function b = ndi_install(directory, dependencies) % NDI_INSTALL - install the NDI distribution and its ancillary directories % % B = NDI_INSTALL % % Installs the GitHub distributions necessary to run NDI-matlab. % These are installed at [USERPATH filesep 'tools'] % (for example, /Users/steve/Documents/MATLAB/tools/) % % The startup file is edited to add a startup procedure in VHTOOLS. % % One can also dictate a different install directory by passing a full pathname: % % B = NDI_INSTALL(PATHNAME) % % PATHNAME should not include any shell script shortcuts (like '~'). % % Finally, one can also install either the minimal set of tools needed for NDI % (DEPENDENCIES=1), or one can install the standard VHTOOLS suite (DEPENDENCIES=2). % For developers, the option DEPENDENCIES=3 will install dependencies based % on the locally checked out branch of NDI-matlab. % % B = NDI_INSTALL(PATHNAME, DEPENDENCIES) % % If PATHNAME is blank, then the default pathway of [USERPATH filesep 'tools'] is used. b = git_embedded_assert; if ~b, error(['The program git was not detected on the system. Please install git and restart Matlab.']); end; need_to_set_directory = 0; if nargin<1, need_to_set_directory = 1; directory = ' '; % not empty end; if isempty(directory), need_to_set_directory = 1; end; if need_to_set_directory, if isempty(userpath), disp(['Your Matlab USERPATH is empty. This is your ''home'' directory for your Matlab use.']); reply = input('Can we reset your USERPATH to the default? Y/N [Y]:','s'); if isempty(reply) reply = 'Y'; end if strcmpi(strtrim(reply),'Y'), userpath('reset'); else, error(['User elected NOT to reset USERPATH. USERPATH is blank, so we cannot install. See help userpath']); end; end; directory = [userpath filesep 'tools']; end; disp(['About to install at directory ' directory '...']); if nargin<2, dependencies = 1; end; % If a numeric if isnumeric(dependencies), switch (dependencies), case 1, dependencies_filepath = ''; case 2, dependencies_filepath = ''; case 3, dependencies_filepath = fullfile(ndi.util.toolboxdir, 'ndi-matlab-dependencies.json'); end; if dependencies == 1 || dependencies == 2 t = webread(dependencies_filepath); elseif dependencies == 3 t = fileread(dependencies_filepath); else error('Dependencies must be 1, 2 or 3') end j = jsondecode(t); dependencies = j.dependency; end; % are we updating at least NDI? w = which('ndi_Init'); if isempty(w), updating = 0; else, updating = 1; end; if updating, disp(['We are updating an existing installation on the path...']); disp([' We must temporarily reset the Matlab path.']); disp([' startup.m will be called during the installation, which should restore your path to your desired path.']); currentpath = path(); % for now, don't do anything with this currpwd = pwd(); % copy 'ndi_install.m' file to userpath directory thisfile = which('ndi_Init'); % ndi.globals is in same directory as ndi_install; ndi_install can have multiple copies [thisparent,thisfilename,thisextension] = fileparts(thisfile); copyfile([thisparent filesep 'ndi_install.m'], [userpath filesep 'ndi_install.m'],'f'); cd(userpath); restoredefaultpath(); ndi_install(directory, dependencies); % now clean up try, delete([userpath filesep 'ndi_install.m']); end; try, cd(currpwd); end; addpath(currentpath) % Restore the user's path return; end; for i=1:numel(dependencies), libparts = split(dependencies{i},'/'); disp(['Installing/updating ' dependencies{i} '...']); if startsWith(dependencies{i}, 'fex') addonUUID = extractAfter(dependencies{i}, 'fex://'); installFexPackage(addonUUID, directory) else git_embedded_install([directory filesep libparts{end}],dependencies{i}); end end; disp(['Examining startup.m file to add startup line.']); s = which('startup.m'); if ~isempty(s), t = text2cellstr_embedded(s); else, s = [userpath filesep 'startup.m']; t = {}; end; z = regexp(t,'vhtools_startup','forceCellOutput'); if all(cellfun('isempty',z)), text_to_add = ['run([''' directory filesep 'vhlab_vhtools' filesep 'vhtools_startup.m'']);']; disp(['Adding ' text_to_add ' to startup.m']); t{end+1} = text_to_add; cellstr2text_embedded(s,t); else, disp(['startup.m seems to already have needed line. No action taken.']); end; startup % embedded version function b = git_embedded_assert % GIT_EMBEDDED_ASSERT - do we have command line git on this machine? % % B = GIT_EMBEDDED_ASSERT % % Tests for presence of 'git' using SYSTEM. % % [status, result] = system('git'); clone = strfind(lower(result), 'clone'); branch = strfind(lower(result), 'branch'); pull = strfind(lower(result), 'pull'); b = (status==0 | status==1) & ~isempty(result) & ~isempty(clone) & ~isempty(branch) & ~isempty(pull); function b = git_embedded_install(dirname, repository) % GIT_INSTALL - install a git repository % % B = GIT_INSTALL(DIRNAME, REPOSITORY) % % 'Install' is our term for forcing the local directory DIRNAME to match the % remote REPOSITORY, either by cloning or pulling the latest changes. Any files % in the local directory DIRNAME that don't match the remote REPOSITORY are deleted. % % If DIRNAME does not exist, then the repository is cloned. % If DIRNAME exists and has local changes, the changes are stashed and the % directory is updated by pulling % If the DIRNAME exists and has no local changes, the directory is updated by % pulling. % % Note: if you have any local changes, GIT_INSTALL will stash them and warn the user. % % B is 1 if the operation is successful. % localparentdir = fileparts(dirname); must_clone = 0; if ~exist(dirname,'dir'), must_clone = 1; end; status_good = 0; if ~must_clone, try, [uptodate,changes,untrackedfiles] = git_embedded_status(dirname); status_good = ~changes; % & ~untrackedfiles; % untracked files okay end; if status_good, % we can pull without difficulty b=git_embedded_pull(dirname); else, % stash first, then pull warning(['STASHING changes in ' dirname '...']); git_embedded_stash(dirname); b=git_embedded_pull(dirname); end; else, if exist(dirname,'dir'), rmdir(dirname,'s'); end; b=git_embedded_clone(repository,localparentdir); end; function b = git_embedded_pull(dirname) % GIT_EMBEDDED_PULL - pull changes to a git repository % % B = GIT_EMBEDDED_PULL(DIRNAME) % % Pulls the remote changes to a GIT repository into the local directory % DIRNAME. % % If there are local changes to be committed, the operation may fail and B % will be 0. % localparentdir = fileparts(dirname); % see if pull succeeds pull_success = 1; % assume success, and update to failure if need be if ~exist(dirname,'dir'), pull_success = 0; end; if pull_success, % if we are still going, try to pull [status,results]=system(['git -C "' dirname '" pull']); pull_success=(status==0); end; b = pull_success; function b = git_embedded_isgitdirectory(dirname) % GIT_EMBEDDED_ISGITDIRECTORY - is a given directory a GIT directory? % % B = GIT_EMBEDDED_ISGITDIRECTORY(DIRNAME) % % Examines whether DIRNAME is a GIT directory. % if git_embedded_assert, [status,results] = system(['git -C "' dirname '" status']); b = ((status==0) | (status==1)) & ~isempty(results); else, error(['GIT not available on system.']); end; function [uptodate, changes, untracked_present] = git_embedded_status(dirname) % GIT_EMBEDDED_STATUS - return git working tree status % % [UPTODATE, CHANGES, UNTRACKED_PRESENT] = GIT_EMBEDDED_STATUS(DIRNAME) % % Examines whether a git working tree is up to date with its current branch % % UPTODATE is 1 if the working tree is up-to-date, and 0 if not. % CHANGES is 1 if the working tree has changes to be committed, and 0 if not. % UNTRACKED_PRESENT is 1 if there are untracked files present, and 