 226807 2007-08-22 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226823 226807 2007-11-14 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226824 226807 2007-08-20 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226825 226807 2007-10-15 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226826 226807 2007-09-12 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226827 226807 2007-11-09 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226828 226807 2007-11-16 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226829 226807 2007-12-07 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226830 226807 2007-10-03 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226831 226807 2007-09-10 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226832 226807 2007-12-03 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226833 226807 2007-10-05 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226834 226807 2007-11-26 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226835 226807 2007-11-19 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226836 226807 2007-09-26 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226837 226807 2007-08-27 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226838 226807 2007-08-29 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226839 226807 2007-09-19 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226840 226807 2007-09-17 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226841 226807 2007-08-24 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226842 226807 2007-11-05 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226843 226807 2007-10-29 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226844 226807 2007-09-07 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226845 226807 2007-12-05 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226846 226807 2007-11-30 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226847 226807 2007-09-05 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226848 226807 2007-10-22 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226849 226807 2007-10-17 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226850 226807 2007-10-26 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226851 226807 2007-11-28 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226852 226807 2007-09-21 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226855 226853 2007-11-16 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226856 226853 2007-10-10 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226857 226853 2007-08-24 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226858 226853 2007-09-26 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226859 226853 2007-10-24 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226860 226853 2007-11-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226861 226853 2007-09-28 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226862 226853 2007-09-14 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226863 226853 2007-10-03 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226864 226853 2007-10-05 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226865 226853 2007-10-12 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226866 226853 2007-11-14 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226867 226853 2007-09-21 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226868 226853 2007-08-31 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226869 226853 2007-09-05 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226870 226853 2007-11-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226871 226853 2007-11-28 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226872 226853 2007-09-12 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226873 226853 2007-10-31 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226874 226853 2007-08-29 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226875 226853 2007-10-17 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226876 226853 2007-12-05 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226877 226853 2007-09-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226878 226853 2007-10-26 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226879 226853 2007-09-19 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226880 226853 2007-11-02 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226881 226853 2007-12-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226882 226853 2007-08-22 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226883 226853 2007-10-19 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226884 226853 2007-11-09 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226887 226885 2007-10-26 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226888 226885 2007-08-31 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226889 226885 2007-09-14 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226890 226885 2007-10-19 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226891 226885 2007-11-19 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226892 226885 2007-09-24 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226893 226885 2007-11-28 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226894 226885 2007-08-24 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226895 226885 2007-10-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226896 226885 2007-11-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226897 226885 2007-09-28 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226898 226885 2007-10-24 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226899 226885 2007-08-22 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226900 226885 2007-12-03 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226901 226885 2007-09-10 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226902 226885 2007-09-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226903 226885 2007-10-12 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226904 226885 2007-08-20 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226905 226885 2007-10-03 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226906 226885 2007-09-12 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226907 226885 2007-11-30 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226908 226885 2007-10-17 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226909 226885 2007-11-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226910 226885 2007-11-02 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226911 226885 2007-11-16 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226912 226885 2007-10-31 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226913 226885 2007-11-14 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226914 226885 2007-09-19 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226915 226885 2007-10-29 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226916 226885 2007-09-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226917 226885 2007-09-17 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226918 226885 2007-09-21 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226919 226885 2007-09-26 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226920 226885 2007-12-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226921 226885 2007-08-29 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226922 226885 2007-08-27 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226923 226885 2007-11-26 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226924 226885 2007-11-12 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226925 226885 2007-10-01 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226926 226885 2007-12-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226927 226885 2007-11-09 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226928 226885 2007-10-22 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226929 226885 2007-10-15 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226930 226885 2007-10-10 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226933 226931 2007-11-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226934 226931 2007-12-03 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226935 226931 2007-09-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226936 226931 2007-11-26 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226937 226931 2007-09-28 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226938 226931 2007-11-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226939 226931 2007-08-20 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226940 226931 2007-09-17 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226941 226931 2007-11-16 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226942 226931 2007-11-02 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226943 226931 2007-11-12 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226944 226931 2007-09-14 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226945 226931 2007-10-19 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226946 226931 2007-10-22 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226947 226931 2007-10-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226948 226931 2007-11-09 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226949 226931 2007-09-24 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226950 226931 2007-10-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226951 226931 2007-10-15 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226952 226931 2007-08-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226953 226931 2007-11-19 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226954 226931 2007-12-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226955 226931 2007-08-31 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226956 226931 2007-09-21 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226957 226931 2007-10-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226958 226931 2007-08-24 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226959 226931 2007-09-10 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226960 226931 2007-10-12 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226961 226931 2007-10-26 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226964 226962 2007-11-29 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226965 226962 2007-09-06 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226966 226962 2007-09-20 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226967 226962 2007-09-25 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226968 226962 2007-10-04 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226969 226962 2007-11-06 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226970 226962 2007-08-23 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226971 226962 2007-10-16 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226972 226962 2007-09-18 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226973 226962 2007-08-30 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226974 226962 2007-08-28 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226975 226962 2007-10-18 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226976 226962 2007-11-13 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226977 226962 2007-11-08 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226978 226962 2007-12-04 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226979 226962 2007-12-06 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226980 226962 2007-09-27 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226981 226962 2007-10-02 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226982 226962 2007-10-11 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226983 226962 2007-10-30 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226984 226962 2007-09-04 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226985 226962 2007-11-27 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226986 226962 2007-09-11 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226987 226962 2007-10-23 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226988 226962 2007-08-21 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226989 226962 2007-09-13 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226990 226962 2007-11-15 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226991 226962 2007-11-20 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226992 226962 2007-10-25 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226993 226962 2007-11-01 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226996 226994 2007-10-15 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226997 226994 2007-12-03 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226998 226994 2007-10-22 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 226999 226994 2007-11-12 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227000 226994 2007-09-17 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227001 226994 2007-08-20 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227002 226994 2007-09-10 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227003 226994 2007-10-29 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227004 226994 2007-10-01 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227005 226994 2007-08-27 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227006 226994 2007-09-24 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227007 226994 2007-11-19 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227008 226994 2007-11-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227009 226994 2007-11-26 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227012 227010 2007-12-04 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227013 227010 2007-11-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227014 227010 2007-08-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227015 227010 2007-09-10 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227016 227010 2007-09-06 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227017 227010 2007-10-25 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227018 227010 2007-11-15 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227019 227010 2007-08-31 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227020 227010 2007-08-20 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227021 227010 2007-08-23 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227022 227010 2007-11-09 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227023 227010 2007-11-13 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227024 227010 2007-09-12 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227025 227010 2007-11-14 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227026 227010 2007-11-02 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227027 227010 2007-11-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227028 227010 2007-12-03 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227029 227010 2007-09-28 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227030 227010 2007-09-25 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227031 227010 2007-12-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227032 227010 2007-08-22 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227033 227010 2007-10-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227034 227010 2007-10-12 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227035 227010 2007-09-18 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227036 227010 2007-10-11 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227037 227010 2007-11-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227038 227010 2007-11-28 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227039 227010 2007-09-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227040 227010 2007-10-04 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227041 227010 2007-09-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227042 227010 2007-10-26 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227043 227010 2007-08-21 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227044 227010 2007-10-23 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227045 227010 2007-11-08 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227046 227010 2007-09-14 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227047 227010 2007-11-26 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227048 227010 2007-10-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227049 227010 2007-10-15 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227050 227010 2007-11-19 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227051 227010 2007-08-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227052 227010 2007-09-13 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227053 227010 2007-11-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227054 227010 2007-11-20 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227055 227010 2007-10-24 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227056 227010 2007-11-06 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227057 227010 2007-10-31 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227058 227010 2007-10-19 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227059 227010 2007-10-22 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227060 227010 2007-09-20 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227061 227010 2007-08-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227062 227010 2007-10-16 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227063 227010 2007-10-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227064 227010 2007-10-18 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227065 227010 2007-08-24 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227066 227010 2007-09-04 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227067 227010 2007-09-26 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227068 227010 2007-10-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227069 227010 2007-12-06 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227070 227010 2007-11-16 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227071 227010 2007-10-10 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227072 227010 2007-12-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227073 227010 2007-09-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227074 227010 2007-09-21 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227075 227010 2007-09-19 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227076 227010 2007-11-12 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227077 227010 2007-10-03 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227078 227010 2007-10-17 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227079 227010 2007-09-11 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227080 227010 2007-08-28 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227081 227010 2007-11-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227082 227010 2007-09-17 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227083 227010 2007-11-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227084 227010 2007-10-02 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227085 227010 2007-09-24 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227088 227086 2007-11-05 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227089 227086 2007-11-12 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227090 227086 2007-09-24 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227091 227086 2007-11-19 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227092 227086 2007-10-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227093 227086 2007-08-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227094 227086 2007-10-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227095 227086 2007-09-26 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227096 227086 2007-10-10 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227097 227086 2007-09-10 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227098 227086 2007-11-14 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227099 227086 2007-08-20 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227100 227086 2007-11-28 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227101 227086 2007-12-05 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227102 227086 2007-09-19 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227103 227086 2007-09-05 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227104 227086 2007-10-17 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227105 227086 2007-11-26 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227106 227086 2007-08-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227107 227086 2007-11-07 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227108 227086 2007-09-12 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227109 227086 2007-08-22 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227110 227086 2007-10-24 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227111 227086 2007-10-15 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227112 227086 2007-10-31 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227113 227086 2007-09-17 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227114 227086 2007-10-22 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227115 227086 2007-10-03 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227116 227086 2007-12-03 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227119 227117 2007-10-26 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227120 227117 2007-11-02 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227121 227117 2007-10-24 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227122 227117 2007-10-19 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227123 227117 2007-09-26 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227124 227117 2007-09-12 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227125 227117 2007-09-28 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227126 227117 2007-10-31 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227127 227117 2007-10-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227128 227117 2007-09-14 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227129 227117 2007-10-10 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227130 227117 2007-09-21 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227131 227117 2007-11-16 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227132 227117 2007-11-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227133 227117 2007-12-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227134 227117 2007-10-12 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227135 227117 2007-10-17 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227136 227117 2007-08-31 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227137 227117 2007-11-14 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227138 227117 2007-09-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227139 227117 2007-09-19 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227140 227117 2007-12-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227141 227117 2007-08-24 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227142 227117 2007-11-28 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227143 227117 2007-10-03 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227144 227117 2007-11-30 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227145 227117 2007-11-09 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227146 227117 2007-08-29 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227147 227117 2007-08-22 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227148 227117 2007-09-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227151 227149 2007-11-26 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227152 227149 2007-09-21 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227153 227149 2007-09-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227154 227149 2007-08-22 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227155 227149 2007-11-16 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227156 227149 2007-09-26 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227157 227149 2007-08-24 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227158 227149 2007-09-10 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227159 227149 2007-08-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227160 227149 2007-10-19 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227161 227149 2007-09-24 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227162 227149 2007-08-20 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227163 227149 2007-10-31 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227164 227149 2007-10-24 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227165 227149 2007-10-03 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227166 227149 2007-11-09 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227167 227149 2007-11-02 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227168 227149 2007-10-17 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227169 227149 2007-11-28 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227170 227149 2007-11-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227171 227149 2007-10-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227172 227149 2007-10-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227173 227149 2007-10-26 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227174 227149 2007-09-17 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227175 227149 2007-08-31 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227176 227149 2007-10-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227177 227149 2007-09-19 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227178 227149 2007-10-12 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227179 227149 2007-11-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227180 227149 2007-09-28 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227181 227149 2007-09-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227182 227149 2007-11-14 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227183 227149 2007-11-19 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227184 227149 2007-10-22 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227185 227149 2007-08-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227186 227149 2007-12-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227187 227149 2007-09-14 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227188 227149 2007-10-10 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227189 227149 2007-12-03 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227190 227149 2007-09-12 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227191 227149 2007-10-15 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227192 227149 2007-12-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227193 227149 2007-11-12 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227194 227149 2007-11-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227197 227195 2007-10-16 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227198 227195 2007-08-21 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227199 227195 2007-12-04 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227200 227195 2007-11-13 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227201 227195 2007-09-18 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227202 227195 2007-09-13 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227203 227195 2007-09-27 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227204 227195 2007-08-23 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227205 227195 2007-11-29 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227206 227195 2007-11-27 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227207 227195 2007-09-20 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227208 227195 2007-09-06 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227209 227195 2007-09-04 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227210 227195 2007-08-28 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227211 227195 2007-11-08 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227212 227195 2007-10-30 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227213 227195 2007-10-02 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227214 227195 2007-10-25 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227215 227195 2007-10-11 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227216 227195 2007-09-25 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227217 227195 2007-11-01 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227218 227195 2007-11-15 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227219 227195 2007-11-20 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227220 227195 2007-10-18 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227221 227195 2007-10-23 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227222 227195 2007-11-06 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227223 227195 2007-09-11 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227224 227195 2007-08-30 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227225 227195 2007-10-04 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227226 227195 2007-12-06 90 0 108 -15 1 f 2008-05-07 1 227229 227227 2007-10-17 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227230 227227 2007-09-24 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227231 227227 2007-09-21 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227232 227227 2007-08-31 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227233 227227 2007-11-14 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227234 227227 2007-09-14 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227235 227227 2007-08-27 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227236 227227 2007-08-20 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227237 227227 2007-09-28 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227238 227227 2007-10-12 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227239 227227 2007-08-22 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227240 227227 2007-08-29 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227241 227227 2007-11-07 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227242 227227 2007-10-22 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227243 227227 2007-10-10 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227244 227227 2007-09-05 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227245 227227 2007-11-26 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227246 227227 2007-11-02 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227247 227227 2007-09-07 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227248 227227 2007-12-05 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227249 227227 2007-10-26 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227250 227227 2007-09-19 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227251 227227 2007-11-05 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227252 227227 2007-10-15 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227253 227227 2007-11-19 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227254 227227 2007-10-24 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227255 227227 2007-09-26 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227256 227227 2007-11-12 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227257 227227 2007-09-12 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227258 227227 2007-11-09 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227259 227227 2007-09-17 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227260 227227 2007-10-19 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227261 227227 2007-10-31 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227262 227227 2007-10-29 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227263 227227 2007-11-28 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227264 227227 2007-10-01 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227265 227227 2007-10-03 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227266 227227 2007-11-30 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227267 227227 2007-10-05 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227268 227227 2007-11-16 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227269 227227 2007-08-24 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227270 227227 2007-12-03 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227271 227227 2007-09-10 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227272 227227 2007-12-07 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227275 227273 2007-10-10 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227276 227273 2007-10-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227277 227273 2007-12-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227278 227273 2007-08-22 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227279 227273 2007-09-26 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227280 227273 2007-09-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227281 227273 2007-11-14 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227282 227273 2007-09-21 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227283 227273 2007-09-19 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227284 227273 2007-09-17 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227285 227273 2007-11-28 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227286 227273 2007-11-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227287 227273 2007-12-03 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227288 227273 2007-11-16 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227289 227273 2007-08-24 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227290 227273 2007-08-20 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227291 227273 2007-11-02 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227292 227273 2007-10-15 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227293 227273 2007-11-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227294 227273 2007-10-19 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227295 227273 2007-09-24 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227296 227273 2007-11-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227297 227273 2007-09-28 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227298 227273 2007-09-10 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227299 227273 2007-11-19 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227300 227273 2007-10-17 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227301 227273 2007-10-24 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227302 227273 2007-10-26 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227303 227273 2007-09-12 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227304 227273 2007-09-14 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227305 227273 2007-08-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227306 227273 2007-11-26 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227307 227273 2007-11-12 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227308 227273 2007-11-09 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227309 227273 2007-10-12 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227310 227273 2007-08-31 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227311 227273 2007-10-03 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227312 227273 2007-10-22 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227313 227273 2007-09-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227314 227273 2007-10-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227315 227273 2007-12-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227316 227273 2007-10-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227317 227273 2007-08-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227318 227273 2007-10-31 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227321 227319 2007-09-13 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227322 227319 2007-08-23 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227323 227319 2007-10-18 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227324 227319 2007-11-08 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227325 227319 2007-10-04 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227326 227319 2007-09-06 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227327 227319 2007-11-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227328 227319 2007-09-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227329 227319 2007-12-06 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227330 227319 2007-09-20 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227331 227319 2007-10-11 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227332 227319 2007-11-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227333 227319 2007-08-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227334 227319 2007-10-25 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227335 227319 2007-11-15 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227338 227336 2007-10-26 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227339 227336 2007-09-12 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227340 227336 2007-09-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227341 227336 2007-10-31 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227342 227336 2007-10-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227343 227336 2007-11-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227344 227336 2007-10-24 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227345 227336 2007-08-22 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227346 227336 2007-09-24 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227347 227336 2007-11-14 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227348 227336 2007-09-28 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227349 227336 2007-11-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227350 227336 2007-09-21 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227351 227336 2007-10-19 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227352 227336 2007-09-26 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227353 227336 2007-09-17 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227354 227336 2007-08-20 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227355 227336 2007-11-19 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227356 227336 2007-11-02 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227357 227336 2007-10-10 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227358 227336 2007-10-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227359 227336 2007-08-24 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227360 227336 2007-10-17 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227361 227336 2007-09-10 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227362 227336 2007-08-31 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227363 227336 2007-11-09 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227364 227336 2007-12-03 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227365 227336 2007-08-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227366 227336 2007-12-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227367 227336 2007-09-19 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227368 227336 2007-10-03 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227369 227336 2007-11-12 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227370 227336 2007-08-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227371 227336 2007-10-15 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227372 227336 2007-11-28 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227373 227336 2007-11-26 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227374 227336 2007-09-14 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227375 227336 2007-09-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227376 227336 2007-10-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227377 227336 2007-11-16 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227378 227336 2007-10-22 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227379 227336 2007-10-12 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227380 227336 2007-11-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227381 227336 2007-12-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227384 227382 2007-08-20 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227385 227382 2007-10-01 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227386 227382 2007-10-22 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227387 227382 2007-11-05 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227388 227382 2007-11-26 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227389 227382 2007-09-17 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227390 227382 2007-09-24 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227391 227382 2007-09-10 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227392 227382 2007-12-03 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227393 227382 2007-11-19 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227394 227382 2007-08-27 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227395 227382 2007-10-29 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227396 227382 2007-10-15 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227397 227382 2007-11-12 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227400 227398 2007-09-19 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227401 227398 2007-10-12 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227402 227398 2007-11-19 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227403 227398 2007-11-05 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227404 227398 2007-12-03 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227405 227398 2007-08-24 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227406 227398 2007-10-03 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227407 227398 2007-10-19 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227408 227398 2007-11-14 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227409 227398 2007-09-28 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227410 227398 2007-11-26 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227411 227398 2007-10-17 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227412 227398 2007-09-26 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227413 227398 2007-08-22 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227414 227398 2007-09-17 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227415 227398 2007-11-07 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227416 227398 2007-09-12 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227417 227398 2007-11-12 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227418 227398 2007-09-14 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227419 227398 2007-08-27 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227420 227398 2007-09-10 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227421 227398 2007-10-01 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227422 227398 2007-08-31 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227423 227398 2007-11-16 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227424 227398 2007-10-24 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227425 227398 2007-11-30 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227426 227398 2007-10-22 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227427 227398 2007-09-24 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227428 227398 2007-08-20 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227429 227398 2007-10-26 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227430 227398 2007-11-09 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227431 227398 2007-11-02 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227432 227398 2007-12-05 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227433 227398 2007-12-07 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227434 227398 2007-09-05 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227435 227398 2007-08-29 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227436 227398 2007-09-07 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227437 227398 2007-10-10 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227438 227398 2007-10-31 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227439 227398 2007-09-21 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227440 227398 2007-10-15 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227441 227398 2007-11-28 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227442 227398 2007-10-29 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227443 227398 2007-10-05 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227446 227444 2007-09-11 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227447 227444 2007-10-02 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227448 227444 2007-11-13 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227449 227444 2007-10-23 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227450 227444 2007-09-25 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227451 227444 2007-09-18 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227452 227444 2007-12-04 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227453 227444 2007-10-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227454 227444 2007-09-04 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227455 227444 2007-11-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227456 227444 2007-08-21 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227457 227444 2007-10-16 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227458 227444 2007-11-20 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227459 227444 2007-08-28 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227460 227444 2007-11-06 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227463 227461 2007-08-21 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227464 227461 2007-10-16 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227465 227461 2007-09-04 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227466 227461 2007-08-28 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227467 227461 2007-09-25 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227468 227461 2007-11-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227469 227461 2007-11-20 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227470 227461 2007-12-04 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227471 227461 2007-10-23 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227472 227461 2007-11-13 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227473 227461 2007-11-06 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227474 227461 2007-10-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227475 227461 2007-09-11 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227476 227461 2007-10-02 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227477 227461 2007-09-18 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227480 227478 2007-10-05 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227481 227478 2007-08-31 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227482 227478 2007-11-30 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227483 227478 2007-09-21 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227484 227478 2007-09-14 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227485 227478 2007-10-26 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227486 227478 2007-09-07 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227487 227478 2007-12-07 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227488 227478 2007-10-12 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227489 227478 2007-10-19 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227490 227478 2007-11-09 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227491 227478 2007-09-28 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227492 227478 2007-08-24 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227493 227478 2007-11-16 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227494 227478 2007-11-02 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227497 227495 2007-11-28 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227498 227495 2007-08-22 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227499 227495 2007-10-10 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227500 227495 2007-08-29 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227501 227495 2007-10-24 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227502 227495 2007-09-05 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227503 227495 2007-09-19 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227504 227495 2007-09-26 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227505 227495 2007-11-07 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227506 227495 2007-11-14 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227507 227495 2007-09-12 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227508 227495 2007-10-31 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227509 227495 2007-10-03 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227510 227495 2007-10-17 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227511 227495 2007-12-05 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227514 227512 2007-10-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227515 227512 2007-11-12 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227516 227512 2007-09-24 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227517 227512 2007-11-02 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227518 227512 2007-11-09 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227519 227512 2007-10-15 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227520 227512 2007-10-24 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227521 227512 2007-08-31 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227522 227512 2007-10-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227523 227512 2007-09-12 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227524 227512 2007-10-31 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227525 227512 2007-08-20 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227526 227512 2007-09-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227527 227512 2007-09-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227528 227512 2007-08-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227529 227512 2007-11-19 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227530 227512 2007-10-10 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227531 227512 2007-10-12 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227532 227512 2007-12-03 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227533 227512 2007-11-16 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227534 227512 2007-08-24 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227535 227512 2007-09-26 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227536 227512 2007-12-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227537 227512 2007-09-21 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227538 227512 2007-10-19 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227539 227512 2007-11-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227540 227512 2007-12-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227541 227512 2007-10-17 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227542 227512 2007-09-14 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227543 227512 2007-08-22 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227544 227512 2007-11-28 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227545 227512 2007-10-26 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227546 227512 2007-11-14 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227547 227512 2007-11-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227548 227512 2007-09-28 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227549 227512 2007-10-03 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227550 227512 2007-09-19 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227551 227512 2007-09-10 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227552 227512 2007-10-22 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227553 227512 2007-08-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227554 227512 2007-11-26 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227555 227512 2007-11-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227556 227512 2007-10-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227557 227512 2007-09-17 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227560 227558 2007-11-15 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227561 227558 2007-08-23 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227562 227558 2007-10-04 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227563 227558 2007-09-13 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227564 227558 2007-09-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227565 227558 2007-12-06 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227566 227558 2007-09-06 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227567 227558 2007-10-25 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227568 227558 2007-10-18 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227569 227558 2007-11-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227570 227558 2007-10-11 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227571 227558 2007-09-20 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227572 227558 2007-11-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227573 227558 2007-11-08 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227574 227558 2007-08-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227577 227575 2007-11-20 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227578 227575 2007-10-02 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227579 227575 2007-08-28 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227580 227575 2007-11-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227581 227575 2007-12-04 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227582 227575 2007-09-04 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227583 227575 2007-09-18 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227584 227575 2007-09-11 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227585 227575 2007-09-25 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227586 227575 2007-10-23 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227587 227575 2007-11-13 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227588 227575 2007-10-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227589 227575 2007-10-16 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227590 227575 2007-11-06 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227591 227575 2007-08-21 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227594 227592 2007-10-24 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227595 227592 2007-09-12 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227596 227592 2007-09-07 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227597 227592 2007-09-21 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227598 227592 2007-11-30 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227599 227592 2007-11-09 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227600 227592 2007-10-19 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227601 227592 2007-09-19 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227602 227592 2007-12-03 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227603 227592 2007-10-26 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227604 227592 2007-09-17 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227605 227592 2007-08-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227606 227592 2007-10-22 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227607 227592 2007-11-14 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227608 227592 2007-10-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227609 227592 2007-11-28 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227610 227592 2007-12-07 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227611 227592 2007-11-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227612 227592 2007-11-02 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227613 227592 2007-08-20 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227614 227592 2007-10-31 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227615 227592 2007-09-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227616 227592 2007-10-15 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227617 227592 2007-10-10 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227618 227592 2007-10-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227619 227592 2007-08-24 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227620 227592 2007-12-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227621 227592 2007-11-16 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227622 227592 2007-09-10 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227623 227592 2007-10-17 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227624 227592 2007-11-07 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227625 227592 2007-10-03 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227626 227592 2007-08-22 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227627 227592 2007-11-19 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227628 227592 2007-08-31 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227629 227592 2007-10-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227630 227592 2007-11-26 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227631 227592 2007-09-24 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227632 227592 2007-11-12 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227633 227592 2007-09-14 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227634 227592 2007-09-28 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227635 227592 2007-08-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227636 227592 2007-09-26 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227637 227592 2007-10-12 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227640 227638 2007-09-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227641 227638 2007-12-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227642 227638 2007-08-20 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227643 227638 2007-09-26 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227644 227638 2007-11-19 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227645 227638 2007-10-19 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227646 227638 2007-11-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227647 227638 2007-11-14 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227648 227638 2007-09-19 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227649 227638 2007-10-17 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227650 227638 2007-11-26 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227651 227638 2007-11-16 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227652 227638 2007-12-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227653 227638 2007-08-22 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227654 227638 2007-10-24 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227655 227638 2007-10-03 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227656 227638 2007-10-26 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227657 227638 2007-09-28 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227658 227638 2007-09-21 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227659 227638 2007-10-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227660 227638 2007-09-17 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227661 227638 2007-09-10 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227662 227638 2007-08-24 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227663 227638 2007-10-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227664 227638 2007-10-22 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227665 227638 2007-12-03 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227666 227638 2007-10-31 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227667 227638 2007-09-14 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227668 227638 2007-09-12 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227669 227638 2007-09-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227670 227638 2007-08-31 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227671 227638 2007-10-12 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227672 227638 2007-11-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227673 227638 2007-11-28 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227674 227638 2007-10-10 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227675 227638 2007-10-15 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227676 227638 2007-11-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227677 227638 2007-08-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227678 227638 2007-09-24 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227679 227638 2007-11-02 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227680 227638 2007-11-09 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227681 227638 2007-10-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227682 227638 2007-08-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227683 227638 2007-11-12 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227686 227684 2007-10-29 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227687 227684 2007-09-19 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227688 227684 2007-08-29 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227689 227684 2007-09-10 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227690 227684 2007-08-20 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227691 227684 2007-11-12 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227692 227684 2007-12-07 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227693 227684 2007-08-31 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227694 227684 2007-10-17 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227695 227684 2007-10-24 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227696 227684 2007-11-02 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227697 227684 2007-10-31 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227698 227684 2007-09-12 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227699 227684 2007-10-26 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227700 227684 2007-11-05 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227701 227684 2007-11-09 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227702 227684 2007-09-21 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227703 227684 2007-10-10 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227704 227684 2007-11-30 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227705 227684 2007-11-26 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227706 227684 2007-10-22 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227707 227684 2007-09-24 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227708 227684 2007-10-12 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227709 227684 2007-10-03 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227710 227684 2007-09-26 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227711 227684 2007-12-03 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227712 227684 2007-08-27 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227713 227684 2007-11-14 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227714 227684 2007-10-15 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227715 227684 2007-09-17 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227716 227684 2007-09-28 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227717 227684 2007-09-14 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227718 227684 2007-12-05 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227719 227684 2007-08-24 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227720 227684 2007-11-07 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227721 227684 2007-10-05 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227722 227684 2007-11-19 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227723 227684 2007-11-16 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227724 227684 2007-10-01 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227725 227684 2007-09-05 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227726 227684 2007-09-07 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227727 227684 2007-08-22 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227728 227684 2007-11-28 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227729 227684 2007-10-19 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227732 227730 2007-09-07 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227733 227730 2007-09-26 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227734 227730 2007-10-31 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227735 227730 2007-09-14 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227736 227730 2007-11-12 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227737 227730 2007-11-16 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227738 227730 2007-08-22 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227739 227730 2007-10-01 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227740 227730 2007-09-19 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227741 227730 2007-08-27 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227742 227730 2007-10-29 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227743 227730 2007-10-15 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227744 227730 2007-10-19 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227745 227730 2007-09-05 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227746 227730 2007-12-07 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227747 227730 2007-11-07 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227748 227730 2007-09-24 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227749 227730 2007-08-24 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227750 227730 2007-11-28 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227751 227730 2007-11-02 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227752 227730 2007-09-28 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227753 227730 2007-10-03 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227754 227730 2007-11-05 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227755 227730 2007-10-05 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227756 227730 2007-11-30 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227757 227730 2007-09-12 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227758 227730 2007-08-20 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227759 227730 2007-10-24 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227760 227730 2007-08-31 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227761 227730 2007-11-09 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227762 227730 2007-10-22 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227763 227730 2007-10-10 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227764 227730 2007-11-26 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227765 227730 2007-08-29 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227766 227730 2007-11-19 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227767 227730 2007-10-26 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227768 227730 2007-12-03 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227769 227730 2007-09-21 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227770 227730 2007-09-17 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227771 227730 2007-09-10 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227772 227730 2007-12-05 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227773 227730 2007-11-14 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227774 227730 2007-10-17 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227775 227730 2007-10-12 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227778 227776 2007-10-22 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227779 227776 2007-11-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227780 227776 2007-12-07 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227781 227776 2007-08-22 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227782 227776 2007-10-03 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227783 227776 2007-10-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227784 227776 2007-10-19 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227785 227776 2007-08-24 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227786 227776 2007-09-28 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227787 227776 2007-10-24 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227788 227776 2007-09-07 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227789 227776 2007-10-15 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227790 227776 2007-12-03 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227791 227776 2007-11-12 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227792 227776 2007-10-31 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227793 227776 2007-09-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227794 227776 2007-08-20 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227795 227776 2007-10-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227796 227776 2007-09-14 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227797 227776 2007-11-28 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227798 227776 2007-10-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227799 227776 2007-12-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227800 227776 2007-11-16 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227801 227776 2007-11-09 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227802 227776 2007-10-10 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227803 227776 2007-11-30 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227804 227776 2007-11-19 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227805 227776 2007-08-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227806 227776 2007-09-26 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227807 227776 2007-09-19 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227808 227776 2007-10-12 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227809 227776 2007-10-17 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227810 227776 2007-09-21 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227811 227776 2007-09-10 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227812 227776 2007-11-02 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227813 227776 2007-09-12 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227814 227776 2007-11-26 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227815 227776 2007-09-17 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227816 227776 2007-09-24 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227817 227776 2007-11-14 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227818 227776 2007-10-26 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227819 227776 2007-11-07 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227820 227776 2007-08-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227821 227776 2007-08-31 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227824 227822 2007-10-04 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227825 227822 2007-11-08 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227826 227822 2007-12-06 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227827 227822 2007-10-11 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227828 227822 2007-09-27 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227829 227822 2007-10-18 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227830 227822 2007-09-20 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227831 227822 2007-09-06 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227832 227822 2007-11-15 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227833 227822 2007-10-25 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227834 227822 2007-08-30 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227835 227822 2007-11-29 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227836 227822 2007-09-13 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227837 227822 2007-11-01 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227838 227822 2007-08-23 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227841 227839 2007-08-29 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227842 227839 2007-09-26 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227843 227839 2007-08-22 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227844 227839 2007-09-19 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227845 227839 2007-09-12 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227846 227839 2007-10-31 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227847 227839 2007-11-14 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227848 227839 2007-12-05 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227849 227839 2007-10-17 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227850 227839 2007-10-03 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227851 227839 2007-10-24 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227852 227839 2007-11-28 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227853 227839 2007-09-05 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227854 227839 2007-10-10 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227855 227839 2007-11-07 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227858 227856 2007-10-17 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227859 227856 2007-09-12 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227860 227856 2007-09-26 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227861 227856 2007-11-14 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227862 227856 2007-08-29 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227863 227856 2007-08-22 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227864 227856 2007-11-07 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227865 227856 2007-09-05 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227866 227856 2007-10-31 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227867 227856 2007-10-10 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227868 227856 2007-11-28 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227869 227856 2007-09-19 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227870 227856 2007-10-24 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227871 227856 2007-12-05 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227872 227856 2007-10-03 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227875 227873 2007-09-20 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227876 227873 2007-12-06 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227877 227873 2007-09-13 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227878 227873 2007-11-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227879 227873 2007-11-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227880 227873 2007-08-30 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227881 227873 2007-09-27 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227882 227873 2007-10-04 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227883 227873 2007-10-25 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227884 227873 2007-10-18 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227885 227873 2007-10-11 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227886 227873 2007-11-15 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227887 227873 2007-08-23 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227888 227873 2007-11-08 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227889 227873 2007-09-06 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227892 227890 2007-09-21 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227893 227890 2007-12-07 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227894 227890 2007-11-30 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227895 227890 2007-10-19 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227896 227890 2007-11-02 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227897 227890 2007-08-31 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227898 227890 2007-08-24 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227899 227890 2007-10-12 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227900 227890 2007-09-14 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227901 227890 2007-10-26 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227902 227890 2007-11-16 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227903 227890 2007-11-09 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227904 227890 2007-09-28 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227905 227890 2007-09-07 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227906 227890 2007-10-05 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227909 227907 2007-09-12 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227910 227907 2007-09-05 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227911 227907 2007-11-14 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227912 227907 2007-10-24 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227913 227907 2007-09-26 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227914 227907 2007-11-28 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227915 227907 2007-10-10 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227916 227907 2007-11-07 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227917 227907 2007-08-29 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227918 227907 2007-09-19 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227919 227907 2007-10-31 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227920 227907 2007-12-05 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227921 227907 2007-10-17 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227922 227907 2007-08-22 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227923 227907 2007-10-03 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227926 227924 2007-11-28 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227927 227924 2007-10-24 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227928 227924 2007-11-14 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227929 227924 2007-12-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227930 227924 2007-09-26 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227931 227924 2007-09-19 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227932 227924 2007-08-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227933 227924 2007-09-12 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227934 227924 2007-08-22 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227935 227924 2007-11-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227936 227924 2007-10-03 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227937 227924 2007-10-10 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227938 227924 2007-10-17 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227939 227924 2007-09-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227940 227924 2007-10-31 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 227943 227941 2007-12-05 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227944 227941 2007-10-17 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227945 227941 2007-10-31 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227946 227941 2007-08-22 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227947 227941 2007-10-10 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227948 227941 2007-09-12 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227949 227941 2007-09-19 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227950 227941 2007-09-26 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227951 227941 2007-10-24 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227952 227941 2007-09-05 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227953 227941 2007-11-07 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227954 227941 2007-08-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227955 227941 2007-11-28 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227956 227941 2007-11-14 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227957 227941 2007-10-03 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227960 227958 2007-11-30 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227961 227958 2007-08-31 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227962 227958 2007-11-02 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227963 227958 2007-10-12 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227964 227958 2007-09-07 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227965 227958 2007-09-21 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227966 227958 2007-11-09 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227967 227958 2007-11-16 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227968 227958 2007-09-28 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227969 227958 2007-10-26 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227970 227958 2007-12-07 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227971 227958 2007-10-05 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227972 227958 2007-09-14 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227973 227958 2007-10-19 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227974 227958 2007-08-24 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 227977 227975 2007-09-26 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227978 227975 2007-10-10 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227979 227975 2007-11-14 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227980 227975 2007-12-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227981 227975 2007-09-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227982 227975 2007-10-17 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227983 227975 2007-09-19 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227984 227975 2007-08-22 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227985 227975 2007-11-07 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227986 227975 2007-11-28 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227987 227975 2007-09-12 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227988 227975 2007-08-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227989 227975 2007-10-31 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227990 227975 2007-10-03 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227991 227975 2007-10-24 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 227994 227992 2007-09-17 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227995 227992 2007-11-28 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227996 227992 2007-10-03 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227997 227992 2007-10-15 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227998 227992 2007-11-26 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 227999 227992 2007-09-10 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228000 227992 2007-08-31 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228001 227992 2007-10-12 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228002 227992 2007-10-10 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228003 227992 2007-12-05 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228004 227992 2007-11-14 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228005 227992 2007-12-07 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228006 227992 2007-12-03 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228007 227992 2007-11-16 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228008 227992 2007-09-12 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228009 227992 2007-10-17 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228010 227992 2007-10-22 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228011 227992 2007-09-05 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228012 227992 2007-08-24 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228013 227992 2007-11-12 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228014 227992 2007-09-26 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228015 227992 2007-09-24 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228016 227992 2007-11-09 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228017 227992 2007-10-01 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228018 227992 2007-08-27 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228019 227992 2007-09-21 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228020 227992 2007-10-19 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228021 227992 2007-10-29 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228022 227992 2007-09-19 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228023 227992 2007-09-14 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228024 227992 2007-08-20 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228025 227992 2007-11-30 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228026 227992 2007-11-05 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228027 227992 2007-08-29 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228028 227992 2007-11-07 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228029 227992 2007-10-26 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228030 227992 2007-11-19 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228031 227992 2007-11-02 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228032 227992 2007-10-05 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228033 227992 2007-09-07 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228034 227992 2007-10-31 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228035 227992 2007-08-22 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228036 227992 2007-09-28 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228037 227992 2007-10-24 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228040 228038 2007-11-20 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228041 228038 2007-09-18 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228042 228038 2007-08-28 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228043 228038 2007-10-23 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228044 228038 2007-11-13 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228045 228038 2007-10-16 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228046 228038 2007-10-30 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228047 228038 2007-11-06 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228048 228038 2007-09-04 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228049 228038 2007-11-27 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228050 228038 2007-12-04 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228051 228038 2007-09-11 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228052 228038 2007-09-25 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228053 228038 2007-10-02 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228054 228038 2007-08-21 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228057 228055 2007-10-19 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228058 228055 2007-11-30 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228059 228055 2007-10-05 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228060 228055 2007-09-14 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228061 228055 2007-10-12 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228062 228055 2007-09-07 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228063 228055 2007-08-31 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228064 228055 2007-09-28 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228065 228055 2007-12-07 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228066 228055 2007-08-24 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228067 228055 2007-11-16 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228068 228055 2007-09-21 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228069 228055 2007-11-02 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228070 228055 2007-10-26 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228071 228055 2007-11-09 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228074 228072 2007-10-05 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228075 228072 2007-09-14 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228076 228072 2007-11-09 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228077 228072 2007-09-21 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228078 228072 2007-09-28 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228079 228072 2007-08-31 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228080 228072 2007-09-07 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228081 228072 2007-10-19 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228082 228072 2007-11-16 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228083 228072 2007-11-30 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228084 228072 2007-08-24 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228085 228072 2007-10-26 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228086 228072 2007-12-07 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228087 228072 2007-11-02 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228088 228072 2007-10-12 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228091 228089 2007-08-30 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228092 228089 2007-11-15 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228093 228089 2007-12-06 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228094 228089 2007-11-29 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228095 228089 2007-09-20 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228096 228089 2007-10-04 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228097 228089 2007-10-18 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228098 228089 2007-11-08 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228099 228089 2007-09-13 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228100 228089 2007-08-23 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228101 228089 2007-11-01 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228102 228089 2007-09-27 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228103 228089 2007-10-11 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228104 228089 2007-09-06 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228105 228089 2007-10-25 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228108 228106 2007-09-05 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228109 228106 2007-10-10 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228110 228106 2007-11-07 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228111 228106 2007-10-24 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228112 228106 2007-08-29 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228113 228106 2007-09-26 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228114 228106 2007-11-28 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228115 228106 2007-09-12 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228116 228106 2007-08-22 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228117 228106 2007-12-05 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228118 228106 2007-09-19 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228119 228106 2007-10-03 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228120 228106 2007-10-17 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228121 228106 2007-10-31 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228122 228106 2007-11-14 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228125 228123 2007-08-30 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228126 228123 2007-09-06 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228127 228123 2007-12-06 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228128 228123 2007-10-11 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228129 228123 2007-11-29 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228130 228123 2007-10-18 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228131 228123 2007-10-04 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228132 228123 2007-11-08 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228133 228123 2007-11-01 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228134 228123 2007-09-13 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228135 228123 2007-08-23 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228136 228123 2007-09-20 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228137 228123 2007-09-27 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228138 228123 2007-11-15 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228139 228123 2007-10-25 186 0 210 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228142 228140 2007-08-20 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228143 228140 2007-10-29 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228144 228140 2007-09-28 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228145 228140 2007-11-30 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228146 228140 2007-10-12 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228147 228140 2007-10-01 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228148 228140 2007-09-14 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228149 228140 2007-12-03 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228150 228140 2007-11-12 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228151 228140 2007-11-16 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228152 228140 2007-09-24 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228153 228140 2007-08-24 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228154 228140 2007-09-10 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228155 228140 2007-09-21 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228156 228140 2007-11-09 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228157 228140 2007-12-07 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228158 228140 2007-08-31 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228159 228140 2007-11-02 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228160 228140 2007-11-05 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228161 228140 2007-08-27 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228162 228140 2007-10-05 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228163 228140 2007-11-19 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228164 228140 2007-10-19 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228165 228140 2007-10-15 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228166 228140 2007-11-26 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228167 228140 2007-10-26 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228168 228140 2007-09-07 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228169 228140 2007-09-17 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228170 228140 2007-10-22 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228173 228171 2007-09-19 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228174 228171 2007-08-22 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228175 228171 2007-11-26 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228176 228171 2007-11-05 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228177 228171 2007-08-27 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228178 228171 2007-08-20 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228179 228171 2007-12-03 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228180 228171 2007-09-17 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228181 228171 2007-10-10 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228182 228171 2007-12-05 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228183 228171 2007-10-15 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228184 228171 2007-09-10 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228185 228171 2007-11-14 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228186 228171 2007-11-19 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228187 228171 2007-10-24 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228188 228171 2007-08-29 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228189 228171 2007-10-17 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228190 228171 2007-10-03 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228191 228171 2007-10-29 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228192 228171 2007-10-31 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228193 228171 2007-10-22 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228194 228171 2007-11-12 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228195 228171 2007-11-28 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228196 228171 2007-09-05 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228197 228171 2007-09-26 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228198 228171 2007-09-24 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228199 228171 2007-09-12 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228200 228171 2007-10-01 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228201 228171 2007-11-07 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228204 228202 2007-09-21 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228205 228202 2007-11-02 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228206 228202 2007-09-14 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228207 228202 2007-11-30 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228208 228202 2007-10-19 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228209 228202 2007-10-26 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228210 228202 2007-08-31 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228211 228202 2007-11-16 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228212 228202 2007-09-28 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228213 228202 2007-10-12 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228214 228202 2007-08-24 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228215 228202 2007-12-07 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228216 228202 2007-11-09 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228217 228202 2007-10-05 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228218 228202 2007-09-07 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228221 228219 2007-11-08 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228222 228219 2007-08-23 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228223 228219 2007-08-30 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228224 228219 2007-11-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228225 228219 2007-09-13 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228226 228219 2007-10-04 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228227 228219 2007-10-25 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228228 228219 2007-11-15 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228229 228219 2007-09-20 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228230 228219 2007-12-06 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228231 228219 2007-09-27 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228232 228219 2007-09-06 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228233 228219 2007-10-11 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228234 228219 2007-11-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228235 228219 2007-10-18 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228238 228236 2007-11-07 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228239 228236 2007-08-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228240 228236 2007-09-12 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228241 228236 2007-12-05 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228242 228236 2007-11-14 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228243 228236 2007-09-05 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228244 228236 2007-10-03 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228245 228236 2007-10-10 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228246 228236 2007-10-31 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228247 228236 2007-10-24 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228248 228236 2007-08-22 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228249 228236 2007-09-19 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228250 228236 2007-09-26 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228251 228236 2007-10-17 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228252 228236 2007-11-28 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228255 228253 2007-11-29 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228256 228253 2007-09-20 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228257 228253 2007-12-06 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228258 228253 2007-08-30 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228259 228253 2007-09-06 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228260 228253 2007-10-04 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228261 228253 2007-10-18 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228262 228253 2007-10-11 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228263 228253 2007-11-01 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228264 228253 2007-10-25 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228265 228253 2007-09-13 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228266 228253 2007-09-27 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228267 228253 2007-11-08 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228268 228253 2007-11-15 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228269 228253 2007-08-23 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228272 228270 2007-12-06 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228273 228270 2007-08-23 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228274 228270 2007-10-04 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228275 228270 2007-10-25 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228276 228270 2007-10-18 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228277 228270 2007-11-08 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228278 228270 2007-08-30 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228279 228270 2007-11-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228280 228270 2007-11-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228281 228270 2007-09-13 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228282 228270 2007-09-06 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228283 228270 2007-09-20 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228284 228270 2007-09-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228285 228270 2007-11-15 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228286 228270 2007-10-11 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228289 228287 2007-10-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228290 228287 2007-11-20 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228291 228287 2007-11-13 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228292 228287 2007-09-11 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228293 228287 2007-11-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228294 228287 2007-10-02 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228295 228287 2007-10-23 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228296 228287 2007-08-28 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228297 228287 2007-10-16 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228298 228287 2007-09-04 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228299 228287 2007-12-04 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228300 228287 2007-09-25 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228301 228287 2007-09-18 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228302 228287 2007-11-06 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228303 228287 2007-08-21 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228306 228304 2007-11-29 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228307 228304 2007-10-04 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228308 228304 2007-10-25 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228309 228304 2007-12-06 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228310 228304 2007-09-27 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228311 228304 2007-11-01 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228312 228304 2007-09-06 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228313 228304 2007-08-30 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228314 228304 2007-10-11 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228315 228304 2007-08-23 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228316 228304 2007-09-13 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228317 228304 2007-10-18 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228318 228304 2007-11-15 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228319 228304 2007-11-08 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228320 228304 2007-09-20 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228323 228321 2007-12-07 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228324 228321 2007-08-24 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228325 228321 2007-11-30 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228326 228321 2007-11-02 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228327 228321 2007-09-28 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228328 228321 2007-10-19 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228329 228321 2007-10-05 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228330 228321 2007-10-12 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228331 228321 2007-11-16 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228332 228321 2007-09-14 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228333 228321 2007-09-21 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228334 228321 2007-08-31 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228335 228321 2007-09-07 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228336 228321 2007-10-26 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228337 228321 2007-11-09 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228340 228338 2007-09-28 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228341 228338 2007-10-05 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228342 228338 2007-10-12 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228343 228338 2007-09-21 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228344 228338 2007-09-07 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228345 228338 2007-10-26 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228346 228338 2007-08-31 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228347 228338 2007-08-24 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228348 228338 2007-09-14 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228349 228338 2007-11-16 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228350 228338 2007-11-30 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228351 228338 2007-10-19 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228352 228338 2007-12-07 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228353 228338 2007-11-09 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228354 228338 2007-11-02 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228357 228355 2007-10-18 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228358 228355 2007-09-13 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228359 228355 2007-09-06 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228360 228355 2007-11-08 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228361 228355 2007-11-15 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228362 228355 2007-10-11 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228363 228355 2007-11-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228364 228355 2007-08-23 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228365 228355 2007-10-04 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228366 228355 2007-10-25 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228367 228355 2007-12-06 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228368 228355 2007-08-30 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228369 228355 2007-09-20 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228370 228355 2007-11-29 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228371 228355 2007-09-27 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228374 228372 2007-09-20 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228375 228372 2007-10-11 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228376 228372 2007-08-23 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228377 228372 2007-08-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228378 228372 2007-11-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228379 228372 2007-12-06 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228380 228372 2007-09-06 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228381 228372 2007-11-08 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228382 228372 2007-11-15 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228383 228372 2007-10-25 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228384 228372 2007-09-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228385 228372 2007-10-04 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228386 228372 2007-10-18 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228387 228372 2007-11-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228388 228372 2007-09-13 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228391 228389 2007-08-21 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228392 228389 2007-10-23 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228393 228389 2007-08-28 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228394 228389 2007-09-18 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228395 228389 2007-09-11 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228396 228389 2007-10-02 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228397 228389 2007-11-13 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228398 228389 2007-10-30 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228399 228389 2007-09-04 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228400 228389 2007-10-16 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228401 228389 2007-11-20 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228402 228389 2007-11-06 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228403 228389 2007-11-27 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228404 228389 2007-09-25 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228405 228389 2007-12-04 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228408 228406 2007-10-25 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228409 228406 2007-12-06 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228410 228406 2007-11-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228411 228406 2007-08-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228412 228406 2007-11-15 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228413 228406 2007-09-06 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228414 228406 2007-10-11 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228415 228406 2007-10-18 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228416 228406 2007-09-13 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228417 228406 2007-09-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228418 228406 2007-11-08 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228419 228406 2007-09-20 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228420 228406 2007-11-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228421 228406 2007-08-23 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228422 228406 2007-10-04 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228425 228423 2007-10-30 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228426 228423 2007-11-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228427 228423 2007-08-21 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228428 228423 2007-10-02 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228429 228423 2007-11-13 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228430 228423 2007-09-25 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228431 228423 2007-08-28 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228432 228423 2007-12-04 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228433 228423 2007-11-20 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228434 228423 2007-11-06 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228435 228423 2007-09-18 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228436 228423 2007-09-04 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228437 228423 2007-09-11 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228438 228423 2007-10-16 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228439 228423 2007-10-23 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228442 228440 2007-11-06 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228443 228440 2007-12-04 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228444 228440 2007-09-11 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228445 228440 2007-09-04 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228446 228440 2007-08-28 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228447 228440 2007-09-25 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228448 228440 2007-10-16 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228449 228440 2007-08-21 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228450 228440 2007-10-23 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228451 228440 2007-11-27 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228452 228440 2007-10-02 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228453 228440 2007-10-30 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228454 228440 2007-11-20 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228455 228440 2007-11-13 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228456 228440 2007-09-18 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228459 228457 2007-09-12 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228460 228457 2007-12-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228461 228457 2007-10-10 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228462 228457 2007-10-31 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228463 228457 2007-10-03 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228464 228457 2007-11-14 