javascript: /* MyAnimeList-Tools A CSS Generator and Tag updater - Original code 2018/Aug/10 by BurntJello - Extra features 2019 by Cateinya - Fixes 2020/Oct by Cry5talz - Further changes 2021+ by Valerio Lyndon */ ver = '8.0'; verMod = '2023/Apr/07'; defaultSettings = { "css_template": "/* [TITLE] *[DEL]/ .data.image a[href^=\"/[TYPE]/[ID]/\"]::before { background-image: url([IMGURL]); }", "delay": "3000", "match_template": "/[TYPE]/[ID]/", "update_tags": false, "update_notes": false, "checked_tags": { "english_title": false, "french_title": false, "spanish_title": false, "german_title": false, "native_title": false, "season": false, "year": false, "genres": false, "themes": false, "demographic": false, "authors": false, "score": false, "rank": false, "popularity": false, "studio": false, "producers": false, "licensors": false, "serialization": false, "aired": false, "published": false, "rating": false, "duration": false, "totalduration": false }, "checked_notes": { "synopsis": false, "english_title": false, "french_title": false, "spanish_title": false, "german_title": false, "native_title": false, "season": false, "year": false, "genres": false, "themes": false, "demographic": false, "authors": false, "score": false, "rank": false, "popularity": false, "studio": false, "producers": false, "licensors": false, "serialization": false, "aired": false, "published": false, "rating": false, "duration": false, "totalduration": false }, "clear_tags": false, "check_existing": false }; if(localStorage.getItem('burnt_settings') !== null) { try { settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('burnt_settings')); /* Check for missing settings and fill them in. This prevents errors while maintaining user settings, especially in the case of a user updating from an older version. */ for(key in defaultSettings) { if (!(key in settings)) { settings[key] = defaultSettings[key]; } } for(key in defaultSettings['checked_tags']) { if (!(key in settings['checked_tags'])) { settings['checked_tags'][key] = defaultSettings['checked_tags'][key]; } } } catch(e) { alert("Encountered an error while parsing your previous settings. Your settings have been reverted to defaults. To quickly recover your template settings, try selecting \"Last Run\" and then \"Autofill\". Other settings will need to be manually set. \n\nIf you've never run this tool before, you should never see this."); settings = defaultSettings; } } else { settings = defaultSettings; } /* TOOL CODE */ modernStyle = (document.getElementById("list_surround")) ? false : true; animeManga = window.location.href.replace("", "").split("/")[0].replace("list", ""); /* Create GUI */ css(` #burnt-bg, #burnt-gui { position: fixed; z-index: 99999; } #burnt-bg { top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } #burnt-gui { left: 50px; top: 50px; bottom: 50px; right: 50px; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; background-color: #fff; border-style: solid; box-sizing: border-box; color: #000; font: 12px/1.5 sans-serif; text-align: left; } .burnt-overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 9999; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } .burnt-popup { position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 50%; z-index: 9999; min-width: 300px; max-width: calc(100% - 100px); min-height: 100px; max-height: calc(100% - 100px); padding: 10px; background: #fff; overflow: auto; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } .burnt-popup input:not([type="button"]), .burnt-popup textarea { display: block; width: 100%; max-width: 600px; margin-bottom: 6px; } #burnt-status { background: #e6e6e6; padding: 2px 6px; margin: 5px 0 10px; --percent: 0%; --colour: #4277f2; background-image: linear-gradient( to right, var(--colour) var(--percent), transparent var(--percent) ); } #burnt-time { float: right; } #burnt-gui * { box-sizing: inherit; color: #000; font: inherit; } #burnt-gui hr { height: 4px; background: #e6e6e6; border: 0; margin: 10px 0 15px; } #burnt-gui *:disabled { opacity: 0.7; } .burnt-btn + .burnt-btn { margin-left: 3px; } .burnt-chk { display: block; } .burnt-tag, .burnt-notes { margin-left: 10px; } .burnt-tag-disabled, .burnt-notes-disabled { opacity: 0.5; pointer-events: none; height: 0; opacity: 0; } .burnt-textarea { width: 50%; } .burnt-textarea b { display: inline-block; height: 24px; } .burnt-textarea-btn { height: 20px; padding: 0 2px; margin-left: 3px; float: right; } #burnt-gui textarea { display: block; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 24px); margin: 0; resize: none; font-family: monospace; word-break: break-all; } `); gui = document.createElement("div"); = "burnt-gui"; bg = $('
'); overlay = $('
'); $('body').append(bg); $('body').append(gui); guiL = document.createElement('div'); gui.appendChild(guiL); = ` width: 250px; padding: 10px 0 10px 10px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; flex: 0 0 auto; `; guiR = document.createElement('div'); gui.appendChild(guiR); = ` display: flex; width: 90%; padding: 10px; flex: 1 1 auto; flex-flow: row nowrap; `; thumbBtn = document.createElement("input"); guiL.appendChild(thumbBtn); thumbBtn.classList.add('burnt-btn'); thumbBtn.type = "button"; thumbBtn.value = "Loading..."; thumbBtn.disabled = 'disabled'; thumbBtn.onclick = function() { Process(); }; exitBtn = document.createElement("input"); guiL.appendChild(exitBtn); exitBtn.classList.add('burnt-btn'); exitBtn.type = "button"; exitBtn.value = "Exit"; function Exit() { $('#burnt-bg').remove(); $('#burnt-gui').remove(); $('.burnt-css').remove(); } exitBtn.onclick = Exit; statusBar = document.createElement("div"); = "burnt-status"; guiL.appendChild(statusBar); statusText = document.createElement('span'); statusText.textContent = 'Setting up...'; = '--percent: 20%; --colour: #60ce81;'; statusBar.appendChild(statusText); timeText = document.createElement('span'); = 'burnt-time'; statusBar.appendChild(timeText); function field(value, title, desc) { lbl = document.createElement('label'); lbl.textContent = title; = 'inline-block'; = '10px'; = '5px'; = '700'; = 'left'; $(lbl).append($('
')); input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; = '100%'; input.value = value; input.title = desc; = '400'; input.spellcheck = false; lbl.appendChild(input); guiL.appendChild(lbl); return input; } function chk(checked, title, className = false, desc = false) { var lbl = document.createElement('label'); lbl.textContent = title; if(desc) { lbl.title = desc; } if(className) { lbl.className = className; } var chk = document.createElement("input"); chk.type = "checkbox"; chk.checked = checked; lbl.prepend(chk); guiL.appendChild(lbl); return chk; } /* Options section */ delay = field(settings['delay'], "Delay", "Delay (ms) between requests to avoid spamming the server."); = "50px"; matchTemplate = field(settings['match_template'], "Match Template", "Line matching template for reading previously generated code. Should match the ID format of your template. Only matching on [ID] is not enough, include previous/next characters to ensure the match is unique."); template = field(settings['css_template'], "Template", "CSS template. Replacements are:\n[TYPE], [ID], [IMGURL], [IMGURLT], [IMGURLV], [IMGURLL], [TITLE], [TITLEEN], [TITLEFR], [TITLEES], [TITLEDE], [TITLERAW], [GENRES], [THEMES], [DEMOGRAPHIC], [RANK], [POPULARITY], [SCORE], [SEASON], [YEAR], [STARTDATE], [ENDDATE], and [DESC].\n\nAnime only:\n[STUDIOS], [PRODUCERS], [LICENSORS], [RATING], [DURATIONEP], [DURATIONTOTAL]\n\nManga only:\n[AUTHORS], [SERIALIZATION]"); = "100%"; $(guiL).append($('
