Corrected : - Random Error making UXS crash. (Changing a part of MAIN <-> ENGINE communication system) - Changing color progressbar is now only green (Maybe a raison of random crash) - SSH finally will work (sorry for that) - Apostrophes in filename now works... (Thanks Marblemad) Added : - ProgressBar when creating the XML File Corrected : - Full Scrape don't neverend anymore. - SSH kill works now on scrape demande. - Date with only a 'Year' will work now (the date will be 'Year/01/01') - When adding Missing Rom, Name were "(Clone, Beta, Demo, ...)". It's OK now ;) - When you force JPG or PNG, Video stay in MP4. Modification : - New ProgressBar changing color (Green = OK, Red = Timeout or error download, Yellow = Not found) Added : - New, in case UXS Hang (it never happen ^^), when you re-launch a Scrape, it will ask you if you want to generate a gamelist.xml with the temporary file found. - New Shortcut was created at the first launch : 'Silent_UXS'. You can now run UXS silently ;) - New Visual info about Engine Use. Some check box corresponding to the Thread Number will tell you if the Engine is used or not. - 2 New Advanced Menu : Reset Autoconfiguration Path and Alt Autoconfiguration Path (only for Retropie, it put the Rom's Folder Path) - New Element Type : RomExcluded Exemple : Variable_Value %AutoExclude% bin|img|iso|ccd|sub (Track |[Bios]|(Bios) Mean : When a duplicate name file (without extension) is found: - it check the extension. If in list (bin|img|iso|ccd|sub) it won't scrape it - it check if the file contain a value ("(Track ","[Bios]","(Bios)"). If yes, it won't scrape it * Corrected : - SSH command are ok now - Thread number are now kept * Modification : - New ProgressBar with count on it - New Algo for estimated time - Renaming BigPicture to Bigshot (to match Eudora Theme) * Corrected : - Problem with Fullscrape - Full Scrape result - Problem with multi scrape in one session * Modification : - Menu reorganised - New Wizard - New Profil Handling (now there is only 2 Profils Recalbox & Retropie) * Added : - New Tag Name [Country] (Clone, Beta, Demo, Proto, Trad, Hack, Unl, Alt, Best) - New option Menu (Where you can choose MIX or not, and lot's of stuff) - New option to scrape or not in zip file - New system logo on interface when plateform is selected - New Language added : English became English UK and English US to handle media from each country * coming soon : - New Server - New API - New error handling * WARNING The Profil have change, So if you have make your own Profil, it may be broke. Please re-use a standard profil to make your modification and save it with an other name. Don't modify the 2 standard Profil (Recalbox.xml and Retropie.xml) * HELP WANTED : look for some translation about the new wizard. If you can help in German, Spanish, Dutch, Portugaise, Japanaise, Italian. You are welcome Then (Juste look in the LanguageFiles Folder. Open the XML. The stuff needing translation are at the end ;) ) * Corrected : - Problem on System Media Download - Cleaning some security issue - Changing TimeOut handler * Added : - New Handling of scrape Engine (it will not hammer so much the server) * Profil modification : - No more Retropie(Video) profil. Now you can choose to add video and marquee directly in the "Option Configuration Menu" * Corrected : - Better stability on downloaded images (Some never download :S and miss in the MIX) * Added : - Dynamique Handle to API server, now I can force the server to ask (for the futur when we have a fallback server ;) or country based server ) - Lot's of new Picto media (Nb of player, Notes, Classification, Editor, Developer, Genre) -> Beta it can change soon. - Added 3 news MIX Template for Bigshot Theme with these new picto (1 is directly on local, the 2 other are on the repository, you can download them directly from UXS) * WARNING Added things that can "broke" you existing MIX Template - You need to put the full Xpath to the Source_Value node (exemple : Game need to start by 'Data/jeu/' and System by 'Data/systeme [id="%IDSYSTEM%"]') - The CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN function in Target_TopLeftX, Target_TopLeftY (and other) now take the "origin" point of the picture (default are TopLeft corner of the Picture) - You can now use Target_OriginPicX and Target_OriginPicY to fixe the origin point of the picture. So now to center a picture you need to put : CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER (The Origin point of the picture will be the center, and we center this origin point to the final picture) * Corrected : - Some fallback in language xml - Fallback function (problem with standard mix not founding some picture) * Added : - Possibity to "Fixe" a Size by media in Standard profil with : and - Running on 2 servers now : Mirror and main server - New MIX Possibilty : "Text" - rotation GDI Function with directly in the Element. - can be put to "genre" Don't forget to see the Wiki : https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/wiki/%5BTUTO%5D-Making-a-MIX-Template * Corrected : - Filename check is with extension now... - Neo-Geo scrape now return correct info. * Added : - Some security on Target XML file selection. * Corrected : - Time out on the new experimental function (Hash with SSH command directly on the PI) - Add a \ before space and ' when Hash from the PI * Added : - 7za.exe instead of standard windows dll. - Experimental Option to Hash from the PI in General option. - New MIX Template in repository (thank you Brandoskey) * Corrected : - SSH command will work now (I hope :S). - Some Translation refresh. - Some problem