VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "Dictionary" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True Attribute VB_Description = "Drop-in replacement for Scripting.Dictionary on Mac\r\n(c) Tim Hall -" '' ' # Dictionary ' ' Drop-in replacement for Scripting.Dictionary on Mac ' ' @class Dictionary ' @author ' @repository ' @license MIT ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Option Explicit #Const UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable = True #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then ' dict_KeyValue 0: FormattedKey, 1: OriginalKey, 2: Value Private dict_pKeyValues As Collection Private dict_pKeys() As Variant Private dict_pItems() As Variant Private dict_pObjectKeys As Collection Private dict_pCompareMode As CompareMethod #Else Private dict_pDictionary As Object #End If Public Enum CompareMethod BinaryCompare = VBA.vbBinaryCompare TextCompare = VBA.vbTextCompare DatabaseCompare = VBA.vbDatabaseCompare End Enum Public Property Get CompareMode() As CompareMethod Attribute CompareMode.VB_Description = "Set or get the string comparison method." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then CompareMode = dict_pCompareMode #Else CompareMode = dict_pDictionary.CompareMode #End If End Property Public Property Let CompareMode(Value As CompareMethod) #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Me.Count > 0 Then ' Can't change CompareMode for Dictionary that contains data ' Err.Raise 5 ' Invalid procedure call or argument End If dict_pCompareMode = Value #Else dict_pDictionary.CompareMode = Value #End If End Property Public Property Get Count() As Long Attribute Count.VB_Description = "Get the number of items in the dictionary.\n" #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Count = dict_pKeyValues.Count #Else Count = dict_pDictionary.Count #End If End Property Public Property Get Item(Key As Variant) As Variant Attribute Item.VB_Description = "Set or get the item for a given key." Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0 #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Dim dict_KeyValue As Variant dict_KeyValue = dict_GetKeyValue(Key) If Not IsEmpty(dict_KeyValue) Then If VBA.IsObject(dict_KeyValue(2)) Then Set Item = dict_KeyValue(2) Else Item = dict_KeyValue(2) End If Else ' Not found -> Returns Empty End If #Else If VBA.IsObject(dict_pDictionary.Item(Key)) Then Set Item = dict_pDictionary.Item(Key) Else Item = dict_pDictionary.Item(Key) End If #End If End Property Public Property Let Item(Key As Variant, Value As Variant) #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Me.Exists(Key) Then dict_ReplaceKeyValue dict_GetKeyValue(Key), Key, Value Else dict_AddKeyValue Key, Value End If #Else dict_pDictionary.Item(Key) = Value #End If End Property Public Property Set Item(Key As Variant, Value As Variant) #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Me.Exists(Key) Then dict_ReplaceKeyValue dict_GetKeyValue(Key), Key, Value Else dict_AddKeyValue Key, Value End If #Else Set dict_pDictionary.Item(Key) = Value #End If End Property Public Property Let Key(Previous As Variant, Updated As Variant) Attribute Key.VB_Description = "Change a key to a different key." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Dim dict_KeyValue As Variant dict_KeyValue = dict_GetKeyValue(Previous) If Not VBA.IsEmpty(dict_KeyValue) Then dict_ReplaceKeyValue dict_KeyValue, Updated, dict_KeyValue(2) End If #Else dict_pDictionary.Key(Previous) = Updated #End If End Property '' ' Add an item with the given key ' ' @param {Variant} Key ' @param {Variant} Item ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub Add(Key As Variant, Item As Variant) Attribute Add.VB_Description = "Add a new key and item to the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Not Me.Exists(Key) Then dict_AddKeyValue Key, Item Else ' This key is already associated with an element of this collection Err.Raise 457 End If #Else dict_pDictionary.Add Key, Item #End If End Sub '' ' Check if an item exists for the given key ' ' @param {Variant} Key ' @return {Boolean} ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Function Exists(Key As Variant) As Boolean Attribute Exists.VB_Description = "Determine if a given key is in the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Exists = Not IsEmpty(dict_GetKeyValue(Key)) #Else Exists = dict_pDictionary.Exists(Key) #End If End Function '' ' Get an array of all items ' ' @return {Variant} ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Function Items() As Variant Attribute Items.VB_Description = "Get an array containing all items in the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Me.Count > 0 Then Items = dict_pItems Else ' Split("") creates initialized empty array that matches Dictionary Keys and Items Items = VBA.Split("") End If #Else Items = dict_pDictionary.Items #End If End Function '' ' Get an array of all keys ' ' @return {Variant} ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Function Keys() As Variant Attribute Keys.VB_Description = "Get an array containing all keys in the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then If Me.Count > 0 Then Keys = dict_pKeys Else ' Split("") creates initialized empty array that matches Dictionary Keys and Items Keys = VBA.Split("") End If #Else Keys = dict_pDictionary.Keys #End If End Function '' ' Remove an item for the given key ' ' @param {Variant} Key ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub Remove(Key As Variant) Attribute Remove.VB_Description = "Remove a given key from the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Dim dict_KeyValue As Variant dict_KeyValue = dict_GetKeyValue(Key) If Not VBA.IsEmpty(dict_KeyValue) Then dict_RemoveKeyValue dict_KeyValue Else ' Application-defined or object-defined error Err.Raise 32811 End If #Else dict_pDictionary.Remove Key #End If End Sub '' ' Remove all items ' --------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub RemoveAll() Attribute RemoveAll.VB_Description = "Remove all information from the dictionary." #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Set dict_pKeyValues = New Collection Erase dict_pKeys Erase dict_pItems #Else dict_pDictionary.RemoveAll #End If End Sub ' ============================================= ' #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Private Function dict_GetKeyValue(dict_Key As Variant) As Variant On Error Resume Next dict_GetKeyValue = dict_pKeyValues(dict_GetFormattedKey(dict_Key)) Err.Clear End Function Private Sub dict_AddKeyValue(dict_Key As Variant, dict_Value As Variant, Optional dict_Index As Long = -1) If Me.Count = 0 Then ReDim dict_pKeys(0 To 0) ReDim dict_pItems(0 To 0) Else ReDim Preserve dict_pKeys(0 To UBound(dict_pKeys) + 1) ReDim Preserve dict_pItems(0 To UBound(dict_pItems) + 1) End If Dim dict_FormattedKey As String dict_FormattedKey = dict_GetFormattedKey(dict_Key) If dict_Index >= 0 And dict_Index < dict_pKeyValues.Count Then ' Shift keys/items after + including index into empty last slot Dim dict_i As Long For dict_i = UBound(dict_pKeys) To dict_Index + 1 Step -1 dict_pKeys(dict_i) = dict_pKeys(dict_i - 1) If VBA.IsObject(dict_pItems(dict_i - 1)) Then Set dict_pItems(dict_i) = dict_pItems(dict_i - 1) Else dict_pItems(dict_i) = dict_pItems(dict_i - 1) End If Next dict_i ' Add key/item at index dict_pKeys(dict_Index) = dict_Key If VBA.IsObject(dict_Value) Then Set dict_pItems(dict_Index) = dict_Value Else dict_pItems(dict_Index) = dict_Value End If ' Add key-value at proper index dict_pKeyValues.Add Array(dict_FormattedKey, dict_Key, dict_Value), dict_FormattedKey, Before:=dict_Index + 1 Else ' Add key-value as last item If VBA.IsObject(dict_Key) Then Set dict_pKeys(UBound(dict_pKeys)) = dict_Key Else dict_pKeys(UBound(dict_pKeys)) = dict_Key End If If VBA.IsObject(dict_Value) Then Set dict_pItems(UBound(dict_pItems)) = dict_Value Else dict_pItems(UBound(dict_pItems)) = dict_Value End If dict_pKeyValues.Add Array(dict_FormattedKey, dict_Key, dict_Value), dict_FormattedKey End If End Sub Private Sub dict_ReplaceKeyValue(dict_KeyValue As Variant, dict_Key As Variant, dict_Value