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228465 228457 2007-08-29 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228466 228457 2007-11-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228467 228457 2007-11-28 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228468 228457 2007-08-22 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228469 228457 2007-09-19 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228470 228457 2007-09-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228471 228457 2007-09-26 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228472 228457 2007-10-24 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228473 228457 2007-10-17 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228476 228474 2007-09-28 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228477 228474 2007-11-30 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228478 228474 2007-10-26 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228479 228474 2007-08-24 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228480 228474 2007-09-14 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228481 228474 2007-10-12 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228482 228474 2007-11-16 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228483 228474 2007-11-09 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228484 228474 2007-08-31 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228485 228474 2007-09-21 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228486 228474 2007-11-02 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228487 228474 2007-12-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228488 228474 2007-10-19 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228489 228474 2007-10-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228490 228474 2007-09-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228493 228491 2007-11-02 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228494 228491 2007-10-05 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228495 228491 2007-09-21 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228496 228491 2007-11-16 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228497 228491 2007-09-28 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228498 228491 2007-10-26 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228499 228491 2007-09-14 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228500 228491 2007-10-19 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228501 228491 2007-08-31 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228502 228491 2007-09-07 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228503 228491 2007-10-12 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228504 228491 2007-12-07 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228505 228491 2007-08-24 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228506 228491 2007-11-30 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228507 228491 2007-11-09 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228510 228508 2007-11-20 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228511 228508 2007-09-18 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228512 228508 2007-10-02 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228513 228508 2007-11-06 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228514 228508 2007-08-21 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228515 228508 2007-10-30 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228516 228508 2007-10-16 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228517 228508 2007-10-23 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228518 228508 2007-11-13 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228519 228508 2007-08-28 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228520 228508 2007-09-25 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228521 228508 2007-09-11 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228522 228508 2007-11-27 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228523 228508 2007-12-04 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228524 228508 2007-09-04 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228527 228525 2007-10-29 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228528 228525 2007-09-24 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228529 228525 2007-11-05 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228530 228525 2007-10-22 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228531 228525 2007-10-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228532 228525 2007-10-15 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228533 228525 2007-12-03 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228534 228525 2007-08-27 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228535 228525 2007-11-12 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228536 228525 2007-11-19 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228537 228525 2007-11-26 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228538 228525 2007-09-10 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228539 228525 2007-08-20 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228540 228525 2007-09-17 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228543 228541 2007-09-19 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228544 228541 2007-09-26 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228545 228541 2007-10-24 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228546 228541 2007-11-07 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228547 228541 2007-09-05 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228548 228541 2007-09-12 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228549 228541 2007-11-28 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228550 228541 2007-11-14 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228551 228541 2007-08-29 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228552 228541 2007-10-31 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228553 228541 2007-08-22 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228554 228541 2007-10-17 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228555 228541 2007-12-05 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228556 228541 2007-10-03 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228557 228541 2007-10-10 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228560 228558 2007-09-11 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228561 228558 2007-09-18 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228562 228558 2007-12-04 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228563 228558 2007-11-20 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228564 228558 2007-11-13 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228565 228558 2007-10-02 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228566 228558 2007-09-04 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228567 228558 2007-10-16 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228568 228558 2007-11-27 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228569 228558 2007-10-30 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228570 228558 2007-08-21 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228571 228558 2007-11-06 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228572 228558 2007-10-23 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228573 228558 2007-08-28 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228574 228558 2007-09-25 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228577 228575 2007-12-03 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228578 228575 2007-11-12 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228579 228575 2007-08-27 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228580 228575 2007-10-15 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228581 228575 2007-10-01 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228582 228575 2007-08-20 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228583 228575 2007-10-29 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228584 228575 2007-11-19 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228585 228575 2007-10-22 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228586 228575 2007-11-05 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228587 228575 2007-09-24 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228588 228575 2007-11-26 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228589 228575 2007-09-10 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228590 228575 2007-09-17 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228593 228591 2007-08-21 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228594 228591 2007-10-23 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228595 228591 2007-11-06 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228596 228591 2007-09-18 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228597 228591 2007-10-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228598 228591 2007-09-25 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228599 228591 2007-12-04 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228600 228591 2007-09-04 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228601 228591 2007-11-13 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228602 228591 2007-11-20 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228603 228591 2007-11-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228604 228591 2007-10-16 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228605 228591 2007-10-02 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228606 228591 2007-08-28 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228607 228591 2007-09-11 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 228610 228608 2007-09-21 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228611 228608 2007-09-14 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228612 228608 2007-10-05 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228613 228608 2007-11-16 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228614 228608 2007-08-31 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228615 228608 2007-09-07 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228616 228608 2007-08-24 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228617 228608 2007-10-19 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228618 228608 2007-10-12 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228619 228608 2007-12-07 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228620 228608 2007-11-09 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228621 228608 2007-11-30 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228622 228608 2007-10-26 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228623 228608 2007-11-02 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228624 228608 2007-09-28 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 228627 228625 2007-10-19 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228628 228625 2007-10-24 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228629 228625 2007-11-16 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228630 228625 2007-08-29 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228631 228625 2007-11-30 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228632 228625 2007-08-24 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228633 228625 2007-09-21 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228634 228625 2007-11-02 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228635 228625 2007-09-07 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228636 228625 2007-08-22 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228637 228625 2007-12-07 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228638 228625 2007-12-03 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228639 228625 2007-11-07 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228640 228625 2007-09-28 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228641 228625 2007-10-17 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228642 228625 2007-10-29 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228643 228625 2007-10-01 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228644 228625 2007-10-12 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228645 228625 2007-11-28 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228646 228625 2007-11-09 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228647 228625 2007-10-03 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228648 228625 2007-10-15 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228649 228625 2007-09-26 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228650 228625 2007-10-22 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228651 228625 2007-09-19 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228652 228625 2007-11-19 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228653 228625 2007-09-12 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228654 228625 2007-10-05 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228655 228625 2007-09-17 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228656 228625 2007-11-26 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228657 228625 2007-10-10 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228658 228625 2007-09-14 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228659 228625 2007-10-31 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228660 228625 2007-11-05 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228661 228625 2007-09-10 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228662 228625 2007-08-20 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228663 228625 2007-09-24 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228664 228625 2007-11-12 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228665 228625 2007-08-31 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228666 228625 2007-08-27 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228667 228625 2007-11-14 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228668 228625 2007-09-05 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228669 228625 2007-12-05 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228670 228625 2007-10-26 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228673 228671 2007-10-31 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228674 228671 2007-09-05 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228675 228671 2007-10-29 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228676 228671 2007-11-30 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228677 228671 2007-12-05 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228678 228671 2007-11-28 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228679 228671 2007-08-20 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228680 228671 2007-08-27 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228681 228671 2007-10-01 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228682 228671 2007-11-16 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228683 228671 2007-09-14 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228684 228671 2007-08-31 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228685 228671 2007-11-12 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228686 228671 2007-08-29 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228687 228671 2007-09-07 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228688 228671 2007-09-17 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228689 228671 2007-11-19 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228690 228671 2007-08-24 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228691 228671 2007-08-22 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228692 228671 2007-10-03 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228693 228671 2007-12-03 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228694 228671 2007-09-19 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228695 228671 2007-11-26 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228696 228671 2007-10-15 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228697 228671 2007-10-24 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228698 228671 2007-09-12 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228699 228671 2007-10-19 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228700 228671 2007-11-14 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228701 228671 2007-11-09 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228702 228671 2007-09-26 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228703 228671 2007-10-26 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228704 228671 2007-10-12 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228705 228671 2007-10-10 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228706 228671 2007-09-24 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228707 228671 2007-12-07 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228708 228671 2007-11-02 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228709 228671 2007-11-07 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228710 228671 2007-09-10 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228711 228671 2007-10-17 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228712 228671 2007-11-05 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228713 228671 2007-09-21 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228714 228671 2007-10-22 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228715 228671 2007-10-05 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228716 228671 2007-09-28 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 228719 228717 2007-11-28 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228720 228717 2007-10-22 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228721 228717 2007-09-14 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228722 228717 2007-10-15 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228723 228717 2007-09-28 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228724 228717 2007-12-05 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228725 228717 2007-10-03 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228726 228717 2007-10-01 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228727 228717 2007-10-10 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228728 228717 2007-09-26 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228729 228717 2007-11-07 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228730 228717 2007-10-17 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228731 228717 2007-08-20 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228732 228717 2007-09-19 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228733 228717 2007-10-26 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228734 228717 2007-11-16 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228735 228717 2007-09-05 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228736 228717 2007-10-19 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228737 228717 2007-10-24 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228738 228717 2007-09-07 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228739 228717 2007-11-02 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228740 228717 2007-11-30 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228741 228717 2007-10-31 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228742 228717 2007-11-19 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228743 228717 2007-08-27 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228744 228717 2007-10-05 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228745 228717 2007-11-05 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228746 228717 2007-09-10 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228747 228717 2007-08-22 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228748 228717 2007-09-21 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228749 228717 2007-10-12 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228750 228717 2007-11-09 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228751 228717 2007-12-03 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228752 228717 2007-08-24 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228753 228717 2007-12-07 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228754 228717 2007-09-17 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228755 228717 2007-09-24 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228756 228717 2007-11-14 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228757 228717 2007-10-29 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228758 228717 2007-08-31 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228759 228717 2007-09-12 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228760 228717 2007-08-29 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228761 228717 2007-11-26 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228762 228717 2007-11-12 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228765 228763 2007-09-21 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228766 228763 2007-09-07 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228767 228763 2007-11-16 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228768 228763 2007-12-07 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228769 228763 2007-10-05 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228770 228763 2007-11-02 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228771 228763 2007-11-09 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228772 228763 2007-10-26 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228773 228763 2007-11-30 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228774 228763 2007-08-31 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228775 228763 2007-10-12 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228776 228763 2007-09-14 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228777 228763 2007-08-24 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228778 228763 2007-09-28 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228779 228763 2007-10-19 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228782 228780 2007-08-28 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228783 228780 2007-10-30 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228784 228780 2007-12-04 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228785 228780 2007-11-20 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228786 228780 2007-11-27 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228787 228780 2007-11-06 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228788 228780 2007-09-11 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228789 228780 2007-09-25 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228790 228780 2007-10-23 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228791 228780 2007-10-16 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228792 228780 2007-08-21 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228793 228780 2007-09-18 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228794 228780 2007-11-13 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228795 228780 2007-09-04 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228796 228780 2007-10-02 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228799 228797 2007-08-31 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228800 228797 2007-09-07 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228801 228797 2007-09-21 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228802 228797 2007-10-19 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228803 228797 2007-11-09 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228804 228797 2007-08-24 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228805 228797 2007-10-12 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228806 228797 2007-10-26 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228807 228797 2007-09-28 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228808 228797 2007-11-02 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228809 228797 2007-11-16 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228810 228797 2007-11-30 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228811 228797 2007-12-07 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228812 228797 2007-09-14 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228813 228797 2007-10-05 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228816 228814 2007-11-07 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228817 228814 2007-10-10 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228818 228814 2007-10-24 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228819 228814 2007-08-22 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228820 228814 2007-09-26 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228821 228814 2007-09-05 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228822 228814 2007-12-05 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228823 228814 2007-09-12 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228824 228814 2007-08-29 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228825 228814 2007-11-14 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228826 228814 2007-10-03 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228827 228814 2007-10-17 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228828 228814 2007-10-31 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228829 228814 2007-11-28 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228830 228814 2007-09-19 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228833 228831 2007-11-20 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228834 228831 2007-10-02 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228835 228831 2007-09-04 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228836 228831 2007-10-30 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228837 228831 2007-12-04 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228838 228831 2007-08-28 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228839 228831 2007-11-27 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228840 228831 2007-09-25 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228841 228831 2007-10-16 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228842 228831 2007-10-23 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228843 228831 2007-11-06 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228844 228831 2007-08-21 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228845 228831 2007-09-11 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228846 228831 2007-09-18 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228847 228831 2007-11-13 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228850 228848 2007-10-18 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228851 228848 2007-11-08 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228852 228848 2007-10-04 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228853 228848 2007-11-29 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228854 228848 2007-09-06 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228855 228848 2007-10-11 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228856 228848 2007-10-25 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228857 228848 2007-08-30 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228858 228848 2007-11-15 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228859 228848 2007-12-06 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228860 228848 2007-09-27 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228861 228848 2007-11-01 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228862 228848 2007-09-20 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228863 228848 2007-08-23 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228864 228848 2007-09-13 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228867 228865 2007-09-14 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228868 228865 2007-10-12 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228869 228865 2007-11-09 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228870 228865 2007-12-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228871 228865 2007-11-02 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228872 228865 2007-10-19 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228873 228865 2007-10-26 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228874 228865 2007-11-16 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228875 228865 2007-10-05 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228876 228865 2007-11-30 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228877 228865 2007-09-28 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228878 228865 2007-08-24 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228879 228865 2007-08-31 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228880 228865 2007-09-21 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228881 228865 2007-09-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228884 228882 2007-09-25 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228885 228882 2007-11-06 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228886 228882 2007-08-28 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228887 228882 2007-09-11 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228888 228882 2007-10-23 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228889 228882 2007-11-20 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228890 228882 2007-11-13 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228891 228882 2007-11-27 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228892 228882 2007-12-04 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228893 228882 2007-10-16 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228894 228882 2007-10-02 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228895 228882 2007-10-30 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228896 228882 2007-08-21 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228897 228882 2007-09-04 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228898 228882 2007-09-18 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228901 228899 2007-09-12 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228902 228899 2007-10-31 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228903 228899 2007-12-05 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228904 228899 2007-09-05 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228905 228899 2007-09-19 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228906 228899 2007-08-22 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228907 228899 2007-09-26 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228908 228899 2007-10-17 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228909 228899 2007-11-14 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228910 228899 2007-11-28 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228911 228899 2007-10-10 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228912 228899 2007-10-03 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228913 228899 2007-08-29 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228914 228899 2007-10-24 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228915 228899 2007-11-07 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 228918 228916 2007-09-24 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228919 228916 2007-10-22 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228920 228916 2007-08-27 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228921 228916 2007-11-19 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228922 228916 2007-10-01 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228923 228916 2007-09-10 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228924 228916 2007-09-17 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228925 228916 2007-11-12 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228926 228916 2007-11-05 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228927 228916 2007-10-29 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228928 228916 2007-10-15 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228929 228916 2007-11-26 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228930 228916 2007-12-03 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228931 228916 2007-08-20 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228934 228932 2007-09-04 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228935 228932 2007-10-23 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228936 228932 2007-11-27 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228937 228932 2007-11-15 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228938 228932 2007-10-04 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228939 228932 2007-10-11 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228940 228932 2007-08-28 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228941 228932 2007-10-30 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228942 228932 2007-12-04 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228943 228932 2007-12-06 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228944 228932 2007-11-29 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228945 228932 2007-09-13 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228946 228932 2007-09-20 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228947 228932 2007-10-16 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228948 228932 2007-10-25 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228949 228932 2007-09-27 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228950 228932 2007-09-25 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228951 228932 2007-09-06 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228952 228932 2007-11-13 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228953 228932 2007-08-23 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228954 228932 2007-11-06 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228955 228932 2007-11-01 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228956 228932 2007-11-08 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228957 228932 2007-09-11 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228958 228932 2007-08-21 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228959 228932 2007-10-18 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228960 228932 2007-10-02 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228961 228932 2007-09-18 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228962 228932 2007-08-30 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228963 228932 2007-11-20 126 0 144 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 228966 228964 2007-10-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228967 228964 2007-09-06 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228968 228964 2007-08-23 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228969 228964 2007-12-04 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228970 228964 2007-10-23 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228971 228964 2007-09-13 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228972 228964 2007-12-06 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228973 228964 2007-11-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228974 228964 2007-11-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228975 228964 2007-10-02 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228976 228964 2007-09-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228977 228964 2007-08-28 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228978 228964 2007-10-11 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228979 228964 2007-09-11 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228980 228964 2007-11-08 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228981 228964 2007-11-15 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228982 228964 2007-09-20 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228983 228964 2007-10-04 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228984 228964 2007-10-25 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228985 228964 2007-10-18 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228986 228964 2007-09-25 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228987 228964 2007-08-21 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228988 228964 2007-09-04 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228989 228964 2007-11-06 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228990 228964 2007-11-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228991 228964 2007-11-20 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228992 228964 2007-10-16 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228993 228964 2007-08-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228994 228964 2007-11-13 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228995 228964 2007-09-18 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 228998 228996 2007-12-03 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 228999 228996 2007-11-26 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229000 228996 2007-10-22 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229001 228996 2007-10-15 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229002 228996 2007-11-12 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229003 228996 2007-11-05 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229004 228996 2007-08-27 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229005 228996 2007-08-20 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229006 228996 2007-09-10 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229007 228996 2007-09-17 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229008 228996 2007-10-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229009 228996 2007-11-19 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229010 228996 2007-10-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229011 228996 2007-09-24 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229014 229012 2007-08-30 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229015 229012 2007-10-11 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229016 229012 2007-11-29 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229017 229012 2007-10-25 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229018 229012 2007-09-13 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229019 229012 2007-10-04 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229020 229012 2007-08-23 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229021 229012 2007-12-06 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229022 229012 2007-10-18 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229023 229012 2007-09-27 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229024 229012 2007-09-06 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229025 229012 2007-11-01 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229026 229012 2007-11-08 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229027 229012 2007-11-15 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229028 229012 2007-09-20 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229031 229029 2007-09-06 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229032 229029 2007-11-15 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229033 229029 2007-09-13 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229034 229029 2007-10-18 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229035 229029 2007-11-01 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229036 229029 2007-08-23 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229037 229029 2007-11-08 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229038 229029 2007-09-27 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229039 229029 2007-10-25 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229040 229029 2007-09-20 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229041 229029 2007-10-11 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229042 229029 2007-08-30 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229043 229029 2007-11-29 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229044 229029 2007-10-04 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229045 229029 2007-12-06 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229048 229046 2007-10-18 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229049 229046 2007-11-29 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229050 229046 2007-08-23 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229051 229046 2007-09-13 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229052 229046 2007-10-11 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229053 229046 2007-08-30 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229054 229046 2007-11-15 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229055 229046 2007-10-25 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229056 229046 2007-10-04 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229057 229046 2007-09-27 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229058 229046 2007-09-06 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229059 229046 2007-12-06 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229060 229046 2007-09-20 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229061 229046 2007-11-01 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229062 229046 2007-11-08 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229065 229063 2007-11-26 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229066 229063 2007-08-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229067 229063 2007-11-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229068 229063 2007-11-30 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229069 229063 2007-10-15 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229070 229063 2007-09-21 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229071 229063 2007-10-12 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229072 229063 2007-09-28 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229073 229063 2007-08-20 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229074 229063 2007-08-31 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229075 229063 2007-10-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229076 229063 2007-11-19 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229077 229063 2007-10-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229078 229063 2007-12-03 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229079 229063 2007-09-10 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229080 229063 2007-10-22 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229081 229063 2007-09-17 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229082 229063 2007-09-07 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229083 229063 2007-11-09 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229084 229063 2007-11-16 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229085 229063 2007-08-24 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229086 229063 2007-10-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229087 229063 2007-10-19 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229088 229063 2007-11-12 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229089 229063 2007-09-14 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229090 229063 2007-09-24 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229091 229063 2007-11-02 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229092 229063 2007-12-07 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229093 229063 2007-10-26 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229096 229094 2007-09-24 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229097 229094 2007-10-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229098 229094 2007-10-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229099 229094 2007-11-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229100 229094 2007-11-26 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229101 229094 2007-12-03 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229102 229094 2007-09-10 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229103 229094 2007-09-17 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229104 229094 2007-08-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229105 229094 2007-11-12 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229106 229094 2007-10-15 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229107 229094 2007-11-19 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229108 229094 2007-08-20 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229109 229094 2007-10-22 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229112 229110 2007-10-12 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229113 229110 2007-08-24 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229114 229110 2007-09-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229115 229110 2007-09-28 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229116 229110 2007-11-02 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229117 229110 2007-11-09 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229118 229110 2007-10-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229119 229110 2007-10-26 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229120 229110 2007-12-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229121 229110 2007-09-21 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229122 229110 2007-11-16 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229123 229110 2007-09-14 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229124 229110 2007-08-31 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229125 229110 2007-11-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229126 229110 2007-10-19 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229129 229127 2007-09-20 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229130 229127 2007-10-04 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229131 229127 2007-09-13 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229132 229127 2007-11-08 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229133 229127 2007-12-06 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229134 229127 2007-08-30 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229135 229127 2007-11-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229136 229127 2007-09-06 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229137 229127 2007-11-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229138 229127 2007-08-23 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229139 229127 2007-10-18 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229140 229127 2007-09-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229141 229127 2007-11-15 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229142 229127 2007-10-25 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229143 229127 2007-10-11 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229146 229144 2007-09-19 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229147 229144 2007-08-22 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229148 229144 2007-10-03 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229149 229144 2007-10-31 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229150 229144 2007-11-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229151 229144 2007-12-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229152 229144 2007-10-17 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229153 229144 2007-09-26 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229154 229144 2007-08-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229155 229144 2007-10-24 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229156 229144 2007-09-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229157 229144 2007-09-12 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229158 229144 2007-11-28 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229159 229144 2007-10-10 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229160 229144 2007-11-14 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229163 229161 2007-08-28 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229164 229161 2007-11-27 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229165 229161 2007-09-25 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229166 229161 2007-10-02 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229167 229161 2007-09-18 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229168 229161 2007-11-06 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229169 229161 2007-09-11 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229170 229161 2007-10-16 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229171 229161 2007-12-04 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229172 229161 2007-11-20 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229173 229161 2007-08-21 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229174 229161 2007-10-30 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229175 229161 2007-11-13 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229176 229161 2007-09-04 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229177 229161 2007-10-23 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229180 229178 2007-09-05 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229181 229178 2007-12-05 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229182 229178 2007-10-10 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229183 229178 2007-11-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229184 229178 2007-11-28 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229185 229178 2007-08-29 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229186 229178 2007-11-14 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229187 229178 2007-09-26 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229188 229178 2007-09-12 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229189 229178 2007-08-22 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229190 229178 2007-09-19 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229191 229178 2007-10-03 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229192 229178 2007-10-24 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229193 229178 2007-10-31 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229194 229178 2007-10-17 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2008-05-07 1 229197 229195 2007-08-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229198 229195 2007-10-25 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229199 229195 2007-10-11 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229200 229195 2007-09-06 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229201 229195 2007-11-15 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229202 229195 2007-11-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229203 229195 2007-09-20 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229204 229195 2007-11-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229205 229195 2007-11-08 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229206 229195 2007-09-13 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229207 229195 2007-10-04 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229208 229195 2007-10-18 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229209 229195 2007-09-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229210 229195 2007-12-06 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229211 229195 2007-08-23 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229214 229212 2007-10-03 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229215 229212 2007-10-31 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229216 229212 2007-09-12 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229217 229212 2007-10-17 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229218 229212 2007-09-05 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229219 229212 2007-10-24 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229220 229212 2007-12-05 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229221 229212 2007-08-29 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229222 229212 2007-08-22 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229223 229212 2007-09-19 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229224 229212 2007-11-07 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229225 229212 2007-11-28 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229226 229212 2007-10-10 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229227 229212 2007-11-14 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229228 229212 2007-09-26 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229231 229229 2007-11-08 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229232 229229 2007-11-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229233 229229 2007-09-13 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229234 229229 2007-11-15 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229235 229229 2007-10-04 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229236 229229 2007-09-06 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229237 229229 2007-09-20 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229238 229229 2007-09-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229239 229229 2007-08-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229240 229229 2007-11-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229241 229229 2007-12-06 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229242 229229 2007-08-23 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229243 229229 2007-10-11 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229244 229229 2007-10-25 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229245 229229 2007-10-18 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229248 229246 2007-08-21 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229249 229246 2007-11-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229250 229246 2007-09-25 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229251 229246 2007-10-30 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229252 229246 2007-10-02 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229253 229246 2007-11-20 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229254 229246 2007-10-23 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229255 229246 2007-08-28 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229256 229246 2007-09-18 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229257 229246 2007-11-13 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229258 229246 2007-11-06 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229259 229246 2007-09-04 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229260 229246 2007-12-04 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229261 229246 2007-09-11 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229262 229246 2007-10-16 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229265 229263 2007-12-04 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229266 229263 2007-11-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229267 229263 2007-10-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229268 229263 2007-08-21 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229269 229263 2007-09-11 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229270 229263 2007-09-04 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229271 229263 2007-08-28 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229272 229263 2007-09-25 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229273 229263 2007-11-13 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229274 229263 2007-10-23 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229275 229263 2007-11-20 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229276 229263 2007-10-02 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229277 229263 2007-09-18 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229278 229263 2007-10-16 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229279 229263 2007-11-06 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229282 229280 2007-09-26 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229283 229280 2007-09-12 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229284 229280 2007-10-24 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229285 229280 2007-11-28 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229286 229280 2007-11-14 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229287 229280 2007-10-17 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229288 229280 2007-08-22 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229289 229280 2007-08-29 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229290 229280 2007-10-10 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229291 229280 2007-12-05 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229292 229280 2007-09-05 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229293 229280 2007-09-19 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229294 229280 2007-10-03 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229295 229280 2007-11-07 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229296 229280 2007-10-31 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229299 229297 2007-09-17 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229300 229297 2007-11-12 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229301 229297 2007-10-29 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229302 229297 2007-12-03 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229303 229297 2007-09-10 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229304 229297 2007-10-22 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229305 229297 2007-11-26 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229306 229297 2007-09-24 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229307 229297 2007-08-20 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229308 229297 2007-08-27 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229309 229297 2007-11-05 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229310 229297 2007-11-19 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229311 229297 2007-10-01 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229312 229297 2007-10-15 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229315 229313 2007-09-10 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229316 229313 2007-10-31 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229317 229313 2007-10-17 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229318 229313 2007-10-29 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229319 229313 2007-09-21 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229320 229313 2007-11-26 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229321 229313 2007-08-22 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229322 229313 2007-08-31 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229323 229313 2007-10-15 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229324 229313 2007-09-19 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229325 229313 2007-10-10 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229326 229313 2007-10-12 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229327 229313 2007-08-20 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229328 229313 2007-09-26 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229329 229313 2007-10-19 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229330 229313 2007-10-01 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229331 229313 2007-09-17 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229332 229313 2007-12-03 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229333 229313 2007-11-07 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229334 229313 2007-10-22 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229335 229313 2007-08-24 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229336 229313 2007-09-14 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229337 229313 2007-10-26 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229338 229313 2007-09-12 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229339 229313 2007-10-24 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229340 229313 2007-09-07 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229341 229313 2007-12-05 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229342 229313 2007-09-05 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229343 229313 2007-11-28 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229344 229313 2007-11-14 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229345 229313 2007-11-19 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229346 229313 2007-10-03 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229347 229313 2007-11-12 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229348 229313 2007-09-24 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229349 229313 2007-11-16 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229350 229313 2007-12-07 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229351 229313 2007-11-09 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229352 229313 2007-11-05 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229353 229313 2007-09-28 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229354 229313 2007-10-05 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229355 229313 2007-11-30 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229356 229313 2007-08-27 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229357 229313 2007-11-02 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229358 229313 2007-08-29 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229361 229359 2007-10-22 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229362 229359 2007-09-17 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229363 229359 2007-10-29 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229364 229359 2007-12-03 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229365 229359 2007-08-27 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229366 229359 2007-11-26 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229367 229359 2007-11-19 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229368 229359 2007-11-12 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229369 229359 2007-08-20 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229370 229359 2007-09-10 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229371 229359 2007-10-15 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229372 229359 2007-11-05 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229373 229359 2007-10-01 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229374 229359 2007-09-24 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229377 229375 2007-09-17 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229378 229375 2007-10-22 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229379 229375 2007-10-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229380 229375 2007-11-12 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229381 229375 2007-11-05 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229382 229375 2007-08-20 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229383 229375 2007-10-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229384 229375 2007-11-19 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229385 229375 2007-09-10 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229386 229375 2007-11-26 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229387 229375 2007-08-27 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229388 229375 2007-09-24 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229389 229375 2007-12-03 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229390 229375 2007-10-15 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2008-05-07 1 229393 229391 2007-11-28 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229394 229391 2007-11-09 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229395 229391 2007-09-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229396 229391 2007-08-31 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229397 229391 2007-09-17 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229398 229391 2007-12-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229399 229391 2007-10-26 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229400 229391 2007-09-24 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229401 229391 2007-10-01 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229402 229391 2007-08-27 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229403 229391 2007-11-26 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229404 229391 2007-10-29 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229405 229391 2007-10-03 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229406 229391 2007-10-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229407 229391 2007-10-17 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229408 229391 2007-12-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229409 229391 2007-08-20 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229410 229391 2007-10-24 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229411 229391 2007-09-14 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229412 229391 2007-09-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229413 229391 2007-10-15 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229414 229391 2007-11-30 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229415 229391 2007-11-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229416 229391 2007-09-10 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229417 229391 2007-09-19 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229418 229391 2007-08-24 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229419 229391 2007-09-26 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229420 229391 2007-09-28 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229421 229391 2007-10-22 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229422 229391 2007-11-14 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229423 229391 2007-10-10 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229424 229391 2007-10-19 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229425 229391 2007-09-12 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229426 229391 2007-11-12 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229427 229391 2007-11-16 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229428 229391 2007-10-31 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229429 229391 2007-11-02 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229430 229391 2007-10-12 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229431 229391 2007-11-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229432 229391 2007-09-21 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229433 229391 2007-11-19 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229434 229391 2007-12-03 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229435 229391 2007-08-22 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229436 229391 2007-08-29 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229439 229437 2007-09-17 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229440 229437 2007-11-26 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229441 229437 2007-12-03 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229442 229437 2007-10-29 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229443 229437 2007-08-27 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229444 229437 2007-11-12 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229445 229437 2007-10-01 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229446 229437 2007-08-20 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229447 229437 2007-09-24 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229448 229437 2007-09-10 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229449 229437 2007-11-19 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229450 229437 2007-11-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229451 229437 2007-10-22 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229452 229437 2007-10-15 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229455 229453 2007-11-12 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229456 229453 2007-09-10 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229457 229453 2007-10-26 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229458 229453 2007-09-24 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229459 229453 2007-09-26 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229460 229453 2007-11-28 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229461 229453 2007-11-16 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229462 229453 2007-11-09 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229463 229453 2007-09-05 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229464 229453 2007-08-24 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229465 229453 2007-11-07 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229466 229453 2007-11-02 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229467 229453 2007-08-29 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229468 229453 2007-09-14 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229469 229453 2007-11-14 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229470 229453 2007-10-31 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229471 229453 2007-08-27 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229472 229453 2007-12-03 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229473 229453 2007-11-30 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229474 229453 2007-12-07 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229475 229453 2007-09-17 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229476 229453 2007-10-19 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229477 229453 2007-12-05 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229478 229453 2007-11-19 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229479 229453 2007-10-15 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229480 229453 2007-10-12 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229481 229453 2007-10-03 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229482 229453 2007-09-12 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229483 229453 2007-08-22 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229484 229453 2007-09-28 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229485 229453 2007-08-20 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229486 229453 2007-10-22 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229487 229453 2007-11-05 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229488 229453 2007-09-21 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229489 229453 2007-10-05 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229490 229453 2007-10-01 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229491 229453 2007-10-29 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229492 229453 2007-08-31 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229493 229453 2007-09-19 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229494 229453 2007-11-26 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229495 229453 2007-10-10 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229496 229453 2007-09-07 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229497 229453 2007-10-24 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229498 229453 2007-10-17 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229501 229499 2007-08-30 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229502 229499 2007-11-08 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229503 229499 2007-09-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229504 229499 2007-10-04 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229505 229499 2007-10-18 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229506 229499 2007-10-25 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229507 229499 2007-11-15 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229508 229499 2007-11-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229509 229499 2007-09-20 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229510 229499 2007-09-06 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229511 229499 2007-09-13 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229512 229499 2007-11-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229513 229499 2007-12-06 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229514 229499 2007-10-11 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229515 229499 2007-08-23 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229518 229516 2007-08-22 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229519 229516 2007-10-03 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229520 229516 2007-09-26 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229521 229516 2007-11-07 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229522 229516 2007-08-29 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229523 229516 2007-10-17 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229524 229516 2007-10-31 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229525 229516 2007-11-14 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229526 229516 2007-09-19 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229527 229516 2007-09-05 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229528 229516 2007-11-28 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229529 229516 2007-12-05 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229530 229516 2007-09-12 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229531 229516 2007-10-10 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229532 229516 2007-10-24 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229535 229533 2007-08-24 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229536 229533 2007-09-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229537 229533 2007-12-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229538 229533 2007-10-26 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229539 229533 2007-11-02 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229540 229533 2007-10-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229541 229533 2007-09-21 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229542 229533 2007-09-14 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229543 229533 2007-10-19 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229544 229533 2007-11-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229545 229533 2007-10-12 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229546 229533 2007-08-31 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229547 229533 2007-09-28 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229548 229533 2007-11-16 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229549 229533 2007-11-09 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229552 229550 2007-08-23 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229553 229550 2007-11-20 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229554 229550 2007-09-27 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229555 229550 2007-09-04 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229556 229550 2007-11-29 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229557 229550 2007-08-28 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229558 229550 2007-12-04 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229559 229550 2007-10-02 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229560 229550 2007-10-30 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229561 229550 2007-11-01 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229562 229550 2007-11-15 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229563 229550 2007-09-13 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229564 229550 2007-09-18 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229565 229550 2007-09-11 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229566 229550 2007-10-18 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229567 229550 2007-09-06 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229568 229550 2007-10-16 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229569 229550 2007-08-21 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229570 229550 2007-10-23 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229571 229550 2007-11-08 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229572 229550 2007-10-11 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229573 229550 2007-08-30 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229574 229550 2007-11-06 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229575 229550 2007-12-06 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229576 229550 2007-11-13 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229577 229550 2007-11-27 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229578 229550 2007-09-25 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229579 229550 2007-10-25 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229580 229550 2007-09-20 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229581 229550 2007-10-04 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229584 229582 2007-11-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229585 229582 2007-10-23 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229586 229582 2007-11-06 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229587 229582 2007-08-21 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229588 229582 2007-08-28 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229589 229582 2007-09-18 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229590 229582 2007-09-11 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229591 229582 2007-10-02 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229592 229582 2007-11-13 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229593 229582 2007-10-16 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229594 229582 2007-11-20 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229595 229582 2007-09-04 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229596 229582 2007-10-30 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229597 229582 2007-12-04 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229598 229582 2007-09-25 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229601 229599 2007-12-03 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229602 229599 2007-09-24 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229603 229599 2007-10-15 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229604 229599 2007-11-12 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229605 229599 2007-11-19 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229606 229599 2007-10-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229607 229599 2007-09-10 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229608 229599 2007-11-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229609 229599 2007-09-17 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229610 229599 2007-08-20 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229611 229599 2007-10-22 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229612 229599 2007-10-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229613 229599 2007-11-26 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229614 229599 2007-08-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229617 229615 2007-10-16 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229618 229615 2007-11-08 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229619 229615 2007-09-11 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229620 229615 2007-10-23 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229621 229615 2007-10-02 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229622 229615 2007-12-04 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229623 229615 2007-11-06 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229624 229615 2007-09-18 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229625 229615 2007-12-06 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229626 229615 2007-11-27 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229627 229615 2007-09-06 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229628 229615 2007-10-25 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229629 229615 2007-08-28 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229630 229615 2007-08-23 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229631 229615 2007-10-18 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229632 229615 2007-11-13 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229633 229615 2007-09-27 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229634 229615 2007-09-13 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229635 229615 2007-11-20 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229636 229615 2007-09-20 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229637 229615 2007-10-11 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229638 229615 2007-10-30 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229639 229615 2007-08-21 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229640 229615 2007-09-25 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229641 229615 2007-11-29 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229642 229615 2007-09-04 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229643 229615 2007-11-01 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229644 229615 2007-11-15 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229645 229615 2007-10-04 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229646 229615 2007-08-30 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229649 229647 2007-12-06 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229650 229647 2007-10-30 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229651 229647 2007-10-04 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229652 229647 2007-11-06 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229653 229647 2007-09-25 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229654 229647 2007-09-11 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229655 229647 2007-09-20 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229656 229647 2007-10-23 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229657 229647 2007-08-23 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229658 229647 2007-10-18 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229659 229647 2007-10-02 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229660 229647 2007-10-16 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229661 229647 2007-08-30 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229662 229647 2007-10-25 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229663 229647 2007-11-08 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229664 229647 2007-10-11 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229665 229647 2007-09-27 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229666 229647 2007-09-13 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229667 229647 2007-09-06 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229668 229647 2007-11-15 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229669 229647 2007-11-01 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229670 229647 2007-11-27 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229671 229647 2007-09-18 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229672 229647 2007-12-04 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229673 229647 2007-08-28 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229674 229647 2007-08-21 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229675 229647 2007-11-13 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229676 229647 2007-11-29 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229677 229647 2007-09-04 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229678 229647 2007-11-20 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229681 229679 2007-08-28 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229682 229679 2007-10-04 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229683 229679 2007-10-25 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229684 229679 2007-11-13 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229685 229679 2007-08-23 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229686 229679 2007-09-06 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229687 229679 2007-09-25 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229688 229679 2007-09-11 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229689 229679 2007-10-18 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229690 229679 2007-10-11 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229691 229679 2007-10-30 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229692 229679 2007-08-30 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229693 229679 2007-11-27 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229694 229679 2007-10-23 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229695 229679 2007-11-08 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229696 229679 2007-11-06 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229697 229679 2007-10-16 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229698 229679 2007-10-02 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229699 229679 2007-09-20 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229700 229679 2007-08-21 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229701 229679 2007-09-27 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229702 229679 2007-11-29 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229703 229679 2007-11-15 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229704 229679 2007-12-06 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229705 229679 2007-09-04 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229706 229679 2007-09-13 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229707 229679 2007-09-18 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229708 229679 2007-11-01 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229709 229679 2007-12-04 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229710 229679 2007-11-20 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 229713 229711 2007-09-18 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229714 229711 2007-08-28 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229715 229711 2007-10-04 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229716 229711 2007-09-27 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229717 229711 2007-11-08 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229718 229711 2007-10-11 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229719 229711 2007-09-11 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229720 229711 2007-09-25 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229721 229711 2007-12-06 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229722 229711 2007-08-23 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229723 229711 2007-10-23 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229724 229711 2007-11-20 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229725 229711 2007-09-20 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229726 229711 2007-08-21 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229727 229711 2007-10-02 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229728 229711 2007-11-27 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229729 229711 2007-11-06 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229730 229711 2007-10-18 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229731 229711 2007-08-30 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229732 229711 2007-11-01 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229733 229711 2007-09-13 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229734 229711 2007-11-13 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229735 229711 2007-11-15 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229736 229711 2007-09-06 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229737 229711 2007-11-29 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229738 229711 2007-10-16 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229739 229711 2007-10-30 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229740 229711 2007-12-04 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229741 229711 2007-09-04 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229742 229711 2007-10-25 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229745 229743 2007-09-06 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229746 229743 2007-10-30 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229747 229743 2007-09-25 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229748 229743 2007-11-27 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229749 229743 2007-08-21 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229750 229743 2007-10-23 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229751 229743 2007-11-01 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229752 229743 2007-10-18 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229753 229743 2007-09-11 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229754 229743 2007-11-08 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229755 229743 2007-09-18 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229756 229743 2007-11-29 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229757 229743 2007-10-16 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229758 229743 2007-10-04 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229759 229743 2007-11-15 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229760 229743 2007-11-06 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229761 229743 2007-08-23 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229762 229743 2007-11-20 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229763 229743 2007-12-04 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229764 229743 2007-09-20 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229765 229743 2007-09-13 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229766 229743 2007-09-04 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229767 229743 2007-12-06 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229768 229743 2007-09-27 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229769 229743 2007-10-25 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229770 229743 2007-08-28 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229771 229743 2007-11-13 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229772 229743 2007-10-02 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229773 229743 2007-08-30 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229774 229743 2007-10-11 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229777 229775 2007-08-20 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229778 229775 2007-09-26 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229779 229775 2007-09-17 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229780 229775 2007-08-27 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229781 229775 2007-12-07 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229782 229775 2007-12-03 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229783 229775 2007-09-07 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229784 229775 2007-10-10 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229785 229775 2007-11-26 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229786 229775 2007-09-12 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229787 229775 2007-09-05 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229788 229775 2007-11-28 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229789 229775 2007-09-24 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229790 229775 2007-11-09 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229791 229775 2007-11-16 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229792 229775 2007-09-14 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229793 229775 2007-09-28 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229794 229775 2007-09-19 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229795 229775 2007-11-19 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229796 229775 2007-11-07 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229797 229775 2007-11-12 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229798 229775 2007-10-19 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229799 229775 2007-10-17 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229800 229775 2007-11-30 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229801 229775 2007-12-05 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229802 229775 2007-11-05 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229803 229775 2007-10-22 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229804 229775 2007-09-10 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229805 229775 2007-10-31 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229806 229775 2007-10-24 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229807 229775 2007-09-21 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229808 229775 2007-10-05 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229809 229775 2007-10-01 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229810 229775 2007-11-02 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229811 229775 2007-10-15 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229812 229775 2007-11-14 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229813 229775 2007-10-26 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229814 229775 2007-10-03 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229815 229775 2007-08-31 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229816 229775 2007-08-29 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229817 229775 2007-10-12 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229818 229775 2007-08-24 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229819 229775 2007-10-29 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229820 229775 2007-08-22 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229823 229821 2007-08-29 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229824 229821 2007-09-12 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229825 229821 2007-09-26 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229826 229821 2007-10-10 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229827 229821 2007-10-24 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229828 229821 2007-11-28 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229829 229821 2007-09-05 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229830 229821 2007-10-31 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229831 229821 2007-11-14 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229832 229821 2007-08-22 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229833 229821 2007-10-03 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229834 229821 2007-12-05 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229835 229821 2007-11-07 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229836 229821 2007-10-17 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229837 229821 2007-09-19 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229840 229838 2007-08-23 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229841 229838 2007-11-15 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229842 229838 2007-10-18 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229843 229838 2007-10-25 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229844 229838 2007-09-13 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229845 229838 2007-11-29 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229846 229838 2007-10-02 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229847 229838 2007-11-20 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229848 229838 2007-12-06 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229849 229838 2007-09-20 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229850 229838 2007-09-25 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229851 229838 2007-10-04 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229852 229838 2007-11-06 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229853 229838 2007-11-13 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229854 229838 2007-10-23 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229855 229838 2007-10-11 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229856 229838 2007-11-01 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229857 229838 2007-09-11 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229858 229838 2007-10-16 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229859 229838 2007-08-30 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229860 229838 2007-12-04 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229861 229838 2007-11-27 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229862 229838 2007-08-21 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229863 229838 2007-09-27 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229864 229838 2007-09-18 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229865 229838 2007-09-04 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229866 229838 2007-11-08 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229867 229838 2007-08-28 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229868 229838 2007-09-06 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229869 229838 2007-10-30 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 229872 229870 2007-10-03 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229873 229870 2007-10-17 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229874 229870 2007-11-07 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229875 229870 2007-08-29 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229876 229870 2007-11-28 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229877 229870 2007-09-19 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229878 229870 2007-10-24 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229879 229870 2007-11-14 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229880 229870 2007-12-05 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229881 229870 2007-09-26 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229882 229870 2007-08-22 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229883 229870 2007-09-12 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229884 229870 2007-10-10 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229885 229870 2007-09-05 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229886 229870 2007-10-31 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229889 229887 2007-10-31 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229890 229887 2007-09-26 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229891 229887 2007-08-24 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229892 229887 2007-10-03 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229893 229887 2007-11-14 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229894 229887 2007-10-29 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229895 229887 2007-09-07 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229896 229887 2007-10-10 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229897 229887 2007-10-26 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229898 229887 2007-09-10 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229899 229887 2007-09-05 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229900 229887 2007-11-02 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229901 229887 2007-10-19 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229902 229887 2007-09-28 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229903 229887 2007-10-17 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229904 229887 2007-09-19 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229905 229887 2007-08-22 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229906 229887 2007-11-07 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229907 229887 2007-09-24 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229908 229887 2007-11-30 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229909 229887 2007-08-20 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229910 229887 2007-11-05 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229911 229887 2007-09-14 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229912 229887 2007-11-19 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229913 229887 2007-10-22 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229914 229887 2007-12-07 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229915 229887 2007-10-15 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229916 229887 2007-11-26 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229917 229887 2007-10-05 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229918 229887 2007-11-16 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229919 229887 2007-11-28 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229920 229887 2007-10-01 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229921 229887 2007-11-09 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229922 229887 2007-08-31 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229923 229887 2007-10-12 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229924 229887 2007-08-29 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229925 229887 2007-09-17 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229926 229887 2007-09-12 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229927 229887 2007-09-21 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229928 229887 2007-12-05 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229929 229887 2007-11-12 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229930 229887 2007-10-24 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229931 229887 2007-12-03 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229932 229887 2007-08-27 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 229935 229933 2007-11-29 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229936 229933 2007-10-11 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229937 229933 2007-09-13 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229938 229933 2007-10-25 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229939 229933 2007-08-30 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229940 229933 2007-11-15 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229941 229933 2007-12-06 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229942 229933 2007-11-01 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229943 229933 2007-09-27 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229944 229933 2007-08-23 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229945 229933 2007-11-08 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229946 229933 2007-10-18 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229947 229933 2007-09-06 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229948 229933 2007-10-04 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229949 229933 2007-09-20 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229952 229950 2007-12-04 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229953 229950 2007-11-27 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229954 229950 2007-11-06 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229955 229950 2007-09-18 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229956 229950 2007-08-21 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229957 229950 2007-09-25 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229958 229950 2007-11-13 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229959 229950 2007-10-16 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229960 229950 2007-09-11 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229961 229950 2007-10-23 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229962 229950 2007-10-02 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229963 229950 2007-11-20 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229964 229950 2007-08-28 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229965 229950 2007-09-04 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229966 229950 2007-10-30 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229969 229967 2007-10-16 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229970 229967 2007-11-06 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229971 229967 2007-09-18 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229972 229967 2007-11-13 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229973 229967 2007-08-21 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229974 229967 2007-10-02 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229975 229967 2007-10-23 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229976 229967 2007-09-25 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229977 229967 2007-10-30 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229978 229967 2007-11-27 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229979 229967 2007-09-04 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229980 229967 2007-12-04 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229981 229967 2007-09-11 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229982 229967 2007-11-20 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229983 229967 2007-08-28 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229986 229984 2007-09-04 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229987 229984 2007-10-30 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229988 229984 2007-10-02 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229989 229984 2007-08-21 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229990 229984 2007-10-16 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229991 229984 2007-12-04 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229992 229984 2007-11-27 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229993 229984 2007-11-06 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229994 229984 2007-09-25 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229995 229984 2007-10-23 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229996 229984 2007-08-28 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229997 229984 2007-11-13 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229998 229984 2007-09-11 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 229999 229984 2007-09-18 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230000 229984 2007-11-20 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230003 230001 2007-09-13 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230004 230001 2007-10-25 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230005 230001 2007-11-29 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230006 230001 2007-11-01 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230007 230001 2007-11-08 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230008 230001 2007-08-30 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230009 230001 2007-09-20 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230010 230001 2007-08-23 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230011 230001 2007-10-04 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230012 230001 2007-10-11 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230013 230001 2007-11-15 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230014 230001 2007-09-27 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230015 230001 2007-09-06 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230016 230001 2007-12-06 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230017 230001 2007-10-18 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230020 230018 2007-12-03 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230021 230018 2007-08-27 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230022 230018 2007-11-12 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230023 230018 2007-08-20 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230024 230018 2007-10-15 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230025 230018 2007-09-24 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230026 230018 2007-09-17 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230027 230018 2007-11-26 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230028 230018 2007-10-01 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230029 230018 2007-11-19 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230030 230018 2007-09-10 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230031 230018 2007-10-29 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230032 230018 2007-10-22 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230033 230018 2007-11-05 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230036 230034 2007-10-16 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230037 230034 2007-10-02 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230038 230034 2007-08-21 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230039 230034 2007-11-27 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230040 230034 2007-09-25 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230041 230034 2007-11-20 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230042 230034 2007-09-18 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230043 230034 2007-12-04 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230044 230034 2007-09-04 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230045 230034 2007-11-06 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230046 230034 2007-09-11 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230047 230034 2007-08-28 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230048 230034 2007-11-13 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230049 230034 2007-10-23 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230050 230034 2007-10-30 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230053 230051 2007-10-03 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230054 230051 2007-09-24 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230055 230051 2007-11-07 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230056 230051 2007-08-24 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230057 230051 2007-08-27 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230058 230051 2007-11-26 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230059 230051 2007-09-21 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230060 230051 2007-09-05 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230061 230051 2007-11-14 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230062 230051 2007-10-10 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230063 230051 2007-08-22 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230064 230051 2007-11-05 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230065 230051 2007-10-31 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230066 230051 2007-10-12 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230067 230051 2007-09-07 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230068 230051 2007-08-31 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230069 230051 2007-10-17 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230070 230051 2007-12-03 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230071 230051 2007-09-26 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230072 230051 2007-09-10 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230073 230051 2007-11-19 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230074 230051 2007-11-16 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230075 230051 2007-10-15 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230076 230051 2007-11-28 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230077 230051 2007-12-07 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230078 230051 2007-10-29 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230079 230051 2007-11-02 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230080 230051 2007-09-12 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230081 230051 2007-09-19 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230082 230051 2007-09-17 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230083 230051 2007-10-01 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230084 230051 2007-08-20 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230085 230051 2007-09-28 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230086 230051 2007-11-30 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230087 230051 2007-10-19 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230088 230051 2007-11-12 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230089 230051 2007-12-05 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230090 230051 2007-10-22 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230091 230051 2007-10-24 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230092 230051 2007-10-26 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230093 230051 2007-08-29 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230094 230051 2007-11-09 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230095 230051 2007-09-14 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230096 230051 2007-10-05 138 0 150 -10 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230099 230097 2007-12-04 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230100 230097 2007-11-20 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230101 230097 2007-08-28 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230102 230097 2007-10-04 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230103 230097 2007-11-08 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230104 230097 2007-09-04 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230105 230097 2007-10-25 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230106 230097 2007-10-18 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230107 230097 2007-11-06 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230108 230097 2007-09-25 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230109 230097 2007-08-21 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230110 230097 2007-10-11 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230111 230097 2007-11-27 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230112 230097 2007-10-16 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230113 230097 2007-10-30 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230114 230097 2007-09-06 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230115 230097 2007-09-27 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230116 230097 2007-09-13 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230117 230097 2007-11-29 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230118 230097 2007-09-20 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230119 230097 2007-08-23 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230120 230097 2007-11-01 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230121 230097 2007-11-15 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230122 230097 2007-12-06 