on country preference (when you choose a 2D Box for exemple) * Added : - Japanese translation in beta (Thank you yorn.jp) - SSH Timeout * Corrected : - SSH command will work now. - 2 New Retropie Profil with Video. * Added : - 2 New Retropie Profil with Video. - Use of regionsListe.php API is OK now (Country will be translated in your language) - Use for data and media country (so now if you rom is spanish, you will have spanish media for exemple). * COMMENT : - New server and new website for www.screenscraper.fr - Lot's of new things (media for every country, new tools for admin,...) - Sorry for these last days pertubation. - The new website still in "test" so some pertubation can happen some time. We are debbuging as fast as we can. - Thank you all for your support. * Corrected : - message "Hashing Please Wait..." where buggy :S I add the rom name and now it works well ;) * Added : - Experimental Function to HASH only MD5 directly on the PI (Thank you giventofly) To use it, add this in the UXS-Config.ini : $vHashOnPI=1 $vRootPathOnPI=/recalbox/share/roms ($vRootPathOnPI is the local path on the PI to the roms folders) This function is faster for big file, but slower for small file ;) take care. * coming soon (Screenscraper V2): - using regionsListe.php API to get the countrylist.xml in all language * Corrected : - New Option to scrape only by Filename (for all language this time :S ) - Reorganize Hash Calculation on big file (Prio is MD5 all the time, SHA1 < 500Mo, CRC32 < 50Mo) MD5 is the fastest calculation. * Added : - message "Hashing Please Wait..." when hashing big file (to not think UXS freeze one big file) - iso and img will autohide (and not scraped) when cue, ccd,... exist. * Corrected : - Language and Country paramater now are saved correctly - Scummvm profil now work well (scraping the directory AND the file) * Added : - Dutch Translation. (Thank you Shampiken for the translation) * Corrected : - Better "Time Left" function - Scraper Handle take too much CPU when waiting. (Thank you Verybadsoldier for the correction) - Zipscrape function corrected. (Thank you Verybadsoldier for the correction) - SSH paramater now are saved correctly * Added : - New Menu to download New MIX Template from the Github repository - New Scrape Mode : "Create Picture Only" (Re create picture without changing XML File) - New Option to scrape only by CRC - New Option to scrape only by Filename (usefull for very big roms, but less accurate) - Italian Translation. (Thank you Cricetomutante for the translation) * Corrected : - Message to kill ES don't append when in fullscrape - Better "Time left" feature - Correcting the Plink SSH Command (Thank you Shakz76 for the correction) * Corrected : - Alternative picture doesn't work all the time, now work every time. - Name in missing.tx aren't troncated any more when too longue... - Resluts windows now show correct number for "found" roms. * Added : - Message to kill ES when network path are detected - New Menu to configure SSH Parameter - adding a new tag for Path config : %host% = first part of the Source_RootPath (ex : \\Retropie\rom will give \\Retropie and E:\rom will give E:\) - Retropie path corrected (Again... Sorry) * Corrected : - Fallback when Digimirror don't work - Scraper.exe and Scraper64.exe better update function - Error Message when Scrape engine doesn't start (google translated) * Added : - NO-Into and other matching folder name in systemlist.txt - Progress bar in UXS Icon * Corrected : - Added a Timeout for Check Engine start (If TimedOut, check your Firewall and/or Antivirus) - Standard Name format will be only Game Name (No more country added) * Added : - Log gui to show log, with last log put in clipboard when the GUI is canceled - 2 Retropie Profil with Sselph's path * Corrected : - Recalbox default path for autoconfig weren't good Really sorry about this :S First STABLE Version !!!! * Corrected : - no more system selection GUI in FullScrape - UriEncode for the ' problem corrected - Missing Rom option Corrected - Missing Rom generate a MIX if missing rom option is on - If Name Format = %Name+Country% and no country found, no more (Unknown) - Retropie path corrected * Added - showing Changelog in update windows - Check Engine start on scrape - Included extensions are now profil dependant (they are not the same between Retropie and Recalbox) BETA * Corrected : - French, German, spanish and english translation correction. - First rom sometime doesn't be scrapped corrected. - Include/Exclude label size corrected - Registering link with Digimirror corrected. - Some roms don't be scraped because of "not allowed" characteres corrected. * Added : - New XML Include - Bypass research function (to make dedicated profil for some system like scummvm) - New Mix Profil to Test SCUMMVM on Recalbox V4 (MIX) - Rewrite of path option to add some tag : + %SystemDir% = Full path to the system directory + %System% = Name of the System directory + %Source_RootPath% = Path to the local Root - Rewrite of Retropie Profil to match Retropie Path (to test) - New function to scrape IN zip files when zip file rom isn't found. (THANKS A LOT verybadsoldier) BETA * Corrected : - Issue with no image found and compression corrected. BETA * Corrected : - Include/Exclude Label Size to small in generale config corrected. - PngQuant in MIX profil don't work corrected. - Size and quality for MaxResize MIX profil doesn't work very well corrected. * Added : - Help, Thanks, and support Menu - Cache function (by default) It use the DigiMirror - Uppercase option for some text info (in Option Menu) - Hide Scraper.exe and