0 if not. % % An error is generated if DIRNAME is not a GIT directory. % % See also: GIT_EMBEDDED_ISGITDIRECTORY b = git_embedded_isgitdirectory(dirname); if ~b, error(['Not a GIT directory: ' dirname '.']); end; [status,results] = system(['git -C "' dirname '" status ']); uptodate = 0; untracked_present = 0; if status==0, uptodate = ~isempty(strfind(results,'Your branch is up to date with')); changes = ~isempty(strfind(results,'Changes')); untracked_present = ~isempty(strfind(results,'untracked files present')); else, error(['Error running git status: ' results]); end; function b = git_embedded_stash(dirname) % GIT_EMBEDDED_STASH - stash changes to a git repository % % B = GIT_EMBEDDED_STASH(DIRNAME) % % Stash the local changes to a GIT repository in DIRNAME. % localparentdir = fileparts(dirname); % see if stash succeeds stash_success = 1; % assume success, and update to failure if need be if ~exist(dirname,'dir'), stash_success = 0; end; if stash_success, % if we are still going, try to [status,results]=system(['git -C "' dirname '" stash']); stash_success=(status==0); end; b = stash_success; function b = git_embedded_clone(repository, localparentdir) % GIT_EMBEDDED_CLONE - clone a git repository onto the local computer % % B = GIT_EMBEDDED_CLONE(REPOSITORY, LOCALPARENTDIR) % % Clones a git repository REPOSITORY into the local directory % LOCALPARENTDIR. % % If a folder containing the local repository already exists, % an error is returned. % % B is 1 if the operation is successful. % if ~exist(localparentdir,'dir'), mkdir(localparentdir); end; reponames = split(repository,'/'); localreponame = [localparentdir filesep reponames{end}]; if exist([localreponame],'dir'), error([localreponame ' already exists.']); end; [status,results]=system(['git -C "' localparentdir '" clone ' repository]); b = (status==0); function c = text2cellstr_embedded(filename) % TEXT2CELLSTR_EMBEDDED - Read a cell array of strings from a text file % % C = TEXT2CELLSTR_EMBEDDED(FILENAME) % % Reads a text file and imports each line as an entry % in a cell array of strings. % % See also: FGETL c = {}; fid = fopen(filename,'rt'); if fid<0, error(['Could not open file ' filename ' for reading.']); end; while ~feof(fid), c{end+1} = fgetl(fid); end; fclose(fid); function cellstr2text_embedded(filename, cs) % CELLSTR2TEXT_EMBEDDED - Write a cell string to a text file % % CELLSTR2TEXT_EMBEDDED(FILENAME, CS) % % Writes the cell array of strings CS to the new text file FILENAME. % % One entry is written per line. % fid = fopen(filename,'wt'); newline = sprintf('\n'); if fid>=0, for i=1:numel(cs), fwrite(fid,[cs{i} newline],'char'); end; fclose(fid); else, error(['Could not open ' filename ' for writing.']); end; function installFexPackage(toolboxIdentifier, installLocation) fexClient = matlab.addons.repositories.FileExchangeRepository(); addonUrl = fexClient.getAddonURL(toolboxIdentifier); if endsWith(addonUrl, '.xml') [filepath, C] = tempsave(addonUrl); S = readstruct(filepath); delete(C) addonUrl = S.downloadUrl; addonUrl = extractBefore(addonUrl, '?'); end if endsWith(addonUrl, '/zip') [tempFilepath, C] = tempsave(addonUrl, [char(toolboxIdentifier), '']); unzip(tempFilepath, fullfile(installLocation,; delete(C) elseif endsWith(addonUrl, '/mltbx') tempFile = websave(fullfile(tempdir,''), addonUrl ); matlab.addons.install(tempFile); delete(tempFile) end function [filePath, cleanupObj] = tempsave(fileUrl, fileName) if nargin < 2 [~, fileName, fileExtension] = fileparts( char(fileUrl) ); else [~, fileName, fileExtension] = fileparts( char(fileName) ); end filePath = websave(fullfile(tempdir, [fileName, fileExtension] ), fileUrl ); cleanupObj = onCleanup(@(filename) deleteTempFile(filePath)); function deleteTempFile(filePath) if isfile(filePath) delete(filePath) end