')); function toggleChks(check, selector) { if(check.checked) { $(selector).removeClass('burnt-tag-disabled'); } else { $(selector).addClass('burnt-tag-disabled'); } } /* TAGS */ chkTags = chk(settings['update_tags'], "Update Tags", 'burnt-chk burnt-tagtoggle'); chkTags.addEventListener('input', () => { toggleChks(chkTags,'.burnt-tag'); }); chkEnglish = chk(settings['checked_tags']['english_title'], "English title", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkFrench = chk(settings['checked_tags']['french_title'], "French title", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkSpanish = chk(settings['checked_tags']['spanish_title'], "Spanish title", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkGerman = chk(settings['checked_tags']['german_title'], "German title", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkNative = chk(settings['checked_tags']['native_title'], "Native title", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkSeason = chk(settings['checked_tags']['season'], "Season", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkYear = chk(settings['checked_tags']['year'], "Year", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkGenres = chk(settings['checked_tags']['genres'], "Genres", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkThemes = chk(settings['checked_tags']['themes'], "Themes", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkDemographic = chk(settings['checked_tags']['demographic'], "Demographic", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkScore = chk(settings['checked_tags']['score'], "Score", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkRank = chk(settings['checked_tags']['rank'], "Rank", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkPopularity = chk(settings['checked_tags']['popularity'], "Popularity", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); /*Anime Only */ chkStudio = chk(settings['checked_tags']['studio'], "Studio", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkProducers = chk(settings['checked_tags']['producers'], "Producers", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkLicensors = chk(settings['checked_tags']['licensors'], "Licensors", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkAired = chk(settings['checked_tags']['aired'], "Aired", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkRating = chk(settings['checked_tags']['rating'], "Rating", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkDuration = chk(settings['checked_tags']['duration'], "Duration (Episode)", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkTotalDuration = chk(settings['checked_tags']['total_duration'], "Duration (Total)", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); /*Manga only*/ chkPublished = chk(settings['checked_tags']['published'], "Published", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkAuthors = chk(settings['checked_tags']['authors'], "Authors", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); chkSerialization = chk(settings['checked_tags']['serialization'], "Serialization", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag'); /* NOTES */ chkNotes = chk(settings['update_notes'], "Update Notes", 'burnt-chk', 'Update your comments/notes section with the new information.'); chkNotes.addEventListener('input', () => { if(chkNotes.checked) { alert('Be warned! This setting will *entirely overwrite* your current notes. Do not use if you want to keep your notes.'); } toggleChks(chkNotes,'.burnt-notes'); }); chkSynopsisNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['synopsis'], "Synopsis", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkEnglishNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['english_title'], "English title", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkFrenchNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['french_title'], "French title", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkSpanishNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['spanish_title'], "Spanish title", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkGermanNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['german_title'], "German title", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkNativeNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['native_title'], "Native title", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkSeasonNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['season'], "Season", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkYearNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['year'], "Year", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkGenresNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['genres'], "Genres", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkThemesNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['themes'], "Themes", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkDemographicNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['demographic'], "Demographic", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkScoreNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['score'], "Score", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkRankNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['rank'], "Rank", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkPopularityNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['popularity'], "Popularity", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); /*Anime Only */ chkStudioNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['studio'], "Studio", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkProducersNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['producers'], "Producers", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkLicensorsNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['licensors'], "Licensors", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkAiredNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['aired'], "Aired", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkRatingNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['rating'], "Rating", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkDurationNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['duration'], "Duration (Episode)", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkTotalDurationNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['total_duration'], "Duration (Total)", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); /*Manga only*/ chkPublishedNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['published'], "Published", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkAuthorsNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['authors'], "Authors", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); chkSerializationNotes = chk(settings['checked_notes']['serialization'], "Serialization", 'burnt-chk burnt-notes'); /* HIDE IRRELEVANT */ if(animeManga === 'anime') { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; } $(guiL).append($('
')); chkClearTags = chk(settings['clear_tags'], "Overwrite current tags", 'burnt-chk burnt-tag', "Overwrite all of your current tags with the new ones. If all other tag options are unchecked, this will completely remove all tags.\n\nDO NOT use this if you have any tags you want to keep."); $(guiL).append($('
')); chkExisting = chk(settings['check_existing'], "Validate existing images", 'burnt-chk', "Attempt to load all images, updating the url if it fails. There is a 5 second delay to allow images to load. Not recommended while adding new anime or updating tags!"); $(guiL).append($('
')); /* Import/Export section */ importBtn = $(''); { $(gui).append(overlay); importOverlay = $(`
Input a template here. This will update the tool settings and may add some additional code to your MAL Custom CSS. You may wish to backup your Custom CSS before doing this.

