{% set section = typer_help_chapters['Description'] %} {{ section['intro'] }} This is a small collection of tools to help automate some tasks related to Gentoo overlay maintenance. It can: * Generate a README like this. * Look up a package in remotes and tell if a new version is available. * Look up a package on [repology.org](https://repology.org) and show the newest known versions. # Getting started ## Installation Install the project from PyPI: ```console $ pip install --user overlay-maintain-tools ``` Or from nitratesky overlay: ```console $ eselect repository enable nitratesky && emerge -a1 app-portage/overlay-maintain-tools ``` ## Sample usage The overlay directory is at `/srv/overlay`. To generate a README with the badges, create a skeleton template (like [the one in repo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VTimofeenko/overlay-maintain-tools/master/docs/templates/skeleton.jinja2)) and run: ``` $ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay mkreadme --skeleton-file /path/to/readme.template ``` To generate a report on packages versions in overlay, make sure that [`metadata.xml`](https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/misc-files/metadata/index.html) file has remotes set and run: ``` $ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay check-remote-versions ``` To look up versions in repology, create a file with mapping between package atoms and project names in repology and specify it when running the script: ``` $ cat /srv/overlay/repology_cache net-news/newsboat newsboat $ overlay_maintain_tools --overlay-dir /srv/overlay check-repology --repology-cache-location /srv/overlay/repology_cache ``` # Details {{ section['usage'] }} {{ section['options']|replace("Options", "General Options", 1) }} These options can be specified for any `COMMAND` except for `create-config` which ignores these options. {{ section['commands'] }} # Commands {% for s in ['mkreadme', 'check-remote-versions', 'check-repology'] %} {% set section_id = 'overlay_maintain_tools ' + s %} {% set section = typer_help_chapters["`" + section_id + "`"] %} {{ section['intro'] }} {{ section['usage'] }} {{ section['options'] }} {% endfor %} # Contrib directory There are shell completions for bash and zsh (generated through [typer](typer.tiangolo.com/)).