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230123 230097 2007-10-02 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230124 230097 2007-10-23 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230125 230097 2007-08-30 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230126 230097 2007-11-13 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230127 230097 2007-09-11 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230128 230097 2007-09-18 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2008-05-07 1 230131 230129 2007-09-05 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230132 230129 2007-09-19 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230133 230129 2007-11-07 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230134 230129 2007-09-26 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230135 230129 2007-09-12 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230136 230129 2007-11-28 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230137 230129 2007-08-29 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230138 230129 2007-10-24 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230139 230129 2007-10-10 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230140 230129 2007-10-31 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230141 230129 2007-11-14 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230142 230129 2007-12-05 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230143 230129 2007-10-17 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230144 230129 2007-10-03 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230145 230129 2007-08-22 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230148 230146 2007-08-30 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230149 230146 2007-09-27 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230150 230146 2007-09-25 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230151 230146 2007-08-28 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230152 230146 2007-10-23 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230153 230146 2007-09-13 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230154 230146 2007-09-06 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230155 230146 2007-11-29 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230156 230146 2007-11-13 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230157 230146 2007-10-30 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230158 230146 2007-11-27 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230159 230146 2007-09-11 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230160 230146 2007-11-06 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230161 230146 2007-08-23 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230162 230146 2007-11-08 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230163 230146 2007-10-02 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230164 230146 2007-11-15 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230165 230146 2007-09-20 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230166 230146 2007-09-18 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230167 230146 2007-08-21 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230168 230146 2007-10-25 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230169 230146 2007-12-04 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230170 230146 2007-12-06 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230171 230146 2007-10-18 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230172 230146 2007-11-01 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230173 230146 2007-09-04 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230174 230146 2007-10-16 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230175 230146 2007-10-04 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230176 230146 2007-10-11 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230177 230146 2007-11-20 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2008-05-07 1 230180 230178 2007-10-02 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230181 230178 2007-08-21 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230182 230178 2007-08-28 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230183 230178 2007-11-20 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230184 230178 2007-11-27 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230185 230178 2007-10-16 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230186 230178 2007-11-06 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230187 230178 2007-10-30 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230188 230178 2007-09-25 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230189 230178 2007-09-04 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230190 230178 2007-09-11 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230191 230178 2007-09-18 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230192 230178 2007-12-04 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230193 230178 2007-11-13 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230194 230178 2007-10-23 90 0 102 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230197 230195 2007-11-20 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230198 230195 2007-08-23 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230199 230195 2007-10-25 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230200 230195 2007-09-25 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230201 230195 2007-09-06 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230202 230195 2007-08-30 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230203 230195 2007-08-28 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230204 230195 2007-10-18 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230205 230195 2007-08-21 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230206 230195 2007-12-06 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230207 230195 2007-10-04 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230208 230195 2007-11-06 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230209 230195 2007-10-16 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230210 230195 2007-11-15 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230211 230195 2007-09-04 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230212 230195 2007-11-27 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230213 230195 2007-10-23 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230214 230195 2007-09-27 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230215 230195 2007-11-08 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230216 230195 2007-09-13 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230217 230195 2007-11-29 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230218 230195 2007-11-13 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230219 230195 2007-09-20 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230220 230195 2007-11-01 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230221 230195 2007-10-02 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230222 230195 2007-10-11 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230223 230195 2007-12-04 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230224 230195 2007-09-11 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230225 230195 2007-09-18 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230226 230195 2007-10-30 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230229 230227 2007-09-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230230 230227 2007-09-11 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230231 230227 2007-10-04 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230232 230227 2007-10-25 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230233 230227 2007-10-16 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230234 230227 2007-10-18 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230235 230227 2007-11-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230236 230227 2007-11-15 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230237 230227 2007-09-25 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230238 230227 2007-11-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230239 230227 2007-10-11 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230240 230227 2007-11-06 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230241 230227 2007-08-21 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230242 230227 2007-12-06 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230243 230227 2007-11-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230244 230227 2007-09-06 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230245 230227 2007-08-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230246 230227 2007-09-13 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230247 230227 2007-08-23 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230248 230227 2007-08-28 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230249 230227 2007-11-20 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230250 230227 2007-10-02 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230251 230227 2007-09-04 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230252 230227 2007-11-13 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230253 230227 2007-12-04 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230254 230227 2007-09-18 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230255 230227 2007-10-23 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230256 230227 2007-09-20 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230257 230227 2007-11-08 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230258 230227 2007-10-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2008-05-07 1 230261 230259 2007-11-20 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230262 230259 2007-10-23 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230263 230259 2007-11-08 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230264 230259 2007-11-27 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230265 230259 2007-08-28 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230266 230259 2007-10-30 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230267 230259 2007-09-25 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230268 230259 2007-11-01 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230269 230259 2007-10-11 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230270 230259 2007-08-30 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230271 230259 2007-11-29 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230272 230259 2007-09-20 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230273 230259 2007-11-13 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230274 230259 2007-09-18 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230275 230259 2007-10-04 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230276 230259 2007-09-27 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230277 230259 2007-11-06 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230278 230259 2007-12-04 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230279 230259 2007-08-21 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230280 230259 2007-08-23 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230281 230259 2007-10-02 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230282 230259 2007-11-15 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230283 230259 2007-09-11 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230284 230259 2007-09-04 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230285 230259 2007-12-06 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230286 230259 2007-09-13 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230287 230259 2007-10-25 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230288 230259 2007-09-06 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230289 230259 2007-10-16 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230290 230259 2007-10-18 144 0 162 -15 2 f 2008-05-07 1 230293 230291 2007-09-27 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230294 230291 2007-10-04 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230295 230291 2007-11-01 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230296 230291 2007-09-13 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230297 230291 2007-11-15 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230298 230291 2007-09-20 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230299 230291 2007-10-11 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230300 230291 2007-08-30 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230301 230291 2007-11-08 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230302 230291 2007-08-23 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230303 230291 2007-10-25 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230304 230291 2007-11-29 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230305 230291 2007-12-06 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230306 230291 2007-09-06 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 230307 230291 2007-10-18 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2008-05-07 1 231210 231209 2007-12-11 96 0 120 0 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231212 231211 2007-12-10 138 0 150 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231214 231213 2007-12-12 156 0 192 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231215 231213 2007-12-12 156 0 192 0 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231217 231216 2007-12-10 156 0 192 0 4 f 2008-05-16 1 231218 231216 2007-12-10 156 0 192 0 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231220 231219 2007-12-10 156 0 192 0 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231221 231219 2007-12-10 156 0 192 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231223 231222 2007-12-11 138 0 150 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231225 231224 2007-12-13 138 0 150 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231226 231224 2007-12-13 138 0 150 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231228 231227 2007-12-10 138 0 150 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231230 231229 2007-12-11 156 0 192 -60 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231232 231231 2007-12-11 96 0 120 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231234 231233 2007-12-10 96 0 120 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231236 231235 2007-12-11 156 0 192 -120 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231237 231235 2007-12-11 156 0 192 -120 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231239 231238 2007-12-12 96 0 120 -60 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231240 231238 2007-12-12 96 0 120 -60 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231242 231241 2007-12-13 96 0 120 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231244 231243 2007-12-12 138 0 150 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231245 231243 2007-12-12 138 0 150 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231246 231243 2007-12-12 138 0 150 0 3 f 2008-05-16 1 231248 231247 2007-12-10 96 0 120 0 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231250 231249 2007-12-10 96 0 120 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231252 231251 2007-12-11 96 0 120 0 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231254 231253 2007-12-10 156 0 192 -60 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231256 231255 2007-12-12 156 0 192 -60 2 f 2008-05-16 1 231258 231257 2007-12-11 156 0 192 -60 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231260 231259 2007-12-13 96 0 120 -60 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231262 231261 2007-12-12 96 0 120 -60 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231264 231263 2007-12-11 96 0 120 0 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231266 231265 2007-12-12 156 0 192 -60 9 f 2008-05-16 1 231268 231267 2007-12-12 96 0 120 0 1 f 2008-05-16 1 231317 231315 2007-08-06 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231318 231315 2007-08-13 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231319 231315 2007-08-20 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231320 231315 2007-08-27 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231321 231315 2007-09-03 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231322 231315 2007-09-10 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231323 231315 2007-09-17 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231324 231315 2007-09-24 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231325 231315 2007-10-01 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231326 231315 2007-10-08 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231327 231315 2007-10-15 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231328 231315 2007-10-22 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231329 231315 2007-10-29 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231330 231315 2007-11-05 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231331 231315 2007-11-12 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231332 231315 2007-11-19 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231333 231315 2007-11-26 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231334 231315 2007-12-03 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231335 231315 2007-12-10 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231336 231315 2007-12-17 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231337 231315 2007-12-24 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231338 231315 2007-12-31 240 \N 264 \N 9 t 2007-07-22 1 231344 231343 2007-08-28 222 0 234 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 231346 231345 2007-09-11 222 0 234 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 231348 231347 2007-11-06 240 0 264 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 231350 231349 2007-09-11 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231351 231349 2007-09-11 240 0 264 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 231353 231352 2007-11-07 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231354 231352 2007-11-07 240 0 264 0 1 f 2008-07-22 1 231356 231355 2007-10-23 240 0 264 0 4 f 2008-07-22 1 231357 231355 2007-10-23 240 0 264 0 1 f 2008-07-22 1 231358 231355 2007-10-23 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231360 231359 2007-09-12 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231362 231361 2007-10-24 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231364 231363 2007-09-05 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231365 231363 2007-09-05 240 0 264 0 3 f 2008-07-22 1 231366 231363 2007-09-05 240 0 264 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 231368 231367 2007-10-16 240 0 264 0 3 f 2008-07-22 1 231369 231367 2007-10-16 240 0 264 0 9 f 2008-07-22 1 231370 231367 2007-10-16 240 0 264 0 2 f 2008-07-22 1 233326 233325 2010-11-30 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233327 233325 2010-11-16 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233328 233325 2010-11-02 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233329 233325 2010-11-23 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233330 233325 2010-11-09 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233331 233325 2010-08-31 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233332 233325 2010-12-07 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233333 233325 2010-09-14 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233334 233325 2010-09-28 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233335 233325 2010-08-24 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233336 233325 2010-09-21 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233337 233325 2010-10-26 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233338 233325 2010-10-05 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233339 233325 2010-10-19 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233340 233325 2010-09-07 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233342 233341 2010-10-08 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233343 233341 2010-12-03 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233344 233341 2010-10-01 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233345 233341 2010-09-03 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233346 233341 2010-09-10 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233347 233341 2010-09-24 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233348 233341 2010-10-15 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233349 233341 2010-11-19 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233350 233341 2010-09-17 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233351 233341 2010-11-12 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233352 233341 2010-10-22 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233353 233341 2010-11-05 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233354 233341 2010-12-10 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233355 233341 2010-08-27 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233356 233341 2010-10-29 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233358 233357 2010-12-03 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233359 233357 2010-09-10 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233360 233357 2010-11-05 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233361 233357 2010-11-19 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233362 233357 2010-10-15 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233363 233357 2010-10-01 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233364 233357 2010-09-03 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233365 233357 2010-09-17 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233366 233357 2010-11-12 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233367 233357 2010-10-22 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233368 233357 2010-08-27 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233369 233357 2010-10-08 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233370 233357 2010-12-10 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233371 233357 2010-10-29 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233372 233357 2010-09-24 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233374 233373 2010-12-09 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233375 233373 2010-10-07 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233376 233373 2010-12-02 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233377 233373 2010-10-14 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233378 233373 2010-11-04 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233379 233373 2010-11-18 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233380 233373 2010-09-09 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233381 233373 2010-11-11 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233382 233373 2010-09-16 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233383 233373 2010-09-23 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233384 233373 2010-09-02 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233385 233373 2010-09-30 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233386 233373 2010-08-26 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233387 233373 2010-10-28 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233388 233373 2010-10-21 90 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233390 233389 2010-08-24 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233391 233389 2010-11-30 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233392 233389 2010-11-23 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233393 233389 2010-09-28 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233394 233389 2010-09-21 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233395 233389 2010-08-31 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233396 233389 2010-09-14 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233397 233389 2010-12-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233398 233389 2010-10-05 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233399 233389 2010-10-26 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233400 233389 2010-11-09 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233401 233389 2010-11-16 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233402 233389 2010-09-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233403 233389 2010-11-02 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233404 233389 2010-10-19 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233406 233405 2010-12-09 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233407 233405 2010-10-07 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233408 233405 2010-11-18 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233409 233405 2010-09-23 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233410 233405 2010-09-16 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233411 233405 2010-11-11 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233412 233405 2010-09-02 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233413 233405 2010-09-09 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233414 233405 2010-11-04 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233415 233405 2010-09-30 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233416 233405 2010-08-26 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233417 233405 2010-10-28 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233418 233405 2010-12-02 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233419 233405 2010-10-14 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233420 233405 2010-10-21 180 0 216 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233422 233421 2010-12-08 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233423 233421 2010-10-06 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233424 233421 2010-08-25 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233425 233421 2010-09-08 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233426 233421 2010-09-15 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233427 233421 2010-09-29 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233428 233421 2010-10-20 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233429 233421 2010-10-27 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233430 233421 2010-12-01 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233431 233421 2010-11-17 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233432 233421 2010-09-22 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233433 233421 2010-11-10 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233434 233421 2010-09-01 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233435 233421 2010-11-03 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233436 233421 2010-10-13 90 0 126 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233438 233437 2010-12-08 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233439 233437 2010-10-20 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233440 233437 2010-09-01 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233441 233437 2010-11-10 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233442 233437 2010-11-03 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233443 233437 2010-10-27 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233444 233437 2010-09-22 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233445 233437 2010-09-29 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233446 233437 2010-12-01 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233447 233437 2010-08-25 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233448 233437 2010-09-08 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233449 233437 2010-10-06 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233450 233437 2010-11-17 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233451 233437 2010-10-13 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233452 233437 2010-09-15 180 0 216 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233454 233453 2010-10-08 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233455 233453 2010-10-01 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233456 233453 2010-12-10 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233457 233453 2010-09-03 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233458 233453 2010-10-22 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233459 233453 2010-09-10 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233460 233453 2010-09-24 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233461 233453 2010-10-15 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233462 233453 2010-12-03 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233463 233453 2010-10-29 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233464 233453 2010-09-17 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233465 233453 2010-11-12 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233466 233453 2010-11-19 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233467 233453 2010-08-27 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233468 233453 2010-11-05 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233470 233469 2010-09-21 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233471 233469 2010-11-02 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233472 233469 2010-10-19 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233473 233469 2010-12-07 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233474 233469 2010-08-31 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233475 233469 2010-09-07 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233476 233469 2010-11-23 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233477 233469 2010-09-14 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233478 233469 2010-09-28 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233479 233469 2010-10-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233480 233469 2010-10-26 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233481 233469 2010-11-16 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233482 233469 2010-08-24 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233483 233469 2010-11-09 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233484 233469 2010-11-30 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233486 233485 2010-10-19 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233487 233485 2010-11-23 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233488 233485 2010-11-30 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233489 233485 2010-08-31 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233490 233485 2010-11-16 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233491 233485 2010-08-24 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233492 233485 2010-09-28 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233493 233485 2010-10-05 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233494 233485 2010-11-02 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233495 233485 2010-10-26 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233496 233485 2010-09-21 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233497 233485 2010-12-07 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233498 233485 2010-09-14 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233499 233485 2010-09-07 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233500 233485 2010-11-09 90 0 126 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233502 233501 2010-12-01 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233503 233501 2010-11-10 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233504 233501 2010-11-17 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233505 233501 2010-12-08 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233506 233501 2010-09-01 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233507 233501 2010-11-03 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233508 233501 2010-09-08 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233509 233501 2010-09-22 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233510 233501 2010-10-20 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233511 233501 2010-08-25 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233512 233501 2010-09-29 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233513 233501 2010-09-15 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233514 233501 2010-10-06 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233515 233501 2010-10-13 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233516 233501 2010-10-27 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233518 233517 2010-12-06 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233519 233517 2010-11-15 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233520 233517 2010-11-08 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233521 233517 2010-09-20 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233522 233517 2010-11-01 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233523 233517 2010-09-13 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233524 233517 2010-10-18 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233525 233517 2010-09-27 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233526 233517 2010-10-25 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233527 233517 2010-08-30 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233528 233517 2010-11-29 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233529 233517 2010-08-23 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233530 233517 2010-11-22 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233531 233517 2010-10-04 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233533 233532 2010-11-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233534 233532 2010-09-03 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233535 233532 2010-10-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233536 233532 2010-09-24 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233537 233532 2010-10-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233538 233532 2010-10-15 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233539 233532 2010-12-10 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233540 233532 2010-10-08 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233541 233532 2010-10-22 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233542 233532 2010-09-17 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233543 233532 2010-11-12 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233544 233532 2010-11-19 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233545 233532 2010-12-03 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233546 233532 2010-09-10 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233547 233532 2010-08-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233549 233548 2010-09-21 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233550 233548 2010-11-09 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233551 233548 2010-12-07 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233552 233548 2010-09-07 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233553 233548 2010-10-26 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233554 233548 2010-11-02 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233555 233548 2010-08-24 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233556 233548 2010-08-31 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233557 233548 2010-09-28 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233558 233548 2010-11-30 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233559 233548 2010-11-16 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233560 233548 2010-09-14 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233561 233548 2010-10-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233562 233548 2010-11-23 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233563 233548 2010-10-19 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233565 233564 2010-08-27 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233566 233564 2010-10-15 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233567 233564 2010-12-10 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233568 233564 2010-11-19 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233569 233564 2010-09-10 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233570 233564 2010-09-24 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233571 233564 2010-10-22 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233572 233564 2010-10-29 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233573 233564 2010-10-08 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233574 233564 2010-12-03 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233575 233564 2010-10-01 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233576 233564 2010-11-05 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233577 233564 2010-11-12 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233578 233564 2010-09-17 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233579 233564 2010-09-03 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233581 233580 2010-12-10 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233582 233580 2010-09-03 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233583 233580 2010-11-05 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233584 233580 2010-12-03 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233585 233580 2010-08-27 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233586 233580 2010-10-01 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233587 233580 2010-10-22 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233588 233580 2010-11-19 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233589 233580 2010-10-15 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233590 233580 2010-09-10 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233591 233580 2010-09-17 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233592 233580 2010-10-08 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233593 233580 2010-10-29 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233594 233580 2010-09-24 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233595 233580 2010-11-12 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233597 233596 2010-11-16 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233598 233596 2010-09-14 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233599 233596 2010-10-19 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233600 233596 2010-12-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233601 233596 2010-11-23 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233602 233596 2010-08-31 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233603 233596 2010-10-26 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233604 233596 2010-11-02 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233605 233596 2010-11-09 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233606 233596 2010-09-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233607 233596 2010-09-21 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233608 233596 2010-09-28 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233609 233596 2010-08-24 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233610 233596 2010-11-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233611 233596 2010-10-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233613 233612 2010-12-06 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233614 233612 2010-11-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233615 233612 2010-08-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233616 233612 2010-11-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233617 233612 2010-09-20 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233618 233612 2010-08-23 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233619 233612 2010-09-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233620 233612 2010-10-25 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233621 233612 2010-09-13 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233622 233612 2010-11-22 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233623 233612 2010-11-08 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233624 233612 2010-10-18 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233625 233612 2010-10-04 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233626 233612 2010-11-15 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233628 233627 2010-11-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233629 233627 2010-10-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233630 233627 2010-09-17 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233631 233627 2010-12-03 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233632 233627 2010-09-10 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233633 233627 2010-12-10 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233634 233627 2010-09-03 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233635 233627 2010-10-15 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233636 233627 2010-08-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233637 233627 2010-10-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233638 233627 2010-11-12 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233639 233627 2010-10-08 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233640 233627 2010-10-22 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233641 233627 2010-11-19 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233642 233627 2010-09-24 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233644 233643 2010-08-26 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233645 233643 2010-11-11 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233646 233643 2010-12-02 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233647 233643 2010-09-02 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233648 233643 2010-09-16 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233649 233643 2010-12-09 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233650 233643 2010-10-28 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233651 233643 2010-09-23 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233652 233643 2010-10-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233653 233643 2010-09-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233654 233643 2010-10-14 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233655 233643 2010-10-21 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233656 233643 2010-11-04 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233657 233643 2010-09-09 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233658 233643 2010-11-18 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233660 233659 2010-12-01 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233661 233659 2010-10-06 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233662 233659 2010-09-29 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233663 233659 2010-10-13 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233664 233659 2010-09-01 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233665 233659 2010-11-10 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233666 233659 2010-09-22 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233667 233659 2010-10-27 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233668 233659 2010-10-20 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233669 233659 2010-11-17 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233670 233659 2010-09-15 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233671 233659 2010-09-08 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233672 233659 2010-12-08 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233673 233659 2010-11-03 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233674 233659 2010-08-25 174 0 186 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233676 233675 2010-09-14 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233677 233675 2010-12-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233678 233675 2010-08-24 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233679 233675 2010-09-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233680 233675 2010-10-26 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233681 233675 2010-11-09 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233682 233675 2010-11-23 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233683 233675 2010-08-31 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233684 233675 2010-09-28 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233685 233675 2010-09-21 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233686 233675 2010-11-02 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233687 233675 2010-10-19 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233688 233675 2010-11-16 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233689 233675 2010-11-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233690 233675 2010-10-05 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233692 233691 2010-10-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233693 233691 2010-11-16 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233694 233691 2010-08-31 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233695 233691 2010-11-23 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233696 233691 2010-09-28 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233697 233691 2010-08-24 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233698 233691 2010-09-14 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233699 233691 2010-12-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233700 233691 2010-10-26 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233701 233691 2010-11-09 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233702 233691 2010-10-19 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233703 233691 2010-11-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233704 233691 2010-09-21 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233705 233691 2010-11-02 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233706 233691 2010-09-07 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233708 233707 2010-08-24 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233709 233707 2010-09-28 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233710 233707 2010-11-16 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233711 233707 2010-11-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233712 233707 2010-11-09 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233713 233707 2010-10-26 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233714 233707 2010-10-19 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233715 233707 2010-11-02 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233716 233707 2010-10-05 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233717 233707 2010-09-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233718 233707 2010-08-31 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233719 233707 2010-09-14 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233720 233707 2010-11-23 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233721 233707 2010-12-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233722 233707 2010-09-21 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233724 233723 2010-12-02 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233725 233723 2010-10-21 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233726 233723 2010-11-18 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233727 233723 2010-10-28 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233728 233723 2010-10-14 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233729 233723 2010-09-16 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233730 233723 2010-09-09 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233731 233723 2010-09-23 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233732 233723 2010-09-02 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233733 233723 2010-10-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233734 233723 2010-08-26 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233735 233723 2010-11-11 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233736 233723 2010-12-09 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233737 233723 2010-09-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233738 233723 2010-11-04 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233740 233739 2010-11-23 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233741 233739 2010-12-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233742 233739 2010-11-09 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233743 233739 2010-11-16 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233744 233739 2010-11-02 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233745 233739 2010-09-28 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233746 233739 2010-09-21 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233747 233739 2010-08-31 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233748 233739 2010-09-07 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233749 233739 2010-09-14 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233750 233739 2010-10-26 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233751 233739 2010-10-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233752 233739 2010-10-19 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233753 233739 2010-11-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233754 233739 2010-08-24 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233756 233755 2010-09-10 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233757 233755 2010-09-17 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233758 233755 2010-11-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233759 233755 2010-10-15 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233760 233755 2010-08-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233761 233755 2010-10-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233762 233755 2010-11-19 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233763 233755 2010-09-24 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233764 233755 2010-11-12 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233765 233755 2010-10-08 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233766 233755 2010-12-10 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233767 233755 2010-10-22 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233768 233755 2010-10-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233769 233755 2010-12-03 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233770 233755 2010-09-03 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233772 233771 2010-09-23 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233773 233771 2010-11-11 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233774 233771 2010-12-09 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233775 233771 2010-08-26 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233776 233771 2010-10-21 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233777 233771 2010-11-04 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233778 233771 2010-09-09 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233779 233771 2010-10-07 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233780 233771 2010-10-14 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233781 233771 2010-10-28 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233782 233771 2010-12-02 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233783 233771 2010-09-30 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233784 233771 2010-11-18 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233785 233771 2010-09-02 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233786 233771 2010-09-16 138 0 174 -10 6 f 2010-09-22 1 233788 233787 2010-09-02 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233789 233787 2010-12-09 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233790 233787 2010-08-26 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233791 233787 2010-10-07 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233792 233787 2010-11-18 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233793 233787 2010-09-09 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233794 233787 2010-09-23 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233795 233787 2010-10-14 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233796 233787 2010-10-28 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233797 233787 2010-12-02 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233798 233787 2010-11-04 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233799 233787 2010-09-16 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233800 233787 2010-11-11 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233801 233787 2010-09-30 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233802 233787 2010-10-21 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233804 233803 2010-10-06 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233805 233803 2010-10-27 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233806 233803 2010-11-17 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233807 233803 2010-09-15 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233808 233803 2010-11-03 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233809 233803 2010-09-22 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233810 233803 2010-12-08 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233811 233803 2010-08-25 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233812 233803 2010-09-29 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233813 233803 2010-09-08 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233814 233803 2010-11-10 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233815 233803 2010-09-01 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233816 233803 2010-12-01 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233817 233803 2010-10-13 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233818 233803 2010-10-20 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233820 233819 2010-09-10 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233821 233819 2010-11-19 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233822 233819 2010-09-03 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233823 233819 2010-11-12 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233824 233819 2010-10-01 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233825 233819 2010-11-05 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233826 233819 2010-09-17 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233827 233819 2010-10-08 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233828 233819 2010-10-15 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233829 233819 2010-12-10 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233830 233819 2010-10-29 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233831 233819 2010-08-27 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233832 233819 2010-09-24 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233833 233819 2010-12-03 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233834 233819 2010-10-22 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233836 233835 2010-09-15 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233837 233835 2010-08-25 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233838 233835 2010-11-03 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233839 233835 2010-09-08 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233840 233835 2010-12-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233841 233835 2010-10-13 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233842 233835 2010-10-06 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233843 233835 2010-12-08 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233844 233835 2010-10-20 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233845 233835 2010-09-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233846 233835 2010-10-27 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233847 233835 2010-09-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233848 233835 2010-09-22 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233849 233835 2010-11-17 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233850 233835 2010-11-10 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 233852 233851 2010-09-20 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233853 233851 2010-09-27 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233854 233851 2010-09-24 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233855 233851 2010-11-29 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233856 233851 2010-10-29 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233857 233851 2010-09-13 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233858 233851 2010-10-15 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233859 233851 2010-10-25 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233860 233851 2010-11-12 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233861 233851 2010-10-08 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233862 233851 2010-12-06 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233863 233851 2010-10-01 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233864 233851 2010-12-10 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233865 233851 2010-10-18 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233866 233851 2010-09-17 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233867 233851 2010-11-01 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233868 233851 2010-11-08 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233869 233851 2010-11-15 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233870 233851 2010-09-10 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233871 233851 2010-10-22 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233872 233851 2010-08-27 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233873 233851 2010-09-03 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233874 233851 2010-10-04 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233875 233851 2010-08-30 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233876 233851 2010-11-05 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233877 233851 2010-11-19 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233878 233851 2010-11-22 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233879 233851 2010-12-03 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233880 233851 2010-08-23 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 233882 233881 2010-11-22 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233883 233881 2010-11-29 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233884 233881 2010-09-15 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233885 233881 2010-10-13 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233886 233881 2010-10-25 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233887 233881 2010-12-08 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233888 233881 2010-09-29 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233889 233881 2010-09-13 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233890 233881 2010-08-30 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233891 233881 2010-10-04 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233892 233881 2010-09-08 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233893 233881 2010-10-06 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233894 233881 2010-09-01 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233895 233881 2010-11-08 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233896 233881 2010-09-27 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233897 233881 2010-11-01 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233898 233881 2010-11-03 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233899 233881 2010-11-17 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233900 233881 2010-11-10 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233901 233881 2010-10-27 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233902 233881 2010-11-15 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233903 233881 2010-08-25 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233904 233881 2010-10-18 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233905 233881 2010-09-22 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233906 233881 2010-12-06 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233907 233881 2010-08-23 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233908 233881 2010-10-20 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233909 233881 2010-09-20 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233910 233881 2010-12-01 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 233912 233911 2010-11-30 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233913 233911 2010-09-21 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233914 233911 2010-11-16 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233915 233911 2010-10-05 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233916 233911 2010-12-07 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233917 233911 2010-10-19 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233918 233911 2010-10-26 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233919 233911 2010-11-09 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233920 233911 2010-09-28 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233921 233911 2010-08-31 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233922 233911 2010-11-02 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233923 233911 2010-08-24 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233924 233911 2010-09-07 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233925 233911 2010-11-23 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233926 233911 2010-09-14 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233928 233927 2010-08-24 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233929 233927 2010-12-07 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233930 233927 2010-08-31 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233931 233927 2010-09-07 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233932 233927 2010-10-05 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233933 233927 2010-11-23 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233934 233927 2010-11-09 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233935 233927 2010-10-19 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233936 233927 2010-10-26 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233937 233927 2010-09-14 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233938 233927 2010-09-28 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233939 233927 2010-11-02 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233940 233927 2010-11-30 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233941 233927 2010-09-21 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233942 233927 2010-11-16 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233944 233943 2010-10-13 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233945 233943 2010-12-08 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233946 233943 2010-11-17 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233947 233943 2010-10-27 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233948 233943 2010-10-20 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233949 233943 2010-08-25 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233950 233943 2010-11-10 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233951 233943 2010-11-03 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233952 233943 2010-09-29 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233953 233943 2010-09-01 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233954 233943 2010-09-08 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233955 233943 2010-12-01 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233956 233943 2010-09-15 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233957 233943 2010-10-06 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233958 233943 2010-09-22 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233960 233959 2010-10-25 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233961 233959 2010-08-30 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233962 233959 2010-09-13 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233963 233959 2010-08-23 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233964 233959 2010-09-20 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233965 233959 2010-12-06 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233966 233959 2010-11-22 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233967 233959 2010-10-18 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233968 233959 2010-09-27 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233969 233959 2010-11-29 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233970 233959 2010-11-15 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233971 233959 2010-10-04 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233972 233959 2010-11-08 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233973 233959 2010-11-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 233975 233974 2010-09-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233976 233974 2010-08-23 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233977 233974 2010-10-18 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233978 233974 2010-11-22 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233979 233974 2010-11-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233980 233974 2010-08-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233981 233974 2010-12-06 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233982 233974 2010-10-25 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233983 233974 2010-09-20 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233984 233974 2010-11-15 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233985 233974 2010-10-04 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233986 233974 2010-11-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233987 233974 2010-11-08 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233988 233974 2010-09-13 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233990 233989 2010-11-11 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233991 233989 2010-09-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233992 233989 2010-09-09 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233993 233989 2010-10-14 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233994 233989 2010-10-28 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233995 233989 2010-08-26 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233996 233989 2010-09-02 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233997 233989 2010-12-09 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233998 233989 2010-12-02 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 233999 233989 2010-09-23 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234000 233989 2010-09-16 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234001 233989 2010-10-21 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234002 233989 2010-10-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234003 233989 2010-11-18 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234004 233989 2010-11-04 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234006 234005 2010-08-27 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234007 234005 2010-10-01 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234008 234005 2010-10-29 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234009 234005 2010-11-12 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234010 234005 2010-09-03 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234011 234005 2010-11-05 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234012 234005 2010-09-24 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234013 234005 2010-10-08 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234014 234005 2010-12-03 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234015 234005 2010-09-10 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234016 234005 2010-12-10 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234017 234005 2010-10-22 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234018 234005 2010-11-19 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234019 234005 2010-10-15 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234020 234005 2010-09-17 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234022 234021 2010-09-08 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234023 234021 2010-11-03 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234024 234021 2010-09-22 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234025 234021 2010-09-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234026 234021 2010-12-08 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234027 234021 2010-11-17 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234028 234021 2010-12-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234029 234021 2010-10-20 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234030 234021 2010-11-10 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234031 234021 2010-09-15 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234032 234021 2010-09-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234033 234021 2010-10-06 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234034 234021 2010-08-25 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234035 234021 2010-10-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234036 234021 2010-10-13 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234038 234037 2010-09-01 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234039 234037 2010-08-25 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234040 234037 2010-12-08 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234041 234037 2010-10-13 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234042 234037 2010-09-22 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234043 234037 2010-09-29 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234044 234037 2010-10-06 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234045 234037 2010-11-03 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234046 234037 2010-12-01 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234047 234037 2010-11-10 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234048 234037 2010-11-17 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234049 234037 2010-09-15 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234050 234037 2010-10-27 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234051 234037 2010-10-20 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234052 234037 2010-09-08 186 0 198 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234054 234053 2010-09-15 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234055 234053 2010-09-08 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234056 234053 2010-09-29 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234057 234053 2010-11-03 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234058 234053 2010-09-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234059 234053 2010-12-01 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234060 234053 2010-10-27 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234061 234053 2010-09-22 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234062 234053 2010-11-17 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234063 234053 2010-08-25 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234064 234053 2010-12-08 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234065 234053 2010-10-13 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234066 234053 2010-11-10 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234067 234053 2010-10-06 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234068 234053 2010-10-20 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234070 234069 2010-09-14 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234071 234069 2010-11-02 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234072 234069 2010-09-28 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234073 234069 2010-08-31 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234074 234069 2010-10-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234075 234069 2010-11-30 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234076 234069 2010-10-26 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234077 234069 2010-09-21 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234078 234069 2010-08-24 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234079 234069 2010-12-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234080 234069 2010-11-23 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234081 234069 2010-11-09 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234082 234069 2010-09-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234083 234069 2010-11-16 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234084 234069 2010-10-19 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234086 234085 2010-11-17 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234087 234085 2010-08-25 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234088 234085 2010-09-08 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234089 234085 2010-11-03 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234090 234085 2010-11-10 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234091 234085 2010-09-29 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234092 234085 2010-12-01 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234093 234085 2010-09-01 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234094 234085 2010-09-22 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234095 234085 2010-10-27 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234096 234085 2010-10-06 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234097 234085 2010-10-20 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234098 234085 2010-12-08 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234099 234085 2010-10-13 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234100 234085 2010-09-15 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234102 234101 2010-09-01 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234103 234101 2010-10-20 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234104 234101 2010-12-08 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234105 234101 2010-10-06 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234106 234101 2010-11-17 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234107 234101 2010-12-01 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234108 234101 2010-09-15 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234109 234101 2010-10-27 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234110 234101 2010-11-03 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234111 234101 2010-09-08 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234112 234101 2010-08-25 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234113 234101 2010-10-13 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234114 234101 2010-09-29 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234115 234101 2010-09-22 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234116 234101 2010-11-10 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234118 234117 2010-11-10 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234119 234117 2010-12-08 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234120 234117 2010-09-29 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234121 234117 2010-10-27 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234122 234117 2010-10-20 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234123 234117 2010-09-22 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234124 234117 2010-10-06 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234125 234117 2010-12-01 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234126 234117 2010-10-13 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234127 234117 2010-09-15 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234128 234117 2010-08-25 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234129 234117 2010-11-03 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234130 234117 2010-11-17 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234131 234117 2010-09-01 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234132 234117 2010-09-08 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234134 234133 2010-12-08 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234135 234133 2010-11-03 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234136 234133 2010-10-06 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234137 234133 2010-09-15 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234138 234133 2010-10-20 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234139 234133 2010-09-22 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234140 234133 2010-11-10 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234141 234133 2010-08-25 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234142 234133 2010-09-29 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234143 234133 2010-09-01 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234144 234133 2010-09-08 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234145 234133 2010-10-27 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234146 234133 2010-10-13 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234147 234133 2010-11-17 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234148 234133 2010-12-01 114 0 138 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234150 234149 2010-09-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234151 234149 2010-12-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234152 234149 2010-11-17 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234153 234149 2010-12-08 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234154 234149 2010-09-08 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234155 234149 2010-10-06 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234156 234149 2010-10-13 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234157 234149 2010-09-15 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234158 234149 2010-10-20 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234159 234149 2010-08-25 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234160 234149 2010-10-27 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234161 234149 2010-11-10 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234162 234149 2010-09-22 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234163 234149 2010-11-03 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234164 234149 2010-09-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234166 234165 2010-09-17 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234167 234165 2010-11-19 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234168 234165 2010-11-12 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234169 234165 2010-09-24 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234170 234165 2010-12-10 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234171 234165 2010-10-15 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234172 234165 2010-11-05 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234173 234165 2010-10-22 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234174 234165 2010-09-10 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234175 234165 2010-10-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234176 234165 2010-10-08 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234177 234165 2010-12-03 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234178 234165 2010-09-03 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234179 234165 2010-10-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234180 234165 2010-08-27 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234182 234181 2010-08-26 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234183 234181 2010-09-30 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234184 234181 2010-09-16 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234185 234181 2010-10-28 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234186 234181 2010-10-07 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234187 234181 2010-09-02 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234188 234181 2010-11-11 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234189 234181 2010-11-18 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234190 234181 2010-12-09 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234191 234181 2010-10-14 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234192 234181 2010-11-04 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234193 234181 2010-10-21 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234194 234181 2010-12-02 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234195 234181 2010-09-09 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234196 234181 2010-09-23 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234198 234197 2010-10-28 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234199 234197 2010-10-07 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234200 234197 2010-11-04 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234201 234197 2010-10-14 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234202 234197 2010-09-02 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234203 234197 2010-08-26 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234204 234197 2010-12-02 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234205 234197 2010-09-23 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234206 234197 2010-10-21 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234207 234197 2010-12-09 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234208 234197 2010-11-18 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234209 234197 2010-09-09 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234210 234197 2010-09-16 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234211 234197 2010-09-30 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234212 234197 2010-11-11 90 0 114 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234214 234213 2010-12-03 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234215 234213 2010-10-08 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234216 234213 2010-10-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234217 234213 2010-09-03 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234218 234213 2010-08-27 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234219 234213 2010-11-19 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234220 234213 2010-09-17 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234221 234213 2010-11-05 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234222 234213 2010-11-12 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234223 234213 2010-09-24 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234224 234213 2010-10-15 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234225 234213 2010-09-10 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234226 234213 2010-10-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234227 234213 2010-12-10 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234228 234213 2010-10-22 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234230 234229 2010-10-27 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234231 234229 2010-10-04 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234232 234229 2010-11-10 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234233 234229 2010-10-25 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234234 234229 2010-09-29 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234235 234229 2010-09-17 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234236 234229 2010-11-15 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234237 234229 2010-10-08 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234238 234229 2010-10-18 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234239 234229 2010-10-01 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234240 234229 2010-10-20 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234241 234229 2010-09-08 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234242 234229 2010-12-06 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234243 234229 2010-12-01 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234244 234229 2010-11-12 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234245 234229 2010-11-01 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234246 234229 2010-10-29 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234247 234229 2010-12-03 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234248 234229 2010-11-05 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234249 234229 2010-09-24 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234250 234229 2010-10-13 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234251 234229 2010-10-06 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234252 234229 2010-11-03 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234253 234229 2010-09-13 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234254 234229 2010-08-23 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234255 234229 2010-09-27 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234256 234229 2010-10-15 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234257 234229 2010-10-22 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234258 234229 2010-09-15 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234259 234229 2010-09-03 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234260 234229 2010-12-08 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234261 234229 2010-11-29 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234262 234229 2010-09-22 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234263 234229 2010-08-25 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234264 234229 2010-11-17 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234265 234229 2010-11-19 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234266 234229 2010-08-27 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234267 234229 2010-09-20 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234268 234229 2010-09-01 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234269 234229 2010-11-22 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234270 234229 2010-11-08 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234271 234229 2010-12-10 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234272 234229 2010-09-10 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234273 234229 2010-08-30 126 0 138 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234275 234274 2010-09-20 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234276 234274 2010-08-30 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234277 234274 2010-09-13 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234278 234274 2010-10-04 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234279 234274 2010-11-01 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234280 234274 2010-08-23 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234281 234274 2010-11-29 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234282 234274 2010-12-06 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234283 234274 2010-11-08 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234284 234274 2010-10-25 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234285 234274 2010-10-18 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234286 234274 2010-11-15 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234287 234274 2010-09-27 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234288 234274 2010-11-22 186 0 210 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234290 234289 2010-11-29 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234291 234289 2010-08-30 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234292 234289 2010-10-04 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234293 234289 2010-11-22 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234294 234289 2010-09-13 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234295 234289 2010-11-01 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234296 234289 2010-08-23 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234297 234289 2010-11-08 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234298 234289 2010-09-20 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234299 234289 2010-10-25 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234300 234289 2010-09-27 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234301 234289 2010-10-18 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234302 234289 2010-12-06 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234303 234289 2010-11-15 162 0 186 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234305 234304 2010-09-27 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234306 234304 2010-08-30 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234307 234304 2010-12-06 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234308 234304 2010-10-18 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234309 234304 2010-11-01 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234310 234304 2010-09-20 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234311 234304 2010-10-25 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234312 234304 2010-11-29 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234313 234304 2010-11-15 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234314 234304 2010-08-23 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234315 234304 2010-11-22 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234316 234304 2010-10-04 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234317 234304 2010-09-13 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234318 234304 2010-11-08 138 0 162 -10 7 f 2010-09-22 1 234320 234319 2010-11-19 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234321 234319 2010-10-01 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234322 234319 2010-10-18 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234323 234319 2010-10-08 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234324 234319 2010-09-27 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234325 234319 2010-08-30 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234326 234319 2010-12-01 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234327 234319 2010-11-05 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234328 234319 2010-10-06 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234329 234319 2010-10-29 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234330 234319 2010-11-29 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234331 234319 2010-10-22 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234332 234319 2010-09-15 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234333 234319 2010-09-24 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234334 234319 2010-10-04 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234335 234319 2010-11-17 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234336 234319 2010-11-10 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234337 234319 2010-11-03 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234338 234319 2010-08-23 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234339 234319 2010-10-25 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234340 234319 2010-09-20 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234341 234319 2010-08-27 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234342 234319 2010-12-06 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234343 234319 2010-11-12 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234344 234319 2010-09-01 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234345 234319 2010-12-08 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234346 234319 2010-11-22 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234347 234319 2010-11-15 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234348 234319 2010-11-08 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234349 234319 2010-09-17 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234350 234319 2010-09-08 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234351 234319 2010-09-22 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234352 234319 2010-12-03 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234353 234319 2010-08-25 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234354 234319 2010-10-13 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234355 234319 2010-10-20 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234356 234319 2010-10-27 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234357 234319 2010-11-01 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234358 234319 2010-09-03 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234359 234319 2010-09-13 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234360 234319 2010-09-29 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234361 234319 2010-12-10 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234362 234319 2010-09-10 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234363 234319 2010-10-15 174 0 186 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234365 234364 2010-09-22 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234366 234364 2010-08-25 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234367 234364 2010-09-27 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234368 234364 2010-11-08 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234369 234364 2010-09-08 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234370 234364 2010-12-08 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234371 234364 2010-09-20 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234372 234364 2010-11-01 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234373 234364 2010-10-29 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234374 234364 2010-12-01 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234375 234364 2010-11-17 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234376 234364 2010-12-03 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234377 234364 2010-11-10 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234378 234364 2010-10-18 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234379 234364 2010-09-15 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234380 234364 2010-12-10 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234381 234364 2010-11-19 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234382 234364 2010-11-03 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234383 234364 2010-08-23 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234384 234364 2010-10-04 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234385 234364 2010-10-20 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234386 234364 2010-11-22 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234387 234364 2010-09-13 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234388 234364 2010-11-15 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234389 234364 2010-10-13 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234390 234364 2010-09-29 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234391 234364 2010-12-06 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234392 234364 2010-09-10 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234393 234364 2010-10-15 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234394 234364 2010-11-29 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234395 234364 2010-10-27 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234396 234364 2010-10-08 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234397 234364 2010-08-30 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234398 234364 2010-11-05 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234399 234364 2010-09-17 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234400 234364 2010-09-03 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234401 234364 2010-10-22 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234402 234364 2010-11-12 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234403 234364 2010-09-01 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234404 234364 2010-10-01 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234405 234364 2010-08-27 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234406 234364 2010-09-24 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234407 234364 2010-10-06 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234408 234364 2010-10-25 198 0 210 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234410 234409 2010-12-06 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234411 234409 2010-11-08 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234412 234409 2010-09-13 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234413 234409 2010-09-20 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234414 234409 2010-10-04 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234415 234409 2010-08-30 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234416 234409 2010-10-18 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234417 234409 2010-11-29 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234418 234409 2010-11-15 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234419 234409 2010-08-23 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234420 234409 2010-11-22 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234421 234409 2010-11-01 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234422 234409 2010-10-25 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234423 234409 2010-09-27 114 0 126 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234425 234424 2010-09-17 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234426 234424 2010-11-19 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234427 234424 2010-11-05 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234428 234424 2010-09-24 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234429 234424 2010-10-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234430 234424 2010-10-29 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234431 234424 2010-08-27 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234432 234424 2010-12-03 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234433 234424 2010-12-10 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234434 234424 2010-10-15 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234435 234424 2010-10-22 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234436 234424 2010-11-12 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234437 234424 2010-09-03 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234438 234424 2010-09-10 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234439 234424 2010-10-08 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234441 234440 2010-11-09 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234442 234440 2010-11-16 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234443 234440 2010-09-14 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234444 234440 2010-08-31 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234445 234440 2010-10-19 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234446 234440 2010-12-07 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234447 234440 2010-09-28 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234448 234440 2010-10-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234449 234440 2010-09-21 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234450 234440 2010-11-02 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234451 234440 2010-11-30 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234452 234440 2010-10-26 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234453 234440 2010-11-23 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234454 234440 2010-08-24 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234455 234440 2010-09-07 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234457 234456 2010-08-23 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234458 234456 2010-11-29 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234459 234456 2010-12-06 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234460 234456 2010-09-13 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234461 234456 2010-09-20 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234462 234456 2010-08-30 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234463 234456 2010-09-27 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234464 234456 2010-11-08 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234465 234456 2010-11-15 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234466 234456 2010-10-18 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234467 234456 2010-11-22 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234468 234456 2010-10-25 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234469 234456 2010-11-01 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234470 234456 2010-10-04 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234472 234471 2010-10-07 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234473 234471 2010-11-04 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234474 234471 2010-09-02 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234475 234471 2010-10-28 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234476 234471 2010-11-11 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234477 234471 2010-09-09 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234478 234471 2010-12-09 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234479 234471 2010-08-26 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234480 234471 2010-09-16 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234481 234471 2010-10-21 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234482 234471 2010-09-30 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234483 234471 2010-09-23 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234484 234471 2010-12-02 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234485 234471 2010-10-14 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234486 234471 2010-11-18 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234488 234487 2010-11-11 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234489 234487 2010-09-16 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234490 234487 2010-11-04 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234491 234487 2010-09-02 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234492 234487 2010-10-07 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234493 234487 2010-12-02 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234494 234487 2010-09-23 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234495 234487 2010-09-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234496 234487 2010-10-28 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234497 234487 2010-10-14 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234498 234487 2010-12-09 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234499 234487 2010-08-26 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234500 234487 2010-10-21 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234501 234487 2010-11-18 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234502 234487 2010-09-09 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234504 234503 2010-11-11 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234505 234503 2010-11-02 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234506 234503 2010-11-23 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234507 234503 2010-11-30 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234508 234503 2010-10-19 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234509 234503 2010-10-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234510 234503 2010-09-28 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234511 234503 2010-11-04 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234512 234503 2010-09-02 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234513 234503 2010-12-09 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234514 234503 2010-09-14 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234515 234503 2010-09-23 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234516 234503 2010-09-30 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234517 234503 2010-09-21 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234518 234503 2010-11-18 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234519 234503 2010-09-16 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234520 234503 2010-12-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234521 234503 2010-11-16 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234522 234503 2010-09-09 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234523 234503 2010-08-24 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234524 234503 2010-12-02 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234525 234503 2010-08-26 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234526 234503 2010-10-26 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234527 234503 2010-08-31 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234528 234503 2010-10-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234529 234503 2010-09-07 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234530 234503 2010-10-28 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234531 234503 2010-11-09 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234532 234503 2010-10-21 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234533 234503 2010-10-14 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234535 234534 2010-10-26 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234536 234534 2010-11-18 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234537 234534 2010-08-31 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234538 234534 2010-12-02 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234539 234534 2010-11-23 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234540 234534 2010-09-02 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234541 234534 2010-10-14 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234542 234534 2010-10-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234543 234534 2010-10-28 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234544 234534 2010-09-16 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234545 234534 2010-10-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234546 234534 2010-09-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234547 234534 2010-11-02 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234548 234534 2010-11-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234549 234534 2010-11-04 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234550 234534 2010-12-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234551 234534 2010-09-09 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234552 234534 2010-11-11 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234553 234534 2010-09-28 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234554 234534 2010-11-09 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234555 234534 2010-09-23 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234556 234534 2010-12-09 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234557 234534 2010-09-21 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234558 234534 2010-09-14 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234559 234534 2010-08-26 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234560 234534 2010-10-21 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234561 234534 2010-08-24 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234562 234534 2010-09-07 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234563 234534 2010-11-16 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234564 234534 2010-10-19 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234566 234565 2010-12-06 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234567 234565 2010-09-13 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234568 234565 2010-11-22 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234569 234565 2010-11-15 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234570 234565 2010-11-29 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234571 234565 2010-08-30 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234572 234565 2010-11-08 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234573 234565 2010-10-25 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234574 234565 2010-11-01 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234575 234565 2010-10-04 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234576 234565 2010-09-20 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234577 234565 2010-08-23 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234578 234565 2010-10-18 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234579 234565 2010-09-27 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234581 234580 2010-12-03 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234582 234580 2010-10-29 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234583 234580 2010-11-19 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234584 234580 2010-12-10 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234585 234580 2010-10-08 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234586 234580 2010-09-17 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234587 234580 2010-09-24 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234588 234580 2010-11-05 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234589 234580 2010-08-27 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234590 234580 2010-10-15 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234591 234580 2010-11-12 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234592 234580 2010-09-03 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234593 234580 2010-10-01 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234594 234580 2010-10-22 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234595 234580 2010-09-10 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234597 234596 2010-09-14 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234598 234596 2010-08-26 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234599 234596 2010-10-28 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234600 234596 2010-10-21 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234601 234596 2010-12-09 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234602 234596 2010-09-16 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234603 234596 2010-09-02 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234604 234596 2010-11-02 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234605 234596 2010-12-02 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234606 234596 2010-09-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234607 234596 2010-12-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234608 234596 2010-10-19 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234609 234596 2010-11-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234610 234596 2010-10-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234611 234596 2010-09-09 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234612 234596 2010-11-23 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234613 234596 2010-11-16 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234614 234596 2010-11-18 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234615 234596 2010-08-31 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234616 234596 2010-10-26 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234617 234596 2010-09-23 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234618 234596 2010-08-24 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234619 234596 2010-09-28 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234620 234596 2010-11-04 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234621 234596 2010-09-21 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234622 234596 2010-11-11 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234623 234596 2010-10-14 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234624 234596 2010-09-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234625 234596 2010-10-07 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234626 234596 2010-11-09 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 234628 234627 2010-09-21 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234629 234627 2010-12-07 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234630 234627 2010-10-19 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234631 234627 2010-09-14 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234632 234627 2010-08-24 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234633 234627 2010-09-07 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234634 234627 2010-11-30 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234635 234627 2010-11-02 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234636 234627 2010-11-16 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234637 234627 2010-08-31 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234638 234627 2010-10-26 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234639 234627 2010-09-28 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234640 234627 2010-10-05 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234641 234627 2010-11-09 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234642 234627 2010-11-23 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234644 234643 2010-12-07 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234645 234643 2010-09-21 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234646 234643 2010-09-28 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234647 234643 2010-11-09 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234648 234643 2010-10-05 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234649 234643 2010-09-14 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234650 234643 2010-10-26 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234651 234643 2010-08-24 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234652 234643 2010-10-19 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234653 234643 2010-11-23 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234654 234643 2010-11-30 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234655 234643 2010-08-31 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234656 234643 2010-09-07 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234657 234643 2010-11-16 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234658 234643 2010-11-02 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234660 234659 2010-09-30 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234661 234659 2010-11-04 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234662 234659 2010-09-02 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234663 234659 2010-10-14 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234664 234659 2010-11-18 