#!/bin/sh ##? Create Flutter package to publish it at pub.dev # flutter create --template=package --org=usama.dev unique_package_name ##? Dry run before publishing to pub.dev # flutter pub publish --dry-run ##? Publish to pub.dev # flutter pub publish ##? Forcefully publish package to pub.dev # flutter pub publish --force ##? Get dependencies # flutter pub get ##? Upgrade dependencies # flutter pub upgrade ##? Deps command to check for dependencies # flutter pub deps ##? Global command to run a package globally # flutter pub global activate ##? Global command to deactivate a package # flutter pub global deactivate ##? Global command to list all active packages # flutter pub global list ##? Global command to run a script from a package # flutter pub global run ##? Global command to add a package to the system path # flutter pub global add ##? Global command to remove a package from the system path # flutter pub global remove ##? Cache command to repair cache # flutter pub cache repair ##? Cache command to list all cached packages # flutter pub cache list ##? Cache command to add a package to the cache # flutter pub cache add ##? Cache command to remove a package from the cache # flutter pub cache remove ##? Cache command to clear the cache # flutter pub cache clear