# Change Log ## v1.0.1 ### Fixed - Result-less queries produced by performing a raw query i.e. `'SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000;'` are now handled correcly. - Fixes MySQL DSN socket support when a socket path is given in `'host'`. - When using the model `count` finder without a `'conditions'` key, options like `having`, `offset`, `group` were mistakenly interpreted as conditions. - Calculation queries returning no results at all, do not error out, but return `null` now. - Extraction of translation tokens using context together with short array syntax is now fully supported. ## v1.0.0 (This includes changes from 1.0.0-beta on only.) ### Fixed - Most coding standard violations have been fixed. (David Persson) - Several incorrectly documented return/param types and unreachable code paths have been fixed, thanks to our new static analysis tools. (David Persson) - Fixed case where routes weren't matched inside scopes. #1115 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Several Security helper fixes #1131, f96e8b5, a868b3b, bbcadda (Hamid Reza Koushki, David Persson) - Fixed Session::read() with HMAC strategy on non-existent key. #1111 (David Persson, Hamid Reza Koushki) - Fixed bug where conditions on relation queries where not taken into account #1099, #1141 (Jacob Budin, David Persson, Hamid Reza Koushki) - Fixed cases where values of some MongoDB query operatos were incorrectly casted. #1124 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Fixed case where `0` was be ignored as an argument value in commands. #1104, #1125 (Ali Farhadi) - Fixed bug with mis-matched route default values #995, #1126 (Simon Jaillet) - `$_FILES` parsing in Request is skipped if the globals option is off. 7c659c4 (David Persson) - Fixed ignore of `$initial` parameter in `Collection::reduce()` #1096 (Jacob Budin) - Fixed encoding/decoding of empty JSON values #1103, #1090 (Simon Jaillet) - The offset parameter in the cache memory adapter wasn't used. 1daa738 (David Persson) - Compatiblity with latest MongoDB driver #1093, #1079, #698 (Simon Jaillet) - Fixed tests to correctly run and pass on Windows #1073, #1039 (Tsoulloftas Christodoulos, Ciaro Vermeire) - Fixed case where custom configuration was ignored when using form helper with checkboxes #1061 (Mark Wilde) - Fixed #888 to make the any option in Validator::check() work correctly. #1051 (David Persson) - Fixed issue with compiled view templates on Windows. 32b878a (David Persson) - Dechunking body data is now more safe and unwanted urldecoding of data is prevented. #1020 (Warren Seymour) - Fixed bug when using LIMIT, ORDER and hasMany relations with PostgreSql. #1145 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Matched implementation with documentation of `Request::accepts()`. The method now returns a boolean when type is provided. #1180, #856 (David Persson, David Rogers) - Fixed bug where route defaults weren't kept when key params were present in route. (David Persson) - Fixed several bugs in the FormSignature class. #839, #998, #1173 (Hamid Reza Koushki, David Persson, Ciaro Vermeire, cinaeco) - Fixed undetected buggy behavior in `Database`/`RecordSet` where records could get out of order and **associated has-many** records would be partially missing. The bug occurred when querying for results with a has-many relationship and without ordering by the primary key of the main record. In all queries involving a has-many relationship, it is adviced to first order by the main id as otherwise an exception will be thrown. We've decided against adding in the main id magically, as silently rewriting users' queries is a rabbit hole we dont't want to go down. In general implicit order by the database is not something to rely on, if you want records in a certain order, always explictly specify it. Fixes #1162 and #1182 (Hamid Reza Koushki, Nate Abele, David Persson) ```php Posts::find('all', array( // wrong :( 'order' => 'Comments.created', 'with' => 'Comments' )); Posts::find('all', array( // correct :) 'order' => array('id', 'Comments.created'), 'with' => 'Comments' )); Posts::find('all', array( // correct :) 'order' => array('title', 'id', 'Comments.created'), 'with' => 'Comments' )); ``` ### Improved - Improved database and source performance by adding caching of expensive lookups and serveral other changes. 7d54eba, 8984bc2, bfc9426, 39ef580 (David Persson) - Uniform __construct/__destruct docblocks. (David Persson) - Improved overall API documentation. (David Persson) - Removed unused code (David Persson) - Performance optimization of `Message::translate()` 28a2023 (David Persson) - Performance optimization of `DocumentSet::_set()` #1144 (Warren Seymour) - Removed most `extract()`-usage 651d07a, f74b691 (David Persson) - String::compare() will use native `hash_equals()` if possible. #1138 (David Persson) instead of blindly saving all. #1121 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Better cookie support in Request/Response #618, #1123 (Ali Farhadi) - We're now using standard tripple-backtick markdown syntax for fenced code blocks. (David Persson) - When using `isset()` nested documents are now supported using the dot notation #1094 (Warren Seymour) - Improved casting of MongoDB array based fields as content elements. #1102 (Simon Jaillet) - Improved performance in net related classes #1089 (David Persson) - When using the cache adapter for logging, logs are now persisted as long as possible. d3b2382 (David Persson) - Better HHVM compatibilty (although not yet full) 0de8fa0, 651d07a (David Persson) - Micro-optimization of `is_null()` into `=== null`. aa4ea12 (David Persson) - Implemented GC and increment/decrement for file cache adapter. (David Persson) - Improved file cache adapter parser. (David Persson) - Improved host/port parsing in redis cache adapter. #1076 (Soban Vuex) - Added missing 429, 431, 511 HTTP status codes. #1075 (Dirk Brünsicke) - `session_cache_limiter` is now configurable. 