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234665 234659 2010-10-28 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234666 234659 2010-12-09 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234667 234659 2010-12-02 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234668 234659 2010-09-16 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234669 234659 2010-11-11 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234670 234659 2010-10-07 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234671 234659 2010-10-21 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234672 234659 2010-09-09 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234673 234659 2010-09-23 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234674 234659 2010-08-26 150 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234676 234675 2010-09-14 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234677 234675 2010-11-09 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234678 234675 2010-11-16 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234679 234675 2010-08-31 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234680 234675 2010-08-24 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234681 234675 2010-12-07 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234682 234675 2010-09-28 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234683 234675 2010-10-19 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234684 234675 2010-10-05 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234685 234675 2010-10-26 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234686 234675 2010-11-30 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234687 234675 2010-09-21 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234688 234675 2010-11-23 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234689 234675 2010-09-07 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234690 234675 2010-11-02 114 0 126 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234692 234691 2010-11-01 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234693 234691 2010-09-27 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234694 234691 2010-11-29 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234695 234691 2010-12-06 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234696 234691 2010-10-18 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234697 234691 2010-08-30 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234698 234691 2010-11-08 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234699 234691 2010-11-22 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234700 234691 2010-09-13 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234701 234691 2010-11-15 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234702 234691 2010-09-20 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234703 234691 2010-08-23 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234704 234691 2010-10-04 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234705 234691 2010-10-25 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234707 234706 2010-09-24 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234708 234706 2010-09-13 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234709 234706 2010-10-13 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234710 234706 2010-09-08 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234711 234706 2010-10-20 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234712 234706 2010-10-06 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234713 234706 2010-11-19 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234714 234706 2010-11-22 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234715 234706 2010-09-15 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234716 234706 2010-12-06 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234717 234706 2010-08-25 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234718 234706 2010-08-30 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234719 234706 2010-08-23 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234720 234706 2010-10-04 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234721 234706 2010-10-15 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234722 234706 2010-11-15 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234723 234706 2010-11-05 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234724 234706 2010-09-22 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234725 234706 2010-12-03 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234726 234706 2010-09-10 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234727 234706 2010-11-03 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234728 234706 2010-10-29 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234729 234706 2010-09-01 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234730 234706 2010-10-08 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234731 234706 2010-09-17 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234732 234706 2010-10-18 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234733 234706 2010-12-01 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234734 234706 2010-09-27 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234735 234706 2010-11-17 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234736 234706 2010-11-08 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234737 234706 2010-10-01 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234738 234706 2010-09-20 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234739 234706 2010-09-29 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234740 234706 2010-11-29 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234741 234706 2010-11-01 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234742 234706 2010-10-27 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234743 234706 2010-10-22 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234744 234706 2010-11-12 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234745 234706 2010-12-08 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234746 234706 2010-11-10 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234747 234706 2010-09-03 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234748 234706 2010-08-27 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234749 234706 2010-10-25 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234750 234706 2010-12-10 186 0 198 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234752 234751 2010-11-09 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234753 234751 2010-09-28 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234754 234751 2010-08-24 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234755 234751 2010-10-19 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234756 234751 2010-11-02 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234757 234751 2010-09-07 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234758 234751 2010-11-23 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234759 234751 2010-11-30 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234760 234751 2010-10-26 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234761 234751 2010-12-07 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234762 234751 2010-09-21 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234763 234751 2010-08-31 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234764 234751 2010-11-16 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234765 234751 2010-09-14 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234766 234751 2010-10-05 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234768 234767 2010-12-07 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234769 234767 2010-09-14 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234770 234767 2010-10-19 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234771 234767 2010-10-26 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234772 234767 2010-11-02 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234773 234767 2010-09-28 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234774 234767 2010-08-31 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234775 234767 2010-09-07 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234776 234767 2010-11-09 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234777 234767 2010-11-30 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234778 234767 2010-08-24 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234779 234767 2010-10-05 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234780 234767 2010-11-23 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234781 234767 2010-09-21 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234782 234767 2010-11-16 126 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234784 234783 2010-10-29 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234785 234783 2010-12-03 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234786 234783 2010-12-10 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234787 234783 2010-11-05 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234788 234783 2010-09-10 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234789 234783 2010-10-01 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234790 234783 2010-08-27 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234791 234783 2010-11-19 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234792 234783 2010-11-12 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234793 234783 2010-10-22 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234794 234783 2010-09-03 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234795 234783 2010-10-08 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234796 234783 2010-09-17 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234797 234783 2010-09-24 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234798 234783 2010-10-15 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234800 234799 2010-09-17 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234801 234799 2010-09-24 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234802 234799 2010-10-29 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234803 234799 2010-10-01 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234804 234799 2010-10-15 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234805 234799 2010-08-27 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234806 234799 2010-10-22 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234807 234799 2010-11-12 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234808 234799 2010-12-03 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234809 234799 2010-12-10 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234810 234799 2010-09-03 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234811 234799 2010-10-08 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234812 234799 2010-09-10 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234813 234799 2010-11-19 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234814 234799 2010-11-05 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234816 234815 2010-08-27 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234817 234815 2010-11-12 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234818 234815 2010-11-01 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234819 234815 2010-12-06 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234820 234815 2010-11-22 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234821 234815 2010-10-27 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234822 234815 2010-10-20 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234823 234815 2010-10-01 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234824 234815 2010-09-17 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234825 234815 2010-11-29 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234826 234815 2010-09-20 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234827 234815 2010-08-30 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234828 234815 2010-10-25 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234829 234815 2010-10-15 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234830 234815 2010-10-06 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234831 234815 2010-10-18 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234832 234815 2010-09-03 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234833 234815 2010-11-10 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234834 234815 2010-11-08 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234835 234815 2010-10-22 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234836 234815 2010-11-03 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234837 234815 2010-12-08 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234838 234815 2010-08-25 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234839 234815 2010-10-08 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234840 234815 2010-09-29 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234841 234815 2010-10-04 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234842 234815 2010-09-01 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234843 234815 2010-11-17 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234844 234815 2010-12-03 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234845 234815 2010-09-22 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234846 234815 2010-09-10 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234847 234815 2010-09-24 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234848 234815 2010-09-13 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234849 234815 2010-12-01 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234850 234815 2010-11-19 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234851 234815 2010-09-15 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234852 234815 2010-10-13 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234853 234815 2010-11-05 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234854 234815 2010-10-29 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234855 234815 2010-12-10 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234856 234815 2010-11-15 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234857 234815 2010-09-08 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234858 234815 2010-08-23 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234859 234815 2010-09-27 150 0 162 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234861 234860 2010-10-18 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234862 234860 2010-08-30 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234863 234860 2010-10-15 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234864 234860 2010-09-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234865 234860 2010-10-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234866 234860 2010-11-08 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234867 234860 2010-10-22 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234868 234860 2010-12-10 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234869 234860 2010-11-15 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234870 234860 2010-09-20 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234871 234860 2010-11-12 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234872 234860 2010-09-17 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234873 234860 2010-10-13 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234874 234860 2010-11-17 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234875 234860 2010-08-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234876 234860 2010-09-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234877 234860 2010-09-15 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234878 234860 2010-09-13 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234879 234860 2010-12-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234880 234860 2010-11-10 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234881 234860 2010-11-01 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234882 234860 2010-11-22 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234883 234860 2010-12-03 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234884 234860 2010-11-05 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234885 234860 2010-08-23 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234886 234860 2010-10-08 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234887 234860 2010-09-10 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234888 234860 2010-10-25 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234889 234860 2010-10-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234890 234860 2010-10-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234891 234860 2010-10-04 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234892 234860 2010-09-24 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234893 234860 2010-11-29 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234894 234860 2010-09-08 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234895 234860 2010-10-06 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234896 234860 2010-11-19 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234897 234860 2010-12-08 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234898 234860 2010-09-03 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234899 234860 2010-12-06 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234900 234860 2010-09-27 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234901 234860 2010-11-03 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234902 234860 2010-10-20 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234903 234860 2010-08-25 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234904 234860 2010-09-22 90 0 102 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 234906 234905 2010-08-25 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234907 234905 2010-09-15 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234908 234905 2010-12-01 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234909 234905 2010-12-08 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234910 234905 2010-09-01 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234911 234905 2010-10-27 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234912 234905 2010-10-06 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234913 234905 2010-10-13 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234914 234905 2010-09-22 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234915 234905 2010-11-10 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234916 234905 2010-11-17 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234917 234905 2010-11-03 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234918 234905 2010-10-20 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234919 234905 2010-09-08 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234920 234905 2010-09-29 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 234922 234921 2010-12-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234923 234921 2010-08-25 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234924 234921 2010-09-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234925 234921 2010-12-06 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234926 234921 2010-09-10 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234927 234921 2010-09-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234928 234921 2010-09-13 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234929 234921 2010-08-30 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234930 234921 2010-09-24 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234931 234921 2010-11-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234932 234921 2010-11-22 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234933 234921 2010-10-18 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234934 234921 2010-11-17 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234935 234921 2010-10-25 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234936 234921 2010-11-05 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234937 234921 2010-10-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234938 234921 2010-10-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234939 234921 2010-10-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234940 234921 2010-12-03 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234941 234921 2010-10-13 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234942 234921 2010-10-04 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234943 234921 2010-11-10 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234944 234921 2010-09-01 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234945 234921 2010-11-29 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234946 234921 2010-09-20 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234947 234921 2010-08-27 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234948 234921 2010-10-20 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234949 234921 2010-10-08 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234950 234921 2010-11-15 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234951 234921 2010-09-17 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234952 234921 2010-09-22 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234953 234921 2010-09-15 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234954 234921 2010-12-10 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234955 234921 2010-09-03 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234956 234921 2010-10-06 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234957 234921 2010-11-08 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234958 234921 2010-09-08 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234959 234921 2010-11-03 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234960 234921 2010-10-22 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234961 234921 2010-11-19 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234962 234921 2010-10-15 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234963 234921 2010-12-08 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234964 234921 2010-08-23 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234965 234921 2010-11-12 174 0 186 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 234967 234966 2010-12-03 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234968 234966 2010-09-29 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234969 234966 2010-11-03 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234970 234966 2010-11-01 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234971 234966 2010-09-03 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234972 234966 2010-09-10 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234973 234966 2010-10-15 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234974 234966 2010-10-18 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234975 234966 2010-12-06 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234976 234966 2010-09-01 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234977 234966 2010-10-25 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234978 234966 2010-10-04 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234979 234966 2010-11-29 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234980 234966 2010-12-10 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234981 234966 2010-10-08 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234982 234966 2010-10-13 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234983 234966 2010-11-15 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234984 234966 2010-09-24 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234985 234966 2010-10-27 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234986 234966 2010-10-06 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234987 234966 2010-09-20 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234988 234966 2010-08-23 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234989 234966 2010-11-05 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234990 234966 2010-10-29 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234991 234966 2010-09-27 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234992 234966 2010-09-22 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234993 234966 2010-09-13 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234994 234966 2010-08-27 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234995 234966 2010-08-30 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234996 234966 2010-12-08 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234997 234966 2010-12-01 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234998 234966 2010-09-15 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 234999 234966 2010-08-25 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235000 234966 2010-09-17 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235001 234966 2010-10-22 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235002 234966 2010-09-08 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235003 234966 2010-11-12 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235004 234966 2010-11-08 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235005 234966 2010-11-17 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235006 234966 2010-11-19 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235007 234966 2010-11-10 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235008 234966 2010-10-20 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235009 234966 2010-11-22 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235010 234966 2010-10-01 138 0 150 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235012 235011 2010-11-03 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235013 235011 2010-12-01 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235014 235011 2010-09-15 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235015 235011 2010-09-24 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235016 235011 2010-11-08 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235017 235011 2010-08-23 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235018 235011 2010-09-03 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235019 235011 2010-11-29 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235020 235011 2010-12-03 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235021 235011 2010-10-04 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235022 235011 2010-11-15 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235023 235011 2010-12-08 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235024 235011 2010-11-05 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235025 235011 2010-08-30 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235026 235011 2010-10-27 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235027 235011 2010-11-17 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235028 235011 2010-10-22 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235029 235011 2010-10-13 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235030 235011 2010-10-01 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235031 235011 2010-09-22 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235032 235011 2010-08-25 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235033 235011 2010-10-08 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235034 235011 2010-10-06 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235035 235011 2010-10-18 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235036 235011 2010-09-27 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235037 235011 2010-10-20 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235038 235011 2010-11-01 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235039 235011 2010-10-15 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235040 235011 2010-09-01 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235041 235011 2010-09-29 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235042 235011 2010-09-13 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235043 235011 2010-09-08 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235044 235011 2010-11-12 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235045 235011 2010-11-10 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235046 235011 2010-08-27 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235047 235011 2010-09-10 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235048 235011 2010-11-19 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235049 235011 2010-10-29 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235050 235011 2010-11-22 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235051 235011 2010-12-10 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235052 235011 2010-10-25 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235053 235011 2010-09-17 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235054 235011 2010-12-06 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235055 235011 2010-09-20 162 0 174 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235057 235056 2010-09-01 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235058 235056 2010-09-08 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235059 235056 2010-10-20 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235060 235056 2010-09-13 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235061 235056 2010-09-03 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235062 235056 2010-10-22 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235063 235056 2010-08-27 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235064 235056 2010-10-18 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235065 235056 2010-10-13 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235066 235056 2010-11-01 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235067 235056 2010-12-03 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235068 235056 2010-11-05 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235069 235056 2010-11-17 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235070 235056 2010-08-25 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235071 235056 2010-12-10 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235072 235056 2010-09-20 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235073 235056 2010-11-15 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235074 235056 2010-12-08 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235075 235056 2010-11-22 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235076 235056 2010-10-25 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235077 235056 2010-10-06 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235078 235056 2010-11-08 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235079 235056 2010-11-03 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235080 235056 2010-10-15 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235081 235056 2010-09-17 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235082 235056 2010-11-19 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235083 235056 2010-09-10 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235084 235056 2010-11-12 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235085 235056 2010-09-22 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235086 235056 2010-09-15 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235087 235056 2010-08-23 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235088 235056 2010-10-08 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235089 235056 2010-10-27 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235090 235056 2010-11-29 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235091 235056 2010-08-30 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235092 235056 2010-10-04 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235093 235056 2010-12-01 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235094 235056 2010-12-06 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235095 235056 2010-10-01 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235096 235056 2010-11-10 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235097 235056 2010-10-29 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235098 235056 2010-09-29 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235099 235056 2010-09-27 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235100 235056 2010-09-24 114 0 126 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235102 235101 2010-09-01 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235103 235101 2010-10-04 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235104 235101 2010-11-08 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235105 235101 2010-10-15 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235106 235101 2010-11-05 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235107 235101 2010-11-10 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235108 235101 2010-08-30 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235109 235101 2010-10-25 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235110 235101 2010-11-12 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235111 235101 2010-10-01 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235112 235101 2010-09-10 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235113 235101 2010-11-03 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235114 235101 2010-10-20 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235115 235101 2010-10-08 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235116 235101 2010-10-22 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235117 235101 2010-10-27 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235118 235101 2010-11-17 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235119 235101 2010-10-06 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235120 235101 2010-12-01 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235121 235101 2010-11-29 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235122 235101 2010-10-13 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235123 235101 2010-12-08 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235124 235101 2010-09-29 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235125 235101 2010-09-15 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235126 235101 2010-08-27 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235127 235101 2010-09-20 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235128 235101 2010-11-15 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235129 235101 2010-12-03 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235130 235101 2010-09-17 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235131 235101 2010-09-03 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235132 235101 2010-11-01 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235133 235101 2010-11-19 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235134 235101 2010-09-27 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235135 235101 2010-11-22 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235136 235101 2010-09-13 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235137 235101 2010-12-06 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235138 235101 2010-09-24 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235139 235101 2010-10-29 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235140 235101 2010-10-18 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235141 235101 2010-09-22 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235142 235101 2010-08-25 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235143 235101 2010-08-23 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235144 235101 2010-12-10 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235145 235101 2010-09-08 198 0 210 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235147 235146 2010-09-24 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235148 235146 2010-10-20 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235149 235146 2010-12-08 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235150 235146 2010-10-06 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235151 235146 2010-11-19 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235152 235146 2010-11-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235153 235146 2010-09-15 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235154 235146 2010-09-03 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235155 235146 2010-11-22 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235156 235146 2010-11-08 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235157 235146 2010-09-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235158 235146 2010-11-12 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235159 235146 2010-09-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235160 235146 2010-12-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235161 235146 2010-09-13 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235162 235146 2010-10-18 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235163 235146 2010-10-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235164 235146 2010-09-01 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235165 235146 2010-11-17 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235166 235146 2010-10-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235167 235146 2010-10-15 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235168 235146 2010-12-06 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235169 235146 2010-10-08 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235170 235146 2010-11-29 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235171 235146 2010-08-25 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235172 235146 2010-09-17 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235173 235146 2010-08-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235174 235146 2010-11-05 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235175 235146 2010-10-25 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235176 235146 2010-09-22 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235177 235146 2010-11-03 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235178 235146 2010-08-23 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235179 235146 2010-10-04 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235180 235146 2010-09-20 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235181 235146 2010-12-03 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235182 235146 2010-12-10 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235183 235146 2010-11-10 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235184 235146 2010-10-13 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235185 235146 2010-09-08 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235186 235146 2010-10-27 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235187 235146 2010-11-15 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235188 235146 2010-09-10 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235189 235146 2010-08-30 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235190 235146 2010-10-22 186 0 198 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235192 235191 2010-10-01 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235193 235191 2010-08-23 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235194 235191 2010-09-17 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235195 235191 2010-11-10 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235196 235191 2010-11-12 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235197 235191 2010-12-03 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235198 235191 2010-09-27 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235199 235191 2010-10-06 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235200 235191 2010-08-25 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235201 235191 2010-09-22 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235202 235191 2010-08-30 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235203 235191 2010-09-10 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235204 235191 2010-10-25 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235205 235191 2010-10-04 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235206 235191 2010-10-20 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235207 235191 2010-10-22 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235208 235191 2010-11-22 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235209 235191 2010-11-15 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235210 235191 2010-11-08 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235211 235191 2010-11-29 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235212 235191 2010-11-19 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235213 235191 2010-09-29 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235214 235191 2010-09-24 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235215 235191 2010-12-10 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235216 235191 2010-09-08 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235217 235191 2010-12-08 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235218 235191 2010-10-08 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235219 235191 2010-12-01 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235220 235191 2010-10-29 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235221 235191 2010-12-06 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235222 235191 2010-11-17 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235223 235191 2010-10-27 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235224 235191 2010-08-27 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235225 235191 2010-09-20 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235226 235191 2010-09-13 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235227 235191 2010-10-18 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235228 235191 2010-11-03 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235229 235191 2010-09-03 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235230 235191 2010-10-13 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235231 235191 2010-09-01 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235232 235191 2010-10-15 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235233 235191 2010-09-15 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235234 235191 2010-11-05 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235235 235191 2010-11-01 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235237 235236 2010-10-07 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235238 235236 2010-09-09 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235239 235236 2010-09-16 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235240 235236 2010-10-28 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235241 235236 2010-11-18 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235242 235236 2010-12-09 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235243 235236 2010-09-30 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235244 235236 2010-09-23 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235245 235236 2010-10-21 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235246 235236 2010-12-02 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235247 235236 2010-11-04 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235248 235236 2010-11-11 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235249 235236 2010-10-14 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235250 235236 2010-09-02 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235251 235236 2010-08-26 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235253 235252 2010-11-04 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235254 235252 2010-10-14 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235255 235252 2010-09-16 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235256 235252 2010-11-18 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235257 235252 2010-09-23 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235258 235252 2010-12-09 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235259 235252 2010-09-02 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235260 235252 2010-08-26 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235261 235252 2010-10-28 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235262 235252 2010-11-11 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235263 235252 2010-10-07 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235264 235252 2010-09-30 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235265 235252 2010-12-02 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235266 235252 2010-10-21 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235267 235252 2010-09-09 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235269 235268 2010-10-25 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235270 235268 2010-11-22 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235271 235268 2010-11-29 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235272 235268 2010-11-15 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235273 235268 2010-12-06 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235274 235268 2010-08-23 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235275 235268 2010-10-04 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235276 235268 2010-11-01 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235277 235268 2010-09-20 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235278 235268 2010-09-13 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235279 235268 2010-08-30 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235280 235268 2010-10-18 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235281 235268 2010-11-08 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235282 235268 2010-09-27 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235284 235283 2010-10-15 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235285 235283 2010-09-10 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235286 235283 2010-10-08 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235287 235283 2010-10-22 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235288 235283 2010-12-10 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235289 235283 2010-08-27 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235290 235283 2010-10-01 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235291 235283 2010-09-03 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235292 235283 2010-11-05 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235293 235283 2010-10-29 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235294 235283 2010-11-12 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235295 235283 2010-09-24 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235296 235283 2010-12-03 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235297 235283 2010-11-19 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235298 235283 2010-09-17 198 0 210 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235300 235299 2010-09-24 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235301 235299 2010-08-25 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235302 235299 2010-11-15 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235303 235299 2010-09-20 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235304 235299 2010-12-08 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235305 235299 2010-11-03 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235306 235299 2010-11-10 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235307 235299 2010-11-08 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235308 235299 2010-12-01 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235309 235299 2010-09-03 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235310 235299 2010-10-15 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235311 235299 2010-10-27 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235312 235299 2010-08-23 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235313 235299 2010-12-10 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235314 235299 2010-11-05 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235315 235299 2010-10-29 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235316 235299 2010-10-18 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235317 235299 2010-09-10 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235318 235299 2010-11-01 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235319 235299 2010-11-12 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235320 235299 2010-09-29 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235321 235299 2010-10-13 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235322 235299 2010-09-01 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235323 235299 2010-11-17 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235324 235299 2010-09-15 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235325 235299 2010-09-17 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235326 235299 2010-09-08 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235327 235299 2010-08-30 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235328 235299 2010-11-29 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235329 235299 2010-11-22 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235330 235299 2010-09-27 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235331 235299 2010-10-22 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235332 235299 2010-09-22 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235333 235299 2010-10-08 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235334 235299 2010-10-06 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235335 235299 2010-12-03 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235336 235299 2010-10-25 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235337 235299 2010-08-27 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235338 235299 2010-10-20 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235339 235299 2010-11-19 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235340 235299 2010-10-04 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235341 235299 2010-09-13 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235342 235299 2010-10-01 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235343 235299 2010-12-06 102 0 114 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235345 235344 2010-11-19 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235346 235344 2010-10-04 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235347 235344 2010-10-15 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235348 235344 2010-11-03 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235349 235344 2010-10-29 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235350 235344 2010-09-17 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235351 235344 2010-09-10 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235352 235344 2010-10-18 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235353 235344 2010-12-06 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235354 235344 2010-11-01 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235355 235344 2010-09-24 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235356 235344 2010-12-03 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235357 235344 2010-08-27 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235358 235344 2010-10-22 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235359 235344 2010-11-05 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235360 235344 2010-10-06 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235361 235344 2010-11-15 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235362 235344 2010-11-08 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235363 235344 2010-09-01 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235364 235344 2010-11-10 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235365 235344 2010-09-08 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235366 235344 2010-09-29 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235367 235344 2010-09-13 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235368 235344 2010-10-01 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235369 235344 2010-09-22 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235370 235344 2010-11-22 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235371 235344 2010-08-30 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235372 235344 2010-10-20 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235373 235344 2010-10-08 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235374 235344 2010-10-25 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235375 235344 2010-11-29 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235376 235344 2010-11-12 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235377 235344 2010-10-13 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235378 235344 2010-10-27 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235379 235344 2010-12-10 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235380 235344 2010-11-17 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235381 235344 2010-09-27 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235382 235344 2010-09-03 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235383 235344 2010-09-15 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235384 235344 2010-09-20 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235385 235344 2010-08-25 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235386 235344 2010-12-08 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235387 235344 2010-12-01 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235388 235344 2010-08-23 90 0 102 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235390 235389 2010-12-08 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235391 235389 2010-09-20 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235392 235389 2010-09-10 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235393 235389 2010-11-22 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235394 235389 2010-10-08 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235395 235389 2010-12-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235396 235389 2010-10-13 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235397 235389 2010-08-30 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235398 235389 2010-11-15 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235399 235389 2010-09-22 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235400 235389 2010-11-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235401 235389 2010-09-17 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235402 235389 2010-09-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235403 235389 2010-09-15 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235404 235389 2010-09-08 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235405 235389 2010-10-15 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235406 235389 2010-09-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235407 235389 2010-10-04 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235408 235389 2010-12-10 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235409 235389 2010-11-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235410 235389 2010-11-03 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235411 235389 2010-08-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235412 235389 2010-09-13 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235413 235389 2010-08-25 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235414 235389 2010-11-10 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235415 235389 2010-11-05 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235416 235389 2010-11-12 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235417 235389 2010-12-03 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235418 235389 2010-10-29 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235419 235389 2010-09-24 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235420 235389 2010-08-23 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235421 235389 2010-11-08 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235422 235389 2010-10-18 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235423 235389 2010-10-27 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235424 235389 2010-09-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235425 235389 2010-12-06 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235426 235389 2010-11-19 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235427 235389 2010-09-03 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235428 235389 2010-10-20 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235429 235389 2010-11-17 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235430 235389 2010-10-01 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235431 235389 2010-10-25 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235432 235389 2010-10-22 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235433 235389 2010-10-06 150 0 162 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235435 235434 2010-09-09 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235436 235434 2010-11-18 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235437 235434 2010-12-09 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235438 235434 2010-10-14 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235439 235434 2010-10-28 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235440 235434 2010-11-11 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235441 235434 2010-12-02 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235442 235434 2010-10-21 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235443 235434 2010-09-23 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235444 235434 2010-09-02 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235445 235434 2010-10-07 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235446 235434 2010-08-26 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235447 235434 2010-11-04 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235448 235434 2010-09-16 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235449 235434 2010-09-30 174 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235451 235450 2010-11-01 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235452 235450 2010-11-15 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235453 235450 2010-10-18 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235454 235450 2010-10-25 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235455 235450 2010-10-04 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235456 235450 2010-11-08 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235457 235450 2010-09-20 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235458 235450 2010-08-23 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235459 235450 2010-09-13 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235460 235450 2010-12-06 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235461 235450 2010-11-22 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235462 235450 2010-08-30 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235463 235450 2010-11-29 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235464 235450 2010-09-27 102 0 114 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235466 235465 2010-10-14 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235467 235465 2010-12-02 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235468 235465 2010-11-18 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235469 235465 2010-09-02 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235470 235465 2010-09-23 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235471 235465 2010-12-09 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235472 235465 2010-09-30 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235473 235465 2010-10-28 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235474 235465 2010-09-16 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235475 235465 2010-10-21 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235476 235465 2010-11-04 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235477 235465 2010-11-11 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235478 235465 2010-09-09 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235479 235465 2010-08-26 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235480 235465 2010-10-07 126 0 138 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235482 235481 2010-08-31 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235483 235481 2010-10-26 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235484 235481 2010-09-21 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235485 235481 2010-10-07 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235486 235481 2010-09-30 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235487 235481 2010-11-16 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235488 235481 2010-10-19 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235489 235481 2010-09-09 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235490 235481 2010-11-11 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235491 235481 2010-12-02 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235492 235481 2010-09-23 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235493 235481 2010-10-21 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235494 235481 2010-09-02 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235495 235481 2010-12-09 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235496 235481 2010-08-26 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235497 235481 2010-09-16 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235498 235481 2010-09-07 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235499 235481 2010-11-04 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235500 235481 2010-09-14 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235501 235481 2010-11-23 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235502 235481 2010-12-07 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235503 235481 2010-08-24 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235504 235481 2010-11-18 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235505 235481 2010-11-09 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235506 235481 2010-09-28 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235507 235481 2010-11-02 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235508 235481 2010-11-30 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235509 235481 2010-10-05 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235510 235481 2010-10-14 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235511 235481 2010-10-28 90 0 108 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235513 235512 2010-10-06 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235514 235512 2010-10-13 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235515 235512 2010-10-27 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235516 235512 2010-11-10 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235517 235512 2010-10-20 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235518 235512 2010-11-17 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235519 235512 2010-09-01 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235520 235512 2010-09-29 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235521 235512 2010-11-03 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235522 235512 2010-12-01 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235523 235512 2010-09-22 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235524 235512 2010-08-25 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235525 235512 2010-09-08 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235526 235512 2010-12-08 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235527 235512 2010-09-15 162 0 174 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235529 235528 2010-09-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235530 235528 2010-11-17 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235531 235528 2010-10-27 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235532 235528 2010-11-03 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235533 235528 2010-11-10 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235534 235528 2010-09-08 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235535 235528 2010-09-29 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235536 235528 2010-08-25 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235537 235528 2010-10-20 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235538 235528 2010-12-08 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235539 235528 2010-09-15 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235540 235528 2010-10-06 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235541 235528 2010-10-13 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235542 235528 2010-09-22 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235543 235528 2010-12-01 126 0 138 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235545 235544 2010-12-02 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235546 235544 2010-10-28 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235547 235544 2010-09-09 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235548 235544 2010-09-02 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235549 235544 2010-09-16 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235550 235544 2010-12-09 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235551 235544 2010-10-14 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235552 235544 2010-11-04 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235553 235544 2010-10-07 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235554 235544 2010-10-21 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235555 235544 2010-11-18 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235556 235544 2010-09-23 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235557 235544 2010-11-11 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235558 235544 2010-08-26 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235559 235544 2010-09-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235561 235560 2010-11-30 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235562 235560 2010-09-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235563 235560 2010-09-14 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235564 235560 2010-11-02 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235565 235560 2010-11-16 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235566 235560 2010-09-28 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235567 235560 2010-12-07 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235568 235560 2010-08-24 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235569 235560 2010-10-19 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235570 235560 2010-10-05 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235571 235560 2010-11-09 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235572 235560 2010-09-21 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235573 235560 2010-08-31 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235574 235560 2010-10-26 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235575 235560 2010-11-23 162 0 174 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235577 235576 2010-09-24 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235578 235576 2010-10-29 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235579 235576 2010-11-19 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235580 235576 2010-09-17 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235581 235576 2010-11-12 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235582 235576 2010-12-03 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235583 235576 2010-08-27 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235584 235576 2010-09-03 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235585 235576 2010-10-15 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235586 235576 2010-10-22 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235587 235576 2010-12-10 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235588 235576 2010-10-08 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235589 235576 2010-09-10 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235590 235576 2010-11-05 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235591 235576 2010-10-01 150 0 162 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235593 235592 2010-09-28 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235594 235592 2010-09-30 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235595 235592 2010-09-21 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235596 235592 2010-10-07 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235597 235592 2010-10-05 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235598 235592 2010-12-09 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235599 235592 2010-09-02 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235600 235592 2010-09-16 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235601 235592 2010-10-26 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235602 235592 2010-11-09 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235603 235592 2010-09-23 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235604 235592 2010-09-14 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235605 235592 2010-10-19 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235606 235592 2010-11-23 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235607 235592 2010-09-07 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235608 235592 2010-11-30 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235609 235592 2010-11-02 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235610 235592 2010-10-21 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235611 235592 2010-10-28 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235612 235592 2010-11-11 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235613 235592 2010-11-18 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235614 235592 2010-12-02 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235615 235592 2010-12-07 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235616 235592 2010-11-16 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235617 235592 2010-09-09 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235618 235592 2010-08-24 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235619 235592 2010-10-14 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235620 235592 2010-08-26 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235621 235592 2010-11-04 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235622 235592 2010-08-31 180 0 198 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235624 235623 2010-12-02 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235625 235623 2010-11-02 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235626 235623 2010-11-09 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235627 235623 2010-11-04 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235628 235623 2010-09-21 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235629 235623 2010-12-07 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235630 235623 2010-11-18 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235631 235623 2010-11-16 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235632 235623 2010-09-09 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235633 235623 2010-10-19 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235634 235623 2010-10-21 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235635 235623 2010-11-23 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235636 235623 2010-12-09 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235637 235623 2010-11-11 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235638 235623 2010-08-26 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235639 235623 2010-09-07 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235640 235623 2010-09-16 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235641 235623 2010-08-31 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235642 235623 2010-09-28 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235643 235623 2010-10-14 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235644 235623 2010-09-23 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235645 235623 2010-09-02 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235646 235623 2010-10-28 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235647 235623 2010-09-30 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235648 235623 2010-08-24 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235649 235623 2010-10-07 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235650 235623 2010-11-30 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235651 235623 2010-09-14 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235652 235623 2010-10-26 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235653 235623 2010-10-05 108 0 126 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235655 235654 2010-11-11 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235656 235654 2010-11-30 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235657 235654 2010-10-05 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235658 235654 2010-10-21 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235659 235654 2010-09-07 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235660 235654 2010-11-16 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235661 235654 2010-10-14 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235662 235654 2010-10-28 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235663 235654 2010-12-02 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235664 235654 2010-11-18 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235665 235654 2010-11-23 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235666 235654 2010-08-26 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235667 235654 2010-09-14 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235668 235654 2010-08-31 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235669 235654 2010-12-09 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235670 235654 2010-09-21 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235671 235654 2010-11-02 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235672 235654 2010-09-02 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235673 235654 2010-08-24 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235674 235654 2010-11-09 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235675 235654 2010-10-26 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235676 235654 2010-12-07 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235677 235654 2010-11-04 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235678 235654 2010-09-09 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235679 235654 2010-10-19 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235680 235654 2010-09-23 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235681 235654 2010-10-07 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235682 235654 2010-09-16 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235683 235654 2010-09-28 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235684 235654 2010-09-30 108 0 126 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235686 235685 2010-10-07 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235687 235685 2010-11-04 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235688 235685 2010-09-16 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235689 235685 2010-08-26 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235690 235685 2010-11-16 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235691 235685 2010-12-02 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235692 235685 2010-08-31 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235693 235685 2010-09-07 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235694 235685 2010-08-24 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235695 235685 2010-11-18 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235696 235685 2010-10-21 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235697 235685 2010-09-14 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235698 235685 2010-09-30 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235699 235685 2010-09-21 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235700 235685 2010-10-14 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235701 235685 2010-11-11 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235702 235685 2010-10-19 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235703 235685 2010-09-28 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235704 235685 2010-09-09 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235705 235685 2010-10-28 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235706 235685 2010-12-09 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235707 235685 2010-11-23 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235708 235685 2010-09-23 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235709 235685 2010-11-30 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235710 235685 2010-11-02 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235711 235685 2010-10-05 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235712 235685 2010-12-07 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235713 235685 2010-09-02 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235714 235685 2010-10-26 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235715 235685 2010-11-09 126 0 144 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235717 235716 2010-08-31 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235718 235716 2010-11-11 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235719 235716 2010-11-16 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235720 235716 2010-10-26 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235721 235716 2010-08-24 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235722 235716 2010-09-23 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235723 235716 2010-12-02 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235724 235716 2010-11-04 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235725 235716 2010-11-09 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235726 235716 2010-11-02 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235727 235716 2010-09-30 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235728 235716 2010-10-07 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235729 235716 2010-10-05 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235730 235716 2010-09-14 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235731 235716 2010-09-16 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235732 235716 2010-10-14 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235733 235716 2010-11-23 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235734 235716 2010-10-19 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235735 235716 2010-09-02 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235736 235716 2010-12-07 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235737 235716 2010-08-26 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235738 235716 2010-12-09 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235739 235716 2010-11-30 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235740 235716 2010-10-28 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235741 235716 2010-11-18 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235742 235716 2010-09-21 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235743 235716 2010-09-09 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235744 235716 2010-10-21 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235745 235716 2010-09-07 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235746 235716 2010-09-28 90 0 108 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235748 235747 2010-10-07 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235749 235747 2010-08-26 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235750 235747 2010-08-31 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235751 235747 2010-10-28 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235752 235747 2010-11-11 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235753 235747 2010-11-04 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235754 235747 2010-09-30 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235755 235747 2010-10-05 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235756 235747 2010-10-26 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235757 235747 2010-08-24 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235758 235747 2010-09-09 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235759 235747 2010-09-07 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235760 235747 2010-11-30 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235761 235747 2010-09-21 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235762 235747 2010-10-19 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235763 235747 2010-10-21 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235764 235747 2010-11-16 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235765 235747 2010-12-07 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235766 235747 2010-11-02 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235767 235747 2010-09-16 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235768 235747 2010-12-09 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235769 235747 2010-11-09 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235770 235747 2010-09-02 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235771 235747 2010-11-18 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235772 235747 2010-09-28 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235773 235747 2010-12-02 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235774 235747 2010-09-23 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235775 235747 2010-09-14 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235776 235747 2010-10-14 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235777 235747 2010-11-23 198 0 216 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235779 235778 2010-08-26 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235780 235778 2010-12-09 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235781 235778 2010-12-02 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235782 235778 2010-11-23 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235783 235778 2010-11-02 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235784 235778 2010-10-07 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235785 235778 2010-11-18 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235786 235778 2010-10-14 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235787 235778 2010-10-19 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235788 235778 2010-11-16 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235789 235778 2010-11-30 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235790 235778 2010-09-14 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235791 235778 2010-11-04 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235792 235778 2010-09-07 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235793 235778 2010-09-30 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235794 235778 2010-09-16 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235795 235778 2010-10-05 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235796 235778 2010-12-07 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235797 235778 2010-09-21 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235798 235778 2010-11-11 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235799 235778 2010-09-28 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235800 235778 2010-10-26 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235801 235778 2010-09-02 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235802 235778 2010-09-09 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235803 235778 2010-10-21 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235804 235778 2010-09-23 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235805 235778 2010-10-28 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235806 235778 2010-08-24 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235807 235778 2010-08-31 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235808 235778 2010-11-09 198 0 216 -15 4 f 2010-09-22 1 235810 235809 2010-09-30 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235811 235809 2010-08-24 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235812 235809 2010-11-02 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235813 235809 2010-12-07 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235814 235809 2010-12-02 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235815 235809 2010-09-21 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235816 235809 2010-09-23 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235817 235809 2010-09-28 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235818 235809 2010-11-04 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235819 235809 2010-11-11 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235820 235809 2010-08-31 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235821 235809 2010-10-26 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235822 235809 2010-10-05 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235823 235809 2010-09-07 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235824 235809 2010-10-07 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235825 235809 2010-08-26 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235826 235809 2010-10-19 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235827 235809 2010-09-14 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235828 235809 2010-11-23 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235829 235809 2010-11-09 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235830 235809 2010-09-16 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235831 235809 2010-11-30 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235832 235809 2010-12-09 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235833 235809 2010-11-18 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235834 235809 2010-10-14 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235835 235809 2010-09-02 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235836 235809 2010-11-16 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235837 235809 2010-09-09 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235838 235809 2010-10-28 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235839 235809 2010-10-21 162 0 180 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235841 235840 2010-10-14 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235842 235840 2010-11-09 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235843 235840 2010-09-30 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235844 235840 2010-09-02 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235845 235840 2010-09-16 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235846 235840 2010-11-04 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235847 235840 2010-12-09 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235848 235840 2010-09-14 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235849 235840 2010-11-23 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235850 235840 2010-09-28 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235851 235840 2010-09-21 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235852 235840 2010-09-09 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235853 235840 2010-09-07 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235854 235840 2010-11-11 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235855 235840 2010-11-02 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235856 235840 2010-10-19 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235857 235840 2010-10-21 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235858 235840 2010-10-07 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235859 235840 2010-11-18 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235860 235840 2010-12-07 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235861 235840 2010-10-28 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235862 235840 2010-08-24 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235863 235840 2010-10-26 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235864 235840 2010-11-16 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235865 235840 2010-09-23 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235866 235840 2010-11-30 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235867 235840 2010-12-02 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235868 235840 2010-08-31 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235869 235840 2010-10-05 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235870 235840 2010-08-26 198 0 216 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235872 235871 2010-12-08 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235873 235871 2010-09-22 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235874 235871 2010-09-01 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235875 235871 2010-08-25 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235876 235871 2010-11-17 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235877 235871 2010-11-10 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235878 235871 2010-10-20 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235879 235871 2010-11-03 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235880 235871 2010-10-27 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235881 235871 2010-12-01 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235882 235871 2010-09-15 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235883 235871 2010-09-29 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235884 235871 2010-10-06 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235885 235871 2010-09-08 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235886 235871 2010-10-13 138 0 150 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235888 235887 2010-09-08 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235889 235887 2010-10-20 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235890 235887 2010-12-03 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235891 235887 2010-08-23 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235892 235887 2010-12-01 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235893 235887 2010-11-01 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235894 235887 2010-10-18 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235895 235887 2010-10-27 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235896 235887 2010-12-10 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235897 235887 2010-10-22 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235898 235887 2010-09-27 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235899 235887 2010-10-25 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235900 235887 2010-08-25 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235901 235887 2010-10-06 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235902 235887 2010-09-13 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235903 235887 2010-09-20 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235904 235887 2010-11-03 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235905 235887 2010-10-29 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235906 235887 2010-11-12 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235907 235887 2010-12-06 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235908 235887 2010-11-29 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235909 235887 2010-09-15 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235910 235887 2010-10-01 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235911 235887 2010-11-22 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235912 235887 2010-09-01 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235913 235887 2010-11-08 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235914 235887 2010-09-24 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235915 235887 2010-11-05 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235916 235887 2010-10-04 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235917 235887 2010-08-30 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235918 235887 2010-10-15 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235919 235887 2010-12-08 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235920 235887 2010-11-17 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235921 235887 2010-09-29 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235922 235887 2010-09-22 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235923 235887 2010-11-10 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235924 235887 2010-09-10 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235925 235887 2010-11-15 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235926 235887 2010-09-03 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235927 235887 2010-08-27 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235928 235887 2010-10-08 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235929 235887 2010-09-17 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235930 235887 2010-11-19 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235931 235887 2010-10-13 198 0 210 -10 2 f 2010-09-22 1 235933 235932 2010-11-23 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235934 235932 2010-12-09 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235935 235932 2010-08-31 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235936 235932 2010-09-16 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235937 235932 2010-12-07 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235938 235932 2010-11-04 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235939 235932 2010-10-28 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235940 235932 2010-11-30 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235941 235932 2010-09-14 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235942 235932 2010-11-16 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235943 235932 2010-09-21 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235944 235932 2010-08-24 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235945 235932 2010-09-30 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235946 235932 2010-12-02 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235947 235932 2010-11-18 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235948 235932 2010-08-26 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235949 235932 2010-09-23 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235950 235932 2010-09-07 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235951 235932 2010-11-09 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235952 235932 2010-09-28 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235953 235932 2010-10-26 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235954 235932 2010-09-09 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235955 235932 2010-11-11 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235956 235932 2010-10-07 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235957 235932 2010-09-02 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235958 235932 2010-10-21 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235959 235932 2010-10-05 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235960 235932 2010-10-19 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235961 235932 2010-10-14 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235962 235932 2010-11-02 180 0 198 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 235964 235963 2010-09-22 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235965 235963 2010-11-17 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235966 235963 2010-10-20 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235967 235963 2010-10-13 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235968 235963 2010-10-06 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235969 235963 2010-11-03 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235970 235963 2010-12-08 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235971 235963 2010-09-15 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235972 235963 2010-12-01 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235973 235963 2010-10-27 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235974 235963 2010-08-25 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235975 235963 2010-11-10 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235976 235963 2010-09-01 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235977 235963 2010-09-29 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235978 235963 2010-09-08 186 0 198 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235980 235979 2010-09-30 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235981 235979 2010-09-16 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235982 235979 2010-08-26 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235983 235979 2010-09-02 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235984 235979 2010-10-28 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235985 235979 2010-11-11 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235986 235979 2010-12-09 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235987 235979 2010-11-04 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235988 235979 2010-09-09 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235989 235979 2010-09-23 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235990 235979 2010-10-21 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235991 235979 2010-11-18 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235992 235979 2010-10-14 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235993 235979 2010-10-07 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235994 235979 2010-12-02 162 0 174 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235996 235995 2010-09-20 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235997 235995 2010-09-13 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235998 235995 2010-11-01 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 235999 235995 2010-08-30 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236000 235995 2010-10-25 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236001 235995 2010-08-23 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236002 235995 2010-10-18 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236003 235995 2010-10-04 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236004 235995 2010-11-08 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236005 235995 2010-11-22 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236006 235995 2010-11-15 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236007 235995 2010-12-06 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236008 235995 2010-11-29 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236009 235995 2010-09-27 102 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236011 236010 2010-09-17 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236012 236010 2010-11-19 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236013 236010 2010-12-03 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236014 236010 2010-10-08 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236015 236010 2010-10-22 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236016 236010 2010-09-10 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236017 236010 2010-10-15 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236018 236010 2010-11-12 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236019 236010 2010-10-29 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236020 236010 2010-08-27 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236021 236010 2010-09-24 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236022 236010 2010-11-05 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236023 236010 2010-10-01 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236024 236010 2010-09-03 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236025 236010 2010-12-10 138 0 162 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236027 236026 2010-10-14 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236028 236026 2010-09-23 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236029 236026 2010-10-28 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236030 236026 2010-09-30 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236031 236026 2010-08-26 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236032 236026 2010-09-16 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236033 236026 2010-09-02 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236034 236026 2010-09-09 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236035 236026 2010-12-02 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236036 236026 2010-12-09 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236037 236026 2010-10-07 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236038 236026 2010-11-11 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236039 236026 2010-11-04 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236040 236026 2010-10-21 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236041 236026 2010-11-18 114 0 138 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236043 236042 2010-10-06 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236044 236042 2010-09-15 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236045 236042 2010-10-20 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236046 236042 2010-10-27 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236047 236042 2010-12-08 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236048 236042 2010-11-03 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236049 236042 2010-10-13 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236050 236042 2010-11-10 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236051 236042 2010-09-29 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236052 236042 2010-12-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236053 236042 2010-09-08 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236054 236042 2010-09-01 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236055 236042 2010-11-17 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236056 236042 2010-09-22 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236057 236042 2010-08-25 162 0 186 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236059 236058 2010-10-28 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236060 236058 2010-08-26 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236061 236058 2010-12-09 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236062 236058 2010-10-21 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236063 236058 2010-11-18 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236064 236058 2010-09-30 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236065 236058 2010-10-14 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236066 236058 2010-09-09 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236067 236058 2010-10-07 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236068 236058 2010-09-02 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236069 236058 2010-09-23 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236070 236058 2010-12-02 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236071 236058 2010-09-16 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236072 236058 2010-11-04 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236073 236058 2010-11-11 90 0 114 -10 8 f 2010-09-22 1 236075 236074 2010-12-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236076 236074 2010-11-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236077 236074 2010-12-03 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236078 236074 2010-12-10 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236079 236074 2010-08-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236080 236074 2010-08-25 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236081 236074 2010-08-23 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236082 236074 2010-09-24 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236083 236074 2010-12-08 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236084 236074 2010-09-20 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236085 236074 2010-09-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236086 236074 2010-11-10 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236087 236074 2010-09-08 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236088 236074 2010-11-08 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236089 236074 2010-09-17 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236090 236074 2010-10-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236091 236074 2010-09-10 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236092 236074 2010-11-12 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236093 236074 2010-10-08 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236094 236074 2010-11-22 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236095 236074 2010-09-15 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236096 236074 2010-12-06 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236097 236074 2010-11-03 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236098 236074 2010-10-04 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236099 236074 2010-09-22 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236100 236074 2010-10-20 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236101 236074 2010-10-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236102 236074 2010-09-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236103 236074 2010-11-15 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236104 236074 2010-11-19 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236105 236074 2010-11-17 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236106 236074 2010-09-01 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236107 236074 2010-09-13 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236108 236074 2010-10-25 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236109 236074 2010-11-29 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236110 236074 2010-11-05 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236111 236074 2010-10-18 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236112 236074 2010-10-22 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236113 236074 2010-08-30 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236114 236074 2010-10-06 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236115 236074 2010-09-03 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236116 236074 2010-10-27 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236117 236074 2010-10-13 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236118 236074 2010-10-15 102 0 114 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236120 236119 2010-08-24 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236121 236119 2010-11-23 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236122 236119 2010-08-31 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236123 236119 2010-08-26 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236124 236119 2010-10-26 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236125 236119 2010-12-02 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236126 236119 2010-11-02 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236127 236119 2010-11-16 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236128 236119 2010-12-07 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236129 236119 2010-11-30 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236130 236119 2010-09-23 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236131 236119 2010-09-16 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236132 236119 2010-11-18 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236133 236119 2010-09-30 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236134 236119 2010-11-11 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236135 236119 2010-10-14 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236136 236119 2010-09-09 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236137 236119 2010-09-21 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236138 236119 2010-12-09 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236139 236119 2010-10-05 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236140 236119 2010-09-28 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236141 236119 2010-11-04 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236142 236119 2010-09-14 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236143 236119 2010-10-07 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236144 236119 2010-10-21 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236145 236119 2010-10-28 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236146 236119 2010-09-02 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236147 236119 2010-11-09 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236148 236119 2010-10-19 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236149 236119 2010-09-07 162 0 180 -15 2 f 2010-09-22 1 236151 236150 2010-12-02 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236152 236150 2010-11-11 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236153 236150 2010-10-21 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236154 236150 2010-10-05 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236155 236150 2010-10-14 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236156 236150 2010-11-04 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236157 236150 2010-12-07 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236158 236150 2010-09-30 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236159 236150 2010-10-26 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236160 236150 2010-11-23 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236161 236150 2010-09-16 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236162 236150 2010-09-21 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236163 236150 2010-09-28 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236164 236150 2010-09-02 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236165 236150 2010-08-26 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236166 236150 2010-12-09 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236167 236150 2010-09-09 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236168 236150 2010-09-14 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236169 236150 2010-11-16 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236170 236150 2010-11-30 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236171 236150 2010-10-28 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236172 236150 2010-11-02 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236173 236150 2010-09-23 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236174 236150 2010-11-09 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236175 236150 2010-08-31 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236176 236150 2010-10-19 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236177 236150 2010-11-18 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236178 236150 2010-10-07 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236179 236150 2010-08-24 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236180 236150 2010-09-07 144 0 162 -15 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236182 236181 2010-09-03 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236183 236181 2010-09-17 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236184 236181 2010-10-22 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236185 236181 2010-09-10 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236186 236181 2010-10-01 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236187 236181 2010-08-27 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236188 236181 2010-12-03 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236189 236181 2010-11-05 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236190 236181 2010-10-08 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236191 236181 2010-12-10 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236192 236181 2010-09-24 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236193 236181 2010-10-15 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236194 236181 2010-10-29 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236195 236181 2010-11-19 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236196 236181 2010-11-12 90 0 102 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236198 236197 2010-09-20 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236199 236197 2010-09-13 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236200 236197 2010-11-22 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236201 236197 2010-11-29 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236202 236197 2010-11-01 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236203 236197 2010-11-08 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236204 236197 2010-09-27 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236205 236197 2010-10-18 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236206 236197 2010-10-25 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236207 236197 2010-12-06 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236208 236197 2010-08-30 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236209 236197 2010-10-04 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236210 236197 2010-11-15 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236211 236197 2010-08-23 138 0 150 -10 4 f 2010-09-22 1 236213 236212 2010-11-08 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236214 236212 2010-11-03 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236215 236212 2010-09-22 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236216 236212 2010-10-13 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236217 236212 2010-09-03 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236218 236212 2010-10-22 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236219 236212 2010-11-19 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236220 236212 2010-11-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236221 236212 2010-11-10 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236222 236212 2010-10-20 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236223 236212 2010-11-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236224 236212 2010-08-25 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236225 236212 2010-09-10 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236226 236212 2010-12-06 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236227 236212 2010-12-03 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236228 236212 2010-09-08 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236229 236212 2010-09-15 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236230 236212 