`); $(gui).append(importOverlay); $('#burnt-import-btn').click(function() { value = $('#burnt-import-field').val(); if(value.length < 1) { alert('Nothing detected in import field.'); } else { try { importedTemplate = JSON.parse(value); if(!("template" in importedTemplate) || !("matchtemplate" in importedTemplate)) { alert(`Import failed due to incorrect syntax or missing information.`); } else { let cssToImport = 'css' in importedTemplate ? importedTemplate['css'] : false; setTemplate(importedTemplate['template'], importedTemplate['matchtemplate'], cssToImport); importOverlay.remove(); overlay.remove(); } } catch(e) { alert(`Import failed. If you are using an official template, report this problem to the developer with the following information.\n\nError message for reference:\n${e}\n\nValue for reference:\n${value}`); } } }); $('#burnt-close').click(function() { importOverlay.remove(); overlay.remove(); }); }); $(guiL).append(importBtn); exportBtn = $(''); { $(gui).append(overlay); exportOverlay = $(`
Use this to create a template. The template and match template are required, but you may leave the CSS Styling field blank if desired.

Template Match Template CSS Styling

`); $(gui).append(exportOverlay); $('#burnt-export-template').val(template.value); $('#burnt-export-match').val(matchTemplate.value); $('#burnt-export-btn').click(function() { newTemplate = $('#burnt-export-template').val(); newMatchTemplate = $('#burnt-export-match').val(); if(newTemplate.length < 1 || newMatchTemplate < 1) { alert('Please fill out both the Template and Match Template fields.'); } else { createdTemplate = { "template": newTemplate, "matchtemplate": newMatchTemplate }; let css = $('#burnt-export-css').val(); if(css.trim().length > 0) { createdTemplate['css'] = css; } $('#burnt-export').val(JSON.stringify(createdTemplate)); document.querySelector('#burnt-export').select(); navigator.clipboard.writeText(document.querySelector('#burnt-export').textContent); } }); $('#burnt-close').click(function() { exportOverlay.remove(); overlay.remove(); }); }); $(guiL).append(exportBtn); $(guiL).append($('
')); /* "Copyright" section */ $(guiL).append($(`
MyAnimeList-Tools v${ver}
Last modified ${verMod}
`)); /* Settings section */ clearBtn = $(''); if(localStorage.getItem('burnt_settings') !== null || localStorage.getItem('burnt_last_run') !== null) { { localStorage.removeItem('burnt_settings'); localStorage.removeItem('burnt_last_run'); alert('Please exit and restart the tool to complete the clearing of your settings.'); }); } else { clearBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } $(guiL).append(clearBtn); /* Textareas */ textareaL = document.createElement('div'); textareaL.className = 'burnt-textarea'; guiR.appendChild(textareaL); $(textareaL).append($('Input')); lastRun = $(''); $(textareaL).append(lastRun); if(localStorage.getItem('burnt_last_run') !== null) { { existing.value = localStorage.getItem('burnt_last_run'); }); } else { lastRun.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } autofill = $(''); $(textareaL).append(autofill); { code = existing.value; if(code.length < 1) { alert('Please insert code into the input field.'); return; } if(code.indexOf('*/') === -1) { alert('Code is missing template information. It is either incorrectly formatted or not generated by this tool.'); return; } newTemplate = false; newMatchTemplate = false; /* Reduce code to first comment block, which should be the tool-generated comment */ code = code.split('*/')[0]; codeByLine = code.split('\n'); for(i = 0; i < codeByLine.length; i++) { line = codeByLine[i]; if(line.startsWith('Template=')) { newTemplate = line.substring(9); } else if(line.startsWith('MatchTemplate=')) { newMatchTemplate = line.substring(14); } } if(newTemplate && newMatchTemplate) { setTemplate(newTemplate, newMatchTemplate); } else { alert('Code is missing template information. It is either incorrectly formatted or not generated by this tool.'); return; } }); existing = document.createElement("textarea"); existing.title = "Copy previously generated code here. The style for one anime ID must all be on the same line."; existing.placeholder = "Copy previously generated code here. The style for one anime ID must all be on the same line."; existing.spellcheck = false; textareaL.appendChild(existing); textareaR = document.createElement('div'); textareaR.className = 'burnt-textarea'; = '10px'; guiR.appendChild(textareaR); $(textareaR).append($('Output')); copyOutput = $(''); $(textareaR).append(copyOutput); {; document.execCommand('copy'); }); result = document.createElement("textarea"); result.title = "Newly generated code will be output here."; result.placeholder = "Newly generated code will be output here."; result.readOnly = "readonly"; result.spellcheck = false; textareaR.appendChild(result); toggleChks(chkTags, '.burnt-tag'); toggleChks(chkNotes, '.burnt-notes'); /* Common Functions */ function decodeHtml(html) { txt = document.createElement("textarea"); txt.innerHTML = html; return txt.value; } function css(css) { newCSS = document.createElement('style'); newCSS.className = 'burnt-css'; newCSS.textContent = css; document.head.appendChild(newCSS); return newCSS; } function round(value, precision) { var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision || 0); return Math.round(value * multiplier) / multiplier; } function setTemplate(newTemplate, newMatchTemplate, newCss = false) { template.value = newTemplate; matchTemplate.value = newMatchTemplate; if(newCss !== false && newCss.trim() !== '') { if(modernStyle) { /* Determine theme currently being used */ stylesheet = $('head style[type="text/css"]:first-of-type').text(); style = false; styleColIndex = stylesheet.indexOf('background-color', stylesheet.indexOf('.list-unit .list-status-title {')) + 17; styleCol = stylesheet.substr(styleColIndex, 8).replaceAll(/\s|\:|\;/g, ''); switch(styleCol) { case '#4065BA': if(stylesheet.indexOf('logo_mal_blue.png') !