Remember, an issue is not the place to ask questions. You can use [Stack Overflow]( for that, or you may want to start a discussion on the [Meteor forum]( Before you open an issue, please check if a similar issue already exists or has been closed before. ### When reporting a bug, please be sure to include the following: - [ ] A descriptive title - [ ] An *isolated* way to reproduce the behavior (example: GitHub repository with code isolated to the issue that anyone can clone to observe the problem) - [ ] What version of `angular-meteor` you're using, and the platform(s) you're running it on - [ ] What packages or other dependencies you're using - [ ] The behavior you expect to see, and the actual behavior See [here]( for more detail on what is expected of a bug report. ### When you open an issue for a feature request, please add as much detail as possible: - [ ] A descriptive title - [ ] A description of the problem you're trying to solve, including *why* you think this is a problem - [ ] An overview of the suggested solution - [ ] If the feature changes current behavior, reasons why your solution is better See [here]( for more detail on what is expected of a feature request.