2010-12-08 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236231 236212 2010-08-23 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236232 236212 2010-10-04 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236233 236212 2010-12-10 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236234 236212 2010-11-12 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236235 236212 2010-10-25 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236236 236212 2010-09-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236237 236212 2010-09-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236238 236212 2010-08-30 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236239 236212 2010-10-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236240 236212 2010-09-13 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236241 236212 2010-10-15 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236242 236212 2010-11-15 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236243 236212 2010-10-08 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236244 236212 2010-09-20 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236245 236212 2010-11-05 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236246 236212 2010-08-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236247 236212 2010-10-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236248 236212 2010-11-17 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236249 236212 2010-11-22 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236250 236212 2010-09-27 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236251 236212 2010-12-01 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236252 236212 2010-10-29 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236253 236212 2010-09-17 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236254 236212 2010-09-24 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236255 236212 2010-10-06 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236256 236212 2010-10-18 114 0 126 -10 3 f 2010-09-22 1 236258 236257 2010-12-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236259 236257 2010-09-28 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236260 236257 2010-11-02 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236261 236257 2010-10-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236262 236257 2010-09-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236263 236257 2010-11-16 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236264 236257 2010-08-31 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236265 236257 2010-09-21 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236266 236257 2010-11-23 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236267 236257 2010-10-26 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236268 236257 2010-09-14 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236269 236257 2010-11-30 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236270 236257 2010-11-09 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236271 236257 2010-10-19 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236272 236257 2010-08-24 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236274 236273 2010-09-20 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236275 236273 2010-08-30 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236276 236273 2010-08-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236277 236273 2010-12-06 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236278 236273 2010-10-04 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236279 236273 2010-11-08 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236280 236273 2010-11-12 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236281 236273 2010-09-13 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236282 236273 2010-11-19 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236283 236273 2010-09-03 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236284 236273 2010-10-08 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236285 236273 2010-11-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236286 236273 2010-11-15 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236287 236273 2010-09-17 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236288 236273 2010-12-10 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236289 236273 2010-10-15 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236290 236273 2010-11-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236291 236273 2010-10-18 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236292 236273 2010-12-03 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236293 236273 2010-11-05 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236294 236273 2010-10-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236295 236273 2010-08-23 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236296 236273 2010-10-25 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236297 236273 2010-11-22 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236298 236273 2010-09-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236299 236273 2010-09-10 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236300 236273 2010-10-22 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236301 236273 2010-09-24 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236302 236273 2010-10-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236304 236303 2010-10-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236305 236303 2010-12-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236306 236303 2010-09-14 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236307 236303 2010-08-31 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236308 236303 2010-09-30 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236309 236303 2010-09-23 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236310 236303 2010-11-23 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236311 236303 2010-11-09 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236312 236303 2010-09-16 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236313 236303 2010-11-16 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236314 236303 2010-09-28 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236315 236303 2010-11-18 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236316 236303 2010-12-09 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236317 236303 2010-10-19 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236318 236303 2010-08-26 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236319 236303 2010-11-04 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236320 236303 2010-11-30 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236321 236303 2010-09-21 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236322 236303 2010-10-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236323 236303 2010-08-24 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236324 236303 2010-10-14 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236325 236303 2010-09-02 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236326 236303 2010-09-09 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236327 236303 2010-11-11 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236328 236303 2010-10-26 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236329 236303 2010-11-02 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236330 236303 2010-09-07 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236331 236303 2010-10-28 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236332 236303 2010-12-02 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236333 236303 2010-10-21 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236335 236334 2010-10-14 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236336 236334 2010-08-24 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236337 236334 2010-10-05 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236338 236334 2010-09-02 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236339 236334 2010-11-09 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236340 236334 2010-08-31 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236341 236334 2010-09-09 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236342 236334 2010-11-16 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236343 236334 2010-10-19 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236344 236334 2010-12-02 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236345 236334 2010-10-26 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236346 236334 2010-09-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236347 236334 2010-09-21 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236348 236334 2010-11-11 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236349 236334 2010-09-16 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236350 236334 2010-09-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236351 236334 2010-11-18 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236352 236334 2010-09-28 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236353 236334 2010-10-21 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236354 236334 2010-12-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236355 236334 2010-09-23 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236356 236334 2010-11-23 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236357 236334 2010-08-26 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236358 236334 2010-11-02 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236359 236334 2010-11-04 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236360 236334 2010-12-09 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236361 236334 2010-11-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236362 236334 2010-10-07 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236363 236334 2010-10-28 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236364 236334 2010-09-14 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236366 236365 2010-12-03 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236367 236365 2010-09-15 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236368 236365 2010-10-22 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236369 236365 2010-11-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236370 236365 2010-09-20 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236371 236365 2010-10-15 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236372 236365 2010-11-10 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236373 236365 2010-11-08 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236374 236365 2010-11-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236375 236365 2010-10-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236376 236365 2010-10-06 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236377 236365 2010-12-08 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236378 236365 2010-09-10 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236379 236365 2010-11-03 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236380 236365 2010-09-24 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236381 236365 2010-10-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236382 236365 2010-08-23 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236383 236365 2010-08-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236384 236365 2010-09-03 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236385 236365 2010-12-10 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236386 236365 2010-11-19 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236387 236365 2010-11-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236388 236365 2010-11-22 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236389 236365 2010-10-20 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236390 236365 2010-09-13 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236391 236365 2010-09-29 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236392 236365 2010-10-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236393 236365 2010-10-08 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236394 236365 2010-09-22 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236395 236365 2010-08-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236396 236365 2010-09-17 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236397 236365 2010-08-25 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236398 236365 2010-09-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236399 236365 2010-11-12 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236400 236365 2010-12-06 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236401 236365 2010-09-27 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236402 236365 2010-11-15 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236403 236365 2010-10-13 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236404 236365 2010-10-25 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236405 236365 2010-12-01 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236406 236365 2010-09-08 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236407 236365 2010-11-17 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236408 236365 2010-10-18 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236409 236365 2010-10-04 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236411 236410 2010-12-03 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236412 236410 2010-10-15 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236413 236410 2010-08-23 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236414 236410 2010-10-25 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236415 236410 2010-11-19 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236416 236410 2010-10-18 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236417 236410 2010-11-08 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236418 236410 2010-08-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236419 236410 2010-09-13 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236420 236410 2010-11-05 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236421 236410 2010-10-22 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236422 236410 2010-11-22 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236423 236410 2010-11-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236424 236410 2010-09-20 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236425 236410 2010-09-10 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236426 236410 2010-08-30 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236427 236410 2010-10-08 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236428 236410 2010-11-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236429 236410 2010-12-06 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236430 236410 2010-10-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236431 236410 2010-11-12 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236432 236410 2010-10-04 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236433 236410 2010-09-17 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236434 236410 2010-11-15 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236435 236410 2010-09-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236436 236410 2010-12-10 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236437 236410 2010-09-03 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236438 236410 2010-09-24 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236439 236410 2010-10-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236441 236440 2010-12-08 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236442 236440 2010-08-25 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236443 236440 2010-09-15 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236444 236440 2010-09-08 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236445 236440 2010-11-03 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236446 236440 2010-10-27 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236447 236440 2010-11-17 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236448 236440 2010-10-20 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236449 236440 2010-09-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236450 236440 2010-10-06 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236451 236440 2010-09-29 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236452 236440 2010-09-22 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236453 236440 2010-10-13 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236454 236440 2010-12-01 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236455 236440 2010-11-10 174 0 186 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236457 236456 2010-08-26 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236458 236456 2010-09-09 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236459 236456 2010-12-06 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236460 236456 2010-08-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236461 236456 2010-09-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236462 236456 2010-10-20 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236463 236456 2010-12-10 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236464 236456 2010-11-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236465 236456 2010-10-19 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236466 236456 2010-10-08 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236467 236456 2010-10-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236468 236456 2010-11-16 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236469 236456 2010-10-26 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236470 236456 2010-08-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236471 236456 2010-11-17 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236472 236456 2010-11-15 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236473 236456 2010-09-22 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236474 236456 2010-08-25 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236475 236456 2010-09-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236476 236456 2010-11-23 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236477 236456 2010-11-04 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236478 236456 2010-09-10 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236479 236456 2010-11-03 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236480 236456 2010-11-09 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236481 236456 2010-10-28 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236482 236456 2010-10-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236483 236456 2010-11-10 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236484 236456 2010-11-30 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236485 236456 2010-09-28 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236486 236456 2010-10-04 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236487 236456 2010-11-22 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236488 236456 2010-11-11 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236489 236456 2010-12-03 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236490 236456 2010-08-24 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236491 236456 2010-10-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236492 236456 2010-10-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236493 236456 2010-12-07 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236494 236456 2010-09-20 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236495 236456 2010-09-02 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236496 236456 2010-11-02 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236497 236456 2010-12-02 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236498 236456 2010-12-08 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236499 236456 2010-10-14 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236500 236456 2010-09-17 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236501 236456 2010-09-27 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236502 236456 2010-10-13 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236503 236456 2010-09-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236504 236456 2010-10-21 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236505 236456 2010-11-08 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236506 236456 2010-11-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236507 236456 2010-09-21 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236508 236456 2010-08-23 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236509 236456 2010-10-05 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236510 236456 2010-09-13 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236511 236456 2010-08-31 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236512 236456 2010-10-25 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236513 236456 2010-09-08 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236514 236456 2010-11-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236515 236456 2010-09-29 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236516 236456 2010-10-15 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236517 236456 2010-11-19 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236518 236456 2010-11-18 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236519 236456 2010-12-09 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236520 236456 2010-09-14 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236521 236456 2010-09-15 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236522 236456 2010-10-06 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236523 236456 2010-12-01 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236524 236456 2010-10-18 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236525 236456 2010-11-12 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236526 236456 2010-09-16 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236527 236456 2010-09-24 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236528 236456 2010-10-22 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236529 236456 2010-09-23 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236530 236456 2010-09-03 186 0 210 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236532 236531 2010-09-22 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236533 236531 2010-10-06 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236534 236531 2010-08-25 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236535 236531 2010-11-17 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236536 236531 2010-09-15 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236537 236531 2010-09-29 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236538 236531 2010-10-13 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236539 236531 2010-12-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236540 236531 2010-12-08 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236541 236531 2010-11-03 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236542 236531 2010-09-08 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236543 236531 2010-10-27 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236544 236531 2010-09-01 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236545 236531 2010-10-20 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236546 236531 2010-11-10 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236548 236547 2010-12-09 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236549 236547 2010-09-16 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236550 236547 2010-12-02 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236551 236547 2010-11-11 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236552 236547 2010-10-21 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236553 236547 2010-11-18 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236554 236547 2010-09-02 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236555 236547 2010-10-07 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236556 236547 2010-09-30 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236557 236547 2010-11-04 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236558 236547 2010-09-09 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236559 236547 2010-09-23 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236560 236547 2010-08-26 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236561 236547 2010-10-28 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236562 236547 2010-10-14 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236564 236563 2010-11-05 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236565 236563 2010-10-15 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236566 236563 2010-08-30 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236567 236563 2010-10-13 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236568 236563 2010-08-23 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236569 236563 2010-10-04 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236570 236563 2010-11-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236571 236563 2010-09-20 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236572 236563 2010-10-20 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236573 236563 2010-10-18 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236574 236563 2010-12-03 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236575 236563 2010-12-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236576 236563 2010-12-06 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236577 236563 2010-08-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236578 236563 2010-09-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236579 236563 2010-10-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236580 236563 2010-12-10 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236581 236563 2010-11-19 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236582 236563 2010-11-08 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236583 236563 2010-10-22 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236584 236563 2010-11-15 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236585 236563 2010-11-01 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236586 236563 2010-09-24 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236587 236563 2010-09-08 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236588 236563 2010-10-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236589 236563 2010-10-25 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236590 236563 2010-11-17 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236591 236563 2010-12-08 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236592 236563 2010-09-10 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236593 236563 2010-09-17 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236594 236563 2010-09-29 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236595 236563 2010-11-03 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236596 236563 2010-09-22 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236597 236563 2010-09-03 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236598 236563 2010-09-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236599 236563 2010-11-22 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236600 236563 2010-09-13 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236601 236563 2010-10-06 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236602 236563 2010-11-10 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236603 236563 2010-09-15 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236604 236563 2010-10-27 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236605 236563 2010-11-12 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236606 236563 2010-08-25 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236607 236563 2010-10-08 162 0 174 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236609 236608 2010-11-01 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236610 236608 2010-11-29 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236611 236608 2010-08-25 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236612 236608 2010-10-18 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236613 236608 2010-09-10 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236614 236608 2010-08-23 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236615 236608 2010-09-22 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236616 236608 2010-10-06 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236617 236608 2010-11-17 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236618 236608 2010-11-15 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236619 236608 2010-10-29 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236620 236608 2010-10-04 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236621 236608 2010-09-27 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236622 236608 2010-09-03 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236623 236608 2010-10-08 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236624 236608 2010-11-10 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236625 236608 2010-11-08 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236626 236608 2010-11-22 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236627 236608 2010-10-01 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236628 236608 2010-09-24 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236629 236608 2010-12-10 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236630 236608 2010-11-19 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236631 236608 2010-09-08 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236632 236608 2010-12-08 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236633 236608 2010-10-25 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236634 236608 2010-09-15 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236635 236608 2010-09-13 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236636 236608 2010-08-30 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236637 236608 2010-11-05 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236638 236608 2010-09-01 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236639 236608 2010-09-29 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236640 236608 2010-10-13 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236641 236608 2010-11-03 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236642 236608 2010-10-27 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236643 236608 2010-09-20 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236644 236608 2010-10-15 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236645 236608 2010-10-20 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236646 236608 2010-11-12 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236647 236608 2010-08-27 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236648 236608 2010-12-03 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236649 236608 2010-09-17 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236650 236608 2010-12-06 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236651 236608 2010-10-22 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236652 236608 2010-12-01 90 0 102 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236654 236653 2010-10-18 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236655 236653 2010-10-15 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236656 236653 2010-11-15 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236657 236653 2010-11-03 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236658 236653 2010-11-29 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236659 236653 2010-09-29 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236660 236653 2010-09-22 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236661 236653 2010-10-08 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236662 236653 2010-10-29 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236663 236653 2010-09-17 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236664 236653 2010-09-13 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236665 236653 2010-09-10 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236666 236653 2010-09-20 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236667 236653 2010-10-25 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236668 236653 2010-11-17 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236669 236653 2010-11-05 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236670 236653 2010-12-08 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236671 236653 2010-10-01 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236672 236653 2010-12-01 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236673 236653 2010-09-01 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236674 236653 2010-09-24 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236675 236653 2010-10-13 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236676 236653 2010-11-22 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236677 236653 2010-11-19 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236678 236653 2010-10-27 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236679 236653 2010-08-25 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236680 236653 2010-10-06 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236681 236653 2010-11-01 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236682 236653 2010-08-27 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236683 236653 2010-12-03 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236684 236653 2010-09-08 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236685 236653 2010-09-27 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236686 236653 2010-10-22 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236687 236653 2010-11-12 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236688 236653 2010-12-10 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236689 236653 2010-09-03 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236690 236653 2010-09-15 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236691 236653 2010-08-30 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236692 236653 2010-08-23 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236693 236653 2010-11-10 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236694 236653 2010-10-20 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236695 236653 2010-12-06 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236696 236653 2010-11-08 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236697 236653 2010-10-04 126 0 138 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236699 236698 2010-08-25 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236700 236698 2010-10-04 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236701 236698 2010-11-03 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236702 236698 2010-10-27 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236703 236698 2010-11-22 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236704 236698 2010-11-29 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236705 236698 2010-09-17 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236706 236698 2010-08-30 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236707 236698 2010-12-10 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236708 236698 2010-12-06 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236709 236698 2010-10-08 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236710 236698 2010-11-15 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236711 236698 2010-09-03 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236712 236698 2010-10-20 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236713 236698 2010-11-19 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236714 236698 2010-12-08 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236715 236698 2010-12-03 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236716 236698 2010-10-06 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236717 236698 2010-10-18 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236718 236698 2010-11-12 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236719 236698 2010-09-29 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236720 236698 2010-08-27 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236721 236698 2010-09-13 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236722 236698 2010-09-10 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236723 236698 2010-11-08 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236724 236698 2010-10-25 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236725 236698 2010-09-15 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236726 236698 2010-11-17 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236727 236698 2010-09-01 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236728 236698 2010-09-08 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236729 236698 2010-10-22 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236730 236698 2010-11-05 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236731 236698 2010-11-01 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236732 236698 2010-09-27 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236733 236698 2010-10-01 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236734 236698 2010-09-22 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236735 236698 2010-09-20 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236736 236698 2010-10-15 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236737 236698 2010-12-01 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236738 236698 2010-09-24 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236739 236698 2010-08-23 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236740 236698 2010-11-10 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236741 236698 2010-10-29 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236742 236698 2010-10-13 102 0 114 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236744 236743 2010-12-02 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236745 236743 2010-08-31 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236746 236743 2010-11-11 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236747 236743 2010-10-14 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236748 236743 2010-10-19 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236749 236743 2010-09-16 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236750 236743 2010-11-09 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236751 236743 2010-11-18 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236752 236743 2010-10-05 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236753 236743 2010-09-28 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236754 236743 2010-10-26 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236755 236743 2010-09-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236756 236743 2010-09-14 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236757 236743 2010-10-21 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236758 236743 2010-08-24 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236759 236743 2010-11-16 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236760 236743 2010-09-09 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236761 236743 2010-09-23 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236762 236743 2010-11-30 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236763 236743 2010-09-02 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236764 236743 2010-10-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236765 236743 2010-08-26 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236766 236743 2010-09-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236767 236743 2010-12-07 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236768 236743 2010-11-02 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236769 236743 2010-12-09 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236770 236743 2010-11-04 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236771 236743 2010-11-23 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236772 236743 2010-09-21 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236773 236743 2010-10-28 138 0 150 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236775 236774 2010-12-02 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236776 236774 2010-08-31 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236777 236774 2010-09-21 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236778 236774 2010-09-23 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236779 236774 2010-10-28 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236780 236774 2010-11-04 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236781 236774 2010-08-24 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236782 236774 2010-09-30 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236783 236774 2010-09-02 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236784 236774 2010-10-26 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236785 236774 2010-11-02 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236786 236774 2010-09-16 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236787 236774 2010-10-14 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236788 236774 2010-10-21 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236789 236774 2010-08-26 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236790 236774 2010-11-30 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236791 236774 2010-10-07 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236792 236774 2010-12-09 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236793 236774 2010-09-14 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236794 236774 2010-10-19 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236795 236774 2010-11-16 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236796 236774 2010-09-09 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236797 236774 2010-11-18 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236798 236774 2010-11-23 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236799 236774 2010-09-28 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236800 236774 2010-09-07 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236801 236774 2010-11-09 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236802 236774 2010-12-07 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236803 236774 2010-10-05 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236804 236774 2010-11-11 114 0 126 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236806 236805 2010-08-23 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236807 236805 2010-11-29 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236808 236805 2010-12-06 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236809 236805 2010-10-13 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236810 236805 2010-09-20 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236811 236805 2010-09-15 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236812 236805 2010-09-01 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236813 236805 2010-10-04 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236814 236805 2010-10-27 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236815 236805 2010-09-13 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236816 236805 2010-11-15 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236817 236805 2010-11-10 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236818 236805 2010-09-22 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236819 236805 2010-10-25 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236820 236805 2010-10-06 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236821 236805 2010-09-08 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236822 236805 2010-12-08 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236823 236805 2010-08-30 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236824 236805 2010-11-01 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236825 236805 2010-11-03 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236826 236805 2010-10-18 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236827 236805 2010-10-20 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236828 236805 2010-09-27 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236829 236805 2010-11-17 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236830 236805 2010-12-01 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236831 236805 2010-09-29 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236832 236805 2010-11-08 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236833 236805 2010-11-22 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 236834 236805 2010-08-25 150 0 162 -10 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239013 239012 2010-12-13 156 0 192 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239015 239014 2010-12-16 96 0 120 -60 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239017 239016 2010-12-13 156 0 192 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239018 239016 2010-12-13 156 0 192 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239020 239019 2010-12-13 96 0 120 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239022 239021 2010-12-14 138 0 150 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239024 239023 2010-12-14 156 0 192 -60 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239026 239025 2010-12-13 96 0 120 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239028 239027 2010-12-14 156 0 192 -60 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239030 239029 2010-12-15 96 0 120 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239032 239031 2010-12-13 96 0 120 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239034 239033 2010-12-13 138 0 150 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239036 239035 2010-12-13 156 0 192 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239038 239037 2010-12-15 96 0 120 -60 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239040 239039 2010-12-15 138 0 150 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239041 239039 2010-12-15 138 0 150 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239042 239039 2010-12-15 138 0 150 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239044 239043 2010-12-14 96 0 120 -60 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239045 239043 2010-12-14 96 0 120 -60 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239047 239046 2010-12-14 156 0 192 -60 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239049 239048 2010-12-14 96 0 120 -60 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239051 239050 2010-12-15 96 0 120 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239053 239052 2010-12-13 96 0 120 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239055 239054 2010-12-14 96 0 120 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239057 239056 2010-12-13 138 0 150 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239058 239056 2010-12-13 138 0 150 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239060 239059 2010-12-16 96 0 120 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239062 239061 2010-12-15 156 0 192 -60 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239064 239063 2010-12-14 156 0 192 -60 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239066 239065 2010-12-16 138 0 150 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239067 239065 2010-12-16 138 0 150 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239069 239068 2010-12-15 96 0 120 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239109 239108 2010-11-08 240 0 264 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239111 239110 2010-09-08 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239112 239110 2010-09-08 240 0 264 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239113 239110 2010-09-08 240 0 264 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239115 239114 2010-09-29 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239117 239116 2010-09-28 222 0 234 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239119 239118 2010-11-01 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239121 239120 2010-10-25 240 0 264 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239122 239120 2010-10-25 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239123 239120 2010-10-25 240 0 264 0 3 f 2010-09-22 1 239125 239124 2010-09-09 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239126 239124 2010-09-09 240 0 264 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239128 239127 2010-09-27 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239129 239127 2010-09-27 240 0 264 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239131 239130 2010-10-26 240 0 264 0 1 f 2010-09-22 1 239132 239130 2010-10-26 240 0 264 0 9 f 2010-09-22 1 239133 239130 2010-10-26 240 0 264 0 4 f 2010-09-22 1 239135 239134 2010-10-26 222 0 234 0 2 f 2010-09-22 1 239137 239136 2010-08-23 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239138 239136 2010-08-30 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239139 239136 2010-09-06 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239140 239136 2010-09-13 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239141 239136 2010-09-20 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239142 239136 2010-09-27 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239143 239136 2010-10-04 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239144 239136 2010-10-11 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239145 239136 2010-10-18 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239146 239136 2010-10-25 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239147 239136 2010-11-01 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239148 239136 2010-11-08 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239149 239136 2010-11-15 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239150 239136 2010-11-22 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239151 239136 2010-11-29 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 239152 239136 2010-12-06 96 \N 120 \N 9 t 2010-09-22 1 \. -- -- Data for Name: meeting_contact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.meeting_contact (meeting_id, contact_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: message_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.message_log (uniqueid, time_stamp, log_level, message, logger, thread, ndc, exception) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: non_university_location; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.non_university_location (uniqueid, session_id, name, capacity, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, ignore_too_far, manager_ids, pattern, ignore_room_check, display_name, exam_capacity, permanent_id, room_type, event_dept_id, area, break_time, event_status, note, availability, external_uid, share_note) FROM stdin; 7995 223206 MALL 10 \N \N f 226216 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N 5 21 429 226216 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 8018 231379 MALL 10 \N \N f 231384 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N 5 21 429 231384 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: offering_coordinator; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.offering_coordinator (offering_id, instructor_id, responsibility_id, request_id, uniqueid, percent_share) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: offr_consent_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.offr_consent_type (uniqueid, reference, label, abbv) FROM stdin; 225 IN Consent of Instructor Instructor 226 DP Consent of Department Department \. -- -- Data for Name: offr_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.offr_group (uniqueid, session_id, name, description, department_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: offr_group_offering; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.offr_group_offering (offr_group_id, instr_offering_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: override_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.override_type (uniqueid, reference, label) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_class; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_class (uniqueid, class_id, pit_subpart_id, pit_parent_id, class_limit, nbr_rooms, date_pattern_id, time_pattern_id, managing_dept, class_suffix, enabled_for_stu_sched, section_number, uid_rolled_fwd_from, external_uid) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_class_event; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_class_event (uniqueid, pit_class_id, event_name) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_class_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_class_instructor (uniqueid, pit_class_id, pit_dept_instr_id, percent_share, normalized_pct_share, responsibility_id, is_lead) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_class_meeting; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_class_meeting (uniqueid, pit_class_event_id, meeting_date, start_period, start_offset, stop_period, stop_offset, location_perm_id, time_pattern_min_per_mtg, calculated_min_per_mtg) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_class_mtg_util_period; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period (uniqueid, pit_class_meeting_id, time_slot) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_course_offering; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_course_offering (uniqueid, course_offering_id, subject_area_id, pit_instr_offr_id, course_nbr, is_control, perm_id, proj_demand, title, nbr_expected_stdents, external_uid, uid_rolled_fwd_from, lastlike_demand, course_type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_dept_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_dept_instructor (uniqueid, point_in_time_data_id, dept_instructor_id, external_uid, career_acct, lname, fname, mname, pos_code_type, department_id, email) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_instr_offer_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config (uniqueid, instr_offering_config_id, pit_instr_offr_id, unlimited_enrollment, name, uid_rolled_fwd_from, duration_type_id, instr_method_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_instr_offering; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_instr_offering (uniqueid, point_in_time_data_id, instr_offering_id, instr_offering_perm_id, demand, offr_limit, uid_rolled_fwd_from, external_uid) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_offering_coord; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_offering_coord (uniqueid, pit_offering_id, pit_dept_instr_id, responsibility_id, percent_share) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_sched_subpart; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_sched_subpart (uniqueid, scheduling_subpart_id, pit_parent_id, pit_config_id, min_per_wk, itype, subpart_suffix, credit_type, credit_unit_type, credit, student_allow_overlap, uid_rolled_fwd_from) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf (uniqueid, pit_student_id, acad_clasf_id, acad_area_id, major_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf (uniqueid, pit_student_id, acad_clasf_id, acad_area_id, minor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_student (uniqueid, point_in_time_data_id, student_id, external_uid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pit_student_class_enrl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pit_student_class_enrl (uniqueid, pit_student_id, pit_class_id, pit_course_offering_id, "timestamp", changed_by) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: point_in_time_data; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.point_in_time_data (uniqueid, session_id, "timestamp", name, note, saved_successfully) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pos_acad_area_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pos_acad_area_major (academic_area_id, major_id) FROM stdin; 142 1201 142 1204 142 1205 144 1207 144 1208 144 1209 \. -- -- Data for Name: pos_acad_area_minor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pos_acad_area_minor (academic_area_id, minor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: pos_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pos_major (uniqueid, code, name, external_uid, session_id) FROM stdin; 1201 M1 Major 1 M1 231379 1204 M2 Major 2 M2 231379 1205 M3 Major 3 M3 231379 1207 M1 Major 1 M1 223206 1208 M2 Major 2 M2 223206 1209 M3 Major 3 M3 223206 \. -- -- Data for Name: pos_minor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.pos_minor (uniqueid, code, name, external_uid, session_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: position_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.position_type (uniqueid, reference, label, sort_order) FROM stdin; 1 PROF Professor 100 2 ASSOC_PROF Associate Professor 200 3 ASST_PROF Assistant Professor 300 4 INSTRUCTOR Instructor 800 5 CLIN_PROF Clinical / Professional 500 6 CONT_LEC Continuing Lecturer 600 7 LTD_LEC Limited-Term Lecturer 700 8 VISIT_FAC Visiting Faculty 400 9 POST_DOC Post Doctoral 1500 10 ADJUNCT_FAC Adjunct Faculty 1000 11 GRAD_TEACH_ASST Graduate Teaching Assistant 1200 12 GRAD_LEC Graduate Lecturer 1100 13 CLERICAL_STAFF Clerical Staff 1600 14 SERVICE_STAFF Service Staff 1700 15 FELLOWSHIP Fellowship 1800 16 EMERITUS Emeritus Faculty 900 17 OTHER Other 2000 18 ADMIN_STAFF Administrative/Professional Staff 1300 19 UNDRGRD_TEACH_ASST Undergrad Teaching Assistant 1400 \. -- -- Data for Name: preference_level; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.preference_level (pref_id, pref_prolog, pref_name, uniqueid, pref_abbv) FROM stdin; 1 R Required 1 Req 2 -2 Strongly Preferred 2 StrPref 3 -1 Preferred 3 Pref 4 0 Neutral 4 5 1 Discouraged 5 Disc 6 2 Strongly Discouraged 6 StrDisc 7 P Prohibited 7 Proh 8 N Not Available 8 N/A \. -- -- Data for Name: query_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.query_log (uniqueid, time_stamp, time_spent, uri, type, session_id, userid, query, exception) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: related_course_info; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.related_course_info (uniqueid, event_id, owner_id, owner_type, course_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation (uniqueid, reservation_type, expiration_date, reservation_limit, offering_id, group_id, area_id, course_id, override_type, start_date) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation_clasf; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation_clasf (reservation_id, acad_clasf_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation_class; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation_class (reservation_id, class_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation_config (reservation_id, config_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation_major (reservation_id, major_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: reservation_student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.reservation_student (reservation_id, student_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: rights; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.rights (role_id, value) FROM stdin; 1 AcademicAreaEdit 1 AcademicAreas 1 AcademicClassificationEdit 1 AcademicClassifications 1 AcademicSessionAdd 1 AcademicSessionDelete 1 AcademicSessionEdit 1 AcademicSessions 1 AddCourseOffering 1 AddNonUnivLocation 1 AddRoom 1 AddSpecialUseRoom 1 AddSpecialUseRoomExternalRoom 1 AllowTestSessions 1 ApplicationConfig 1 ApplicationConfigEdit 1 AssignedClasses 1 AssignedExaminations 1 AssignInstructors 1 AssignInstructorsClass 1 AssignmentHistory 1 AttachmentTypeEdit 1 AttachmentTypes 1 BuildingAdd 1 BuildingDelete 1 BuildingEdit 1 BuildingExportPdf 1 BuildingList 1 BuildingUpdateData 1 CanLookupEventContacts 1 CanLookupInstructors 1 CanLookupLdap 1 CanLookupManagers 1 CanLookupStaff 1 CanLookupStudents 1 CanSelectSolverServer 1 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 1 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 1 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 1 CanUseHardTimePrefs 1 Chameleon 1 ChangePassword 1 ClassAssignment 1 ClassAssignments 1 ClassAssignmentsExportCsv 1 ClassAssignmentsExportPdf 1 ClassCancel 1 ClassDelete 1 ClassDetail 1 ClassEdit 1 ClassEditClearPreferences 1 Classes 1 ClassesExportPDF 1 ClearHibernateCache 1 ConflictStatistics 1 ConsentApproval 1 ContactCategories 1 ContactCategoryEdit 1 CourseCreditFormatEdit 1 CourseCreditFormats 1 CourseCreditTypeEdit 1 CourseCreditTypes 1 CourseCreditUnitEdit 1 CourseCreditUnits 1 CourseOfferingDeleteFromCrossList 1 CourseRequests 1 CourseTimetabling 1 CourseTimetablingAudit 1 CourseTypeEdit 1 CourseTypes 1 CurriculumAdd 1 CurriculumAdmin 1 CurriculumDelete 1 CurriculumDetail 1 CurriculumEdit 1 CurriculumMerge 1 CurriculumProjectionRulesDetail 1 CurriculumProjectionRulesEdit 1 CurriculumView 1 DataExchange 1 DatePatterns 1 DepartmenalRoomFeatureDelete 1 DepartmenalRoomFeatureEdit 1 DepartmenalRoomGroupDelete 1 DepartmenalRoomGroupEdit 1 DepartmentAdd 1 DepartmentDelete 1 DepartmentEdit 1 DepartmentEditChangeExternalManager 1 DepartmentIndependent 1 DepartmentRoomFeatureAdd 1 DepartmentRoomGroupAdd 1 Departments 1 DistributionPreferenceAdd 1 DistributionPreferenceClass 1 DistributionPreferenceDelete 1 DistributionPreferenceDetail 1 DistributionPreferenceEdit 1 DistributionPreferenceExam 1 DistributionPreferences 1 DistributionPreferenceSubpart 1 DistributionTypeEdit 1 DistributionTypes 1 DurationTypeEdit 1 DurationTypes 1 EditCourseOffering 1 EditCourseOfferingCoordinators 1 EditRoomDepartments 1 EditRoomDepartmentsExams 1 EditRoomDepartmentsFinalExams 1 EditRoomDepartmentsMidtermExams 1 EnrollmentAuditPDFReports 1 EventAddCourseRelated 1 EventAddSpecial 1 EventAddUnavailable 1 EventAnyLocation 1 EventApprovePast 1 EventCanEditAcademicTitle 1 EventDate 1 EventDetail 1 EventEdit 1 EventLocation 1 EventLocationApprove 1 EventLocationOverbook 1 EventLocationUnavailable 1 EventLookupContact 1 EventLookupSchedule 1 EventMeetingApprove 1 EventMeetingCancel 1 EventMeetingDelete 1 EventMeetingEdit 1 EventMeetingInquire 1 EventRoomTypeEdit 1 EventRoomTypes 1 Events 1 EventServiceProviderEditDepartment 1 EventServiceProviderEditGlobal 1 EventServiceProviderEditSession 1 EventServiceProviders 1 EventStatusEdit 1 EventStatuses 1 ExactTimes 1 ExaminationAdd 1 ExaminationAssignment 1 ExaminationAssignmentChanges 1 ExaminationClone 1 ExaminationConflictStatistics 1 ExaminationDelete 1 ExaminationDetail 1 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceAdd 1 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDelete 1 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail 1 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit 1 ExaminationDistributionPreferences 1 ExaminationEdit 1 ExaminationEditClearPreferences 1 ExaminationPdfReports 1 ExaminationPeriods 1 ExaminationReports 1 Examinations 1 ExaminationSchedule 1 ExaminationSolutionExportXml 1 ExaminationSolver 1 ExaminationSolverLog 1 ExaminationStatusEdit 1 ExaminationStatuses 1 ExaminationTimetable 1 ExaminationTimetabling 1 ExaminationView 1 ExamTypeEdit 1 ExamTypes 1 ExtendedDatePatterns 1 ExtendedTimePatterns 1 GlobalRoomFeatureAdd 1 GlobalRoomFeatureDelete 1 GlobalRoomFeatureEdit 1 GlobalRoomGroupAdd 1 GlobalRoomGroupDelete 1 GlobalRoomGroupEdit 1 GlobalRoomGroupEditSetDefault 1 HasRole 1 HibernateStatistics 1 HQLReportAdd 1 HQLReportDelete 1 HQLReportEdit 1 HQLReports 1 HQLReportsAdministration 1 HQLReportsAdminOnly 1 HQLReportsCourses 1 HQLReportsEvents 1 HQLReportsExaminations 1 HQLReportsStudents 1 Inquiry 1 InstrOfferingConfigAdd 1 InstrOfferingConfigDelete 1 InstrOfferingConfigEdit 1 InstrOfferingConfigEditDepartment 1 InstrOfferingConfigEditSubpart 1 InstructionalMethodEdit 1 InstructionalMethods 1 InstructionalOfferingCrossLists 1 InstructionalOfferingDetail 1 InstructionalOfferings 1 InstructionalOfferingsExportPDF 1 InstructionalOfferingsWorksheetPDF 1 InstructionalTypeAdd 1 InstructionalTypeDelete 1 InstructionalTypeEdit 1 InstructionalTypes 1 InstructorAdd 1 InstructorAssignmentPreferences 1 InstructorAttributeAdd 1 InstructorAttributeAssign 1 InstructorAttributeDelete 1 InstructorAttributeEdit 1 InstructorAttributes 1 InstructorAttributeTypeEdit 1 InstructorAttributeTypes 1 InstructorClearAssignmentPreferences 1 InstructorDelete 1 InstructorDetail 1 InstructorEdit 1 InstructorEditClearPreferences 1 InstructorGlobalAttributeEdit 1 InstructorPreferences 1 InstructorRoleEdit 1 InstructorRoles 1 Instructors 1 InstructorScheduling 1 InstructorSchedulingSolutionExportXml 1 InstructorSchedulingSolver 1 InstructorSchedulingSolverLog 1 InstructorsExportPdf 1 IsAdmin 1 LastChanges 1 LimitAndProjectionSnapshot 1 LimitAndProjectionSnapshotSave 1 MajorEdit 1 Majors 1 ManageInstructors 1 ManageSolvers 1 MinorEdit 1 Minors 1 MultipleClassSetup 1 MultipleClassSetupClass 1 MultipleClassSetupDepartment 1 NonUniversityLocationDelete 1 NonUniversityLocationEdit 1 NotAssignedClasses 1 NotAssignedExaminations 1 OfferingCanLock 1 OfferingCanUnlock 1 OfferingConsentTypeEdit 1 OfferingConsentTypes 1 OfferingDelete 1 OfferingEnrollments 1 OfferingMakeNotOffered 1 OfferingMakeOffered 1 OverrideTypeEdit 1 OverrideTypes 1 PageStatistics 1 PermissionEdit 1 Permissions 1 PersonalSchedule 1 PersonalScheduleLookup 1 PointInTimeData 1 PointInTimeDataEdit 1 PointInTimeDataReports 1 PositionTypeEdit 1 PositionTypes 1 PreferenceLevelEdit 1 PreferenceLevels 1 Registration 1 ReservationAdd 1 ReservationDelete 1 ReservationEdit 1 ReservationOffering 1 Reservations 1 RoleEdit 1 Roles 1 RoomAvailability 1 RoomDelete 1 RoomDepartments 1 RoomDetail 1 RoomDetailAvailability 1 RoomDetailEventAvailability 1 RoomDetailPeriodPreferences 1 RoomEdit 1 RoomEditAvailability 1 RoomEditChangeCapacity 1 RoomEditChangeControll 1 RoomEditChangeEventProperties 1 RoomEditChangeExaminationStatus 1 RoomEditChangeExternalId 1 RoomEditChangePicture 1 RoomEditChangeRoomProperties 1 RoomEditChangeType 1 RoomEditEventAvailability 1 RoomEditFeatures 1 RoomEditGlobalFeatures 1 RoomEditGlobalGroups 1 RoomEditGroups 1 RoomEditPreference 1 RoomFeatures 1 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 1 RoomFeatureTypeEdit 1 RoomFeatureTypes 1 RoomGroups 1 RoomGroupsExportPdf 1 Rooms 1 RoomsExportCsv 1 RoomsExportPdf 1 RoomTypes 1 SchedulingAssistant 1 SchedulingDashboard 1 SchedulingReports 1 SchedulingSubpartDetail 1 SchedulingSubpartDetailClearClassPreferences 1 SchedulingSubpartEdit 1 SchedulingSubpartEditClearPreferences 1 ScriptEdit 1 Scripts 1 SessionDefaultCurrent 1 SessionIndependent 1 SessionRollForward 1 SettingsAdmin 1 SettingsUser 1 SolutionChanges 1 SolutionReports 1 Solver 1 SolverConfigurations 1 SolverGroups 1 SolverLog 1 SolverParameterGroups 1 SolverParameters 1 SolverSolutionExportCsv 1 SolverSolutionExportXml 1 SolverSolutionSave 1 SponsoringOrganizationAdd 1 SponsoringOrganizationDelete 1 SponsoringOrganizationEdit 1 SponsoringOrganizations 1 StandardEventNotes 1 StandardEventNotesDepartmentEdit 1 StandardEventNotesGlobalEdit 1 StandardEventNotesSessionEdit 1 StatusIndependent 1 StatusTypes 1 StudentAccommodationEdit 1 StudentAccommodations 1 StudentAdvisorEdit 1 StudentAdvisors 1 StudentEnrollments 1 StudentGroupEdit 1 StudentGroups 1 StudentGroupTypeEdit 1 StudentGroupTypes 1 StudentScheduling 1 StudentSchedulingAdmin 1 StudentSchedulingAdvisor 1 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyAllStudents 1 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyMyStudents 1 StudentSchedulingCanEnroll 1 StudentSchedulingCanRegister 1 StudentSchedulingChangeStudentStatus 1 StudentSchedulingEmailStudent 1 StudentSchedulingMassCancel 1 StudentSchedulingStatusTypeEdit 1 StudentSchedulingStatusTypes 1 StudentSectioningSolutionExportXml 1 StudentSectioningSolver 1 StudentSectioningSolverDashboard 1 StudentSectioningSolverLog 1 StudentSectioningSolverSave 1 SubjectAreaAdd 1 SubjectAreaChangeDepartment 1 SubjectAreaDelete 1 SubjectAreaEdit 1 SubjectAreas 1 Suggestions 1 TaskDetail 1 TaskEdit 1 Tasks 1 TeachingResponsibilities 1 TeachingResponsibilityEdit 1 TestHQL 1 TimePatterns 1 TimetableGrid 1 TimetableManagerAdd 1 TimetableManagerDelete 1 TimetableManagerEdit 1 TimetableManagers 1 Timetables 1 TimetablesSolutionChangeNote 1 TimetablesSolutionCommit 1 TimetablesSolutionDelete 1 TimetablesSolutionExportCsv 1 TimetablesSolutionLoad 1 TimetablesSolutionLoadEmpty 1 TravelTimesLoad 1 TravelTimesSave 1 Users 21 AddCourseOffering 21 AddNonUnivLocation 21 AddSpecialUseRoom 21 AddSpecialUseRoomExternalRoom 21 AssignedClasses 21 AssignInstructors 21 AssignInstructorsClass 21 AssignmentHistory 21 CanLookupEventContacts 21 CanLookupInstructors 21 CanLookupLdap 21 CanLookupManagers 21 CanLookupStaff 21 CanLookupStudents 21 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 21 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 21 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 21 CanUseHardTimePrefs 21 ChangePassword 21 ClassAssignments 21 ClassAssignmentsExportCsv 21 ClassAssignmentsExportPdf 21 ClassCancel 21 ClassDelete 21 ClassDetail 21 ClassEdit 21 ClassEditClearPreferences 21 Classes 21 ClassesExportPDF 21 ConflictStatistics 21 ConsentApproval 21 CourseOfferingDeleteFromCrossList 21 CourseTimetabling 21 CourseTimetablingAudit 21 CurriculumAdd 21 CurriculumDelete 21 CurriculumDetail 21 CurriculumEdit 21 CurriculumProjectionRulesDetail 21 CurriculumView 21 DepartmenalRoomFeatureDelete 21 DepartmenalRoomFeatureEdit 21 DepartmenalRoomGroupDelete 21 DepartmenalRoomGroupEdit 21 DepartmentRoomFeatureAdd 21 DepartmentRoomGroupAdd 21 DistributionPreferenceAdd 21 DistributionPreferenceClass 21 DistributionPreferenceDelete 21 DistributionPreferenceDetail 21 DistributionPreferenceEdit 21 DistributionPreferenceExam 21 DistributionPreferences 21 DistributionPreferenceSubpart 21 EditCourseOffering 21 EditCourseOfferingCoordinators 21 EditRoomDepartments 21 EventAddCourseRelated 21 EventAddSpecial 21 EventDate 21 EventDetail 21 EventEdit 21 EventLocation 21 EventLookupSchedule 21 EventMeetingCancel 21 EventMeetingDelete 21 EventMeetingEdit 21 Events 21 ExaminationAdd 21 ExaminationClone 21 ExaminationDelete 21 ExaminationDetail 21 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceAdd 21 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDelete 21 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail 21 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit 21 ExaminationDistributionPreferences 21 ExaminationEdit 21 ExaminationEditClearPreferences 21 ExaminationPdfReports 21 Examinations 21 ExaminationSchedule 21 ExaminationView 21 HasRole 21 HQLReports 21 HQLReportsCourses 21 Inquiry 21 InstrOfferingConfigAdd 21 InstrOfferingConfigDelete 21 InstrOfferingConfigEdit 21 InstrOfferingConfigEditDepartment 21 InstrOfferingConfigEditSubpart 21 InstructionalOfferingCrossLists 21 InstructionalOfferingDetail 21 InstructionalOfferings 21 InstructionalOfferingsExportPDF 21 InstructionalOfferingsWorksheetPDF 21 InstructorAdd 21 InstructorAssignmentPreferences 21 InstructorAttributeAdd 21 InstructorAttributeAssign 21 InstructorAttributeDelete 21 InstructorAttributeEdit 21 InstructorAttributes 21 InstructorClearAssignmentPreferences 21 InstructorDelete 21 InstructorDetail 21 InstructorEdit 21 InstructorEditClearPreferences 21 InstructorPreferences 21 Instructors 21 InstructorScheduling 21 InstructorSchedulingSolver 21 InstructorSchedulingSolverLog 21 InstructorsExportPdf 21 LimitAndProjectionSnapshot 21 ManageInstructors 21 MultipleClassSetup 21 MultipleClassSetupClass 21 MultipleClassSetupDepartment 21 NonUniversityLocationDelete 21 NonUniversityLocationEdit 21 NotAssignedClasses 21 OfferingCanLock 21 OfferingCanUnlock 21 OfferingEnrollments 21 OfferingMakeNotOffered 21 OfferingMakeOffered 21 PersonalSchedule 21 PersonalScheduleLookup 21 PointInTimeData 21 PointInTimeDataReports 21 ReservationAdd 21 ReservationDelete 21 ReservationEdit 21 ReservationOffering 21 Reservations 21 RoomAvailability 21 RoomDepartments 21 RoomDetail 21 RoomDetailAvailability 21 RoomEditAvailability 21 RoomEditChangeCapacity 21 RoomEditChangeExternalId 21 RoomEditChangePicture 21 RoomEditChangeRoomProperties 21 RoomEditChangeType 21 RoomEditFeatures 21 RoomEditGroups 21 RoomEditPreference 21 RoomFeatures 21 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 21 RoomGroups 21 RoomGroupsExportPdf 21 Rooms 21 RoomsExportCsv 21 RoomsExportPdf 21 SchedulingAssistant 21 SchedulingDashboard 21 SchedulingReports 21 SchedulingSubpartDetail 21 SchedulingSubpartDetailClearClassPreferences 21 SchedulingSubpartEdit 21 SchedulingSubpartEditClearPreferences 21 SessionDefaultFirstFuture 21 SettingsUser 21 SolutionChanges 21 SolutionReports 21 Solver 21 SolverLog 21 SolverSolutionExportCsv 21 SolverSolutionSave 21 StudentEnrollments 21 Suggestions 21 TimetableGrid 21 Timetables 21 TimetablesSolutionChangeNote 21 TimetablesSolutionCommit 21 TimetablesSolutionDelete 21 TimetablesSolutionExportCsv 21 TimetablesSolutionLoad 21 TimetablesSolutionLoadEmpty 41 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 41 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 41 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 41 CanUseHardTimePrefs 41 ChangePassword 41 ClassAssignments 41 ClassAssignmentsExportCsv 41 ClassAssignmentsExportPdf 41 ClassDetail 41 Classes 41 ClassesExportPDF 41 CurriculumDetail 41 CurriculumProjectionRulesDetail 41 CurriculumView 41 DepartmentIndependent 41 DistributionPreferenceDetail 41 DistributionPreferences 41 EventAddSpecial 41 EventDate 41 EventDetail 41 EventEdit 41 EventLocation 41 EventMeetingCancel 41 EventMeetingDelete 41 EventMeetingEdit 41 Events 41 ExaminationDetail 41 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail 41 ExaminationDistributionPreferences 41 ExaminationPdfReports 41 Examinations 41 ExaminationSchedule 41 ExaminationView 41 HasRole 41 Inquiry 41 InstructionalOfferingDetail 41 InstructionalOfferings 41 InstructionalOfferingsExportPDF 41 InstructionalOfferingsWorksheetPDF 41 InstructorAttributes 41 InstructorDetail 41 Instructors 41 InstructorsExportPdf 41 OfferingEnrollments 41 RoomAvailability 41 RoomDetail 41 RoomDetailAvailability 41 RoomDetailPeriodPreferences 41 RoomFeatures 41 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 41 RoomGroups 41 RoomGroupsExportPdf 41 Rooms 41 RoomsExportCsv 41 RoomsExportPdf 41 SchedulingAssistant 41 SchedulingDashboard 41 SchedulingReports 41 SchedulingSubpartDetail 41 SessionDefaultCurrent 41 SessionIndependentIfNoSessionGiven 41 SettingsUser 41 StudentEnrollments 61 AssignedExaminations 61 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 61 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 61 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 61 CanUseHardTimePrefs 61 ChangePassword 61 ClassAssignments 61 ClassAssignmentsExportCsv 61 ClassAssignmentsExportPdf 61 DepartmentIndependent 61 DistributionPreferenceExam 61 EditRoomDepartmentsExams 61 EditRoomDepartmentsFinalExams 61 EditRoomDepartmentsMidtermExams 61 EventAddSpecial 61 EventDate 61 EventDetail 61 EventEdit 61 EventLocation 61 EventMeetingCancel 61 EventMeetingDelete 61 EventMeetingEdit 61 Events 61 ExaminationAdd 61 ExaminationAssignment 61 ExaminationAssignmentChanges 61 ExaminationClone 61 ExaminationConflictStatistics 61 ExaminationDelete 61 ExaminationDetail 61 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceAdd 61 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDelete 61 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail 61 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit 61 ExaminationDistributionPreferences 61 ExaminationEdit 61 ExaminationEditClearPreferences 61 ExaminationPdfReports 61 ExaminationReports 61 Examinations 61 ExaminationSchedule 61 ExaminationSolver 61 ExaminationSolverLog 61 ExaminationTimetable 61 ExaminationTimetabling 61 ExaminationView 61 HasRole 61 HQLReports 61 HQLReportsExaminations 61 Inquiry 61 InstructorAttributes 61 InstructorDetail 61 Instructors 61 InstructorsExportPdf 61 LimitAndProjectionSnapshot 61 NotAssignedExaminations 61 PointInTimeData 61 PointInTimeDataReports 61 RoomDetail 61 RoomDetailPeriodPreferences 61 RoomEdit 61 RoomEditChangeExaminationStatus 61 RoomFeatures 61 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 61 RoomGroups 61 RoomGroupsExportPdf 61 Rooms 61 RoomsExportCsv 61 RoomsExportPdf 61 SessionDefaultFirstExamination 61 SettingsUser 81 AddNonUnivLocation 81 AddSpecialUseRoom 81 AddSpecialUseRoomExternalRoom 81 CanLookupEventContacts 81 CanLookupInstructors 81 CanLookupLdap 81 CanLookupManagers 81 CanLookupStaff 81 CanLookupStudents 81 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 81 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 81 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 81 CanUseHardTimePrefs 81 ChangePassword 81 EventAddCourseRelated 81 EventAddSpecial 81 EventAddUnavailable 81 EventCanEditAcademicTitle 81 EventDate 81 EventDetail 81 EventEdit 81 EventLocation 81 EventLocationApprove 81 EventLocationOverbook 81 EventLocationUnavailable 81 EventLookupContact 81 EventMeetingApprove 81 EventMeetingCancel 81 EventMeetingDelete 81 EventMeetingEdit 81 EventMeetingInquire 81 EventRoomTypeEdit 81 EventRoomTypes 81 Events 81 EventServiceProviderEditDepartment 81 EventStatusEdit 81 EventStatuses 81 ExaminationSchedule 81 ExaminationView 81 HasRole 81 HQLReports 81 HQLReportsEvents 81 Inquiry 81 InstructorRoleEdit 81 InstructorRoles 81 LimitAndProjectionSnapshot 81 NonUniversityLocationDelete 81 NonUniversityLocationEdit 81 PointInTimeData 81 PointInTimeDataReports 81 RoomDetail 81 RoomDetailEventAvailability 81 RoomEditChangeCapacity 81 RoomEditChangeEventProperties 81 RoomEditChangeExternalId 81 RoomEditChangePicture 81 RoomEditChangeRoomProperties 81 RoomEditChangeType 81 RoomEditEventAvailability 81 RoomFeatures 81 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 81 RoomGroups 81 RoomGroupsExportPdf 81 Rooms 81 RoomsExportCsv 81 RoomsExportPdf 81 SessionDefaultCurrent 81 SettingsUser 81 StandardEventNotes 81 StandardEventNotesDepartmentEdit 101 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 101 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 101 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 101 CanUseHardTimePrefs 101 ChangePassword 101 CurriculumAdd 101 CurriculumAdmin 101 CurriculumDelete 101 CurriculumDetail 101 CurriculumEdit 101 CurriculumMerge 101 CurriculumProjectionRulesDetail 101 CurriculumProjectionRulesEdit 101 CurriculumView 101 DepartmentIndependent 101 EventAddSpecial 101 EventDate 101 EventDetail 101 EventEdit 101 EventLocation 101 EventMeetingCancel 101 EventMeetingDelete 101 EventMeetingEdit 101 Events 101 ExaminationSchedule 101 ExaminationView 101 HasRole 101 Inquiry 101 RoomAvailability 101 SessionDefaultCurrent 101 SettingsUser 1310680 CanLookupEventContacts 1310680 CanLookupInstructors 1310680 CanLookupLdap 1310680 CanLookupManagers 1310680 CanLookupStaff 1310680 CanLookupStudents 1310680 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 1310680 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 1310680 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 1310680 CanUseHardTimePrefs 1310680 ChangePassword 1310680 CourseRequests 1310680 DepartmentIndependent 1310680 EventAddSpecial 1310680 EventDate 1310680 EventDetail 1310680 EventEdit 1310680 EventLocation 1310680 EventLookupSchedule 1310680 EventMeetingCancel 1310680 EventMeetingDelete 1310680 EventMeetingEdit 1310680 Events 1310680 ExaminationSchedule 1310680 ExaminationView 1310680 HasRole 1310680 Inquiry 1310680 OfferingEnrollments 1310680 PersonalSchedule 1310680 PersonalScheduleLookup 1310680 SchedulingAssistant 1310680 SchedulingDashboard 1310680 SchedulingReports 1310680 SessionDefaultCurrent 1310680 SettingsUser 1310680 StudentEnrollments 1310680 StudentSchedulingAdvisor 1310680 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyAllStudents 1310680 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyMyStudents 1310680 StudentSchedulingCanEnroll 1310680 StudentSchedulingCanRegister 1408981 ChangePassword 1408981 EventAddSpecial 1408981 EventDate 1408981 EventDetail 1408981 EventEdit 1408981 EventLocation 1408981 EventMeetingCancel 1408981 EventMeetingDelete 1408981 EventMeetingEdit 1408981 Events 1408981 Inquiry 1408981 SchedulingAssistant 1408982 ChangePassword 1408982 CourseRequests 1408982 EventAddSpecial 1408982 EventDate 1408982 EventDetail 1408982 EventEdit 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1441748 AddSpecialUseRoomExternalRoom 1441748 AssignedClasses 1441748 AssignedExaminations 1441748 AssignInstructors 1441748 AssignInstructorsClass 1441748 AssignmentHistory 1441748 AttachmentTypes 1441748 BuildingAdd 1441748 BuildingDelete 1441748 BuildingEdit 1441748 BuildingExportPdf 1441748 BuildingList 1441748 BuildingUpdateData 1441748 CanLookupEventContacts 1441748 CanLookupInstructors 1441748 CanLookupLdap 1441748 CanLookupManagers 1441748 CanLookupStaff 1441748 CanLookupStudents 1441748 CanSelectSolverServer 1441748 CanUseHardDistributionPrefs 1441748 CanUseHardPeriodPrefs 1441748 CanUseHardRoomPrefs 1441748 CanUseHardTimePrefs 1441748 ChangePassword 1441748 ClassAssignment 1441748 ClassAssignments 1441748 ClassAssignmentsExportCsv 1441748 ClassAssignmentsExportPdf 1441748 ClassCancel 1441748 ClassDelete 1441748 ClassDetail 1441748 ClassEdit 1441748 ClassEditClearPreferences 1441748 Classes 1441748 ClassesExportPDF 1441748 ConflictStatistics 1441748 ConsentApproval 1441748 ContactCategories 1441748 CourseCreditFormats 1441748 CourseCreditTypes 1441748 CourseCreditUnits 1441748 CourseOfferingDeleteFromCrossList 1441748 CourseRequests 1441748 CourseTimetabling 1441748 CourseTimetablingAudit 1441748 CourseTypes 1441748 CurriculumAdd 1441748 CurriculumAdmin 1441748 CurriculumDelete 1441748 CurriculumDetail 1441748 CurriculumEdit 1441748 CurriculumMerge 1441748 CurriculumProjectionRulesDetail 1441748 CurriculumProjectionRulesEdit 1441748 CurriculumView 1441748 DatePatterns 1441748 DepartmenalRoomFeatureDelete 1441748 DepartmenalRoomFeatureEdit 1441748 DepartmenalRoomGroupDelete 1441748 DepartmenalRoomGroupEdit 1441748 DepartmentAdd 1441748 DepartmentDelete 1441748 DepartmentEdit 1441748 DepartmentEditChangeExternalManager 1441748 DepartmentIndependent 1441748 DepartmentRoomFeatureAdd 1441748 DepartmentRoomGroupAdd 1441748 Departments 1441748 DistributionPreferenceAdd 1441748 DistributionPreferenceClass 1441748 DistributionPreferenceDelete 1441748 DistributionPreferenceDetail 1441748 DistributionPreferenceEdit 1441748 DistributionPreferenceExam 1441748 DistributionPreferences 1441748 DistributionPreferenceSubpart 1441748 DistributionTypes 1441748 DurationTypes 1441748 EditCourseOffering 1441748 EditCourseOfferingCoordinators 1441748 EditRoomDepartments 1441748 EditRoomDepartmentsExams 1441748 EditRoomDepartmentsFinalExams 1441748 EditRoomDepartmentsMidtermExams 1441748 EnrollmentAuditPDFReports 1441748 EventAddCourseRelated 1441748 EventAddSpecial 1441748 EventAddUnavailable 1441748 EventAnyLocation 1441748 EventApprovePast 1441748 EventCanEditAcademicTitle 1441748 EventDate 1441748 EventDetail 1441748 EventEdit 1441748 EventLocation 1441748 EventLocationApprove 1441748 EventLocationOverbook 1441748 EventLocationUnavailable 1441748 EventLookupContact 1441748 EventLookupSchedule 1441748 EventMeetingApprove 1441748 EventMeetingCancel 1441748 EventMeetingDelete 1441748 EventMeetingEdit 1441748 EventMeetingInquire 1441748 EventRoomTypeEdit 1441748 EventRoomTypes 1441748 Events 1441748 EventServiceProviderEditDepartment 1441748 EventServiceProviders 1441748 EventStatusEdit 1441748 EventStatuses 1441748 ExaminationAdd 1441748 ExaminationAssignment 1441748 ExaminationAssignmentChanges 1441748 ExaminationClone 1441748 ExaminationConflictStatistics 1441748 ExaminationDelete 1441748 ExaminationDetail 1441748 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceAdd 1441748 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDelete 1441748 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail 1441748 ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit 1441748 ExaminationDistributionPreferences 1441748 ExaminationEdit 1441748 ExaminationEditClearPreferences 1441748 ExaminationPdfReports 1441748 ExaminationPeriods 1441748 ExaminationReports 1441748 Examinations 1441748 ExaminationSchedule 1441748 ExaminationSolutionExportXml 1441748 ExaminationSolver 1441748 ExaminationSolverLog 1441748 ExaminationStatuses 1441748 ExaminationTimetable 1441748 ExaminationTimetabling 1441748 ExaminationView 1441748 ExamTypes 1441748 ExtendedDatePatterns 1441748 ExtendedTimePatterns 1441748 GlobalRoomFeatureAdd 1441748 GlobalRoomFeatureDelete 1441748 GlobalRoomFeatureEdit 1441748 GlobalRoomGroupAdd 1441748 GlobalRoomGroupDelete 1441748 GlobalRoomGroupEdit 1441748 GlobalRoomGroupEditSetDefault 1441748 HasRole 1441748 HQLReports 1441748 HQLReportsAdministration 1441748 HQLReportsAdminOnly 1441748 HQLReportsCourses 1441748 HQLReportsEvents 1441748 HQLReportsExaminations 1441748 HQLReportsStudents 1441748 Inquiry 1441748 InstrOfferingConfigAdd 1441748 InstrOfferingConfigDelete 1441748 InstrOfferingConfigEdit 1441748 InstrOfferingConfigEditDepartment 1441748 InstrOfferingConfigEditSubpart 1441748 InstructionalMethods 1441748 InstructionalOfferingCrossLists 1441748 InstructionalOfferingDetail 1441748 InstructionalOfferings 1441748 InstructionalOfferingsExportPDF 1441748 InstructionalOfferingsWorksheetPDF 1441748 InstructionalTypes 1441748 InstructorAdd 1441748 InstructorAssignmentPreferences 1441748 InstructorAttributeAdd 1441748 InstructorAttributeAssign 1441748 InstructorAttributeDelete 1441748 InstructorAttributeEdit 1441748 InstructorAttributes 1441748 InstructorAttributeTypes 1441748 InstructorClearAssignmentPreferences 1441748 InstructorDelete 1441748 InstructorDetail 1441748 InstructorEdit 1441748 InstructorEditClearPreferences 1441748 InstructorGlobalAttributeEdit 1441748 InstructorPreferences 1441748 InstructorRoleEdit 1441748 InstructorRoles 1441748 Instructors 1441748 InstructorScheduling 1441748 InstructorSchedulingSolutionExportXml 1441748 InstructorSchedulingSolver 1441748 InstructorSchedulingSolverLog 1441748 InstructorsExportPdf 1441748 IsAdmin 1441748 LastChanges 1441748 LimitAndProjectionSnapshot 1441748 MajorEdit 1441748 Majors 1441748 ManageInstructors 1441748 ManageSolvers 1441748 MinorEdit 1441748 Minors 1441748 MultipleClassSetup 1441748 MultipleClassSetupClass 1441748 MultipleClassSetupDepartment 1441748 NonUniversityLocationDelete 1441748 NonUniversityLocationEdit 1441748 NotAssignedClasses 1441748 NotAssignedExaminations 1441748 OfferingCanLock 1441748 OfferingCanUnlock 1441748 OfferingConsentTypes 1441748 OfferingDelete 1441748 OfferingEnrollments 1441748 OfferingMakeNotOffered 1441748 OfferingMakeOffered 1441748 OverrideTypes 1441748 Permissions 1441748 PersonalSchedule 1441748 PersonalScheduleLookup 1441748 PointInTimeData 1441748 PointInTimeDataReports 1441748 PositionTypes 1441748 PreferenceLevels 1441748 ReservationAdd 1441748 ReservationDelete 1441748 ReservationEdit 1441748 ReservationOffering 1441748 Reservations 1441748 Roles 1441748 RoomAvailability 1441748 RoomDelete 1441748 RoomDepartments 1441748 RoomDetail 1441748 RoomDetailAvailability 1441748 RoomDetailEventAvailability 1441748 RoomDetailPeriodPreferences 1441748 RoomEdit 1441748 RoomEditAvailability 1441748 RoomEditChangeCapacity 1441748 RoomEditChangeControll 1441748 RoomEditChangeEventProperties 1441748 RoomEditChangeExaminationStatus 1441748 RoomEditChangeExternalId 1441748 RoomEditChangePicture 1441748 RoomEditChangeRoomProperties 1441748 RoomEditChangeType 1441748 RoomEditEventAvailability 1441748 RoomEditFeatures 1441748 RoomEditGlobalFeatures 1441748 RoomEditGlobalGroups 1441748 RoomEditGroups 1441748 RoomEditPreference 1441748 RoomFeatures 1441748 RoomFeaturesExportPdf 1441748 RoomFeatureTypes 1441748 RoomGroups 1441748 RoomGroupsExportPdf 1441748 Rooms 1441748 RoomsExportCsv 1441748 RoomsExportPdf 1441748 SchedulingAssistant 1441748 SchedulingDashboard 1441748 SchedulingReports 1441748 SchedulingSubpartDetail 1441748 SchedulingSubpartDetailClearClassPreferences 1441748 SchedulingSubpartEdit 1441748 SchedulingSubpartEditClearPreferences 1441748 Scripts 1441748 SessionDefaultCurrent 1441748 SettingsUser 1441748 SolutionChanges 1441748 SolutionReports 1441748 Solver 1441748 SolverGroups 1441748 SolverLog 1441748 SolverSolutionExportCsv 1441748 SolverSolutionExportXml 1441748 SolverSolutionSave 1441748 SponsoringOrganizations 1441748 StandardEventNotes 1441748 StandardEventNotesDepartmentEdit 1441748 StandardEventNotesSessionEdit 1441748 StatusIndependent 1441748 StudentAccommodationEdit 1441748 StudentAccommodations 1441748 StudentAdvisorEdit 1441748 StudentAdvisors 1441748 StudentEnrollments 1441748 StudentGroupEdit 1441748 StudentGroups 1441748 StudentGroupTypes 1441748 StudentScheduling 1441748 StudentSchedulingAdmin 1441748 StudentSchedulingAdvisor 1441748 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyAllStudents 1441748 StudentSchedulingAdvisorCanModifyMyStudents 1441748 StudentSchedulingCanEnroll 1441748 StudentSchedulingCanRegister 1441748 StudentSchedulingChangeStudentStatus 1441748 StudentSchedulingEmailStudent 1441748 StudentSchedulingMassCancel 1441748 StudentSchedulingStatusTypes 1441748 StudentSectioningSolutionExportXml 1441748 StudentSectioningSolver 1441748 StudentSectioningSolverDashboard 1441748 StudentSectioningSolverLog 1441748 StudentSectioningSolverSave 1441748 SubjectAreaAdd 1441748 SubjectAreaChangeDepartment 1441748 SubjectAreaDelete 1441748 SubjectAreaEdit 1441748 SubjectAreas 1441748 Suggestions 1441748 TaskDetail 1441748 Tasks 1441748 TeachingResponsibilities 1441748 TimePatterns 1441748 TimetableGrid 1441748 TimetableManagerAdd 1441748 TimetableManagerDelete 1441748 TimetableManagerEdit 1441748 TimetableManagers 1441748 Timetables 1441748 TimetablesSolutionChangeNote 1441748 TimetablesSolutionCommit 1441748 TimetablesSolutionDelete 1441748 TimetablesSolutionExportCsv 1441748 TimetablesSolutionLoad 1441748 TimetablesSolutionLoadEmpty 1441748 TravelTimesLoad 1441748 TravelTimesSave 1507282 Events 1507282 SchedulingAssistant \. -- -- Data for Name: roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.roles (role_id, reference, abbv, manager, enabled, instructor) FROM stdin; 1 Administrator System Administrator t t f 21 Dept Sched Mgr Department Schedule Manager t t f 41 View All View All User t t f 61 Exam Mgr Examination Timetabling Manager t t f 81 Event Mgr Event Manager t t f 101 Curriculum Mgr Curriculum Manager t t f 1310680 Advisor Student Advisor t t f 1408981 No Role No Role f t f 1408982 Student Student f t f 1408983 Instructor Instructor f t f 1441748 Session Admin Session Administrator t t f 1507282 Anonymous Anonymous f t f \. -- -- Data for Name: room; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room (uniqueid, external_uid, session_id, building_id, room_number, capacity, coordinate_x, coordinate_y, ignore_too_far, manager_ids, pattern, ignore_room_check, classification, display_name, exam_capacity, permanent_id, room_type, event_dept_id, area, break_time, event_status, note, availability, share_note) FROM stdin; 7986 \N 223206 1761 101 4 1 1 f 226199,223207 ***************0000000000000000000000**************************0000000000001111000000**************************0000000000000000000000**************************0000000000001111000000**************************0000000000000000000000*********************************************************************************************************** f \N \N 2 1 425 226199 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7987 \N 223206 1761 102 2 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 2 2 425 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7988 \N 223206 1761 103 2 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 2 3 425 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7989 \N 223206 1761 104 1 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 4 425 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7990 \N 223206 1761 105 1 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 5 425 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7991 \N 223206 1761 106 1 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 6 426 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7992 \N 223206 1761 107 1 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 7 427 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7993 \N 223206 1761 108 1 1 1 f 223207 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 8 427 223207 \N \N \N \N \N \N 7994 \N 223206 1762 101 4 1 1 f 226199,223207 ***************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##*********************************************************************************************************** f \N \N 8 9 428 226199 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8015 \N 231379 1782 107 1 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 7 427 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8016 \N 231379 1782 108 1 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 8 427 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8017 \N 231379 1783 101 4 1 1 f 231382,231383 ***************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##**************************###########111110000##*********************************************************************************************************** f \N \N 8 9 428 231382 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8019 \N 231379 1782 103 2 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 2 3 425 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8020 \N 231379 1782 104 1 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 4 425 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8021 \N 231379 1782 105 1 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 5 425 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8022 \N 231379 1782 106 1 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 1 6 426 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8023 \N 231379 1782 101 4 1 1 f 231382,231383 ******************************************************************************************000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000************************************************************************************************************************************************************000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000************************************************************************************************************************************************************000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000************************************************************************************************************************************************************000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000************************************************************************************************************************************************************000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** f \N \N 2 1 425 231382 \N \N \N \N \N \N 8024 \N 231379 1782 102 2 1 1 f 231383 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ f \N \N 2 2 425 231383 \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: room_dept; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_dept (uniqueid, room_id, department_id, is_control) FROM stdin; 12600 7988 223207 t 12601 7989 223207 t 12603 7991 223207 t 12606 7994 223207 f 12607 7986 226199 t 12608 7994 226199 t 12609 7986 223207 f 12628 7995 226216 t 12647 8015 231383 t 12648 8016 231383 t 12649 8017 231382 t 12650 8017 231383 f 12651 8018 231384 t 12652 8019 231383 t 12653 8020 231383 t 12654 8021 231383 t 12655 8022 231383 t 12656 8023 231383 f 12657 8023 231382 t 12658 8024 231383 t 223697 7987 223207 t 223700 7990 223207 t 223702 7992 223207 t 223703 7993 223207 t \. -- -- Data for Name: room_exam_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_exam_type (location_id, exam_type_id) FROM stdin; 7986 1540049 7987 1540049 7988 1540049 7989 1540049 7990 1540049 7994 1540049 8017 1540049 8019 1540049 8020 1540049 8021 1540049 8023 1540049 8024 1540049 7986 1540050 7987 1540050 7988 1540050 7989 1540050 7994 1540050 8017 1540050 8019 1540050 8020 1540050 8023 1540050 8024 1540050 \. -- -- Data for Name: room_feature; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_feature (uniqueid, discriminator, label, sis_reference, sis_value, department_id, abbv, session_id, feature_type_id, description) FROM stdin; 123 global Audio Recording audioRecording \N \N AudRec 223206 \N \N 125 global Computer puccComputer \N \N Comp 223206 \N \N 437 global Fixed Seating fixedSeating \N \N FixSeat 223206 \N \N 438 global Computer Projection computerProjection \N \N CompPr 223206 \N \N 440 global Tables and Chairs seatingType tablesAndChairs \N Tbls&Chrs 223206 \N \N 441 global Tablet Arm Chairs seatingType tabletArmChairs \N TblArmChr 223206 \N \N 442 global Theater Seats seatingType theaterSeats \N ThtrSeat 223206 \N \N 468 global Chalkboard < 20 Ft. feetOfChalkboard < 20 \N Ch<20F 223206 \N \N 469 global Chalkboard >= 20 Ft. feetOfChalkboard >= 20 \N Ch>=20F 223206 \N \N 1245147 global Audio Recording audioRecording \N \N AudRec 231379 \N \N 1245148 global Computer puccComputer \N \N Comp 231379 \N \N 1245149 global Fixed Seating fixedSeating \N \N FixSeat 231379 \N \N 1245150 global Computer Projection computerProjection \N \N CompPr 231379 \N \N 1245151 global Tables and Chairs seatingType tablesAndChairs \N Tbls&Chrs 231379 \N \N 1245152 global Tablet Arm Chairs seatingType tabletArmChairs \N TblArmChr 231379 \N \N 1245153 global Theater Seats seatingType theaterSeats \N ThtrSeat 231379 \N \N 1245154 global Chalkboard < 20 Ft. feetOfChalkboard < 20 \N Ch<20F 231379 \N \N 1245155 global Chalkboard >= 20 Ft. feetOfChalkboard >= 20 \N Ch>=20F 231379 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: room_feature_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_feature_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, room_feature_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 121508 226242 2 125 \N 121514 226240 7 442 \N 121606 230331 1 437 \N 121656 230681 1 442 \N 121679 230650 2 442 \N 121680 230650 1 438 \N 121713 230597 7 437 \N 123253 231388 2 1245148 \N 123255 231389 7 1245153 \N 123399 231692 1 1245149 \N 123405 231698 7 1245149 \N 123421 231696 2 1245153 \N 123424 231696 1 1245150 \N 123442 231720 1 1245153 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: room_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_group (uniqueid, session_id, name, description, global, default_group, department_id, abbv) FROM stdin; 6223 223206 Chemistry Labs Chemistry Laboratories t f \N Chem Labs 6224 223206 Classroom \N t t \N Classroom 6225 223206 Biology Labs \N f f 223207 Biol Labs 6226 223206 Computing Labs \N f f 223207 Comp Labs 6227 223206 Hall of Music \N t f \N Hall of Music 6229 231379 Biology Labs \N f f 231383 Biol Labs 6230 231379 Computing Labs \N f f 231383 Comp Labs 1245147 231379 Chemistry Labs Chemistry Laboratories t f \N Chem Labs 1245148 231379 Classroom \N t t \N Classroom 1245149 231379 Hall of Music \N t f \N Hall of Music \. -- -- Data for Name: room_group_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_group_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, room_group_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 121329 223367 1 6224 \N 121330 223790 1 6224 \N 121335 223377 1 6224 \N 121343 223372 1 6224 \N 121345 223355 1 6224 \N 121352 223815 1 6224 \N 121372 223868 1 6224 \N 121386 223901 1 6224 \N 121393 223937 1 6224 \N 121395 223939 1 6224 \N 121397 223244 1 6224 \N 121407 223848 1 6226 \N 121408 223309 1 6224 \N 121412 223997 1 6226 \N 121415 223995 1 6224 \N 121418 223323 1 6224 \N 121420 224004 1 6226 \N 121422 223329 1 6224 \N 121425 224016 1 6224 \N 121430 223343 1 6224 \N 121436 224031 1 6226 \N 121438 224030 1 6224 \N 121440 223349 1 6224 \N 121448 224058 1 6225 \N 121449 223913 1 6225 \N 121451 223948 1 6226 \N 121453 223799 1 6226 \N 121461 223296 1 6224 \N 121480 223255 1 6223 \N 121522 223228 1 6224 \N 123259 231390 1 1245148 \N 123264 231398 1 6229 \N 123266 231410 1 1245148 \N 123269 231426 1 1245148 \N 123271 231427 1 1245148 \N 123273 231428 1 6230 \N 123274 231433 1 1245148 \N 123278 231440 1 1245148 \N 123280 231453 1 1245148 \N 123282 231454 1 1245148 \N 123287 231472 1 1245148 \N 123288 231485 1 1245148 \N 123293 231497 1 1245148 \N 123295 231508 1 6230 \N 123297 231519 1 6230 \N 123298 231523 1 1245148 \N 123300 231525 1 1245148 \N 123303 231528 1 6230 \N 123305 231533 1 1245148 \N 123308 231536 1 1245148 \N 123311 231540 1 6229 \N 123314 231546 1 1245148 \N 123317 231548 1 1245148 \N 123318 231551 1 1245148 \N 123321 231557 1 6230 \N 123323 231563 1 1245148 \N 123328 231568 1 1245148 \N 123331 231571 1 1245148 \N 123334 231574 1 6230 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: room_group_room; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_group_room (room_group_id, room_id) FROM stdin; 6223 7991 6224 7986 6224 7987 6224 7988 6224 7989 6224 7990 6225 7992 6226 7993 6227 7994 6229 8015 6230 8016 1245147 8022 1245148 8019 1245148 8020 1245148 8021 1245148 8023 1245148 8024 1245149 8017 \. -- -- Data for Name: room_join_room_feature; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_join_room_feature (room_id, feature_id) FROM stdin; 7986 125 7986 437 7986 438 7986 469 7987 125 7987 437 7987 468 7988 125 7988 437 7988 438 7988 468 7989 125 7989 440 7989 468 7990 125 7990 438 7990 440 7990 468 7991 125 7991 440 7991 468 7992 125 7992 440 7992 468 7993 125 7993 441 7993 468 7994 123 7994 442 7994 468 8015 1245148 8015 1245151 8015 1245154 8016 1245148 8016 1245152 8016 1245154 8017 1245147 8017 1245153 8017 1245154 8019 1245148 8019 1245149 8019 1245150 8019 1245154 8020 1245148 8020 1245151 8020 1245154 8021 1245148 8021 1245150 8021 1245151 8021 1245154 8022 1245148 8022 1245151 8022 1245154 8023 1245148 8023 1245149 8023 1245150 8023 1245155 8024 1245148 8024 1245149 8024 1245154 \. -- -- Data for Name: room_picture; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_picture (uniqueid, location_id, data_file, file_name, content_type, time_stamp, type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: room_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, room_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 121471 223207 7 7990 \N 121474 223207 4 7988 \N 121502 223207 6 7994 \N 121503 226199 7 7994 \N 121504 223207 4 7986 \N 121505 226199 4 7986 \N 121600 230335 2 7986 \N 121601 230338 2 7986 \N 121609 230584 2 7986 \N 121640 230670 2 7987 \N 121643 230678 2 7987 \N 121646 230690 2 7986 \N 121649 230701 2 7986 \N 121650 230704 2 7986 \N 121651 230707 2 7988 \N 121658 230693 2 7988 \N 121661 230697 2 7988 \N 121671 230614 2 7986 \N 121672 230620 2 7986 \N 121673 230617 2 7986 \N 121674 230623 2 7988 \N 121675 230623 2 7987 \N 121676 230634 2 7987 \N 121677 230634 2 7988 \N 121712 230342 2 7986 \N 121725 230684 2 7988 \N 121727 230687 2 7987 \N 121731 230604 2 7986 \N 121732 230611 2 7986 \N 123165 231055 1 7987 \N 123170 231058 1 7987 \N 123176 231061 1 7987 \N 123240 231383 4 8015 \N 123241 231383 4 8016 \N 123242 231382 7 8017 \N 123243 231383 6 8017 \N 123244 231384 4 8018 \N 123245 231383 4 8019 \N 123246 231383 4 8020 \N 123247 231383 7 8021 \N 123248 231383 4 8022 \N 123249 231383 4 8023 \N 123250 231382 4 8023 \N 123251 231383 4 8024 \N 123401 231713 2 8023 \N 123402 231681 2 8023 \N 123403 231676 2 8023 \N 123404 231700 2 8023 \N 123409 231733 2 8023 \N 123413 231709 2 8023 \N 123414 231727 2 8023 \N 123415 231736 2 8023 \N 123416 231688 2 8023 \N 123417 231722 2 8019 \N 123418 231722 2 8024 \N 123419 231702 2 8019 \N 123420 231702 2 8024 \N 123425 231683 2 8023 \N 123428 231685 2 8019 \N 123429 231678 2 8019 \N 123432 231711 2 8023 \N 123433 231715 2 8024 \N 123434 231731 2 8023 \N 123435 231729 2 8019 \N 123436 231690 2 8019 \N 123441 231694 2 8019 \N 123443 231718 2 8024 \N 123469 231661 1 8024 \N 123477 231674 1 8024 \N 123480 231654 1 8024 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: room_service_provider; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_service_provider (location_id, provider_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: room_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_type (uniqueid, reference, label, ord, is_room) FROM stdin; 425 genClassroom Classrooms 0 t 426 computingLab Computing Laboratories 1 t 427 departmental Additional Instructional Rooms 2 t 428 specialUse Special Use Rooms 3 t 429 nonUniversity Outside Locations 4 f \. -- -- Data for Name: room_type_option; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.room_type_option (room_type, status, message, break_time, department_id) FROM stdin; 425 1 \N 0 223207 425 1 \N 0 226199 425 1 \N 0 231382 425 1 \N 0 231383 426 1 \N 0 223207 426 1 \N 0 231383 427 1 \N 0 223207 427 1 \N 0 231383 428 1 \N 0 226199 428 1 \N 0 231382 429 1 \N 0 226216 429 1 \N 0 231384 \. -- -- Data for Name: saved_hql; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.saved_hql (uniqueid, name, description, query, type) FROM stdin; 1146845 Not-assigned Classes List all classes with a time pattern (i.e., classes that should not be Arrange Hours) which do not have a committed assignment. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, co.title as Title from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where c.uniqueId in ( select x.uniqueId from Class_ x, TimePref p where (p.owner = x or p.owner = x.schedulingSubpart) and p.prefLevel.prefProlog = 'R' ) and co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and c.committedAssignment is null order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1146846 Multi/No Room Classes List all classes that either: select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, c.nbrRooms as Nbr_Rooms, c.roomRatio as Room_Ratio from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and (c.nbrRooms != 1 or c.roomRatio = 0.0) order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1146847 Schedule Note Classes List of all classes that has something entered in Student Schedule Note. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, c.schedulePrintNote as Student_Schedule_Note from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and c.schedulePrintNote is not null order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1146848 Request Notes Classes List of all classes that has something entered in Requests / Notes to Schedule Manager. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, c.notes as Notes_to_Schedule_Manager from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and c.notes is not null order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1146849 Schedule Book Note Courses List of all courses that has something entered in Schedule Book Note. select co.instructionalOffering.uniqueId as __Offering, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, co.scheduleBookNote as Schedule_Book_Note from CourseOffering co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and co.scheduleBookNote is not null order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr 1 1146850 New Courses List of all courses that do not have external unique id and courses that have no title. select co.instructionalOffering.uniqueId as __Offering, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, co.title as Title from CourseOffering co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and (co.externalUniqueId is null or co.title is null) order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr 1 1146851 Arrange Hours Classes List all classes that do not have a time pattern. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, co.title as Title from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where c.uniqueId not in ( select x.uniqueId from Class_ x, TimePref p where (p.owner = x or p.owner = x.schedulingSubpart) and p.prefLevel.prefProlog = 'R' ) and co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1146852 Cross-listed Courses List all courses of a given subject area (or subject areas) that are cross-listed. select co.instructionalOffering.uniqueId as __Offering, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, co.title as Course_Title, ctr.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || ctr.courseNbr as Controlling, ctr.title as Controlling_Title from CourseOffering co, CourseOffering ctr where co.subjectArea in %SUBJECTS% and co.isControl is false and co.instructionalOffering = ctr.instructionalOffering and ctr.isControl is true order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr 1 1146853 No-conflict Instructors List of instructors (and their classes) that are not checked for instructor conflicts. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, i.instructor.lastName || ', ' || i.instructor.firstName || ' ' || i.instructor.middleName as Instructor, i.instructor.externalUniqueId as External_Id from ClassInstructor i inner join i.classInstructing c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co where i.lead = false and co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache, i.instructor.lastName 1 1146854 Small Room Classes List all classes that require (or prefer) a room that is too small for the class to fit in. select c.uniqueId as __Class, co.subjectAreaAbbv || ' ' || co.courseNbr as Course, s.itype.abbv || ' ' || c.sectionNumberCache as Section, p.room.building.abbreviation || ' ' || p.room.roomNumber as Room, p.room.capacity as Size, case c.roomRatio when 1.0 then (c.expectedCapacity || '') else (floor(c.expectedCapacity * c.roomRatio) || ' (' || c.roomRatio || ' x ' || c.expectedCapacity || ')') end as Needed, p.prefLevel.prefName as Preference from Class_ c inner join c.schedulingSubpart s inner join s.instrOfferingConfig.instructionalOffering.courseOfferings co, RoomPref p where co.subjectArea.uniqueId in %SUBJECTS% and (p.owner = c or p.owner = s) and floor(c.expectedCapacity * c.roomRatio) > p.room.capacity and p.prefLevel.prefProlog in ('R', '-1', '-2') and c.nbrRooms > 0 order by co.subjectAreaAbbv, co.courseNbr, s.itype.abbv, c.sectionNumberCache 1 1638350 Message Log Display message log select\n timeStamp as Time,\n (case level when 50000 then 'Fatal' when 40000 then 'Error' when 30000 then 'Warning' when 20000 then 'Info' when 10000 then 'Debug' else 'Other' end) as Level,\n logger as Logger,\n (case when exception is null then message when message is null then exception else (message || '\\\\n' || exception) end) as Message,\n (case when ndc is null then thread else (thread || '\\\\n' || ndc) end) as Context\nfrom MessageLog order by timeStamp desc 16 1638351 Query Log Display query log select\n m.lastName || ' ' || m.firstName as User,\n case\n when q.uri like '%.gwt: %' then substring(q.uri, instr(q.uri, ':') + 1)\n else q.uri end as Query,\n case\n when q.uri like '%.gwt: %' and length(q.query) <= 165 + instr(q.query, 'org.unitime.timetable.gwt.services.')\n then substring(q.query, instr(q.query, 'org.unitime.timetable.gwt.services.') + 35)\n when q.uri like '%.gwt: %'\n then (substring(substring(q.query, instr(q.query, 'org.unitime.timetable.gwt.services.') + 35), 1, 130) || '...')