--- title: "Challenge 3" author: "David Mawdsley" params: comparator: "United Kingdom" year: 2002 output: html_notebook --- In this notebook we load and examine the Gapminder data. ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(tidyverse) ``` ```{r loaddata, echo=FALSE} # By putting the loading code in a separate chunk, we can still see any # messages that may be printed when it loads. This is useful, since # messages here could indicate a problem. gapminder <- read_csv("../data/gapminder-FiveYearData.csv", col_types = cols( country = col_character(), year = col_integer(), pop = col_double(), continent = col_character(), lifeExp = col_double(), gdpPercap = col_double() )) ``` Let's take a look at the data: ```{r, echo=FALSE} print(gapminder) ``` Life expectancy has, in general, increased over time, although this masks stark falls in some countries: ```{r, echo=FALSE} ggplot(data = gapminder, aes(x = year, y = lifeExp, colour = continent, group = country)) + geom_line() ``` ```{r calclongevity, echo=FALSE} gapminderSorted <- gapminder %>% filter(year == params$year) %>% arrange(desc(lifeExp)) longevityAge <- gapminderSorted$lifeExp[1] longevityCountry <- gapminderSorted$country[1] gapminderComparator <- gapminder %>% filter(country == params$comparator, year == params$year) longevityComparator <- gapminderComparator$lifeExp ``` In `r params$year`, citizens of `r longevityCountry` had the longest average life expectancy in the world, at `r longevityAge`. By comparison, in `r params$comparator`, the average life expectancy was `r longevityComparator`