# In the ipython shell do: # %load_ext ipython_IDV # or # %reload_ext ipython_IDV # # This needs to have IDV_HOME pointing to the IDV install directory # This will execute IDV_HOME/runIdv # import platform import os import os.path import re import subprocess import json import time from shutil import copyfile from base64 import b64encode from IPython.display import HTML from IPython.display import Image from IPython.display import IFrame from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import Javascript from IPython.display import DisplayObject from IPython.display import TextDisplayObject from IPython.display import clear_output import tempfile from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from tempfile import gettempdir from IPython.display import FileLink import time from IPython import get_ipython from ipywidgets import * import ipywidgets as widgets from zipfile import * import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError from glob import glob from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import IPython from IPython.lib import kernel import shlex from io import BytesIO from zipfile import ZipFile try: from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, urljoin except ImportError: from urlparse import urljoin from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import urlopen, urlencode import requests try: import xarray def to_IDV(data, filename = None): """Load a xarray variable or dataset to load into IDV""" if filename: data.to_netcdf(filename) load_data(filename) else: with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc') as f: data.to_netcdf(f.name) load_data(f.name) xarray.DataArray.to_IDV=to_IDV xarray.Dataset.to_IDV=to_IDV def from_zidv(fileorurl=None,outdir=None): """Loading data from IDV zip file '.zidv' as xarray Dataset fileorurl can be a local .zidv file or a remote url. Optionally, outdir can be specified where the file is unzipped""" if fileorurl.startswith('http'): zfile = urlopen(fileorurl) zfile = BytesIO(zfile.read()) elif isfile(fileorurl): zfile=fileorurl else: return 'Unknown File or Url' das=dict() with ZipFile(zfile) as zip_file: for contained_file in zip_file.namelist(): if str(contained_file).startswith('data'): try: das.update({contained_file:xarray.open_dataset(zip_file.extract(contained_file,outdir))}) except Exception as err: print('Skipping file '+str(contained_file)+' because of error '+err) return das xarray.from_zidv=from_zidv xarray.open_zidv=from_zidv except ImportError: print('xarray package is missing, functionality related to loading data' 'from xarray into IDV will not be available') ##Try importing netcdf. Some users won't have this installed try: from netCDF4 import Dataset except ImportError: print('netCDF4 is not installed'); def read_url(url): """Utility to read a URL. Returns the text of the result""" ##First try this with verify=True (the default) ##If it fails then try it with verify=False ##We do this so we don't get a warning with https urls that have normal signed certificates but ##we can still handle https from servers with self signed certs try: return requests.get(url).text except: try: return requests.get(url, verify=False).text except Exception as some_exception: print("Error reading url:" + url) print("Exception:" + repr(some_exception)); def test_it(line, cell=None): print(os.listdir(".")) # # Here are the magic commands # def idv_help(line, cell=None): DrilsdownUI.status("") html = "
idv_help  Show this help message
" \ + "run_idv
" \ + "make_ui
" \ + "load_bundle
" \ + " If no bundle given and if set_ramadda has been called the bundle will be fetched from RAMADDA
" \ + "load_bundle_make_image
" \ + "load_catalog Load the case study catalog into the IDV
" \ + "make_image <-publish> <-caption ImageName> <-capture (legend|window)> Capture an IDV image and optionally publish it to RAMADDA
" \ + "make_movie <-publish> <-caption MovieName> <-capture (legend|window)> <-quality 0.1-1.0 set the resolution of the images. 1.0= full resolution> Capture an IDV movie and optionally publish it to RAMADDA
" \ + "save_bundle <-publish> <-embed> - write out the bundle and optionally publish to RAMADDA. If embed then embed the bundle xml into the notebook as a link
" \ + "publish_bundle - write out the bundle and publish it to RAMADDA
" \ + "publish_notebook - publish the current notebook to RAMADDA via the IDV
" \ + "set_ramadda
" \ + "create_case_study
" \ + "set_bbox <north west south east> No arguments to clear the bbox