== -1) { style = 2; } else { style = 1; } break; case '#244291': style = 3; break; case '#23B230': style = 4; break; case '#A32E2E': style = 5; break; case '#FAD54A': style = 6; break; case '#0080FF': style = 7; break; case '#39c65d': style = 8; break; case '#ff00bf': style = 9; break; case '#DB1C03': style = 10; break; } if(style === false) { alert('Failed to import CSS: Not able to determine style for change.'); return false; } /* Update MAL custom CSS */ styleUrl = `${style}`; request = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", styleUrl, false); request.send(null); str = request.responseText; doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(request.responseText, "text/html"); customCss = $(doc).find('pre#custom-css').text(); /* Temporarily update the pages CSS to make sure no page reload is required */ $('head').append($(``)); /* Remove any previously added myanimelist-tools CSS */ customCss = customCss.replaceAll(/\/\*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS START\*\/(.|\n)*\/\*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS END\*\//g, ''); if(newCss.length > 0) { finalCss = customCss + '\n\n/*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS START*/\n\n' + newCss + '\n\n/*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS END*/'; } else { finalCss = customCss; } if(finalCss.length >= 65535) { alert('Your MAL Custom CSS may be longer than the max allowed length. If your CSS has been cut off at the end, you will need to resolve this issue.'); } /* Send new CSS to MAL */ csrf = $('meta[name="csrf_token"]').attr('content'); boundary = '---------------------------35347544871910269115864526218'; bg_attach = $(doc).find('#style_edit_theme_background_image_attachment').find('[selected]').val() || ''; bg_vert = $(doc).find('#style_edit_theme_background_image_vertical_position').find('[selected]').val() || ''; bg_hori = $(doc).find('#style_edit_theme_background_image_horizontal_position').find('[selected]').val() || ''; bg_repeat = $(doc).find('#style_edit_theme_background_image_repeat').find('[selected]').val() || ''; req2header = `--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[show_cover_image]"\n\n1\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[cover_image]"; filename=""\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[show_background_image]"\n\n1\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[background_image]"; filename=""\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[background_image_attachment]"\n\n${bg_attach}\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[background_image_vertical_position]"\n\n${bg_vert}\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[background_image_horizontal_position]"\n\n${bg_hori}\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[background_image_repeat]"\n\n${bg_repeat}\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[css]"\n\n${finalCss}\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="style_edit_theme[save]"\n\n\n--${boundary}\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="csrf_token"\n\n${csrf}\n--${boundary}--`; request2 = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", styleUrl, false); request2.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`); request2.send(req2header); } else { oldCss = $('head style[type="text/css"]:first-of-type'); /* Update MAL custom CSS */ styleListUrl = ''; request = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", styleListUrl, false); request.send(null); str = request.responseText; doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(request.responseText, "text/html"); styleUrls = []; /* should produce one-two elements something like this: Style ID#473785 */ $(doc).find('#dialog a').each(function() { id = this.href.split('&id=')[1]; url = `${id}`; styleUrls.push(url); }); if(styleUrls.length < 1) { alert('Failed to import CSS: Not able to determine style for change.'); return false; } for(i = 0; i < styleUrls.length; i++) { styleUrl = styleUrls[i]; request2 = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", styleUrl, false); request2.send(null); str2 = request2.responseText; doc2 = new DOMParser().parseFromString(request2.responseText, "text/html"); customCss = $(doc2).find('textarea[name="cssText"]').text(); if(customCss.trim() == oldCss.text().trim()) { break; } } /* Remove any previously added myanimelist-tools CSS */ customCss = customCss.replaceAll(/\/\*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS START\*\/(.|\n)*\/\*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS END\*\//g, ''); if(newCss.length > 0) { finalCss = customCss + '\n\n/*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS START*/\n\n' + newCss + '\n\n/*MYANIMELIST-TOOLS END*/'; } else { finalCss = customCss; } /* Temporarily update the pages CSS to make sure no page reload is required */ oldCss.text(finalCss); if(finalCss.length >= 65535) { alert('Your MAL Custom CSS may be longer than the max allowed length. If your CSS has been cut off at the end, you will need to resolve this issue.'); } /* Send new CSS to MAL */ csrf = $('meta[name="csrf_token"]').attr('content'); request3 = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", styleUrl, false); request3.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); request3.send(`cssText=${encodeURIComponent(finalCss)}&subForm=Update+CSS&csrf_token=${csrf}`); } } alert('Import succeeded.'); return true; } /* Get list info and enable buttons once done */ data = []; baseUrl = window.location.href.split('?')[0]; offset = 0; failures = 0; faildelay = 0; statusPercent = 30; function getListInfo() { /* will take a list URL: and return: */ dataUrl = `${baseUrl}/load.json?status=7&offset=${offset}`; $.getJSON(dataUrl, function(json) { failures = 0; data = data.concat(json); if(json.length === 300) { offset += 300; statusText.textContent = `Fetching list data (${offset} of ?)...`; statusPercent += 10; = `--percent: ${statusPercent <= 85 ? statusPercent : '85'}%; --colour: #60ce81;`; getListInfo(); } else { statusText.textContent = `Successfully loaded ${data.length} items.