7a98128 (David Persson) - Enable serialization of data entity and collection. (David Persson) - Cast empty dates to `NULL` for relational databases. #997 (Simon Jaillet) - Use transactions when bulk-inserting in redis cache adapter. 995214f (David Persson) - Improved view template cache GC and compilation. 6f641e7, a502da5 (David Persson) - Support DELETE method in curl socket #1034 (Warren Seymour) - Improved performance by using HMAC in the FormSignature class. #1173 (David Persson) - Improved memory profile and (internal) semantics of `RecordSet` and PDO `Result` fetching. (Nate Abele) - Order direction using `Database` are now normalized to uppercase (i.e. `ASC`). (David Person) ### Added - Add support for PATCH HTTP method. (Gavin Davies) - Allow prefixed names for auth check (i.e. `user.name`) (Alex Soban) - Allow continued manipulation in dispatcher rules. #1158, #1159 (David Persson, Hamid Reza Koushki) - Added change log file. You're reading it :) (David Persson) - Added whitelist support to `Model::validates()` #1143 (Ali Farhadi) - Added support for atomic increment/decrement in relational databases #1122 (Ali Farhadi) - Added three-way `'required'` switch option for controlling when to run validation rules against (non-existent) fields. Now by default all fields that are required on *create* keep being required (unchanged), however when *updating* validation rules for fields that are not present are skipped. #1118 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Added support for REGEXP and SOUNDS LIKE operators for MySQL #1116 (David Persson) - Coverage summary statistics are now shown when using the test command #1107 (Gavin Davies) - Added support for using sockets in redis cache adapter. #1076 (Soban Vuex) - Implemented cache scoping. #1067 (David Persson) - Added cache adapter base class. (David Persson) - Implemented cache item persistence through `Cache::PERSIST`. 8a0b24a (David Persson) - The g11n infrastructure now supports gettext-like contexts. #999 (Jasper Tey) ### Changed - The shorthand `Download` header has been deprecated because of its overhead and magicness. #1134 (David Persson) - When updating an *existing* entity, validation rules for fields that are not present on the to-be-saved entity are skipped. The old behavior of requiring on *create and update* can be brought back by using the `'required'` option set to `true` with `Model::save()` or `Model::validates()`. #1118 (Hamid Reza Koushki) - Strategy support for Cache::delete() has been removed as it made no sense. d15f3e7 (David Persson) - The APC cache adapter now extends the base cache adapter class. Thus the base class must be loaded before the APC adapter. Normally this should happen automatically and no updates are needed. However if you use an old bootstrap file, the base adapter may not been loaded before the apc one. A deprecation notice will then be triggered. (David Persson) ### Backwards Incompatible Changes - Removed the automatic `__init()` for static classes. fa4ef11 (jails) - `String::compare()` is now stricter and errors out when one of the provided params is not a string. 7822a2b (David Persson) - Encoding/decoding of JSON using empty values has been improved. When encoding `null` into JSON an empty string instead of an empty array is returned. `{}` is now correctly decoded into an empty array. #1103, #1090 (Simon Jaillet) - When setting Request/Response headers, the new headers are not returned directly. Instead one must now first set, then get. #1089 (David Persson) - Cache adapter instances cannot directly be filtered anymore, instead the `Cache` class' methods may be filtered. This clears up some misconceptions and simplifies adapter code. #1068 (David Persson) - Cache adapters must now extend the new cache adapter base class. (David Persson) - Cache adapters must now support multi-key reads and writes. (David Persson) - When used with a parameter `lithium\action\Request::accepts()` now returns a boolean. It previously was returning i.e. `'json'` when `application/json` was in accepted content types and invoked with `Request::accepts('json')`. This change matches the actual behavior with documented (and expected) behavior. (David Persson, David Rogers) - The `library` command has been extracted into the `li3_lab` plugin. Please install the plugin to continue using that command. #1174 (David Persson) - The `FormSignature` class now uses HMAC with a secret key. This will now require configuring the class with an app specific secret key before using it. #1173 (David Persson) - When installed via composer the default location is now `libraries/lithium`. - Test `test` command no longer modifies the `error_reporting` setting. Please make sure you have set the `error_reporting` to `E_ALL` in your php.ini.