# Change Log
## v1.3.0
This is an API-compatible upgrade of Li3 1.2 for all users of PHP 7.4.
### Added
- PHP 7.4 support
### Removed
- PHP 7.3 support (and below)
## v1.2.0
### Added
- PHP 7.1 support
- PHP 7.2 partial support, please read the note on extending from `*Object` below
- PHP 7.3 partial support, please read the note on extending from `*Object` below
- The `li3_fixtures` library is now part of the framework `test` package.
- Data sources now support the `nested` strategy which will embed related records/documents by
fetching them using additional queries. (jails)
This strategy is auto-enabled on NoSQL-style databases where documents now
do not have to be fetched manually anymore. For classic relational databases
the new strategy can be enabled on a per query basis, if preferred over the
default `joined` strategy:
Galleries::find('all', ['with' => 'Images', 'strategy' => 'nested'])
Please note that records/documents - fetched using this strategy - cannot be
further constrained by conditions.
- `Cache::key()` learned to generate safe cache keys. Where each adapter defines
what "safe" means. The method was all in all made more flexible and feature rich
as it added support for reusable and key mutating generator functions as well as
support for key generation by passing any form of data.
- `action\Request` is now (via `$this->request->is('dnt')`) able to detect if the
_Do Not Track_ feature is enabled.
- The auto-library feature for scoped routes can now be disabled, so it's possible to
i.e. have an app and an admin scope, where the admin scope itself contains several
admin libraries.
- `openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()` has been added as a new RNG source.
- Added `core\MergeInheritable` trait which allows classes to merge their array
properties with such properties defined in class parents. Used mainly for
merging `action\Controller::$_render` and `data\Model` properties. Also
slightly optimizes memory usage in said classes.
- The `Response` now knows about HTTP status code 426 (Upgrade Required).
- The `Encrypt` session strategy now uses the `openssl` extension for symmetric
encryption for better support and performance, whenever possible. Previously the,
now deprecated, `mcrypt` extension was always used. When `openssl` cannot be
used as a drop in, the strategy will fall back to `mcrypt` usage (aka _legacy_
mode). This is the case when a non-default cipher mode (anything else than AES 256
CBC) has been chosen or the `openssl` extension is not available.
- The credit card validator now supports MasterCard 2-series. (Grayson Scherer)
- `Libraries::instance()` now accepts a class map as a 4th parameter.
- `Helper::attributes()` is now part of the public API.
- `Model::hasFinder()` checks if a given finder is available, works for magic finders, too.
- `Validator::has()` checks if a rule is available under given name.
### Changed
- The undocumented feature in `Cache::{write,read,delete,increment,decrement}()`, where
these methods supported callables as keys has been removed. Keys can now be of scalar
type only.
- `Cache::key()` now requires a cache configuration name as it's first argument.
- Dropped support for PHP 5.5
- The `Encrypt` strategy now depends on the `openssl` extension, when it does not
operate in _legacy_ mode (see above). In this case it also doesn't depend on the
`mcrypt` extension anymore.
- With HTML5 stating the type when linking or embedding scripts and styles using
`text/css` and `text/javascript` has become unnecessary. The `Html` helper will
now generate ``, `