`; = '--percent: 100%; --colour: #60ce81;'; thumbBtn.value = 'Start'; thumbBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }).fail(function() { failures++; faildelay += 3000; statusText.textContent = `Data fetch failed, retrying in ${faildelay}ms...`; if(failures > 3) { thumbBtn.value = 'Failed'; statusText.textContent = `Failed to fetch list info.`; = '--percent: 100%; --colour: #f24242;'; return; } setTimeout(getListInfo, faildelay); }); }; getListInfo(); /* Primary Functions */ newData = []; var timeout; errorCount = 0; warningCount = 0; i = 0; timeThen = - delay.value; function ProcessNext() { if(i < newData.length) { thisData = newData[i]; id = thisData[`${animeManga}_id`]; /* set estimated time */ timeSince = - timeThen; timeThen =; idsRemaining = newData.length - 1 - i; seconds = idsRemaining * (timeSince / 1000); if(seconds <= 60) { timeRemaining = `${round(seconds)}s`; } else if(seconds > 60 && seconds < 3600) { timeRemaining = `${round(seconds / 60, 1)}m`; } else if(seconds > 3600) { timeRemaining = `${round(seconds / 60 / 60, 1)}h`; } else { timeRemaining = '?'; } try { url = `${animeManga}/${id}`; request = new XMLHttpRequest();"get", url, false); request.send(null); str = request.responseText; doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(request.responseText, "text/html"); /* get current tags */ if(!chkTags.checked || chkClearTags.checked) { tags = []; } else if(chkTags.checked) { tags = thisData['tags'].split(','); /* remove extra whitespace */ for(j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { tags[j] = tags[j].trim(); } } /* common functions */ function removeTagIfExist(match, mode = 0) /* takes input tag and checks if it is already in the tag list. If it is, it removes it. This is so that the new tags added later are not duplicates. It is done this way instead of simply removing the new tag so that the new tags can maintain their order in relation to each other. Modes: 0 = old tag is exact match, 1 = old tag contains match 2 = old tag begins with match 3 = old tag ends with match */ { if(tags.length == 0) { return; } tagsLength = tags.length; for(k = 0; k < tagsLength; k++) { tagNormalized = tags[k].toUpperCase(); matchNormalized = match.toUpperCase(); if( tags[k].length == 0 || mode == 0 && tagNormalized == matchNormalized || mode == 1 && tagNormalized.indexOf(matchNormalized) != -1 || mode == 2 && tagNormalized.startsWith(matchNormalized) || mode == 3 && tagNormalized.endsWith(matchNormalized) ) { tags.splice(k, 1); tagsLength--; k--; } } } /* titles */ title = thisData[`${animeManga}_title`]; /* English title */ titleEn = null; if('anime_title_eng' in thisData) { titleEn = thisData['anime_title_eng']; } else if('manga_english' in thisData) { titleEn = thisData['manga_english']; } removeTagIfExist(titleEn); /* French title */ titleFr = null; titleFrStartTxt = 'French:'; titleFrStartIndex = str.indexOf(titleFrStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(titleFrStartTxt) != -1) { titleFrStartIndex += titleFrStartTxt.length; titleFrEndIndex = str.indexOf('', titleFrStartIndex); titleFr = str.substring(titleFrStartIndex, titleFrEndIndex); titleFr = decodeHtml(titleFr); titleFr = titleFr.trim().replace(',', ''); removeTagIfExist(titleFr); } /* German title */ titleDe = null; titleDeStartTxt = 'German:'; titleDeStartIndex = str.indexOf(titleDeStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(titleDeStartTxt) != -1) { titleDeStartIndex += titleDeStartTxt.length; titleDeEndIndex = str.indexOf('', titleDeStartIndex); titleDe = str.substring(titleDeStartIndex, titleDeEndIndex); titleDe = decodeHtml(titleDe); titleDe = titleDe.trim().replace(',', ''); removeTagIfExist(titleDe); } /* Spanish title */ titleEs = null; titleEsStartTxt = 'Spanish:'; titleEsStartIndex = str.indexOf(titleEsStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(titleEsStartTxt) != -1) { titleEsStartIndex += titleEsStartTxt.length; titleEsEndIndex = str.indexOf('', titleEsStartIndex); titleEs = str.substring(titleEsStartIndex, titleEsEndIndex); titleEs = decodeHtml(titleEs); titleEs = titleEs.trim().replace(',', ''); removeTagIfExist(titleEs); } /* Native/raw title - may need some correction for titles that aren't originally japanese. */ titleNative = null; titleNativeStartTxt = "Japanese:"; titleNativeStartIndex = str.indexOf(titleNativeStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(titleNativeStartTxt) != -1) { titleNativeStartIndex += titleNativeStartTxt.length; titleNativeEndIndex = str.indexOf("", titleNativeStartIndex); titleNative = str.substring(titleNativeStartIndex, titleNativeEndIndex); titleNative = decodeHtml(titleNative); titleNative = titleNative.trim().replace(',', ''); removeTagIfExist(titleNative); } /* Title synonyms */ titleSynStartTxt = 'Synonyms:'; titleSynStartIndex = str.indexOf(titleSynStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(titleSynStartTxt) != -1) { titleSynStartIndex += titleSynStartTxt.length; titleSynEndIndex = str.indexOf('', titleSynStartIndex); titleSyn = str.substring(titleSynStartIndex, titleSynEndIndex); titleSyn = decodeHtml(titleSyn); titleSynArr = titleSyn.split(','); if(titleSynArr.length > 0) { titleSyn = titleSynArr[0].trim(); } } /* Title fallbacks for when no alternatives found */ for (t in [titleEn, titleFr, titleEs, titleDe]) { if(t == null && titleSyn != null) { t = titleSyn; } else { t = title; } } /* date */ season = null; year = null; dateStartTxt = ( animeManga == "anime" ) ? 