" DrilsdownUI.do_display(HTML(html)) def run_idv(line=None, cell=None): """Magic hook to start the IDV""" Idv.run_idv(from_user=True) def load_catalog(line, cell=None): Idv.load_catalog(line) def load_bundle_make_image(line, cell=None): load_bundle(line, cell) return make_image(line, cell) def create_case_study(line, cell=None): url = Repository.theRepository.make_url("/entry/form?parentof=" + Repository.theRepository.entryId + "&type=type_drilsdown_casestudy&name=" + line) url = url.replace(" ", "%20") print("Go to this link to create the Case Study:") print(url) print("Then call %set_ramadda with the new Case Study URL") def load_data(line, cell=None, name=None): Idv.load_data(line, name) def load_bundle(line, cell=None): if line is None or line == "": if Repository.theRepository is not None: line = Repository.theRepository.make_url("/drilsdown/getbundle?entryid=" + Repository.theRepository.entryId) if line is None or line == "": print("No bundle argument provided") return Idv.load_bundle(line) def make_image(line, cell=None): # toks = line.split(" ") toks = shlex.split(line); skip = 0 publish = False caption = None display_id = None cptr = None; for i in range(len(toks)): if skip > 0: skip = skip-1 continue tok = toks[i].strip() if tok == "": continue if tok == "-publish": publish = True elif tok == "-caption": skip = 1 caption = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-capture": skip = 1 cptr = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-display": skip = 1 display_id = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-help": print("%make_image <-display displayid> <-caption caption> <-publish>") return else: print("Unknown argument:" + tok) print("%make_image <-display displayid> <-caption caption> <-publish>") return DrilsdownUI.do_display(Idv.make_image(publish, caption, display_id=display_id, display=False, capture=cptr)) def publish_notebook(line, cell=None): Idv.publish_notebook() def make_movie(line, cell=None): toks = shlex.split(line) skip = 0 publish = False display_id = None caption = None cptr = None; quality = None; for i in range(len(toks)): if skip > 0: skip = skip-1 continue tok = toks[i] if tok == "-publish": publish = True elif tok == "-caption": skip = 1 caption = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-quality": skip = 1 quality = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-capture": skip = 1 cptr = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-display": skip = 1 display_id = toks[i+1] return Idv.make_movie(publish, caption, display_id=display_id, capture=cptr, quality=quality) def set_ramadda(line, cell=None): """Set the ramadda to be used. The arg should be the normal /entry/view URL for a RAMADDA entry""" line_toks = line.split(" ") should_list = len(line_toks) == 1 line = line_toks[0] Repository.set_repository(Ramadda(line), should_list) def list_repository(entry_id=None, repository=None): """List the entries held by the entry id""" if repository is None: repository = Repository.theRepository repository.list_entry(entry_id) def save_bundle(line, cell=None): extra = "" filename = "idv.xidv" publish = False embed = False; toks = shlex.split(line) for i in range(len(toks)): tok = toks[i] if tok != "": if tok == "-publish": publish = True elif tok == "-embed": embed = True else: filename = tok Idv.save_bundle(filename, publish, embed=embed) def publish_bundle(line, cell=None): extra = " publish=\"true\" " filename = "idv.xidv" if line != "" and line is not None: filename = line Idv.publish_bundle(filename) def set_bbox(line, cell=None): Idv.setBBOX(line) def make_ui(line): DrilsdownUI.make_ui() def load_ipython_extension(shell): """Define the magics""" magic_type = "line" shell.register_magic_function(test_it, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(idv_help, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(run_idv, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(make_ui, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(load_bundle, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(load_bundle_make_image, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(load_catalog, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(make_image, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(make_movie, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(set_ramadda, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(create_case_study, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(set_bbox, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(save_bundle, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(publish_bundle, magic_type) shell.register_magic_function(publish_notebook, magic_type) class DrilsdownUI: """Handles all of the UI callbacks """ idToRepository = {} @staticmethod def make_ui(): global repositories name_map = {} names = [] first = None for i in range(len(repositories)): repository = repositories[i] if i == 0: first = repository.get_id() DrilsdownUI.idToRepository[repository.get_id()] = repository name_map[repository.get_name()] = repository.get_id() names.append(repository.get_name()) text_layout = Layout(width='150px') repository_selector = widgets.Dropdown( options=name_map, value=first, ) search = widgets.Text( layout=text_layout, value='', placeholder='IDV bundle', description='', disabled=False) search.on_submit(DrilsdownUI.handle_search) search.type = "type_idv_bundle" cssearch = widgets.Text( value='', layout=text_layout, placeholder='Case Study or folder', description='', disabled=False) cssearch.on_submit(DrilsdownUI.handle_search) cssearch.type = "type_drilsdown_casestudy" gridsearch = widgets.Text( value='', layout=text_layout, placeholder='Gridded data files', description='', disabled=False) gridsearch.on_submit(DrilsdownUI.handle_search) gridsearch.type = "cdm_grid" allsearch = widgets.Text( value='', layout=text_layout, placeholder='All', description='', disabled=False) allsearch.on_submit(DrilsdownUI.handle_search) allsearch.type = "" list_btn = DrilsdownUI.make_button("List", DrilsdownUI.list_repository_clicked) list_btn.entry = None cbx = widgets.Checkbox( value=False, description='Publish', disabled=False) repository_selector.observe(DrilsdownUI.repository_selector_changed, names='value') DrilsdownUI.statusLabel = Label("") display(VBox( [HTML("

