#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Profile for Google Chromecast Ultra. # See DefaultRenderer.conf for descriptions of all the available options. # http://www.universalmediaserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9130&p=29381#p29381 # RendererName = Chromecast RendererIcon = Google-ChromecastUltra.png # ================================================================================================================ # This renderer has sent the following string/s: # # User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux aarch64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.84 Safari/537.36 CrKey/1.21a.76178 # ================================================================================================================ # UserAgentSearch = CrKey.*aarch64|aarch64.*CrKey LoadingPriority = 2 SeekByTime = exclusive TranscodeVideo = MPEGTS-H264-AC3 TranscodeAudio = MP3 videoBitDepth = 8,10 H264Level41Limited = false MaxVideoBitrateMbps = 40 MimeTypesChanges = video/mpeg=video/mp4 CustomFFmpegOptions = -async 1 -fflags +genpts -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2 -b:v 35000k -bufsize 35000k -f matroska MediaInfo = true # Supported video formats: # ChromecastUltra seems to be fine with mkv, and plays h265 unlike the classic Supported = f:mpegts|mp4|mkv v:mp4|h264|h265 a:aac|aac-he|mp3 n:2 m:video/mpeg Supported = f:webm v:vp8|vp9 a:opus|vorbis n:2 m:video/webm # Supported audio formats: Supported = f:aac n:2 a:aac|aac-he m:audio/aac Supported = f:flac n:2 m:audio/flac Supported = f:mp3 n:2 m:audio/mp3 Supported = f:m4a|mp4 n:2 a:aac|aac-he m:audio/mp4 Supported = f:wav n:2 a:lpcm m:audio/x-wav Supported = f:webm n:2 a:opus|vorbis m:audio/webm # Supported image formats: Supported = f:bmp m:image/bmp Supported = f:gif m:image/gif Supported = f:jpg m:image/jpeg Supported = f:png m:image/png #Supported = f:webp m:image/webp # Supported subtitles formats: SupportedExternalSubtitlesFormats = WEBVTT