'Aired:' : 'Published:'; dateStartIndex = str.indexOf(dateStartTxt) + dateStartTxt.length; if(str.indexOf(dateStartTxt) != -1) { dateEndIndex = str.indexOf("", dateStartIndex); dateHtml = str.substring(dateStartIndex, dateEndIndex); /* dateHtml should output "Oct 4, 2003 to Oct 2, 2004" or similar */ dateArr = dateHtml.split(" to "); dateBegunArr = dateArr[0].split(","); if(dateBegunArr.length == 2) { season = null; if(dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Jan") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Feb") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Mar") != -1) { season = "Winter"; } else if(dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Apr") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("May") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Jun") != -1) { season = "Spring"; } else if(dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Jul") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Aug") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Sep") != -1) { season = "Summer"; } else if(dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Oct") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Nov") != -1 || dateBegunArr[0].indexOf("Dec") != -1) { season = "Fall"; } year = dateBegunArr[1].trim(); removeTagIfExist(season); removeTagIfExist(year); } startDate = dateArr[0].trim(); endDate = dateArr.length == 2 ? dateArr[1].trim() : ""; airedTag = "Aired: " + dateArr[0].trim().replace(',', '') + (dateArr.length == 2 ? " to " + dateArr[1].trim().replace(',', '') : ""); removeTagIfExist('Aired: ', mode = 2); publishedTag = "Published: " + dateArr[0].trim().replace(',', '') + (dateArr.length == 2 ? " to " + dateArr[1].trim().replace(',', '') : ""); removeTagIfExist('Published: ', mode = 2); } /* studio (anime) */ studios = null; studiosStartTxt = "Studios:"; studiosStartIndex = str.indexOf(studiosStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(studiosStartTxt) != -1) { studiosStartIndex += studiosStartTxt.length; studiosEndIndex = str.indexOf("", studiosStartIndex); studiosHtml = str.substring(studiosStartIndex, studiosEndIndex); studios = studiosHtml.split(","); studiosLength = studios.length; for(j = 0; j < studiosLength; j++) { g1 = studios[j].indexOf("\">") + 2; g2 = studios[j].indexOf(""); if(g2 == -1) { studios = null; break; } studios[j] = studios[j].substring(g1, g2).trim(); studios[j] = decodeHtml(studios[j]); removeTagIfExist(studios[j]); } } /* authors (manga) */ authors = null; authorsStartTxt = "Authors:"; authorsStartIndex = str.indexOf(authorsStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(authorsStartTxt) != -1) { authorsStartIndex += authorsStartTxt.length; authorsEndIndex = str.indexOf("", authorsStartIndex); authorsHtml = str.substring(authorsStartIndex, authorsEndIndex); authors = authorsHtml.split(", ") + 2; endAt = authors[j].indexOf(""); if(endAt == -1) { authors = null; break; } authors[j] = authors[j].substring(startAt, endAt).trim().replaceAll(',',''); authors[j] = decodeHtml(authors[j]); removeTagIfExist(authors[j]); } } /* producers (anime) */ producers = null; producersStartTxt = "Producers:"; producersStartIndex = str.indexOf(producersStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(producersStartTxt) != -1) { producersStartIndex += producersStartTxt.length; producersEndIndex = str.indexOf("", producersStartIndex); producersHtml = str.substring(producersStartIndex, producersEndIndex); producers = producersHtml.split(","); producersLength = producers.length; for(j = 0; j < producersLength; j++) { if(producers[j].indexOf("") == -1) { startAt = producers[j].indexOf("\">") + 2; endAt = producers[j].indexOf(""); if(endAt == -1) { producers = null; break; } producers[j] = producers[j].substring(startAt, endAt).trim(); producers[j] = decodeHtml(producers[j]); removeTagIfExist(producers[j]); } else { producers.splice(j, 1); producersLength--; j--; } } } /* licensors (anime) */ licensors = null; licensorsStartTxt = "Licensors:"; licensorsStartIndex = str.indexOf(licensorsStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(licensorsStartTxt) != -1) { licensorsStartIndex += licensorsStartTxt.length; licensorsEndIndex = str.indexOf("", licensorsStartIndex); licensorsHtml = str.substring(licensorsStartIndex, licensorsEndIndex); licensors = licensorsHtml.split(","); licensorsLength = licensors.length; for(j = 0; j < licensorsLength; j++) { if(licensors[j].indexOf("") == -1) { startAt = licensors[j].indexOf("\">") + 2; endAt = licensors[j].indexOf(""); if(endAt == -1) { licensors = null; break; } licensors[j] = licensors[j].substring(startAt, endAt).trim(); licensors[j] = decodeHtml(licensors[j]); removeTagIfExist(licensors[j]); } else { licensors.splice(j, 1); licensorsLength--; j--; } } } /* serialization (manga) */ serializations = null; serializationStartTxt = "Serialization:"; serializationStartIndex = str.indexOf(serializationStartTxt); if(str.indexOf(serializationStartTxt) != -1) { serializationStartIndex += serializationStartTxt.length; serializationEndIndex = str.indexOf("", serializationStartIndex); serializationHtml = str.substring(serializationStartIndex, serializationEndIndex); serializations = serializationHtml.split(","); serializationLength = serializations.length; for(j = 0; j < serializationLength; j++) { if(serializations[j].indexOf("") == -1) { startAt = serializations[j].indexOf("\">") + 2; endAt = serializations[j].indexOf(""); if(endAt == -1) { serializations = null; break; } serializations[j] = serializations[j].substring(startAt, endAt).trim(); serializations[j] = decodeHtml(serializations[j]); removeTagIfExist(serializations[j]); } else { serializations.splice(j, 1); serializationLength--; j--; } } } /* rating (anime) */ rating = "?"; if('anime_mpaa_rating_string' in thisData) { rating = thisData['anime_mpaa_rating_string']; } ratingTag = `Rating: ${rating}`; removeTagIfExist('Rating: ', mode = 2); /* duration (anime) */ duration = '?'; totalDuration = '?'; durationStartTxt = "Duration:"; durationStartIndex = str.indexOf(durationStartTxt); if(durationStartIndex !== -1) { function splitMinute(minutes) { final = []; leftover = minutes % 60; hours = (minutes - leftover) / 60; if(hours > 0) { final.push(hours + 'h'); } final.push(leftover + 'm'); return final.join(' '); } durationStartIndex += durationStartTxt.length; durationEndIndex = str.indexOf("", durationStartIndex); durationSubStr = str.substring(durationStartIndex, durationEndIndex); if(durationSubStr.indexOf('hr') !== -1) { splitHr = durationSubStr.split('hr'); hours = parseInt(splitHr[0].trim()); minutes = parseInt(splitHr[1].replace(/[^0-9]*/g, '')); minutes += hours * 60; } else { minutes = parseInt(durationSubStr.split('min')[0].trim()); } if(!isNaN(minutes)) { duration = splitMinute(minutes); episodesStartTxt = 'Episodes:'; episodesStartIndex = str.indexOf(episodesStartTxt); if(episodesStartIndex !