ipython_IDV Control Panel

"), HBox([HTML("Resources:"), repository_selector, list_btn]), HBox([HTML("Search for:"), search, cssearch, gridsearch, allsearch]), HBox([DrilsdownUI.make_button("Run IDV", DrilsdownUI.run_idv_clicked), DrilsdownUI.make_button("Make Image", DrilsdownUI.make_image_clicked, cbx), DrilsdownUI.make_button("Make Movie", DrilsdownUI.make_movie_clicked, cbx), DrilsdownUI.make_button("Save Bundle", DrilsdownUI.save_bundle_clicked, cbx), # DrilsdownUI.make_button("Publish Notebook", Idv.publish_notebook), cbx]), HBox([ # Label("Outputs append below until Cleared:"), DrilsdownUI.make_button("Clear Outputs", DrilsdownUI.clear_clicked), DrilsdownUI.make_button("Commands Help", idv_help), DrilsdownUI.statusLabel ]), ])) displayedItems = [] @staticmethod def do_display(comp): """Call this to display a component that can later be cleared with the Clear button""" display(comp) DrilsdownUI.displayedItems.append(comp) @staticmethod def status(text): ##If we haven't made a UI we don't have a statusLabel try: DrilsdownUI.statusLabel.value = text except: print(text); @staticmethod def make_button(label, callback, extra=None): """Utility to make a button widget""" b = widgets.Button( description=label, disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' tooltip=label, ) b.extra = extra b.on_click(callback) return b @staticmethod def handle_search(widget): type = widget.type value = widget.value.replace(" ", "%20") if hasattr(Repository.theRepository, "do_search"): DrilsdownUI.status("Searching...") entries = Repository.theRepository.do_search(value, type) Repository.theRepository.display_entries("Search Results: " + widget.value + "
", entries) DrilsdownUI.status("") else: DrilsdownUI.status("Search not available") @staticmethod def run_idv_clicked(b): Idv.run_idv(from_user=True) @staticmethod def save_bundle_clicked(b): extra = "" if b.extra.value: extra = "-publish" save_bundle(extra) @staticmethod def make_image_clicked(b): DrilsdownUI.status("") extra = "" if b.extra.value: extra = "-publish" print("%make_image " + extra); image = make_image(extra) if image is not None: DrilsdownUI.do_display(image) @staticmethod def make_movie_clicked(b): DrilsdownUI.status("") print("%make_movie"); if b.extra.value: movie = Idv.make_movie(True) else: movie = Idv.make_movie(False) if movie is not None: DrilsdownUI.do_display(movie) @staticmethod def load_bundle_clicked(b): url = b.entry.get_file_path(); print("%load_bundle " + url); load_bundle(url) @staticmethod def view_url_clicked(b): DrilsdownUI.do_display(HTML("" + b.name + "")) display(IFrame(src=b.url, width=800, height=400)) @staticmethod def load_data_clicked(b): load_data(b.entry.get_data_path(), None, b.name) @staticmethod def set_data_clicked(b): url = b.entry.get_data_path() Idv.data_url = url print('To access the data use the variable: Idv.data_url or:\n' + url) @staticmethod def set_url_clicked(b): url = b.entry.make_get_file_url() Idv.file_url = url print('To access the URL use the variable: Idv.file_url or:\n' + url) @staticmethod def list_repository_clicked(b): if b.entry is None: list_repository(None) else: list_repository(b.entry.get_id(), b.entry.get_repository()) @staticmethod def load_catalog_clicked(b): load_catalog(b.url) @staticmethod def repository_selector_changed(s): repository = DrilsdownUI.idToRepository[s['new']] Repository.set_repository(repository) @staticmethod def clear_clicked(b): DrilsdownUI.status("") clear_output() for i in range(len(DrilsdownUI.displayedItems)): item = DrilsdownUI.displayedItems[i] if hasattr(item, "close"): item.close() DrilsdownUI.displayedItems = [] clear_output() class IdvResults: results = ""; call_ok = False; def __init__(self, ok = False, results=""): self.call_ok = ok; self.results = results; def __repr__(self): return self.results; def set_ok(self, ok): self.call_ok = ok; def ok(self): return self.call_ok; def set_results(self,results): self.results = results; def get_results(self): return self.results; class Idv: debug = False debugBaseUrl = True; bbox = None data_url = None file_url = None path = None # These correspond to the commands in ucar.unidata.idv.IdvMonitor cmd_ping = "/ping" cmd_loadisl = "/loadisl" base_url = None # The port is defined by the idv.monitorport = 8765 in the .unidata/idv/DefaultIdv/idv.properties base_urls = ["", ""] @staticmethod def setDebug(debug): Idv.debug = debug @staticmethod def get_base_url(): if Idv.base_url is not None: return Idv.base_url # Try the different ports for url in Idv.base_urls: try: if Idv.debug and Idv.debugBaseUrl: print("Trying:" + url + Idv.cmd_ping); urlopen(url + Idv.cmd_ping).read() if Idv.debug: print("IDV base url:" + url) Idv.base_url = url Idv.debugBaseUrl = False; return Idv.base_url except: dummy = None if Idv.debug: print("Failed to connect to the IDV") Idv.debugBaseUrl = False; return None @staticmethod def idv_ping(): """This function checks if the IDV is running""" # NOTE: Don't call idv_call here because idv_call calls run_idv which calls ping try: base_url=Idv.get_base_url(); if base_url is not None: return urlopen(base_url + Idv.cmd_ping).read() return None; except Exception as some_exception: ## print("err:" + repr(some_exception)); return None @staticmethod def set_path(path): """This function directly sets the path to the IDV executable""" Idv.path = path @staticmethod def set_port(port): """This function sets the port the IDV listens on""" Idv.base_url = "" + port @staticmethod def sniff_out_path(): roots = ["/Applications", "C:\\Program Files"] majors = ["IDV_6", "IDV_5"] dots = ["9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"] minors = ["u10", "u9", "u8", "u7", "u6", "u5", "u4", "u3", "u2", "u1", ""] for root in roots: for major in majors: for dot in dots: for minor in minors: dir = os.path.join(root, major + "." + dot + minor) # print(dir) if os.path.isdir(dir): return dir return None @staticmethod def run_idv(from_user=False): """Check if the IDV is running""" idv_running = Idv.idv_ping() if idv_running: if from_user: DrilsdownUI.status("IDV is running") return # path might have been set directly by set_path path = Idv.path # Check if the env is defined if path is None: idvDir = None if "IDV_HOME" in os.environ: idvDir = os.environ['IDV_HOME'] else: idvDir = Idv.sniff_out_path() if idvDir is None: print("No IDV_HOME environment variable set") Idv.print_set_path() return path = os.path.join(idvDir, "runIDV") # check for windows # if not os.path.isfile(path): # old way if 'indow' in platform.system(): path = os.path.join(idvDir,"runIDV.bat") if not os.path.isfile(path): print("Could not find an executable IDV script in:") print(idvDir) Idv.print_set_path() return else: if not os.path.isfile(path): print("IDV exectuable does not exist:") print(path) return print("Starting IDV: " + path) cwd = os.path.dirname(path) subprocess.Popen([path], cwd=cwd) # Give the IDV a chance to get going suffix = "" for x in range(0, 60): if Idv.idv_ping() is not None: DrilsdownUI.status("IDV started") return if x % 2 == 0: DrilsdownUI.status("Waiting on the IDV " + suffix) suffix = suffix+"." time.sleep(1) DrilsdownUI.status("IDV failed to start (or is slow in starting)") @staticmethod def print_set_path(): print("You can set the path to runIDV with:") print("from ipython_IDV import Idv") print('Idv.set_path("/path to idv executable")') print('#e.g.:') print('Idv.set_path("/Applications/IDV_5.6/runIDV")') print('If that fails, try:') print('import os') print("os.environ['IDV_HOME']='/home/gary/IDV_5.5/'") print("Of course, replace /home/gary with your actual IDV install location") @staticmethod def run_isl(isl): return Idv.idv_call(Idv.cmd_loadisl, {"isl": isl}); @staticmethod def idv_call(command, args=None): """ Will start up the IDV if needed then call the command If args is non-null then this is a map of the url arguments to pass to the IDV """ Idv.run_idv(from_user=False) result = IdvResults(False,""); try: url = Idv.get_base_url() +command if args: url += "?" + urlencode(args) if Idv.debug: print("Calling " + url) xml = urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8") root = ET.fromstring(xml) result.set_ok(root.attrib['ok'] == 'true') if root.text is not None: result.set_results(root.text) else: result.set_results("") #Handle older versions of the IDV except ParseError as pe: result.set_ok(True); result.set_results(xml) except Exception as some_exception: result.set_results( "Error occurred:" + repr(some_exception)) if not result.ok(): print("An error has occurred:" + result.get_results()); return result; @staticmethod def load_data(url, name=None): extra1 = "" extra2 = "" if name is not None: extra1 += ' name="' + name + '" ' isl = '\n' + extra2 + '\n' result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("load_data failed") return print("data loaded") theNotebook = "xx" def test(): Idv.theNotebook = "yy" def setname(name): Idv.theNotebook = name print("NAME = " + name) @staticmethod def getname(): # A hack from # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12544056/how-do-i-get-the-current-ipython-notebook-name # to get the name of the notebook file connection_file_path = kernel.get_connection_file() connection_file = os.path.basename(connection_file_path) kernel_id = connection_file.split('-', 1)[1].split('.')