classdef epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab < ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem properties end % properties methods function obj = epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab(name_, reference_, type_, devicestring_, subjectstring_) % ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab - Create a new ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem object derived from the vhlab device implementation % % MYNDI_EPOCHPROBEMAP_DAQSYSTEM = NDI_EPOCHPROBEMAP_VHLAB(NAME, REFERENCE, TYPE, DEVICESTRING, SUBJECTSTRING) % % Creates a new ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem with name NAME, reference REFERENCE, type TYPE, % and devicestring DEVICESTRING. % % NAME can be any string that begins with a letter and contains no whitespace. It % is CASE SENSITIVE. % REFERENCE must be a non-negative scalar integer. % TYPE is the type of recording. % DEVICESTRING is a string that indicates the channels that were used to acquire % this record. % % MYNDI_EPOCHPROBEMAP_DAQSYSTEM = NDI_EPOCHPROBEMAP_VHLAB(FILENAME) % % Here, FILENAME is assumed to be a (full path) tab-delimitted text file in the style of % 'vhintan_channelgrouping.txt' (see HELP VHINTAN_CHANNELGROUPING) % that has entries 'namerefchannel_list'. % % The device type of each channel is assumed to be 'n-trode', where n is % set to be the number of channels in the channel_list for each name/ref pair. % % The NDI device name for this device must be 'vhintan' (VH Intan RHD device), 'vhlv' (VH Lab Labview custom % acqusition code), 'vhspike2', or 'vhwillow'. The device name will be taken from the filename, % following [VHDEVICENAME '_channelgrouping.txt'] % if nargin==0, name_ = 'a'; end if nargin==1, filename = name_; name_ = 'a'; end if nargin<4, reference_ = 0; type_ = 'a'; devicestring_ = 'a'; subjectstring_ = ''; end obj = obj@ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem(name_, reference_, type_, devicestring_, subjectstring_); if nargin==1, [filepath, localfile, ext] = fileparts(filename); [parentpath, localdirname] = fileparts(filepath); subjectfile = [parentpath filesep 'subject.txt']; if exist(subjectfile,'file'), subjecttext = vlt.file.textfile2char(subjectfile); subject_id = vlt.string.trimws(vlt.string.line_n(subjecttext,1)); else, error(['No subject.txt file found:' subjectfile '.']); end; [b,msg] = ndi.subject.isvalidlocalidentifierstring(subject_id); if ~b, error(['subject_id string ' subject_id ' is not a valid subject id: ' msg]); end; if strcmp([localfile ext],'stimtimes.txt'), % vhvis_spike2 mylist = {'mk1','mk2','mk3','e1','e2','e3','md1'}; for i=1:numel(mylist), nextentry = ndi.setup.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab('vhvis_spike2',... 1,... ['stimulator' ] , ... % type ['vhvis_spike2' ':' mylist{i}], ... % device string subject_id); obj(i) = nextentry; end return; end vhdevice_string = regexp(lower([localfile ext]),'(\w*)_channelgrouping.txt','tokens'); if isempty(vhdevice_string), error(['File name not of expected form VHDEVICENAME_channelgrouping.txt']); end vhdevice_string = vhdevice_string{1}{1}; valid_vhdevice_strings = {'vhspike2','vhintan','vhlv','vhwillow'}; vhdevice_string = intersect(vhdevice_string, valid_vhdevice_strings); if isempty(vhdevice_string) error(['VHDEVICENAME must be one of ' strjoin(valid_vhdevice_strings,', ') ]); end vhdevice_string = vhdevice_string{1}; ndi_struct = vlt.file.loadStructArray(filename); fn = fieldnames(ndi_struct); if,{'name','ref','channel_list'}'), error(['fields must be (case-sensitive match): name, ref, channel_list. See HELP VHINTAN_CHANNELGROUPING.']); end; % now pull reference.txt file to determine type [myfilepath,myfilename] = fileparts(filename); ref_struct = vlt.file.loadStructArray([myfilepath filesep 'reference.txt']); ndi.globals; for i=1:length(ndi_struct), tf_name = strcmp(ndi_struct(i).name,{}); tf_ref = [ndi_struct(i).ref == [ref_struct.ref]]; index = intersect(tf_name,tf_ref); if numel(index)~=1, disp(['Error: Looking for name ' ndi_struct(i).name ' and ref ' int2str(ndi_struct(i).ref) '.']); disp(['Ref struct is ']) ref_struct, disp(['Looking in filename ' filename]); error(['Cannot find exclusive match for name/ref in reference.txt file.']); end; ec_type = ref_struct(index).type; if isempty(intersect({ndi_globals.probetype2object.type},ec_type)), % examine vhlab table if strcmpi(ec_type,'singleEC') | strcmpi(ec_type,'ntrode'), ec_type = 'n-trode'; else, error(['Unknown type ' ec_type '.']); end; end nextentry = ndi.setup.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab(ndi_struct(i).name,... ndi_struct(i).ref,... ec_type, ... % type [vhdevice_string ':ai' vlt.string.intseq2str(ndi_struct(i).channel_list)], ... % device string subject_id); obj(i) = nextentry; end; end end; function savetofile(obj, filename) % SAVETOFILE - Write ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem object array to disk % % SAVETOFILE(OBJ, FILENAME) % % Writes the ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab object to disk in filename FILENAME (full path). % % error(['Sorry, I only know how to read these files, I don''t write (yet? ever?).']); end; end % methods end