\n when q.query is null or length(q.query) < 130 then q.query\n else (substring(q.query, 1, 130) || '...') end as Parameters,\n q.timeStamp as Time_Stamp,\n q.timeSpent / 1000.0 as Time\nfrom QueryLog q, TimetableManager m\nwhere \n q.uid = m.externalUniqueId and q.uri not like 'menu.gwt%'\norder by q.timeStamp desc 16 \. -- -- Data for Name: scheduling_subpart; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.scheduling_subpart (uniqueid, min_per_wk, parent, config_id, itype, date_pattern_id, auto_time_spread, subpart_suffix, student_allow_overlap, last_modified_time, uid_rolled_fwd_from) FROM stdin; 223228 150 \N 36948 10 \N t - f \N \N 223239 100 \N 36949 10 \N t - f \N \N 223244 100 \N 36950 10 \N t - f \N \N 223248 500 \N 36951 10 \N t - f \N \N 223254 100 \N 36952 10 \N t - f \N \N 223255 150 223254 36952 30 \N t - f \N \N 223290 150 \N 36953 10 \N t - f \N \N 223296 150 \N 36954 10 \N t - f \N \N 223309 150 \N 36955 10 \N t - f \N \N 223323 150 \N 36956 10 \N t - f \N \N 223329 150 \N 36957 10 \N t - f \N \N 223343 150 \N 36959 10 \N t - f \N \N 223349 100 \N 36960 10 \N t - f \N \N 223355 150 \N 36961 10 \N t - f \N \N 223362 150 \N 36962 10 \N t - f \N \N 223367 150 \N 36963 10 \N t - f \N \N 223372 150 \N 36964 10 \N t - f \N \N 223377 150 \N 36965 10 \N t - f \N \N 223790 50 223367 36963 30 \N t - f \N \N 223799 50 223377 36965 30 \N t - f \N \N 223815 50 223255 36952 20 \N t - f \N \N 223848 50 223309 36955 30 \N t - f \N \N 223867 150 \N 36966 10 \N t - f \N \N 223868 50 223867 36966 20 \N t - f \N \N 223901 50 \N 36949 20 \N t - f \N \N 223913 100 \N 36949 30 \N t - f \N \N 223925 50 \N 36949 90 \N t - f \N \N 223937 100 \N 36967 10 \N t - f \N \N 223939 100 \N 36967 30 \N t - f \N \N 223948 100 \N 36950 30 \N t - f \N \N 223995 100 \N 36968 10 \N t - f \N \N 223997 100 \N 36968 30 \N t - f \N \N 224004 50 223323 36956 30 \N t - f \N \N 224016 150 \N 36969 10 \N t - f \N \N 224021 50 \N 36970 10 \N t - f \N \N 224030 50 223349 36960 20 \N t - f \N \N 224031 100 224030 36960 30 \N t - f \N \N 224056 100 \N 36971 10 \N t - f \N \N 224058 100 \N 36971 30 \N t - f \N \N 231390 150 \N 36986 10 \N t - f \N 223228 231392 500 \N 36987 10 \N t - f \N 223248 231394 100 \N 36988 10 \N t - f \N 223239 231398 100 \N 36988 30 \N t - f \N 223913 231410 50 \N 36988 20 \N t - f \N 223901 231422 50 \N 36988 90 \N t - f \N 223925 231426 100 \N 36989 10 \N t \N f \N 223937 231427 100 \N 36989 30 \N t \N f \N 223939 231428 100 \N 36990 30 \N t - f \N 223948 231433 100 \N 36990 10 \N t - f \N 223244 231436 150 \N 36991 10 \N t - f \N 223867 231440 50 231436 36991 20 \N t - f \N 223868 231453 150 \N 36992 10 \N t \N f \N 223367 231454 50 231453 36992 30 \N t \N f \N 223790 231455 100 \N 36993 10 \N t - f \N 223254 231459 150 231455 36993 30 \N t - f \N 223255 231472 50 231459 36993 20 \N t - f \N 223815 231485 150 \N 36994 10 \N t - f \N 223296 231495 150 \N 36995 10 \N t - f \N 223290 231497 150 \N 36996 10 \N t - f \N 223309 231508 50 231497 36996 30 \N t - f \N 223848 231519 100 \N 36997 30 \N t - f \N 223997 231523 100 \N 36997 10 \N t - f \N 223995 231525 150 \N 36998 10 \N t - f \N 223323 231528 50 231525 36998 30 \N t - f \N 224004 231533 150 \N 36999 10 \N t - f \N 223329 231536 150 \N 37000 10 \N t - f \N 224016 231538 100 \N 37001 10 \N t - f \N 224056 231540 100 \N 37001 30 \N t - f \N 224058 231544 50 \N 37002 10 \N t - f \N 224021 231546 150 \N 37003 10 \N t - f \N 223343 231548 100 \N 37004 10 \N t - f \N 223349 231551 50 231548 37004 20 \N t - f \N 224030 231557 100 231551 37004 30 \N t - f \N 224031 231563 150 \N 37005 10 \N t - f \N 223355 231566 150 \N 37006 10 \N t - f \N 223362 231568 150 \N 37007 10 \N t - f \N 223372 231571 150 \N 37008 10 \N t - f \N 223377 231574 50 231571 37008 30 \N t - f \N 223799 \. -- -- Data for Name: script; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.script (uniqueid, name, description, engine, permission, script) FROM stdin; 1736704 Example script This scripts shows a few perks that are available. ECMAScript Script Edit // Logging\nif (name != null) {\n log.info(greeting + ' ' + name + '!');\n} else {\n log.info(greeting + '!');\n log.warn('No name was given.');\n}\n\n// Reading an input (text) file\nif (file != null) {\n var lines = file.getString('utf-8').split('\\n');\n for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {\n log.debug((1 + i) + ': ' + lines[i]);\n }\n} else {\n log.error('No file to read.', null);\n}\n\n// Writing an output file\nimportPackage(java.io);\nvar file = log.createOutput('test', 'txt');\nvar out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file));\nout.println('This is a test.');\nout.println('Žlutoucký kun úpel dábelské ódy.');\nout.flush(); out.close();\n\n// Special parameters\nlog.info('Current academic session: ' + session.getLabel());\nif (dept != null) {\n log.info('Selected department: ' + dept.getDeptCode() + ' - ' + dept.getLabel());\n}\nif (subjects != null) {\n log.info('Selected subject areas:');\n for (var i = 0; i < subjects.size(); i++) {\n var subject = subjects.get(i);\n log.info('   ' + subject.getSubjectAreaAbbreviation() + ' - ' + subject.getTitle());\n }\n}\nif (type != null) {\n var t = hibSession.createQuery('from RoomType where reference = :reference').setString('reference', type).uniqueResult();\n log.info('Room type: ' + t.getLabel() + ' (' + t.countRooms(session.getUniqueId()) + ' rooms in ' + session.getLabel() + ')');\n}\n\n// Progress\nlog.setStatus('Counting to ten. Slowly.', 10);\nimportClass(java.lang.Thread);\nfor (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {\n Thread.sleep(i * 1000);\n log.incProgress();\n log.debug('-- ' + (1 + i));\n} \. -- -- Data for Name: script_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.script_parameter (script_id, name, label, type, default_value) FROM stdin; 1736704 dept Department department \N 1736704 file Input file file \N 1736704 greeting Select greeting enum(Ahoj,Hello,Hola,Bonjour,Guten Tag) Hello 1736704 name Enter your name string \N 1736704 subjects Subject area(s) subjects \N 1736704 type Room type reference(RoomType) \N \. -- -- Data for Name: sct_solution_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sct_solution_log (uniqueid, session_id, owner_id, time_stamp, data, info) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sect_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sect_pref (uniqueid, preference_type, request_id, required, class_id, instr_mthd_id, label) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sectioning_course_types; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sectioning_course_types (sectioning_status_id, course_type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sectioning_info; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sectioning_info (uniqueid, class_id, nbr_exp_students, nbr_hold_students) FROM stdin; 224879 223965 0 0 224880 223966 0 0 224881 223979 0 0 224882 224034 0 0 224883 223249 0 0 224884 224035 0 0 224885 224040 0 0 224886 224060 0 0 224887 223964 0 0 224888 224006 0 0 224889 223851 0 0 224890 223963 0 0 224891 223869 0 0 224892 223951 0 0 224893 223977 0 0 224894 223314 0 0 224895 224061 0 0 224896 223826 0 0 224897 224038 0 0 224898 224017 0 0 224899 223855 0 0 224900 223922 0 0 224901 223917 0 0 224902 223998 0 0 224903 224007 0 0 224904 224005 0 0 224905 223905 0 0 224906 223313 0 0 224907 223300 0 0 224908 223859 0 0 224909 223904 0 0 224910 223999 0 0 224911 223927 0 0 224912 223956 0 0 224913 223261 0 0 224914 223829 0 0 224915 223317 0 0 224916 223268 0 0 224917 224000 0 0 224918 223258 0 0 224919 223919 0 0 224920 223801 0 0 224921 223950 0 0 224922 223305 0 0 224923 223265 0 0 224924 223825 0 0 224925 223269 0 0 224926 223260 0 0 224927 223379 0 0 224928 223828 0 0 224929 223856 0 0 224930 223835 0 0 224931 223316 0 0 224932 223962 0 0 224933 223908 0 0 224934 223854 0 0 224935 223907 0 0 224936 223852 0 0 224937 223324 0 0 224938 223976 0 0 224939 224028 0 0 224940 224059 0 0 224941 223331 0 0 224942 224022 0 0 224943 223926 0 0 224944 223800 0 0 224945 223297 0 0 224946 223947 0 0 224947 223378 0 0 224948 223350 0 0 224949 223918 0 0 224950 223914 0 0 224951 223958 0 0 224952 223858 0 0 224953 223363 0 0 224954 223312 0 0 224955 223817 0 0 224956 223957 0 0 224957 223298 0 0 224958 223356 0 0 224959 223959 0 0 224960 223830 0 0 224961 223827 0 0 224962 223259 0 0 224963 223921 0 0 224964 223832 0 0 224965 223978 0 0 224966 223344 0 0 224967 223819 0 0 224968 223831 0 0 224969 224008 0 0 224970 223860 0 0 224971 223899 0 0 224972 223291 0 0 224973 223915 0 0 224974 224041 0 0 224975 223857 0 0 224976 223906 0 0 224977 223920 0 0 224978 223302 0 0 224979 223900 0 0 224980 223824 0 0 224981 223870 0 0 224982 223903 0 0 224983 223910 0 0 224984 223853 0 0 224985 223916 0 0 224986 223909 0 0 224987 223960 0 0 224988 224033 0 0 224989 223949 0 0 224990 223318 0 0 224991 223803 0 0 224992 223996 0 0 224993 223330 0 0 224994 223311 0 0 224995 223264 0 0 224996 223325 0 0 224997 223961 0 0 224998 224032 0 0 224999 223834 0 0 225000 223245 0 0 225001 223884 0 0 225002 223304 0 0 225003 224057 0 0 225004 223319 0 0 225005 223267 0 0 225006 223967 0 0 225007 223310 0 0 225008 223299 0 0 225009 223973 0 0 225010 224050 0 0 225011 223970 0 0 225012 223373 0 0 225013 223303 0 0 225014 223802 0 0 225015 223240 0 0 225016 224042 0 0 225017 223315 0 0 225018 224036 0 0 225019 224039 0 0 225020 223902 0 0 225021 223833 0 0 225022 223818 0 0 225023 223263 0 0 225024 223351 0 0 225025 223301 0 0 225026 223968 0 0 225027 223257 0 0 225028 223256 0 0 237026 231391 0 0 237027 231393 2 2 237028 231395 0 0 237029 231396 0 0 237030 231397 0 0 237031 231411 0 0 237032 231412 0 0 237033 231413 0 0 237034 231414 0 0 237035 231415 0 0 237036 231416 0 0 237037 231417 0 0 237038 231418 0 0 237039 231419 0 0 237040 231420 0 0 237041 231421 0 0 237042 231399 0 0 237043 231400 0 0 237044 231401 0 0 237045 231402 0 0 237046 231403 0 0 237047 231404 0 0 237048 231405 0 0 237049 231406 0 0 237050 231407 0 0 237051 231408 0 0 237052 231409 0 0 237053 231423 0 0 237054 231424 0 0 237055 231425 0 0 237056 231434 0.4 0 237057 231435 0.6000000000000001 1 237058 231429 0 0 237059 231430 0.4 0 237060 231431 0.4 0 237061 231432 0.2 1 237062 231437 0 0 237063 231438 0 0 237064 231439 0 0 237065 231441 0 0 237066 231442 0 0 237067 231443 0 0 237068 231444 0 0 237069 231445 0 0 237070 231446 0 0 237071 231447 0 0 237072 231448 0 0 237073 231449 0 0 237074 231450 0 0 237075 231451 0 0 237076 231452 0 0 237077 231456 0 0 237078 231457 0 0 237079 231458 0 0 237080 231460 0 0 237081 231461 0 0 237082 231462 0 0 237083 231463 0 0 237084 231464 0 0 237085 231465 0 0 237086 231466 0 0 237087 231467 0 0 237088 231468 0 0 237089 231469 0 0 237090 231470 0 0 237091 231471 0 0 237092 231473 0 0 237093 231474 0 0 237094 231475 0 0 237095 231476 0 0 237096 231477 0 0 237097 231478 0 0 237098 231479 0 0 237099 231480 0 0 237100 231481 0 0 237101 231482 0 0 237102 231483 0 0 237103 231484 0 0 237104 231486 0.3333333333333333 0 237105 231487 0 0 237106 231488 0.3333333333333333 0 237107 231489 0.3333333333333333 2 237108 231490 0 0 237109 231491 0.3333333333333333 0 237110 231492 0 0 237111 231493 0.3333333333333333 0 237112 231494 0.3333333333333333 0 237113 231496 1 1 237114 231498 0 0 237115 231499 0 0 237116 231500 0 0 237117 231501 0 0 237118 231502 0 0 237119 231503 0 0 237120 231504 0 0 237121 231505 0 0 237122 231506 0 0 237123 231507 0 0 237124 231509 0 0 237125 231510 0 0 237126 231511 0 0 237127 231512 0 0 237128 231513 0 0 237129 231514 0 0 237130 231515 0 0 237131 231516 0 0 237132 231517 0 0 237133 231518 0 0 237134 231524 0 0 237135 231520 0 0 237136 231521 0 0 237137 231522 0 0 237138 231526 0 0 237139 231527 0 0 237140 231529 0 0 237141 231530 0 0 237142 231531 0 0 237143 231532 0 0 237144 231534 0 0 237145 231535 0 0 237146 231537 0 0 237147 231539 0 0 237148 231541 0 0 237149 231542 0 0 237150 231543 0 0 237151 231545 0 0 237152 231547 0 0 237153 231549 0 0 237154 231550 0 0 237155 231552 0 0 237156 231553 0 0 237157 231554 0 0 237158 231555 0 0 237159 231556 0 0 237160 231558 0 0 237161 231559 0 0 237162 231560 0 0 237163 231561 0 0 237164 231562 0 0 237165 231564 0 0 237166 231565 1 1 237167 231567 0 0 237168 231569 2 2 237169 231570 0 0 237170 231572 0 0 237171 231573 0 0 237172 231575 0 0 237173 231576 0 0 237174 231577 0 0 237175 231578 0 0 \. -- -- Data for Name: sectioning_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sectioning_log (uniqueid, time_stamp, student, session_id, operation, action, result, user_id, cpu_time, wall_time, message, api_get_time, api_post_time, api_exception) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sectioning_queue; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sectioning_queue (uniqueid, session_id, type, time_stamp, message) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sectioning_status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sectioning_status (uniqueid, reference, label, status, message, fallback_id, start_date, stop_date, start_slot, stop_slot, session_id) FROM stdin; 1343447 Enabled Access enabled 28631 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 1343448 Disabled Access disabled 20 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 1343449 Not Available Temporarily not available 16535 Access is temporarily disabled. Please try again later... \N \N \N \N \N \N 1343450 No Email Access enabled, no email notification 28627 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: service_provider; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.service_provider (uniqueid, reference, label, note, email, session_id, department_id, all_rooms, visible) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: session_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.session_config (session_id, name, value, description) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: sessions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sessions (academic_initiative, session_begin_date_time, classes_end_date_time, session_end_date_time, uniqueid, holidays, def_datepatt_id, status_type, last_modified_time, academic_year, academic_term, exam_begin_date, event_begin_date, event_end_date, sect_status, wk_enroll, wk_change, wk_drop, duration_type_id, instr_method_id) FROM stdin; woebegon 2007-08-20 00:00:00+02 2007-12-08 00:00:00+01 2007-12-15 00:00:00+01 223206 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000022000000000000000000000000000000000000000000222200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 49 269 \N 2007 Fal 2007-12-10 00:00:00+01 2007-07-20 00:00:00+02 2008-01-15 00:00:00+01 \N 1 1 1 1802185 \N woebegon 2010-08-23 00:00:00+02 2010-12-12 00:00:00+01 2010-12-19 00:00:00+01 231379 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000022000000000000000000000000000000000000000000222200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 853 445 \N 2010 Fal 2010-12-13 00:00:00+01 2010-07-19 00:00:00+02 2011-01-16 00:00:00+01 \N 1 1 1 1802185 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: settings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.settings (uniqueid, name, default_value, allowed_values, description) FROM stdin; 42 timeGrid vertical horizontal,vertical,text Time grid display format 85 name last-initial last-first,first-last,initial-last,last-initial,first-middle-last,short,title-first-middle-last,last-first-middle-title,title-initial-last,title-last-initial Instructor name display format 86 cfgAutoCalc yes yes,no Automatically calculate number of classes and room size when editing configuration 87 timeGridSize Workdays x Daytime Workdays x Daytime,All Week x Daytime,Workdays x Evening,All Week x Evening,All Week x All Times Time grid default selection 88 jsConfirm yes yes,no Display confirmation dialogs 89 inheritInstrPref never ask,always,never Inherit instructor preferences on a class 108 showVarLimits no yes,no Show the option to set variable class limits 128 keepSort no yes,no Sort classes on detail pages 148 roomFeaturesInOneColumn yes yes,no Display Room Features In One Column 168 roomFeaturesInOneColumn yes yes,no Display Room Features In One Column 188 printNoteDisplay icon icon,shortened text,full text Display an icon or shortened text when a class has a schedule print note. 189 crsOffrNoteDisplay icon icon,shortened text,full text Display an icon or shortened text when a course offering has a schedule note. 190 mgrNoteDisplay icon icon,shortened text,full text Display an icon or shortened text when a class has a note to the schedule manager. 208 unitime.menu.style Dynamic On Top Dynamic On Top,Static On Top,Tree On Side,Stack On Side Menu style \. -- -- Data for Name: solution; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solution (uniqueid, created, valid, commited, commit_date, note, creator, owner_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 806 2008-05-07 08:39:38+02 t t 2008-05-07 08:40:01+02 \N IFS Timetable Solver v1.1 build-1, Unknown 345 \N 807 2008-05-07 08:39:53+02 t t 2008-05-07 08:40:04+02 \N IFS Timetable Solver v1.1 build-1, Unknown 344 \N 826 2010-09-22 16:09:22+02 t t 2010-09-22 16:09:27+02 \N IFS Timetable Solver v1.2 build-1, Unknown 366 \N 827 2010-09-22 16:09:23+02 t t 2010-09-22 16:09:29+02 \N IFS Timetable Solver v1.2 build-1, Unknown 365 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_gr_to_tt_mgr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr (solver_group_id, timetable_mgr_id) FROM stdin; 345 472 365 472 344 473 366 473 \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_group (uniqueid, name, abbv, session_id) FROM stdin; 344 Instructional Planning Instr Plan 223206 345 Large Lecture Room LLR 223206 365 Large Lecture Room LLR 231379 366 Instructional Planning Instr Plan 231379 \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_info; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_info (uniqueid, type, value, opt, solver_info_def_id, solution_id, assignment_id) FROM stdin; 274779 1 \\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 \N 1 806 \N 274780 1 \\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 \N 1 807 \N 274781 1 \\x1f8b0800000000000000b3b1afc8cd51284b2d2acecccfb35532d433505248cd4bce4fc9cc4bb7550a0d71d3b550b2b7e3b2c92f4ad72bcdcb2cc9cc4dd5031125894939a97ac5f93940ad7aa5997a6e9939a99e7969f948462929e425e6a6da2a393b058364e2832d0cccf4aa80d629e9db01007d0d957e77000000 \N 2 806 \N 274782 1 \\x1f8b0800000000000000b3b1afc8cd51284b2d2acecccfb35532d433505248cd4bce4fc9cc4bb7550a0d71d3b550b2b7e3b2c92f4ad72bcdcb2cc9cc4dd5031125894939a97ac5f93940ad7aa5997a6e9939a99e7969f948462929e425e6a6da2a393b058364e2832d0cccf5aa80d629e9db01003e19ee6977000000 \N 2 807 \N 274783 2 \\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 \N 3 \N 142297 274784 2 \\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 \N 3 \N 142298 274785 2 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\N 6 807 \N 274999 1 \\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 \N 1 826 \N 275000 1 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\N 6 826 \N 275207 1 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\N 6 827 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_info_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_info_def (uniqueid, name, description, implementation) FROM stdin; 1 GlobalInfo Global solution information table org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.PropertiesInfo 2 CBSInfo Conflict-based statistics org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.ConflictStatisticsInfo 3 AssignmentInfo Preferences of a single assignment org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.AssignmentPreferenceInfo 4 DistributionInfo Distribution (group constraint) preferences org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.GroupConstraintInfo 5 JenrlInfo Student conflicts org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.JenrlInfo 6 LogInfo Solver Log org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.LogInfo 7 BtbInstructorInfo Back-to-back instructor preferences org.unitime.timetable.solver.ui.BtbInstructorConstraintInfo \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_parameter (uniqueid, value, solver_param_def_id, solution_id, solver_predef_setting_id) FROM stdin; 24921 300 54 \N 3 1701 false 10 \N 3 1 MPP 1 \N 1 2 on 3 \N 1 3 false 4 \N 1 5 0 17 \N 1 6 false 4 \N 2 7 Save and Unload 2 \N 2 8 0 54 \N 2 11 0.0 56 \N 3 12 0.0 57 \N 3 13 0.0 58 \N 3 14 0.0 59 \N 3 15 0.0 60 \N 3 16 0.0 61 \N 3 17 0.0 62 \N 3 24922 false 4 \N 3 18 0.0 63 \N 3 19 0.0 64 \N 3 20 0.0 65 \N 3 21 0.0 66 \N 3 22 0.0 67 \N 3 24 1.0 94 \N 3 25 1.0 95 \N 3 27 0.0 97 \N 3 28 0.0 98 \N 3 29 0.0 99 \N 3 31 0.0 101 \N 3 32 0.0 102 \N 3 33 0.0 103 \N 3 34 0.0 104 \N 3 35 0.0 105 \N 3 36 0.0 106 \N 3 37 0.0 107 \N 3 38 0.0 140 \N 3 39 0.0 143 \N 3 40 0.0 108 \N 3 20974 DIFF_TIME 202 \N 1 20975 on 55 \N 3 90439 20.0 99 \N 4 91742 7.6 56 \N 4 91743 2.4 57 \N 4 94678 on 13 806 \N 94679 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection 25 806 \N 94680 0.0 139 806 \N 94681 1.0 123 806 \N 94682 0.1 107 806 \N 94683 4 224 806 \N 94684 on 261 806 \N 94685 0.0 131 806 \N 94686 2.4 115 806 \N 94687 20.0 99 806 \N 94688 0.0 32 806 \N 94689 500 223 806 \N 94690 5 147 806 \N 94691 2222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222 182 806 \N 94692 0.0 37 806 \N 94693 true 10 806 \N 94694 -1 21 806 \N 94695 7.6 56 806 \N 94696 0.0 40 806 \N 94697 true 20 806 \N 94698 0.3 76 806 \N 94699 No Action 2 806 \N 94700 0.0 41 806 \N 94701 0.0 134 806 \N 94702 2.0 118 806 \N 94703 0.25 102 806 \N 94704 0.0 38 806 \N 94705 0.0 203 806 \N 94706 0.0 138 806 \N 94707 0.0 43 806 \N 94708 1.0 122 806 \N 94709 0.1 106 806 \N 94710 5.0 204 806 \N 94711 1.0 88 806 \N 94712 2.4 57 806 \N 94713 0.1 222 806 \N 94714 0.3 58 806 \N 94715 1.0 87 806 \N 94716 0.77 12 806 \N 94717 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter 22 806 \N 94718 0.00 89 806 \N 94719 0.0 133 806 \N 94720 0.0 117 806 \N 94721 0.2 101 806 \N 94722 0.0 142 806 \N 94723 0.0 36 806 \N 94724 4 162 806 \N 94725 1.0 141 806 \N 94726 0.0 29 806 \N 94727 0.0 130 806 \N 94728 0.1 140 806 \N 94729 7.6 114 806 \N 94730 0.3 98 806 \N 94731 -1 91 806 \N 94732 1.0 67 806 \N 94733 0.0 128 806 \N 94734 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader 27 806 \N 94735 0.0 112 806 \N 94736 0.0 96 806 \N 94737 false 55 806 \N 94738 0.20 90 806 \N 94739 -1 52 806 \N 94740 10 85 806 \N 94741 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver 28 806 \N 94742 2.4 75 806 \N 94743 0.0 47 806 \N 94744 0.0 126 806 \N 94745 0.0 110 806 \N 94746 1.0 94 806 \N 94747 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions 221 806 \N 94748 10.0 71 806 \N 94749 0.0 45 806 \N 94750 SAME_STUDENTS 202 806 \N 94751 20.0 72 806 \N 94752 0.0 46 806 \N 94753 true 9 806 \N 94754 0.5 225 806 \N 94755 true 84 806 \N 94756 0.0 34 806 \N 94757 0 15 806 \N 94758 2.0 59 806 \N 94759 50 17 806 \N 94760 0.0 132 806 \N 94761 0.3 116 806 \N 94762 0.0 100 806 \N 94763 org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition 23 806 \N 94764 0.1 61 806 \N 94765 20.0 205 806 \N 94766 -1.0 92 806 \N 94767 0.0 135 806 \N 94768 1.0 83 806 \N 94769 1.0 119 806 \N 94770 0.0 49 806 \N 94771 0.1 103 806 \N 94772 1.0 18 806 \N 94773 1.0 78 806 \N 94774 0.0 48 806 \N 94775 0.1 30 806 \N 94776 on 4 806 \N 94777 0.0 145 806 \N 94778 1.0 60 806 \N 94779 1.0 144 806 \N 94780 1800 54 806 \N 94781 0.5 143 806 \N 94782 2.0 77 806 \N 94783 true 262 806 \N 94784 0.0 35 806 \N 94785 0.1 79 806 \N 94786 0.0 137 806 \N 94787 0.0 129 806 \N 94788 0.1 121 806 \N 94789 0.01 105 806 \N 94790 1.0 113 806 \N 94791 0.1 97 806 \N 94792 Initial 1 806 \N 94793 1.0 65 806 \N 94794 0.0 136 806 \N 94795 0.1 120 806 \N 94796 0.0 104 806 \N 94797 true 11 806 \N 94798 -1 53 806 \N 94799 0.1 62 806 \N 94800 1.2 14 806 \N 94801 100 146 806 \N 94802 0.0 39 806 \N 94803 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection 26 806 \N 94804 1.0 69 806 \N 94805 0.2 86 806 \N 94806 2 148 806 \N 94807 0.0 42 806 \N 94808 0.1 124 806 \N 94809 0.1 108 806 \N 94810 30.0 70 806 \N 94811 0.0 125 806 \N 94812 true 150 806 \N 94813 0.0 109 806 \N 94814 0.0 93 806 \N 94815 1.0 66 806 \N 94816 1.0 64 806 \N 94817 0.0 127 806 \N 94818 0.0 111 806 \N 94819 2.0 95 806 \N 94820 true 68 806 \N 94821 0.0 51 806 \N 94822 false 5 806 \N 94823 false 241 806 \N 94824 1.2 16 806 \N 94825 0.0 181 806 \N 94826 0.0 73 806 \N 94827 true 161 806 \N 94828 false 263 806 \N 94829 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator 24 806 \N 94830 0.0 44 806 \N 94831 7.6 74 806 \N 94832 67.0 206 806 \N 94833 1.0 82 806 \N 94834 false 3 806 \N 94835 100.0 207 806 \N 94836 -1 7 806 \N 94837 0.0 50 806 \N 94838 0.1 81 806 \N 94839 true 6 806 \N 94840 2 149 806 \N 94841 1.0 63 806 \N 94842 0 19 806 \N 94843 on 13 807 \N 94844 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection 25 807 \N 94845 0.0 139 807 \N 94846 1.0 123 807 \N 94847 0.1 107 807 \N 94848 4 224 807 \N 94849 on 261 807 \N 94850 0.0 131 807 \N 94851 2.4 115 807 \N 94852 20.0 99 807 \N 94853 0.0 32 807 \N 94854 500 223 807 \N 94855 5 147 807 \N 94857 0.0 37 807 \N 94858 true 10 807 \N 94859 -1 21 807 \N 94861 0.0 40 807 \N 94862 true 20 807 \N 94863 0.3 76 807 \N 94864 No Action 2 807 \N 94865 0.0 41 807 \N 94866 0.0 134 807 \N 94867 2.0 118 807 \N 94868 0.25 102 807 \N 94869 0.0 38 807 \N 94870 0.0 203 807 \N 94871 0.0 138 807 \N 94872 0.0 43 807 \N 94873 1.0 122 807 \N 94874 0.1 106 807 \N 94875 5.0 204 807 \N 94876 1.0 88 807 \N 94877 2.4 57 807 \N 94878 0.1 222 807 \N 94879 0.3 58 807 \N 94880 1.0 87 807 \N 94881 0.77 12 807 \N 94882 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter 22 807 \N 94883 0.00 89 807 \N 94884 0.0 133 807 \N 94885 0.0 117 807 \N 94886 0.2 101 807 \N 94887 0.0 142 807 \N 94888 0.0 36 807 \N 94889 4 162 807 \N 94890 1.0 141 807 \N 94891 0.0 29 807 \N 94892 0.0 130 807 \N 94893 0.1 140 807 \N 94894 7.6 114 807 \N 94895 0.3 98 807 \N 94896 -1 91 807 \N 94897 1.0 67 807 \N 94898 0.0 128 807 \N 94899 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader 27 807 \N 94900 0.0 112 807 \N 94901 0.0 96 807 \N 94902 false 55 807 \N 94903 0.20 90 807 \N 94904 -1 52 807 \N 94905 10 85 807 \N 94906 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver 28 807 \N 94907 2.4 75 807 \N 94908 0.0 47 807 \N 94909 0.0 126 807 \N 94910 0.0 110 807 \N 94911 1.0 94 807 \N 94912 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions 221 807 \N 94913 10.0 71 807 \N 94914 0.0 45 807 \N 94915 SAME_STUDENTS 202 807 \N 94916 20.0 72 807 \N 94676 on 261 \N 4 94677 on 13 \N 4 94917 0.0 46 807 \N 94918 true 9 807 \N 94919 0.5 225 807 \N 94920 true 84 807 \N 94921 0.0 34 807 \N 94922 0 15 807 \N 94923 2.0 59 807 \N 94924 50 17 807 \N 94925 0.0 132 807 \N 94926 0.3 116 807 \N 94927 0.0 100 807 \N 94928 org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition 23 807 \N 94929 0.1 61 807 \N 94930 20.0 205 807 \N 94931 -1.0 92 807 \N 94932 0.0 135 807 \N 94933 1.0 83 807 \N 94934 1.0 119 807 \N 94935 0.0 49 807 \N 94936 0.1 103 807 \N 94937 1.0 18 807 \N 94938 1.0 78 807 \N 94939 0.0 48 807 \N 94940 0.1 30 807 \N 94941 on 4 807 \N 94942 0.0 145 807 \N 94943 1.0 60 807 \N 94944 1.0 144 807 \N 94945 1800 54 807 \N 94946 0.5 143 807 \N 94947 2.0 77 807 \N 94948 true 262 807 \N 94949 0.0 35 807 \N 94950 0.1 79 807 \N 94951 0.0 137 807 \N 94952 0.0 129 807 \N 94953 0.1 121 807 \N 94954 0.01 105 807 \N 94955 1.0 113 807 \N 94956 0.1 97 807 \N 94957 Initial 1 807 \N 94958 1.0 65 807 \N 94959 0.0 136 807 \N 94960 0.1 120 807 \N 94961 0.0 104 807 \N 94962 true 11 807 \N 94963 -1 53 807 \N 94964 0.1 62 807 \N 94965 1.2 14 807 \N 94966 100 146 807 \N 94967 0.0 39 807 \N 94968 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection 26 807 \N 94969 1.0 69 807 \N 94970 0.2 86 807 \N 94971 2 148 807 \N 94972 0.0 42 807 \N 94973 0.1 124 807 \N 94974 0.1 108 807 \N 94975 30.0 70 807 \N 94976 0.0 125 807 \N 94977 true 150 807 \N 94978 0.0 109 807 \N 94979 0.0 93 807 \N 94980 1.0 66 807 \N 94981 1.0 64 807 \N 94982 0.0 127 807 \N 94983 0.0 111 807 \N 94984 2.0 95 807 \N 94985 true 68 807 \N 94986 0.0 51 807 \N 94987 false 5 807 \N 94988 false 241 807 \N 94989 1.2 16 807 \N 94990 0.0 181 807 \N 94991 0.0 73 807 \N 94992 true 161 807 \N 94993 false 263 807 \N 94994 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator 24 807 \N 94995 0.0 44 807 \N 94996 7.6 74 807 \N 94997 67.0 206 807 \N 94998 1.0 82 807 \N 94999 false 3 807 \N 95000 100.0 207 807 \N 95001 -1 7 807 \N 95002 0.0 50 807 \N 95003 0.1 81 807 \N 95004 true 6 807 \N 95005 2 149 807 \N 95006 1.0 63 807 \N 95007 0 19 807 \N 94860 7.6 56 807 \N 94856 2222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222 182 807 \N 95016 on 13 826 \N 95017 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection 25 826 \N 95018 0.0 139 826 \N 95019 1.0 123 826 \N 95020 0.1 107 826 \N 95021 Weighted Last Like Student Course Demands 367 826 \N 95022 4 224 826 \N 95023 on 261 826 \N 95024 0.0 131 826 \N 95025 2.4 115 826 \N 95026 20.0 99 826 \N 95027 0.0 32 826 \N 95028 500 223 826 \N 95029 5 147 826 \N 95030 2222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222 182 826 \N 95031 0.0 37 826 \N 95032 true 10 826 \N 95033 -1 21 826 \N 95034 7.6 56 826 \N 95035 0.0 40 826 \N 95036 true 20 826 \N 95037 0.3 76 826 \N 95038 No Action 2 826 \N 95039 0.0 41 826 \N 95040 0.0 134 826 \N 95041 2.0 118 826 \N 95042 0.25 102 826 \N 95043 0.0 38 826 \N 95044 0.0 203 826 \N 95045 0.0 138 826 \N 95046 0.0 43 826 \N 95047 1.0 122 826 \N 95048 0.1 106 826 \N 95049 5.0 204 826 \N 95050 1.0 88 826 \N 95051 2.4 57 826 \N 95052 0.1 222 826 \N 95053 0.3 58 826 \N 95054 1.0 87 826 \N 95055 true 366 826 \N 95056 0.77 12 826 \N 95057 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter 22 826 \N 95058 0.00 89 826 \N 95059 0.0 133 826 \N 95060 0.0 117 826 \N 95061 0.2 101 826 \N 95062 0.0 142 826 \N 95063 0.0 36 826 \N 95064 4 162 826 \N 95065 1.0 141 826 \N 95066 0.0 29 826 \N 95067 0.0 130 826 \N 95068 0.1 140 826 \N 95069 7.6 114 826 \N 95070 0.3 98 826 \N 95071 -1 91 826 \N 95072 1.0 67 826 \N 95073 0.0 128 826 \N 95074 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader 27 826 \N 95075 0.0 112 826 \N 95076 0.0 96 826 \N 95077 false 55 826 \N 95078 0.20 90 826 \N 95079 -1 52 826 \N 95080 10 85 826 \N 95081 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver 28 826 \N 95082 2.4 75 826 \N 95083 0.0 47 826 \N 95084 0.0 126 826 \N 95085 0.0 110 826 \N 95086 1.0 94 826 \N 95087 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions 221 826 \N 95088 10.0 71 826 \N 95089 67.0 371 826 \N 95090 0.0 45 826 \N 95091 SAME_STUDENTS 202 826 \N 95092 20.0 72 826 \N 95093 0.0 46 826 \N 95094 true 9 826 \N 95095 0.5 225 826 \N 95096 true 84 826 \N 95097 0.0 34 826 \N 95098 WGS84 370 826 \N 95099 0 15 826 \N 95100 2.0 59 826 \N 95101 50 17 826 \N 95102 0.0 132 826 \N 95103 0.3 116 826 \N 95104 0.0 100 826 \N 95105 org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition 23 826 \N 95106 0.1 61 826 \N 95107 20.0 205 826 \N 95108 -1.0 92 826 \N 95109 0.0 135 826 \N 95110 1.0 83 826 \N 95111 1.0 119 826 \N 95112 0.0 49 826 \N 95113 0.1 103 826 \N 95114 1.0 18 826 \N 95115 1.0 78 826 \N 95116 0.0 48 826 \N 95117 0.1 30 826 \N 95118 true 4 826 \N 95119 0.0 145 826 \N 95120 1.0 60 826 \N 95121 1.0 144 826 \N 95122 1800 54 826 \N 95123 0.5 143 826 \N 95124 2.0 77 826 \N 95125 true 262 826 \N 95126 0.0 35 826 \N 95127 0.1 79 826 \N 95128 0.0 137 826 \N 95129 0.0 129 826 \N 95130 0.1 121 826 \N 95131 0.01 105 826 \N 95132 1.0 113 826 \N 95133 0.1 97 826 \N 95134 Initial 1 826 \N 95135 1.0 65 826 \N 95136 0.0 136 826 \N 95137 0.1 120 826 \N 95138 0.0 104 826 \N 95139 true 11 826 \N 95140 -1 53 826 \N 95141 0.1 62 826 \N 95142 1.2 14 826 \N 95143 100 146 826 \N 95144 Load 368 826 \N 95145 0.0 39 826 \N 95146 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection 26 826 \N 95147 1.0 69 826 \N 95148 0.2 86 826 \N 95149 2 148 826 \N 95150 0.0 42 826 \N 95151 0.1 124 826 \N 95152 0.1 108 826 \N 95153 30.0 70 826 \N 95154 0.0 125 826 \N 95155 true 150 826 \N 95156 0.0 109 826 \N 95157 0.0 93 826 \N 95158 false 365 826 \N 95159 1.0 66 826 \N 95160 1.0 64 826 \N 95161 0.0 127 826 \N 95162 0.0 111 826 \N 95163 2.0 95 826 \N 95164 false 369 826 \N 95165 true 68 826 \N 95166 0.0 51 826 \N 95167 false 5 826 \N 95168 false 241 826 \N 95169 1.2 16 826 \N 95170 0.0 181 826 \N 95171 0.0 73 826 \N 95172 true 161 826 \N 95173 false 263 826 \N 95174 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator 24 826 \N 95175 0.0 44 826 \N 95176 7.6 74 826 \N 95177 67.0 206 826 \N 95178 1.0 82 826 \N 95179 false 3 826 \N 95180 100.0 207 826 \N 95181 -1 7 826 \N 95182 0.0 50 826 \N 95183 0.1 81 826 \N 95184 true 6 826 \N 95185 2 149 826 \N 95186 1.0 63 826 \N 95187 0 19 826 \N 95188 on 13 827 \N 95189 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection 25 827 \N 95190 0.0 139 827 \N 95191 1.0 123 827 \N 95192 0.1 107 827 \N 95193 Weighted Last Like Student Course Demands 367 827 \N 95194 4 224 827 \N 95195 on 261 827 \N 95196 0.0 131 827 \N 95197 2.4 115 827 \N 95198 20.0 99 827 \N 95199 0.0 32 827 \N 95200 500 223 827 \N 95201 5 147 827 \N 95202 2222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222 182 827 \N 95203 0.0 37 827 \N 95204 true 10 827 \N 95205 -1 21 827 \N 95206 7.6 56 827 \N 95207 0.0 40 827 \N 95208 true 20 827 \N 95209 0.3 76 827 \N 95210 No Action 2 827 \N 95211 0.0 41 827 \N 95212 0.0 134 827 \N 95213 2.0 118 827 \N 95214 0.25 102 827 \N 95215 0.0 38 827 \N 95217 0.0 138 827 \N 95218 0.0 43 827 \N 95219 1.0 122 827 \N 95220 0.1 106 827 \N 95222 1.0 88 827 \N 95225 0.3 58 827 \N 95226 1.0 87 827 \N 95227 true 366 827 \N 95228 0.77 12 827 \N 95229 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter 22 827 \N 95230 0.00 89 827 \N 95231 0.0 133 827 \N 95232 0.0 117 827 \N 95235 0.0 36 827 \N 95236 4 162 827 \N 95237 1.0 141 827 \N 95238 0.0 29 827 \N 95241 7.6 114 827 \N 95243 -1 91 827 \N 95244 1.0 67 827 \N 95245 0.0 128 827 \N 95246 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader 27 827 \N 95247 0.0 112 827 \N 95248 0.0 96 827 \N 95249 false 55 827 \N 95250 0.20 90 827 \N 95251 -1 52 827 \N 95252 10 85 827 \N 95253 org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver 28 827 \N 95254 2.4 75 827 \N 95255 0.0 47 827 \N 95256 0.0 126 827 \N 95257 0.0 110 827 \N 95258 1.0 94 827 \N 95259 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions 221 827 \N 95260 10.0 71 827 \N 95261 67.0 371 827 \N 95262 0.0 45 827 \N 95263 SAME_STUDENTS 202 827 \N 95264 20.0 72 827 \N 95265 0.0 46 827 \N 95266 true 9 827 \N 95267 0.5 225 827 \N 95268 true 84 827 \N 95269 0.0 34 827 \N 95270 WGS84 370 827 \N 95271 0 15 827 \N 95272 2.0 59 827 \N 95273 50 17 827 \N 95274 0.0 132 827 \N 95275 0.3 116 827 \N 95276 0.0 100 827 \N 95277 org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition 23 827 \N 95278 0.1 61 827 \N 95279 20.0 205 827 \N 95280 -1.0 92 827 \N 95281 0.0 135 827 \N 95282 1.0 83 827 \N 95283 1.0 119 827 \N 95284 0.0 49 827 \N 95285 0.1 103 827 \N 95286 1.0 18 827 \N 95287 1.0 78 827 \N 95288 0.0 48 827 \N 95289 0.1 30 827 \N 95290 true 4 827 \N 95291 0.0 145 827 \N 95292 1.0 60 827 \N 95293 1.0 144 827 \N 95294 1800 54 827 \N 95295 0.5 143 827 \N 95296 2.0 77 827 \N 95297 true 262 827 \N 95298 0.0 35 827 \N 95299 0.1 79 827 \N 95300 0.0 137 827 \N 95301 0.0 129 827 \N 95302 0.1 121 827 \N 95303 0.01 105 827 \N 95304 1.0 113 827 \N 95305 0.1 97 827 \N 95306 Initial 1 827 \N 95307 1.0 65 827 \N 95308 0.0 136 827 \N 95309 0.1 120 827 \N 95310 0.0 104 827 \N 95311 true 11 827 \N 95312 -1 53 827 \N 95313 0.1 62 827 \N 95314 1.2 14 827 \N 95315 100 146 827 \N 95316 Load 368 827 \N 95317 0.0 39 827 \N 95318 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection 26 827 \N 95319 1.0 69 827 \N 95320 0.2 86 827 \N 95321 2 148 827 \N 95322 0.0 42 827 \N 95323 0.1 124 827 \N 95324 0.1 108 827 \N 95325 30.0 70 827 \N 95326 0.0 125 827 \N 95327 true 150 827 \N 95328 0.0 109 827 \N 95329 0.0 93 827 \N 95330 false 365 827 \N 95331 1.0 66 827 \N 95332 1.0 64 827 \N 95333 0.0 127 827 \N 95334 0.0 111 827 \N 95335 2.0 95 827 \N 95336 false 369 827 \N 95337 true 68 827 \N 95338 0.0 51 827 \N 95339 false 5 827 \N 95340 false 241 827 \N 95341 1.2 16 827 \N 95342 0.0 181 827 \N 95343 0.0 73 827 \N 95344 true 161 827 \N 95345 false 263 827 \N 95346 org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator 24 827 \N 95347 0.0 44 827 \N 95348 7.6 74 827 \N 95349 67.0 206 827 \N 95350 1.0 82 827 \N 95351 false 3 827 \N 95352 100.0 207 827 \N 95353 -1 7 827 \N 95354 0.0 50 827 \N 95355 0.1 81 827 \N 95356 true 6 827 \N 95357 2 149 827 \N 95358 1.0 63 827 \N 95359 0 19 827 \N 95224 0.1 222 827 \N 95223 2.4 57 827 \N 95221 5.0 204 827 \N 95216 0.0 203 827 \N 95242 0.3 98 827 \N 95240 0.1 140 827 \N 95239 0.0 130 827 \N 95234 0.0 142 827 \N 95233 0.2 101 827 \N 1212384 0.0 1212379 \N 3 1212385 0.0 1212381 \N 3 \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_parameter_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_parameter_def (uniqueid, name, default_value, description, type, ord, visible, solver_param_group_id) FROM stdin; 1 Basic.Mode Initial Solver mode enum(Initial,MPP) 0 t 1 2 Basic.WhenFinished No Action When finished enum(No Action,Save,Save as New,Save and Unload,Save as New and Unload) 1 t 1 3 Basic.DisobeyHard false Allow breaking of hard constraints boolean 6 t 1 4 General.SwitchStudents true Students sectioning boolean 2 f 1 5 General.DeptBalancing false Use departmental balancing boolean 9 t 2 6 General.CBS true Use conflict-based statistics boolean 0 t 2 7 General.SaveBestUnassigned -1 Minimal number of unassigned variables to save best solution found (-1 always save) integer 1 f 2 9 General.UseDistanceConstraints true Use building distances boolean 2 f 2 10 General.Spread true Use same subpart balancing boolean 3 t 2 11 General.AutoSameStudents true Use automatic same_students constraints boolean 4 t 2 12 General.NormalizedPrefDecreaseFactor 0.77 Time preference normalization decrease factor double 5 t 2 13 Global.LoadStudentEnrlsFromSolution false Load student enrollments from solution
(faster, but it ignores new classes) boolean 7 t 2 14 DeptBalancing.SpreadFactor 1.2 Initial allowance of the slots for a particular time double 0 t 5 15 DeptBalancing.Unassignments2Weaken 0 Increase the initial allowance when it causes the given number of unassignments integer 1 t 5 16 Spread.SpreadFactor 1.2 Initial allowance of the slots for a particular time double 0 t 12 17 Spread.Unassignments2Weaken 50 Increase the initial allowance when it causes the given number of unassignments integer 1 t 12 18 ConflictStatistics.Ageing 1.0 Ageing (koef) double 0 f 6 19 ConflictStatistics.AgeingHalfTime 0 Ageing -- half time (number of iteration) integer 1 f 6 20 ConflictStatistics.Print true Print conflict statistics boolean 2 f 6 21 ConflictStatistics.PrintInterval -1 Number of iterations to print CBS (-1 just keep in memory and save within the solution) integer 3 f 6 22 PerturbationCounter.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter Perturbations counter text 0 f 11 23 Termination.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition Termination condition text 1 f 11 24 Comparator.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator Solution comparator text 2 f 11 25 Variable.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection Lecture selection text 3 f 11 26 Value.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection Placement selection text 4 f 11 27 TimetableLoader org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader Loader class text 5 f 11 28 TimetableSaver org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver Saver class text 6 f 11 29 Perturbations.DifferentPlacement 0.0 Different value than initial is assigned double 0 t 4 30 Perturbations.AffectedStudentWeight 0.1 Number of students which are enrolled in a class which is placed to a different location than initial double 1 t 4 32 Perturbations.AffectedInstructorWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed to a different room than initial double 2 t 4 34 Perturbations.DifferentRoomWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed to a different room than initial double 3 t 4 35 Perturbations.DifferentBuildingWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed to a different building than initial double 4 t 4 36 Perturbations.DifferentTimeWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed in a different time than initial double 5 t 4 37 Perturbations.DifferentDayWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed in a different days than initial double 6 t 4 38 Perturbations.DifferentHourWeight 0.0 Number of classes which are placed in a different hours than initial double 7 t 4 39 Perturbations.DeltaStudentConflictsWeight 0.0 Difference of student conflicts of classes assigned to current placements instead of initial placements double 8 t 4 40 Perturbations.NewStudentConflictsWeight 0.0 New created student conflicts -- particular students are taken into account double 9 t 4 41 Perturbations.TooFarForInstructorsWeight 0.0 New placement of a class is too far from the intial placement (instructor-wise) double 10 t 4 42 Perturbations.TooFarForStudentsWeight 0.0 New placement of a class is too far from the intial placement (student-wise) double 11 t 4 43 Perturbations.DeltaInstructorDistancePreferenceWeight 0.0 Difference between number of instructor distance preferences of the initial double 12 t 4 44 Perturbations.DeltaRoomPreferenceWeight 0.0 Difference between room preferences of the initial and the current solution double 13 t 4 45 Perturbations.DeltaTimePreferenceWeight 0.0 Difference between time preferences of the initial and the current solution double 14 t 4 46 Perturbations.AffectedStudentByTimeWeight 0.0 Number of students which are enrolled in a class which is placed to a different time than initial double 15 t 4 47 Perturbations.AffectedInstructorByTimeWeight 0.0 Number of instructors which are assigned to classes which are placed to different time than initial double 16 t 4 48 Perturbations.AffectedStudentByRoomWeight 0.0 Number of students which are enrolled in a class which is placed to a different room than initial double 17 t 4 49 Perturbations.AffectedInstructorByRoomWeight 0.0 Number of instructors which are assigned to classes which are placed to different room than initial double 18 t 4 50 Perturbations.AffectedStudentByBldgWeight 0.0 Number of students which are enrolled in a class which is placed to a different building than initial double 19 t 4 107 Placement.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight1 0.1 Department balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 1) double 21 t 10 51 Perturbations.AffectedInstructorByBldgWeight 0.0 Number of instructors which are assigned to classes which are placed to different building than initial double 20 t 4 52 Termination.MinPerturbances -1 Minimal allowed number of perturbances (-1 not use) integer 0 f 7 53 Termination.MaxIters -1 Maximal number of iteration integer 1 f 7 54 Termination.TimeOut 1800 Maximal solver time (in sec) integer 2 t 7 55 Termination.StopWhenComplete false Stop computation when a complete solution is found boolean 3 t 7 56 Comparator.HardStudentConflictWeight 0.8 Weight of hard student conflict double 0 t 8 57 Comparator.StudentConflictWeight 0.2 Weight of student conflict double 1 t 8 58 Comparator.TimePreferenceWeight 0.3 Time preferences weight double 2 t 8 59 Comparator.ContrPreferenceWeight 2.0 Distribution preferences weight double 3 t 8 60 Comparator.RoomPreferenceWeight 1.0 Room preferences weight double 4 t 8 61 Comparator.UselessSlotWeight 0.1 Useless slots weight double 5 t 8 62 Comparator.TooBigRoomWeight 0.1 Too big room weight double 6 t 8 63 Comparator.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight 1.0 Back-to-back instructor preferences weight double 7 t 8 64 Comparator.PerturbationPenaltyWeight 1.0 Perturbation penalty weight double 8 t 8 65 Comparator.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight 1.0 Department balancing weight double 10 t 8 66 Comparator.SpreadPenaltyWeight 1.0 Same subpart balancing weight double 11 t 8 67 Comparator.CommitedStudentConflictWeight 1.0 Commited student conflict weight double 12 t 8 68 Lecture.RouletteWheelSelection true Roulette wheel selection boolean 0 f 9 69 Lecture.RandomWalkProb 1.0 Random walk probability double 1 f 9 70 Lecture.DomainSizeWeight 30.0 Domain size weight double 2 f 9 71 Lecture.NrAssignmentsWeight 10.0 Number of assignments weight double 3 f 9 72 Lecture.InitialAssignmentWeight 20.0 Initial assignment weight double 4 f 9 73 Lecture.NrConstraintsWeight 0.0 Number of constraint weight double 5 f 9 74 Lecture.HardStudentConflictWeight %Comparator.HardStudentConflictWeight% Hard student conflict weight double 6 f 9 75 Lecture.StudentConflictWeight %Comparator.StudentConflictWeight% Student conflict weight double 7 f 9 76 Lecture.TimePreferenceWeight %Comparator.TimePreferenceWeight% Time preference weight double 8 f 9 77 Lecture.ContrPreferenceWeight %Comparator.ContrPreferenceWeight% Constraint preference weight double 9 f 9 78 Lecture.RoomPreferenceWeight %Comparator.RoomPreferenceWeight% Room preference weight double 11 f 9 79 Lecture.UselessSlotWeight %Comparator.UselessSlotWeight% Useless slot weight double 12 f 9 81 Lecture.TooBigRoomWeight %Comparator.TooBigRoomWeight% Too big room weight double 13 f 9 82 Lecture.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight %Comparator.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight% Back-to-back instructor preferences weight double 14 f 9 83 Lecture.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight %Comparator.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight% Department balancing weight double 15 f 9 84 Lecture.SelectionSubSet true Selection among subset of lectures (faster) boolean 16 f 9 85 Lecture.SelectionSubSetMinSize 10 Minimal subset size integer 17 f 9 86 Lecture.SelectionSubSetPart 0.2 Subset size in percentage of all lectures available for selection double 18 f 9 87 Lecture.SpreadPenaltyWeight %Comparator.SpreadPenaltyWeight% Same subpart balancing weight double 19 f 9 88 Lecture.CommitedStudentConflictWeight %Comparator.CommitedStudentConflictWeight% Commited student conflict weight double 20 f 9 89 Placement.RandomWalkProb 0.00 Random walk probability double 0 t 10 90 Placement.MPP_InitialProb 0.20 MPP initial selection probability double 1 t 10 91 Placement.MPP_Limit -1 MPP limit (-1 for no limit) integer 2 t 10 92 Placement.MPP_PenaltyLimit -1.0 Limit of the perturbations penalty (-1 for no limit) double 3 t 10 93 Placement.NrAssignmentsWeight1 0.0 Number of assignments weight (level 1) double 4 f 10 94 Placement.NrConflictsWeight1 1.0 Number of conflicts weight (level 1) double 5 t 10 95 Placement.WeightedConflictsWeight1 2.0 Weighted conflicts weight (CBS, level 1) double 6 t 10 96 Placement.NrPotentialConflictsWeight1 0.0 Number of potential conflicts weight (CBS, level 1) double 7 f 10 97 Placement.MPP_DeltaInitialAssignmentWeight1 0.1 Delta initial assigments weight (MPP, level 1) double 8 t 10 98 Placement.NrHardStudConfsWeight1 0.3 Hard student conflicts weight (level 1) double 9 t 10 99 Placement.NrStudConfsWeight1 0.05 Student conflicts weight (level 1) double 10 t 10 100 Placement.TimePreferenceWeight1 0.0 Time preference weight (level 1) double 12 f 10 101 Placement.DeltaTimePreferenceWeight1 0.2 Time preference delta weight (level 1) double 14 t 10 102 Placement.ConstrPreferenceWeight1 0.25 Constraint preference weight (level 1) double 16 t 10 103 Placement.RoomPreferenceWeight1 0.1 Room preference weight (level 1) double 17 t 10 104 Placement.UselessSlotsWeight1 0.0 Useless slot weight (level 1) double 18 t 10 105 Placement.TooBigRoomWeight1 0.01 Too big room weight (level 1) double 19 t 10 106 Placement.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight1 0.1 Back-to-back instructor preferences weight (level 1) double 20 t 10 108 Placement.ThresholdKoef1 0.1 Threshold koeficient (level 1) double 22 t 10 109 Placement.NrAssignmentsWeight2 0.0 Number of assignments weight (level 2) double 23 f 10 110 Placement.NrConflictsWeight2 0.0 Number of conflicts weight (level 2) double 24 t 10 111 Placement.WeightedConflictsWeight2 0.0 Weighted conflicts weight (CBS, level 2) double 25 t 10 112 Placement.NrPotentialConflictsWeight2 0.0 Number of potential conflicts weight (CBS, level 2) double 26 f 10 113 Placement.MPP_DeltaInitialAssignmentWeight2 %Comparator.PerturbationPenaltyWeight% Delta initial assigments weight (MPP, level 2) double 27 f 10 114 Placement.NrHardStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.HardStudentConflictWeight% Hard student conflicts weight (level 2) double 28 f 10 115 Placement.NrStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.StudentConflictWeight% Student conflicts weight (level 2) double 29 f 10 116 Placement.TimePreferenceWeight2 %Comparator.TimePreferenceWeight% Time preference weight (level 2) double 30 f 10 117 Placement.DeltaTimePreferenceWeight2 0.0 Time preference delta weight (level 2) double 31 f 10 118 Placement.ConstrPreferenceWeight2 %Comparator.ContrPreferenceWeight% Constraint preference weight (level 2) double 32 f 10 119 Placement.RoomPreferenceWeight2 %Comparator.RoomPreferenceWeight% Room preference weight (level 2) double 33 f 10 120 Placement.UselessSlotsWeight2 %Comparator.UselessSlotWeight% Useless slot weight (level 2) double 34 f 10 121 Placement.TooBigRoomWeight2 %Comparator.TooBigRoomWeight% Too big room weight (level 2) double 35 f 10 122 Placement.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight2 %Comparator.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight% Back-to-back instructor preferences weight (level 2) double 36 f 10 123 Placement.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight2 %Comparator.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight% Department balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 2) double 37 f 10 124 Placement.ThresholdKoef2 0.1 Threshold koeficient (level 2) double 38 f 10 125 Placement.NrAssignmentsWeight3 0.0 Number of assignments weight (level 3) double 39 f 10 126 Placement.NrConflictsWeight3 0.0 Number of conflicts weight (level 3) double 40 f 10 127 Placement.WeightedConflictsWeight3 0.0 Weighted conflicts weight (CBS, level 3) double 41 f 10 128 Placement.NrPotentialConflictsWeight3 0.0 Number of potential conflicts weight (CBS, level 3) double 42 f 10 129 Placement.MPP_DeltaInitialAssignmentWeight3 0.0 Delta initial assigments weight (MPP, level 3) double 43 f 10 130 Placement.NrHardStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Hard student conflicts weight (level 3) double 44 f 10 131 Placement.NrStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Student conflicts weight (level 3) double 45 f 10 132 Placement.TimePreferenceWeight3 0.0 Time preference weight (level 3) double 46 f 10 133 Placement.DeltaTimePreferenceWeight3 0.0 Time preference delta weight (level 3) double 47 f 10 134 Placement.ConstrPreferenceWeight3 0.0 Constraint preference weight (level 3) double 48 f 10 135 Placement.RoomPreferenceWeight3 0.0 Room preference weight (level 3) double 49 f 10 136 Placement.UselessSlotsWeight3 0.0 Useless slot weight (level 3) double 50 f 10 137 Placement.TooBigRoomWeight3 0.0 Too big room weight (level 3) double 51 f 10 138 Placement.DistanceInstructorPreferenceWeight3 0.0 Back-to-back instructor preferences weight (level 3) double 52 f 10 139 Placement.DeptSpreadPenaltyWeight3 0.0 Department balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 3) double 53 f 10 140 Placement.SpreadPenaltyWeight1 0.1 Same subpart balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 1) double 54 t 10 141 Placement.SpreadPenaltyWeight2 %Comparator.SpreadPenaltyWeight% Same subpart balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 2) double 55 f 10 142 Placement.SpreadPenaltyWeight3 0.0 Same subpart balancing: penalty of when a slot over initial allowance is used (level 3) double 56 f 10 143 Placement.NrCommitedStudConfsWeight1 0.5 Commited student conlict weight (level 1) double 57 t 10 144 Placement.NrCommitedStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.CommitedStudentConflictWeight% Commited student conlict weight (level 2) double 58 f 10 145 Placement.NrCommitedStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Commited student conlict weight (level 3) double 59 f 10 146 SearchIntensification.IterationLimit 100 Iteration limit (number of iteration after which the search is restarted to the best known solution) integer 0 t 13 147 SearchIntensification.ResetInterval 5 Number of consecutive restarts to increase iteration limit (if this number of restarts is reached, iteration limit is increased) integer 1 t 13 148 SearchIntensification.MultiplyInterval 2 Iteration limit incremental coefficient (when a better solution is found, iteration limit is changed back to initial) integer 2 t 13 149 SearchIntensification.Multiply 2 Reset conflict-based statistics (number of consecutive restarts after which CBS is cleared, zero means no reset of CBS) integer 3 t 13 150 General.SearchIntensification true Use search intensification boolean 6 t 2 161 Placement.CanUnassingSingleton true Can unassign a singleton value boolean 60 t 10 162 General.SettingsId -1 Settings Id integer 8 f 2 181 TimePreferences.Weight 0.0 Time preferences weight double 0 t 21 182 TimePreferences.Pref 2222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222222224222222222222222223333222222222222222222222 Time preferences timepref 1 t 21 201 General.SolverWarnings Solver Warnings text 10 f 2 202 General.AutoSameStudentsConstraint SAME_STUDENTS Automatic same student constraint enum(SAME_STUDENTS,DIFF_TIME) 11 t 2 203 Instructor.NoPreferenceLimit 0.0 Instructor Constraint: No Preference Limit double 0 t 41 204 Instructor.DiscouragedLimit 50.0 Instructor Constraint: Discouraged Limit double 1 t 41 205 Instructor.ProhibitedLimit 200.0 Instructor Constraint: Prohibited Limit double 2 t 41 206 Student.DistanceLimit 67.0 Student Conflict: Distance Limit (deprecated) double 3 f 41 207 Student.DistanceLimit75min 100.0 Student Conflict: Distance Limit (after 75min class, deprecated) double 4 f 41 221 Neighbour.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions Neighbour Selection text 7 f 11 222 Neighbour.SuggestionProbability 0.1 Probability of using suggestions double 0 t 61 223 Neighbour.SuggestionTimeout 500 Suggestions timeout integer 1 t 61 224 Neighbour.SuggestionDepth 4 Suggestions depth integer 2 t 61 225 Neighbour.SuggestionProbabilityAllAssigned 0.5 Probability of using suggestions (when all classes are assigned) double 3 t 61 241 General.IgnoreRoomSharing false Ignore Room Sharing boolean 12 t 2 261 OnFlySectioning.Enabled false Enable on fly sectioning (if enabled, students will be resectioned after each iteration) boolean 0 t 81 262 OnFlySectioning.Recursive true Recursively resection lectures affected by a student swap boolean 1 t 81 263 OnFlySectioning.ConfigAsWell false Resection students between configurations as well boolean 2 t 81 264 ExamBasic.Mode Initial Solver mode enum(Initial,MPP) 0 t 82 265 ExamBasic.WhenFinished No Action When finished enum(No Action,Save,Save and Unload) 1 t 82 266 Exams.MaxRooms 4 Default number of room splits per exam integer 0 t 83 267 Exams.IsDayBreakBackToBack false Consider back-to-back over day break boolean 1 t 83 268 Exams.DirectConflictWeight 1000.0 Direct conflict weight double 2 t 83 269 Exams.MoreThanTwoADayWeight 100.0 Three or more exams a day conflict weight double 3 t 83 270 Exams.BackToBackConflictWeight 10.0 Back-to-back conflict weight double 4 t 83 271 Exams.DistanceBackToBackConflictWeight 25.0 Distance back-to-back conflict weight double 5 t 83 272 Exams.BackToBackDistance -1 Back-to-back distance (-1 means disabled) double 6 t 83 273 Exams.PeriodWeight 1.0 Period preference weight double 7 t 83 274 Exams.RoomWeight 1.0 Room preference weight double 8 t 83 275 Exams.DistributionWeight 1.0 Distribution preference weight double 9 t 83 276 Exams.RoomSplitWeight 10.0 Room split weight double 10 t 83 277 Exams.RoomSizeWeight 0.001 Excessive room size weight double 11 t 83 279 Exams.RotationWeight 0.001 Exam rotation weight double 12 t 83 280 Neighbour.Class org.cpsolver.exam.heuristics.ExamNeighbourSelection Examination timetabling neighbour selection class text 0 f 84 281 Termination.TimeOut 1800 Maximal solver time (in sec) integer 1 t 84 282 Exam.Algorithm Great Deluge Used heuristics enum(Great Deluge,Simulated Annealing) 2 t 84 283 HillClimber.MaxIdle 25000 Hill Climber: maximal idle iteration integer 3 t 84 284 Termination.StopWhenComplete false Stop when a complete solution if found boolean 4 f 84 285 General.SaveBestUnassigned -1 Save best when x unassigned integer 5 f 84 286 GreatDeluge.CoolRate 0.99999995 Cooling rate double 0 t 85 287 GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate 1.05 Upper bound rate double 1 t 85 288 GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate 0.95 Lower bound rate double 2 t 85 289 SimulatedAnnealing.InitialTemperature 1.5 Initial temperature double 0 t 86 290 SimulatedAnnealing.CoolingRate 0.95 Cooling rate double 1 t 86 291 SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength 25000 Temperature length integer 2 t 86 292 SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatLengthCoef 5 Reheat length coefficient double 3 t 86 301 Exams.InstructorDirectConflictWeight 0.0 Direct instructor conflict weight double 13 t 83 302 Exams.InstructorMoreThanTwoADayWeight 0.0 Three or more exams a day instructor conflict weight double 14 t 83 303 Exams.InstructorBackToBackConflictWeight 0.0 Back-to-back instructor conflict weight double 15 t 83 304 Exams.InstructorDistanceBackToBackConflictWeight 0.0 Distance back-to-back instructor conflict weight double 16 t 83 305 Exams.PerturbationWeight 0.001 Perturbation penalty weight double 17 t 83 321 Exams.RoomSplitDistanceWeight 0.01 If an examination in split between two or more rooms, weight for an average distance between these rooms double 18 t 83 322 Exams.LargeSize -1 Large Exam Penalty: minimal size of a large exam (disabled if -1) integer 19 t 83 323 Exams.LargePeriod 0.67 Large Exam Penalty: first discouraged period = number of periods x this factor double 20 t 83 324 Exams.LargeWeight 1.0 Large Exam Penalty: weight of a large exam that is assigned on or after the first discouraged period double 21 t 83 325 StudentSctBasic.Mode Initial Solver mode enum(Initial,MPP,Projection) 0 t 101 326 StudentSctBasic.WhenFinished No Action When finished enum(No Action,Save,Save and Unload) 1 t 101 327 Termination.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition Student sectioning termination class text 0 f 102 328 Termination.StopWhenComplete true Stop when a complete solution if found boolean 1 t 102 329 Termination.TimeOut 28800 Maximal solver time (in sec) integer 2 t 102 330 Comparator.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator Student sectioning solution comparator class text 3 f 102 331 Value.Class org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.EnrollmentSelection Student sectioning value selection class text 4 f 102 332 Value.WeightConflicts 1.0 CBS weight double 5 f 102 333 Value.WeightNrAssignments 0.0 Number of past assignments weight double 6 f 102 334 Variable.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection Student sectioning variable selection class text 7 f 102 335 Neighbour.Class org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.StudentSctNeighbourSelection Student sectioning neighbour selection class text 8 f 102 336 General.SaveBestUnassigned 0 Save best even when no complete solution is found integer 9 f 102 337 StudentSct.StudentDist true Use student distance conflicts boolean 10 t 102 338 StudentSct.CBS true Use conflict-based statistics boolean 11 t 102 339 Load.IncludeCourseDemands true Load real student requests boolean 12 f 102 340 Load.IncludeLastLikeStudents false Load last-like course demands (deprecated) boolean 13 f 102 341 SectionLimit.PreferDummyStudents true Section limit constraint: favour unassignment of last-like course requests boolean 14 f 102 342 Student.DummyStudentWeight 0.01 Last-like student request weight double 15 t 102 343 Neighbour.BranchAndBoundMinimizePenalty false Branch&bound: If true, section penalties (instead of section values) are minimized boolean 16 f 102 344 Neighbour.BranchAndBoundTimeout 5000 Branch&bound: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) integer 17 t 102 345 Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentProb 0.5 Random Unassignment: Probability of a random selection of a student double 18 t 102 346 Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentOfProblemStudentProb 0.9 Random Unassignment: Probability of a random selection of a problematic student double 19 t 102 347 Neighbour.SwapStudentsTimeout 5000 Student Swap: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) integer 20 t 102 348 Neighbour.SwapStudentsMaxValues 100 Student Swap: Limit for the number of considered values for each course request integer 21 t 102 349 Neighbour.MaxValues 100 Backtrack: Limit on the number of enrollments to be visited of each course request integer 22 t 102 350 Neighbour.BackTrackTimeout 5000 Backtrack: Timeout for each neighbour selection (in milliseconds) integer 23 t 102 351 Neighbour.BackTrackDepth 4 Backtrack: Search depth integer 24 t 102 352 CourseRequest.SameTimePrecise true More precise (but slower) computation of enrollments of a course request while skipping enrollments with the same times boolean 25 f 102 361 Exams.PeriodSizeWeight 1.0 Examination period x examination size weight double 22 t 83 362 Exams.PeriodIndexWeight 0.0000001 Examination period index weight double 23 t 83 363 Exams.RoomPerturbationWeight 0.1 Room perturbation penalty (change of room) weight double 24 t 83 364 Comparator.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator Examination solution comparator class text 6 f 84 365 General.IgnoreCommittedStudentConflicts false Do not load committed student conflicts (deprecated) boolean 13 f 2 366 General.WeightStudents true Weight last-like students (deprecated) boolean 14 f 2 367 Curriculum.StudentCourseDemadsClass Projected Student Course Demands Student course demands enum(Last Like Student Course Demands,Weighted Last Like Student Course Demands,Projected Student Course Demands,Curricula Course Demands,Curricula Last Like Course Demands,Student Course Requests,Enrolled Student Course Demands) 4 t 1 368 General.CommittedStudentConflicts Load Committed student conflicts enum(Load,Compute,Ignore) 5 t 1 369 General.LoadCommittedAssignments false Load committed assignments boolean 3 t 1 370 Distances.Ellipsoid DEFAULT Ellipsoid to be used to compute distances enum(DEFAULT,LEGACY,WGS84,GRS80,Airy1830,Intl1924,Clarke1880,GRS67) 5 t 41 371 Distances.Speed 67.0 Student speed in meters per minute double 6 t 41 1048545 StudentWeights.Priority 0.5010 Priority double 0 t 1048544 1048546 StudentWeights.FirstAlternative 0.5010 First alternative double 1 t 1048544 1048547 StudentWeights.SecondAlternative 0.2510 Second alternative double 2 t 1048544 1048548 StudentWeights.DistanceConflict 0.0500 Distance conflict double 3 t 1048544 1048549 StudentWeights.TimeOverlapFactor 1.0000 Time overlap double 4 t 1048544 1048550 StudentWeights.TimeOverlapMaxLimit 0.5000 Time overlap limit double 5 f 1048544 1048551 StudentWeights.BalancingFactor 0.0050 Section balancing double 6 t 1048544 1048552 StudentWeights.AlternativeRequestFactor 0.1260 Alternative request (equal weights) double 7 t 1048544 1048553 StudentWeights.LeftoverSpread false Spread leftover weight equaly boolean 8 t 1048544 1048554 StudentWeights.Mode Priority Student weights enum(Priority,Equal,Legacy) 2 t 101 1048555 StudentSct.TimeOverlaps true Use time overlaps boolean 26 t 102 1048556 Load.TweakLimits false Tweak class limits to fit all enrolled students boolean 27 t 102 1081311 StudentSct.ProjectedCourseDemadsClass None Projected student course demands enum(None,Last Like Student Course Demands,Projected Student Course Demands,Curricula Course Demands,Curricula Last Like Course Demands,Student Course Requests,Enrolled Student Course Demands) 3 t 101 1114078 StudentWeights.ProjectedStudentWeight 0.0100 Projected student request double 9 t 1048544 1212379 Comparator.DistStudentConflictWeight 0.2 Weight of distance student conflict double 9 t 8 1212380 Lecture.DistStudentConflictWeight %Comparator.DistStudentConflictWeight% Distance student conflict weight double 10 f 9 1212381 Placement.NrDistStudConfsWeight1 0.05 Distance student conflict weight (level 1) double 11 t 10 1212382 Placement.NrDistStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.DistStudentConflictWeight% Distance student conflict weight (level 2) double 13 f 10 1212383 Placement.NrDistStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Distance student conflict weight (level 3) double 15 f 10 1605583 Distances.ComputeDistanceConflictsBetweenNonBTBClasses false Compute Distance Conflicts Between Non BTB Classes boolean 7 t 41 1605584 Instructor.InstructorLongTravelInMinutes 30.0 Instructor Long Travel in Minutes (only when computing distances between non-BTB classes is enabled) double 8 t 41 1605585 General.AutoPrecedence Neutral Automatic precedence constraint enum(Required,Strongly Preferred,Preferred,Neutral) 15 t 2 1605586 DiscouragedRoom.Unassignments2Weaken 1000 Number of unassignments for the discouraged room constraint to weaken integer 16 t 2 1605587 CurriculaCourseDemands.IncludeOtherStudents true Curriculum Course Demands: Include Other Students boolean 17 t 2 1605588 General.AdditionalCriteria org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.additional.ImportantStudentConflict;org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.additional.ImportantStudentHardConflict Additional Criteria (semicolon separated list of class names) text 18 f 2 1605589 General.PurgeInvalidPlacements true Purge invalid placements during the data load boolean 19 f 2 1605590 CurriculumEnrollmentPriority.GroupMatch .* Important Curriculum Groups (regexp matching the group name -- all courses of a matching group are marked as important) text 20 f 2 1605591 Precedence.ConsiderDatePatterns true Precedence Constraint: consider date patterns text 21 t 2 1605592 General.JenrlMaxConflicts 1.0 Joint Enrollment Constraint: conflict limit (% limit of the smaller class) double 22 t 2 1605593 General.JenrlMaxConflictsWeaken 0.001 Joint Enrollment Constraint: limit weakening double 23 t 2 1605594 Comparator.ImportantStudentConflictWeight 0.0 Weight of important student conflict double 13 t 8 1605595 Comparator.ImportantHardStudentConflictWeight 0.0 Weight of important hard student conflict double 14 t 8 1605596 Placement.NrImportantStudConfsWeight1 0.0 Important student conflict weight (level 1) double 61 t 10 1605597 Placement.NrImportantStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.ImportantStudentConflictWeight% Important student conflict weight (level 2) double 62 f 10 1605598 Placement.NrImportantStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Important student conflict weight (level 3) double 63 f 10 1605599 Placement.NrImportantHardStudConfsWeight1 0.0 Important hard student conflict weight (level 1) double 64 t 10 1605600 Placement.NrImportantHardStudConfsWeight2 %Comparator.ImportantHardStudentConflictWeight% Important hard student conflict weight (level 2) double 65 f 10 1605601 Placement.NrImportantHardStudConfsWeight3 0.0 Important hard student conflict weight (level 3) double 66 f 10 1605602 Exams.RoomSizeFactor 1.0 Excessive room size factor double 25 t 83 1605603 Exams.DistanceToStronglyPreferredRoomWeight 0.0 Distance to strongly preferred room weight double 26 t 83 1605604 Exams.AdditionalCriteria org.cpsolver.exam.criteria.additional.DistanceToStronglyPreferredRoom Additional Criteria (semicolon separated list of class names) text 7 t 84 1769420 InstructorLunch.Enabled false Enable Instructor Lunch Breaks boolean 0 t 1769418 1769421 InstructorLunch.Weight 0.18 Weight double 1 t 1769418 1769422 InstructorLunch.StartSlot 132 Start slot integer 2 t 1769418 1769423 InstructorLunch.EndSlot 162 End slot integer 3 t 1769418 1769424 InstructorLunch.Length 6 Minum break length (in slots) integer 4 t 1769418 1769425 InstructorLunch.Multiplier 1.15 Violations multiplication factor double 5 t 1769418 1769426 InstructorLunch.InfoShowViolations false Show violations in the solution info boolean 6 t 1769418 1769427 Curriculum.Phases HC,Deluge Search Phases text 0 f 1769419 1769428 Curriculum.HC.MaxIdle 1000 Hill Climber: max idle iterations integer 1 t 1769419 1769429 Curriculum.Deluge.Factor 0.999999 Great Deluge: cooling rate double 2 t 1769419 1769430 Curriculum.Deluge.UpperBound 1.25 Great Deluge: upper bound double 3 t 1769419 1769431 Curriculum.Deluge.LowerBound 0.75 Great Deluge: lower bound double 4 t 1769419 1769432 Global.LoadStudentInstructorConflicts false Load student instructor conflicts boolean 24 t 2 1769433 General.AutomaticHierarchicalConstraints Automatic hierarchical constraints (comma separated list of a preference, a constraint name and optional date pattern) text 25 t 2 1769434 General.CompleteSolutionFixInterval 1 Fix complete solution interval (min number of iteration from the previous best solution) integer 26 f 2 1769435 General.IncompleteSolutionFixInterval 5000 Fix incomplete solution interval (min number of non improving iterations, -1 to disable) integer 27 f 2 1769436 General.SearchAlgorithm GD Search Algorithm enum(IFS,GD,SA,Default,Experimental) 28 t 2 1769437 General.StudentSectioning Default Student Sectioning enum(Default,Deterministic,Branch & Bound,Local Search,B&B Groups) 29 t 2 1769438 Comparator.RoomSizeWeight 0.001 Excessive room size weight double 15 t 8 1769439 Comparator.RoomSizeFactor 1.05 Excessive room size factor double 16 t 8 1769440 FlexibleConstraint.Weight %Comparator.ContrPreferenceWeight% Flexible constraint weight double 17 f 8 1769441 Construction.Class org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.NeighbourSelectionWithSuggestions Construction: heuristics text 4 f 61 1769442 Construction.UntilComplete false Construction: use construction heuristic untill a complete solution is found boolean 5 f 61 1900515 StudentWeights.SameTimeFactor 0.070 Resectioning: Same time double 18 t 1900486 1769443 Search.GreatDeluge true Use great deluge (instead of simulated annealing) boolean 6 t 61 1769444 HillClimber.MaxIdle 10000 Hill Climber: max idle iterations integer 7 t 61 1769445 HillClimber.AdditionalNeighbours org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeSwap@0.01;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomSwap@0.01 Hill Climber: Additional neighbourhoods text 8 f 61 1769446 GreatDeluge.CoolRate 0.9999999 Great Deluge: cooling rate double 9 t 61 1769447 GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate 1.05 Great Deluge: upper bound double 10 t 61 1769448 GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate 0.95 Great Deluge: lower bound double 11 t 61 1769449 GreatDeluge.AdditionalNeighbours org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeSwap@0.01;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomSwap@0.01 Great Deluge: Additional neighbourhoods text 12 f 61 1769450 SimulatedAnnealing.InitialTemperature 1.5 Simulated Annealing: initial temperature double 13 t 61 1769451 SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength 2500 Simulated Annealing: temperature length (number of iterations between temperature decrements) integer 14 t 61 1769452 SimulatedAnnealing.CoolingRate 0.95 Simulated Annealing: cooling rate double 15 t 61 1769453 SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatLengthCoef 5.0 Simulated Annealing: temperature re-heat length coefficient double 16 t 61 1769454 SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatRate -1 Simulated Annealing: temperature re-heating rate (default (1/coolingRate)^(reheatLengthCoef*1.7)) double 17 f 61 1769455 SimulatedAnnealing.RestoreBestLengthCoef -1 Simulated Annealing: restore best length coefficient (default reheatLengthCoef^2) double 18 f 61 1769456 SimulatedAnnealing.StochasticHC false Simulated Annealing: stochastic search acceptance boolean 19 f 61 1769457 SimulatedAnnealing.RelativeAcceptance true Simulated Annealing: relative acceptance (compare with current solution, not the best one) boolean 20 f 61 1769458 SimulatedAnnealing.AdditionalNeighbours org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomChange;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.TimeSwap@0.01;org.cpsolver.coursett.neighbourhoods.RoomSwap@0.01 Simulated Annealing: Additional neighbourhoods text 21 f 61 1769459 Reservation.CanAssignOverTheLimit true Allow over limit for individual reservations boolean 28 t 102 1769460 Placement.FlexibleConstrPreferenceWeight1 %Placement.ConstrPreferenceWeight1% Flexible constraint preference weight (level 1) double 67 f 10 1769461 Placement.FlexibleConstrPreferenceWeight2 %FlexibleConstraint.Weight% Flexible constraint preference weight (level 2) double 68 f 10 1769462 Placement.FlexibleConstrPreferenceWeight3 %Placement.ConstrPreferenceWeight3% Flexible constraint preference weight (level 3) double 69 f 10 1769463 ClassWeightProvider.Class Default Class Weights Class Weights enum(Default Class Weights,Average Hours A Week Class Weights) 30 t 2 1900487 Load.StudentQuery Student Filter text 4 t 101 1900488 Interactive.UpdateCourseRequests true Update course requests boolean 29 t 102 1900489 Load.RequestGroups false Load request groups boolean 30 t 102 1900490 StudentWeights.SameGroup 0.1000 Same request group double 10 t 1048544 1900491 Sectioning.KeepInitialAssignments false MPP: Initial enrollment must be assigned boolean 31 t 102 1900492 StudentWeights.Perturbation 0.1000 MPP: Perturbation weight double 11 t 1048544 1900493 StudentWeights.SameChoice 0.900 MPP: Different section, but same time and instructor double 12 t 1048544 1900494 StudentWeights.SameTime 0.700 MPP: Different section, but same time double 13 t 1048544 1900495 Load.CheckEnabledForScheduling true Check enabled for scheduling toggle boolean 31 t 102 1900496 Load.CheckForNoBatchStatus true Check no-batch student status boolean 32 t 102 1900497 StudentWeights.NoTimeFactor 0.050 Additional Weights: Section with no time double 0 t 1900486 1900498 StudentWeights.SelectionFactor 0.3750 Additional Weights: Section selected double 1 t 1900486 1900499 StudentWeights.PenaltyFactor 0.250 Additional Weights: Section over-expected double 2 t 1900486 1900500 StudentWeights.AvgPenaltyFactor 0.001 Additional Weights: Average penalty double 3 t 1900486 1900501 StudentWeights.AvailabilityFactor 0.050 Additional Weights: Section availability double 4 t 1900486 1900502 StudentWeights.Class org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.selection.StudentSchedulingAssistantWeights Student weights model text 5 f 1900486 1900503 OverExpectedCriterion.Class org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.expectations.AvoidUnbalancedWhenNoExpectations Over-expected criterion text 6 f 1900486 1900504 Suggestions.Timeout 1000 Suggestions: Time limit in milliseconds integer 7 t 1900486 1900505 Suggestions.MaxDepth 4 Suggestions: Maximal search depth integer 8 t 1900486 1900506 Suggestions.MaxSuggestions 20 Suggestions: Number of results integer 9 t 1900486 1900507 StudentWeights.MultiCriteria true Use multi-criterion selection boolean 10 t 1900486 1900508 OverExpected.Disbalance 0.100 Expectations: Allowed dis-balance double 11 t 1900486 1900509 General.BalanceUnlimited false Expectations: Balance unlimited sections boolean 12 t 1900486 1900510 OverExpected.Percentage 1.000 Expectations: Expectation multiplicator double 13 t 1900486 1900511 OverExpected.Rounding ROUND Expectations: rounding enum(NONE,CEIL,FLOOR,ROUND) 14 t 1900486 1900512 OnlineStudentSectioning.TimesToAvoidHeuristics true Online Selection: avoid times needed by other courses boolean 15 t 1900486 1900513 StudentWeights.SameChoiceFactor 0.125 Resectioning: Same choice (time and instructor) double 16 t 1900486 1900514 StudentWeights.SameRoomsFactor 0.007 Resectioning: Same room double 17 t 1900486 1900516 StudentWeights.SameNameFactor 0.014 Resectioning: Same section name double 19 t 1900486 1900517 StudentWeights.PreferenceFactor 0.500 Suggestions: Preferred section double 20 t 1900486 1900518 Enrollment.CanKeepCancelledClass false Can a student keep cancelled class boolean 21 t 1900486 1966024 Basic.Mode Initial Solver Mode enum(Initial,MPP) 0 t 1966020 1966025 Basic.WhenFinished No Action When Finished enum(No Action,Save,Save as New,Save and Unload,Save as New and Unload) 1 t 1966020 1966026 General.CBS true Use conflict-based statistics boolean 0 t 1966021 1966027 General.CommonItypes lec Common Instructional Types (comma separated) text 1 t 1966021 1966028 General.IgnoreOtherInstructors false Ignore Other Instructors boolean 2 t 1966021 1966029 General.SaveBestUnassigned -1 Minimal number of unassigned variables to save best solution found (-1 always save) integer 3 f 1966021 1966030 Termination.StopWhenComplete false Stop computation when a complete solution is found boolean 4 t 1966021 1966031 Termination.TimeOut 300 Maximal solver time (in sec) integer 5 t 1966021 1966032 Value.RandomWalkProb 0.02 Randon Walk Probability double 6 t 1966021 1966033 Value.WeightConflicts 1000.0 Conflict Weight double 0 t 1966022 1966034 Weight.TeachingPreferences 10.0 Teaching Preference Weight double 1 t 1966022 1966035 Weight.AttributePreferences 1000.0 Attribute Preference Weight double 2 t 1966022 1966036 Weight.CoursePreferences 1.0 Course Preference Weight double 3 t 1966022 1966037 Weight.TimePreferences 1.0 Time Preference Weight double 4 t 1966022 1966038 Weight.InstructorPreferences 1.0 Instructor Preference Weight double 5 t 1966022 1966039 Weight.BackToBack 1.0 Back-to-Back Weight double 6 t 1966022 1966040 BackToBack.DifferentRoomWeight 0.8 Back-to-Back Different Room double 7 t 1966022 1966041 BackToBack.DifferentTypeWeight 0.6 Back-to-Back Different Type double 8 t 1966022 1966042 Weight.DifferentLecture 1000.0 Different Lecture Weight double 9 t 1966022 1966043 Weight.SameInstructor 10.0 Same Instructor Weight double 10 t 1966022 1966044 Weight.SameLink 100.0 Same Link Weight double 11 t 1966022 1966045 Weight.TimeOverlaps 1000.0 Allowed Time Overlap Weight double 12 t 1966022 1966046 Weight.OriginalInstructor 100.0 Original Instructor Weight (MPP) double 13 t 1966022 1966047 Termination.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition Termination Class text 0 f 1966023 1966048 Comparator.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator Comparator Class text 1 f 1966023 1966049 Value.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralValueSelection Value Selection Class text 2 f 1966023 1966050 Variable.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection Variable Selection Class text 3 f 1966023 1966051 Neighbour.Class org.cpsolver.ifs.algorithms.SimpleSearch Neighbour Selection Class text 4 f 1966023 2064321 Distances.ShortDistanceAccommodationReference SD Need short distances accommodation reference text 33 t 102 2064322 StudentLunch.StartSlot 132 Student Lunch Breeak: first time slot integer 34 t 102 2064323 StudentLunch.EndStart 156 Student Lunch Breeak: last time slot integer 35 t 102 2064324 StudentLunch.Length 6 Student Lunch Breeak: time for lunch (number of slots) integer 36 t 102 2064325 TravelTime.MaxTravelGap 12 Travel Time: max travel gap (number of slots) integer 37 t 102 2064326 WorkDay.WorkDayLimit 72 Work Day: initial allowance (number of slots) integer 38 t 102 2064327 WorkDay.EarlySlot 102 Work Day: early morning time slot integer 39 t 102 2064328 WorkDay.LateSlot 210 Work Day: late evening time slot integer 40 t 102 2064329 StudentWeights.BackToBackDistance 6 Work Day: max back-to-back distance (number of slots) integer 41 t 102 2064330 StudentWeights.ShortDistanceConflict 0.2000 Distance conflict (students needed short distances) double 14 t 1048544 2064331 StudentWeights.LunchBreakFactor 0.0050 Lunch break conflict double 15 t 1048544 2064332 StudentWeights.TravelTimeFactor 0.0010 Travel time conflict (multiplied by distance in minutes) double 16 t 1048544 2064333 StudentWeights.BackToBackFactor -0.0010 Back-to-back conflict (negative value: prefer no gaps) double 17 t 1048544 2064334 StudentWeights.WorkDayFactor 0.0100 Work-day conflict (multiplied by the number of hours over the allowance) double 18 t 1048544 2064335 StudentWeights.TooEarlyFactor 0.0500 Too early conflict double 19 t 1048544 2064336 StudentWeights.TooLateFactor 0.0250 Too late conflict double 20 t 1048544 \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_parameter_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_parameter_group (uniqueid, name, description, condition, ord, param_type) FROM stdin; 1 Basic Basic Settings \N 0 0 2 General General Settings \N 1 0 3 MPP Minimal-perturbation Setting \N 2 0 4 Perturbations Perturbation Penalty \N 3 0 5 DepartmentSpread Departmental Balancing \N 4 0 6 ConflictStatistics Conflict-based Statistics \N 5 0 7 Termination Termination Conditions \N 6 0 8 Comparator Solution Comparator Weights \N 7 0 9 Variable Lecture Selection \N 8 0 10 Value Placement Selection \N 9 0 11 Classes Implementations \N 10 0 12 Spread Same Subpart Balancing \N 11 0 13 SearchIntensification Search Intensification \N 12 0 21 TimePreferences Default Time Preferences \N 13 0 41 Distance Distances \N 14 0 61 Neighbour Neighbour Selection \N 15 0 81 OnFlySectioning On Fly Student Sectioning \N 16 0 82 ExamBasic Basic Parameters \N 17 1 83 ExamWeights Examination Weights \N 18 1 84 Exam General Parameters \N 19 1 85 ExamGD Great Deluge Parameters \N 20 1 86 ExamSA Simulated Annealing Parameters \N 21 1 101 StudentSctBasic Basic Parameters \N 22 2 102 StudentSct General Parameters \N 23 2 1048544 StudentSctWeights Student Weitghts \N 24 2 1769418 InstructorLunch Instructor Lunch Breaks \N 25 0 1769419 Curriculum Curriculum Conversion \N 26 0 1900486 StudentSctOnline Online Student Scheduling \N 27 2 1966020 InstrSchd.Basic Instructor Scheduling: Basic \N 28 3 1966021 InstrSchd.General Instructor Scheduling: General \N 29 3 1966022 InstrSchd.Weight Instructor Scheduling: Weights \N 30 3 1966023 InstrSchd.Implementation Instructor Scheduling: Implementation \N 31 3 \. -- -- Data for Name: solver_predef_setting; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.solver_predef_setting (uniqueid, name, description, appearance) FROM stdin; 1 Default.Interactive Interactive 0 2 Default.Validate Validate 1 3 Default.Check Check 1 4 Example.Woebegon Woebegon Example 1 5 Default.Solver Default 1 101 Exam.Default Default 2 121 StudentSct.Default Default 3 1966052 InstrSchd.Default Default 4 \. -- -- Data for Name: sponsoring_organization; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.sponsoring_organization (uniqueid, name, email) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: staff; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.staff (uniqueid, external_uid, fname, mname, lname, pos_code, dept, email, pos_type, acad_title, campus) FROM stdin; 3463041 100 Joe S Doe 22T3F 0101 \N \N \N \N 3463042 101 George \N Newman 0205F 0101 \N \N \N \N 3463043 102 John William Smith 0028F 0101 \N \N \N \N 3463044 103 Josef Pepa Nowak 0000A 0101 \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: standard_event_note; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.standard_event_note (uniqueid, reference, note, discriminator, session_id, department_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: std_group_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.std_group_type (uniqueid, reference, label, together, allow_disabled, advisor) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student (uniqueid, external_uid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email, free_time_cat, schedule_preference, session_id, sect_status, schedule_emailed, max_credit, req_credit, req_status, req_extid, req_ts, min_credit) FROM stdin; 223384 1001 Andrew \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223385 1002 Brian \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223386 1003 Charles \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223387 1004 David \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223388 1005 Edward \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223389 1006 Frank \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223390 1007 George \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223391 1008 Henry \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223392 1009 Ivan \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223393 1010 James \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223394 1011 Kevin \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223395 1012 Larry \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223396 1013 Michael \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223397 1014 Norman \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223398 1015 Oscar \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223399 1016 Peter \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223400 1017 Richard \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223401 1018 Steve \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 223402 1019 Thomas \N Student \N 0 0 223206 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 231849 1001 Andrew \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232436 1002 Brian \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232448 1003 Charles \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232460 1004 David \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232472 1005 Edward \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232484 1006 Frank \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232496 1007 George \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232510 1008 Henry \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232522 1009 Ivan \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232534 1010 James \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232546 1011 Kevin \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232558 1012 Larry \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232572 1013 Michael \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232584 1014 Norman \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232596 1015 Oscar \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232608 1016 Peter \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232620 1017 Richard \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232632 1018 Steve \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N 232644 1019 Thomas \N Student \N 0 0 231379 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: student_acad_area; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_acad_area (uniqueid, student_id, acad_clasf_id, acad_area_id) FROM stdin; 238600 223384 64 144 238601 223385 64 144 238602 223386 64 144 238603 223387 63 144 238604 223388 63 144 238605 223389 63 144 238606 223390 63 144 238607 223391 63 144 238608 223392 63 144 238609 223393 63 144 238610 223394 64 144 238611 223395 64 144 238612 223396 64 144 238613 223397 64 144 238614 223398 63 144 238615 223399 63 144 238616 223400 63 144 238617 223401 63 144 238618 223402 64 144 237787 231849 62 142 237798 232436 62 142 237809 232448 62 142 237820 232460 61 142 237831 232472 61 142 237842 232484 61 142 237853 232496 61 142 237866 232510 61 142 237877 232522 61 142 237888 232534 61 142 237899 232546 62 142 237910 232558 62 142 237923 232572 62 142 237934 232584 62 142 237945 232596 61 142 237956 232608 61 142 237967 232620 61 142 237978 232632 61 142 237989 232644 62 142 \. -- -- Data for Name: student_accomodation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_accomodation (uniqueid, name, abbreviation, external_uid, session_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_advisor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_advisor (student_id, advisor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_area_clasf_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_area_clasf_major (uniqueid, student_id, acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id, major_id) FROM stdin; 2031589 223384 144 64 1209 2031590 223385 144 64 1209 2031583 223386 144 64 1208 2031574 223387 144 63 1207 2031575 223388 144 63 1207 2031576 223389 144 63 1207 2031584 223390 144 63 1208 2031585 223391 144 63 1208 2031586 223392 144 63 1208 2031587 223393 144 63 1208 2031577 223394 144 64 1207 2031578 223395 144 64 1207 2031579 223396 144 64 1207 2031580 223397 144 64 1207 2031591 223398 144 63 1209 2031592 223399 144 63 1209 2031581 223400 144 63 1207 2031582 223401 144 63 1207 2031588 223402 144 64 1208 2031570 231849 142 62 1205 2031571 232436 142 62 1205 2031564 232448 142 62 1204 2031555 232460 142 61 1201 2031556 232472 142 61 1201 2031557 232484 142 61 1201 2031565 232496 142 61 1204 2031566 232510 142 61 1204 2031567 232522 142 61 1204 2031568 232534 142 61 1204 2031558 232546 142 62 1201 2031559 232558 142 62 1201 2031560 232572 142 62 1201 2031561 232584 142 62 1201 2031572 232596 142 61 1205 2031573 232608 142 61 1205 2031562 232620 142 61 1201 2031563 232632 142 61 1201 2031569 232644 142 62 1204 \. -- -- Data for Name: student_area_clasf_minor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor (uniqueid, student_id, acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id, minor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_class_enrl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_class_enrl (uniqueid, student_id, course_request_id, class_id, "timestamp", course_offering_id, approved_date, approved_by, changed_by) FROM stdin; 230366 223386 225493 223964 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230367 223386 225493 223956 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230368 223386 225497 223311 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230369 223386 225497 223852 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230370 223386 225501 223363 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135729 \N \N \N 230371 223386 225504 223291 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135720 \N \N \N 230372 223386 225507 223947 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230373 223386 225507 223949 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230374 223387 225511 223916 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230375 223387 225511 223926 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230376 223387 225511 223907 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230377 223387 225511 223900 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230378 223387 225517 223828 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230379 223387 225517 223257 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230380 223387 225517 223264 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230381 223387 225522 223869 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230382 223387 225522 223958 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230383 223387 225526 224022 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135738 \N \N \N 230384 223387 225529 223310 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230385 223387 225529 223851 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230386 223390 225577 223831 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230387 223390 225577 223268 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230388 223390 225577 223257 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230389 223390 225582 224038 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230390 223390 225582 224032 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230391 223390 225582 223350 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230392 223390 225587 223998 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230393 223390 225587 223996 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230394 223390 225591 223869 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230395 223390 225591 223870 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230396 223390 225595 223304 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230397 223390 225598 223249 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135718 \N \N \N 230398 223393 225645 223258 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230399 223393 225645 223835 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230400 223393 225645 223819 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230401 223393 225650 224034 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230402 223393 225650 224040 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230403 223393 225650 223350 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230404 223393 225655 223947 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230405 223393 225655 223950 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230406 223393 225659 223966 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230407 223393 225659 223957 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230408 223393 225663 223314 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230409 223393 225663 223855 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230410 223395 225686 223302 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230411 223395 225689 223318 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230412 223395 225689 223859 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230413 223395 225693 224005 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230414 223395 225693 223324 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230415 223395 225697 223344 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135726 \N \N \N 230416 223395 225700 223330 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135724 \N \N \N 230417 223395 225703 223249 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135718 \N \N \N 230418 223396 225706 223373 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135731 \N \N \N 230419 223396 225709 223330 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135724 \N \N \N 230420 223396 225712 224017 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135737 \N \N \N 230421 223396 225715 223344 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135726 \N \N \N 230422 223396 225718 224035 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230423 223396 225718 223351 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230424 223396 225718 224041 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230425 223397 225723 223920 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230426 223397 225723 223973 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230427 223397 225723 223977 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230428 223397 225723 223900 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230429 223397 225729 224057 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230430 223397 225729 224059 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230431 223397 225733 223258 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230432 223397 225733 223817 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230433 223397 225733 223833 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230434 223397 225738 223956 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230435 223397 225738 223962 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230436 223397 225742 223319 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230437 223397 225742 223860 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230438 223401 225811 223331 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135724 \N \N \N 230439 223401 225814 223899 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230440 223401 225814 223927 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230441 223401 225814 223903 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230442 223401 225814 223921 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230443 223401 225820 223258 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230444 223401 225820 223818 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230445 223401 225820 223834 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230446 223401 225825 223853 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230447 223401 225825 223312 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230448 223401 225829 223324 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230449 223401 225829 224006 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230450 223402 225833 223951 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230451 223402 225833 223245 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135717 \N \N \N 230452 223402 225837 224036 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230453 223402 225837 223351 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230454 223402 225837 224042 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230455 223402 225842 223957 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230456 223402 225842 223968 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230457 223402 225844 223299 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230458 223402 225847 224028 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135728 \N \N \N 230469 223384 226168 223884 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135715 \N \N \N 230470 223384 226172 223301 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230471 223384 226177 223363 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135729 \N \N \N 230472 223384 226181 223291 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135720 \N \N \N 230473 223384 226185 223373 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135731 \N \N \N 230474 223398 225746 223973 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230475 223398 225746 223906 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230476 223398 225746 223914 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230477 223398 225746 223900 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230478 223398 225752 224057 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230479 223398 225752 224060 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230480 223398 225756 223827 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230481 223398 225756 223263 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230482 223398 225756 223256 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230483 223398 225761 223869 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230484 223398 225761 223960 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230485 223398 225765 224007 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230486 223398 225765 223325 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230487 223399 225769 223973 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230488 223399 225769 223915 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230489 223399 225769 223910 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230490 223399 225769 223240 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230491 223399 225775 224061 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230492 223399 225775 224057 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135739 \N \N \N 230493 223399 225779 223826 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230494 223399 225779 223261 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230495 223399 225779 223256 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230496 223399 225781 223967 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230497 223399 225781 223957 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230498 223399 225785 223378 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230499 223399 225785 223800 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230500 223385 225477 223884 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135715 \N \N \N 230501 223385 225480 223300 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230502 223385 225483 223363 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135729 \N \N \N 230503 223385 225486 223291 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135720 \N \N \N 230504 223385 225489 224008 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230505 223385 225489 223325 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135723 \N \N \N 230506 223388 225533 223899 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230507 223388 225533 223976 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230508 223388 225533 223979 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230509 223388 225533 223927 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230510 223388 225539 223259 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230511 223388 225539 223824 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230512 223388 225539 223256 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230513 223388 225544 223869 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230514 223388 225544 223959 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230515 223388 225548 224022 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135738 \N \N \N 230516 223388 225551 223317 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230517 223388 225551 223858 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230518 223392 225623 223258 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230519 223392 225623 223832 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230520 223392 225623 223269 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230521 223392 225628 224033 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230522 223392 225628 224039 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230523 223392 225628 223350 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135727 \N \N \N 230524 223392 225633 224000 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230525 223392 225633 223996 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230526 223392 225637 223965 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230527 223392 225637 223957 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230528 223392 225641 223313 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230529 223392 225641 223854 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230530 223394 225667 223918 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230531 223394 225667 223926 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230532 223394 225667 223904 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230533 223394 225667 223240 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230534 223394 225673 223303 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 230535 223394 225676 223356 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135728 \N \N \N 230536 223394 225679 223363 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135729 \N \N \N 230537 223394 225682 223379 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230538 223394 225682 223802 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230539 223400 225789 223356 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135728 \N \N \N 230540 223400 225792 223909 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230541 223400 225792 223899 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230542 223400 225792 223973 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230543 223400 225792 223978 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230544 223400 225798 223830 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230545 223400 225798 223257 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230546 223400 225798 223267 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230547 223400 225803 223315 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230548 223400 225803 223856 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230549 223400 225807 223801 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230550 223400 225807 223378 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135732 \N \N \N 230558 223389 225555 223899 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230559 223389 225555 223926 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230560 223389 225555 223902 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230561 223389 225555 223917 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230562 223389 225561 223260 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230563 223389 225561 223825 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230564 223389 225561 223256 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230565 223389 225566 223961 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230566 223389 225566 223956 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230567 223389 225570 224022 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135738 \N \N \N 230568 223389 225573 223316 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230569 223389 225573 223857 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135722 \N \N \N 230570 223391 225601 223829 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230571 223391 225601 223265 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230572 223391 225601 223257 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135719 \N \N \N 230573 223391 225606 223927 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230574 223391 225606 223922 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230575 223391 225606 223908 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230576 223391 225606 223240 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135716 \N \N \N 230577 223391 225612 223999 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230578 223391 225612 223996 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135736 \N \N \N 230579 223391 225616 223956 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230580 223391 225616 223963 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135733 \N \N \N 230581 223391 225620 223298 2008-05-07 09:09:40+02 135721 \N \N \N 238682 231849 237789 231391 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135753 \N \N \N 238683 231849 237791 231486 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135761 \N \N \N 238684 231849 237793 231567 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135773 \N \N \N 238685 231849 237795 231496 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135762 \N \N \N 238686 231849 237797 231570 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135774 \N \N \N 238687 232436 237800 231391 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135753 \N \N \N 238688 232436 237802 231487 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135761 \N \N \N 238689 232436 237804 231567 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135773 \N \N \N 238690 232436 237806 231496 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135762 \N \N \N 238691 232436 237808 231529 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135765 \N \N \N 238692 232436 237808 231527 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135765 \N \N \N 238693 232448 237811 231441 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238694 232448 237811 231437 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238695 232448 237813 231498 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238696 232448 237813 231511 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238697 232448 237815 231567 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135773 \N \N \N 238698 232448 237817 231496 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135762 \N \N \N 238699 232448 237819 231435 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135757 \N \N \N 238700 232448 237819 231429 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135757 \N \N \N 238701 232460 237822 231403 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238702 232460 237822 231416 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238703 232460 237822 231424 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238704 232460 237822 231396 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238705 232460 237824 231457 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238706 232460 237824 231463 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238707 232460 237824 231474 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238708 232460 237826 231437 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238709 232460 237826 231445 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238710 232460 237828 231545 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135769 \N \N \N 238711 232460 237830 231513 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238712 232460 237830 231503 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238713 232472 237833 231402 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238714 232472 237833 231423 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238715 232472 237833 231395 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238716 232472 237833 231414 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238717 232472 237835 231467 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238718 232472 237835 231484 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238719 232472 237835 231456 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238720 232472 237837 231438 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238721 232472 237837 231443 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135758 \N \N \N 238722 232472 237839 231545 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135769 \N \N \N 238723 232472 237841 231502 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238724 232472 237841 231512 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135763 \N \N \N 238725 232484 237844 231411 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238726 232484 237844 231423 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238727 232484 237844 231399 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238728 232484 237844 231395 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135755 \N \N \N 238729 232484 237846 231457 2010-09-22 16:34:08+02 135760 \N \N \N 238730 232484 237846 231473 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238731 232484 237846 231462 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238732 232484 237848 231438 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238733 232484 237848 231452 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238734 232484 237850 231545 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135769 \N \N \N 238735 232484 237852 231499 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238736 232484 237852 231515 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238737 232496 237855 231481 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238738 232496 237855 231470 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238739 232496 237855 231458 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238740 232496 237857 231561 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238741 232496 237857 231550 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238742 232496 237857 231554 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238743 232496 237859 231522 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238744 232496 237859 231524 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238745 232496 237861 231446 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238746 232496 237861 231438 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238747 232496 237863 231491 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135761 \N \N \N 238748 232496 237865 231393 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135754 \N \N \N 238749 232510 237868 231466 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238750 232510 237868 231477 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238751 232510 237868 231456 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238752 232510 237870 231412 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238753 232510 237870 231423 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238754 232510 237870 231396 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238755 232510 237870 231400 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238756 232510 237872 231524 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238757 232510 237872 231520 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238758 232510 237874 231439 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238759 232510 237874 231442 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238760 232510 237876 231490 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135761 \N \N \N 238761 232522 237879 231471 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238762 232522 237879 231482 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238763 232522 237879 231458 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238764 232522 237881 231559 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238765 232522 237881 231552 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238766 232522 237881 231550 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238767 232522 237883 231521 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238768 232522 237883 231524 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135764 \N \N \N 238769 232522 237885 231449 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238770 232522 237885 231437 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238771 232522 237887 231516 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238772 232522 237887 231501 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238773 232534 237890 231468 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238774 232534 237890 231456 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238775 232534 237890 231479 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238776 232534 237892 231558 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238777 232534 237892 231550 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238778 232534 237892 231555 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238779 232534 237894 231430 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135757 \N \N \N 238780 232534 237894 231434 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135757 \N \N \N 238781 232534 237896 231451 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238782 232534 237896 231437 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238783 232534 237898 231500 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238784 232534 237898 231518 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238785 232546 237901 231413 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238786 232546 237901 231401 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238787 232546 237901 231423 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238788 232546 237901 231395 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238789 232546 237903 231492 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135761 \N \N \N 238790 232546 237905 231565 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135772 \N \N \N 238791 232546 237907 231567 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135773 \N \N \N 238792 232546 237909 231576 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238793 232546 237909 231573 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238794 232558 237912 231488 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135761 \N \N \N 238795 232558 237914 231509 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238796 232558 237914 231504 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238797 232558 237916 231532 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238798 232558 237916 231526 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238799 232558 237918 231547 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135770 \N \N \N 238800 232558 237920 231535 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135766 \N \N \N 238801 232558 237922 231393 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135754 \N \N \N 238802 232572 237925 231569 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135774 \N \N \N 238803 232572 237927 231534 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135766 \N \N \N 238804 232572 237929 231537 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135767 \N \N \N 238805 232572 237931 231547 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135770 \N \N \N 238806 232572 237933 231549 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238807 232572 237933 231560 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238808 232572 237933 231553 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238809 232584 237936 231397 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238810 232584 237936 231408 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238811 232584 237936 231425 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238812 232584 237936 231421 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238813 232584 237938 231539 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238814 232584 237938 231543 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238815 232584 237940 231461 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238816 232584 237940 231480 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238817 232584 237940 231456 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238818 232584 237942 231439 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238819 232584 237942 231444 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238820 232584 237944 231506 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238821 232584 237944 231514 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238822 232596 237947 231424 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238823 232596 237947 231417 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238824 232596 237947 231395 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238825 232596 237947 231405 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238826 232596 237949 231542 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238827 232596 237949 231539 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238828 232596 237951 231457 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238829 232596 237951 231460 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238830 232596 237951 231483 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238831 232596 237953 231438 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238832 232596 237953 231448 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238833 232596 237955 231527 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238834 232596 237955 231530 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238835 232608 237958 231404 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238836 232608 237958 231424 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238837 232608 237958 231396 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238838 232608 237958 231418 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238839 232608 237960 231539 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238840 232608 237960 231541 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135768 \N \N \N 238841 232608 237962 231457 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238842 232608 237962 231465 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238843 232608 237962 231478 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238844 232608 237964 231439 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238845 232608 237964 231447 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238846 232608 237966 231578 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238847 232608 237966 231572 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238848 232620 237969 231564 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135772 \N \N \N 238849 232620 237971 231397 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238850 232620 237971 231425 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238851 232620 237971 231419 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238852 232620 237971 231409 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238853 232620 237973 231469 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238854 232620 237973 231458 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238855 232620 237973 231475 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238856 232620 237975 231505 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238857 232620 237975 231510 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238858 232620 237977 231577 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238859 232620 237977 231572 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135775 \N \N \N 238860 232632 237980 231535 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135766 \N \N \N 238861 232632 237982 231424 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238862 232632 237982 231396 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238863 232632 237982 231406 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238864 232632 237982 231415 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135755 \N \N \N 238865 232632 237984 231464 