[0] print("connection file:" + connection_file_path) response = requests.get('{port}/api/sessions'.format(port=8888)) print(response.text) matching = [s for s in json.loads(response.text) if s['kernel']['id'] == kernel_id] if matching: return os.getcwd() + "/" + matching[0]['notebook']['path'] else: print("Could not find notebook filename") None @staticmethod def publish_notebook(extra=None): # If we do this then the Javascript object shows up in the notebook # js = Javascript('IPython.notebook.save_checkpoint();') # display(js) file = Idv.getname() if file is None: return isl = '' DrilsdownUI.status("Make sure you do 'File->Save and Checkpoint'. Check your IDV to publish the file") result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("Publication failed") return if result.get_results().strip()!="": print("Publication successful") print("URL: " + result.get_results()) return print("Publication failed") @staticmethod def setBBOX(line): toks = line.split() if len(toks) == 0: Idv.bbox = None print("BBOX is cleared") return Idv.bbox = [] for i in range(len(toks)): Idv.bbox.append(float(toks[i])) print("BBOX is set") @staticmethod def load_catalog(url=None): if url is None or url == "": url = Repository.theRepository.make_url("/entry/show?parentof=" + Repository.theRepository.entryId + "&output=thredds.catalog") else: url = url.replace("&", "&") isl = '\n' result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("load_catalog failed") return print("Catalog loaded") @staticmethod def save_bundle(filename, publish=False, embed = False): extra = "" if filename is None: filename = "idv.xidv" if publish: extra += ' publish="true" ' if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd() ,filename); isl = '' result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("save failed") return if os.path.isfile(filename): DrilsdownUI.status("Bundle saved:" + filename) if embed: bundle = open(filename, "rb").read() bundle = b64encode(bundle).decode('ascii') name = os.path.basename(filename); html = '' + name +''; DrilsdownUI.do_display(HTML(html)) else: DrilsdownUI.do_display(FileLink(filename)) return; DrilsdownUI.status("Bundle not saved") @staticmethod def load_bundle(bundle_url, bbox=None): extra1 = "" extra2 = "" if bbox is None: bbox = Idv.bbox if bbox is not None: extra1 += 'bbox="' + repr(bbox[0]) + "," + repr(bbox[1]) + "," + repr(bbox[2]) + "," + repr(bbox[3]) + '"' # The padding is to reset the viewpoint to a bit larger area than the bbox padding = (float(bbox[0]) - float(bbox[2]))*0.1 north = float(bbox[0])+padding west = float(bbox[1])-padding # For some reason we need to pad south a bit more south = float(bbox[2])-1.5*padding east = float(bbox[3])+padding extra2 += '
' isl = '\n' + extra2 + '\n' result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): DrilsdownUI.status("Bundle load failed") return DrilsdownUI.status("Bundle loaded") @staticmethod def publish_bundle(filename): extra = " publish=\"true\" " isl = '' result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("save failed") return if result.get_results().strip() != "": print("Publication successful") print("URL: " + result.get_results()) if os.path.isfile(filename): print("bundle saved:" + filename) return FileLink(filename) print("Publication failed") @staticmethod def make_movie(publish=False, caption=None, display=True, display_id=None, capture=None, quality=None): return Idv.make_imageOrMovie(False, publish, caption, display, display_id, capture, quality) @staticmethod def make_image(publish=False, caption=None, display=True, display_id=None, capture=None): return Idv.make_imageOrMovie(True, publish, caption, display, display_id, capture) @staticmethod def make_imageOrMovie(image, publish=False, caption=None, display=True, display_id=None, capture=None, quality=None): what = "movie" if image: what = "image" DrilsdownUI.status("Making " + what + "...") self_publish = False idv_publish = False parent = None isl = '' extra = "" extra2 = "" name = None ramadda = Repository.theRepository if capture is not None: extra += " capture=\"" + capture +"\" " if type(publish) is bool: if publish: idv_publish = True extra = " publish=\"true\" " elif publish is not None: self_publish = True if 'ramadda' in publish: ramadda = Ramadda(publish['ramadda']) if 'parent' in publish: parent = publish['parent'] else: parent = ramadda.get_id() if 'name' in publish: name = publish['name'] if caption is not None: extra2 += '' label = caption label = label.replace("-", " ") extra2 += '' extra2 += '' if name is None: name = caption if display_id is not None: extra += ' display="' + display_id + '" ' if quality is not None: extra += ' quality="' + quality +'" ' with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gif', delete=False) as f: isl += '<' + what + ' file="' + f.name + '"' \ + extra + '>' + extra2 + '' result = Idv.run_isl(isl) f.seek(0) if idv_publish: if not result.ok(): DrilsdownUI.status("make " + what + " failed") return if result.get_results().strip() != "": print("Publication successful " + "URL: " + result.get_results()) else: print("Publication failed"); if self_publish: ramadda.publish(name, file=f.name, parent=parent) data = open(f.name, "rb").read() f.close() # data = b64encode(data).decode('ascii') # img = '' if display: DrilsdownUI.status("") DrilsdownUI.do_display(IPython.core.display.Image(data)) else: return IPython.core.display.Image(data) DrilsdownUI.status("") @staticmethod def export_data(filename=None, display_id=None, load_data = True, suffix='nc'): DrilsdownUI.status("Exporting data ...") extra = "" if display_id is not None: extra += ' display="' + display_id + '" ' if filename is None: f = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.' + suffix, delete=False) filename = f.name; isl = '' result = Idv.run_isl(isl) if not result.ok(): return; # print("Data exported to: " + filename); if load_data: placeholder = False; # filename= '/Users/jeffmc/test.nc'; # filename= '/Users/jeffmc/test.netcdf'; dataset= Dataset(filename, "r"); return dataset; # return load_data(filename); # img = '' DrilsdownUI.status("data exported to: " + filename) class Repository: theRepository = None def __init__(self, id): self.id = id def set_repository(repository, should_list=False): """Set the repository to be used. The arg should be the normal /entry/view URL for a REPOSITORY entry""" Repository.theRepository = repository if should_list: list_repository(Repository.theRepository.entry_id, repository) return Repository.theRepository def get_id(self): return self.entry_id def display_entries(self, label="Entries", entries=[]): cnt = 0 indent = HTML("   ") rows = [HTML(label)] for i in range(len(entries)): if cnt > 100: break cnt = cnt+1 entry = entries[i] name = entry.get_name() id = entry.get_id() icon = entry.get_icon() full_name = name max_length = 25 if len(name) > max_length: name = name[:max_length-len(name)] name = name.ljust(max_length, " ") name = name.replace(" ", " ") row = [] if entry.get_url() is not None: href = self.make_entry_href(id, name, icon, full_name) href = "" + href + "" href = HTML(href) row = [indent, href] else: label = "" + name + "" row = [indent, HTML(label)] if entry.is_bundle(): b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("Load bundle", DrilsdownUI.load_bundle_clicked) b.entry = entry row.append(b) entry.add_display_widget(row) elif entry.is_grid(): b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("Load data", DrilsdownUI.load_data_clicked) b.name = full_name b.entry = entry row.append(b) b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("Set data", DrilsdownUI.set_data_clicked) b.entry = entry row.append(b) elif entry.is_group(): b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("List", DrilsdownUI.list_repository_clicked) b.entry = entry row.append(b) catalog_url = entry.get_catalog_url() if catalog_url is not None: load_catalog = DrilsdownUI.make_button("Load Catalog", DrilsdownUI.load_catalog_clicked) load_catalog.url = catalog_url row.append(load_catalog) else: if entry.get_url() is not None: b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("View", DrilsdownUI.view_url_clicked) b.url = self.make_url("/entry/show?entryid=" + id) b.name = name row.append(b) file_size = entry.get_file_size() if file_size > 0: link = self.make_url("/entry/get?entryid=" + id) row.append(HTML('  Download (' + repr(file_size) + ' bytes) ')) else: row.append(HTML('' + entry.path + '')) rows.append(HBox(row)) DrilsdownUI.do_display(VBox(rows)) if cnt == 0: DrilsdownUI.do_display(HTML("No entries found")) class LocalFiles(Repository): def __init__(self, dir): if dir is None: self.dir = "." else: self.dir = dir self.cwd = self.dir self.name = "Local Files" self.searchCnt = 0 def list_entry(self, entry_id): """List the entries held by the entry id""" entries = self.do_list(entry_id) self.display_entries("
", entries) def get_id(self): return self.dir def get_name(self): return self.name def get_base(self): return self.dir def do_list(self, dir=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entryId""" if dir is None: dir = self.dir files = os.listdir(dir) entries = [] prefix = dir+"/" if prefix == "./": prefix = "" for i in range(len(files)): if files[i].startswith(".") is not True: entries.append(FileEntry(self, prefix + files[i])) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries def do_search(self, value, type=None): """Do a search for the text value and (optionally) the entry type. Return a list of RamaddaEntry objects""" self.searchCnt = 0 # print("Search not supported for local files") files = [] self.do_search_inner(value, self.dir, files, type) return files def do_search_inner(self, value, dir, list, type): # Only check so many files - should make this breadth firs if self.searchCnt > 5000: return files = os.listdir(dir) for i in range(len(files)): file_mixed_case = files[i] file = file_mixed_case.lower() if file.startswith("."): continue if re.match(value, file_mixed_case) or value in file_mixed_case or re.match(value, file) or value in file: ok = True if type is not None: if type == "type_idv_bundle": if not file_mixed_case.endswith(".xidv") and not file_mixed_case.endswith(".zidv"): ok = False if type == "type_drilsdown_casestudy": if not os.path.isdir(dir + "/" + file): ok = False if type == "cdm_grid": if not file_mixed_case.endswith(".nc"): ok = False if ok: list.append(FileEntry(self, dir+"/" + file)) if os.path.isdir(dir + "/" + file): self.do_search_inner(value, dir + "/" + file, list, type) class TDS(Repository): def __init__(self, url, name=None): self.url = url if name is not None: self.name = name else: catalog = read_url(url) root = ET.fromstring(catalog) self.name = root.attrib['name'] def list_entry(self, entry_id): """List the entries held by the entry id""" entries = self.do_list(entry_id) self.display_entries("
