{ "name": "WebSphere - Example 6 - Discover & Templatize Cluster Configuration Data Only (No Multiplicity)", "description": "Sample process to pull Cluster configuration data from a WAS instance and turn that data into templates.", "rootActivity": { "edges": [ { "to": "Trim property whitespaces", "from": "WebSphere - Templatize Server 2 Configuration Data", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Create Cluster Member 2 component version", "from": "Create Cluster Member 1 component version", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Create Server Component for cluster member 1", "from": "Check If Server Component for cluster member 1 exists", "type": "FAILURE", "value": "" }, { "to": "Create Cluster Config component version", "from": "GetInfo", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "WebSphere - Templatize Server Configuration Data", "from": "WebSphere - Templatize Cluster Configuration Data", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Check If Server Component for cluster member 1 exists", "from": "Trim property whitespaces", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Check If Server Component for cluster member 2 exists", "from": "Check If Server Component for cluster member 1 exists", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Create Cluster Member 1 component version", "from": "Create Cluster Config component version", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Discover Server Config Data for Cluster Member 1", "from": "Discover Cluster Config Data", "type": "SUCCESS", "value": "" }, { "to": "Create Server Component for cluster member 2", "from": "Check If Server Component for cluster member 2 exists", "type": "FAILURE", "value": "" }, { "to": "WebSphere - 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No Multiplicity", "versionName": "${p:GetInfo\/datetime}", "uploadFiles": "true", "includes": "**\/*", "excludes": "", "saveFileExecuteBits": "false" }, "type": "plugin", "name": "Create Cluster Config component version", "children": [] }, { "allowFailure": false, "useImpersonation": false, "showHidden": false, "impersonationUseSudo": false, "commandName": "Delete Files and Directories", "pluginName": "File Utils", "pluginVersion": 41, "properties": { "baseDir": ".", "includes": "**\/*\n*", "excludes": "", "followSymlinks": "false", "caseSensitive": "true" }, "type": "plugin", "name": "Clean working directory", "children": [] }, { "allowFailure": false, "useImpersonation": false, "showHidden": true, "impersonationUseSudo": false, "commandName": "WebSphere Configuration Discovery", "pluginName": "WAS - Configure", "pluginVersion": 22, "properties": { "profilePath": "${p?:resource\/websphere.profilePath}", "commandPath": "${p?:resource\/websphere.commandPath}", "wasuser": "${p?:resource\/websphere.user}", "waspassword": "${p?:resource\/websphere.password}", "host": "${p?:resource\/websphere.host}", "port": "${p?:resource\/websphere.port}", "connType": "SOAP", "resourcePath": "${p:server2ResourcePath}", "configurationTypes": "${p?:websphere.cell.configurationtypes}", "configurationFile": "${p?:websphere.cell.configurationfile}", "configurationOutputFile": "${p:server2ConfigFile}", "wasAdminMaxHeap": "-Xmx1024m", "logLevel": "3" }, "type": "plugin", "name": "Discover Server Config Data for Cluster Member 2", "children": [] }, { "allowFailure": false, "useImpersonation": false, "showHidden": false, "impersonationUseSudo": false, "commandName": "Check If Component Exists", "pluginName": "UrbanCode Deploy Components", "pluginVersion": 72, "properties": {"component": "Server - 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