As Variant) Dim dict_Index As Long Dim dict_i As Integer dict_Index = dict_GetKeyIndex(dict_KeyValue(1)) ' Remove existing dict_Value dict_RemoveKeyValue dict_KeyValue, dict_Index ' Add new dict_Key dict_Value back dict_AddKeyValue dict_Key, dict_Value, dict_Index End Sub Private Sub dict_RemoveKeyValue(dict_KeyValue As Variant, Optional ByVal dict_Index As Long = -1) Dim dict_i As Long If dict_Index = -1 Then dict_Index = dict_GetKeyIndex(dict_KeyValue(1)) End If If dict_Index >= 0 And dict_Index <= UBound(dict_pKeys) Then ' Shift keys/items after index down For dict_i = dict_Index To UBound(dict_pKeys) - 1 dict_pKeys(dict_i) = dict_pKeys(dict_i + 1) If VBA.IsObject(dict_pItems(dict_i + 1)) Then Set dict_pItems(dict_i) = dict_pItems(dict_i + 1) Else dict_pItems(dict_i) = dict_pItems(dict_i + 1) End If Next dict_i ' Resize keys/items to remove empty slot If UBound(dict_pKeys) = 0 Then Erase dict_pKeys Erase dict_pItems Else ReDim Preserve dict_pKeys(0 To UBound(dict_pKeys) - 1) ReDim Preserve dict_pItems(0 To UBound(dict_pItems) - 1) End If End If dict_pKeyValues.Remove dict_KeyValue(0) dict_RemoveObjectKey dict_KeyValue(1) End Sub Private Function dict_GetFormattedKey(dict_Key As Variant) As String If VBA.IsObject(dict_Key) Then dict_GetFormattedKey = dict_GetObjectKey(dict_Key) ElseIf VarType(dict_Key) = VBA.vbBoolean Then dict_GetFormattedKey = IIf(dict_Key, "-1__-1", "0__0") ElseIf VarType(dict_Key) = VBA.vbString Then dict_GetFormattedKey = dict_Key If Me.CompareMode = CompareMethod.BinaryCompare Then ' Collection does not have method of setting key comparison ' So case-sensitive keys aren't supported by default ' -> Approach: Append lowercase characters to original key ' AbC -> AbC___b_, abc -> abc__abc, ABC -> ABC_____ Dim dict_Lowercase As String dict_Lowercase = "" Dim dict_i As Integer Dim dict_Char As String Dim dict_Ascii As Integer For dict_i = 1 To VBA.Len(dict_GetFormattedKey) dict_Char = VBA.Mid$(dict_GetFormattedKey, dict_i, 1) dict_Ascii = VBA.Asc(dict_Char) If dict_Ascii >= 97 And dict_Ascii <= 122 Then dict_Lowercase = dict_Lowercase & dict_Char Else dict_Lowercase = dict_Lowercase & "_" End If Next dict_i If dict_Lowercase <> "" Then dict_GetFormattedKey = dict_GetFormattedKey & "__" & dict_Lowercase End If End If Else ' For numbers, add duplicate to distinguish from strings ' -> 123 -> "123__123" ' "123" -> "123" dict_GetFormattedKey = VBA.CStr(dict_Key) & "__" & CStr(dict_Key) End If End Function Private Function dict_GetObjectKey(dict_ObjKey As Variant) As String Dim dict_i As Integer For dict_i = 1 To dict_pObjectKeys.Count If dict_pObjectKeys.Item(dict_i) Is dict_ObjKey Then dict_GetObjectKey = "__object__" & dict_i Exit Function End If Next dict_i dict_pObjectKeys.Add dict_ObjKey dict_GetObjectKey = "__object__" & dict_pObjectKeys.Count End Function Private Sub dict_RemoveObjectKey(dict_ObjKey As Variant) Dim dict_i As Integer For dict_i = 1 To dict_pObjectKeys.Count If dict_pObjectKeys.Item(dict_i) Is dict_ObjKey Then dict_pObjectKeys.Remove dict_i Exit Sub End If Next dict_i End Sub Private Function dict_GetKeyIndex(dict_Key As Variant) As Long Dim dict_i As Long For dict_i = 0 To UBound(dict_pKeys) If VBA.IsObject(dict_pKeys(dict_i)) And VBA.IsObject(dict_Key) Then If dict_pKeys(dict_i) Is dict_Key Then dict_GetKeyIndex = dict_i Exit For End If ElseIf VBA.IsObject(dict_pKeys(dict_i)) Or VBA.IsObject(dict_Key) Then ' Both need to be objects to check equality, skip ElseIf dict_pKeys(dict_i) = dict_Key Then dict_GetKeyIndex = dict_i Exit For End If Next dict_i End Function #End If Private Sub Class_Initialize() #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Set dict_pKeyValues = New Collection Erase dict_pKeys Erase dict_pItems Set dict_pObjectKeys = New Collection #Else Set dict_pDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") #End If End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() #If Mac Or Not UseScriptingDictionaryIfAvailable Then Set dict_pKeyValues = Nothing Set dict_pObjectKeys = Nothing #Else Set dict_pDictionary = Nothing #End If End Sub