", entries) def get_id(self): return self.url def get_name(self): return self.name def get_base(self): return self.url def do_list(self, url=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entryId""" if url is None: url = self.url catalog = read_url(url) root = ET.fromstring(catalog) entries = [] for child in root: # print("child:" + child.tag) self.get_entries(root, url, child, entries) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries def clean_tag(self, tag): tag = re.sub("{.*}", "", tag) return tag def get_entries(self, root, url, element, entries): tag = self.clean_tag(element.tag) if tag == "dataset": for child in element: self.get_entries(root, url, child, entries) service_name = self.find_service_name(root) if service_name is not None: print("dataset:" + element.attrib["name"]) return return if tag == "catalogRef": href = element.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href"] title = element.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}title"] url = urljoin(url, href) entries.append(TDSCatalogEntry(self, url, title)) return return def find_opendap_services(self, parentService, element, map): # serviceType="OPENDAP" return def find_service_name(self, element): if element.tag == "serviceName": return element.text for child in element: name = self.find_service_name(child) if name is not None: return name return None class Ramadda(Repository): theRamadda = None def __init__(self, url, name=None): self.url = url toks = urlparse(url) self.host = toks.scheme + "://" + toks.netloc self.base = toks.scheme + "://" + toks.netloc path = re.sub("/entry.*", "", toks.path) self.base += path self.entryId = re.search("entryid=([^&]+)", toks.query).group(1) if name is not None: self.name = name else: toks = read_url(self.make_url("/entry/show?output=entry.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=name,icon&entryid=" + self.entryId)).split("\n")[1].split(",") self.name = toks[0].replace("_comma_", ",") def get_id(self): return self.entryId def get_name(self): return self.name def get_base(self): return self.base def list_entry(self, entry_id): if entry_id is None: entry_id = self.entryId """List the entries held by the entry id""" # print(self.make_url("/entry/show?output=entry.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=name,icon&entryid=" + entry_id)) toks = read_url(self.make_url("/entry/show?output=entry.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=name,icon&entryid=" + entry_id)).split("\n")[1].split(",") base_name = toks[0] base_name = base_name.replace("_comma_", ",") icon = toks[1] entries = self.do_list(entry_id) self.display_entries("" + " " + "
" + base_name + "
", entries) def do_list(self, entry_id=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entry_id""" if entry_id is None: entry_id = self.entryId csv = read_url(self.make_url("/entry/show?entryid=" + entry_id + "&output=default.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=" "name,id,type,icon,url,size&orderby=name")) entries = self.make_entries(csv) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries def do_search(self, value, type=None): """Do a search for the text value and (optionally) the entry type. Return a list of RamaddaEntry objects""" entries = [] if type is None or type == "": url = self.make_url( "/search/do?output=default.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=name,id,type,icon,url,size&orderby=name&text=" + value) else: url = self.make_url( "/search/type/" + type + "?output=default.csv&escapecommas=true&orderby=name&fields=name,id,type,icon,url,size&text=" + value) csv = read_url(url) return self.make_entries(csv) def make_entries(self, csv): """Convert the RAMADDA csv into a list of RamaddaEntry objects """ entries = [] lines = csv.split("\n") cnt = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): if i == 0: continue line2 = lines[i] line2 = line2.split(",") if len(line2) >= 5: cnt = cnt+1 name = line2[0] name = name.replace("_comma_", ",") id = line2[1] type = line2[2] icon = line2[3] url = line2[4] file_size = 0 try: file_size = float(line2[5]) except: print("bad line:" + line2[5]) entry = RamaddaEntry(self, name, id, type, icon, url, file_size) entries.append(entry) return entries def make_url(self, path): """Add the ramadda base path to the given url path""" return self.base + path def make_entry_url(self, entryId): """make a href for the given entry""" return self.base + '/entry/show?entryid=' + entryId def make_entry_href(self, entryId, name, icon=None, alt=""): """make a href for the given entry""" html = '' + name + '' if icon is not None: html = " " + html return html def publish(self, name, file=None, parent=None): if "RAMADDA_USER" not in os.environ: print("No RAMADDA_USER environment variable set") return if "RAMADDA_PASSWORD" not in os.environ: print("No RAMADDA_PASSWORD environment variable set") return user = os.environ['RAMADDA_USER'] password = os.environ['RAMADDA_PASSWORD'] if parent is None: parent = self.entryId extra = "" if file is not None: extra += ' file="' + os.path.basename(file) + '" ' entry_xml = '' with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.zip') as tmpZip: with ZipFile(tmpZip.name, 'w') as myzip: with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xml') as tmpFile: entries_file = open(tmpFile.name, 'w') entries_file.write(entry_xml) entries_file.close() myzip.write(tmpFile.name, arcname='entries.xml') if file is not None: myzip.write(file) files = {'file': open(tmpZip.name, 'rb')} # TODO: change http to https url = self.make_url("/entry/xmlcreate") r = requests.post(url, files=files, data={'group': parent, 'auth.user': user, 'auth.password': password, 'response': 'xml'}) root = ET.fromstring(r.text) if root.attrib['code'] == 'ok': for child in root: display(HTML("Published file: " + self.make_entry_href(child.attrib['id'], name))) else: print('Error publishing file') print(r.text) class RepositoryEntry: def __init__(self, repository, name, id, type, icon, file_size): self.repository = repository self.name = name.replace("_comma_", ",") self.id = id self.type = type self.icon = icon self.file_size = file_size def get_file_path(self): return None def get_data_path(self): return self.get_file_path() def get_catalog_url(self): return None def get_repository(self): return self.repository def get_name(self): return self.name def get_id(self): return self.id def get_type(self): return self.type def get_icon(self): return self.icon def get_url(self): return None def get_file_size(self): return self.file_size def is_bundle(self): return False def is_grid(self): return self.get_type() == "cdm_grid" or self.get_name().endswith(".nc") def is_group(self): return False def add_display_widget(self, row): return class TDSCatalogEntry(RepositoryEntry): def __init__(self, repository, url, name): RepositoryEntry.__init__(self, repository, name, url, "", None, 0) self.url = url def get_file_path(self): return self.url def is_group(self): return True def get_catalog_url(self): return self.url class FileEntry(RepositoryEntry): def __init__(self, repository, path): # print(path) RepositoryEntry.__init__(self, repository, path, path, "", None, os.path.getsize(path)) self.path = path def get_file_path(self): return os.getcwd() + "/" + self.path def get_data_path(self): return self.get_file_path() def is_bundle(self): return self.path.find("xidv") >= 0 or self.path.find("zidv") >= 0 def is_group(self): return os.path.isdir(self.path) class RamaddaEntry(RepositoryEntry): def __init__(self, ramadda, name, id, type, icon, url, fileSize): RepositoryEntry.__init__(self,ramadda, name, id, type, icon, fileSize) self.url = url def get_file_path(self): return self.url # return self.get_repository().make_url("/entry/get?entryid=" + self.get_id()) def get_data_path(self): return self.make_opendap_url() def get_catalog_url(self): return self.repository.make_url("/entry/show?output=thredds.catalog&entryid=" + self.id) def get_icon(self): return self.icon def get_url(self): return self.url def is_bundle(self): return self.get_type() == "type_idv_bundle" or self.get_url().find("xidv") >= 0 \ or self.get_url().find("zidv") >= 0 def is_grid(self): return self.get_type() == "cdm_grid" or self.get_name().endswith(".nc") def is_group(self): return self.get_type() == "type_drilsdown_casestudy" or self.get_type() == "group" \ or self.get_type() == "localfiles" def make_opendap_url(self): return self.get_repository().base + "/opendap/" + self.id + "/entry.das" def make_get_file_url(self): return self.url # return self.get_repository().base + "/entry/get?entryid=" + self.id def add_display_widget(self, row): b = DrilsdownUI.make_button("Set URL", DrilsdownUI.set_url_clicked) b.entry = self row.append(b) link = self.get_repository().make_url("/entry/show/?output=idv.islform&entryid=" + self.get_id()) row.append(HTML('Subset Bundle')) # Make the REPOSITORIES repositories = [Ramadda("http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show?entryid=45e3b50b-dbe2-408b-a6c2-2c009749cd53", "The Mapes IDV Collection"), Ramadda("http://geodesystems.com/repository/entry/show?entryid=12704a38-9a06-4989-aac4-dafbbe13a675", "Geode Systems Drilsdown Collection"), Ramadda("https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/repository/entry/show?entryid=f8d470f4-a072-4c1e-809e-d6116a393818", "NOAA-ESRL-PSD Climate Data Repository"), # Ramadda("http://ramadda.atmos.albany.edu:8080/repository?entryid=643aa629-c53d-48cb-8454-572fad73cb0f", # "University of Albany RAMADDA"), TDS("http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog.xml", "Unidata THREDDS Data Server"), Ramadda("https://motherlode.ucar.edu/repository/entry/show?entryid=0", "Unidata RAMADDA Server"), TDS("http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/thredds/catalog.xml", "University of Miami THREDDS Data Server"), LocalFiles(".") ] Repository.theRepository = repositories[0] show_ui = True; if 'drilsdown.showui' in os.environ: show_ui = os.environ['drilsdown.showui'] == "True" if show_ui: make_ui("")