Scraper64.exe to not confuse... BETA * Added : - German Translation (Thanks to Madmeggo, Paradadf and Lackyluuk) - Spanish Translation (Thanks to Paradadf) * Corrected : - Resizing (ratio problem in Fullback theme) corrected. - Minor bug corrected. * Preparing : - Screenscraper Cache system BETA * Preparing : - language file for translation * Corrected : - System selection corrected BETA * Corrected : - Option name corrected - Source always = 0 corrected * Added : - "_" to the missing file name BETA * Total rewrote of XML functions * Total rewrote of GDI functions (the one who make the MIX ^^) * Now all Scraping profil are in XML with tone of options * Now all MIX profil are in XML with also tone of options * Multithread, you can have several rom scraped at the same time. For this you need to register on Screenscraper (with a single registration you will have 2 threads, if you participate to the BDD you can have up to 10 threads.) * Wizard at start to help the first configuration * Scrape with recursivity (subfolder can now be scraped) * lot's of configuration menu (but they are easy to understand... And I need to make tooltips :p ) * Autoconfiguration and Fullscrape work * New function to handle timeout and network problem * Changing standard things are easy now (2D Box instead of Screenshot, Game Name with region,...) * Autohide function (Bios are auto hidden, and if you have a cue+bin, the bin will be hide too.. So are the "track" files) and it's configurable in the XML Scrape profil ... Lot's of more things I can't remember... 3 month on this ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------- Minor bug correction On Profil Minor bug correction On exclusion list Minor bug correction On FileName (Character "&") Adding a "Quick Mode" for big file (Only CRC32 hash, no MD5 or SHA1) Minor bug correction On language preference Minor bug correction On Picture preference Adding a value in Ini : $Picture_Region = 2 -> Picture preference by Rom Region only Adding a value in Ini : $Picture_Region = 0 -> Picture preference by User Language $Picture_Region = 1 -> Picture preference by Rom Region + preference by User Language Adding a Tidy function to clean up the XML Minor bug correction On filename function UXS Update Verfication at start Adding 2 New function to Profil : 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region' -> Scraped name + scraped region 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%' -> Scraped name + bracket info from filename Adding 2 New function to Profil : 'name|value|%RomName%|variable' -> Full filename of the rom 'name|value|%RomNameShort%|variable' -> Filename of the rom without extension. Minor bug correction Adding a Rotation function to Mix Image All New Mix Image engine Adding a transparancy function to Mix Image Adding a Merge function to Mix Image Adding a Cut function to Mix Image Adding Relativ position to Mix Image Correction to the autodetect system Adding New Mix image (Beta) Addeing MD5 to missing.txt file Update Timeout function to not stop the scrape Adding Start emulationstation in SSH menu Correction for the multilang datas Minor bug correction Date, Synopsys and Genre now adapte in your own language Screenscraper change to a full multilang Data Modification UXS accordingly Added Spanish language (Thanks to Paradadf) Adding an advanced configuration menu Added multilang message for SSH Adding German language (Thanks to Nachtgarm) Adding Portuguese language (Thanks to PumpKHeaD) Timeout function correction Release date correction Modification of the filename scrape Adding Timeout function Minor bug correction Minor bug correction Profil modification, %% replace fr/eu/us/jp automatically corresponding to the language selected Adding a value in Ini : $RechSYS = 0 -> Always ask for system $RechSYS = 1 -> Try to auto detect system with the directory name $RechAPI = 1|2|3 Searching order where : 1 = CRC + System 2 = CRC 3 = FileName + System Adding scraping by filename function (not only ZIP) Adding exlusion to the config ini Minor bug correction Testing Full scrape by name (not only ZIP) Starting questions added Adding Mix Image configuration menu Adding Mix Image template function Adding FIXE Image in Mix image template Adding deformation Image in mix image template Minor bug correction Introducing MIX Image function Correction in configuration windows adding "HINTS" in configuration windows Adding an autoconfig Menu Adding a full scrape option Minor bug correction Adding a value in Ini : $ExtImage = -> Like the original picture $ExtImage = jpg -> Picture in JPG $ExtImage = png -> Picture in PNG Minor bug correction Scrape in 2 times : - CRC + System - only CRC Testing Double scrape New Profil in Beta : ScreenScraper-Attract-Mode Adding automatic configuration with profil Adding automatic detection of system Adding "missing.txt" files Minor bug correction Scraping optimisation Adding an Append function Adding a "not found" function Minor bug correction Minor bug correction Adding a value in Ini : $Verbose = 0 -> no log $Verbose = 1 -> simple log $Verbose = 2 -> full log Wheel instead of system picture while scraping Minor bug correction When launching a new UXS release check for modified files Picture of system while scraping Modification of the rating value ( 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 20) Correction of image substitution path New Profil in Beta : ScreenScraper-Hyperspin Making header Adding a value in Ini : $OPTION_MAJ = 0 -> Normal $OPTION_MAJ = 1 -> Uppercase data Picture download correction (Waiting for full download) Xml creation correction First Release