== -1) { episodesStartIndex += episodesStartTxt.length; episodesEndIndex = str.indexOf("", episodesStartIndex); episodes = parseInt(str.substring(episodesStartIndex, episodesEndIndex).trim()); if(!isNaN(episodes)) { totalDuration = splitMinute(minutes * episodes); } } } } durationTag = `Duration/Ep: ${duration}`; totalDurationTag = `Duration: ${totalDuration}`; removeTagIfExist('Duration/Ep: ', mode = 2); removeTagIfExist('Duration: ', mode = 2); /* genres */ genres = []; for(each of thisData['genres']) { genre = each['name']; genres.push(genre); removeTagIfExist(genre); } /* themes */ themes = []; themesRaw = $(doc).find('span.dark_text:contains("Theme") ~ [itemprop="genre"]'); if(themesRaw.length > 0) { for(j = 0; j < themesRaw.length; j++) { themes[j] = themesRaw.eq(j).text().trim(); removeTagIfExist(themes[j]); } } /* demographic */ demographics = []; for(each of thisData['demographics']) { demographic = each['name']; demographics.push(demographic); removeTagIfExist(demographic); } /* rank */ rank = "?"; rankStartTxt = "Ranked:"; rankStartIndex = str.indexOf(rankStartTxt); if(rankStartIndex != -1) { rankStartIndex += rankStartTxt.length; rankEndIndex = str.indexOf("", rankStartIndex); rank = str.substring(rankStartIndex, rankEndIndex); rank = rank.trim().replace("#", ""); } rankTag = `Ranked: ${rank}`; removeTagIfExist('Ranked: ', mode = 2); /* popularity */ popularity = "?"; popularityStartTxt = "Popularity:"; popularityStartIndex = str.indexOf(popularityStartTxt); if(popularityStartIndex != -1) { popularityStartIndex += popularityStartTxt.length; popularityEndIndex = str.indexOf("", popularityStartIndex); popularity = str.substring(popularityStartIndex, popularityEndIndex); popularity = popularity.trim().replace("#", ""); } popularityTag = `Popularity: ${popularity}`; removeTagIfExist('Popularity: ', mode = 2); /* score */ score = "?"; scoreEle = $(doc).find("[itemprop=\"ratingValue\"]"); if(scoreEle.length > 0) { score = scoreEle.text().trim(); } scoreTag = `Score: ${score}`; removeTagIfExist('Score: ', mode = 2); /* Synopsis (description) */ synopsis = $(doc).find("[itemprop=\"description\"]").text().trim(); synopsisCss = synopsis.replace(/\r\n/g, " ").replace(/\n/g, "\\a ").replace(/\"/g, "\\\"").trim(); /* Update Notes & Tags */ let csrf = $('meta[name="csrf_token"]').attr('content'); if(chkTags.checked) { if(titleEn && chkEnglish.checked) { tags.push(titleEn); } if(titleFr && chkFrench.checked) { tags.push(titleFr); } if(titleEs && chkSpanish.checked) { tags.push(titleEs); } if(titleDe && chkGerman.checked) { tags.push(titleDe); } if(titleNative && chkNative.checked) { tags.push(titleNative); } if(season && chkSeason.checked) { tags.push(season); } if(year && chkYear.checked) { tags.push(year); } if(studios && chkStudio.checked) { tags.push(studios); } if(producers && chkProducers.checked) { tags.push(producers); } if(licensors && chkLicensors.checked) { tags.push(licensors); } if(serializations && chkSerialization.checked) { tags.push(serializations); } if(genres && chkGenres.checked) { tags.push(genres); } if(themes && chkThemes.checked) { tags.push(themes); } if(demographic && chkDemographic.checked) { tags.push(demographic); } if(authors && chkAuthors.checked) { tags.push(authors); } if(chkAired.checked) { tags.push(airedTag); } if(chkPublished.checked) { tags.push(publishedTag); } if(chkScore.checked) { tags.push(scoreTag); } if(chkRank.checked) { tags.push(rankTag); } if(chkPopularity.checked) { tags.push(popularityTag); } if(chkRating.checked) { tags.push(ratingTag); } if(chkDuration.checked) { tags.push(durationTag); } if(chkTotalDuration.checked) { tags.push(totalDurationTag); } newTagStr = tags.join(", "); if(animeManga === 'anime') { reqUrl = ''; amid = 'aid'; } else { reqUrl = ''; amid = 'mid'; } request2 = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", reqUrl + encodeURIComponent(newTagStr), false); request2.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); request2.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); request2.send(`${amid}=${id}&csrf_token=${csrf}`); } if(chkNotes.checked) { let notes = []; if(titleEn && chkEnglishNotes.checked) { notes.push(titleEn); } if(titleFr && chkFrenchNotes.checked) { notes.push(titleFr); } if(titleEs && chkSpanishNotes.checked) { notes.push(titleEs); } if(titleDe && chkGermanNotes.checked) { notes.push(titleDe); } if(titleNative && chkNativeNotes.checked) { notes.push(titleNative); } if(season && chkSeasonNotes.checked) { notes.push(season); } if(year && chkYearNotes.checked) { notes.push(year); } if(studios && chkStudioNotes.checked) { notes.push(studios); } if(producers && chkProducersNotes.checked) { notes.push(producers); } if(licensors && chkLicensorsNotes.checked) { notes.push(licensors); } if(serializations && chkSerializationNotes.checked) { notes.push(serializations); } if(genres && chkGenresNotes.checked) { notes.push(genres); } if(themes && chkThemesNotes.checked) { notes.push(themes); } if(demographic && chkDemographicNotes.checked) { notes.push(demographic); } if(authors && chkAuthorsNotes.checked) { notes.push(authors); } if(chkAiredNotes.checked) { notes.push(airedTag); } if(chkPublishedNotes.checked) { notes.push(publishedTag); } if(chkScoreNotes.checked) { notes.push(scoreTag); } if(chkRankNotes.checked) { notes.push(rankTag); } if(chkPopularityNotes.checked) { notes.push(popularityTag); } if(chkRatingNotes.checked) { notes.push(ratingTag); } if(chkDurationNotes.checked) { notes.push(durationTag); } if(chkTotalDurationNotes.checked) { notes.push(totalDurationTag); } if(chkSynopsisNotes.checked) { notes.push(synopsis); } let notesStr = notes.join("\n\n"); let notesRequestUrl = ''; let notesRequestDict = { "comments": notesStr, "status": thisData['status'], "csrf_token": csrf }; if(animeManga === 'anime') { notesRequestDict['anime_id'] = id; notesRequestUrl = ''; } else { notesRequestDict['manga_id'] = id; notesRequestUrl = ''; } let notesRequestContent = JSON.stringify(notesRequestDict); let notesRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", notesRequestUrl, false); 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result.value += cssLine + "\n"; result.scrollTop = result.scrollHeight; } catch(e) { console.log(`error on ${animeManga} #${id}: ${e}`); errorCount++; } i++; statusText.textContent = `Processed ${i} of ${newData.length}`; percent = i / newData.length * 100; = `--percent: ${percent}%`; timeText.textContent = `~ ${timeRemaining} left`; timeout = setTimeout(ProcessNext, delay.value); } else { DoneProcessing(); } } function DoneProcessing() { if(result.value.length > 0) { localStorage.setItem('burnt_last_run', result.value); } thumbBtn.value = "Done"; thumbBtn.disabled = "disabled"; statusText.textContent = `Completed with ${errorCount} errors`; timeText.textContent = ''; exportBtn.removeAttr('disabled'); clearBtn.removeAttr('disabled'); exitBtn.disabled = false; exitBtn.value = "Exit"; exitBtn.onclick = function() { Exit(); if(chkTags.checked || chkNotes.checked) { alert("Refesh the page for tag and note updates to show."); } errorPercent = errorCount / i * 100; if(errorCount < 1 && warningCount > 0) { alert(`${warningCount} warning(s) occurred while processing. See your browser's console for details.\n\nIt is likely that all updates were successful. If you notice missing images, try running the tool again.`); } else if(errorCount > 0 && warningCount < 1) { alert(`${errorCount} error(s) occurred while processing. See your browser's console for details.\n\nOut of ${i} processsed items, that represents a ${errorPercent}% error rate. Some updates were likely successful, especially if the error rate is low.\n\nBefore seeking help, try refreshing your list page and rerunning the tool to fix these errors, using your updated CSS as input.`); } else if(errorCount > 0 && warningCount > 0) { alert(`${errorCount} error(s) and ${warningCount} warning(s) occurred while processing. See your browser's console for details.\n\nOut of ${i} processsed items, that represents a ${errorPercent}% error rate. Some updates were likely successful, especially if the error rate is low.\n\nBefore seeking help, try refreshing your list page and rerunning the tool to fix these errors, using your updated CSS as input.`); } }; } function Process() { saveSettings(); imageLoadDelay = 0; exitBtn.disabled = "disabled"; importBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); exportBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); clearBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); autofill.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); lastRun.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); thumbBtn.value = "Stop"; thumbBtn.onclick = function() { thumbBtn.value = 'Stopping...'; thumbBtn.disabled = 'disabled'; newData = []; clearTimeout(timeout); DoneProcessing(); }; result.value += `\/*\nGenerated by MyAnimeList-Tools v${ver}\n\n\nTemplate=${template.value.replace(/\*\//g, "*[DEL]/")}\nMatchTemplate=${matchTemplate.value}\n*\/\n\n`; for(k = 0; k < data.length; k++) { statusText.textContent = 'Checking your input for matches...'; id = data[k][`${animeManga}_id`]; skip = false; oldLines = existing.value.split("\n"); oldLinesCount = oldLines.length; for(j = 0; j < oldLinesCount; j++) { match = matchTemplate.value.replace(/\[ID\]/g, id).replace(/\[TYPE\]/g, animeManga); skip = oldLines[j].indexOf(match) !== -1 ? true : false; if(skip) { break; } } if(skip) { if(chkExisting.checked) { imageLoadDelay = 5000; urlStart = oldLines[j].indexOf("http"); urlEnd = oldLines[j].indexOf(".jpg", urlStart); imgUrl = oldLines[j].substring(urlStart, urlEnd + 4); tempImg = document.createElement("img"); tempImg.oldLine = oldLines[j]; tempImg.animeId = id; = data[k]; tempImg.onload = function(imgLoadEvent) { result.value += + "\n"; }; tempImg.onerror = function(imgErrorEvent) { newData.push(; }; tempImg.src = imgUrl; } else { result.value += oldLines[j] + "\n"; } } else { newData.push(data[k]) } } timeout = setTimeout(ProcessNext, imageLoadDelay); } function saveSettings() { settings = { "css_template": template.value, "delay": delay.value, "match_template": matchTemplate.value, "update_tags": chkTags.checked, "update_notes": chkNotes.checked, "checked_tags": { "english_title": chkEnglish.checked, "french_title": chkFrench.checked, "spanish_title": chkSpanish.checked, "german_title": chkGerman.checked, "native_title": chkNative.checked, "season": chkSeason.checked, "year": chkYear.checked, "genres": chkGenres.checked, "themes": chkThemes.checked, "demograpic": chkDemographic.checked, "authors": chkAuthors.checked, "score": chkScore.checked, "rank": chkRank.checked, "popularity": chkPopularity.checked, "studio": chkStudio.checked, "producers": chkProducers.checked, "licensors": chkLicensors.checked, "serialization": chkSerialization.checked, "aired": chkAired.checked, "published": chkPublished.checked, "rating": chkRating.checked, "duration": chkDuration.checked, "total_duration": chkTotalDuration.checked }, "checked_notes": { "synopsis": chkSynopsisNotes.checked, "english_title": chkEnglishNotes.checked, "french_title": chkFrenchNotes.checked, "spanish_title": chkSpanishNotes.checked, "german_title": chkGermanNotes.checked, "native_title": chkNativeNotes.checked, "season": chkSeasonNotes.checked, "year": chkYearNotes.checked, "genres": chkGenresNotes.checked, "themes": chkThemesNotes.checked, "demograpic": chkDemographicNotes.checked, "authors": chkAuthorsNotes.checked, "score": chkScoreNotes.checked, "rank": chkRankNotes.checked, "popularity": chkPopularityNotes.checked, "studio": chkStudioNotes.checked, "producers": chkProducersNotes.checked, "licensors": chkLicensorsNotes.checked, "serialization": chkSerializationNotes.checked, "aired": chkAiredNotes.checked, "published": chkPublishedNotes.checked, "rating": chkRatingNotes.checked, "duration": chkDurationNotes.checked, "total_duration": chkTotalDurationNotes.checked }, "clear_tags": chkClearTags.checked, "check_existing": chkExisting.checked }; localStorage.setItem('burnt_settings', JSON.stringify(settings)); } void(0);