* TGMA:$sequence(7,0,9999999)$ OBO-Edit 2.1-beta18 14:09:2011 23:44 default_namespace 1.2 Topito definition namespace-id-rule has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym default_namespace develops_from develops from default_namespace has_part has part default_namespace part_of part of The bloodlike fluid of invertebrates having open blood-vascular systems. haemolymph default_namespace TGMA:0000000 hemolymph TGMA:0000000 The bloodlike fluid of invertebrates having open blood-vascular systems. URL:http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=onlinedictinvertzoology haemolymph URL:http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=onlinedictinvertzoology Differentiated cells with the ability to defend insects against pathogens, parasites and other foreign bodies, which entered in the hemocoel. haemocyte default_namespace TGMA:0000001 hemocyte TGMA:0000001 Differentiated cells with the ability to defend insects against pathogens, parasites and other foreign bodies, which entered in the hemocoel. PubMed:PMID:15857775 haemocyte URL:http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=onlinedictinvertzoology The anterior section (tagma) of the insect body bearing the compound eyes, antennae and mouthparts; separated from the thorax by the cervix. default_namespace TGMA:0000002 Fig 01,02,03,04 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult head TGMA:0000002 The anterior section (tagma) of the insect body bearing the compound eyes, antennae and mouthparts; separated from the thorax by the cervix. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The sclerotized skull-like part of the head. default_namespace Kopfkapsel head capsule TGMA:0000003 adult cranium TGMA:0000003 The sclerotized skull-like part of the head. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Kopfkapsel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 head capsule ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The set of the appednages on the adult head used in feeding. default_namespace TGMA:0000004 adult gnathal appendages TGMA:0000004 The set of the appednages on the adult head used in feeding. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The membranous tube that attaches the thorax to the margins of the occipital foramen. default_namespace TGMA:0000005 adult neck TGMA:0000005 The membranous tube that attaches the thorax to the margins of the occipital foramen. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The pair of endoskeletal struts of the cranium formed chiefly of the fused anterior and posterior tentorial arms. default_namespace TGMA:0000006 adult tentorium TGMA:0000006 The pair of endoskeletal struts of the cranium formed chiefly of the fused anterior and posterior tentorial arms. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the paired anterior appendicular organs of the insect head. default_namespace feeler TGMA:0000007 Fig 01 Abbr: Ant in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult antenna TGMA:0000007 One of the paired anterior appendicular organs of the insect head. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 feeler ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The membranous area of the head into which the base of the antenna is set. default_namespace Antennengrube Stirn antennal fossa TGMA:0000008 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: AS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult antennal socket TGMA:0000008 The membranous area of the head into which the base of the antenna is set. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Antennengrube ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Stirn ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal fossa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior process of the cervical sclerite which articulates with the occipital condyle of the cranium. default_namespace head-bearing process TGMA:0000009 Fig 02,11,12 Abbr: Cg in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cephaliger TGMA:0000009 The anterior process of the cervical sclerite which articulates with the occipital condyle of the cranium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 head-bearing process ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The first or basal segment of the antenna. default_namespace antennal scape antennal sclerite basal antennal segment basal joint basal segment first antennal segment first segment TGMA:0000010 Fig 02,05,06,07,08 Abbr: Sc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult scape TGMA:0000010 The first or basal segment of the antenna. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal scape ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal antennal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first antennal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The second or subbasal segment of the antenna. default_namespace Antennenbasis Basis der Antenne antennal pedicel basal bulb basal joint basal lobe of antenna scape second antennal segment second segment tormus torus TGMA:0000011 Fig 01,02,04,05,07,08 Abbr: Pe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult antennal pedicel TGMA:0000011 The second or subbasal segment of the antenna. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Antennenbasis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Basis der Antenne ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal pedicel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal bulb ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal lobe of antenna ISBN:0-937548-00-6 scape ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second antennal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tormus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 torus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The third segment of the antenna. default_namespace Geissel antennal shaft postpedicel shaft third segment of antenna TGMA:0000012 Fig 01 Abbr: Fl in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult flagellum TGMA:0000012 The third segment of the antenna. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Geissel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal shaft ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postpedicel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 shaft ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third segment of antenna ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An individual unit of the antennal flagellum. default_namespace Antennenglied Geisselglied antennal joint flagellar segment flagellar unit joint section segment TGMA:0000013 Fig 02,05,06,07,08 Abbr: Flm in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. flagellomere TGMA:0000013 An individual unit of the antennal flagellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Antennenglied ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Geisselglied ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 flagellar segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 flagellar unit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 section ISBN:0-937548-00-6 segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A ring of long curved setae borne by each flagellomere of the antenna; may be situated basally, medially or apically. default_namespace antennal whorl basal whorl bouquet fan hairwhorl verticel whorl TGMA:0000014 Fig 02,05 Abbr: FW in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. flagellar whorl TGMA:0000014 A ring of long curved setae borne by each flagellomere of the antenna; may be situated basally, medially or apically. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antennal whorl ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal whorl ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bouquet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fan ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hairwhorl ISBN:0-937548-00-6 verticel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 whorl ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A process of the scape which articulates with the pedicel. default_namespace TGMA:0000015 adult antennifer TGMA:0000015 A process of the scape which articulates with the pedicel. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An external depression in the cranium at the base of each anterior tentorial arm. default_namespace anterior opening anterior pit frontal pit invagination of the anterior arm of the tentorium TGMA:0000016 Fig 02,04,06,07,08 Abbr: ATP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult anterior tentorial pit TGMA:0000016 An external depression in the cranium at the base of each anterior tentorial arm. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior opening ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior pit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frontal pit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 invagination of the anterior arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The right or left half of the tentorium comprised mainly of the united anterior and posterior tentorial arms. default_namespace Tentoriumarm Tentoriumrohr arm of the tentorium intercranial tunnel intracranial tunnel tentorial arm tubular apodeme tubular passage tubular tunnel TGMA:0000017 adult tentorial bar TGMA:0000017 The right or left half of the tentorium comprised mainly of the united anterior and posterior tentorial arms. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Tentoriumarm ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Tentoriumrohr ISBN:0-937548-00-6 arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 intercranial tunnel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 intracranial tunnel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tentorial arm ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tubular apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tubular passage ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tubular tunnel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme extending posteriad from the anterior tentorial pit; its apex meeting the posterior tentorial arm at a visible fusion point; sometimes bearing a small dorsal tentorial arm; also sometimes bearing a small ventral tentorial arm. default_namespace anterior arm anterior arm of the tentorium pretentorium TGMA:0000018 Fig 05,06,07,08,09 Abbr: ATA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult anterior tentorial arm TGMA:0000018 The apodeme extending posteriad from the anterior tentorial pit; its apex meeting the posterior tentorial arm at a visible fusion point; sometimes bearing a small dorsal tentorial arm; also sometimes bearing a small ventral tentorial arm. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior arm ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pretentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme extending anteriad from the posterior tentorial pit; its apex meeting the apex of the anterior tentorial arm at a visible fusion point; usually with a medial extension which may meet that of the opposite side forming a corpotentorium. default_namespace post-tentorium posterior arm posterior arm of the tentorium TGMA:0000019 Fig 05,06,07,08 Abbr: PTA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult posterior tentorial arm TGMA:0000019 The apodeme extending anteriad from the posterior tentorial pit; its apex meeting the apex of the anterior tentorial arm at a visible fusion point; usually with a medial extension which may meet that of the opposite side forming a corpotentorium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 post-tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior arm ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An external depression in the cranium at the base of each posterior tentorial arm; occurring at the lower end of the postoccipital suture. default_namespace gular pit invagination of the posterior arm of the tentorium posterior opening posterior pit TGMA:0000020 Fig 03,04,06,07,08 Abbr: PTP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult posterior tentorial pit TGMA:0000020 An external depression in the cranium at the base of each posterior tentorial arm; occurring at the lower end of the postoccipital suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gular pit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 invagination of the posterior arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior opening ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior pit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A slender process extending from the dorsal surface near the posterior end of each posterior tentorial arm to the postoccipital ridge. default_namespace body of the tentorium TGMA:0000021 Abbr: Co in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. corpotentorium TGMA:0000021 A slender process extending from the dorsal surface near the posterior end of each posterior tentorial arm to the postoccipital ridge. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 body of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A short process, when present, extending anterodorsad from the main part of the anterior tentorial arm. default_namespace dorsal arm of the tentorium dorsal spine TGMA:0000022 Abbr: DTA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsal tentorial arm TGMA:0000022 A short process, when present, extending anterodorsad from the main part of the anterior tentorial arm. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal arm of the tentorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal spine ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A line of inflection surrounding the antennal socket. default_namespace TGMA:0000023 antennal suture TGMA:0000023 A line of inflection surrounding the antennal socket. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A light-perceptive organ consisting of an aggregation of optic elements (ommatidia) generally located on each side of the head; the cuticular part (cornea) consists of several hundred circular corneal facets (lenses); bounded by the ocular sclerite. default_namespace Facettenauge Komplexauge eye zusammengesetztes Auge TGMA:0000024 Fig 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Abbr: CE in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult compound eye TGMA:0000024 A light-perceptive organ consisting of an aggregation of optic elements (ommatidia) generally located on each side of the head; the cuticular part (cornea) consists of several hundred circular corneal facets (lenses); bounded by the ocular sclerite. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Facettenauge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Komplexauge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 eye ISBN:0-937548-00-6 zusammengesetztes Auge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the lenslike divisions of the cuticular part (cornea) of the compound eye. default_namespace cuticular lens eye-facet facet facette TGMA:0000025 Fig 02,03,04 Abbr: CoF in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. corneal facet TGMA:0000025 One of the lenslike divisions of the cuticular part (cornea) of the compound eye. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cuticular lens ISBN:0-937548-00-6 eye-facet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 facet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 facette ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The median longitudinal suture on the dorsal surface of the head (vertex). default_namespace coronal sulcus longitudinal suture median coronal sulcus median cranial sulcus median suture of the occiput stem of the epicranial suture TGMA:0000026 Fig 02,04,07 Abbr: cs in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. coronal suture TGMA:0000026 The median longitudinal suture on the dorsal surface of the head (vertex). ISBN:0-937548-00-6 coronal sulcus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 longitudinal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median coronal sulcus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median cranial sulcus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median suture of the occiput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stem of the epicranial suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cuticular ingrowth marked externally by the coronal suture. default_namespace TGMA:0000027 Fig 05 Abbr: CR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. coronal ridge TGMA:0000027 The cuticular ingrowth marked externally by the coronal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The suture marking the anteroventral limit of the frons and terminating laterally in the anterior tentorial pits. default_namespace TGMA:0000028 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: EpS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult epistomal suture TGMA:0000028 The suture marking the anteroventral limit of the frons and terminating laterally in the anterior tentorial pits. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cranial inflection marked externally by the epistomal suture. default_namespace TGMA:0000029 Fig 05,06 Abbr: ER in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult epistomal ridge TGMA:0000029 The cranial inflection marked externally by the epistomal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The facial area of the cranium lying between the postfrontal sutures dorsally and the epistomal suture ventrally; largely obscured by the convergent antennal sockets. default_namespace Praefrons front frontal area postfrons stirn vertex TGMA:0000030 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: Fr in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult frons TGMA:0000030 The facial area of the cranium lying between the postfrontal sutures dorsally and the epistomal suture ventrally; largely obscured by the convergent antennal sockets. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Praefrons ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frontal area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postfrons ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stirn ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertex ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterolateral area of the cranium extending ventroposteriorly from the anterior tentorial pit behind the clypeus and united ventrally with its mate between the compound eyes. default_namespace Kinn anterior postgena cheek gulo-mental region hypostomal bridge hypostome postgena TGMA:0000031 Fig 02,03,04,06,07,08 Abbr: Ge in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult gena TGMA:0000031 The anterolateral area of the cranium extending ventroposteriorly from the anterior tentorial pit behind the clypeus and united ventrally with its mate between the compound eyes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Kinn ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior postgena ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cheek ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gulo-mental region ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypostomal bridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypostome ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postgena ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The parts of the genae united ventrally between the compound eyes. default_namespace gulo-mental region hypostome TGMA:0000032 hypostomal bridge TGMA:0000032 The parts of the genae united ventrally between the compound eyes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gulo-mental region ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypostome ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A median longitudinal groove produced by the approximation of the membranous antennal sockets over the narrow middle part of the frons; often indistinguishable from the interantennal suture. default_namespace TGMA:0000033 Fig 04,07,08 Abbr: ig in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. interantennal groove TGMA:0000033 A median longitudinal groove produced by the approximation of the membranous antennal sockets over the narrow middle part of the frons; often indistinguishable from the interantennal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme marked externally by the interantennal suture. default_namespace TGMA:0000034 Fig 05 Abbr: IR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. interantennal ridge TGMA:0000034 The apodeme marked externally by the interantennal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The narrow part of the vertex between the compound eyes and above the postfrontal sutures. default_namespace crown frons interocular vertex interorbital space vertex TGMA:0000035 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: IS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. interocular space TGMA:0000035 The narrow part of the vertex between the compound eyes and above the postfrontal sutures. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 crown ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frons ISBN:0-937548-00-6 interocular vertex ISBN:0-937548-00-6 interorbital space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertex ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A specialized name applied to a group of erect elongate simple setae and fusiform scales arising from the interocular space and the immediately adjacent portion of the vertex. default_namespace vertical tuft TGMA:0000036 Fig 04 Abbr: FT in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. frontal tuft TGMA:0000036 A specialized name applied to a group of erect elongate simple setae and fusiform scales arising from the interocular space and the immediately adjacent portion of the vertex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical tuft ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the ocular setae arising on the interocular space; often somewhat longer than other ocular setae. default_namespace frontal bristle interorbital bristle vertical bristle vertical chaeta vertical seta TGMA:0000037 Fig 02 Abbr: ISe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. interocular seta TGMA:0000037 One of the ocular setae arising on the interocular space; often somewhat longer than other ocular setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frontal bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 interorbital bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical seta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A projection on either lateral margin of the postocciput to which the cephaliger of a cervical sclerite articulates. default_namespace cervical condylus TGMA:0000038 Fig 02,05,06 Abbr: OCd in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. occipital condyle TGMA:0000038 A projection on either lateral margin of the postocciput to which the cephaliger of a cervical sclerite articulates. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cervical condylus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior opening of the head into the cervix. default_namespace neck foramen TGMA:0000039 Fig 03 Abbr: OF in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult occipital foramen TGMA:0000039 The posterior opening of the head into the cervix. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 neck foramen ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The region of the cranium corresponding to the occiput but probably including parts of the vertex and postgenae as well. default_namespace TGMA:0000040 occipital region TGMA:0000040 The region of the cranium corresponding to the occiput but probably including parts of the vertex and postgenae as well. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior dorsal part of the cranium separated from the postocciput by the postoccipital suture. default_namespace gene postcranium TGMA:0000041 Fig 02 Abbr: Occ in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. occiput TGMA:0000041 The posterior dorsal part of the cranium separated from the postocciput by the postoccipital suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gene ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postcranium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A simple light-perceptive organ with the cuticular part (cornea) formed into a single lens (corneal facet); occurring singlely or in groups. default_namespace Stirnauge lateral ocellus TGMA:0000042 Fig 02,07 Abbr: Oc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocellus TGMA:0000042 A simple light-perceptive organ with the cuticular part (cornea) formed into a single lens (corneal facet); occurring singlely or in groups. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Stirnauge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral ocellus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The area along the anterior border of the vertex between the margin of the compound eye and the row of ocular setae. default_namespace orbital line TGMA:0000043 Fig 02,04 Abbr: OL in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular line TGMA:0000043 The area along the anterior border of the vertex between the margin of the compound eye and the row of ocular setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 orbital line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a line on the head near posterior margin of each compound eye. default_namespace ocular bristle orbital bristle orbital chaeta orbital hair postocular seta vertical seta TGMA:0000044 Fig 02,04 Abbr: OcS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular seta TGMA:0000044 One of the setae occurring in a line on the head near posterior margin of each compound eye. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ocular bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 orbital bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 orbital chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 orbital hair ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postocular seta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical seta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring on the ocular line of the head. default_namespace TGMA:0000045 Fig 02,04 Abbr: OS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular scale TGMA:0000045 One of the scales occurring on the ocular line of the head. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the ocular setae occurring along the dorsal margin of the compound eye. default_namespace supra-ocular chaeta upper orbital bristle vertical bristle TGMA:0000046 upper ocular seta TGMA:0000046 One of the ocular setae occurring along the dorsal margin of the compound eye. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supra-ocular chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 upper orbital bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vertical bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the ocular setae occurring along the lateral margin of the compound eye. default_namespace lower orbital bristle temporal bristle TGMA:0000047 Abbr: LOcS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lower ocular seta TGMA:0000047 One of the ocular setae occurring along the lateral margin of the compound eye. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lower orbital bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 temporal bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An extremely narrow cranial area encircling the compound eye within the ocular suture. default_namespace TGMA:0000048 Fig 02,03,04,07,08 Abbr: OSI in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular sclerite TGMA:0000048 An extremely narrow cranial area encircling the compound eye within the ocular suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A line of inflection encircling the compound eye; forming the ocular ridge internally. default_namespace TGMA:0000049 Fig 02,03,04,07,08 Abbr: OSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular suture TGMA:0000049 A line of inflection encircling the compound eye; forming the ocular ridge internally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme marked externally by the ocular suture. default_namespace Orbitalleiste TGMA:0000050 Fig 05 Abbr: OR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ocular ridge TGMA:0000050 The apodeme marked externally by the ocular suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Orbitalleiste ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of two sutures diverging from the coronal suture above the ocelli and separating the interocular space from the frons. default_namespace frontal suture TGMA:0000051 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: pfs in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. postfrontal suture TGMA:0000051 One of two sutures diverging from the coronal suture above the ocelli and separating the interocular space from the frons. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frontal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme marked externally by the postfrontal suture. default_namespace frontal ridge TGMA:0000052 Fig 05 Abbr: PR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. postfrontal ridge TGMA:0000052 The apodeme marked externally by the postfrontal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frontal ridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The lateral and ventral parts of the cranium behind the compound eye. default_namespace Kehle cheek gena gula gular region occiput temple tempus TGMA:0000053 Fig 02,03,04,06 Abbr: PG in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult postgena TGMA:0000053 The lateral and ventral parts of the cranium behind the compound eye. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Kehle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cheek ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gena ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gular region ISBN:0-937548-00-6 occiput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 temple ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tempus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a group on the postgena at the posteroventral area of the cranium. default_namespace gular bristle gular chaeta postgenal hair TGMA:0000054 Fig 02,04 Abbr: PgS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. postgenal seta TGMA:0000054 One of the setae occurring in a group on the postgena at the posteroventral area of the cranium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gular bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gular chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postgenal hair ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior area of the cranium at the dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen; separated from the more anterior areas of the cranium by the postoccipital suture; bearing a process, occipital condyle, on each lateral margin to which a cervical sclerite articulates. default_namespace cervix nape occiput paraocciput parocciput postcranium TGMA:0000055 Fig 02,04,05,06 Abbr: POc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult postocciput TGMA:0000055 The posterior area of the cranium at the dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen; separated from the more anterior areas of the cranium by the postoccipital suture; bearing a process, occipital condyle, on each lateral margin to which a cervical sclerite articulates. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cervix ISBN:0-937548-00-6 nape ISBN:0-937548-00-6 occiput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 paraocciput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 parocciput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postcranium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A line of inflection extending dorsad from each posterior tentorial pit and separating the postocciput from more anterior areas of the cranium; forming the postoccipital ridge internally. default_namespace Posticcipitalnaht TGMA:0000056 adult postoccipital suture TGMA:0000056 A line of inflection extending dorsad from each posterior tentorial pit and separating the postocciput from more anterior areas of the cranium; forming the postoccipital ridge internally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Posticcipitalnaht ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme marked externally by the postoccipital suture. default_namespace Postoccipitalleiste TGMA:0000057 Fig 05,06 Abbr: PoR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult postoccipital ridge TGMA:0000057 The apodeme marked externally by the postoccipital suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Postoccipitalleiste ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A lateral cranial inflection above the bases of the mouthparts. default_namespace genal suture TGMA:0000058 Fig 02,04 Abbr: SG in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. subgenal suture TGMA:0000058 A lateral cranial inflection above the bases of the mouthparts. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 genal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The apodeme marked externally by the subgenal suture. default_namespace Genalleiste genal shelf TGMA:0000059 Fig 05,06 Abbr: SR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. subgenal ridge TGMA:0000059 The apodeme marked externally by the subgenal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Genalleiste ISBN:0-937548-00-6 genal shelf ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The dorsal surface of the head behind the compound eyes and the interocular space; its boundaries with the occiput, genae and postgenae are not delimited. default_namespace occiput TGMA:0000060 Fig 02,04,07,08 Abbr: V in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult vertex TGMA:0000060 The dorsal surface of the head behind the compound eyes and the interocular space; its boundaries with the occiput, genae and postgenae are not delimited. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 occiput ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The line delimiting the gena from the base of the proboscis ventrally. default_namespace TGMA:0000061 subgenalnaht TGMA:0000061 The line delimiting the gena from the base of the proboscis ventrally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A line delimiting the ventral area of the frons from the antennal socket laterally. default_namespace arm of the epicranial suture TGMA:0000062 pre-antennal suture TGMA:0000062 A line delimiting the ventral area of the frons from the antennal socket laterally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 arm of the epicranial suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A line delimiting the dorsal area of the frons from the antennal socket laterally. default_namespace TGMA:0000063 praefrontalnaht TGMA:0000063 A line delimiting the dorsal area of the frons from the antennal socket laterally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The snoutlike prolongation of the head consisting dorsally of the clypeus and ventrally of the anterior part of each gena, the proboscis and the maxillary palpi. default_namespace TGMA:0000064 rostrum TGMA:0000064 The snoutlike prolongation of the head consisting dorsally of the clypeus and ventrally of the anterior part of each gena, the proboscis and the maxillary palpi. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the second pair of gnathal appendages. default_namespace first maxilla TGMA:0000065 Abbr: Mx in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult maxilla TGMA:0000065 One of the second pair of gnathal appendages. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The inner endite lobe of the maxilla. default_namespace first maxilla mandible maxilla maxilla blade maxillar lobe maxillary lancet TGMA:0000066 Abbr: Lc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult lacinia TGMA:0000066 The inner endite lobe of the maxilla. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mandible ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxilla blade ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillar lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillary lancet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One in a series of proximally-directed toothlike processes borne on the outer margin of the distal end of the lacinia. default_namespace Dentes maxillares hook lateral tooth maxillary denticle papilla serration tooth TGMA:0000067 Abbr: MxT in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. maxillary tooth TGMA:0000067 One in a series of proximally-directed toothlike processes borne on the outer margin of the distal end of the lacinia. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Dentes maxillares ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hook ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral tooth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillary denticle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 serration ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tooth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The teleopodite of the maxilla. default_namespace Kiefertaster Maxillartaster Taster barbe first maxillary palp maxillar palpus maxillary palp mouth feeler palp palp of the first maxilla palpus TGMA:0000068 Fig 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09 Abbr: MPlp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult maxillary palpus TGMA:0000068 The teleopodite of the maxilla. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Kiefertaster ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Maxillartaster ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Taster ISBN:0-937548-00-6 barbe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first maxillary palp ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillar palpus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillary palp ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mouth feeler ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palp ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palp of the first maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palpus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An individual segment of the maxillary palpus. default_namespace Palpenglied Tasterglied joint palp segment palpal joint palpal segment segment TGMA:0000069 palpomere TGMA:0000069 An individual segment of the maxillary palpus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Palpenglied ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Tasterglied ISBN:0-937548-00-6 joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palp segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palpal joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palpal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the very minute setae borne in the inner surface of the maxillary palpi of male Anopheles. default_namespace TGMA:0000070 internal palpal hair TGMA:0000070 One of the very minute setae borne in the inner surface of the maxillary palpi of male Anopheles. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any one of the setae occurring along the inner and outer margins of the fourth and fifth palpomeres of the maxillary palpi. default_namespace TGMA:0000071 Abbr: MaS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. marginal seta TGMA:0000071 Any one of the setae occurring along the inner and outer margins of the fourth and fifth palpomeres of the maxillary palpi. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The fused cardo and stipes. default_namespace apodeme apodeme of first maxilla cardo chitin-support chitinous intra-cranial process intercranial chitinous rod internal apodeme lacinia maxillary apodeme maxillary prolongation rod stipes TGMA:0000072 stipitocardinal rod TGMA:0000072 The fused cardo and stipes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 apodeme of first maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cardo ISBN:0-937548-00-6 chitin-support ISBN:0-937548-00-6 chitinous intra-cranial process ISBN:0-937548-00-6 intercranial chitinous rod ISBN:0-937548-00-6 internal apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lacinia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillary apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxillary prolongation ISBN:0-937548-00-6 rod ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stipes ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The basal subdivision of the maxilla. default_namespace TGMA:0000073 Fig 05,06 Abbr: Cd in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult cardo TGMA:0000073 The basal subdivision of the maxilla. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The distal subdivision of the maxilla bearing the galea, lacinia and maxillary palpus. default_namespace TGMA:0000074 Fig 05,06 Abbr: Stp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult stipes TGMA:0000074 The distal subdivision of the maxilla bearing the galea, lacinia and maxillary palpus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The greatly elongated sheathlike labium and the enclosed fascicle. default_namespace beak labium trompe TGMA:0000075 Fig 01 Abbr: P in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult proboscis TGMA:0000075 The greatly elongated sheathlike labium and the enclosed fascicle. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 beak ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 trompe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The fused third or posterior pair of gnathal appendages. default_namespace 2. Maxillen Stechborstenscheide Unterlippe galea labial sheath lower lip proboscis sheath second maxillae sheath under lip TGMA:0000076 Abbr: Lb in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult labium TGMA:0000076 The fused third or posterior pair of gnathal appendages. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 2. Maxillen ISSN:0091-3669 Stechborstenscheide ISSN:0091-3669 Unterlippe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 galea ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial sheath ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lower lip ISBN:0-937548-00-6 proboscis sheath ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second maxillae ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sheath ISBN:0-937548-00-6 under lip ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of two small cuticular plates borne immediately proximal to the prementum; receiving the cardino-prementalis from the cardo. default_namespace TGMA:0000077 Abbr: LSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labial sclerite TGMA:0000077 One of two small cuticular plates borne immediately proximal to the prementum; receiving the cardino-prementalis from the cardo. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The stipital part of the labium. default_namespace Mentum body of the labium haustellum labial theca labium sheath stem stipes theca TGMA:0000078 Fig 02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09 Abbr: Prm in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult prementum TGMA:0000078 The stipital part of the labium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Mentum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 body of the labium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 haustellum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial theca ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sheath ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stem ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stipes ISBN:0-937548-00-6 theca ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One lobe of the partially bilobed structure situated at the apex of the labium. default_namespace Endlippe Halbolive labellar lobe labial lobe labial palp labial palpus lobe of the labium paraglossa terminal lobe TGMA:0000079 Fig 01,03,04 Abbr: La in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labellum TGMA:0000079 One lobe of the partially bilobed structure situated at the apex of the labium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Endlippe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Halbolive ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labellar lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial palp ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial palpus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lobe of the labium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 paraglossa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 terminal lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The unjoined or fused proximal lobes (glossae and paraglossae) of the labium. default_namespace Lingula glossa ligule median process of haustellum tongue TGMA:0000080 Fig 03,04 Abbr: Lg in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult ligula TGMA:0000080 The unjoined or fused proximal lobes (glossae and paraglossae) of the labium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Lingula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 glossa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ligule ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median process of haustellum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tongue ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A small lobe laterad of the clypeus at the base of the maxillary palpus; anatomically a lobe of the maxillary stipes to which the maxillary palpus articulates. default_namespace TGMA:0000081 Fig 02,04,05 Abbr: Pl in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. palpifer TGMA:0000081 A small lobe laterad of the clypeus at the base of the maxillary palpus; anatomically a lobe of the maxillary stipes to which the maxillary palpus articulates. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of several small sclerites occurring ventrally in the membranous articulation between the prementum and the labella of the labium. default_namespace basal labellar skeleton basal sclerite sigma TGMA:0000082 Fig 03 Abbr: LaBS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labellar basal sclerite TGMA:0000082 One of several small sclerites occurring ventrally in the membranous articulation between the prementum and the labella of the labium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal labellar skeleton ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sigma ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The median dorsal longitudinal groove of the prementum which houses the fascicle. default_namespace channel groove gutter labial groove labial gutter labial lumen TGMA:0000083 premental gutter TGMA:0000083 The median dorsal longitudinal groove of the prementum which houses the fascicle. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 channel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 groove ISBN:0-937548-00-6 gutter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial groove ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial gutter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial lumen ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of two narrow sclerotized stripes borne on the inner surface of each labellum. default_namespace mesial sclerite TGMA:0000084 Abbr: LMs in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labellar mesial sclerite TGMA:0000084 One of two narrow sclerotized stripes borne on the inner surface of each labellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesial sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In some mosquito larvae, the dorsoposterior part or lip of the mandibular lobe. default_namespace labula of piliferous process TGMA:0000085 Fig 47,49 Abbr: L in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labula TGMA:0000085 In some mosquito larvae, the dorsoposterior part or lip of the mandibular lobe. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labula of piliferous process ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One in a row of setae occurring ventrally near the base of the labium. default_namespace basal bristle basal labial chaeta basal labial hair sublabial hair TGMA:0000086 Fig 01,02,03 Abbr: LBS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labial basal seta TGMA:0000086 One in a row of setae occurring ventrally near the base of the labium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal labial chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal labial hair ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sublabial hair ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The membranous basal part of the proboscis lying ventrally between the genae. default_namespace hypostome labial suture TGMA:0000087 hypostoma TGMA:0000087 The membranous basal part of the proboscis lying ventrally between the genae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypostome ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labial suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The closely appressed bundle of six needlike mouthparts (stylets), including the labrum, two mandibles, two laciniae and the hypopharynx, which form the piercing-siphoning apparatus. default_namespace stylet bundle stylet fascicle TGMA:0000088 Abbr: f in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. fascicle TGMA:0000088 The closely appressed bundle of six needlike mouthparts (stylets), including the labrum, two mandibles, two laciniae and the hypopharynx, which form the piercing-siphoning apparatus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stylet bundle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stylet fascicle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Each of the structures forming the fascicle. default_namespace bristle lancet lancette piercing stylet TGMA:0000089 stylet TGMA:0000089 Each of the structures forming the fascicle. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lancet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lancette ISBN:0-937548-00-6 piercing stylet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The median postoral appendage of the head. default_namespace Stechborste hypopharyngeal stylet tongue TGMA:0000090 Fig 09 Abbr: Hy in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult hypopharynx TGMA:0000090 The median postoral appendage of the head. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Stechborste ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypopharyngeal stylet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tongue ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The median preoral appendage articulated with the clypeus by the clypeolabral suture. default_namespace Clypeus Oberlippe Schildchen anteclypeus clypeal fossa dorsal labral sclerite dorsal plate epipharynx labium labrum-epipharynx sting upper lip TGMA:0000091 Fig 02,04,05,06,07,08,09 Abbr: Lr in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult labrum TGMA:0000091 The median preoral appendage articulated with the clypeus by the clypeolabral suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Clypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Oberlippe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Schildchen ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anteclypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 clypeal fossa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal labral sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labrum-epipharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sting ISBN:0-937548-00-6 upper lip ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the palatum formed by the oral surface of the labrum. default_namespace epipharynx TGMA:0000092 Abbr: Lp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult labropalatum TGMA:0000092 The part of the palatum formed by the oral surface of the labrum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A hook-shaped apodeme arising from each side of the dorsal part of the labrum. default_namespace Lamina frontalis ala clypealis ala of the clypeus clypeal apodeme clypeal lever endosternite labral apodeme torma TGMA:0000093 Fig 05,06,07,08 Abbr: LL in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. labral lever TGMA:0000093 A hook-shaped apodeme arising from each side of the dorsal part of the labrum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Lamina frontalis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ala clypealis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ala of the clypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 clypeal apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 clypeal lever ISBN:0-937548-00-6 endosternite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labral apodeme ISBN:0-937548-00-6 torma ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the first pair of gnathal appendages. default_namespace 1. Maxillen Mandibelblatt Mandibelstilett Unterkiefer lacinia mandibular blade mandibular stylet maxilla TGMA:0000094 adult mandible TGMA:0000094 One of the first pair of gnathal appendages. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 1. Maxillen ISSN:0091-3669 Mandibelblatt ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Mandibelstilett ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Unterkiefer ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lacinia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mandibular blade ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mandibular stylet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maxilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One in a series of small toothlike processes occurring distally along the outer margin of each mandible. default_namespace mandibular denticle serration tooth TGMA:0000095 Abbr: MnT in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. mandibular tooth TGMA:0000095 One in a series of small toothlike processes occurring distally along the outer margin of each mandible. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mandibular denticle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 serration ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tooth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A small internal sclerite articulated with the proximal end of the mandible ventrally and the subgenal ridge dorsally. default_namespace Suspensorium external cornu of mandible mandibular condyle suspensorium of the mandible suspensory sclerite TGMA:0000096 Fig 05,06 Abbr: MSp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. mandibular suspensorium TGMA:0000096 A small internal sclerite articulated with the proximal end of the mandible ventrally and the subgenal ridge dorsally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Suspensorium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 external cornu of mandible ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mandibular condyle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 suspensorium of the mandible ISBN:0-937548-00-6 suspensory sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The facial area delimited above by the epistomal suture and below by the clypeolabral suture. default_namespace Stirn epistom face fronto-clypeus postclypeus TGMA:0000097 Fig 02,04,06,07,08,09 Abbr: Clp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult clypeus TGMA:0000097 The facial area delimited above by the epistomal suture and below by the clypeolabral suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Stirn ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epistom ISBN:0-937548-00-6 face ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fronto-clypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postclypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of palatum formed by the under surface of the clypeus, the roof of the cibarium. default_namespace Palatum dorsal plate epipharyngeal surface palate TGMA:0000098 Abbr: Cp in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult clypeopalatum TGMA:0000098 The part of palatum formed by the under surface of the clypeus, the roof of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Palatum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipharyngeal surface ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A flat, sheetlike apodeme extending from the exposed part of the clypeus to the lateral margin of the cibarium. default_namespace Fulcrum Seitenfortsatze der Stirn apodeme of the clypeus fulcral plate paraclypeal phragma TGMA:0000099 Fig 05,07,08 Abbr: CPh in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. clypeal phragma TGMA:0000099 A flat, sheetlike apodeme extending from the exposed part of the clypeus to the lateral margin of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Fulcrum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Seitenfortsatze der Stirn ISBN:0-937548-00-6 apodeme of the clypeus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fulcral plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 paraclypeal phragma ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The transverse suture separating the clypeus and labrum. default_namespace TGMA:0000100 Fig 02,04,05,06 Abbr: ClS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult clypeolabral suture TGMA:0000100 The transverse suture separating the clypeus and labrum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The channel formed by the juxtaposition of the mouthparts anterior to the cibarium. default_namespace blood channel epipharynx tube food canal food channel food tube labral canal labral tube proboscis canal TGMA:0000101 Abbr: FM in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. food meatus TGMA:0000101 The channel formed by the juxtaposition of the mouthparts anterior to the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 blood channel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipharynx tube ISBN:0-937548-00-6 food canal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 food channel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 food tube ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labral canal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 labral tube ISBN:0-937548-00-6 proboscis canal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The preoral food cavity between the base of the hypopharynx and the under surface of the clypeus, clypeopalatum. Serving as the primary sucking organ. default_namespace Pharynxpumpe antlia cibarialis basipharynx buccal cavity bucco-pharyngeal cavity bucco-pharynx cibarial pump mid-pharynx oral cavity pharyngeal pump pharynx subclypeal tube TGMA:0000102 Fig 05,06,07,08,09,10 Abbr: CIb in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult cibarium TGMA:0000102 The preoral food cavity between the base of the hypopharynx and the under surface of the clypeus, clypeopalatum. Serving as the primary sucking organ. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Pharynxpumpe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antlia cibarialis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basipharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 buccal cavity ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bucco-pharyngeal cavity ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bucco-pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial pump ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mid-pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 oral cavity ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal pump ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 subclypeal tube ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In some female mosquitoes, a series of specialized spicules, cibarial teeth, borne on a transverse ridge, cibarial crest, and a group of spiculate ridges, cibarial ridges, lying ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium. default_namespace bucco-pharyngeal apparatus bucco-pharyngeal armature pharyngeal armature ventral pharyngeal valve TGMA:0000103 Fig 08 Abbr: CA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cibarial armature TGMA:0000103 In some female mosquitoes, a series of specialized spicules, cibarial teeth, borne on a transverse ridge, cibarial crest, and a group of spiculate ridges, cibarial ridges, lying ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bucco-pharyngeal apparatus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bucco-pharyngeal armature ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal armature ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventral pharyngeal valve ISSN:0091-3669 The posterior process of the cervical sclerite which articulates with the proepisternum. default_namespace TGMA:0000104 Fig 02 Abbr: CC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cervical condyle TGMA:0000104 The posterior process of the cervical sclerite which articulates with the proepisternum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A sclerite situated laterally on the cervix; anteriorly bearing the cephaliger which articulates with the occipital condyle of the cranium; posteriorly bearing a cervical condyle which articulates with the proepisternum. default_namespace Halsplatte Laterocervicalia anterior lateral cervicale cervical plate cervicum jugular sclerite lateral cervical sclerite lateral cervicale lateral chitinous plate lateral jugular sclerite neck sclerite posterior lateral cervicale sclerite of neck TGMA:0000105 Fig 01,02,05,06,11,12,14 Abbr: CS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cervical sclerite TGMA:0000105 A sclerite situated laterally on the cervix; anteriorly bearing the cephaliger which articulates with the occipital condyle of the cranium; posteriorly bearing a cervical condyle which articulates with the proepisternum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Halsplatte ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Laterocervicalia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior lateral cervicale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cervical plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cervicum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 jugular sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral cervical sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral cervicale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral chitinous plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral jugular sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 neck sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior lateral cervicale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sclerite of neck ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The membranous tube connecting the thorax to the head at the margins of the occipital foramen; laterally supported by the cervical sclerites. default_namespace TGMA:0000106 Fig 01,02,03,04,05,06,11,12,14 Abbr: Cv in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult cervix TGMA:0000106 The membranous tube connecting the thorax to the head at the margins of the occipital foramen; laterally supported by the cervical sclerites. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In some female mosquitoes, the series of specialized spicules borne on the cibarial crest located ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium; commonly of two kinds called cones and rods; when a single type is present they have more or less the character of cones. default_namespace denticles hairs pharyngeal teeth spurs teeth ventral teeth TGMA:0000107 Fig 09,10 Abbr: CT in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cibarial teeth TGMA:0000107 In some female mosquitoes, the series of specialized spicules borne on the cibarial crest located ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium; commonly of two kinds called cones and rods; when a single type is present they have more or less the character of cones. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 denticles ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hairs ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal teeth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 spurs ISBN:0-937548-00-6 teeth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventral teeth ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the specialized spicules comprising the cibarial teeth; having circular, oval or elliptical origins between the crests of the cones; each rod has a tapered bulbous base and usually has a simple taper, rodlike termination; bearing small barblike processes laterally. default_namespace TGMA:0000108 Fig 10 Abbr: Rd in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. rod TGMA:0000108 One of the specialized spicules comprising the cibarial teeth; having circular, oval or elliptical origins between the crests of the cones; each rod has a tapered bulbous base and usually has a simple taper, rodlike termination; bearing small barblike processes laterally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the specialized spicules comprising the cibarial teeth; when cones and rods are present, they are set alternately, the cones anterior to the rods, but sending posteriorly a basal extension, crest, between the bases of the rods; consisting of a basal part, pediment, and a terminal tapered part, filament; supported in some cases by extra buttresslike ridges, roots, arising from the flat ventral surface of the cibarium. default_namespace TGMA:0000109 Fig 10 Abbr: Cn in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cone TGMA:0000109 One of the specialized spicules comprising the cibarial teeth; when cones and rods are present, they are set alternately, the cones anterior to the rods, but sending posteriorly a basal extension, crest, between the bases of the rods; consisting of a basal part, pediment, and a terminal tapered part, filament; supported in some cases by extra buttresslike ridges, roots, arising from the flat ventral surface of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The basal part of a cone; bearing the filament anteriorly; the posterior part, crest, extends posteriorly and lies between the bases of adjacent rods. default_namespace TGMA:0000110 Fig 10 Abbr: Pd in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. pediment TGMA:0000110 The basal part of a cone; bearing the filament anteriorly; the posterior part, crest, extends posteriorly and lies between the bases of adjacent rods. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A basal supporting ridge of a cone arising from the flat ventral surface of the cibarium. default_namespace TGMA:0000111 Fig 10 Abbr: Rt in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. root TGMA:0000111 A basal supporting ridge of a cone arising from the flat ventral surface of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tapered terminal part of a cone borne upon the pediment; bearing short lateral processes. default_namespace TGMA:0000112 Fig 10 Abbr: Fi in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. vestitural filament TGMA:0000112 The tapered terminal part of a cone borne upon the pediment; bearing short lateral processes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior part of the pediment of the cone extending between the bases of adjacent rods; bearing spiculate processes. default_namespace TGMA:0000113 Fig 10 Abbr: Cr in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. crest TGMA:0000113 The posterior part of the pediment of the cone extending between the bases of adjacent rods; bearing spiculate processes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The transverse ridge located ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium which supports the cibarial teeth. default_namespace cibarial bar crest pharyngeal bar TGMA:0000114 Fig 09 Abbr: CC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cibarial crest TGMA:0000114 The transverse ridge located ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium which supports the cibarial teeth. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial bar ISBN:0-937548-00-6 crest ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal bar ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A hemispherical, spiculate structure projecting from the clypeopalatum; at the posterior margin of the cibarium, presumably the posterior part of the posterior hard palate. default_namespace cobblestone area dorsal pharyngeal valve shagreened area TGMA:0000115 Fig 09 Abbr: CD in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cibarial dome TGMA:0000115 A hemispherical, spiculate structure projecting from the clypeopalatum; at the posterior margin of the cibarium, presumably the posterior part of the posterior hard palate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cobblestone area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal pharyngeal valve ISSN:0091-3669 shagreened area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the various types of setae borne within the cibarium; in groups designated by location as dorsal palatal and ventral setae. default_namespace cibarial pump sense organ cibarial receptor cibarial sense organ cibarial sensillum epipharyngeal sense organ TGMA:0000116 Abbr: CIS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult cibarial seta TGMA:0000116 One of the various types of setae borne within the cibarium; in groups designated by location as dorsal palatal and ventral setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial pump sense organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial receptor ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial sense organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cibarial sensillum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipharyngeal sense organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the cibarial setae borne lateral and/or posterior to the anterior hard palate of the clypeopalatum; the dorsal setae usually consist of two peglike setae located immediately adjacent to the posterolateral margin of the anterior hard palate, the more anterior of these is borne within a pit, and a linear series of one to six small simple setae borne lateral to the former. default_namespace Geschmackshaare Sinneshaare campaniform papilla campaniform sensillum dorsal papilla dorsal papillar sense organ hair-like sensillum larger dorsal papilla smaller dorsal papilla trichoid sensillum TGMA:0000117 Fig 08,09 Abbr: DSe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsal seta TGMA:0000117 One of the cibarial setae borne lateral and/or posterior to the anterior hard palate of the clypeopalatum; the dorsal setae usually consist of two peglike setae located immediately adjacent to the posterolateral margin of the anterior hard palate, the more anterior of these is borne within a pit, and a linear series of one to six small simple setae borne lateral to the former. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Geschmackshaare ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Sinneshaare ISBN:0-937548-00-6 campaniform papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 campaniform sensillum ISSN:0091-3669 dorsal papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal papillar sense organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hair-like sensillum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 larger dorsal papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 smaller dorsal papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 trichoid sensillum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of four small peglike cibarial setae borne ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium. default_namespace ventral papilla TGMA:0000118 Fig 09 Abbr: VSe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. ventral seta TGMA:0000118 One of four small peglike cibarial setae borne ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventral papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of four small peglike cibarial setae borne on the anterior hard palate. default_namespace Geshmackshaare Sinneshaare Sinnesorgan palatal papilla palatal papillar sense organ papilla taste papilla TGMA:0000119 Fig 09 Abbr: PSe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. palatal seta TGMA:0000119 One of four small peglike cibarial setae borne on the anterior hard palate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Geshmackshaare ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Sinneshaare ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Sinnesorgan ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palatal papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 palatal papillar sense organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 taste papilla ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The irregular platelike anterior area of the clypeopalatum; bearing one or more palatal seta. default_namespace Epipharynx Pharynxdecke dorsal hard palate dorsal palate TGMA:0000120 Fig 08,09 Abbr: AHP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anterior hard palate TGMA:0000120 The irregular platelike anterior area of the clypeopalatum; bearing one or more palatal seta. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Epipharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Pharynxdecke ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal hard palate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal palate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The large platelike posterior area of the clypeopalatum; bearing ventral setae near the base of each lateral flange. default_namespace posterior palate TGMA:0000121 Fig 09 Abbr: PHP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posterior hard palate TGMA:0000121 The large platelike posterior area of the clypeopalatum; bearing ventral setae near the base of each lateral flange. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior palate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In female mosquitoes of some genera, one of a series of short spiculate ridges lying just posterior to the cibarial crest and forming part of the cibarial armature. default_namespace bucco-pharyngeal ridge finger-like projection pharyngeal ridge post-armature ridge TGMA:0000122 Fig 10 Abbr: CIR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cibarial ridge TGMA:0000122 In female mosquitoes of some genera, one of a series of short spiculate ridges lying just posterior to the cibarial crest and forming part of the cibarial armature. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bucco-pharyngeal ridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 finger-like projection ISSN:0091-3669 pharyngeal ridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 post-armature ridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A small prominence borne on the dorsal (internal) surface of the posterior hard palate. default_namespace TGMA:0000123 Abbr: Dad in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsal apodeme TGMA:0000123 A small prominence borne on the dorsal (internal) surface of the posterior hard palate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The lateral expansion of the posterior part of the cibarium. default_namespace Fulcrum chitinous wing cornu cornua dorsale Fulcralapophyse fulcral cornu ventral flange ventrale Fulcralapophyse TGMA:0000124 Fig 06,07,08,09 Abbr: LF in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lateral flange TGMA:0000124 The lateral expansion of the posterior part of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Fulcrum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 chitinous wing ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cornu ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cornua ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsale Fulcralapophyse ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fulcral cornu ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventral flange ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventrale Fulcralapophyse ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The floor of the cibarium. default_namespace TGMA:0000125 ventral plate TGMA:0000125 The floor of the cibarium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the clypeopalatum between the dorsal and posterior hard palate. default_namespace TGMA:0000126 soft palate TGMA:0000126 The part of the clypeopalatum between the dorsal and posterior hard palate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of a pair of ducts through which saliva passes from the salivary glands; fused anteriorly to form the common salivary duct which opens into the salivary pump. default_namespace ductlet salivary gutter secondary salivary duct TGMA:0000127 Fig 06 Abbr: adult alimentary canal SD in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. salivary duct TGMA:0000127 One of a pair of ducts through which saliva passes from the salivary glands; fused anteriorly to form the common salivary duct which opens into the salivary pump. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ductlet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary gutter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 secondary salivary duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The common median part of the salivary ducts opening into the salivary pump. default_namespace common duct duct ductule poison duct salivary duct venemo-salivary duct TGMA:0000128 Fig 05,06,09 Abbr: CSD in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. common salivary duct TGMA:0000128 The common median part of the salivary ducts opening into the salivary pump. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 common duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ductule ISBN:0-937548-00-6 poison duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 venemo-salivary duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The modified salivarium into which the common salivary duct opens at the base of the hypopharynx. default_namespace Cuticularglocke Glocke Salivarium Speichelpumpe antlia salivarialis poison gland reservoir salivary antlia salivary receptacle salivary syringe TGMA:0000129 Fig 05,06,09 Abbr: SP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. salivary pump TGMA:0000129 The modified salivarium into which the common salivary duct opens at the base of the hypopharynx. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Cuticularglocke ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Glocke ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Salivarium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Speichelpumpe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antlia salivarialis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 poison gland ISBN:0-937548-00-6 reservoir ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary antlia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary receptacle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary syringe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The canal extending the length of the hypopharynx through which saliva passes from the salivary pump. default_namespace Speichelkanal hypopharyngeal canal salivary channel salivary duct salivary groove salivary gutter salivary outlet canal venemo-salivary duct TGMA:0000130 Fig 05,06 Abbr: SC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. salivary canal TGMA:0000130 The canal extending the length of the hypopharynx through which saliva passes from the salivary pump. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Speichelkanal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hypopharyngeal canal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary channel ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary groove ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary gutter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 salivary outlet canal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 venemo-salivary duct ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior opening of the stomodeum located between the cibarium and pharynx; not to be confused with the secondary mouth (anterior opening of the cibarium) or the tertiary mouth (anterior opening of the food meatus). default_namespace Rima oris anatomische Mund pharyngeal valve valve TGMA:0000131 Fig 05,06,08 Abbr: Mo in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult mouth TGMA:0000131 The anterior opening of the stomodeum located between the cibarium and pharynx; not to be confused with the secondary mouth (anterior opening of the cibarium) or the tertiary mouth (anterior opening of the food meatus). ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Rima oris ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anatomische Mund ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal valve ISBN:0-937548-00-6 valve ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the stomodeum between the mouth and the oesophagus. anterior pharynx posterior pharynx default_namespace Postpharynx Praepharynx Pumporgan antlia muscular dilation of the oesophagus oesophagus pharyngeal valve post-pharynx pump pumping organ TGMA:0000132 Fig 05,06,07,08,09,10 Abbr: Pha in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult pharynx TGMA:0000132 The part of the stomodeum between the mouth and the oesophagus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Postpharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Praepharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Pumporgan ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antlia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 muscular dilation of the oesophagus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 oesophagus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal valve ISBN:0-937548-00-6 post-pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pump ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pumping organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The bulblike posterior expansion of the pharynx behind the brain and the subesophageal ganglion; opens posteriorly into the oesophagus. default_namespace Postpharynx antlia pharyngealis bulb oesophageal pump pharyngeal bulb post-pharynx posterior pharynx pumping organ sucking bulb of the oesophagus suctorial bulb TGMA:0000133 Fig 05,06,09 Abbr: adult alimentary canal PP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. pharyngeal pump TGMA:0000133 The bulblike posterior expansion of the pharynx behind the brain and the subesophageal ganglion; opens posteriorly into the oesophagus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Postpharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antlia pharyngealis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bulb ISBN:0-937548-00-6 oesophageal pump ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pharyngeal bulb ISBN:0-937548-00-6 post-pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior pharynx ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pumping organ ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sucking bulb of the oesophagus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 suctorial bulb ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the stomodeum following the pharynx. default_namespace TGMA:0000134 Fig 05, Abbr: adult alimentary canal Es. ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult oesophagus TGMA:0000134 The part of the stomodeum following the pharynx. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior part of the alimentary canal. default_namespace TGMA:0000135 adult stomodeum TGMA:0000135 The anterior part of the alimentary canal. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The second or intermediate division (tagma) of the insect body; bearing the true legs and wings; comprised of the pro-, meso- and metathoracic segments. default_namespace TGMA:0000136 Fig 01,11,12,13,14 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult thorax TGMA:0000136 The second or intermediate division (tagma) of the insect body; bearing the true legs and wings; comprised of the pro-, meso- and metathoracic segments. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The first or anterior segment of the thorax. default_namespace TGMA:0000137 adult prothorax TGMA:0000137 The first or anterior segment of the thorax. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The second or middle segment of the thorax. In Diptera, the largest part of the thorax, especially dorsally, which bears the wings. default_namespace TGMA:0000138 adult mesothorax TGMA:0000138 The second or middle segment of the thorax. In Diptera, the largest part of the thorax, especially dorsally, which bears the wings. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The third, posterior segment of the thorax. In Diptera, reduced, appearing as part of the abdomen and bearing the halteres. default_namespace TGMA:0000139 adult metathorax TGMA:0000139 The third, posterior segment of the thorax. In Diptera, reduced, appearing as part of the abdomen and bearing the halteres. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the pair of legs of the mesothorax. default_namespace middle leg midleg second leg TGMA:0000140 Fig 18 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult mesothoracic leg TGMA:0000140 One of the pair of legs of the mesothorax. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle leg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 midleg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second leg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The coxa of the midleg. default_namespace eucoxa mesocoxa middle coxa second coxa TGMA:0000141 Fig 12 Abbr: C-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midcoxa TGMA:0000141 The coxa of the midleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 eucoxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesocoxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The trochanter of one of the midlegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000142 Fig 18 Abbr: Tr-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midtrochanter TGMA:0000142 The trochanter of one of the midlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The femur of the midleg. default_namespace middle femur TGMA:0000143 Fig 18 Abbr: Fe-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midfemur TGMA:0000143 The femur of the midleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle femur ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tibia of one of the midlegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000144 Fig 18 Abbr: Ti-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midtibia TGMA:0000144 The tibia of one of the midlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tarsus of one of the midlegs. default_namespace middle tarsus TGMA:0000145 Fig 18 Abbr: Ta-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midtarsus TGMA:0000145 The tarsus of one of the midlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle tarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The terminal segment of the arthropod midleg distal to the tarsus. default_namespace pretarsus TGMA:0000146 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Pta in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. mesothoracic posttarsus TGMA:0000146 The terminal segment of the arthropod midleg distal to the tarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pretarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the midlegs. default_namespace midclaw TGMA:0000147 Fig 18 Abbr: U-II in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. midunguis TGMA:0000147 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the midlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 midclaw ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the pair of legs of the metathorax. default_namespace hindleg third leg TGMA:0000148 Fig 18 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult metathoracic leg TGMA:0000148 One of the pair of legs of the metathorax. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hindleg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third leg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The coxa of the hindleg. default_namespace metacoxa third coxa TGMA:0000149 Fig 12,14 Abbr: C-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindcoxa TGMA:0000149 The coxa of the hindleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 metacoxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The trochanter of one of the hindlegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000150 Fig 18 Abbr: Tr-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindtrochanter TGMA:0000150 The trochanter of one of the hindlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The femur of the hindleg. default_namespace TGMA:0000151 Fig 18 Abbr: Fe-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindfemur TGMA:0000151 The femur of the hindleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tibia of one of the hindlegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000152 Fig 18 Abbr: Ti-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindtibia TGMA:0000152 The tibia of one of the hindlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tarsus of one of the hindlegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000153 Fig 18 Abbr: Ta-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindtarsus TGMA:0000153 The tarsus of one of the hindlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The terminal segment of the arthropod hindleg distal to the tarsus. default_namespace pretarsus TGMA:0000154 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Pta in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. metathoracic posttarsus TGMA:0000154 The terminal segment of the arthropod hindleg distal to the tarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pretarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the hindlegs. default_namespace hindclaw TGMA:0000155 Fig 18 Abbr: U-III in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. hindunguis TGMA:0000155 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the hindlegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hindclaw ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the pair of legs of the prothorax. default_namespace first leg foreleg front leg TGMA:0000156 Fig 18 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult prothoracic leg TGMA:0000156 One of the pair of legs of the prothorax. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first leg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 foreleg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front leg ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The coxa of the foreleg. default_namespace anterior coxa first coxa front coxa TGMA:0000157 Fig 11,12 Abbr: C-I in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. forecoxa TGMA:0000157 The coxa of the foreleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front coxa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The femur of the foreleg. default_namespace front femur TGMA:0000158 Fig 18 Abbr: Fe-I in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. forefemur TGMA:0000158 The femur of the foreleg. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front femur ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tarsus of one of the forelegs. default_namespace first tarsus front tarsus TGMA:0000159 Fig 18 Abbr: Ta-I in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. foretarsus TGMA:0000159 The tarsus of one of the forelegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first tarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front tarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The tibia of one of the forelegs. default_namespace front tibia TGMA:0000160 Fig 18 Abbr: Ti-I in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. foretibia TGMA:0000160 The tibia of one of the forelegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 front tibia ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The trochanter of one of the forelegs. default_namespace TGMA:0000161 foretrochanter TGMA:0000161 The trochanter of one of the forelegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The terminal segment of the foreleg distal to the tarsus. default_namespace pretarsus TGMA:0000162 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Pta in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. prothoracic posttarsus TGMA:0000162 The terminal segment of the foreleg distal to the tarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pretarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the forelegs. default_namespace foreclaw TGMA:0000163 Fig 18 Abbr: U-I in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. foreunguis TGMA:0000163 The anterior or posterior unguis of one of the forelegs. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 foreclaw ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In animals, one of the paired appendages ordinarily used in locomotion and support. In insects, applied only to the three pairs of thoracic legs; in most insects, composed of the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and posttarsus. default_namespace TGMA:0000164 Fig 01 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult leg TGMA:0000164 In animals, one of the paired appendages ordinarily used in locomotion and support. In insects, applied only to the three pairs of thoracic legs; in most insects, composed of the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and posttarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The basal segment of the leg articulating with the sternum and/or pleuron; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindcoxa as appropriate. default_namespace hip TGMA:0000165 coxa TGMA:0000165 The basal segment of the leg articulating with the sternum and/or pleuron; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindcoxa as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hip ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In arthropods, one or two short segments between the coxa and femur; the usual second segment of the leg in insects; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindtrochanter as appropriate. default_namespace TGMA:0000166 trochanter TGMA:0000166 In arthropods, one or two short segments between the coxa and femur; the usual second segment of the leg in insects; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindtrochanter as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In arthropods, the usual third segment (fourth if two trochanters as present) of the leg; generally the largest leg segment; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindfemur as appropriate. default_namespace thigh TGMA:0000167 Abbr: Fe in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. femur TGMA:0000167 In arthropods, the usual third segment (fourth if two trochanters as present) of the leg; generally the largest leg segment; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindfemur as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 thigh ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In arthropods, the usual fourth segment of the leg distal to the femur; referred to as fore- mid- or hindtibia as appropriate. default_namespace shank TGMA:0000168 tibia TGMA:0000168 In arthropods, the usual fourth segment of the leg distal to the femur; referred to as fore- mid- or hindtibia as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 shank ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In arthropods, the usual fifth leg segment located distad to the tibia. In mosquitoes, consisting of five tarsomeres; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindtarsus as appropriate. default_namespace foot TGMA:0000169 tarsus TGMA:0000169 In arthropods, the usual fifth leg segment located distad to the tibia. In mosquitoes, consisting of five tarsomeres; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindtarsus as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 foot ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An individual subsegment of a tarsus. In mosquitoes, five tarsomeres comprise its tarsus; referred to as the first through the fifth tarsomere of the appropriate tarsus and denoted by adding numerical subscripts (1-5) to the abbreviation of the tarsus. default_namespace Fussgliede joint segment tarsal tarsal joint tarsal segment tarsus TGMA:0000170 Fig 18 Abbr: Ta-I1,Ta-I4,etc. in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. tarsomere TGMA:0000170 An individual subsegment of a tarsus. In mosquitoes, five tarsomeres comprise its tarsus; referred to as the first through the fifth tarsomere of the appropriate tarsus and denoted by adding numerical subscripts (1-5) to the abbreviation of the tarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Fussgliede ISBN:0-937548-00-6 joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tarsal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tarsal joint ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tarsal segment ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The terminal segment of the arthropod leg distal to the tarsus. default_namespace pretarsus TGMA:0000171 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Pta in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posttarsus TGMA:0000171 The terminal segment of the arthropod leg distal to the tarsus. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pretarsus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An anterior or posterior claw of the arthropod posttarsus; either or both may be absent; usually both are present on the posttarsus of mosquitoes; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindungues as appropriate. default_namespace claw hook tarsal claw TGMA:0000172 Fig 19 Abbr: U in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. unguis TGMA:0000172 An anterior or posterior claw of the arthropod posttarsus; either or both may be absent; usually both are present on the posttarsus of mosquitoes; referred to as fore-, mid- or hindungues as appropriate. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 claw ISBN:0-937548-00-6 hook ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tarsal claw ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The ventral sclerite of the posttarsus on which the depressor of the posttarsus is inserted; sometimes (regularly in mosquitoes) produced apically as an empodium. default_namespace extensor plate unguitractor TGMA:0000173 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Un in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. unguitractor plate TGMA:0000173 The ventral sclerite of the posttarsus on which the depressor of the posttarsus is inserted; sometimes (regularly in mosquitoes) produced apically as an empodium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 extensor plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 unguitractor ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The distal median prolongation of the unguitractor plate. Padlike or spiculose in mosquitoes. default_namespace epipodium TGMA:0000174 Fig 18,19 Abbr: Em in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. empodium TGMA:0000174 The distal median prolongation of the unguitractor plate. Padlike or spiculose in mosquitoes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epipodium ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The modified, reduced,drumstick-shaped metathoracic wing of most Diptera. In mosquitoes and other Diptera consisting of a thick base, scabellum, a slender stemlike part, pedicel, and an expanded distal part, capitellum. default_namespace balancer balancier haltere maillet poiser TGMA:0000175 Fig 01,12,14,17,19 Abbr: Hl in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. halter TGMA:0000175 The modified, reduced,drumstick-shaped metathoracic wing of most Diptera. In mosquitoes and other Diptera consisting of a thick base, scabellum, a slender stemlike part, pedicel, and an expanded distal part, capitellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 balancer ISBN:0-937548-00-6 balancier ISBN:0-937548-00-6 haltere ISBN:0-937548-00-6 maillet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 poiser ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The expanded, knoblike distal part of the halter. default_namespace globule knob TGMA:0000176 Fig 17 Abbr: Ca in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. capitellum TGMA:0000176 The expanded, knoblike distal part of the halter. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 globule ISBN:0-937548-00-6 knob ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The slender, stalklike part of the halter bearing the capitellum distally. default_namespace midhalter rod scape stalk stem TGMA:0000177 Fig 17 Abbr: Pc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. pedicel [of halter] TGMA:0000177 The slender, stalklike part of the halter bearing the capitellum distally. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 midhalter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 rod ISBN:0-937548-00-6 scape ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stalk ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stem ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The bulbous basal part of the halter supporting the pedicel. default_namespace base stem TGMA:0000178 Fig 17 Abbr: Sl in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. scabellum TGMA:0000178 The bulbous basal part of the halter supporting the pedicel. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 base ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stem ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In Diptera, a notch on the posterior margin of the wing between the alula and distal part. default_namespace TGMA:0000179 Fig 17 Abbr: AI in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. axillary incision TGMA:0000179 In Diptera, a notch on the posterior margin of the wing between the alula and distal part. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In many Diptera, a lobe of the posterior margin of the wing bounded proximally by the upper calypter, distally by the axillary incision and anteriorly by the base of the anal vein; weakly differentiated in mosquitoes. default_namespace axillary lobe squama TGMA:0000180 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Al in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. alula TGMA:0000180 In many Diptera, a lobe of the posterior margin of the wing bounded proximally by the upper calypter, distally by the axillary incision and anteriorly by the base of the anal vein; weakly differentiated in mosquitoes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 axillary lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 squama ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The distal calypter of the dipteran wing; typically situated above the lower calypter. default_namespace antitegula distal calypter squama TGMA:0000181 Fig 17,19 Abbr: UC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. upper calypter TGMA:0000181 The distal calypter of the dipteran wing; typically situated above the lower calypter. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antitegula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 distal calypter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 squama ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In most winged Diptera, either of two posterior lobes of the posterior margin of the wing proximal of the alula. default_namespace alula squama tegula TGMA:0000182 Abbr: Ct in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. calypter TGMA:0000182 In most winged Diptera, either of two posterior lobes of the posterior margin of the wing proximal of the alula. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 alula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 squama ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tegula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The proximal calypter of the dipteran wing; typically situated below the upper calypter. default_namespace basal calypter tegula TGMA:0000183 Fig 17 Abbr: LC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lower calypter TGMA:0000183 The proximal calypter of the dipteran wing; typically situated below the upper calypter. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal calypter ISBN:0-937548-00-6 tegula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In winged Diptera, the closely associated, though separate, bases of the subcosta and of the radius basad of the arculus. In mosquitoes and other Diptera, the part of the radius basad of the arculus (restricted sense). default_namespace bar blade stem-vein TGMA:0000184 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Re in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. remigium TGMA:0000184 In winged Diptera, the closely associated, though separate, bases of the subcosta and of the radius basad of the arculus. In mosquitoes and other Diptera, the part of the radius basad of the arculus (restricted sense). ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bar ISBN:0-937548-00-6 blade ISBN:0-937548-00-6 stem-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The thickened posterior edge of the upper and lower calypters; continuous basally with the posterior scutellar ridge. default_namespace TGMA:0000185 Fig 17 Abbr: AxC in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. axillary cord TGMA:0000185 The thickened posterior edge of the upper and lower calypters; continuous basally with the posterior scutellar ridge. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The small caudolateral lobe or area of the mesonotum caudad of the posterior notal wing process cephalolaterad of the scutellum; usually with one or more setae. default_namespace postalar callus TGMA:0000186 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Psc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. parascutellum TGMA:0000186 The small caudolateral lobe or area of the mesonotum caudad of the posterior notal wing process cephalolaterad of the scutellum; usually with one or more setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postalar callus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The small angular area located near the center of the parascutellum; represented internally by an apodeme which bears the insertion of direct wing muscles. default_namespace TGMA:0000187 Fig 12,14,19 Abbr: PsP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. parascutellar process TGMA:0000187 The small angular area located near the center of the parascutellum; represented internally by an apodeme which bears the insertion of direct wing muscles. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The external ridge which extends from the lateroposterior angle of the scutellum and unites with the axillary cord of the wing. default_namespace TGMA:0000188 Fig 17,19 Abbr: PSR in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posterior scutellar ridge TGMA:0000188 The external ridge which extends from the lateroposterior angle of the scutellum and unites with the axillary cord of the wing. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the first and second axillary sclerites and a process on the posterodorsal margin of the posterior mesanepisternum. default_namespace third axillary unguiculus TGMA:0000189 Fig 17 Abbr: TAxS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. third axillary sclerite TGMA:0000189 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the first and second axillary sclerites and a process on the posterodorsal margin of the posterior mesanepisternum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third axillary ISBN:0-937548-00-6 unguiculus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the first and third axillary sclerites and situated at the proximal end and along the caudal margin of the remigium. default_namespace distal chitinous sclerite distal sclerite epaulet second axillary TGMA:0000190 Fig 17 Abbr: SAxS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. second axillary sclerite TGMA:0000190 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the first and third axillary sclerites and situated at the proximal end and along the caudal margin of the remigium. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 distal chitinous sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 distal sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epaulet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second axillary ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the anterior and postmedian notal wing processes and the second and third axillary sclerites; with a muscle attached to it. default_namespace dens first axillary intermediated sclerite middle sclerite TGMA:0000191 Fig 17 Abbr: FAxS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. first axillary sclerite TGMA:0000191 The axillary sclerite at the base of the wing articulating with the anterior and postmedian notal wing processes and the second and third axillary sclerites; with a muscle attached to it. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dens ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first axillary ISBN:0-937548-00-6 intermediated sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior preaxillary sclerite of the wing base supporting the costa; the small triangular sclerite in mosquitoes. default_namespace basicosta subepaulet TGMA:0000192 Fig 17,19 Abbr: HP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. humeral plate TGMA:0000192 The anterior preaxillary sclerite of the wing base supporting the costa; the small triangular sclerite in mosquitoes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basicosta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 subepaulet ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A lobe siuated at the base of the costa of the forewing of some insects. In mosquitoes, present at the base of the wing but also recognisable as a small lobe located dorsoanteriorly at the base of the halter. default_namespace TGMA:0000193 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Tg in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. tegula TGMA:0000193 A lobe siuated at the base of the costa of the forewing of some insects. In mosquitoes, present at the base of the wing but also recognisable as a small lobe located dorsoanteriorly at the base of the halter. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The projection of the lateral scutal margin which articulates with the anterior part of the first axillary sclerite. default_namespace flange suralare TGMA:0000194 Fig 17 Abbr: ANWP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anterior notal wing process TGMA:0000194 The projection of the lateral scutal margin which articulates with the anterior part of the first axillary sclerite. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 flange ISBN:0-937548-00-6 suralare ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A flange of the scutum located caudad and slightly ventrad of the anterior notal wing process which articulates with the posterior part of the first axillary sclerite. default_namespace adanal process flange proximal sclerite TGMA:0000195 Fig 17 Abbr: PNWP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. postmedian notal wing process TGMA:0000195 A flange of the scutum located caudad and slightly ventrad of the anterior notal wing process which articulates with the posterior part of the first axillary sclerite. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 adanal process ISBN:0-937548-00-6 flange ISBN:0-937548-00-6 proximal sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In adult pterygotous insects, one of the paired organs of flight occurring on the mesothoracic segment. default_namespace TGMA:0000196 adult mesothoracic wing TGMA:0000196 In adult pterygotous insects, one of the paired organs of flight occurring on the mesothoracic segment. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In adult pterygotous insects, the paired organs of flight occurring on the metathoracic segment. In Diptera, the metathoracic wings are represented by the halteres. default_namespace TGMA:0000197 adult metathoracic wing TGMA:0000197 In adult pterygotous insects, the paired organs of flight occurring on the metathoracic segment. In Diptera, the metathoracic wings are represented by the halteres. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A crossvein between the radius and cubitus near the wing base in certain insects, including mosquitoes. default_namespace articular articular sclerite TGMA:0000198 Fig 17 Abbr: Ar in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. arculus TGMA:0000198 A crossvein between the radius and cubitus near the wing base in certain insects, including mosquitoes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 articular ISBN:0-937548-00-6 articular sclerite ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The crossvein extending between the costa and subcosta near the bas of the wing; dividing cell C into a proximal first cell C and a distal second cell C. default_namespace transverse humeral vein transverse shoulder-vein TGMA:0000199 Fig 17,19 Abbr: h in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. humeral crossvein TGMA:0000199 The crossvein extending between the costa and subcosta near the bas of the wing; dividing cell C into a proximal first cell C and a distal second cell C. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 transverse humeral vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 transverse shoulder-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The usual third principal longitudinal vein of the wing. Four-branched in mosquitoes, the stem branching into radius-one and radius-four-plus-five and radius-two-plus-three branching into radius-two and radius-three. default_namespace radial vein vein 2 TGMA:0000200 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius TGMA:0000200 The usual third principal longitudinal vein of the wing. Four-branched in mosquitoes, the stem branching into radius-one and radius-four-plus-five and radius-two-plus-three branching into radius-two and radius-three. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radial vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vein 2 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior branch of the radius; with a short basal crossveinlike segment between the point of the separation from the radius-two-plus-three and the radiomedial crossvein. cross-nervure between radius-one and radius-four-plus-five sectorial cross-vein supernumerary cross-vein supernumerary transverse vein third long vein third longitudinal vein third vein default_namespace TGMA:0000201 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R4+5 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius-four-plus-five TGMA:0000201 The posterior branch of the radius; with a short basal crossveinlike segment between the point of the separation from the radius-two-plus-three and the radiomedial crossvein. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cross-nervure between radius-one and radius-four-plus-five ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sectorial cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supernumerary cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supernumerary transverse vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third long vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior branch of the radius terminating anteriorly at the apex of the wing. default_namespace first longitudinal vein first vein TGMA:0000202 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R1 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius-one TGMA:0000202 The anterior branch of the radius terminating anteriorly at the apex of the wing. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior branch of radius-two-plus-three extending to the wing apex. default_namespace posterior branch TGMA:0000203 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R3 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius-three TGMA:0000203 The posterior branch of radius-two-plus-three extending to the wing apex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior branch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior branch of radius-two-plus-three represented by a short vein near the wing apex. default_namespace anterior branch TGMA:0000204 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R2 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius-two TGMA:0000204 The anterior branch of radius-two-plus-three represented by a short vein near the wing apex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior branch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The stem of radius-one and radius-two; branching from the radial sectors with radius-three-plus-four. default_namespace second forked vein second long vein second longitudinal vein second vein TGMA:0000205 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R2+3 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radius-two-plus-three TGMA:0000205 The stem of radius-one and radius-two; branching from the radial sectors with radius-three-plus-four. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second forked vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second long vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The usual second principal longitudinal vein of the wing. In mosquitoes,two-branched with subcosta-one ending at the costa and subcosta-two connecting to the radius. default_namespace TGMA:0000206 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Sc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. subcosta TGMA:0000206 The usual second principal longitudinal vein of the wing. In mosquitoes,two-branched with subcosta-one ending at the costa and subcosta-two connecting to the radius. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The stem of radius-one-plus-two and radius-three-plus-four; splitting from the stem of the radius with radius-one. default_namespace cross-nervure between radius-one and radius-two marginal cross-vein marginal transverse vein radial stem radial-cross-vein radio-sector TGMA:0000207 Fig 17,19 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radial sector TGMA:0000207 The stem of radius-one-plus-two and radius-three-plus-four; splitting from the stem of the radius with radius-one. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cross-nervure between radius-one and radius-two ISBN:0-937548-00-6 marginal cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 marginal transverse vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radial stem ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radial-cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radio-sector ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The crossvein extending between the radius and media. In mosquitoes, connecting radius-four-plus-five and media-one-plus-two. default_namespace anterior cross-vein mid-cross vein middle cross-vein middle transverse vein radio-median cross-vein TGMA:0000208 Fig 17,19 Abbr: rm in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. radiomedial crossvein TGMA:0000208 The crossvein extending between the radius and media. In mosquitoes, connecting radius-four-plus-five and media-one-plus-two. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mid-cross vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middle transverse vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radio-median cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior branch of media-one-plus-two which reaches the margin of the wing near the apex. default_namespace anterior branch anterior median vein media-one-plus-two TGMA:0000209 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M1 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. media-one TGMA:0000209 The anterior branch of media-one-plus-two which reaches the margin of the wing near the apex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior branch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior median vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 media-one-plus-two ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior branch of the media (media posterior) which splits into media-one and media-two near the wing apex. default_namespace TGMA:0000210 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M1+2 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. media-one-plus-two TGMA:0000210 The anterior branch of the media (media posterior) which splits into media-one and media-two near the wing apex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior branch of the media (media posterior); with a short basal crossveinlike segment which traditionally has been considered to be the mediocubital crossvein; the longer distal part has been considered to be cubitus-one. default_namespace basal cross-vein branch of fifth longitudinal cubitus-one fifth longitudinal vein fifth vein medio-cubital cross-nervure medio-cubital cross-vein posterior cross-vein TGMA:0000211 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M3+4 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. media-three-plus-four TGMA:0000211 The posterior branch of the media (media posterior); with a short basal crossveinlike segment which traditionally has been considered to be the mediocubital crossvein; the longer distal part has been considered to be cubitus-one. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 branch of fifth longitudinal ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubitus-one ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 medio-cubital cross-nervure ISBN:0-937548-00-6 medio-cubital cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior cross-vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior branch of media-one-plus-two. default_namespace media-three posterior branch posterior median vein TGMA:0000212 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M2 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. media-two TGMA:0000212 The posterior branch of media-one-plus-two. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 media-three ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior branch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior median vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The crossvein extending between the media and cubitus. In mosquitoes and other Diptera, connecting media-three-plus-four and the cubitus anterior. default_namespace branch of the fifth longitudinal vein cubitus-one fifth longitudinal vein fifth vein TGMA:0000213 Fig 17,19 Abbr: mcu in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. mediocubital crossvein TGMA:0000213 The crossvein extending between the media and cubitus. In mosquitoes and other Diptera, connecting media-three-plus-four and the cubitus anterior. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 branch of the fifth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubitus-one ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The usual fourth longitudinal vein of the wing; primitively with two branches, media anterior and media posterior, but only the latter occurs in the Holometabola in which it is conventionally called the media. default_namespace fourth forked vein fourth long vein fourth longitudinal vein fourth vein medial vein TGMA:0000214 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. media TGMA:0000214 The usual fourth longitudinal vein of the wing; primitively with two branches, media anterior and media posterior, but only the latter occurs in the Holometabola in which it is conventionally called the media. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fourth forked vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fourth long vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fourth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fourth vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 medial vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The usual fifth longitudinal vein of the wing; usually with two main branches, cubitus anterior and cubitus posterior. default_namespace TGMA:0000215 cubitus TGMA:0000215 The usual fifth longitudinal vein of the wing; usually with two main branches, cubitus anterior and cubitus posterior. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The anterior branch of the cubitus. Unbranched in mosquitoes. the part of cubitus anterior distal to the mediocubital crossvein default_namespace cubitus-two fifth long vein fifth longitudinal vein fifth vein main fifth longitudinal vein TGMA:0000216 Fig 17,19 Abbr: CuA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cubitus anterior TGMA:0000216 The anterior branch of the cubitus. Unbranched in mosquitoes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 the part of cubitus anterior distal to the mediocubital crossvein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubitus-two ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth long vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fifth vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 main fifth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior branch of the cubitus. In mosquitoes it is unbranched, weakly developed and closely parallels the cubitus anterior. default_namespace cubital fold cubito-anal fold incrassation plical fold plical vein TGMA:0000217 Fig 17,19 Abbr: CuP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cubitus posterior TGMA:0000217 The posterior branch of the cubitus. In mosquitoes it is unbranched, weakly developed and closely parallels the cubitus anterior. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubital fold ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubito-anal fold ISBN:0-937548-00-6 incrassation ISBN:0-937548-00-6 plical fold ISBN:0-937548-00-6 plical vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 An area of wing membrane delimited by veins or by veins and the wing margin; named after the vein immediately anterior to it or after the posterior element if the vein is formed by the "fusion" of two vein branches. default_namespace area TGMA:0000218 cell TGMA:0000218 An area of wing membrane delimited by veins or by veins and the wing margin; named after the vein immediately anterior to it or after the posterior element if the vein is formed by the "fusion" of two vein branches. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell occurring between the posterior wing margin and the anal vein. default_namespace anal area auxiliary cell axillary cell spurious cell TGMA:0000219 Fig 17,19 Abbr: 1A in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell 1A TGMA:0000219 The cell occurring between the posterior wing margin and the anal vein. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anal area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 auxiliary cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 axillary cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 spurious cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to the costa; subdivided by the humeral crossvein into the proximal first cell C and the large distal second cell C. default_namespace costal cell TGMA:0000220 Fig 17,19 Abbr: C in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell C TGMA:0000220 The cell posterior to the costa; subdivided by the humeral crossvein into the proximal first cell C and the large distal second cell C. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 costal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The extremely narrow cell posterior to the cubitus anterior; usually indistinctly separated from cell CuP by the weak and often incomplete cubitus posterior. default_namespace TGMA:0000221 Fig 17,19 Abbr: CuA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell CuA TGMA:0000221 The extremely narrow cell posterior to the cubitus anterior; usually indistinctly separated from cell CuP by the weak and often incomplete cubitus posterior. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to the weakly developed cubitus posterior. default_namespace anal cell auxiliary cell axillary cell cubitus area TGMA:0000222 Fig 17,19 Abbr: CuP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell CuP TGMA:0000222 The cell posterior to the weakly developed cubitus posterior. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 auxiliary cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 axillary cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cubitus area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to the stem of the media. default_namespace cell bm [basal medial] media area second basal cell TGMA:0000223 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell M TGMA:0000223 The cell posterior to the stem of the media. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cell bm [basal medial] ISSN:0091-3669 media area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second basal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to media-one; its length is measured along the longitudinal axis of the stem and media-one-plus-two from the point of separation of media-one and media-two; this length is usually compared to the length of media-one-plus-two measured along the same axis. default_namespace cell M2 lower fork cell lower forked cell posterior forked cell second fork cell second posterior cell TGMA:0000224 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M1 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell M1 TGMA:0000224 The cell posterior to media-one; its length is measured along the longitudinal axis of the stem and media-one-plus-two from the point of separation of media-one and media-two; this length is usually compared to the length of media-one-plus-two measured along the same axis. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cell M2 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lower fork cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lower forked cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior forked cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second fork cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second posterior cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to media-one-plus-two and media two. default_namespace cell M3 third posterior cell TGMA:0000225 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M2 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell M2 TGMA:0000225 The cell posterior to media-one-plus-two and media two. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cell M3 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 third posterior cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to media-three-plus-four. default_namespace anal cell cell Cu1 fourth posterior cell TGMA:0000226 Fig 17,19 Abbr: M4 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell M4 TGMA:0000226 The cell posterior to media-three-plus-four. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cell Cu1 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fourth posterior cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to the stem of the radius and the radial sector. default_namespace basal cell cell br [basal radial] first basal cell radius area TGMA:0000227 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell R TGMA:0000227 The cell posterior to the stem of the radius and the radial sector. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 cell br [basal radial] ISSN:0091-3669 first basal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 radius area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to radius-one. default_namespace first marginal cell marginal cell TGMA:0000228 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R1 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell R1 TGMA:0000228 The cell posterior to radius-one. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell enclosed between radius-two and radius-three; its length is measured along the projection of the longitudinal axis of radius-two-plus-three from the point of separation of radius-two and radius-three; this length compared to the length of radius-two-plus-three measured along the same axis. default_namespace anterior forked cell first fork cell first sub-marginal cell second marginal cell upper fork cell upper forked cell TGMA:0000229 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R2 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell R2 TGMA:0000229 The cell enclosed between radius-two and radius-three; its length is measured along the projection of the longitudinal axis of radius-two-plus-three from the point of separation of radius-two and radius-three; this length compared to the length of radius-two-plus-three measured along the same axis. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior forked cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first fork cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first sub-marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 upper fork cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 upper forked cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to radius-two-plus-three and radius-three. default_namespace second sub-marginal cell sub-marginal cell TGMA:0000230 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R3 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell R3 TGMA:0000230 The cell posterior to radius-two-plus-three and radius-three. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 second sub-marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sub-marginal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to radius-four-plus-five. default_namespace first posterior cell TGMA:0000231 Fig 17,19 Abbr: R5 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell R5 TGMA:0000231 The cell posterior to radius-four-plus-five. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first posterior cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to the stem of the subcosta proximad of the crossveinlike subcosta-two; usually applied to the combined cells Sc and Sc1. default_namespace sub-costal cell TGMA:0000232 Fig 17,19 Abbr: Sc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell Sc TGMA:0000232 The cell posterior to the stem of the subcosta proximad of the crossveinlike subcosta-two; usually applied to the combined cells Sc and Sc1. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sub-costal cell ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The cell posterior to sub-costa one; usually regarded as part of cell Sc. default_namespace TGMA:0000233 Abbr: Sc1 in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. cell Sc1 TGMA:0000233 The cell posterior to sub-costa one; usually regarded as part of cell Sc. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In arthropods, the antenna-bearing membrane covering the antennal socket. default_namespace TGMA:0000234 antacoria TGMA:0000234 In arthropods, the antenna-bearing membrane covering the antennal socket. ISSN:0091-3669 In culicid larvae, any labropalatal hair between the inner edges of the lateral palatal penicular areas. default_namespace ental palatal hair median bristle palatal hair palatal spine suprapalatal hair TGMA:0000235 anteromedian palatal hair TGMA:0000235 In culicid larvae, any labropalatal hair between the inner edges of the lateral palatal penicular areas. ISSN:0091-3669 ental palatal hair ISSN:0091-3669 median bristle ISSN:0091-3669 palatal hair ISSN:0091-3669 palatal spine ISSN:0091-3669 suprapalatal hair ISSN:0091-3669 The usual first principal longitudinal vein of the wing typically extending around the wing apex from its articulation with the humeral plate; sometimes absent posteriorly and apically; sometimes somewhat removed from the margin. default_namespace costal vein vein C TGMA:0000236 Fig 17,19 Abbr: C in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. costa TGMA:0000236 The usual first principal longitudinal vein of the wing typically extending around the wing apex from its articulation with the humeral plate; sometimes absent posteriorly and apically; sometimes somewhat removed from the margin. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 costal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vein C ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any principal longitudinal vein between the cubitus and the jugum. In mosquitoes, only one anal vein is developed. default_namespace analis sixth longitudinal vein vein 6 TGMA:0000237 Fig 17,19 Abbr: A in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anal vein TGMA:0000237 Any principal longitudinal vein between the cubitus and the jugum. In mosquitoes, only one anal vein is developed. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 analis ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sixth longitudinal vein ISBN:0-937548-00-6 vein 6 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In many winged insects, one or more rows of setae or scales projecting beyond the wing margin. In mosquitoes, consisting of four rows of scales, one of fringe scales, one of secondary fringe scales and two of tertiary fringe scales; best developed from just beyond the alula around the posterior margin of the wing to near the wing apex. default_namespace border-fringe frange fringe TGMA:0000238 Fig 17 Abbr: WF in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. wing fringe TGMA:0000238 In many winged insects, one or more rows of setae or scales projecting beyond the wing margin. In mosquitoes, consisting of four rows of scales, one of fringe scales, one of secondary fringe scales and two of tertiary fringe scales; best developed from just beyond the alula around the posterior margin of the wing to near the wing apex. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 border-fringe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 frange ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fringe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In many winged insects, any scale in the wing fringe. In mosquitoes, one of the long fusiform scales occurring in a row along the dorsal surface of the wing edge. default_namespace marginal wing scale posterior fringe scale TGMA:0000239 Fig 17,19 Abbr: FS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. fringe scale TGMA:0000239 In many winged insects, any scale in the wing fringe. In mosquitoes, one of the long fusiform scales occurring in a row along the dorsal surface of the wing edge. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 marginal wing scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior fringe scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the small linear scales set in two rows on the wing margin, on the dorsal surface just inside the row of fringe scales and the other on the ventral surface just inside the row of secondary fringe scales; poorly developed or absent in males. default_namespace border scale dorsal basal scale ventral basal scale TGMA:0000240 Fig 17,19 Abbr: TFS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. tertiary fringe scale TGMA:0000240 One of the small linear scales set in two rows on the wing margin, on the dorsal surface just inside the row of fringe scales and the other on the ventral surface just inside the row of secondary fringe scales; poorly developed or absent in males. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 border scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsal basal scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ventral basal scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the short fusiform scales (shorter than fringe scales) occurring in a row along the ventral surface of the wing edge. default_namespace Randschuppe fringe scale TGMA:0000241 Fig 17,19 Abbr: SFS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. secondary fringe scale TGMA:0000241 One of the short fusiform scales (shorter than fringe scales) occurring in a row along the ventral surface of the wing edge. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Randschuppe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fringe scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any decumbent scale. In mosquitoes, usually only applied to the generally short broad squame scales on the wing veins. default_namespace appressed scale decumbent scale flat scale lateral squame lateral squame scale median scale median squame median squame scale median vein scale squame TGMA:0000242 Fig 17,19 Abbr: SS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. squame scale TGMA:0000242 Any decumbent scale. In mosquitoes, usually only applied to the generally short broad squame scales on the wing veins. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 appressed scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 decumbent scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 flat scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral squame ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral squame scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median squame ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median squame scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median vein scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 squame ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of a set of erect and usually long linear scales which together with the wing vein to which they attach somewhat resemble a plume feather. default_namespace lateral scale lateral vein scale outstanding scale projecting scale TGMA:0000243 Fig 17,19 Abbr: PlSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. plume scale TGMA:0000243 One of a set of erect and usually long linear scales which together with the wing vein to which they attach somewhat resemble a plume feather. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral vein scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 outstanding scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 projecting scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The notum of the mesothorax. In Diptera, comprised of the acrotergite, scutum (with prescutum) and scutellum. notum postnotum default_namespace mesotergum notal plate TGMA:0000244 adult mesonotum TGMA:0000244 The notum of the mesothorax. In Diptera, comprised of the acrotergite, scutum (with prescutum) and scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 notum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postnotum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesotergum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 notal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of a tergum cephalad of the antecostal suture. In the thorax of winged insects, the acrotergite of the metanotum has become the mesopostnotum while that of the mesonotum has remained as a narrow flange bearing the first phragma. Acrotergites have not been studied or recognized in the abdominal terga of most mosquitoes and are known only in Culiseta inornata. default_namespace acrotergite 2 TGMA:0000245 Fig 12 Abbr: Ac in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. acrotergite TGMA:0000245 The part of a tergum cephalad of the antecostal suture. In the thorax of winged insects, the acrotergite of the metanotum has become the mesopostnotum while that of the mesonotum has remained as a narrow flange bearing the first phragma. Acrotergites have not been studied or recognized in the abdominal terga of most mosquitoes and are known only in Culiseta inornata. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 ISSN:0091-3669 acrotergite 2 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The principal dorsal area of the thorax belonging to the mesonotum; used here for the combined prescutum and scutum because these areas in the mosquito are only separated laterally by an obsolescent prescutal suture. mesonotum default_namespace mesoprescutum mesoscutum prescutum TGMA:0000246 Fig 01,11,12,13,19 Abbr: Scu in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult scutum TGMA:0000246 The principal dorsal area of the thorax belonging to the mesonotum; used here for the combined prescutum and scutum because these areas in the mosquito are only separated laterally by an obsolescent prescutal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesonotum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesoprescutum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesoscutum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prescutum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A longitudinal area of the scutum on each side of the acrostichal area extending from the anterior promontory to the prescutellar area; indefinitely divided into anterior and posterior dorsocentral areas at the level of the antealar area; bearing the dorsocentral scales and setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000247 Fig 11,12 Abbr: DA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsocentral area TGMA:0000247 A longitudinal area of the scutum on each side of the acrostichal area extending from the anterior promontory to the prescutellar area; indefinitely divided into anterior and posterior dorsocentral areas at the level of the antealar area; bearing the dorsocentral scales and setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the dorsocentral area cephalad of about the level of the antealar area; with setae and scales. default_namespace TGMA:0000248 anterior dorsocentral area TGMA:0000248 The part of the dorsocentral area cephalad of about the level of the antealar area; with setae and scales. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring in a more or less distinct line located cephalad of the posterior scutal fossal scales on the anterior dorsocentral area of the scutum. default_namespace anterior dorsocentral scale line middorsocentral spot TGMA:0000249 Fig 16 Abbr: ADSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anterior dorsocentral scale TGMA:0000249 One of the scales occurring in a more or less distinct line located cephalad of the posterior scutal fossal scales on the anterior dorsocentral area of the scutum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 anterior dorsocentral scale line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 middorsocentral spot ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A dorsocentral seta occurring on the anterior dorsocentral area; occurring in one or more rows. default_namespace TGMA:0000250 Fig 16,19 Abbr: ADS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anterior dorsocentral seta TGMA:0000250 A dorsocentral seta occurring on the anterior dorsocentral area; occurring in one or more rows. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The part of the dorsocentral area caudad of a point near the median corner of the scutal fossa at about the level of the antealar area; with scales and setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000251 posterior dorsocentral area TGMA:0000251 The part of the dorsocentral area caudad of a point near the median corner of the scutal fossa at about the level of the antealar area; with scales and setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring in a more or less distinct longitudinal row usually located lateral of the posterior dorsocentral setae on the posterior dosocentral area of the scutum. default_namespace posterior dorsocentral scale line postsutural sublateral band postsutural sublateral stripe TGMA:0000252 Fig 16 Abbr: PDSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posterior dorsocentral scale TGMA:0000252 One of the scales occurring in a more or less distinct longitudinal row usually located lateral of the posterior dorsocentral setae on the posterior dosocentral area of the scutum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterior dorsocentral scale line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postsutural sublateral band ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postsutural sublateral stripe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A dorsocentral seta occurring on the posterior dorsocentral area; occurring in one or more rows which merge posteriorly with the prescutellar setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000253 Fig 16,19 Abbr: PDS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posterior dorsocentral seta TGMA:0000253 A dorsocentral seta occurring on the posterior dorsocentral area; occurring in one or more rows which merge posteriorly with the prescutellar setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any scale borne on the dorsocentral area of the scutum; may occur in more or less distinct anterior, posterior, inner and/or outer longitudinal rows. default_namespace dorsocentral scale line TGMA:0000254 Abbr: DSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsocentral scale TGMA:0000254 Any scale borne on the dorsocentral area of the scutum; may occur in more or less distinct anterior, posterior, inner and/or outer longitudinal rows. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorsocentral scale line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any seta occurring on the dorsocentral area; divided into anterior and posterior rows near the median posterior corner of the scutal fossa at about the level of the antealar area. default_namespace dorso-central chaeta dorso-central mesonotal chaeta TGMA:0000255 Fig 11,12,19 Abbr: DS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. dorsocentral seta TGMA:0000255 Any seta occurring on the dorsocentral area; divided into anterior and posterior rows near the median posterior corner of the scutal fossa at about the level of the antealar area. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorso-central chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorso-central mesonotal chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The posterior area of a notum separated from the scutum by the scutoscutellar suture. In Diptera, differentiated only in the mesothorax, hence the scutellum in this order conventionally means the mesoscutellum. In mosquitoes, a transverse lobe. default_namespace Schildchen mesoscutellum scutcheon TGMA:0000256 Fig 01,11,12,14,19 Abbr: Stm in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult scutellum TGMA:0000256 The posterior area of a notum separated from the scutum by the scutoscutellar suture. In Diptera, differentiated only in the mesothorax, hence the scutellum in this order conventionally means the mesoscutellum. In mosquitoes, a transverse lobe. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Schildchen ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesoscutellum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 scutcheon ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring in a small group on each lateral lobe of the scutellum. default_namespace lateral scutellar scale patch TGMA:0000257 Fig 16 Abbr: LSSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lateral scutellar scale TGMA:0000257 One of the scales occurring in a small group on each lateral lobe of the scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral scutellar scale patch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a small group on each lateral lobe of the scutellum. default_namespace TGMA:0000258 Fig 11,12,14,16,19 Abbr: LSS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lateral scutellar seta TGMA:0000258 One of the setae occurring in a small group on each lateral lobe of the scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring in a group on the middle lobe of the scutellum. default_namespace median scutellar scale patch TGMA:0000259 Fig 16,19 Abbr: MSSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median scutellar scale TGMA:0000259 One of the scales occurring in a group on the middle lobe of the scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median scutellar scale patch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a group on the middle lobe of the scutellum. default_namespace TGMA:0000260 Fig 11,12,14,16,19 Abbr: MSS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median scutellar seta TGMA:0000260 One of the setae occurring in a group on the middle lobe of the scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The line of inflection dividing the mesonotum into the scutum and scutellum. default_namespace mesoscutellar suture transverse suture TGMA:0000261 Fig 11,19 Abbr: sss in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. scutoscutellar suture TGMA:0000261 The line of inflection dividing the mesonotum into the scutum and scutellum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesoscutellar suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 transverse suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The broad median area of the mesonotum at the anterior end of the acrostichal area which more or less projects cephalad over the cervix. default_namespace humeral area TGMA:0000262 Fig 11,12 Abbr: AnP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. anterior promontory TGMA:0000262 The broad median area of the mesonotum at the anterior end of the acrostichal area which more or less projects cephalad over the cervix. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 humeral area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any seta occurring in a small cluster anteriorly on the midline of the anterior promontory. default_namespace median anterior mesonotal chaeta TGMA:0000263 Fig 11,16,19 Abbr: MAPS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median anterior promontory seta TGMA:0000263 Any seta occurring in a small cluster anteriorly on the midline of the anterior promontory. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median anterior mesonotal chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales usually forming a tuft at the middle of the anterior margin of the anterior promontory in Anophelinae. default_namespace central tuft median scale-tuft TGMA:0000264 Abbr: APSM in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median anterior promontory scale TGMA:0000264 One of the scales usually forming a tuft at the middle of the anterior margin of the anterior promontory in Anophelinae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 central tuft ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median scale-tuft ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A narrow lateral part of the mesonotum just before the wing root; separated from the scutum by the paranotal suture. default_namespace lateral lobe paranotal fold prescutum TGMA:0000265 Fig 01,12,13 Abbr: Pa in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. paratergite TGMA:0000265 A narrow lateral part of the mesonotum just before the wing root; separated from the scutum by the paranotal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 paranotal fold ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prescutum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The strongly developed suture separating the paratergite from the scutum; often appearing to be continuous posteriorly with the supraalar groove. default_namespace dorso-pleural suture prescutoscutal suture TGMA:0000266 Fig 12,13 Abbr: PnS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. paranotal suture TGMA:0000266 The strongly developed suture separating the paratergite from the scutum; often appearing to be continuous posteriorly with the supraalar groove. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorso-pleural suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prescutoscutal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The furrow lateral to the scutum above the wing base; marked internally by a prominent ridge on its mesal side; often appearing to be continuous anteriorly with the paranotal suture. default_namespace dorso-pleural suture TGMA:0000267 Fig 12,13 Abbr: SaG in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. supraalar groove TGMA:0000267 The furrow lateral to the scutum above the wing base; marked internally by a prominent ridge on its mesal side; often appearing to be continuous anteriorly with the paranotal suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 dorso-pleural suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The well developed postnotum of the mesothorax; bearing the second phragma along its lateroposterior borders; subdivided into a large median area, mediotergite, and small lateral areas, pleurotergites. default_namespace Mesophragma metanotum post-scutellum postnotal plate postnotum TGMA:0000268 Fig 01,12,19 Abbr: Mpn in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult mesopostnotum TGMA:0000268 The well developed postnotum of the mesothorax; bearing the second phragma along its lateroposterior borders; subdivided into a large median area, mediotergite, and small lateral areas, pleurotergites. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Mesophragma ISBN:0-937548-00-6 metanotum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 post-scutellum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postnotal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postnotum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The large median area of the mesopostnotum; sometimes with scales or setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000269 Fig 11,12 Abbr: Mdt in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. mediotergite TGMA:0000269 The large median area of the mesopostnotum; sometimes with scales or setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In Diptera, the lateral area of the mesopostnotum above the metathoracic spiracle. In mosquitoes divided into lower and upper pleurotergites which are represented internally by apodemes. default_namespace TGMA:0000270 Fig 11,14 Abbr: Pt in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. pleurotergite TGMA:0000270 In Diptera, the lateral area of the mesopostnotum above the metathoracic spiracle. In mosquitoes divided into lower and upper pleurotergites which are represented internally by apodemes. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The upper division of the pleurotergite; bearing internally an apodeme along its upper margin, upper pleurotergite apodeme. default_namespace TGMA:0000271 Fig 12 Abbr: UPt in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. upper pleurotergite TGMA:0000271 The upper division of the pleurotergite; bearing internally an apodeme along its upper margin, upper pleurotergite apodeme. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The lower division of the pleurotergite located immediately above the metathoracic spiracle; bearing internally an apodeme, lower pleurotergite apodeme along its upper margin. default_namespace lower laterotergite TGMA:0000272 Fig 12,13 Abbr: Lpt in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. lower pleurotergite TGMA:0000272 The lower division of the pleurotergite located immediately above the metathoracic spiracle; bearing internally an apodeme, lower pleurotergite apodeme along its upper margin. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The somewhat-depressed anterolateral area of the scutum (prescutum) extending caudad to the level of the scutal angle and mesad before the prescutal suture to the dorsocentral area. default_namespace fossa fossal area humeral area lateral prescutal area presutural sublateral area TGMA:0000273 Fig 11,12,13 Abbr: SF in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. scutal fossa TGMA:0000273 The somewhat-depressed anterolateral area of the scutum (prescutum) extending caudad to the level of the scutal angle and mesad before the prescutal suture to the dorsocentral area. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fossa ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fossal area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 humeral area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral prescutal area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 presutural sublateral area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a group near the center of the scutal fossa. default_namespace lateral anterior mesonotal chaeta TGMA:0000274 Fig 11,12,16 Abbr: MSFS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median scutal fossal seta TGMA:0000274 One of the setae occurring in a group near the center of the scutal fossa. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral anterior mesonotal chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a V-shaped group on the midline of the scutum at the posterior end of the row of acrostichal setae and anterior to the prescutellar area. default_namespace V-shaped group postero-medial chaeta TGMA:0000275 Fig 11,16 Abbr: PMSS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. posterior medial scutal seta TGMA:0000275 One of the setae occurring in a V-shaped group on the midline of the scutum at the posterior end of the row of acrostichal setae and anterior to the prescutellar area. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 V-shaped group ISBN:0-937548-00-6 postero-medial chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring in a group on the central area of the scutal fossa. default_namespace fossal scale TGMA:0000276 Fig 16 Abbr: SFSM in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. median scutal fossal scale TGMA:0000276 One of the scales occurring in a group on the central area of the scutal fossa. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 fossal scale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The median posterior area of the scutum between the acrostichal area and the scutellum; frequently devoid of scales and setae. default_namespace antescutellar space bare area bare pre-scutellar space bare space median area pre-scutellar bare space prescutellar depression prescutellar space TGMA:0000277 Fig 11,16,19 Abbr: PrA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. prescutellar area TGMA:0000277 The median posterior area of the scutum between the acrostichal area and the scutellum; frequently devoid of scales and setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antescutellar space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bare area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bare pre-scutellar space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 bare space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 median area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pre-scutellar bare space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prescutellar depression ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prescutellar space ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any scale occurring in the prescutellar area of the prescutum; usually occurring in a curved line on the lateral and anterior margins; those extending posteriorly from the dorsocentral scales on the lateral margins may be referred to as lateral prescutellar scales; those occurring on the anterior margin and sometimes forming a median longitudinal row may be termed median prescutellar scales. default_namespace TGMA:0000278 prescutellar scale TGMA:0000278 Any scale occurring in the prescutellar area of the prescutum; usually occurring in a curved line on the lateral and anterior margins; those extending posteriorly from the dorsocentral scales on the lateral margins may be referred to as lateral prescutellar scales; those occurring on the anterior margin and sometimes forming a median longitudinal row may be termed median prescutellar scales. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any seta usually occurring in several rows on the anterior and/or lateral margins of the prescutellar area; often difficult to separate anteriorly from the dorsocentral setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000279 Fig 16,19 Abbr: PrsS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. prescutellar seta TGMA:0000279 Any seta usually occurring in several rows on the anterior and/or lateral margins of the prescutellar area; often difficult to separate anteriorly from the dorsocentral setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 In many Diptera, the largely obsolescent suture extending caudomesad from the posterior edge of the scutal angle to the prescutal pit. default_namespace mesonotal suture parapsidal suture transverse suture TGMA:0000280 Fig 11,12,13 Abbr: PrS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. prescutal suture TGMA:0000280 In many Diptera, the largely obsolescent suture extending caudomesad from the posterior edge of the scutal angle to the prescutal pit. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 mesonotal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 parapsidal suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 transverse suture ISBN:0-937548-00-6 A small depression on each side of the anterior part of the scutum from which the obsolescent prescutal suture extends anterolaterally to the scutal margin. default_namespace scutal pit TGMA:0000281 Fig 12,13 Abbr: PrP in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. prescutal pit TGMA:0000281 A small depression on each side of the anterior part of the scutum from which the obsolescent prescutal suture extends anterolaterally to the scutal margin. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 scutal pit ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The lateral area of the scutum just above and in front of the wing; a line of setae in this area may extend anterior to the posterior end of the paratergite mesad to the antealar setae; a line of scales in this area is sometimes continuous with an antealar line. default_namespace lateral area lateral border supra-ala TGMA:0000282 Fig 11,12,13,19 Abbr: SaA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. supraalar area TGMA:0000282 The lateral area of the scutum just above and in front of the wing; a line of setae in this area may extend anterior to the posterior end of the paratergite mesad to the antealar setae; a line of scales in this area is sometimes continuous with an antealar line. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral area ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral border ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supra-ala ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring on the supraalar area of the scutum; a distinct lateral line of supraalar scales is often present otherwise they are difficult to separate from the antealar scales. default_namespace supraalar line supraalar macula supraalar scale line TGMA:0000283 Fig 16,19 Abbr: SaSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. supraalar scale TGMA:0000283 One of the scales occurring on the supraalar area of the scutum; a distinct lateral line of supraalar scales is often present otherwise they are difficult to separate from the antealar scales. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supraalar line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supraalar macula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supraalar scale line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a cluster on the supraalar area of the scutum; a row of supraalar setae may extend cephalad above the antealar area or be more or less continuous with the caudal end of a row of antealar setae. default_namespace posterolateral seta supra-alar bristle TGMA:0000284 Fig 11,12,16,19 Abbr: SaS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. supraalar seta TGMA:0000284 One of the setae occurring in a cluster on the supraalar area of the scutum; a row of supraalar setae may extend cephalad above the antealar area or be more or less continuous with the caudal end of a row of antealar setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 posterolateral seta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supra-alar bristle ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The more or less distinct angular projection of the scutal margin just anterior to the prescutal suture or just in front of prespiracular area when the prescutal suture is not discernible. default_namespace humeral callus TGMA:0000285 Fig 11,12,13 Abbr: Sca in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. scutal angle TGMA:0000285 The more or less distinct angular projection of the scutal margin just anterior to the prescutal suture or just in front of prespiracular area when the prescutal suture is not discernible. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 humeral callus ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The lateral area of the scutum at the level of the paratergite; bearing the antealar scales and setae. default_namespace TGMA:0000286 Fig 12,13 Abbr: AnA in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. antealar area TGMA:0000286 The lateral area of the scutum at the level of the paratergite; bearing the antealar scales and setae. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the scales occurring on the antealar area of the scutum; a distinct line of antealar scales may be continuous anteriorly with a lateral scutal fossal scales and posteriorly with a lateral line of supraalar scales. default_namespace antealar scale patch lateral band lateral marginal line supraalar macula TGMA:0000287 Fig 13,16 Abbr: AnSc in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. antealar scale TGMA:0000287 One of the scales occurring on the antealar area of the scutum; a distinct line of antealar scales may be continuous anteriorly with a lateral scutal fossal scales and posteriorly with a lateral line of supraalar scales. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 antealar scale patch ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral band ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral marginal line ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supraalar macula ISBN:0-937548-00-6 One of the setae occurring in a longitudinal row on the antealar area of the scutum immediately above to the paratergite; sometimes more or less continuous with the supraalar area posteriorly. default_namespace lateral mesonotal chaeta supra-paratergal seta TGMA:0000288 Fig 12,13,16 Abbr: AnS in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. antealar seta TGMA:0000288 One of the setae occurring in a longitudinal row on the antealar area of the scutum immediately above to the paratergite; sometimes more or less continuous with the supraalar area posteriorly. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 lateral mesonotal chaeta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 supra-paratergal seta ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The notum of the prothorax. In Diptera, generally narrowed or seemingly absent medially but well developed laterally. In mosquitoes, transversely divided on each side into an antepronotum and a postpronotum. notum default_namespace first notal plate TGMA:0000289 Fig 01 Abbr: PrN in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. adult pronotum TGMA:0000289 The notum of the prothorax. In Diptera, generally narrowed or seemingly absent medially but well developed laterally. In mosquitoes, transversely divided on each side into an antepronotum and a postpronotum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 notum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 first notal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The pleuron of the prothorax. In mosquitoes consisting of a small proepimeron and a proepisternum. default_namespace propleuron TGMA:0000290 prothoracic pleuron TGMA:0000290 The pleuron of the prothorax. In mosquitoes consisting of a small proepimeron and a proepisternum. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 propleuron ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The area of the propleuron posterior to the propleural suture. In mosquitoes, usually not clearly demarcated from the lower margin of the postpronotum but sometimes separated from it by a weak suture. default_namespace epimeron TGMA:0000291 Fig 12,13 Abbr: Pm in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. proepimeron TGMA:0000291 The area of the propleuron posterior to the propleural suture. In mosquitoes, usually not clearly demarcated from the lower margin of the postpronotum but sometimes separated from it by a weak suture. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 epimeron ISBN:0-937548-00-6 The area of the propleuron anterior to the propleural suture. In mosquitoes, extending from the antepronotum to the base of the forecoxa where it expands anteroventrally around the coxa to meet its mate of the opposite side. propleuron default_namespace basisternum episternum eusternum katepisternum pre-coxal bridge precoxale preepisternum 1 probasisternum proeusternum prosternal lobe prosternal plate prosternum sternite 1 TGMA:0000292 Fig 01,11,12,13,14,15 Abbr: Ps in ISBN:0-937548-00-6. proepisternum TGMA:0000292 The area of the propleuron anterior to the propleural suture. In mosquitoes, extending from the antepronotum to the base of the forecoxa where it expands anteroventrally around the coxa to meet its mate of the opposite side. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 propleuron ISBN:0-937548-00-6 basisternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 episternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 eusternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 katepisternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 pre-coxal bridge ISBN:0-937548-00-6 precoxale ISBN:0-937548-00-6 preepisternum 1 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 probasisternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 proeusternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prosternal lobe ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prosternal plate ISBN:0-937548-00-6 prosternum ISBN:0-937548-00-6 sternite 1 ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any seta borne on the proepisternum. In mosquitoes, occurring in two groups, one above, upper proepisternal setae, and one mesad, lower proepisternal setae, of the forecoxa. default_namespace TGMA:0000293 proepisternal seta TGMA:0000293 Any seta borne on the proepisternum. In mosquitoes, occurring in two groups, one above, upper proepisternal setae, and one mesad, lower proepisternal setae, of the forecoxa. ISBN:0-937548-00-6 Any scale borne on the proepisternum. In mosquitoes, occurring in upper and lower groups, upper and lower proepisternal scales, which may be continuous. default_namespace TGMA:0000294 proepisternal scale TGMA:0000294 Any scale borne on the proepisternum. In mosquitoes, occurring in upper and lower groups, upper and lower proepisternal scales, which may be continuous. ISBN:0-937548-00-6