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238866 232632 237984 231476 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238867 232632 237984 231458 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135760 \N \N \N 238868 232632 237986 231507 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238869 232632 237986 231517 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135763 \N \N \N 238870 232632 237988 231531 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238871 232632 237988 231526 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135765 \N \N \N 238872 232644 237991 231431 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135757 \N \N \N 238873 232644 237991 231434 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135757 \N \N \N 238874 232644 237993 231556 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238875 232644 237993 231549 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238876 232644 237993 231562 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135771 \N \N \N 238877 232644 237995 231439 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238878 232644 237995 231450 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135758 \N \N \N 238879 232644 237997 231494 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135761 \N \N \N 238880 232644 237999 231564 2010-09-22 16:34:09+02 135772 \N \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: student_enrl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_enrl (uniqueid, student_id, solution_id, class_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 7618838 223385 807 223884 \N 7618839 223384 807 223884 \N 7618840 223390 806 223249 \N 7618841 224241 806 223249 \N 7618842 224240 806 223249 \N 7618843 223395 806 223249 \N 7618844 223389 806 223240 \N 7618845 223391 806 223240 \N 7618846 223398 806 223240 \N 7618847 223388 806 223899 \N 7618848 223401 806 223899 \N 7618849 223399 806 223899 \N 7618850 223394 806 223899 \N 7618851 223400 806 223900 \N 7618852 223387 806 223900 \N 7618853 223397 806 223900 \N 7618854 224240 806 223900 \N 7618855 223389 807 223902 \N 7618856 223388 807 223903 \N 7618857 223394 807 223904 \N 7618858 224240 807 223905 \N 7618859 223398 807 223906 \N 7618860 223399 807 223907 \N 7618861 223397 807 223908 \N 7618862 223387 807 223909 \N 7618863 223391 807 223910 \N 7618864 223401 807 223976 \N 7618865 223400 807 223977 \N 7618866 223401 807 223914 \N 7618867 223387 807 223915 \N 7618868 223399 807 223916 \N 7618869 224240 807 223917 \N 7618870 223394 807 223918 \N 7618871 223389 807 223919 \N 7618872 223388 807 223920 \N 7618873 223397 807 223921 \N 7618874 223391 807 223922 \N 7618875 223400 807 223978 \N 7618876 223398 807 223979 \N 7618877 223400 806 223926 \N 7618878 223387 806 223926 \N 7618879 223397 806 223926 \N 7618880 224240 806 223926 \N 7618881 223389 806 223927 \N 7618882 223391 806 223927 \N 7618883 223398 806 223927 \N 7618884 223388 806 223973 \N 7618885 223401 806 223973 \N 7618886 223399 806 223973 \N 7618887 223394 806 223973 \N 7618888 223402 807 223245 \N 7618889 224241 807 223245 \N 7618890 223386 807 223947 \N 7618891 223393 807 223947 \N 7618892 223393 807 223949 \N 7618893 223402 807 223950 \N 7618894 223386 807 223951 \N 7618895 224241 807 223970 \N 7618896 223391 806 223869 \N 7618897 223390 806 223869 \N 7618898 223387 806 223869 \N 7618899 223399 806 223869 \N 7618900 223388 806 223956 \N 7618901 223398 806 223956 \N 7618902 223397 806 223956 \N 7618903 223392 806 223956 \N 7618904 223389 806 223957 \N 7618905 223402 806 223957 \N 7618906 223386 806 223957 \N 7618907 223393 806 223957 \N 7618908 223391 807 223870 \N 7618909 223387 807 223958 \N 7618910 223399 807 223959 \N 7618911 223390 807 223960 \N 7618912 223388 807 223961 \N 7618913 223397 807 223962 \N 7618914 223392 807 223963 \N 7618915 223398 807 223964 \N 7618916 223389 807 223965 \N 7618917 223402 807 223966 \N 7618918 223386 807 223967 \N 7618919 223393 807 223968 \N 7618920 223388 806 223256 \N 7618921 223398 806 223256 \N 7618922 223397 806 223256 \N 7618923 223392 806 223256 \N 7618924 223391 806 223257 \N 7618925 223390 806 223257 \N 7618926 223387 806 223257 \N 7618927 223399 806 223257 \N 7618928 223389 806 223258 \N 7618929 223400 806 223258 \N 7618930 223401 806 223258 \N 7618931 223393 806 223258 \N 7618932 223388 807 223259 \N 7618933 223397 807 223260 \N 7618934 223392 807 223261 \N 7618935 223398 807 223263 \N 7618936 223387 807 223264 \N 7618937 223391 807 223265 \N 7618938 223399 807 223267 \N 7618939 223390 807 223268 \N 7618940 223389 807 223269 \N 7618941 223400 807 223817 \N 7618942 223401 807 223818 \N 7618943 223393 807 223819 \N 7618944 223388 807 223824 \N 7618945 223397 807 223825 \N 7618946 223392 807 223826 \N 7618947 223398 807 223827 \N 7618948 223387 807 223828 \N 7618949 223391 807 223829 \N 7618950 223399 807 223830 \N 7618951 223390 807 223831 \N 7618952 223389 807 223832 \N 7618953 223400 807 223833 \N 7618954 223401 807 223834 \N 7618955 223393 807 223835 \N 7618956 223395 807 223297 \N 7618957 223391 807 223298 \N 7618958 223390 807 223299 \N 7618959 223402 807 223300 \N 7618960 224240 807 223301 \N 7618961 224241 807 223302 \N 7618962 223384 807 223303 \N 7618963 223385 807 223304 \N 7618964 223394 807 223305 \N 7618965 223385 806 223291 \N 7618966 223384 806 223291 \N 7618967 223386 806 223291 \N 7618968 224241 806 223291 \N 7618969 223401 807 223310 \N 7618970 223395 807 223311 \N 7618971 223388 807 223312 \N 7618972 223397 807 223313 \N 7618973 223393 807 223314 \N 7618974 223387 807 223315 \N 7618975 223392 807 223316 \N 7618976 223400 807 223317 \N 7618977 223386 807 223318 \N 7618978 223389 807 223319 \N 7618979 223401 807 223851 \N 7618980 223395 807 223852 \N 7618981 223388 807 223853 \N 7618982 223397 807 223854 \N 7618983 223393 807 223855 \N 7618984 223387 807 223856 \N 7618985 223392 807 223857 \N 7618986 223400 807 223858 \N 7618987 223386 807 223859 \N 7618988 223389 807 223860 \N 7618989 223391 807 223996 \N 7618990 223390 807 223996 \N 7618991 223392 807 223996 \N 7618992 223392 807 223998 \N 7618993 223391 807 223999 \N 7618994 223390 807 224000 \N 7618995 223398 807 223324 \N 7618996 223395 807 223324 \N 7618997 223385 807 223325 \N 7618998 223401 807 223325 \N 7618999 223398 807 224005 \N 7619000 223395 807 224006 \N 7619001 223385 807 224007 \N 7619002 223401 807 224008 \N 7619003 223396 807 223330 \N 7619004 224240 807 223330 \N 7619005 223401 807 223331 \N 7619006 223395 807 223331 \N 7619007 223396 807 224017 \N 7619008 223398 806 224057 \N 7619009 223399 806 224057 \N 7619010 223397 806 224057 \N 7619011 223398 807 224059 \N 7619012 223399 807 224060 \N 7619013 223397 807 224061 \N 7619014 223389 806 224022 \N 7619015 223388 806 224022 \N 7619016 223387 806 224022 \N 7619017 223396 807 223344 \N 7619018 223395 807 223344 \N 7619019 223390 807 223350 \N 7619020 223392 807 223350 \N 7619021 223393 807 223350 \N 7619022 223402 807 223351 \N 7619023 223396 807 223351 \N 7619024 223390 807 224032 \N 7619025 223392 807 224033 \N 7619026 223393 807 224034 \N 7619027 223402 807 224035 \N 7619028 223396 807 224036 \N 7619029 223390 807 224038 \N 7619030 223392 807 224039 \N 7619031 223393 807 224040 \N 7619032 223402 807 224041 \N 7619033 223396 807 224042 \N 7619034 223402 807 223356 \N 7619035 223394 807 223356 \N 7619036 223400 807 224028 \N 7619037 224241 807 224028 \N 7619038 223385 806 223363 \N 7619039 223384 806 223363 \N 7619040 223386 806 223363 \N 7619041 223394 806 223363 \N 7619042 224241 807 223373 \N 7619043 224240 807 223373 \N 7619044 223384 807 224050 \N 7619045 223396 807 224050 \N 7619046 223399 807 223378 \N 7619047 223394 807 223378 \N 7619048 223400 807 223379 \N 7619049 224240 807 223379 \N 7619050 223394 807 223800 \N 7619051 223399 807 223801 \N 7619052 223400 807 223802 \N 7619053 224240 807 223803 \N 7619058 223385 826 231391 \N 7619059 223384 826 231391 \N 7619060 223390 827 231393 \N 7619061 224241 827 231393 \N 7619062 223395 827 231393 \N 7619063 223389 827 231395 \N 7619064 223388 827 231395 \N 7619065 223391 827 231395 \N 7619066 223394 827 231395 \N 7619067 223400 827 231396 \N 7619068 223387 827 231396 \N 7619069 223401 827 231396 \N 7619070 223398 827 231397 \N 7619071 223399 827 231397 \N 7619072 223397 827 231397 \N 7619073 223401 826 231411 \N 7619074 223394 826 231412 \N 7619075 223397 826 231413 \N 7619076 223399 826 231414 \N 7619077 223398 826 231415 \N 7619078 223391 826 231416 \N 7619079 223388 826 231417 \N 7619080 223389 826 231418 \N 7619081 223400 826 231420 \N 7619082 223387 826 231421 \N 7619083 223394 826 231399 \N 7619084 223388 826 231400 \N 7619085 223391 826 231401 \N 7619086 223389 826 231403 \N 7619087 223401 826 231404 \N 7619088 223398 826 231405 \N 7619089 223387 826 231406 \N 7619090 223400 826 231407 \N 7619091 223397 826 231408 \N 7619092 223399 826 231409 \N 7619093 223389 827 231423 \N 7619094 223388 827 231423 \N 7619095 223391 827 231423 \N 7619096 223394 827 231423 \N 7619097 223398 827 231424 \N 7619098 223399 827 231424 \N 7619099 223397 827 231424 \N 7619100 223400 827 231425 \N 7619101 223387 827 231425 \N 7619102 223401 827 231425 \N 7619103 224241 826 231434 \N 7619104 223393 826 231434 \N 7619105 223402 826 231435 \N 7619106 223386 826 231435 \N 7619107 223393 826 231429 \N 7619108 223386 826 231430 \N 7619109 224241 826 231431 \N 7619110 223402 826 231432 \N 7619111 223391 827 231437 \N 7619112 223390 827 231437 \N 7619113 223387 827 231437 \N 7619114 223386 827 231437 \N 7619115 223389 827 231438 \N 7619116 223388 827 231438 \N 7619117 223392 827 231438 \N 7619118 223393 827 231438 \N 7619119 223402 827 231439 \N 7619120 223398 827 231439 \N 7619121 223399 827 231439 \N 7619122 223397 827 231439 \N 7619123 223391 826 231441 \N 7619124 223390 826 231445 \N 7619125 223387 826 231449 \N 7619126 223386 826 231451 \N 7619127 223389 826 231443 \N 7619128 223388 826 231446 \N 7619129 223392 826 231448 \N 7619130 223393 826 231452 \N 7619131 223402 826 231442 \N 7619132 223398 826 231444 \N 7619133 223399 826 231447 \N 7619134 223397 826 231450 \N 7619135 223389 827 231456 \N 7619136 223397 827 231456 \N 7619137 223392 827 231456 \N 7619138 223393 827 231456 \N 7619139 223400 827 231457 \N 7619140 223401 827 231457 \N 7619141 223398 827 231457 \N 7619142 223399 827 231457 \N 7619143 223388 827 231458 \N 7619144 223391 827 231458 \N 7619145 223390 827 231458 \N 7619146 223387 827 231458 \N 7619147 223389 826 231461 \N 7619148 223397 826 231466 \N 7619149 223392 826 231467 \N 7619150 223393 826 231468 \N 7619151 223400 826 231460 \N 7619152 223401 826 231462 \N 7619153 223398 826 231463 \N 7619154 223399 826 231465 \N 7619155 223388 826 231464 \N 7619156 223391 826 231469 \N 7619157 223390 826 231470 \N 7619158 223387 826 231471 \N 7619159 223389 826 231480 \N 7619160 223397 826 231477 \N 7619161 223392 826 231484 \N 7619162 223393 826 231479 \N 7619163 223400 826 231483 \N 7619164 223401 826 231473 \N 7619165 223398 826 231474 \N 7619166 223399 826 231478 \N 7619167 223388 826 231476 \N 7619168 223391 826 231475 \N 7619169 223390 826 231481 \N 7619170 223387 826 231482 \N 7619171 223391 826 231487 \N 7619172 223395 826 231488 \N 7619173 224241 826 231489 \N 7619174 223394 826 231490 \N 7619175 223384 826 231491 \N 7619176 223385 826 231492 \N 7619177 223402 826 231493 \N 7619178 223390 826 231494 \N 7619179 223385 827 231496 \N 7619180 223384 827 231496 \N 7619181 223386 827 231496 \N 7619182 224241 827 231496 \N 7619183 223401 826 231498 \N 7619184 223386 826 231499 \N 7619185 223400 826 231500 \N 7619186 223387 826 231501 \N 7619187 223388 826 231502 \N 7619188 223389 826 231503 \N 7619189 223392 826 231504 \N 7619190 223393 826 231505 \N 7619191 223397 826 231506 \N 7619192 223395 826 231507 \N 7619193 223401 826 231511 \N 7619194 223386 826 231515 \N 7619195 223400 826 231518 \N 7619196 223387 826 231516 \N 7619197 223388 826 231512 \N 7619198 223389 826 231513 \N 7619199 223392 826 231509 \N 7619200 223393 826 231510 \N 7619201 223397 826 231514 \N 7619202 223395 826 231517 \N 7619203 223391 826 231524 \N 7619204 223390 826 231524 \N 7619205 223392 826 231524 \N 7619206 223390 826 231520 \N 7619207 223391 826 231521 \N 7619208 223392 826 231522 \N 7619209 223398 826 231526 \N 7619210 223395 826 231526 \N 7619211 223385 826 231527 \N 7619212 223401 826 231527 \N 7619213 223398 826 231531 \N 7619214 223395 826 231532 \N 7619215 223385 826 231529 \N 7619216 223401 826 231530 \N 7619217 223401 826 231534 \N 7619218 223396 826 231534 \N 7619219 223395 826 231535 \N 7619220 223396 826 231537 \N 7619221 223398 827 231539 \N 7619222 223399 827 231539 \N 7619223 223397 827 231539 \N 7619224 223398 826 231541 \N 7619225 223399 826 231542 \N 7619226 223397 826 231543 \N 7619227 223389 827 231545 \N 7619228 223388 827 231545 \N 7619229 223387 827 231545 \N 7619230 223396 826 231547 \N 7619231 223395 826 231547 \N 7619232 223390 826 231549 \N 7619233 223402 826 231549 \N 7619234 223396 826 231550 \N 7619235 223392 826 231550 \N 7619236 223393 826 231550 \N 7619237 223390 826 231553 \N 7619238 223402 826 231556 \N 7619239 223396 826 231552 \N 7619240 223392 826 231554 \N 7619241 223393 826 231555 \N 7619242 223390 826 231560 \N 7619243 223402 826 231562 \N 7619244 223396 826 231559 \N 7619245 223392 826 231561 \N 7619246 223393 826 231558 \N 7619247 223402 826 231564 \N 7619248 223400 826 231564 \N 7619249 224241 826 231565 \N 7619250 223394 826 231565 \N 7619251 223385 827 231567 \N 7619252 223384 827 231567 \N 7619253 223386 827 231567 \N 7619254 223394 827 231567 \N 7619255 223396 826 231569 \N 7619256 224241 826 231569 \N 7619257 223384 826 231570 \N 7619258 223399 826 231572 \N 7619259 223394 826 231572 \N 7619260 223400 826 231573 \N 7619261 223399 826 231577 \N 7619262 223394 826 231578 \N 7619263 223400 826 231576 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: student_enrl_msg; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_enrl_msg (uniqueid, message, msg_level, type, "timestamp", course_demand_id, ord) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_group (uniqueid, session_id, group_abbreviation, group_name, external_uid, expected_size, type_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_major; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_major (student_id, major_id) FROM stdin; 232460 1201 232472 1201 232484 1201 232546 1201 232558 1201 232572 1201 232584 1201 232620 1201 232632 1201 232448 1204 232496 1204 232510 1204 232522 1204 232534 1204 232644 1204 231849 1205 232436 1205 232596 1205 232608 1205 223387 1207 223388 1207 223389 1207 223394 1207 223395 1207 223396 1207 223397 1207 223400 1207 223401 1207 223386 1208 223390 1208 223391 1208 223392 1208 223393 1208 223402 1208 223384 1209 223385 1209 223398 1209 223399 1209 \. -- -- Data for Name: student_minor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_minor (student_id, minor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_note; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_note (uniqueid, student_id, text_note, time_stamp, user_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_sect_hist; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_sect_hist (uniqueid, student_id, data, type, "timestamp") FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_to_acomodation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_to_acomodation (student_id, accomodation_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: student_to_group; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.student_to_group (student_id, group_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: subject_area; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.subject_area (uniqueid, session_id, subject_area_abbreviation, long_title, department_uniqueid, external_uid, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 761 223206 ALG Algebra 223207 \N \N 762 223206 BIOL Biology 223207 \N \N 763 223206 C S Computer Science 223207 \N \N 764 223206 BAND Band 223207 \N \N 765 223206 CHM Chemistry 223207 \N \N 766 223206 ECON Economics 223207 \N \N 767 223206 COM Communications 223207 \N \N 768 223206 ENGL English 223207 \N \N 769 223206 GER German 223207 \N \N 770 223206 HIST History 223207 \N \N 771 223206 CALC Calculus 223207 \N \N 772 223206 PHIL Philosophy 223207 \N \N 773 223206 PHYS Physics 223207 \N \N 774 223206 POL Political Science 223207 \N \N 775 223206 PSY Psychology 223207 \N \N 776 223206 CHIN Chinese 223207 \N \N 777 223206 SOC Solciology 223207 \N \N 778 223206 SPAN Spanish 223207 \N \N 779 223206 ENGR Engineering 223207 \N \N 780 223206 LING Linguistics 223207 \N \N 781 223206 PHAR Pharmacy 223207 \N \N 782 223206 MBIO Microbiology 223207 \N \N 799 231379 ALG Algebra 231383 \N \N 800 231379 BAND Band 231383 \N \N 801 231379 BIOL Biology 231383 \N \N 802 231379 C S Computer Science 231383 \N \N 803 231379 CALC Calculus 231383 \N \N 804 231379 CHIN Chinese 231383 \N \N 805 231379 CHM Chemistry 231383 \N \N 806 231379 COM Communications 231383 \N \N 807 231379 ECON Economics 231383 \N \N 808 231379 ENGL English 231383 \N \N 809 231379 ENGR Engineering 231383 \N \N 810 231379 GER German 231383 \N \N 811 231379 HIST History 231383 \N \N 812 231379 LING Linguistics 231383 \N \N 813 231379 MBIO Microbiology 231383 \N \N 814 231379 PHAR Pharmacy 231383 \N \N 815 231379 PHIL Philosophy 231383 \N \N 816 231379 PHYS Physics 231383 \N \N 817 231379 POL Political Science 231383 \N \N 818 231379 PSY Psychology 231383 \N \N 819 231379 SOC Solciology 231383 \N \N 820 231379 SPAN Spanish 231383 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: task; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.task (uniqueid, name, session_id, script_id, owner_id, email, input_file) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: task_execution; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.task_execution (uniqueid, task_id, exec_date, exec_period, status, created_date, scheduled_date, queued_date, started_date, finished_date, log_file, output_file, output_name, output_content, status_message) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: task_parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.task_parameter (task_id, name, value) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: teaching_request; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.teaching_request (uniqueid, offering_id, nbr_instructors, teaching_load, same_course_pref, same_common_pref, responsibility_id, assign_coordinator, percent_share) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: teaching_responsibility; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.teaching_responsibility (uniqueid, reference, label, coordinator, instructor, abbreviation, options) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: teachreq_class; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.teachreq_class (uniqueid, percent_share, is_lead, can_overlap, request_id, class_id, assign_instructor, common) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: teachreq_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.teachreq_instructor (request_id, instructor_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: time_pattern; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.time_pattern (uniqueid, name, mins_pmt, slots_pmt, nr_mtgs, visible, type, break_time, session_id) FROM stdin; 1368 5 x 50 50 12 5 t 0 10 223206 1369 4 x 50 50 12 4 t 0 10 223206 1370 4 x 100 100 24 4 t 0 10 223206 1371 3 x 50 50 12 3 t 0 10 223206 1372 3 x 100 100 24 3 t 0 10 223206 1373 2 x 50 50 12 2 t 0 10 223206 1374 2 x 75 75 18 2 t 0 15 223206 1375 2 x 100 100 24 2 t 0 10 223206 1376 1 x 20 20 6 1 t 0 10 223206 1377 1 x 50 50 12 1 t 0 10 223206 1378 1 x 100 100 24 1 t 0 10 223206 1379 1 x 150 150 36 1 t 0 10 223206 1380 1 x 200 200 48 1 t 0 10 223206 1381 2 x 75 Evening 75 18 2 t 1 15 223206 1382 2 x 100 Evening 100 24 2 t 1 10 223206 1383 1 x 50 Evening 50 12 1 t 1 10 223206 1384 1 x 100 Evening 100 24 1 t 1 10 223206 1385 1 x 150 Evening 150 36 1 t 1 10 223206 1386 1 x 50 Weekend 50 12 1 t 2 10 223206 1387 1 x 100 Weekend 100 24 1 t 2 10 223206 1388 1 x 150 Weekend 150 36 1 t 2 10 223206 1389 1 x 30 30 6 1 t 0 0 223206 1390 3 x 50 Early AM 50 12 3 t 3 10 223206 1399 2 x 120 120 30 2 t 0 15 223206 1400 2 x 150 150 36 2 t 0 10 223206 1402 1 x 75 Evening 75 18 1 t 1 15 223206 1405 1 x 300 300 72 1 t 0 10 223206 1406 1 x 350 350 84 1 t 0 10 223206 1407 Exact Time 0 6 1 t 5 10 223206 1409 1 x 30 Evening 30 6 1 t 1 0 223206 1410 1 x 20 Evening 20 6 1 t 1 10 223206 1411 1 x 50 Early AM 50 12 1 t 3 10 223206 1412 1 x 80 80 18 1 t 0 10 223206 1415 1 x 80 Evening 80 18 1 t 1 10 223206 1416 1 x 80 Weekend 80 18 1 t 2 10 223206 1418 1 x 120 120 30 1 t 0 15 223206 1419 1 x 120 Weekend 120 30 1 t 2 15 223206 1420 1 x 180 180 42 1 t 0 10 223206 1421 1 x 250 250 60 1 t 0 10 223206 1422 1 x 250 Evening 250 60 1 t 1 10 223206 1424 1 x 250 Early AM 250 60 1 t 3 10 223206 1427 1 x 400 400 96 1 t 0 10 223206 1428 1 x 450 450 108 1 t 0 10 223206 1429 2 x 15 Quarter 15 3 2 t 0 0 223206 1430 2 x 15 15 3 2 t 0 0 223206 1431 2 x 30 30 6 2 t 0 0 223206 1433 2 x 200 200 48 2 t 0 10 223206 1434 2 x 300 300 72 2 t 0 10 223206 1435 3 x 30 30 6 3 t 0 0 223206 1436 3 x 20 20 6 3 t 0 10 223206 1438 3 x 50 TThS 50 12 3 t 2 10 223206 1441 1 x 100 Early AM 100 24 1 t 3 10 223206 1444 1 x 180 Evening 180 42 1 t 1 10 223206 1445 1 x 300 Weekend 300 72 1 t 2 10 223206 1447 1 x 350 Evening 350 84 1 t 1 10 223206 1449 2 x 50 Evening 50 12 2 t 1 10 223206 1450 5 x 180 180 42 5 t 0 10 223206 1454 1 x 600 600 144 1 t 0 10 223206 1455 2 x 100 WS 100 24 2 t 2 10 223206 1456 5 x 75 75 18 5 t 0 15 223206 1457 5 x 200 200 48 5 t 0 10 223206 1459 3 x 50 Evening 50 12 3 t 1 10 223206 1460 3 x 150 150 36 3 t 0 10 223206 1467 1 x 400 Weekend 400 96 1 t 2 10 223206 1468 2 x 20 20 6 2 t 0 10 223206 1470 1 x 200 Evening 200 48 1 t 1 10 223206 1474 3 x 90 90 21 3 t 0 15 223206 1476 1 x 250 Weekend 250 60 1 t 2 10 223206 1477 3 x 100 TThS 100 24 3 t 2 10 223206 1480 5 x 100 100 24 5 t 0 10 223206 1481 5 x 150 150 36 5 t 0 10 223206 1482 3 x 200 200 48 3 t 0 10 223206 1485 1 x 90 90 21 1 t 0 15 223206 1486 2 x 90 90 21 2 t 0 15 223206 1489 1 x 75 75 18 1 t 0 15 223206 1529 5 x 50 50 12 5 t 0 10 231379 1530 5 x 75 75 18 5 t 0 15 231379 1531 5 x 100 100 24 5 t 0 10 231379 1532 5 x 150 150 36 5 t 0 10 231379 1533 5 x 180 180 42 5 t 0 10 231379 1534 5 x 200 200 48 5 t 0 10 231379 1535 4 x 50 50 12 4 t 0 10 231379 1536 4 x 100 100 24 4 t 0 10 231379 1537 3 x 20 20 6 3 t 0 10 231379 1538 3 x 30 30 6 3 t 0 0 231379 1539 3 x 50 50 12 3 t 0 10 231379 1540 3 x 90 90 21 3 t 0 15 231379 1541 3 x 100 100 24 3 t 0 10 231379 1542 3 x 150 150 36 3 t 0 10 231379 1543 3 x 200 200 48 3 t 0 10 231379 1544 2 x 15 15 3 2 t 0 0 231379 1545 2 x 15 Quarter 15 3 2 t 0 0 231379 1546 2 x 20 20 6 2 t 0 10 231379 1547 2 x 30 30 6 2 t 0 0 231379 1548 2 x 50 50 12 2 t 0 10 231379 1549 2 x 75 75 18 2 t 0 15 231379 1550 2 x 90 90 21 2 t 0 15 231379 1551 2 x 100 100 24 2 t 0 10 231379 1552 2 x 120 120 30 2 t 0 15 231379 1553 2 x 150 150 36 2 t 0 10 231379 1554 2 x 200 200 48 2 t 0 10 231379 1555 2 x 300 300 72 2 t 0 10 231379 1556 1 x 20 20 6 1 t 0 10 231379 1557 1 x 30 30 6 1 t 0 0 231379 1558 1 x 50 50 12 1 t 0 10 231379 1559 1 x 75 75 18 1 t 0 15 231379 1560 1 x 80 80 18 1 t 0 10 231379 1561 1 x 90 90 21 1 t 0 15 231379 1562 1 x 100 100 24 1 t 0 10 231379 1563 1 x 120 120 30 1 t 0 15 231379 1564 1 x 150 150 36 1 t 0 10 231379 1565 1 x 180 180 42 1 t 0 10 231379 1566 1 x 200 200 48 1 t 0 10 231379 1567 1 x 250 250 60 1 t 0 10 231379 1568 1 x 300 300 72 1 t 0 10 231379 1569 1 x 350 350 84 1 t 0 10 231379 1570 1 x 400 400 96 1 t 0 10 231379 1571 1 x 450 450 108 1 t 0 10 231379 1572 1 x 600 600 144 1 t 0 10 231379 1573 3 x 50 Evening 50 12 3 t 1 10 231379 1574 2 x 50 Evening 50 12 2 t 1 10 231379 1575 2 x 75 Evening 75 18 2 t 1 15 231379 1576 2 x 100 Evening 100 24 2 t 1 10 231379 1577 1 x 20 Evening 20 6 1 t 1 10 231379 1578 1 x 30 Evening 30 6 1 t 1 0 231379 1579 1 x 50 Evening 50 12 1 t 1 10 231379 1580 1 x 75 Evening 75 18 1 t 1 15 231379 1581 1 x 80 Evening 80 18 1 t 1 10 231379 1582 1 x 100 Evening 100 24 1 t 1 10 231379 1583 1 x 150 Evening 150 36 1 t 1 10 231379 1584 1 x 180 Evening 180 42 1 t 1 10 231379 1585 1 x 200 Evening 200 48 1 t 1 10 231379 1586 1 x 250 Evening 250 60 1 t 1 10 231379 1587 1 x 350 Evening 350 84 1 t 1 10 231379 1588 3 x 50 TThS 50 12 3 t 2 10 231379 1589 3 x 100 TThS 100 24 3 t 2 10 231379 1590 2 x 100 WS 100 24 2 t 2 10 231379 1591 1 x 50 Weekend 50 12 1 t 2 10 231379 1592 1 x 80 Weekend 80 18 1 t 2 10 231379 1593 1 x 100 Weekend 100 24 1 t 2 10 231379 1594 1 x 120 Weekend 120 30 1 t 2 15 231379 1595 1 x 150 Weekend 150 36 1 t 2 10 231379 1596 1 x 250 Weekend 250 60 1 t 2 10 231379 1597 1 x 300 Weekend 300 72 1 t 2 10 231379 1598 1 x 400 Weekend 400 96 1 t 2 10 231379 1599 3 x 50 Early AM 50 12 3 t 3 10 231379 1600 1 x 50 Early AM 50 12 1 t 3 10 231379 1601 1 x 100 Early AM 100 24 1 t 3 10 231379 1602 1 x 250 Early AM 250 60 1 t 3 10 231379 1603 Exact Time 0 6 1 t 5 10 231379 \. -- -- Data for Name: time_pattern_days; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.time_pattern_days (uniqueid, day_code, time_pattern_id) FROM stdin; 4113 124 1368 4114 92 1369 4115 60 1369 4116 116 1369 4117 108 1369 4118 120 1369 4119 92 1370 4120 60 1370 4121 116 1370 4122 108 1370 4123 120 1370 4124 84 1371 4125 84 1372 4126 68 1373 4127 40 1373 4128 20 1373 4129 80 1373 4130 40 1374 4131 68 1375 4132 40 1375 4133 20 1375 4134 80 1375 4135 64 1376 4136 32 1376 4137 16 1376 4138 8 1376 4139 4 1376 4140 64 1377 4141 32 1377 4142 4 1377 4143 8 1377 4144 16 1377 4145 64 1378 4146 32 1378 4147 4 1378 4148 8 1378 4149 16 1378 4150 64 1379 4151 32 1379 4152 16 1379 4153 8 1379 4154 4 1379 4155 64 1380 4156 32 1380 4157 4 1380 4158 8 1380 4159 16 1380 4160 80 1381 4161 40 1381 4162 80 1382 4163 68 1382 4164 40 1382 4165 20 1382 4166 64 1383 4167 32 1383 4168 16 1383 4169 8 1383 4170 4 1383 4171 64 1384 4172 32 1384 4173 16 1384 4174 8 1384 4175 4 1384 4176 64 1385 4177 32 1385 4178 16 1385 4179 8 1385 4180 4 1385 4181 2 1386 4182 1 1386 4183 2 1387 4184 1 1387 4185 2 1388 4186 1 1388 4187 64 1389 4188 32 1389 4189 16 1389 4190 8 1389 4191 4 1389 4192 84 1390 4243 80 1399 4244 68 1399 4245 40 1399 4246 20 1399 4247 80 1400 4248 68 1400 4249 40 1400 4250 20 1400 4255 64 1402 4256 32 1402 4257 16 1402 4258 8 1402 4259 4 1402 4270 64 1405 4271 32 1405 4272 16 1405 4273 8 1405 4274 4 1405 4275 64 1406 4276 32 1406 4277 16 1406 4278 8 1406 4279 4 1406 4285 64 1409 4286 32 1409 4287 16 1409 4288 8 1409 4289 4 1409 4290 64 1410 4291 32 1410 4292 16 1410 4293 8 1410 4294 4 1410 4295 64 1411 4296 32 1411 4297 16 1411 4298 8 1411 4299 4 1411 4300 32 1412 4301 8 1412 4312 64 1415 4313 32 1415 4314 16 1415 4315 8 1415 4316 4 1415 4317 2 1416 4318 1 1416 4324 64 1418 4325 32 1418 4326 16 1418 4327 8 1418 4328 4 1418 4329 2 1419 4330 1 1419 4331 64 1420 4332 32 1420 4333 16 1420 4334 8 1420 4335 4 1420 4336 64 1421 4337 32 1421 4338 16 1421 4339 8 1421 4340 4 1421 4341 64 1422 4342 32 1422 4343 16 1422 4344 8 1422 4345 4 1422 4351 64 1424 4352 32 1424 4353 16 1424 4354 8 1424 4355 4 1424 4366 64 1427 4367 32 1427 4368 16 1427 4369 8 1427 4370 4 1427 4371 64 1428 4372 32 1428 4373 16 1428 4374 8 1428 4375 4 1428 4376 80 1429 4377 68 1429 4378 40 1429 4379 20 1429 4380 80 1430 4381 68 1430 4382 40 1430 4383 20 1430 4384 80 1431 4385 68 1431 4386 40 1431 4387 20 1431 4392 80 1433 4393 68 1433 4394 40 1433 4395 20 1433 4396 80 1434 4397 68 1434 4398 40 1434 4399 20 1434 4400 84 1435 4401 84 1436 4412 42 1438 4424 64 1441 4425 32 1441 4426 16 1441 4427 8 1441 4428 4 1441 4439 64 1444 4440 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(dept_id, pattern_id) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: time_pattern_time; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.time_pattern_time (uniqueid, start_slot, time_pattern_id) FROM stdin; 7620 90 1368 7621 126 1368 7622 114 1368 7623 186 1368 7624 102 1368 7625 150 1368 7626 162 1368 7627 174 1368 7628 198 1368 7629 138 1368 7630 90 1369 7631 126 1369 7632 114 1369 7633 186 1369 7634 102 1369 7635 150 1369 7636 162 1369 7637 174 1369 7638 198 1369 7639 138 1369 7640 90 1370 7641 114 1370 7642 186 1370 7643 162 1370 7644 138 1370 7645 90 1371 7646 126 1371 7647 114 1371 7648 186 1371 7649 102 1371 7650 150 1371 7651 162 1371 7652 174 1371 7653 198 1371 7654 138 1371 7655 90 1372 7656 114 1372 7657 186 1372 7658 162 1372 7659 138 1372 7660 90 1373 7661 126 1373 7662 114 1373 7663 186 1373 7664 102 1373 7665 150 1373 7666 162 1373 7667 174 1373 7668 198 1373 7669 138 1373 7670 90 1374 7671 180 1374 7672 126 1374 7673 162 1374 7674 108 1374 7675 198 1374 7676 144 1374 7677 90 1375 7678 114 1375 7679 186 1375 7680 162 1375 7681 138 1375 7682 132 1376 7683 138 1376 7684 144 1376 7685 150 1376 7686 156 1376 7687 90 1376 7688 96 1376 7689 102 1376 7690 108 1376 7691 114 1376 7692 120 1376 7693 126 1376 7694 162 1376 7695 168 1376 7696 174 1376 7697 180 1376 7698 186 1376 7699 192 1376 7700 198 1376 7701 204 1376 7702 90 1377 7703 126 1377 7704 114 1377 7705 186 1377 7706 102 1377 7707 150 1377 7708 162 1377 7709 174 1377 7710 198 1377 7711 138 1377 7712 90 1378 7713 114 1378 7714 186 1378 7715 162 1378 7716 138 1378 7717 90 1379 7718 102 1379 7719 126 1379 7720 138 1379 7721 162 1379 7722 174 1379 7724 180 1379 7725 90 1380 7726 102 1380 7727 150 1380 7728 162 1380 7729 210 1381 7730 216 1381 7731 222 1381 7732 228 1381 7733 234 1381 7734 240 1381 7735 246 1381 7736 252 1381 7737 192 1382 7738 198 1382 7739 204 1382 7740 210 1382 7741 216 1382 7742 222 1382 7743 228 1382 7744 234 1382 7745 240 1382 7746 246 1382 7747 210 1383 7748 216 1383 7749 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1576 9316 258 1577 9317 222 1577 9318 252 1577 9319 216 1577 9320 234 1577 9321 246 1577 9322 228 1577 9323 210 1577 9324 240 1577 9325 258 1578 9326 222 1578 9327 252 1578 9328 216 1578 9329 234 1578 9330 246 1578 9331 228 1578 9332 210 1578 9333 240 1578 9334 258 1579 9335 222 1579 9336 252 1579 9337 216 1579 9338 234 1579 9339 246 1579 9340 228 1579 9341 210 1579 9342 240 1579 9343 222 1580 9344 252 1580 9345 216 1580 9346 234 1580 9347 246 1580 9348 228 1580 9349 210 1580 9350 240 1580 9351 222 1581 9352 252 1581 9353 216 1581 9354 234 1581 9355 246 1581 9356 228 1581 9357 210 1581 9358 240 1581 9359 204 1582 9360 222 1582 9361 216 1582 9362 234 1582 9363 246 1582 9364 198 1582 9365 228 1582 9366 192 1582 9367 210 1582 9368 240 1582 9369 186 1583 9370 204 1583 9371 222 1583 9372 216 1583 9373 234 1583 9374 228 1583 9375 198 1583 9376 192 1583 9377 210 1583 9378 186 1584 9379 204 1584 9380 216 1584 9381 198 1584 9382 192 1584 9383 180 1584 9384 210 1584 9385 204 1585 9386 198 1585 9387 192 1585 9388 186 1586 9389 204 1586 9390 168 1586 9391 174 1586 9392 162 1586 9393 198 1586 9394 192 1586 9395 180 1586 9396 174 1587 9397 162 1587 9398 150 1587 9399 102 1588 9400 138 1588 9401 114 1588 9402 126 1588 9403 90 1588 9404 186 1589 9405 138 1589 9406 114 1589 9407 162 1589 9408 90 1589 9409 186 1590 9410 138 1590 9411 114 1590 9412 162 1590 9413 90 1590 9414 102 1591 9415 138 1591 9416 114 1591 9417 126 1591 9418 90 1591 9419 168 1592 9420 174 1592 9421 144 1592 9422 126 1592 9423 162 1592 9424 108 1592 9425 177 1592 9426 180 1592 9427 90 1592 9428 102 1593 9429 114 1593 9430 126 1593 9431 90 1593 9432 180 1594 9433 150 1594 9434 90 1594 9435 120 1594 9436 102 1595 9437 114 1595 9438 96 1595 9439 108 1595 9440 90 1595 9441 102 1596 9442 114 1596 9443 96 1596 9444 108 1596 9445 90 1596 9446 120 1596 9447 102 1597 9448 114 1597 9449 96 1597 9450 108 1597 9451 90 1597 9452 120 1597 9453 102 1598 9454 114 1598 9455 96 1598 9456 108 1598 9457 90 1598 9458 84 1599 9459 66 1599 9460 78 1599 9461 72 1599 9462 60 1599 9463 84 1600 9464 78 1600 9465 72 1600 9466 84 1601 9467 78 1601 9468 72 1601 9469 84 1602 9470 78 1602 9471 72 1602 \. -- -- Data for Name: time_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.time_pref (uniqueid, owner_id, pref_level_id, preference, time_pattern_id, last_modified_time) FROM stdin; 121327 223367 1 2222222 1374 \N 121328 223367 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121331 223790 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121333 223377 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121334 223377 1 2222222 1374 \N 121339 223362 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121340 223362 1 2222222 1374 \N 121341 223372 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121342 223372 1 2222222 1374 \N 121344 223355 1 2222222 1374 \N 121346 223355 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121348 223254 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121353 223815 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121371 223868 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121385 223239 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121387 223901 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121388 223925 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121392 223937 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121394 223939 1 P2222P2222P2222P2222P2222 1378 \N 121398 223244 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121402 223290 1 2222222 1374 \N 121403 223290 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121406 223848 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121409 223309 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121413 223997 1 2222222222222222222222222 1378 \N 121414 223995 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121417 223323 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121419 224004 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121421 223329 1 2222222 1374 \N 121423 223329 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121426 224016 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121429 224021 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121431 223343 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121432 223343 1 2222222 1374 \N 121435 224031 1 2222222222222222222222222 1378 \N 121437 224030 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121439 223349 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121443 224056 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1373 \N 121447 224058 1 2RRRR22222222222222222222 1378 \N 121450 223913 1 PPPPPPPPPP222222222222222 1378 \N 121452 223948 1 2222222222222222222222222 1378 \N 121454 223799 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1377 \N 121462 223296 1 2222222 1374 \N 121473 223867 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121478 223248 1 2222222220 1480 \N 121481 223255 1 PPPPPPP2PP2PP22PP2PP22PP2PP22PP2PP2 1379 \N 121509 226242 1 222222222222222PP2200000000002222222222222222222222222222222222PP4444444444444444444422222222222222222222222222PP2200000000002222222222222222222222222222222222PP4444444444444444444422222222222222222222222222PP2200000000002222PPPP22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 121512 226238 1 222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 121513 226240 1 222222222222222443333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222442200000000222222222222222222222222222222222222442211111111222222222222222222222222222222222222442200000000222222222222222222222222222222222222443333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 121520 223228 1 2222222222 1371 \N 121521 223228 1 PPPPPPP 1374 \N 123252 231385 1 222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222442222222222222222333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 123254 231388 1 222222222222222PP2200000000002222222222222222222222222222222222PP4444444444444444444422222222222222222222222222PP2200000000002222222222222222222222222222222222PP4444444444444444444422222222222222222222222222PP2200000000002222PPPP22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 123257 231389 1 222222222222222443333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222442200000000222222222222222222222222222222222222442211111111222222222222222222222222222222222222442200000000222222222222222222222222222222222222443333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 \N \N 123258 231390 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123260 231390 1 PPPPPPP 1549 \N 123261 231392 1 2222222220 1531 \N 123262 231394 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123263 231398 1 PPPPPPPPPP222222222222222 1562 \N 123265 231410 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123267 231422 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123268 231426 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123270 231427 1 P2222P2222P2222P2222P2222 1562 \N 123272 231428 1 2222222222222222222222222 1562 \N 123275 231433 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123276 231436 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123277 231440 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123279 231453 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123281 231453 1 2222222 1549 \N 123283 231454 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123284 231455 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123285 231459 1 PPPPPPP2PP2PP22PP2PP22PP2PP22PP2PP2 1564 \N 123286 231472 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123289 231485 1 2222222 1549 \N 123290 231495 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123291 231495 1 2222222 1549 \N 123292 231497 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123294 231508 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123296 231519 1 2222222222222222222222222 1562 \N 123299 231523 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123301 231525 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123302 231528 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123304 231533 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123306 231533 1 2222222 1549 \N 123307 231536 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123309 231538 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123310 231540 1 2RRRR22222222222222222222 1562 \N 123312 231544 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123313 231546 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123315 231546 1 2222222 1549 \N 123316 231548 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1548 \N 123319 231551 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N 123320 231557 1 2222222222222222222222222 1562 \N 123322 231563 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123324 231563 1 2222222 1549 \N 123325 231566 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123326 231566 1 2222222 1549 \N 123327 231568 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123329 231568 1 2222222 1549 \N 123330 231571 1 2222222222 1539 \N 123332 231571 1 2222222 1549 \N 123333 231574 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1558 \N \. -- -- Data for Name: timetable_manager; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.timetable_manager (uniqueid, external_uid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email_address, last_modified_time, acad_title) FROM stdin; 470 1 Abraham \N Root demo@unitime.org \N \N 471 2 Adam \N Guest demo@unitime.org \N \N 472 3 Large Lecture Room demo@unitime.org \N \N 473 4 Schedule \N Deputy demo@unitime.org \N \N 490 5 Manager \N Exam demo@unitime.org \N \N 510 6 Event \N Manager demo@unitime.org \N \N 530 7 Manager \N Curriculum demo@unitime.org \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: tmtbl_mgr_to_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles (manager_id, role_id, uniqueid, is_primary, receive_emails) FROM stdin; 470 1 510 t t 471 41 511 t t 472 21 512 t t 473 21 513 t t 490 61 530 t t 510 81 550 t t 530 101 570 t t \. -- -- Data for Name: travel_time; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.travel_time (uniqueid, session_id, loc1_id, loc2_id, distance) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: user_data; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.user_data (external_uid, name, value) FROM stdin; 1 ClassList.datePattern 1 1 ClassList.demand 0 1 ClassList.demandIsVisible 1 1 ClassList.divSec 0 1 ClassList.exams 1 1 ClassList.filterDayCode 0 1 ClassList.filterLength 0 1 ClassList.filterStartSlot -1 1 ClassList.instructor 1 1 ClassList.limit 1 1 ClassList.manager 1 1 ClassList.note 0 1 ClassList.preferences 1 1 ClassList.roomLimit 1 1 ClassList.schedulePrintNote 0 1 ClassList.sortBy Name 1 ClassList.sortByKeepSubparts 1 1 ClassList.timePattern 1 1 ClassList.timetable 1 1 EventList.EventTypes class,final,evening 1 EventList.EventTypesInt 3,4 1 ExamReport.showSections 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.consent 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.credit 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.datePattern 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.demand 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.designatorRequired 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.divSec 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.exams 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.instructor 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.limit 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.manager 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.minPerWk 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.note 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.preferences 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.projectedDemand 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.roomLimit 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.schedulePrintNote 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.sortBy Name 1 InstructionalOfferingList.subpartCredit 0 1 InstructionalOfferingList.timePattern 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.timetable 1 1 InstructionalOfferingList.title 0 1 LastUsed.acadSessionId 231379 1 SimpleEdit.Order[area] 144 1 SimpleEdit.Order[classification] 63|64 1 SimpleEdit.Order[major] 1207|1208|1209 3 LastUsed.acadSessionId 223206 4 InstructionalOfferingList.consent 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.credit 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.datePattern 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.demand 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.designatorRequired 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.divSec 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.exams 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.instructor 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.limit 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.manager 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.minPerWk 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.note 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.preferences 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.projectedDemand 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.roomLimit 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.schedulePrintNote 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.sortBy Name 4 InstructionalOfferingList.subpartCredit 0 4 InstructionalOfferingList.timePattern 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.timetable 1 4 InstructionalOfferingList.title 0 4 LastUsed.acadSessionId 231379 5 ClassAssignments.filterDayCode 0 5 ClassAssignments.filterLength 0 5 ClassAssignments.filterStartSlot -1 5 ClassAssignments.sortBy Name 5 ClassAssignments.sortByKeepSubparts 1 5 ClassList.datePattern 1 5 ClassList.divSec 0 5 ClassList.exams 1 5 ClassList.filterDayCode 0 5 ClassList.filterLength 0 5 ClassList.filterStartSlot -1 5 ClassList.instructor 1 5 ClassList.limit 1 5 ClassList.manager 1 5 ClassList.note 0 5 ClassList.preferences 1 5 ClassList.roomLimit 1 5 ClassList.schedulePrintNote 0 5 ClassList.sortBy Name 5 ClassList.sortByKeepSubparts 1 5 ClassList.timePattern 1 5 ClassList.timetable 1 5 displayClassResv 1 5 displayConfigResv 1 5 displayCourseResv 1 5 displayIoResv 1 5 ExamReport.showSections 1 5 includeAaResv 1 5 includeCrsResv 1 5 includeIndResv 1 5 includePosResv 1 5 includeSgResv 1 5 LastUsed.acadSessionId 223206 5 resvListFilter 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.consent 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.credit 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.datePattern 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.demand 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.designatorRequired 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.divSec 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.instructor 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.limit 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.manager 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.minPerWk 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.note 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.preferences 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.projectedDemand 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.roomLimit 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.schedulePrintNote 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.sortBy Name 6 InstructionalOfferingList.subpartCredit 0 6 InstructionalOfferingList.timePattern 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.timetable 1 6 InstructionalOfferingList.title 0 6 LastUsed.acadSessionId 231379 7 LastUsed.acadSessionId 231379 \. -- -- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.users (username, password, external_uid) FROM stdin; admin ISMvKXpXpadDiUoOSoAfww== 1 curriculum u2N3PK2X/8/Tn1z8Zu0S5g== 7 dept 22TgPFCHxi1Wgsv/a/O71w== 4 doe KCn8Fq2MpaedqTL5EK+tHA== 100 event QRljkJLmLFXqi+NI5NkmDQ== 6 exam ZUgW+F3+IRVnTnEVx9HqUQ== 5 guest CE4DQ6BIb/BVMN9scFyLtA== 2 llr upzaPqRBdj/JsBCHve1wWQ== 3 newman DuCZEH3Iwe4uBmZrllYB7w== 101 smith pm5Ec251PUUzdGztVyyoIQ== 102 student zXNQKChFfRVlW716Y/sLyA== 1002 \. -- -- Data for Name: waitlist; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.waitlist (uniqueid, student_id, course_offering_id, type, "timestamp") FROM stdin; \. -- -- Data for Name: xconflict; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.xconflict (uniqueid, conflict_type, distance) FROM stdin; 231201 3 0 231202 3 0 231203 3 0 231204 3 0 231205 3 0 231206 3 0 231207 3 0 231208 3 0 238998 0 \N 238999 3 0 239000 3 0 239001 3 0 239002 3 0 239003 3 0 239004 3 0 239005 3 0 239006 3 0 239007 3 0 239008 3 0 239009 3 0 239010 3 0 239011 3 0 \. -- -- Data for Name: xconflict_exam; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.xconflict_exam (conflict_id, exam_id) FROM stdin; 231201 230331 231202 230335 231201 230597 231203 230597 231204 230597 231205 230604 231206 230611 231206 230620 231203 230623 231205 230650 231207 230653 231208 230653 231202 230670 231204 230678 231208 230697 231207 230704 238998 231676 238999 231678 238998 231681 239000 231681 239001 231683 239002 231685 239003 231685 239004 231685 239003 231688 239005 231690 239006 231696 239007 231696 239005 231698 239006 231698 239008 231707 239009 231707 239010 231707 239002 231713 239010 231715 239004 231720 239000 231722 239001 231722 239007 231722 239011 231727 239009 231729 238999 231733 239011 231733 239008 231736 \. -- -- Data for Name: xconflict_instructor; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.xconflict_instructor (conflict_id, instructor_id) FROM stdin; 231201 226242 238998 231389 \. -- -- Data for Name: xconflict_student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- COPY timetable.xconflict_student (conflict_id, student_id) FROM stdin; 231205 223386 231206 223392 231207 223392 231206 223393 231207 223393 231202 223395 231208 223400 231203 223402 239007 231849 239006 232448 239008 232460 239011 232472 239008 232484 239001 232496 239009 232522 239009 232534 239011 232534 239000 232546 239004 232546 239002 232558 239010 232558 238999 232596 239003 232632 239005 232644 \. -- -- Name: academic_area idx_68818_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.academic_area ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68818_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: academic_classification idx_68821_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.academic_classification ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68821_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: advisor idx_68824_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.advisor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68824_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: application_config idx_68830_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.application_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68830_primary PRIMARY KEY (name); -- -- Name: assigned_instructors idx_68836_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assigned_instructors ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68836_primary PRIMARY KEY (assignment_id, instructor_id); -- -- Name: assigned_rooms idx_68839_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assigned_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68839_primary PRIMARY KEY (assignment_id, room_id); -- -- Name: assignment idx_68842_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assignment ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68842_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: attachment_type idx_68845_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attachment_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68845_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: attribute idx_68848_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68848_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: attribute_pref idx_68851_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68851_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: attribute_type idx_68854_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68854_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: building idx_68857_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.building ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68857_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: building_pref idx_68860_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.building_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68860_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: change_log idx_68863_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.change_log ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68863_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: class_ idx_68869_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_ ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68869_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: class_instructor idx_68877_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68877_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: class_waitlist idx_68880_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68880_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: cluster_discovery idx_68884_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.cluster_discovery ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68884_primary PRIMARY KEY (own_address, cluster_name); -- -- Name: constraint_info idx_68890_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.constraint_info ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68890_primary PRIMARY KEY (solver_info_id, assignment_id); -- -- Name: contact_category idx_68893_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.contact_category ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68893_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_catalog idx_68899_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_catalog ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68899_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_credit_type idx_68902_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68902_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_config idx_68905_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_unit_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68905_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_type idx_68908_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_unit_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68908_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_demand idx_68911_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68911_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_offering idx_68915_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68915_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_pref idx_68923_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68923_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_request idx_68926_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_request ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68926_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_request_option idx_68930_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_request_option ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68930_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_subpart_credit idx_68936_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_subpart_credit ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68936_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: course_type idx_68939_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68939_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: crse_credit_format idx_68942_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.crse_credit_format ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68942_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: curriculum idx_68945_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68945_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: curriculum_clasf idx_68949_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68949_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: curriculum_course idx_68955_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68955_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: curriculum_course_group idx_68958_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68958_primary PRIMARY KEY (group_id, cur_course_id); -- -- Name: curriculum_group idx_68961_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68961_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: curriculum_major idx_68964_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68964_primary PRIMARY KEY (curriculum_id, major_id); -- -- Name: curriculum_rule idx_68967_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_rule ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68967_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: date_mapping idx_68970_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_mapping ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68970_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: date_pattern idx_68976_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68976_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: date_pattern_dept idx_68979_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68979_primary PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, pattern_id); -- -- Name: date_pattern_parent idx_68982_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_parent ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68982_primary PRIMARY KEY (date_pattern_id, parent_id); -- -- Name: date_pattern_pref idx_68985_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68985_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: demand_offr_type idx_68988_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.demand_offr_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68988_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: department idx_68991_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.department ADD CONSTRAINT idx_68991_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: departmental_instructor idx_69001_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.departmental_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69001_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: dept_status_type idx_69008_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dept_status_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69008_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: dept_to_tt_mgr idx_69011_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69011_primary PRIMARY KEY (timetable_mgr_id, department_id); -- -- Name: designator idx_69014_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.designator ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69014_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: disabled_override idx_69017_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.disabled_override ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69017_primary PRIMARY KEY (course_id, type_id); -- -- Name: dist_type_dept idx_69020_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dist_type_dept ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69020_primary PRIMARY KEY (dist_type_id, dept_id); -- -- Name: distribution_object idx_69023_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_object ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69023_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: distribution_pref idx_69026_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69026_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: distribution_type idx_69029_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69029_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: duration_type idx_69039_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.duration_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69039_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: event idx_69046_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69046_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: event_contact idx_69052_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_contact ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69052_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: event_note idx_69061_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_note ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69061_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: event_note_meeting idx_69068_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_note_meeting ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69068_primary PRIMARY KEY (note_id, meeting_id); -- -- Name: event_service_provider idx_69071_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69071_primary PRIMARY KEY (event_id, provider_id); -- -- Name: exact_time_mins idx_69074_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exact_time_mins ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69074_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam idx_69077_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69077_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam_instructor idx_69084_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69084_primary PRIMARY KEY (exam_id, instructor_id); -- -- Name: exam_location_pref idx_69087_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_location_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69087_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam_managers idx_69090_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_managers ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69090_primary PRIMARY KEY (session_id, type_id, manager_id); -- -- Name: exam_owner idx_69093_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_owner ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69093_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam_period idx_69096_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69096_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam_period_pref idx_69101_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69101_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: exam_room_assignment idx_69104_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_room_assignment ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69104_primary PRIMARY KEY (exam_id, location_id); -- -- Name: exam_status idx_69107_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_status ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69107_primary PRIMARY KEY (session_id, type_id); -- -- Name: exam_type idx_69110_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69110_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: ext_dept_status idx_69114_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.ext_dept_status ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69114_primary PRIMARY KEY (ext_dept_id, department_id); -- -- Name: external_building idx_69117_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_building ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69117_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: external_room idx_69120_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69120_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: external_room_department idx_69123_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room_department ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69123_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: external_room_feature idx_69126_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69126_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: feature_type idx_69129_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.feature_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69129_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: free_time idx_69132_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.free_time ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69132_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: hashed_queries idx_69135_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.hashed_queries ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69135_primary PRIMARY KEY (query_hash); -- -- Name: history idx_69146_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.history ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69146_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: hql_parameter idx_69149_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.hql_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69149_primary PRIMARY KEY (hql_id, name); -- -- Name: instr_offering_config idx_69155_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instr_offering_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69155_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: instructional_method idx_69158_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructional_method ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69158_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: instructional_offering idx_69162_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructional_offering ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69162_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: instructor_attributes idx_69169_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_attributes ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69169_primary PRIMARY KEY (attribute_id, instructor_id); -- -- Name: instructor_pref idx_69172_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69172_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: itype_desc idx_69175_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.itype_desc ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69175_primary PRIMARY KEY (itype); -- -- Name: jenrl idx_69178_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.jenrl ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69178_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: lastlike_course_demand idx_69181_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.lastlike_course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69181_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: location_picture idx_69185_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_picture ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69185_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: location_service_provider idx_69191_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69191_primary PRIMARY KEY (location_id, provider_id); -- -- Name: manager_settings idx_69194_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.manager_settings ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69194_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: map_tiles idx_69197_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.map_tiles ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69197_primary PRIMARY KEY (z, x, y); -- -- Name: meeting idx_69203_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.meeting ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69203_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: meeting_contact idx_69207_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.meeting_contact ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69207_primary PRIMARY KEY (meeting_id, contact_id); -- -- Name: message_log idx_69210_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.message_log ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69210_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: non_university_location idx_69216_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.non_university_location ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69216_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: offering_coordinator idx_69224_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offering_coordinator ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69224_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: offr_consent_type idx_69227_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_consent_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69227_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: offr_group idx_69230_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69230_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: offr_group_offering idx_69233_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group_offering ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69233_primary PRIMARY KEY (offr_group_id, instr_offering_id); -- -- Name: override_type idx_69236_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.override_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69236_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_class idx_69239_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69239_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_class_event idx_69243_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_event ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69243_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_class_instructor idx_69246_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69246_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_class_meeting idx_69249_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_meeting ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69249_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_class_mtg_util_period idx_69252_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69252_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_course_offering idx_69255_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69255_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor idx_69260_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_dept_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69260_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config idx_69266_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69266_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_instr_offering idx_69269_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offering ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69269_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_offering_coord idx_69272_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_offering_coord ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69272_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart idx_69275_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_sched_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69275_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf idx_69279_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69279_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf idx_69282_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69282_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_student idx_69285_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69285_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pit_student_class_enrl idx_69291_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69291_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: point_in_time_data idx_69294_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.point_in_time_data ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69294_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_major idx_69300_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69300_primary PRIMARY KEY (academic_area_id, major_id); -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_minor idx_69303_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_minor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69303_primary PRIMARY KEY (academic_area_id, minor_id); -- -- Name: pos_major idx_69306_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69306_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: pos_minor idx_69309_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_minor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69309_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: position_type idx_69312_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.position_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69312_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: preference_level idx_69315_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.preference_level ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69315_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: query_log idx_69318_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.query_log ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69318_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: related_course_info idx_69324_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.related_course_info ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69324_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: reservation idx_69327_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69327_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: reservation_clasf idx_69330_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69330_primary PRIMARY KEY (reservation_id, acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: reservation_class idx_69333_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_class ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69333_primary PRIMARY KEY (reservation_id, class_id); -- -- Name: reservation_config idx_69336_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69336_primary PRIMARY KEY (reservation_id, config_id); -- -- Name: reservation_major idx_69339_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69339_primary PRIMARY KEY (reservation_id, major_id); -- -- Name: reservation_student idx_69342_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_student ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69342_primary PRIMARY KEY (reservation_id, student_id); -- -- Name: rights idx_69345_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.rights ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69345_primary PRIMARY KEY (role_id, value); -- -- Name: roles idx_69348_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.roles ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69348_primary PRIMARY KEY (role_id); -- -- Name: room idx_69354_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69354_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_dept idx_69362_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_dept ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69362_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_exam_type idx_69366_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_exam_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69366_primary PRIMARY KEY (location_id, exam_type_id); -- -- Name: room_feature idx_69369_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69369_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_feature_pref idx_69375_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69375_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_group idx_69378_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69378_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_group_pref idx_69384_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69384_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_group_room idx_69387_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group_room ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69387_primary PRIMARY KEY (room_group_id, room_id); -- -- Name: room_picture idx_69393_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_picture ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69393_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_pref idx_69399_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69399_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_service_provider idx_69402_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69402_primary PRIMARY KEY (location_id, provider_id); -- -- Name: room_type idx_69405_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69405_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: room_type_option idx_69409_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_type_option ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69409_primary PRIMARY KEY (room_type, department_id); -- -- Name: saved_hql idx_69416_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.saved_hql ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69416_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart idx_69422_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.scheduling_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69422_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: script idx_69427_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.script ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69427_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: script_parameter idx_69433_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.script_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69433_primary PRIMARY KEY (script_id, name); -- -- Name: sct_solution_log idx_69439_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sct_solution_log ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69439_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sect_pref idx_69445_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sect_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69445_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sectioning_course_types idx_69448_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_course_types ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69448_primary PRIMARY KEY (sectioning_status_id, course_type_id); -- -- Name: sectioning_info idx_69451_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_info ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69451_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sectioning_log idx_69454_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_log ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69454_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sectioning_queue idx_69460_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_queue ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69460_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sectioning_status idx_69466_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_status ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69466_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: service_provider idx_69472_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69472_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: session_config idx_69480_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.session_config ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69480_primary PRIMARY KEY (session_id, name); -- -- Name: sessions idx_69486_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69486_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: settings idx_69492_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.settings ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69492_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solution idx_69498_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solution ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69498_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_gr_to_tt_mgr idx_69504_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69504_primary PRIMARY KEY (solver_group_id, timetable_mgr_id); -- -- Name: solver_group idx_69507_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69507_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_info idx_69510_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_info ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69510_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_info_def idx_69516_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_info_def ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69516_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_parameter_def idx_69528_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter_def ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69528_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_parameter_group idx_69534_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69534_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: solver_predef_setting idx_69541_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_predef_setting ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69541_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: sponsoring_organization idx_69547_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sponsoring_organization ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69547_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: staff idx_69550_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.staff ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69550_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: standard_event_note idx_69556_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.standard_event_note ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69556_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: std_group_type idx_69563_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.std_group_type ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69563_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student idx_69568_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69568_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_acad_area idx_69576_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_acad_area ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69576_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_accomodation idx_69579_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_accomodation ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69579_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_advisor idx_69582_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_advisor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69582_primary PRIMARY KEY (student_id, advisor_id); -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major idx_69585_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69585_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor idx_69588_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69588_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_class_enrl idx_69591_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69591_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_enrl idx_69594_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69594_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_enrl_msg idx_69597_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_enrl_msg ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69597_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_group idx_69602_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69602_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_major idx_69605_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_major ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69605_primary PRIMARY KEY (student_id, major_id); -- -- Name: student_minor idx_69608_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_minor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69608_primary PRIMARY KEY (student_id, minor_id); -- -- Name: student_note idx_69611_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_note ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69611_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_sect_hist idx_69617_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_sect_hist ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69617_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: student_to_acomodation idx_69623_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_acomodation ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69623_primary PRIMARY KEY (student_id, accomodation_id); -- -- Name: student_to_group idx_69626_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_group ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69626_primary PRIMARY KEY (student_id, group_id); -- -- Name: subject_area idx_69629_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.subject_area ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69629_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: task idx_69632_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69632_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: task_execution idx_69638_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task_execution ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69638_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: task_parameter idx_69644_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69644_primary PRIMARY KEY (task_id, name); -- -- Name: teaching_request idx_69650_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_request ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69650_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: teaching_responsibility idx_69653_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_responsibility ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69653_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: teachreq_class idx_69657_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_class ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69657_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: teachreq_instructor idx_69660_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69660_primary PRIMARY KEY (request_id, instructor_id); -- -- Name: time_pattern idx_69663_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69663_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: time_pattern_days idx_69666_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_days ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69666_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: time_pattern_dept idx_69669_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69669_primary PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, pattern_id); -- -- Name: time_pattern_time idx_69672_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_time ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69672_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: time_pref idx_69675_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pref ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69675_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: timetable_manager idx_69681_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.timetable_manager ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69681_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: tmtbl_mgr_to_roles idx_69687_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69687_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: travel_time idx_69691_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.travel_time ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69691_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: user_data idx_69694_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.user_data ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69694_primary PRIMARY KEY (external_uid, name); -- -- Name: users idx_69700_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.users ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69700_primary PRIMARY KEY (username); -- -- Name: waitlist idx_69703_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69703_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: xconflict idx_69707_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69707_primary PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid); -- -- Name: xconflict_exam idx_69710_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_exam ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69710_primary PRIMARY KEY (conflict_id, exam_id); -- -- Name: xconflict_instructor idx_69713_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69713_primary PRIMARY KEY (conflict_id, instructor_id); -- -- Name: xconflict_student idx_69716_primary; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_student ADD CONSTRAINT idx_69716_primary PRIMARY KEY (conflict_id, student_id); -- -- Name: idx_68818_idx_academic_area_abbv; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68818_idx_academic_area_abbv ON timetable.academic_area USING btree (academic_area_abbreviation, session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68818_uk_academic_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68818_uk_academic_area ON timetable.academic_area USING btree (session_id, academic_area_abbreviation); -- -- Name: idx_68821_fk_acad_class_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68821_fk_acad_class_session ON timetable.academic_classification USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68821_idx_academic_clasf_code; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68821_idx_academic_clasf_code ON timetable.academic_classification USING btree (code, session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68824_fk_advisor_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68824_fk_advisor_role ON timetable.advisor USING btree (role_id); -- -- Name: idx_68824_fk_advisor_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68824_fk_advisor_session ON timetable.advisor USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68824_idx_advisor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68824_idx_advisor ON timetable.advisor USING btree (external_uid, role_id); -- -- Name: idx_68836_fk_assigned_instrs_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68836_fk_assigned_instrs_instructor ON timetable.assigned_instructors USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_68836_idx_assigned_instructors; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68836_idx_assigned_instructors ON timetable.assigned_instructors USING btree (assignment_id); -- -- Name: idx_68839_idx_assigned_rooms; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68839_idx_assigned_rooms ON timetable.assigned_rooms USING btree (assignment_id); -- -- Name: idx_68842_fk_assignment_date_pattern; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68842_fk_assignment_date_pattern ON timetable.assignment USING btree (date_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_68842_idx_assignment_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68842_idx_assignment_class ON timetable.assignment USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_68842_idx_assignment_solution_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68842_idx_assignment_solution_index ON timetable.assignment USING btree (solution_id); -- -- Name: idx_68842_idx_assignment_time_pattern; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68842_idx_assignment_time_pattern ON timetable.assignment USING btree (time_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_68848_fk_attribute_department; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68848_fk_attribute_department ON timetable.attribute USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_68848_fk_attribute_parent; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68848_fk_attribute_parent ON timetable.attribute USING btree (parent_id); -- -- Name: idx_68848_fk_attribute_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68848_fk_attribute_session ON timetable.attribute USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68848_fk_attribute_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68848_fk_attribute_type ON timetable.attribute USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_68851_fk_attribute_pref_attribute; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68851_fk_attribute_pref_attribute ON timetable.attribute_pref USING btree (attribute_id); -- -- Name: idx_68851_fk_attribute_pref_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68851_fk_attribute_pref_pref ON timetable.attribute_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_68857_uk_building; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68857_uk_building ON timetable.building USING btree (session_id, abbreviation); -- -- Name: idx_68860_idx_building_pref_bldg; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68860_idx_building_pref_bldg ON timetable.building_pref USING btree (bldg_id); -- -- Name: idx_68860_idx_building_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68860_idx_building_pref_level ON timetable.building_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_68860_idx_building_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68860_idx_building_pref_owner ON timetable.building_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_68863_fk_change_log_manager; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68863_fk_change_log_manager ON timetable.change_log USING btree (manager_id); -- -- Name: idx_68863_idx_change_log_department; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68863_idx_change_log_department ON timetable.change_log USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_68863_idx_change_log_object; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68863_idx_change_log_object ON timetable.change_log USING btree (obj_type, obj_uid); -- -- Name: idx_68863_idx_change_log_sessionmgr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68863_idx_change_log_sessionmgr ON timetable.change_log USING btree (session_id, manager_id); -- -- Name: idx_68863_idx_change_log_subjarea; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68863_idx_change_log_subjarea ON timetable.change_log USING btree (subj_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_68869_idx_class_datepatt; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68869_idx_class_datepatt ON timetable.class_ USING btree (date_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_68869_idx_class_managing_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68869_idx_class_managing_dept ON timetable.class_ USING btree (managing_dept); -- -- Name: idx_68869_idx_class_parent; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68869_idx_class_parent ON timetable.class_ USING btree (parent_class_id); -- -- Name: idx_68869_idx_class_subpart_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68869_idx_class_subpart_id ON timetable.class_ USING btree (subpart_id); -- -- Name: idx_68877_fk_instr_request; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68877_fk_instr_request ON timetable.class_instructor USING btree (request_id); -- -- Name: idx_68877_fk_instr_responsibility; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68877_fk_instr_responsibility ON timetable.class_instructor USING btree (responsibility_id); -- -- Name: idx_68877_idx_class_instructor_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68877_idx_class_instructor_class ON timetable.class_instructor USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_68877_idx_class_instructor_instr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68877_idx_class_instructor_instr ON timetable.class_instructor USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_class ON timetable.class_waitlist USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_req; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_req ON timetable.class_waitlist USING btree (course_request_id); -- -- Name: idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68880_idx_class_waitlist_student ON timetable.class_waitlist USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_68890_idx_constraint_info; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68890_idx_constraint_info ON timetable.constraint_info USING btree (assignment_id); -- -- Name: idx_68899_idx_course_catalog; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68899_idx_course_catalog ON timetable.course_catalog USING btree (session_id, subject, course_nbr); -- -- Name: idx_68902_uk_course_credit_type_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68902_uk_course_credit_type_ref ON timetable.course_credit_type USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_68905_fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crs_own; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68905_fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crs_own ON timetable.course_credit_unit_config USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_68905_idx_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crd_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68905_idx_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crd_type ON timetable.course_credit_unit_config USING btree (credit_type); -- -- Name: idx_68905_idx_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68905_idx_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_owner ON timetable.course_credit_unit_config USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_68908_uk_crs_crdt_unit_type_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68908_uk_crs_crdt_unit_type_ref ON timetable.course_credit_unit_type USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_68911_idx_course_demand_free_time; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68911_idx_course_demand_free_time ON timetable.course_demand USING btree (free_time_id); -- -- Name: idx_68911_idx_course_demand_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68911_idx_course_demand_student ON timetable.course_demand USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_68915_fk_course_consent_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_fk_course_consent_type ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (consent_type); -- -- Name: idx_68915_fk_course_offering_subj_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_fk_course_offering_subj_area ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (subject_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_68915_fk_course_offering_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_fk_course_offering_type ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (course_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_68915_idx_course_offering_control; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_idx_course_offering_control ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (is_control); -- -- Name: idx_68915_idx_course_offering_demd_offr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_idx_course_offering_demd_offr ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (demand_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_68915_idx_course_offering_instr_offr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68915_idx_course_offering_instr_offr ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (instr_offr_id); -- -- Name: idx_68915_uk_course_offering_subj_crs; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68915_uk_course_offering_subj_crs ON timetable.course_offering USING btree (course_nbr, subject_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_68923_fk_course_pref_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68923_fk_course_pref_course ON timetable.course_pref USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_68923_fk_course_pref_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68923_fk_course_pref_pref ON timetable.course_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_68926_idx_course_req_extid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68926_idx_course_req_extid ON timetable.course_request USING btree (req_extid); -- -- Name: idx_68926_idx_course_request_demand; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68926_idx_course_request_demand ON timetable.course_request USING btree (course_demand_id); -- -- Name: idx_68926_idx_course_request_offering; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68926_idx_course_request_offering ON timetable.course_request USING btree (course_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_68930_idx_course_request_option_req; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68930_idx_course_request_option_req ON timetable.course_request_option USING btree (course_request_id); -- -- Name: idx_68936_fk_subpart_cred_crs; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68936_fk_subpart_cred_crs ON timetable.course_subpart_credit USING btree (course_catalog_id); -- -- Name: idx_68942_uk_crse_credit_format_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68942_uk_crse_credit_format_ref ON timetable.crse_credit_format USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_68945_fk_curriculum_acad_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68945_fk_curriculum_acad_area ON timetable.curriculum USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_68945_fk_curriculum_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68945_fk_curriculum_dept ON timetable.curriculum USING btree (dept_id); -- -- Name: idx_68945_pk_curricula; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68945_pk_curricula ON timetable.curriculum USING btree (uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_68949_fk_curriculum_clasf_acad_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68949_fk_curriculum_clasf_acad_clasf ON timetable.curriculum_clasf USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_68949_fk_curriculum_clasf_curriculum; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68949_fk_curriculum_clasf_curriculum ON timetable.curriculum_clasf USING btree (curriculum_id); -- -- Name: idx_68949_pk_curricula_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68949_pk_curricula_clasf ON timetable.curriculum_clasf USING btree (uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_68955_fk_curriculum_course_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68955_fk_curriculum_course_clasf ON timetable.curriculum_course USING btree (cur_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_68955_fk_curriculum_course_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68955_fk_curriculum_course_course ON timetable.curriculum_course USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_68955_pk_curricula_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68955_pk_curricula_course ON timetable.curriculum_course USING btree (uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_68958_fk_cur_course_group_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68958_fk_cur_course_group_course ON timetable.curriculum_course_group USING btree (cur_course_id); -- -- Name: idx_68961_fk_curriculum_group_curriculum; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68961_fk_curriculum_group_curriculum ON timetable.curriculum_group USING btree (curriculum_id); -- -- Name: idx_68964_fk_curriculum_major_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68964_fk_curriculum_major_major ON timetable.curriculum_major USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_68967_fk_cur_rule_acad_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68967_fk_cur_rule_acad_clasf ON timetable.curriculum_rule USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_68967_fk_cur_rule_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68967_fk_cur_rule_major ON timetable.curriculum_rule USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_68967_idx_cur_rule_areadept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68967_idx_cur_rule_areadept ON timetable.curriculum_rule USING btree (acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_68970_fk_event_date_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68970_fk_event_date_session ON timetable.date_mapping USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68976_idx_date_pattern_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68976_idx_date_pattern_session ON timetable.date_pattern USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_68979_fk_date_pattern_dept_date; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68979_fk_date_pattern_dept_date ON timetable.date_pattern_dept USING btree (pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_68982_fk_date_patt_parent_parent; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68982_fk_date_patt_parent_parent ON timetable.date_pattern_parent USING btree (parent_id); -- -- Name: idx_68985_fk_datepatt_pref_date_pat; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68985_fk_datepatt_pref_date_pat ON timetable.date_pattern_pref USING btree (date_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_68985_fk_datepatt_pref_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68985_fk_datepatt_pref_pref_level ON timetable.date_pattern_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_68988_uk_demand_offr_type_label; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68988_uk_demand_offr_type_label ON timetable.demand_offr_type USING btree (label); -- -- Name: idx_68988_uk_demand_offr_type_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68988_uk_demand_offr_type_ref ON timetable.demand_offr_type USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_68991_idx_department_solver_grp; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68991_idx_department_solver_grp ON timetable.department USING btree (solver_group_id); -- -- Name: idx_68991_idx_department_status_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_68991_idx_department_status_type ON timetable.department USING btree (status_type); -- -- Name: idx_68991_uk_department_dept_code; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_68991_uk_department_dept_code ON timetable.department USING btree (session_id, dept_code); -- -- Name: idx_69001_fk_dept_instr_teach_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69001_fk_dept_instr_teach_pref ON timetable.departmental_instructor USING btree (teaching_pref_id); -- -- Name: idx_69001_fk_instructor_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69001_fk_instructor_role ON timetable.departmental_instructor USING btree (role_id); -- -- Name: idx_69001_idx_dept_instr_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69001_idx_dept_instr_dept ON timetable.departmental_instructor USING btree (department_uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_69001_idx_dept_instr_position_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69001_idx_dept_instr_position_type ON timetable.departmental_instructor USING btree (pos_code_type); -- -- Name: idx_69011_fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69011_fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_dept ON timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69014_fk_designator_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69014_fk_designator_instructor ON timetable.designator USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69014_uk_designator_code; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69014_uk_designator_code ON timetable.designator USING btree (subject_area_id, instructor_id, code); -- -- Name: idx_69017_fk_disb_override_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69017_fk_disb_override_type ON timetable.disabled_override USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69020_fk_dist_type_dept_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69020_fk_dist_type_dept_dept ON timetable.dist_type_dept USING btree (dept_id); -- -- Name: idx_69023_idx_distribution_object_pg; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69023_idx_distribution_object_pg ON timetable.distribution_object USING btree (pref_group_id); -- -- Name: idx_69023_idx_distribution_object_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69023_idx_distribution_object_pref ON timetable.distribution_object USING btree (dist_pref_id); -- -- Name: idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_level ON timetable.distribution_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_owner ON timetable.distribution_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69026_idx_distribution_pref_type ON timetable.distribution_pref USING btree (dist_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69029_uk_distribution_type_req_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69029_uk_distribution_type_req_id ON timetable.distribution_type USING btree (req_id); -- -- Name: idx_69046_fk_event_main_contact; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69046_fk_event_main_contact ON timetable.event USING btree (main_contact_id); -- -- Name: idx_69046_fk_event_sponsor_org; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69046_fk_event_sponsor_org ON timetable.event USING btree (sponsor_org_id); -- -- Name: idx_69046_idx_event_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69046_idx_event_class ON timetable.event USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69046_idx_event_exam; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69046_idx_event_exam ON timetable.event USING btree (exam_id); -- -- Name: idx_69058_fk_event_contact_join; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69058_fk_event_contact_join ON timetable.event_join_event_contact USING btree (event_contact_id); -- -- Name: idx_69058_fk_event_id_join; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69058_fk_event_id_join ON timetable.event_join_event_contact USING btree (event_id); -- -- Name: idx_69061_fk_event_note_event; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69061_fk_event_note_event ON timetable.event_note USING btree (event_id); -- -- Name: idx_69068_fk_event_note_mtg; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69068_fk_event_note_mtg ON timetable.event_note_meeting USING btree (meeting_id); -- -- Name: idx_69071_fk_evt_service_provider; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69071_fk_evt_service_provider ON timetable.event_service_provider USING btree (provider_id); -- -- Name: idx_69074_idx_exact_time_mins; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69074_idx_exact_time_mins ON timetable.exact_time_mins USING btree (mins_min, mins_max); -- -- Name: idx_69077_fk_exam_period; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69077_fk_exam_period ON timetable.exam USING btree (assigned_period); -- -- Name: idx_69077_fk_exam_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69077_fk_exam_session ON timetable.exam USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69077_fk_exam_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69077_fk_exam_type ON timetable.exam USING btree (exam_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69084_fk_exam_instructor_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69084_fk_exam_instructor_instructor ON timetable.exam_instructor USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69087_fk_exam_location_pref_period; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69087_fk_exam_location_pref_period ON timetable.exam_location_pref USING btree (period_id); -- -- Name: idx_69087_fk_exam_location_pref_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69087_fk_exam_location_pref_pref ON timetable.exam_location_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69087_idx_exam_location_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69087_idx_exam_location_pref ON timetable.exam_location_pref USING btree (location_id); -- -- Name: idx_69090_fk_xmanagers_manager; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69090_fk_xmanagers_manager ON timetable.exam_managers USING btree (manager_id); -- -- Name: idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_course ON timetable.exam_owner USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_exam; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_exam ON timetable.exam_owner USING btree (exam_id); -- -- Name: idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69093_idx_exam_owner_owner ON timetable.exam_owner USING btree (owner_id, owner_type); -- -- Name: idx_69096_fk_exam_period_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69096_fk_exam_period_pref ON timetable.exam_period USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69096_fk_exam_period_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69096_fk_exam_period_session ON timetable.exam_period USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69096_fk_exam_period_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69096_fk_exam_period_type ON timetable.exam_period USING btree (exam_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69101_fk_exam_period_pref_period; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69101_fk_exam_period_pref_period ON timetable.exam_period_pref USING btree (period_id); -- -- Name: idx_69101_fk_exam_period_pref_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69101_fk_exam_period_pref_pref ON timetable.exam_period_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69107_fk_xstatus_status; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69107_fk_xstatus_status ON timetable.exam_status USING btree (status_id); -- -- Name: idx_69107_fk_xstatus_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69107_fk_xstatus_type ON timetable.exam_status USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69114_fk_dept_status_dep; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69114_fk_dept_status_dep ON timetable.ext_dept_status USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69114_fk_dept_status_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69114_fk_dept_status_type ON timetable.ext_dept_status USING btree (status_type); -- -- Name: idx_69117_idx_external_building; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69117_idx_external_building ON timetable.external_building USING btree (session_id, abbreviation); -- -- Name: idx_69120_fk_external_room_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69120_fk_external_room_type ON timetable.external_room USING btree (room_type); -- -- Name: idx_69120_idx_external_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69120_idx_external_room ON timetable.external_room USING btree (external_bldg_id, room_number); -- -- Name: idx_69123_fk_ext_dept_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69123_fk_ext_dept_room ON timetable.external_room_department USING btree (external_room_id); -- -- Name: idx_69126_fk_ext_ftr_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69126_fk_ext_ftr_room ON timetable.external_room_feature USING btree (external_room_id); -- -- Name: idx_69132_fk_free_time_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69132_fk_free_time_session ON timetable.free_time USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69146_idx_history_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69146_idx_history_session ON timetable.history USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69155_fk_ioconfig_durtype; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69155_fk_ioconfig_durtype ON timetable.instr_offering_config USING btree (duration_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69155_fk_ioconfig_instr_method; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69155_fk_ioconfig_instr_method ON timetable.instr_offering_config USING btree (instr_method_id); -- -- Name: idx_69155_idx_instr_offr_cfg_instr_offr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69155_idx_instr_offr_cfg_instr_offr ON timetable.instr_offering_config USING btree (instr_offr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69155_uk_instr_offr_cfg_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69155_uk_instr_offr_cfg_name ON timetable.instr_offering_config USING btree (uniqueid, name); -- -- Name: idx_69169_fk_instrattributes_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69169_fk_instrattributes_instructor ON timetable.instructor_attributes USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69172_fk_instructor_pref_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69172_fk_instructor_pref_instructor ON timetable.instructor_pref USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69172_fk_instructor_pref_pref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69172_fk_instructor_pref_pref ON timetable.instructor_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69178_idx_jenrl; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69178_idx_jenrl ON timetable.jenrl USING btree (solution_id); -- -- Name: idx_69178_idx_jenrl_class1; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69178_idx_jenrl_class1 ON timetable.jenrl USING btree (class1_id); -- -- Name: idx_69178_idx_jenrl_class2; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69178_idx_jenrl_class2 ON timetable.jenrl USING btree (class2_id); -- -- Name: idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_course ON timetable.lastlike_course_demand USING btree (subject_area_id, course_nbr); -- -- Name: idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_permid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_permid ON timetable.lastlike_course_demand USING btree (course_perm_id); -- -- Name: idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69181_idx_ll_course_demand_student ON timetable.lastlike_course_demand USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69185_fk_location_picture; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69185_fk_location_picture ON timetable.location_picture USING btree (location_id); -- -- Name: idx_69185_fk_location_picture_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69185_fk_location_picture_type ON timetable.location_picture USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69191_fk_location_service_provider; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69191_fk_location_service_provider ON timetable.location_service_provider USING btree (provider_id); -- -- Name: idx_69194_idx_manager_settings_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69194_idx_manager_settings_key ON timetable.manager_settings USING btree (key_id); -- -- Name: idx_69194_idx_manager_settings_manager; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69194_idx_manager_settings_manager ON timetable.manager_settings USING btree (user_uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_69203_fk_meeting_event; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69203_fk_meeting_event ON timetable.meeting USING btree (event_id); -- -- Name: idx_69203_idx_meeting_overlap; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69203_idx_meeting_overlap ON timetable.meeting USING btree (meeting_date, start_period, stop_period, location_perm_id, approval_status); -- -- Name: idx_69207_fk_meeting_contact_cont; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69207_fk_meeting_contact_cont ON timetable.meeting_contact USING btree (contact_id); -- -- Name: idx_69210_idx_message_log; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69210_idx_message_log ON timetable.message_log USING btree (time_stamp, log_level); -- -- Name: idx_69216_fk_loc_event_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69216_fk_loc_event_dept ON timetable.non_university_location USING btree (event_dept_id); -- -- Name: idx_69216_fk_location_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69216_fk_location_type ON timetable.non_university_location USING btree (room_type); -- -- Name: idx_69216_idx_location_permid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69216_idx_location_permid ON timetable.non_university_location USING btree (permanent_id, session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69216_idx_non_univ_loc_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69216_idx_non_univ_loc_session ON timetable.non_university_location USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69224_fk_coord_request; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69224_fk_coord_request ON timetable.offering_coordinator USING btree (request_id); -- -- Name: idx_69224_fk_coord_responsibility; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69224_fk_coord_responsibility ON timetable.offering_coordinator USING btree (responsibility_id); -- -- Name: idx_69224_fk_offering_coord_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69224_fk_offering_coord_instructor ON timetable.offering_coordinator USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69224_fk_offering_coord_offering; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69224_fk_offering_coord_offering ON timetable.offering_coordinator USING btree (offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69227_uk_offr_consent_type_label; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69227_uk_offr_consent_type_label ON timetable.offr_consent_type USING btree (label); -- -- Name: idx_69227_uk_offr_consent_type_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69227_uk_offr_consent_type_ref ON timetable.offr_consent_type USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_69230_idx_offr_group_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69230_idx_offr_group_dept ON timetable.offr_group USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69230_idx_offr_group_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69230_idx_offr_group_session ON timetable.offr_group USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69233_fk_offr_group_instr_offr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69233_fk_offr_group_instr_offr ON timetable.offr_group_offering USING btree (instr_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_c; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_c ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_d; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_d ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (managing_dept); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_dp; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_dp ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (date_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_parent_pit_c; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_parent_pit_c ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (pit_parent_id); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_pit_ss; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_pit_ss ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (pit_subpart_id); -- -- Name: idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_tp; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69239_fk_pit_c_to_tp ON timetable.pit_class USING btree (time_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69243_fk_pit_ce_to_pit_c; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69243_fk_pit_ce_to_pit_c ON timetable.pit_class_event USING btree (pit_class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_pit_c; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_pit_c ON timetable.pit_class_instructor USING btree (pit_class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_pit_di; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_pit_di ON timetable.pit_class_instructor USING btree (pit_dept_instr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_tr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69246_fk_pit_ci_to_tr ON timetable.pit_class_instructor USING btree (responsibility_id); -- -- Name: idx_69249_fk_pit_cm_to_pit_ce; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69249_fk_pit_cm_to_pit_ce ON timetable.pit_class_meeting USING btree (pit_class_event_id); -- -- Name: idx_69252_fk_pit_cmup_to_pit_cm; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69252_fk_pit_cmup_to_pit_cm ON timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period USING btree (pit_class_meeting_id); -- -- Name: idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_co; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_co ON timetable.pit_course_offering USING btree (course_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_ct; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_ct ON timetable.pit_course_offering USING btree (course_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_pit_io; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_pit_io ON timetable.pit_course_offering USING btree (pit_instr_offr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_sa; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69255_fk_pit_co_to_sa ON timetable.pit_course_offering USING btree (subject_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_d; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_d ON timetable.pit_dept_instructor USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_di; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_di ON timetable.pit_dept_instructor USING btree (dept_instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_pitd; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_pitd ON timetable.pit_dept_instructor USING btree (point_in_time_data_id); -- -- Name: idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_pt; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69260_fk_pit_di_to_pt ON timetable.pit_dept_instructor USING btree (pos_code_type); -- -- Name: idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_dt; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_dt ON timetable.pit_instr_offer_config USING btree (duration_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_im; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_im ON timetable.pit_instr_offer_config USING btree (instr_method_id); -- -- Name: idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_ioc; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_ioc ON timetable.pit_instr_offer_config USING btree (instr_offering_config_id); -- -- Name: idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_pit_io; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69266_fk_pit_ioc_to_pit_io ON timetable.pit_instr_offer_config USING btree (pit_instr_offr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69269_fk_pit_io_to_io; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69269_fk_pit_io_to_io ON timetable.pit_instr_offering USING btree (instr_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69269_fk_pit_io_to_pitd; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69269_fk_pit_io_to_pitd ON timetable.pit_instr_offering USING btree (point_in_time_data_id); -- -- Name: idx_69272_fk_pit_coord_resp; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69272_fk_pit_coord_resp ON timetable.pit_offering_coord USING btree (responsibility_id); -- -- Name: idx_69272_fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_dept_inst; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69272_fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_dept_inst ON timetable.pit_offering_coord USING btree (pit_dept_instr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69272_fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_offr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69272_fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_offr ON timetable.pit_offering_coord USING btree (pit_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_itype; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_itype ON timetable.pit_sched_subpart USING btree (itype); -- -- Name: idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_parent_pit_ss; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_parent_pit_ss ON timetable.pit_sched_subpart USING btree (pit_parent_id); -- -- Name: idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_pit_ioc; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_pit_ioc ON timetable.pit_sched_subpart USING btree (pit_config_id); -- -- Name: idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_ss; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69275_fk_pit_ss_to_ss ON timetable.pit_sched_subpart USING btree (scheduling_subpart_id); -- -- Name: idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_aa; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_aa ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_ac; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_ac ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_pit_stu; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_pit_stu ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf USING btree (pit_student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_pm; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69279_fk_pit_stuamc_to_pm ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_aa; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_aa ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_ac; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_ac ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pit_stu; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pit_stu ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf USING btree (pit_student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pmn; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69282_fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pmn ON timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf USING btree (minor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69285_fk_pit_stu_to_pitd; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69285_fk_pit_stu_to_pitd ON timetable.pit_student USING btree (point_in_time_data_id); -- -- Name: idx_69285_fk_pit_stu_to_stu; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69285_fk_pit_stu_to_stu ON timetable.pit_student USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_c; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_c ON timetable.pit_student_class_enrl USING btree (pit_class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_co; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_co ON timetable.pit_student_class_enrl USING btree (pit_course_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_stu; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69291_fk_pit_sce_to_pit_stu ON timetable.pit_student_class_enrl USING btree (pit_student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69294_fk_pitd_to_s; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69294_fk_pitd_to_s ON timetable.point_in_time_data USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69300_fk_pos_acad_area_major_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69300_fk_pos_acad_area_major_major ON timetable.pos_acad_area_major USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69303_fk_pos_acad_area_minor_minor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69303_fk_pos_acad_area_minor_minor ON timetable.pos_acad_area_minor USING btree (minor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69306_fk_pos_major_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69306_fk_pos_major_session ON timetable.pos_major USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69306_idx_pos_major_code; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69306_idx_pos_major_code ON timetable.pos_major USING btree (code, session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69309_fk_pos_minor_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69309_fk_pos_minor_session ON timetable.pos_minor USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69312_uk_position_type_label; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69312_uk_position_type_label ON timetable.position_type USING btree (label); -- -- Name: idx_69312_uk_position_type_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69312_uk_position_type_ref ON timetable.position_type USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_69315_uk_preference_level_pref_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69315_uk_preference_level_pref_id ON timetable.preference_level USING btree (pref_id); -- -- Name: idx_69318_idx_query_log; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69318_idx_query_log ON timetable.query_log USING btree (time_stamp); -- -- Name: idx_69324_fk_event_owner_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69324_fk_event_owner_course ON timetable.related_course_info USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_69324_idx_event_owner_event; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69324_idx_event_owner_event ON timetable.related_course_info USING btree (event_id); -- -- Name: idx_69324_idx_event_owner_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69324_idx_event_owner_owner ON timetable.related_course_info USING btree (owner_id, owner_type); -- -- Name: idx_69327_fk_reservation_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69327_fk_reservation_area ON timetable.reservation USING btree (area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69327_fk_reservation_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69327_fk_reservation_course ON timetable.reservation USING btree (course_id); -- -- Name: idx_69327_fk_reservation_offering; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69327_fk_reservation_offering ON timetable.reservation USING btree (offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69327_fk_reservation_student_group; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69327_fk_reservation_student_group ON timetable.reservation USING btree (group_id); -- -- Name: idx_69330_fk_res_clasf_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69330_fk_res_clasf_clasf ON timetable.reservation_clasf USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69333_fk_res_class_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69333_fk_res_class_class ON timetable.reservation_class USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69336_fk_res_config_config; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69336_fk_res_config_config ON timetable.reservation_config USING btree (config_id); -- -- Name: idx_69339_fk_res_majors_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69339_fk_res_majors_major ON timetable.reservation_major USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69342_fk_res_student_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69342_fk_res_student_student ON timetable.reservation_student USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69348_uk_roles_abbv; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69348_uk_roles_abbv ON timetable.roles USING btree (abbv); -- -- Name: idx_69348_uk_roles_reference; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69348_uk_roles_reference ON timetable.roles USING btree (reference); -- -- Name: idx_69354_fk_room_event_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69354_fk_room_event_dept ON timetable.room USING btree (event_dept_id); -- -- Name: idx_69354_fk_room_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69354_fk_room_type ON timetable.room USING btree (room_type); -- -- Name: idx_69354_idx_room_building; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69354_idx_room_building ON timetable.room USING btree (building_id); -- -- Name: idx_69354_idx_room_permid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69354_idx_room_permid ON timetable.room USING btree (permanent_id, session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69354_uk_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69354_uk_room ON timetable.room USING btree (session_id, building_id, room_number); -- -- Name: idx_69362_idx_room_dept_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69362_idx_room_dept_dept ON timetable.room_dept USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69362_idx_room_dept_room; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69362_idx_room_dept_room ON timetable.room_dept USING btree (room_id); -- -- Name: idx_69366_fk_room_exam_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69366_fk_room_exam_type ON timetable.room_exam_type USING btree (exam_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69369_fk_feature_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69369_fk_feature_type ON timetable.room_feature USING btree (feature_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69369_fk_room_feature_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69369_fk_room_feature_session ON timetable.room_feature USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69369_idx_room_feature_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69369_idx_room_feature_dept ON timetable.room_feature USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_level ON timetable.room_feature_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_owner ON timetable.room_feature_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_room_feat; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69375_idx_room_feat_pref_room_feat ON timetable.room_feature_pref USING btree (room_feature_id); -- -- Name: idx_69378_idx_room_group_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69378_idx_room_group_dept ON timetable.room_group USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69378_idx_room_group_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69378_idx_room_group_session ON timetable.room_group USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_level ON timetable.room_group_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_owner ON timetable.room_group_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_room_grp; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69384_idx_room_group_pref_room_grp ON timetable.room_group_pref USING btree (room_group_id); -- -- Name: idx_69390_fk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69390_fk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat ON timetable.room_join_room_feature USING btree (feature_id); -- -- Name: idx_69390_uk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69390_uk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat ON timetable.room_join_room_feature USING btree (room_id, feature_id); -- -- Name: idx_69393_fk_room_picture; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69393_fk_room_picture ON timetable.room_picture USING btree (location_id); -- -- Name: idx_69393_fk_room_picture_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69393_fk_room_picture_type ON timetable.room_picture USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69399_idx_room_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69399_idx_room_pref_level ON timetable.room_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69399_idx_room_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69399_idx_room_pref_owner ON timetable.room_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69402_fk_room_service_provider; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69402_fk_room_service_provider ON timetable.room_service_provider USING btree (provider_id); -- -- Name: idx_69409_fk_rtype_option_department; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69409_fk_rtype_option_department ON timetable.room_type_option USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_config; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_config ON timetable.scheduling_subpart USING btree (config_id); -- -- Name: idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_date_pattern; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_date_pattern ON timetable.scheduling_subpart USING btree (date_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_itype; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_itype ON timetable.scheduling_subpart USING btree (itype); -- -- Name: idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_parent; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69422_idx_sched_subpart_parent ON timetable.scheduling_subpart USING btree (parent); -- -- Name: idx_69439_fk_sct_sol_log_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69439_fk_sct_sol_log_owner ON timetable.sct_solution_log USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69439_fk_sct_sol_log_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69439_fk_sct_sol_log_session ON timetable.sct_solution_log USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_class ON timetable.sect_pref USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_im; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_im ON timetable.sect_pref USING btree (instr_mthd_id); -- -- Name: idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_request; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69445_fk_sct_pref_request ON timetable.sect_pref USING btree (request_id); -- -- Name: idx_69445_idx_sect_pref_label; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69445_idx_sect_pref_label ON timetable.sect_pref USING btree (label, required); -- -- Name: idx_69448_fk_sect_course_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69448_fk_sect_course_type ON timetable.sectioning_course_types USING btree (course_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69451_fk_sectioning_info_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69451_fk_sectioning_info_class ON timetable.sectioning_info USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69454_fk_sectioning_log_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69454_fk_sectioning_log_session ON timetable.sectioning_log USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69454_idx_sectioning_log; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69454_idx_sectioning_log ON timetable.sectioning_log USING btree (time_stamp, student, session_id, operation); -- -- Name: idx_69460_idx_sect_queue_session_ts; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69460_idx_sect_queue_session_ts ON timetable.sectioning_queue USING btree (session_id, time_stamp); -- -- Name: idx_69466_fk_sct_status_fallback; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69466_fk_sct_status_fallback ON timetable.sectioning_status USING btree (fallback_id); -- -- Name: idx_69466_fk_sct_status_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69466_fk_sct_status_session ON timetable.sectioning_status USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69472_fk_service_provider_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69472_fk_service_provider_dept ON timetable.service_provider USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69472_fk_service_provider_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69472_fk_service_provider_session ON timetable.service_provider USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69486_fk_session_durtype; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69486_fk_session_durtype ON timetable.sessions USING btree (duration_type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69486_fk_session_insmtd; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69486_fk_session_insmtd ON timetable.sessions USING btree (instr_method_id); -- -- Name: idx_69486_fk_session_sect_status; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69486_fk_session_sect_status ON timetable.sessions USING btree (sect_status); -- -- Name: idx_69486_idx_sessions_date_pattern; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69486_idx_sessions_date_pattern ON timetable.sessions USING btree (def_datepatt_id); -- -- Name: idx_69486_idx_sessions_status_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69486_idx_sessions_status_type ON timetable.sessions USING btree (status_type); -- -- Name: idx_69498_idx_solution_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69498_idx_solution_owner ON timetable.solution USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69504_fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_tt_mgr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69504_fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_tt_mgr ON timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr USING btree (timetable_mgr_id); -- -- Name: idx_69507_idx_solver_group_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69507_idx_solver_group_session ON timetable.solver_group USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69510_fk_solver_info_def; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69510_fk_solver_info_def ON timetable.solver_info USING btree (solver_info_def_id); -- -- Name: idx_69510_idx_solver_info; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69510_idx_solver_info ON timetable.solver_info USING btree (assignment_id); -- -- Name: idx_69510_idx_solver_info_solution; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69510_idx_solver_info_solution ON timetable.solver_info USING btree (solution_id, solver_info_def_id); -- -- Name: idx_69522_idx_solver_param_def; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69522_idx_solver_param_def ON timetable.solver_parameter USING btree (solver_param_def_id); -- -- Name: idx_69522_idx_solver_param_predef; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69522_idx_solver_param_predef ON timetable.solver_parameter USING btree (solver_predef_setting_id); -- -- Name: idx_69522_idx_solver_param_solution; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69522_idx_solver_param_solution ON timetable.solver_parameter USING btree (solution_id); -- -- Name: idx_69528_idx_solv_param_def_gr; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69528_idx_solv_param_def_gr ON timetable.solver_parameter_def USING btree (solver_param_group_id); -- -- Name: idx_69550_fk_staff_pos_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69550_fk_staff_pos_type ON timetable.staff USING btree (pos_type); -- -- Name: idx_69556_fk_stdevt_note_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69556_fk_stdevt_note_dept ON timetable.standard_event_note USING btree (department_id); -- -- Name: idx_69556_fk_stdevt_note_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69556_fk_stdevt_note_session ON timetable.standard_event_note USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69568_fk_student_sect_status; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69568_fk_student_sect_status ON timetable.student USING btree (sect_status); -- -- Name: idx_69568_idx_student_external_uid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69568_idx_student_external_uid ON timetable.student USING btree (external_uid); -- -- Name: idx_69568_idx_student_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69568_idx_student_session ON timetable.student USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69576_fk_student_acad_area_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69576_fk_student_acad_area_area ON timetable.student_acad_area USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69576_fk_student_acad_area_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69576_fk_student_acad_area_clasf ON timetable.student_acad_area USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69576_idx_student_acad_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69576_idx_student_acad_area ON timetable.student_acad_area USING btree (student_id, acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69576_uk_student_acad_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69576_uk_student_acad_area ON timetable.student_acad_area USING btree (student_id, acad_clasf_id, acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69579_fk_student_accom_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69579_fk_student_accom_session ON timetable.student_accomodation USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69582_fk_std_adv_advisor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69582_fk_std_adv_advisor ON timetable.student_advisor USING btree (advisor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_area ON timetable.student_area_clasf_major USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_clasf ON timetable.student_area_clasf_major USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69585_fk_student_acmaj_major ON timetable.student_area_clasf_major USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69585_uk_student_area_clasf_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69585_uk_student_area_clasf_major ON timetable.student_area_clasf_major USING btree (student_id, acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id, major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_area ON timetable.student_area_clasf_minor USING btree (acad_area_id); -- -- Name: idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_clasf; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_clasf ON timetable.student_area_clasf_minor USING btree (acad_clasf_id); -- -- Name: idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_minor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69588_fk_student_acmin_minor ON timetable.student_area_clasf_minor USING btree (minor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69588_uk_student_area_clasf_minor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69588_uk_student_area_clasf_minor ON timetable.student_area_clasf_minor USING btree (student_id, acad_area_id, acad_clasf_id, minor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_class ON timetable.student_class_enrl USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_course ON timetable.student_class_enrl USING btree (course_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_req; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_req ON timetable.student_class_enrl USING btree (course_request_id); -- -- Name: idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69591_idx_student_class_enrl_student ON timetable.student_class_enrl USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69594_idx_student_enrl; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69594_idx_student_enrl ON timetable.student_enrl USING btree (solution_id); -- -- Name: idx_69594_idx_student_enrl_assignment; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69594_idx_student_enrl_assignment ON timetable.student_enrl USING btree (solution_id, class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69594_idx_student_enrl_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69594_idx_student_enrl_class ON timetable.student_enrl USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69597_idx_student_enrl_msg_dem; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69597_idx_student_enrl_msg_dem ON timetable.student_enrl_msg USING btree (course_demand_id); -- -- Name: idx_69602_fk_std_group_type; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69602_fk_std_group_type ON timetable.student_group USING btree (type_id); -- -- Name: idx_69602_uk_student_group_session_sis; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69602_uk_student_group_session_sis ON timetable.student_group USING btree (session_id, group_abbreviation); -- -- Name: idx_69605_fk_student_major_major; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69605_fk_student_major_major ON timetable.student_major USING btree (major_id); -- -- Name: idx_69608_fk_student_minor_minor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69608_fk_student_minor_minor ON timetable.student_minor USING btree (minor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69617_idx_student_sect_hist_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69617_idx_student_sect_hist_student ON timetable.student_sect_hist USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69623_fk_student_acomodation_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69623_fk_student_acomodation_student ON timetable.student_to_acomodation USING btree (accomodation_id); -- -- Name: idx_69626_fk_student_group_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69626_fk_student_group_student ON timetable.student_to_group USING btree (group_id); -- -- Name: idx_69629_idx_subject_area_dept; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69629_idx_subject_area_dept ON timetable.subject_area USING btree (department_uniqueid); -- -- Name: idx_69629_uk_subject_area; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69629_uk_subject_area ON timetable.subject_area USING btree (session_id, subject_area_abbreviation); -- -- Name: idx_69632_fk_task_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69632_fk_task_owner ON timetable.task USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69632_fk_task_script; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69632_fk_task_script ON timetable.task USING btree (script_id); -- -- Name: idx_69632_fk_task_sesssion; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69632_fk_task_sesssion ON timetable.task USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69638_fk_taskexec_task; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69638_fk_taskexec_task ON timetable.task_execution USING btree (task_id); -- -- Name: idx_69638_idx_taskexe_schdstatus; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69638_idx_taskexe_schdstatus ON timetable.task_execution USING btree (status, scheduled_date); -- -- Name: idx_69650_fk_teachreq_offering; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69650_fk_teachreq_offering ON timetable.teaching_request USING btree (offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69650_fk_teachreq_responsibility; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69650_fk_teachreq_responsibility ON timetable.teaching_request USING btree (responsibility_id); -- -- Name: idx_69650_fk_teachreq_same_common; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69650_fk_teachreq_same_common ON timetable.teaching_request USING btree (same_common_pref); -- -- Name: idx_69650_fk_teachreq_same_course; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69650_fk_teachreq_same_course ON timetable.teaching_request USING btree (same_course_pref); -- -- Name: idx_69657_fk_teachreq_class; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69657_fk_teachreq_class ON timetable.teachreq_class USING btree (class_id); -- -- Name: idx_69657_fk_teachreq_crequest; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69657_fk_teachreq_crequest ON timetable.teachreq_class USING btree (request_id); -- -- Name: idx_69660_fk_teachreq_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69660_fk_teachreq_instructor ON timetable.teachreq_instructor USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69663_idx_time_pattern_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69663_idx_time_pattern_session ON timetable.time_pattern USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69666_idx_time_pattern_days; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69666_idx_time_pattern_days ON timetable.time_pattern_days USING btree (time_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69669_fk_time_pattern_dept_pattern; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69669_fk_time_pattern_dept_pattern ON timetable.time_pattern_dept USING btree (pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69672_idx_time_pattern_time; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69672_idx_time_pattern_time ON timetable.time_pattern_time USING btree (time_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69675_idx_time_pref_owner; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69675_idx_time_pref_owner ON timetable.time_pref USING btree (owner_id); -- -- Name: idx_69675_idx_time_pref_pref_level; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69675_idx_time_pref_pref_level ON timetable.time_pref USING btree (pref_level_id); -- -- Name: idx_69675_idx_time_pref_time_ptrn; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69675_idx_time_pref_time_ptrn ON timetable.time_pref USING btree (time_pattern_id); -- -- Name: idx_69681_uk_timetable_manager_puid; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69681_uk_timetable_manager_puid ON timetable.timetable_manager USING btree (external_uid); -- -- Name: idx_69687_fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69687_fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_role ON timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles USING btree (role_id); -- -- Name: idx_69687_uk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_mgr_role; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_69687_uk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_mgr_role ON timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles USING btree (manager_id, role_id); -- -- Name: idx_69691_fk_trvltime_session; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69691_fk_trvltime_session ON timetable.travel_time USING btree (session_id); -- -- Name: idx_69703_idx_waitlist_offering; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69703_idx_waitlist_offering ON timetable.waitlist USING btree (course_offering_id); -- -- Name: idx_69703_idx_waitlist_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69703_idx_waitlist_student ON timetable.waitlist USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: idx_69710_idx_xconflict_exam; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69710_idx_xconflict_exam ON timetable.xconflict_exam USING btree (exam_id); -- -- Name: idx_69713_fk_xconflict_in_instructor; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69713_fk_xconflict_in_instructor ON timetable.xconflict_instructor USING btree (instructor_id); -- -- Name: idx_69716_idx_xconflict_st_student; Type: INDEX; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- CREATE INDEX idx_69716_idx_xconflict_st_student ON timetable.xconflict_student USING btree (student_id); -- -- Name: academic_classification fk_acad_class_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.academic_classification ADD CONSTRAINT fk_acad_class_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: academic_area fk_academic_area_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.academic_area ADD CONSTRAINT fk_academic_area_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: advisor fk_advisor_role; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.advisor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_advisor_role FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES timetable.roles(role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: advisor fk_advisor_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.advisor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_advisor_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assigned_instructors fk_assigned_instrs_assignment; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assigned_instructors ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assigned_instrs_assignment FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES timetable.assignment(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assigned_instructors fk_assigned_instrs_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assigned_instructors ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assigned_instrs_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assigned_rooms fk_assigned_rooms_assignment; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assigned_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assigned_rooms_assignment FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES timetable.assignment(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assignment fk_assignment_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assignment ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assignment_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assignment fk_assignment_date_pattern; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assignment ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assignment_date_pattern FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: assignment fk_assignment_solution; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assignment ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assignment_solution FOREIGN KEY (solution_id) REFERENCES timetable.solution(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: assignment fk_assignment_time_pattern; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.assignment ADD CONSTRAINT fk_assignment_time_pattern FOREIGN KEY (time_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: attribute fk_attribute_department; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_department FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: attribute fk_attribute_parent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_parent FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES timetable.attribute(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: attribute_pref fk_attribute_pref_attribute; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_pref_attribute FOREIGN KEY (attribute_id) REFERENCES timetable.attribute(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: attribute_pref fk_attribute_pref_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_pref_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: attribute fk_attribute_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: attribute fk_attribute_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fk_attribute_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.attribute_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: building_pref fk_building_pref_bldg; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.building_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_building_pref_bldg FOREIGN KEY (bldg_id) REFERENCES timetable.building(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: building_pref fk_building_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.building_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_building_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: building fk_building_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.building ADD CONSTRAINT fk_building_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: change_log fk_change_log_department; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.change_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_change_log_department FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: change_log fk_change_log_manager; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.change_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_change_log_manager FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: change_log fk_change_log_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.change_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_change_log_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: change_log fk_change_log_subjarea; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.change_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_change_log_subjarea FOREIGN KEY (subj_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.subject_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_ fk_class_datepatt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_ ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_datepatt FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_instructor fk_class_instructor_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_instructor_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_instructor fk_class_instructor_instr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_instructor_instr FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_ fk_class_parent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_ ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_parent FOREIGN KEY (parent_class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_ fk_class_scheduling_subpart; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_ ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_scheduling_subpart FOREIGN KEY (subpart_id) REFERENCES timetable.scheduling_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_waitlist fk_class_waitlist_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_waitlist_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_waitlist fk_class_waitlist_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_waitlist_request FOREIGN KEY (course_request_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_waitlist fk_class_waitlist_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_class_waitlist_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: constraint_info fk_constraint_info_assignment; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.constraint_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_constraint_info_assignment FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES timetable.assignment(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: constraint_info fk_constraint_info_solver; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.constraint_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_constraint_info_solver FOREIGN KEY (solver_info_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_info(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offering_coordinator fk_coord_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offering_coordinator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_coord_request FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: offering_coordinator fk_coord_responsibility; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offering_coordinator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_coord_responsibility FOREIGN KEY (responsibility_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_responsibility(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: course_offering fk_course_consent_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_consent_type FOREIGN KEY (consent_type) REFERENCES timetable.offr_consent_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_demand fk_course_demand_free_time; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_demand_free_time FOREIGN KEY (free_time_id) REFERENCES timetable.free_time(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_demand fk_course_demand_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_demand_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_offering fk_course_offering_demand_offr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_offering_demand_offr FOREIGN KEY (demand_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: course_offering fk_course_offering_instr_offr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_offering_instr_offr FOREIGN KEY (instr_offr_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_offering fk_course_offering_subj_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_offering_subj_area FOREIGN KEY (subject_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.subject_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_offering fk_course_offering_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_offering_type FOREIGN KEY (course_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: course_pref fk_course_pref_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_pref_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_pref fk_course_pref_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_pref_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_request fk_course_request_demand; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_request_demand FOREIGN KEY (course_demand_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_demand(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_request fk_course_request_offering; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_request_offering FOREIGN KEY (course_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_request_option fk_course_request_options_req; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_request_option ADD CONSTRAINT fk_course_request_options_req FOREIGN KEY (course_request_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_config fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crdt_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_unit_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crdt_type FOREIGN KEY (credit_type) REFERENCES timetable.course_credit_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_config fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crs_own; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_unit_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_crs_own FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_credit_unit_config fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_owner; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_credit_unit_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_crs_crdt_unit_cfg_owner FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES timetable.scheduling_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_course_group fk_cur_course_group_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cur_course_group_course FOREIGN KEY (cur_course_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum_course(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_course_group fk_cur_course_group_group; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cur_course_group_group FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_rule fk_cur_rule_acad_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_rule ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cur_rule_acad_area FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_rule fk_cur_rule_acad_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_rule ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cur_rule_acad_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_rule fk_cur_rule_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_rule ADD CONSTRAINT fk_cur_rule_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum fk_curriculum_acad_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_acad_area FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_clasf fk_curriculum_clasf_acad_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_clasf_acad_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_clasf fk_curriculum_clasf_curriculum; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_clasf_curriculum FOREIGN KEY (curriculum_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_course fk_curriculum_course_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_course_clasf FOREIGN KEY (cur_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum_clasf(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_course fk_curriculum_course_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_course ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_course_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum fk_curriculum_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_dept FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_group fk_curriculum_group_curriculum; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_group_curriculum FOREIGN KEY (curriculum_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_major fk_curriculum_major_curriculum; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_major_curriculum FOREIGN KEY (curriculum_id) REFERENCES timetable.curriculum(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: curriculum_major fk_curriculum_major_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.curriculum_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_curriculum_major_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_parent fk_date_patt_parent_date_patt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_parent ADD CONSTRAINT fk_date_patt_parent_date_patt FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_parent fk_date_patt_parent_parent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_parent ADD CONSTRAINT fk_date_patt_parent_parent FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_dept fk_date_pattern_dept_date; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_date_pattern_dept_date FOREIGN KEY (pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_dept fk_date_pattern_dept_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_date_pattern_dept_dept FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern fk_date_pattern_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern ADD CONSTRAINT fk_date_pattern_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_pref fk_datepatt_pref_date_pat; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_datepatt_pref_date_pat FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_pattern_pref fk_datepatt_pref_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_pattern_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_datepatt_pref_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: department fk_department_solver_group; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.department ADD CONSTRAINT fk_department_solver_group FOREIGN KEY (solver_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: department fk_department_status_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.department ADD CONSTRAINT fk_department_status_type FOREIGN KEY (status_type) REFERENCES timetable.dept_status_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: departmental_instructor fk_dept_instr_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.departmental_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_instr_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_uniqueid) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: departmental_instructor fk_dept_instr_pos_code_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.departmental_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_instr_pos_code_type FOREIGN KEY (pos_code_type) REFERENCES timetable.position_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: departmental_instructor fk_dept_instr_teach_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.departmental_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_instr_teach_pref FOREIGN KEY (teaching_pref_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: ext_dept_status fk_dept_status_dep; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.ext_dept_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_status_dep FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: ext_dept_status fk_dept_status_ext; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.ext_dept_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_status_ext FOREIGN KEY (ext_dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: ext_dept_status fk_dept_status_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.ext_dept_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_status_type FOREIGN KEY (status_type) REFERENCES timetable.dept_status_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: dept_to_tt_mgr fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: dept_to_tt_mgr fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_mgr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dept_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dept_to_tt_mgr_mgr FOREIGN KEY (timetable_mgr_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: designator fk_designator_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.designator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_designator_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: designator fk_designator_subj_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.designator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_designator_subj_area FOREIGN KEY (subject_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.subject_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: disabled_override fk_disb_override_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.disabled_override ADD CONSTRAINT fk_disb_override_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: disabled_override fk_disb_override_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.disabled_override ADD CONSTRAINT fk_disb_override_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.override_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: dist_type_dept fk_dist_type_dept_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dist_type_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dist_type_dept_dept FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: dist_type_dept fk_dist_type_dept_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.dist_type_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dist_type_dept_type FOREIGN KEY (dist_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.distribution_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: distribution_object fk_distribution_object_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_object ADD CONSTRAINT fk_distribution_object_pref FOREIGN KEY (dist_pref_id) REFERENCES timetable.distribution_pref(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: distribution_pref fk_distribution_pref_dist_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_distribution_pref_dist_type FOREIGN KEY (dist_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.distribution_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: distribution_pref fk_distribution_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.distribution_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_distribution_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event fk_event_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event_join_event_contact fk_event_contact_join; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_join_event_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_contact_join FOREIGN KEY (event_contact_id) REFERENCES timetable.event_contact(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: date_mapping fk_event_date_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.date_mapping ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_date_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event fk_event_exam; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_exam FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event_join_event_contact fk_event_id_join; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_join_event_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_id_join FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES timetable.event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event fk_event_main_contact; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_main_contact FOREIGN KEY (main_contact_id) REFERENCES timetable.event_contact(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: event_note fk_event_note_event; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_note ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_note_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES timetable.event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event_note_meeting fk_event_note_mtg; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_note_meeting ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_note_mtg FOREIGN KEY (meeting_id) REFERENCES timetable.meeting(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event_note_meeting fk_event_note_note; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_note_meeting ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_note_note FOREIGN KEY (note_id) REFERENCES timetable.event_note(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: related_course_info fk_event_owner_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.related_course_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_owner_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: related_course_info fk_event_owner_event; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.related_course_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_owner_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES timetable.event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event fk_event_sponsor_org; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_event_sponsor_org FOREIGN KEY (sponsor_org_id) REFERENCES timetable.sponsoring_organization(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: event_service_provider fk_evt_service_event; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_evt_service_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES timetable.event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: event_service_provider fk_evt_service_provider; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.event_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_evt_service_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES timetable.service_provider(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_instructor fk_exam_instructor_exam; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_instructor_exam FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_instructor fk_exam_instructor_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_instructor_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_location_pref fk_exam_location_pref_period; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_location_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_location_pref_period FOREIGN KEY (period_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_period(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_location_pref fk_exam_location_pref_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_location_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_location_pref_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_owner fk_exam_owner_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_owner ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_owner_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_owner fk_exam_owner_exam; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_owner ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_owner_exam FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam fk_exam_period; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period FOREIGN KEY (assigned_period) REFERENCES timetable.exam_period(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_period fk_exam_period_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_period_pref fk_exam_period_pref_period; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period_pref_period FOREIGN KEY (period_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_period(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_period_pref fk_exam_period_pref_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period_pref_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_period fk_exam_period_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_period fk_exam_period_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_period ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_period_type FOREIGN KEY (exam_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_room_assignment fk_exam_room_exam; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_room_assignment ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_room_exam FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam fk_exam_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam fk_exam_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam ADD CONSTRAINT fk_exam_type FOREIGN KEY (exam_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: external_room_department fk_ext_dept_room; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room_department ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ext_dept_room FOREIGN KEY (external_room_id) REFERENCES timetable.external_room(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: external_room_feature fk_ext_ftr_room; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ext_ftr_room FOREIGN KEY (external_room_id) REFERENCES timetable.external_room(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: external_room fk_ext_room_building; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ext_room_building FOREIGN KEY (external_bldg_id) REFERENCES timetable.external_building(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: external_room fk_external_room_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.external_room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_external_room_type FOREIGN KEY (room_type) REFERENCES timetable.room_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_feature fk_feature_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT fk_feature_type FOREIGN KEY (feature_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.feature_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: free_time fk_free_time_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.free_time ADD CONSTRAINT fk_free_time_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: history fk_history_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.history ADD CONSTRAINT fk_history_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: hql_parameter fk_hql_parameter; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.hql_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_hql_parameter FOREIGN KEY (hql_id) REFERENCES timetable.saved_hql(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: instr_offering_config fk_instr_offr_cfg_instr_offr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instr_offering_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instr_offr_cfg_instr_offr FOREIGN KEY (instr_offr_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: class_instructor fk_instr_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instr_request FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: class_instructor fk_instr_responsibility; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instr_responsibility FOREIGN KEY (responsibility_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_responsibility(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: instructor_attributes fk_instrattributes_attribute; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_attributes ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instrattributes_attribute FOREIGN KEY (attribute_id) REFERENCES timetable.attribute(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: instructor_attributes fk_instrattributes_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_attributes ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instrattributes_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: instructor_pref fk_instructor_pref_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instructor_pref_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: instructor_pref fk_instructor_pref_pref; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instructor_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instructor_pref_pref FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: departmental_instructor fk_instructor_role; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.departmental_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_instructor_role FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES timetable.roles(role_id) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: instr_offering_config fk_ioconfig_durtype; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instr_offering_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ioconfig_durtype FOREIGN KEY (duration_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.duration_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: instr_offering_config fk_ioconfig_instr_method; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.instr_offering_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ioconfig_instr_method FOREIGN KEY (instr_method_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_method(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: jenrl fk_jenrl_class1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.jenrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_jenrl_class1 FOREIGN KEY (class1_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jenrl fk_jenrl_class2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.jenrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_jenrl_class2 FOREIGN KEY (class2_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jenrl fk_jenrl_solution; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.jenrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_jenrl_solution FOREIGN KEY (solution_id) REFERENCES timetable.solution(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: lastlike_course_demand fk_ll_course_demand_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.lastlike_course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ll_course_demand_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: lastlike_course_demand fk_ll_course_demand_subjarea; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.lastlike_course_demand ADD CONSTRAINT fk_ll_course_demand_subjarea FOREIGN KEY (subject_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.subject_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: non_university_location fk_loc_event_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.non_university_location ADD CONSTRAINT fk_loc_event_dept FOREIGN KEY (event_dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: location_picture fk_location_picture; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_picture ADD CONSTRAINT fk_location_picture FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES timetable.non_university_location(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: location_picture fk_location_picture_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_picture ADD CONSTRAINT fk_location_picture_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.attachment_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: location_service_provider fk_location_service_loc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_location_service_loc FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES timetable.non_university_location(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: location_service_provider fk_location_service_provider; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.location_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_location_service_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES timetable.service_provider(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: non_university_location fk_location_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.non_university_location ADD CONSTRAINT fk_location_type FOREIGN KEY (room_type) REFERENCES timetable.room_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: manager_settings fk_manager_settings_key; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.manager_settings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_manager_settings_key FOREIGN KEY (key_id) REFERENCES timetable.settings(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: manager_settings fk_manager_settings_user; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.manager_settings ADD CONSTRAINT fk_manager_settings_user FOREIGN KEY (user_uniqueid) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: meeting_contact fk_meeting_contact_cont; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.meeting_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_meeting_contact_cont FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES timetable.event_contact(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: meeting_contact fk_meeting_contact_mtg; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.meeting_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_meeting_contact_mtg FOREIGN KEY (meeting_id) REFERENCES timetable.meeting(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: meeting fk_meeting_event; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.meeting ADD CONSTRAINT fk_meeting_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES timetable.event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: non_university_location fk_non_univ_loc_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.non_university_location ADD CONSTRAINT fk_non_univ_loc_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offering_coordinator fk_offering_coord_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offering_coordinator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offering_coord_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offering_coordinator fk_offering_coord_offering; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offering_coordinator ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offering_coord_offering FOREIGN KEY (offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offr_group fk_offr_group_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offr_group_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offr_group_offering fk_offr_group_instr_offr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offr_group_instr_offr FOREIGN KEY (instr_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offr_group_offering fk_offr_group_offr_offr_grp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offr_group_offr_offr_grp FOREIGN KEY (offr_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.offr_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: offr_group fk_offr_group_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.offr_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_offr_group_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_c FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_d FOREIGN KEY (managing_dept) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_dp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_dp FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_parent_pit_c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_parent_pit_c FOREIGN KEY (pit_parent_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_pit_ss; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_pit_ss FOREIGN KEY (pit_subpart_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_sched_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class fk_pit_c_to_tp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_c_to_tp FOREIGN KEY (time_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_event fk_pit_ce_to_pit_c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_event ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ce_to_pit_c FOREIGN KEY (pit_class_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_instructor fk_pit_ci_to_pit_c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ci_to_pit_c FOREIGN KEY (pit_class_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_instructor fk_pit_ci_to_pit_di; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ci_to_pit_di FOREIGN KEY (pit_dept_instr_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_dept_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_instructor fk_pit_ci_to_tr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ci_to_tr FOREIGN KEY (responsibility_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_responsibility(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_meeting fk_pit_cm_to_pit_ce; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_meeting ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_cm_to_pit_ce FOREIGN KEY (pit_class_event_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class_event(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_class_mtg_util_period fk_pit_cmup_to_pit_cm; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_class_mtg_util_period ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_cmup_to_pit_cm FOREIGN KEY (pit_class_meeting_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class_meeting(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_course_offering fk_pit_co_to_co; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_co_to_co FOREIGN KEY (course_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_course_offering fk_pit_co_to_ct; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_co_to_ct FOREIGN KEY (course_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_course_offering fk_pit_co_to_pit_io; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_co_to_pit_io FOREIGN KEY (pit_instr_offr_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_instr_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_course_offering fk_pit_co_to_sa; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_course_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_co_to_sa FOREIGN KEY (subject_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.subject_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_offering_coord fk_pit_coord_resp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_offering_coord ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_coord_resp FOREIGN KEY (responsibility_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_responsibility(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor fk_pit_di_to_d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_dept_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_di_to_d FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor fk_pit_di_to_di; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_dept_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_di_to_di FOREIGN KEY (dept_instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor fk_pit_di_to_pitd; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_dept_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_di_to_pitd FOREIGN KEY (point_in_time_data_id) REFERENCES timetable.point_in_time_data(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_dept_instructor fk_pit_di_to_pt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_dept_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_di_to_pt FOREIGN KEY (pos_code_type) REFERENCES timetable.position_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offering fk_pit_io_to_io; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_io_to_io FOREIGN KEY (instr_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offering fk_pit_io_to_pitd; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offering ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_io_to_pitd FOREIGN KEY (point_in_time_data_id) REFERENCES timetable.point_in_time_data(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config fk_pit_ioc_to_dt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ioc_to_dt FOREIGN KEY (duration_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.duration_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config fk_pit_ioc_to_im; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ioc_to_im FOREIGN KEY (instr_method_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_method(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config fk_pit_ioc_to_ioc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ioc_to_ioc FOREIGN KEY (instr_offering_config_id) REFERENCES timetable.instr_offering_config(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_instr_offer_config fk_pit_ioc_to_pit_io; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_instr_offer_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ioc_to_pit_io FOREIGN KEY (pit_instr_offr_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_instr_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_offering_coord fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_dept_inst; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_offering_coord ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_dept_inst FOREIGN KEY (pit_dept_instr_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_dept_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_offering_coord fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_offr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_offering_coord ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ofr_coord_pit_offr FOREIGN KEY (pit_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_instr_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_student_class_enrl fk_pit_sce_to_pit_c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_sce_to_pit_c FOREIGN KEY (pit_class_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_class(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_student_class_enrl fk_pit_sce_to_pit_co; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_sce_to_pit_co FOREIGN KEY (pit_course_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_student_class_enrl fk_pit_sce_to_pit_stu; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_sce_to_pit_stu FOREIGN KEY (pit_student_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart fk_pit_ss_to_itype; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_sched_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ss_to_itype FOREIGN KEY (itype) REFERENCES timetable.itype_desc(itype) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart fk_pit_ss_to_parent_pit_ss; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_sched_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ss_to_parent_pit_ss FOREIGN KEY (pit_parent_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_sched_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart fk_pit_ss_to_pit_ioc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_sched_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ss_to_pit_ioc FOREIGN KEY (pit_config_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_instr_offer_config(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_sched_subpart fk_pit_ss_to_ss; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_sched_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_ss_to_ss FOREIGN KEY (scheduling_subpart_id) REFERENCES timetable.scheduling_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_student fk_pit_stu_to_pitd; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stu_to_pitd FOREIGN KEY (point_in_time_data_id) REFERENCES timetable.point_in_time_data(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_student fk_pit_stu_to_stu; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stu_to_stu FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf fk_pit_stuamc_to_aa; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamc_to_aa FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf fk_pit_stuamc_to_ac; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamc_to_ac FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf fk_pit_stuamc_to_pit_stu; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamc_to_pit_stu FOREIGN KEY (pit_student_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_major_clasf fk_pit_stuamc_to_pm; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_major_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamc_to_pm FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf fk_pit_stuamnc_to_aa; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamnc_to_aa FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf fk_pit_stuamnc_to_ac; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamnc_to_ac FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pit_stu; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pit_stu FOREIGN KEY (pit_student_id) REFERENCES timetable.pit_student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pmn; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pit_stu_aa_minor_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pit_stuamnc_to_pmn FOREIGN KEY (minor_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_minor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: point_in_time_data fk_pitd_to_s; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.point_in_time_data ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pitd_to_s FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_major fk_pos_acad_area_major_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_acad_area_major_area FOREIGN KEY (academic_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_major fk_pos_acad_area_major_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_acad_area_major_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_minor fk_pos_acad_area_minor_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_acad_area_minor_area FOREIGN KEY (academic_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_acad_area_minor fk_pos_acad_area_minor_minor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_acad_area_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_acad_area_minor_minor FOREIGN KEY (minor_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_minor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_major fk_pos_major_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_major_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: pos_minor fk_pos_minor_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.pos_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pos_minor_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_clasf fk_res_clasf_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_clasf_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_clasf fk_res_clasf_reservation; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_clasf ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_clasf_reservation FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES timetable.reservation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_class fk_res_class_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_class_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_class fk_res_class_reservation; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_class_reservation FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES timetable.reservation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_config fk_res_config_config; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_config_config FOREIGN KEY (config_id) REFERENCES timetable.instr_offering_config(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_config fk_res_config_reservation; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_config_reservation FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES timetable.reservation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_major fk_res_majors_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_majors_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_major fk_res_majors_reservation; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_majors_reservation FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES timetable.reservation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_student fk_res_student_reservation; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_student_reservation FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES timetable.reservation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation_student fk_res_student_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_res_student_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation fk_reservation_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reservation_area FOREIGN KEY (area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation fk_reservation_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reservation_course FOREIGN KEY (course_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation fk_reservation_offering; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reservation_offering FOREIGN KEY (offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: reservation fk_reservation_student_group; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.reservation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_reservation_student_group FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES timetable.student_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: rights fk_rights_role; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.rights ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rights_role FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES timetable.roles(role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room fk_room_building; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_building FOREIGN KEY (building_id) REFERENCES timetable.building(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_dept fk_room_dept_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_dept_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room fk_room_event_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_event_dept FOREIGN KEY (event_dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: room_exam_type fk_room_exam_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_exam_type ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_exam_type FOREIGN KEY (exam_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_feature_pref fk_room_feat_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_feat_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_feature_pref fk_room_feat_pref_room_feat; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_feat_pref_room_feat FOREIGN KEY (room_feature_id) REFERENCES timetable.room_feature(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_feature fk_room_feature_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_feature_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_feature fk_room_feature_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_feature_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_group fk_room_group_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_group_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_group_pref fk_room_group_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_group_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_group_pref fk_room_group_pref_room_grp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_group_pref_room_grp FOREIGN KEY (room_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.room_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_group_room fk_room_group_room_room_grp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group_room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_group_room_room_grp FOREIGN KEY (room_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.room_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_group fk_room_group_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_group_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_join_room_feature fk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_join_room_feature ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_join_room_feat_rm_feat FOREIGN KEY (feature_id) REFERENCES timetable.room_feature(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_picture fk_room_picture; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_picture ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_picture FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES timetable.room(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_picture fk_room_picture_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_picture ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_picture_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.attachment_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: room_pref fk_room_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_service_provider fk_room_service_loc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_service_loc FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES timetable.room(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_service_provider fk_room_service_provider; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_service_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES timetable.service_provider(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room fk_room_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room fk_room_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room ADD CONSTRAINT fk_room_type FOREIGN KEY (room_type) REFERENCES timetable.room_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_type_option fk_rtype_option_department; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_type_option ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rtype_option_department FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: room_type_option fk_rtype_option_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.room_type_option ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rtype_option_type FOREIGN KEY (room_type) REFERENCES timetable.room_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart fk_sched_subpart_config; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.scheduling_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sched_subpart_config FOREIGN KEY (config_id) REFERENCES timetable.instr_offering_config(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart fk_sched_subpart_date_pattern; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.scheduling_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sched_subpart_date_pattern FOREIGN KEY (date_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart fk_sched_subpart_itype; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.scheduling_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sched_subpart_itype FOREIGN KEY (itype) REFERENCES timetable.itype_desc(itype) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: scheduling_subpart fk_sched_subpart_parent; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.scheduling_subpart ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sched_subpart_parent FOREIGN KEY (parent) REFERENCES timetable.scheduling_subpart(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: script_parameter fk_script_parameter; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.script_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_script_parameter FOREIGN KEY (script_id) REFERENCES timetable.script(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sect_pref fk_sct_pref_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sect_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_pref_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sect_pref fk_sct_pref_im; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sect_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_pref_im FOREIGN KEY (instr_mthd_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_method(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sect_pref fk_sct_pref_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sect_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_pref_request FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sct_solution_log fk_sct_sol_log_owner; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sct_solution_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_sol_log_owner FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sct_solution_log fk_sct_sol_log_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sct_solution_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_sol_log_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sectioning_status fk_sct_status_fallback; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_status_fallback FOREIGN KEY (fallback_id) REFERENCES timetable.sectioning_status(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: sectioning_status fk_sct_status_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sct_status_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sectioning_course_types fk_sect_course_status; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_course_types ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sect_course_status FOREIGN KEY (sectioning_status_id) REFERENCES timetable.sectioning_status(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sectioning_course_types fk_sect_course_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_course_types ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sect_course_type FOREIGN KEY (course_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sectioning_info fk_sectioning_info_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sectioning_info_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sectioning_log fk_sectioning_log_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sectioning_log ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sectioning_log_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: service_provider fk_service_provider_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_service_provider_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: service_provider fk_service_provider_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.service_provider ADD CONSTRAINT fk_service_provider_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: session_config fk_session_config; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.session_config ADD CONSTRAINT fk_session_config FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: sessions fk_session_datepatt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_session_datepatt FOREIGN KEY (def_datepatt_id) REFERENCES timetable.date_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: sessions fk_session_durtype; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_session_durtype FOREIGN KEY (duration_type_id) REFERENCES timetable.duration_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: sessions fk_session_insmtd; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_session_insmtd FOREIGN KEY (instr_method_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_method(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: sessions fk_session_sect_status; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_session_sect_status FOREIGN KEY (sect_status) REFERENCES timetable.sectioning_status(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: sessions fk_sessions_status_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.sessions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_sessions_status_type FOREIGN KEY (status_type) REFERENCES timetable.dept_status_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: solution fk_solution_owner; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solution ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solution_owner FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_parameter_def fk_solv_param_def_solv_par_grp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter_def ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solv_param_def_solv_par_grp FOREIGN KEY (solver_param_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_parameter_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_gr_to_tt_mgr fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_solvgrp; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_solvgrp FOREIGN KEY (solver_group_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_gr_to_tt_mgr fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_tt_mgr; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_gr_to_tt_mgr ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_gr_to_tt_mgr_tt_mgr FOREIGN KEY (timetable_mgr_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_group fk_solver_group_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_group_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_info fk_solver_info_assignment; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_info_assignment FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES timetable.assignment(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_info fk_solver_info_def; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_info_def FOREIGN KEY (solver_info_def_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_info_def(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_info fk_solver_info_solution; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_info_solution FOREIGN KEY (solution_id) REFERENCES timetable.solution(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_parameter fk_solver_param_def; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_param_def FOREIGN KEY (solver_param_def_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_parameter_def(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_parameter fk_solver_param_predef_stg; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_param_predef_stg FOREIGN KEY (solver_predef_setting_id) REFERENCES timetable.solver_predef_setting(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: solver_parameter fk_solver_param_solution; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.solver_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_solver_param_solution FOREIGN KEY (solution_id) REFERENCES timetable.solution(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: staff fk_staff_pos_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.staff ADD CONSTRAINT fk_staff_pos_type FOREIGN KEY (pos_type) REFERENCES timetable.position_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: student_advisor fk_std_adv_advisor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_advisor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_std_adv_advisor FOREIGN KEY (advisor_id) REFERENCES timetable.advisor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_advisor fk_std_adv_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_advisor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_std_adv_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_group fk_std_group_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_std_group_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.std_group_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: standard_event_note fk_stdevt_note_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.standard_event_note ADD CONSTRAINT fk_stdevt_note_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: standard_event_note fk_stdevt_note_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.standard_event_note ADD CONSTRAINT fk_stdevt_note_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_acad_area fk_student_acad_area_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_acad_area ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acad_area_area FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_acad_area fk_student_acad_area_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_acad_area ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acad_area_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_acad_area fk_student_acad_area_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_acad_area ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acad_area_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_accomodation fk_student_accom_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_accomodation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_accom_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major fk_student_acmaj_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmaj_area FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major fk_student_acmaj_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmaj_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major fk_student_acmaj_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmaj_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_major fk_student_acmaj_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmaj_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor fk_student_acmin_area; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmin_area FOREIGN KEY (acad_area_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_area(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor fk_student_acmin_clasf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmin_clasf FOREIGN KEY (acad_clasf_id) REFERENCES timetable.academic_classification(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor fk_student_acmin_minor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmin_minor FOREIGN KEY (minor_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_minor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_area_clasf_minor fk_student_acmin_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_area_clasf_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acmin_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_to_acomodation fk_student_acomodation_accom; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_acomodation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acomodation_accom FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_to_acomodation fk_student_acomodation_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_acomodation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_acomodation_student FOREIGN KEY (accomodation_id) REFERENCES timetable.student_accomodation(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_class_enrl fk_student_class_enrl_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_class_enrl_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_class_enrl fk_student_class_enrl_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_class_enrl_course FOREIGN KEY (course_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_class_enrl fk_student_class_enrl_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_class_enrl_request FOREIGN KEY (course_request_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_class_enrl fk_student_class_enrl_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_class_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_class_enrl_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_enrl fk_student_enrl_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_enrl_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_enrl_msg fk_student_enrl_msg_demand; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_enrl_msg ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_enrl_msg_demand FOREIGN KEY (course_demand_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_demand(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_enrl fk_student_enrl_solution; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_enrl ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_enrl_solution FOREIGN KEY (solution_id) REFERENCES timetable.solution(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_to_group fk_student_group_group; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_group_group FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_group fk_student_group_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_group_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_to_group fk_student_group_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_to_group ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_group_student FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES timetable.student_group(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_major fk_student_major_major; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_major_major FOREIGN KEY (major_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_major(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_major fk_student_major_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_major ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_major_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_minor fk_student_minor_minor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_minor_minor FOREIGN KEY (minor_id) REFERENCES timetable.pos_minor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_minor fk_student_minor_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_minor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_minor_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student_sect_hist fk_student_sect_hist_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student_sect_hist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_sect_hist_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: student fk_student_sect_status; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_sect_status FOREIGN KEY (sect_status) REFERENCES timetable.sectioning_status(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: student fk_student_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_student_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: subject_area fk_subject_area_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.subject_area ADD CONSTRAINT fk_subject_area_dept FOREIGN KEY (department_uniqueid) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: course_subpart_credit fk_subpart_cred_crs; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.course_subpart_credit ADD CONSTRAINT fk_subpart_cred_crs FOREIGN KEY (course_catalog_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_catalog(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: task fk_task_owner; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task ADD CONSTRAINT fk_task_owner FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: task fk_task_script; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task ADD CONSTRAINT fk_task_script FOREIGN KEY (script_id) REFERENCES timetable.script(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: task fk_task_sesssion; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task ADD CONSTRAINT fk_task_sesssion FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: task_execution fk_taskexec_task; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task_execution ADD CONSTRAINT fk_taskexec_task FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES timetable.task(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: task_parameter fk_taskparam_task; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.task_parameter ADD CONSTRAINT fk_taskparam_task FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES timetable.task(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teachreq_class fk_teachreq_class; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_class FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES timetable.class_(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teachreq_class fk_teachreq_crequest; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_class ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_crequest FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teachreq_instructor fk_teachreq_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teaching_request fk_teachreq_offering; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_offering FOREIGN KEY (offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.instructional_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teachreq_instructor fk_teachreq_request; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teachreq_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_request FOREIGN KEY (request_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_request(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: teaching_request fk_teachreq_responsibility; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_responsibility FOREIGN KEY (responsibility_id) REFERENCES timetable.teaching_responsibility(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: teaching_request fk_teachreq_same_common; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_same_common FOREIGN KEY (same_common_pref) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: teaching_request fk_teachreq_same_course; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.teaching_request ADD CONSTRAINT fk_teachreq_same_course FOREIGN KEY (same_course_pref) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: time_pattern_days fk_time_pattern_days_time_patt; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_days ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pattern_days_time_patt FOREIGN KEY (time_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pattern_dept fk_time_pattern_dept_dept; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pattern_dept_dept FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES timetable.department(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pattern_dept fk_time_pattern_dept_pattern; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_dept ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pattern_dept_pattern FOREIGN KEY (pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pattern fk_time_pattern_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pattern_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pattern_time fk_time_pattern_time; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pattern_time ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pattern_time FOREIGN KEY (time_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pref fk_time_pref_pref_level; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pref_pref_level FOREIGN KEY (pref_level_id) REFERENCES timetable.preference_level(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: time_pref fk_time_pref_time_ptrn; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.time_pref ADD CONSTRAINT fk_time_pref_time_ptrn FOREIGN KEY (time_pattern_id) REFERENCES timetable.time_pattern(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: tmtbl_mgr_to_roles fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_manager; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles ADD CONSTRAINT fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_manager FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: tmtbl_mgr_to_roles fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_role; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.tmtbl_mgr_to_roles ADD CONSTRAINT fk_tmtbl_mgr_to_roles_role FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES timetable.roles(role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: travel_time fk_trvltime_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.travel_time ADD CONSTRAINT fk_trvltime_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: waitlist fk_waitlist_course_offering; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_waitlist_course_offering FOREIGN KEY (course_offering_id) REFERENCES timetable.course_offering(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: waitlist fk_waitlist_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.waitlist ADD CONSTRAINT fk_waitlist_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_exam fk_xconflict_ex_conf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_exam ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_ex_conf FOREIGN KEY (conflict_id) REFERENCES timetable.xconflict(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_exam fk_xconflict_ex_exam; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_exam ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_ex_exam FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_instructor fk_xconflict_in_conf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_in_conf FOREIGN KEY (conflict_id) REFERENCES timetable.xconflict(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_instructor fk_xconflict_in_instructor; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_instructor ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_in_instructor FOREIGN KEY (instructor_id) REFERENCES timetable.departmental_instructor(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_student fk_xconflict_st_conf; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_st_conf FOREIGN KEY (conflict_id) REFERENCES timetable.xconflict(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: xconflict_student fk_xconflict_st_student; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.xconflict_student ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xconflict_st_student FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES timetable.student(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_managers fk_xmanagers_manager; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_managers ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xmanagers_manager FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES timetable.timetable_manager(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_managers fk_xmanagers_status; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_managers ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xmanagers_status FOREIGN KEY (session_id, type_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_status(session_id, type_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_status fk_xstatus_session; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xstatus_session FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES timetable.sessions(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: exam_status fk_xstatus_status; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xstatus_status FOREIGN KEY (status_id) REFERENCES timetable.dept_status_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: exam_status fk_xstatus_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: timetable; Owner: timetable -- ALTER TABLE ONLY timetable.exam_status ADD CONSTRAINT fk_xstatus_type FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES timetable.exam_type(uniqueid) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --