#pragma once // openvr_driver.h //========= Copyright Valve Corporation ============// // Dynamically generated file. Do not modify this file directly. #ifndef _OPENVR_DRIVER_API #define _OPENVR_DRIVER_API #include // version.h namespace vr { static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionMajor = 2; static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionMinor = 5; static const uint32_t k_nSteamVRVersionBuild = 1; } // namespace vr // public_vrtypes.h #ifndef _INCLUDE_CORE_VRTYPES_PUBLIC_H #define _INCLUDE_CORE_VRTYPES_PUBLIC_H namespace vr { #pragma pack( push, 8 ) typedef uint32_t PropertyTypeTag_t; // right-handed system // +y is up // +x is to the right // -z is forward // Distance unit is meters struct HmdMatrix34_t { float m[3][4]; }; struct HmdMatrix33_t { float m[3][3]; }; struct HmdMatrix44_t { float m[4][4]; }; struct HmdVector3_t { float v[3]; }; struct HmdVector4_t { float v[4]; }; struct HmdVector3d_t { double v[3]; }; struct HmdVector2_t { float v[2]; }; struct HmdQuaternion_t { double w, x, y, z; }; struct HmdQuaternionf_t { float w, x, y, z; }; struct HmdColor_t { float r, g, b, a; }; struct HmdQuad_t { HmdVector3_t vCorners[ 4 ]; }; struct HmdRect2_t { HmdVector2_t vTopLeft; HmdVector2_t vBottomRight; }; /** Holds the transform for a single bone */ struct VRBoneTransform_t { HmdVector4_t position; HmdQuaternionf_t orientation; }; /** Used to return the post-distortion UVs for each color channel. * UVs range from 0 to 1 with 0,0 in the upper left corner of the * source render target. The 0,0 to 1,1 range covers a single eye. */ struct DistortionCoordinates_t { float rfRed[2]; float rfGreen[2]; float rfBlue[2]; }; enum EVREye { Eye_Left = 0, Eye_Right = 1 }; enum ETextureType { TextureType_Invalid = -1, // Handle has been invalidated TextureType_DirectX = 0, // Handle is an ID3D11Texture TextureType_OpenGL = 1, // Handle is an OpenGL texture name or an OpenGL render buffer name, depending on submit flags TextureType_Vulkan = 2, // Handle is a pointer to a VRVulkanTextureData_t structure TextureType_IOSurface = 3, // Handle is a macOS cross-process-sharable IOSurfaceRef, deprecated in favor of TextureType_Metal on supported platforms TextureType_DirectX12 = 4, // Handle is a pointer to a D3D12TextureData_t structure TextureType_DXGISharedHandle = 5, // Handle is a HANDLE DXGI share handle, only supported for Overlay render targets. // this texture is used directly by our renderer, so only perform atomic (copyresource or resolve) on it TextureType_Metal = 6, // Handle is a MTLTexture conforming to the MTLSharedTexture protocol. Textures submitted to IVRCompositor::Submit which // are of type MTLTextureType2DArray assume layer 0 is the left eye texture (vr::EVREye::Eye_left), layer 1 is the right // eye texture (vr::EVREye::Eye_Right) TextureType_Reserved = 7, }; enum EColorSpace { ColorSpace_Auto = 0, // Assumes 'gamma' for 8-bit per component formats, otherwise 'linear'. This mirrors the DXGI formats which have _SRGB variants. ColorSpace_Gamma = 1, // Texture data can be displayed directly on the display without any conversion (a.k.a. display native format). ColorSpace_Linear = 2, // Same as gamma but has been converted to a linear representation using DXGI's sRGB conversion algorithm. }; struct Texture_t { void* handle; // See ETextureType definition above ETextureType eType; EColorSpace eColorSpace; }; /** Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the * frame buffer. */ struct VRTextureBounds_t { float uMin, vMin; float uMax, vMax; }; /** Allows specifying pose used to render provided scene texture (if different from value returned by WaitGetPoses). */ struct VRTextureWithPose_t : public Texture_t { HmdMatrix34_t mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking; // Actual pose used to render scene textures. }; struct VRTextureDepthInfo_t { void* handle; // See ETextureType definition above HmdMatrix44_t mProjection; HmdVector2_t vRange; // 0..1 }; struct VRTextureWithDepth_t : public Texture_t { VRTextureDepthInfo_t depth; }; struct VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t : public VRTextureWithPose_t { VRTextureDepthInfo_t depth; }; // 64-bit types that are part of public structures // that are replicated in shared memory. #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) typedef uint64_t vrshared_uint64_t __attribute__ ((aligned(8))); typedef double vrshared_double __attribute__ ((aligned(8))); #else typedef uint64_t vrshared_uint64_t; typedef double vrshared_double; #endif #pragma pack( pop ) } // namespace vr #endif // vrtypes.h #ifndef _INCLUDE_VRTYPES_H #define _INCLUDE_VRTYPES_H // Forward declarations to avoid requiring vulkan.h struct VkDevice_T; struct VkPhysicalDevice_T; struct VkInstance_T; struct VkQueue_T; // Forward declarations to avoid requiring d3d12.h struct ID3D12Resource; struct ID3D12CommandQueue; namespace vr { #pragma pack( push, 8 ) /** A handle for a spatial anchor. This handle is only valid during the session it was created in. * Anchors that live beyond one session should be saved by their string descriptors. */ typedef uint32_t SpatialAnchorHandle_t; typedef void* glSharedTextureHandle_t; typedef int32_t glInt_t; typedef uint32_t glUInt_t; // Handle to a shared texture (HANDLE on Windows obtained using OpenSharedResource). typedef uint64_t SharedTextureHandle_t; #define INVALID_SHARED_TEXTURE_HANDLE ((vr::SharedTextureHandle_t)0) enum ETrackingResult { TrackingResult_Uninitialized = 1, TrackingResult_Calibrating_InProgress = 100, TrackingResult_Calibrating_OutOfRange = 101, TrackingResult_Running_OK = 200, TrackingResult_Running_OutOfRange = 201, TrackingResult_Fallback_RotationOnly = 300, }; typedef uint32_t DriverId_t; static const uint32_t k_nDriverNone = 0xFFFFFFFF; static const uint32_t k_unMaxDriverDebugResponseSize = 32768; /** Used to pass device IDs to API calls */ typedef uint32_t TrackedDeviceIndex_t; static const uint32_t k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd = 0; static const uint32_t k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount = 64; static const uint32_t k_unTrackedDeviceIndexOther = 0xFFFFFFFE; static const uint32_t k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid = 0xFFFFFFFF; /** Describes what kind of object is being tracked at a given ID */ enum ETrackedDeviceClass { TrackedDeviceClass_Invalid = 0, // the ID was not valid. TrackedDeviceClass_HMD = 1, // Head-Mounted Displays TrackedDeviceClass_Controller = 2, // Tracked controllers TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker = 3, // Generic trackers, similar to controllers TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference = 4, // Camera and base stations that serve as tracking reference points TrackedDeviceClass_DisplayRedirect = 5, // Accessories that aren't necessarily tracked themselves, but may redirect video output from other tracked devices TrackedDeviceClass_Max }; /** Describes what specific role associated with a tracked device */ enum ETrackedControllerRole { TrackedControllerRole_Invalid = 0, // Invalid value for controller type TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand = 1, // Tracked device associated with the left hand TrackedControllerRole_RightHand = 2, // Tracked device associated with the right hand TrackedControllerRole_OptOut = 3, // Tracked device is opting out of left/right hand selection TrackedControllerRole_Treadmill = 4, // Tracked device is a treadmill or other locomotion device TrackedControllerRole_Stylus = 5, // Tracked device is a stylus TrackedControllerRole_Max = 5 }; /** Returns true if the tracked controller role is allowed to be a hand */ inline bool IsRoleAllowedAsHand( ETrackedControllerRole eRole ) { switch ( eRole ) { case TrackedControllerRole_Invalid: case TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand: case TrackedControllerRole_RightHand: return true; default: return false; } } /** describes a single pose for a tracked object */ struct TrackedDevicePose_t { HmdMatrix34_t mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking; HmdVector3_t vVelocity; // velocity in tracker space in m/s HmdVector3_t vAngularVelocity; // angular velocity in radians/s (?) ETrackingResult eTrackingResult; bool bPoseIsValid; // This indicates that there is a device connected for this spot in the pose array. // It could go from true to false if the user unplugs the device. bool bDeviceIsConnected; }; /** Identifies which style of tracking origin the application wants to use * for the poses it is requesting */ enum ETrackingUniverseOrigin { TrackingUniverseSeated = 0, // Poses are provided relative to the seated zero pose TrackingUniverseStanding = 1, // Poses are provided relative to the safe bounds configured by the user TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated = 2, // Poses are provided in the coordinate system defined by the driver. It has Y up and is unified for devices of the same driver. You usually don't want this one. }; enum EAdditionalRadioFeatures { AdditionalRadioFeatures_None = 0x00000000, AdditionalRadioFeatures_HTCLinkBox = 0x00000001, AdditionalRadioFeatures_InternalDongle = 0x00000002, AdditionalRadioFeatures_ExternalDongle = 0x00000004, }; typedef uint64_t WebConsoleHandle_t; #define INVALID_WEB_CONSOLE_HANDLE ((vr::WebConsoleHandle_t)0) // Refers to a single container of properties typedef uint64_t PropertyContainerHandle_t; typedef uint32_t PropertyTypeTag_t; static const PropertyContainerHandle_t k_ulInvalidPropertyContainer = 0; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unInvalidPropertyTag = 0; typedef PropertyContainerHandle_t DriverHandle_t; static const PropertyContainerHandle_t k_ulInvalidDriverHandle = 0; // Use these tags to set/get common types as struct properties static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unFloatPropertyTag = 1; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unInt32PropertyTag = 2; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unUint64PropertyTag = 3; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unBoolPropertyTag = 4; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unStringPropertyTag = 5; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unErrorPropertyTag = 6; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unDoublePropertyTag = 7; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdMatrix34PropertyTag = 20; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdMatrix44PropertyTag = 21; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdVector3PropertyTag = 22; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdVector4PropertyTag = 23; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdVector2PropertyTag = 24; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHmdQuadPropertyTag = 25; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHiddenAreaPropertyTag = 30; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unPathHandleInfoTag = 31; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unActionPropertyTag = 32; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unInputValuePropertyTag = 33; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unWildcardPropertyTag = 34; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unHapticVibrationPropertyTag = 35; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unSkeletonPropertyTag = 36; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unSpatialAnchorPosePropertyTag = 40; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unJsonPropertyTag = 41; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unActiveActionSetPropertyTag = 42; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unOpenVRInternalReserved_Start = 1000; static const PropertyTypeTag_t k_unOpenVRInternalReserved_End = 10000; /** Each entry in this enum represents a property that can be retrieved about a * tracked device. Many fields are only valid for one ETrackedDeviceClass. */ enum ETrackedDeviceProperty { Prop_Invalid = 0, // general properties that apply to all device classes Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000, Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001, Prop_SerialNumber_String = 1002, Prop_RenderModelName_String = 1003, Prop_WillDriftInYaw_Bool = 1004, Prop_ManufacturerName_String = 1005, Prop_TrackingFirmwareVersion_String = 1006, Prop_HardwareRevision_String = 1007, Prop_AllWirelessDongleDescriptions_String = 1008, Prop_ConnectedWirelessDongle_String = 1009, Prop_DeviceIsWireless_Bool = 1010, Prop_DeviceIsCharging_Bool = 1011, Prop_DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float = 1012, // 0 is empty, 1 is full Prop_StatusDisplayTransform_Matrix34 = 1013, Prop_Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool = 1014, Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool = 1015, Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String = 1016, Prop_HardwareRevision_Uint64 = 1017, Prop_FirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 1018, Prop_FPGAVersion_Uint64 = 1019, Prop_VRCVersion_Uint64 = 1020, Prop_RadioVersion_Uint64 = 1021, Prop_DongleVersion_Uint64 = 1022, Prop_BlockServerShutdown_Bool = 1023, Prop_CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd_Bool = 1024, Prop_ContainsProximitySensor_Bool = 1025, Prop_DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool = 1026, Prop_DeviceCanPowerOff_Bool = 1027, Prop_Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String = 1028, Prop_DeviceClass_Int32 = 1029, Prop_HasCamera_Bool = 1030, Prop_DriverVersion_String = 1031, Prop_Firmware_ForceUpdateRequired_Bool = 1032, Prop_ViveSystemButtonFixRequired_Bool = 1033, Prop_ParentDriver_Uint64 = 1034, Prop_ResourceRoot_String = 1035, Prop_RegisteredDeviceType_String = 1036, Prop_InputProfilePath_String = 1037, // input profile to use for this device in the input system. Will default to tracking system name if this isn't provided Prop_NeverTracked_Bool = 1038, // Used for devices that will never have a valid pose by design Prop_NumCameras_Int32 = 1039, Prop_CameraFrameLayout_Int32 = 1040, // EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout value Prop_CameraStreamFormat_Int32 = 1041, // ECameraVideoStreamFormat value Prop_AdditionalDeviceSettingsPath_String = 1042, // driver-relative path to additional device and global configuration settings Prop_Identifiable_Bool = 1043, // Whether device supports being identified from vrmonitor (e.g. blink LED, vibrate haptics, etc) Prop_BootloaderVersion_Uint64 = 1044, Prop_AdditionalSystemReportData_String = 1045, // additional string to include in system reports about a tracked device Prop_CompositeFirmwareVersion_String = 1046, // additional FW components from a device that gets propagated into reports Prop_Firmware_RemindUpdate_Bool = 1047, Prop_PeripheralApplicationVersion_Uint64 = 1048, Prop_ManufacturerSerialNumber_String = 1049, Prop_ComputedSerialNumber_String = 1050, Prop_EstimatedDeviceFirstUseTime_Int32 = 1051, Prop_DevicePowerUsage_Float = 1052, Prop_IgnoreMotionForStandby_Bool = 1053, Prop_ActualTrackingSystemName_String = 1054, // the literal local driver name in case someone is playing games with prop 1000 // Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_HMD Prop_ReportsTimeSinceVSync_Bool = 2000, Prop_SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float = 2001, Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float = 2002, Prop_UserIpdMeters_Float = 2003, Prop_CurrentUniverseId_Uint64 = 2004, Prop_PreviousUniverseId_Uint64 = 2005, Prop_DisplayFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2006, Prop_IsOnDesktop_Bool = 2007, Prop_DisplayMCType_Int32 = 2008, Prop_DisplayMCOffset_Float = 2009, Prop_DisplayMCScale_Float = 2010, Prop_EdidVendorID_Int32 = 2011, Prop_DisplayMCImageLeft_String = 2012, Prop_DisplayMCImageRight_String = 2013, Prop_DisplayGCBlackClamp_Float = 2014, Prop_EdidProductID_Int32 = 2015, Prop_CameraToHeadTransform_Matrix34 = 2016, Prop_DisplayGCType_Int32 = 2017, Prop_DisplayGCOffset_Float = 2018, Prop_DisplayGCScale_Float = 2019, Prop_DisplayGCPrescale_Float = 2020, Prop_DisplayGCImage_String = 2021, Prop_LensCenterLeftU_Float = 2022, Prop_LensCenterLeftV_Float = 2023, Prop_LensCenterRightU_Float = 2024, Prop_LensCenterRightV_Float = 2025, Prop_UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters_Float = 2026, Prop_CameraFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2027, Prop_CameraFirmwareDescription_String = 2028, Prop_DisplayFPGAVersion_Uint64 = 2029, Prop_DisplayBootloaderVersion_Uint64 = 2030, Prop_DisplayHardwareVersion_Uint64 = 2031, Prop_AudioFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2032, Prop_CameraCompatibilityMode_Int32 = 2033, Prop_ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float = 2034, Prop_ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float = 2035, Prop_DisplaySuppressed_Bool = 2036, Prop_DisplayAllowNightMode_Bool = 2037, Prop_DisplayMCImageWidth_Int32 = 2038, Prop_DisplayMCImageHeight_Int32 = 2039, Prop_DisplayMCImageNumChannels_Int32 = 2040, Prop_DisplayMCImageData_Binary = 2041, Prop_SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank_Float = 2042, Prop_DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents_Bool = 2043, Prop_DisplayDebugMode_Bool = 2044, Prop_GraphicsAdapterLuid_Uint64 = 2045, Prop_DriverProvidedChaperonePath_String = 2048, Prop_ExpectedTrackingReferenceCount_Int32 = 2049, // expected number of sensors or basestations to reserve UI space for Prop_ExpectedControllerCount_Int32 = 2050, // expected number of tracked controllers to reserve UI space for Prop_NamedIconPathControllerLeftDeviceOff_String = 2051, // placeholder icon for "left" controller if not yet detected/loaded Prop_NamedIconPathControllerRightDeviceOff_String = 2052, // placeholder icon for "right" controller if not yet detected/loaded Prop_NamedIconPathTrackingReferenceDeviceOff_String = 2053, // placeholder icon for sensor/base if not yet detected/loaded Prop_DoNotApplyPrediction_Bool = 2054, // currently no effect. was used to disable HMD pose prediction on MR, which is now done by MR driver setting velocity=0 Prop_CameraToHeadTransforms_Matrix34_Array = 2055, Prop_DistortionMeshResolution_Int32 = 2056, // custom resolution of compositor calls to IVRSystem::ComputeDistortion Prop_DriverIsDrawingControllers_Bool = 2057, Prop_DriverRequestsApplicationPause_Bool = 2058, Prop_DriverRequestsReducedRendering_Bool = 2059, Prop_MinimumIpdStepMeters_Float = 2060, Prop_AudioBridgeFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2061, Prop_ImageBridgeFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2062, Prop_ImuToHeadTransform_Matrix34 = 2063, Prop_ImuFactoryGyroBias_Vector3 = 2064, Prop_ImuFactoryGyroScale_Vector3 = 2065, Prop_ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias_Vector3 = 2066, Prop_ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale_Vector3 = 2067, // reserved 2068 Prop_ConfigurationIncludesLighthouse20Features_Bool = 2069, Prop_AdditionalRadioFeatures_Uint64 = 2070, Prop_CameraWhiteBalance_Vector4_Array = 2071, // Prop_NumCameras_Int32-sized array of float[4] RGBG white balance calibration data (max size is vr::k_unMaxCameras) Prop_CameraDistortionFunction_Int32_Array = 2072, // Prop_NumCameras_Int32-sized array of vr::EVRDistortionFunctionType values (max size is vr::k_unMaxCameras) Prop_CameraDistortionCoefficients_Float_Array = 2073, // Prop_NumCameras_Int32-sized array of double[vr::k_unMaxDistortionFunctionParameters] (max size is vr::k_unMaxCameras) Prop_ExpectedControllerType_String = 2074, Prop_HmdTrackingStyle_Int32 = 2075, // one of EHmdTrackingStyle Prop_DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility_Bool = 2076, Prop_HmdColumnCorrectionSettingPrefix_String = 2077, Prop_CameraSupportsCompatibilityModes_Bool = 2078, Prop_SupportsRoomViewDepthProjection_Bool = 2079, Prop_DisplayAvailableFrameRates_Float_Array = 2080, // populated by compositor from actual EDID list when available from GPU driver Prop_DisplaySupportsMultipleFramerates_Bool = 2081, // if this is true but Prop_DisplayAvailableFrameRates_Float_Array is empty, explain to user Prop_DisplayColorMultLeft_Vector3 = 2082, Prop_DisplayColorMultRight_Vector3 = 2083, Prop_DisplaySupportsRuntimeFramerateChange_Bool = 2084, Prop_DisplaySupportsAnalogGain_Bool = 2085, Prop_DisplayMinAnalogGain_Float = 2086, Prop_DisplayMaxAnalogGain_Float = 2087, Prop_CameraExposureTime_Float = 2088, Prop_CameraGlobalGain_Float = 2089, // Prop_DashboardLayoutPathName_String = 2090, // DELETED Prop_DashboardScale_Float = 2091, Prop_PeerButtonInfo_String = 2092, Prop_Hmd_SupportsHDR10_Bool = 2093, Prop_Hmd_EnableParallelRenderCameras_Bool = 2094, Prop_DriverProvidedChaperoneJson_String = 2095, // higher priority than Prop_DriverProvidedChaperonePath_String Prop_ForceSystemLayerUseAppPoses_Bool = 2096, Prop_IpdUIRangeMinMeters_Float = 2100, Prop_IpdUIRangeMaxMeters_Float = 2101, Prop_Hmd_SupportsHDCP14LegacyCompat_Bool = 2102, Prop_Hmd_SupportsMicMonitoring_Bool = 2103, Prop_Hmd_SupportsDisplayPortTrainingMode_Bool = 2104, Prop_Hmd_SupportsRoomViewDirect_Bool = 2105, Prop_Hmd_SupportsAppThrottling_Bool = 2106, Prop_Hmd_SupportsGpuBusMonitoring_Bool = 2107, Prop_DriverDisplaysIPDChanges_Bool = 2108, Prop_Driver_Reserved_01 = 2109, Prop_DSCVersion_Int32 = 2110, Prop_DSCSliceCount_Int32 = 2111, Prop_DSCBPPx16_Int32 = 2112, Prop_Hmd_MaxDistortedTextureWidth_Int32 = 2113, Prop_Hmd_MaxDistortedTextureHeight_Int32 = 2114, Prop_Hmd_AllowSupersampleFiltering_Bool = 2115, // Driver requested mura correction properties Prop_DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode_Int32 = 2200, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_InnerLeft_Int32 = 2201, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_InnerRight_Int32 = 2202, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_InnerTop_Int32 = 2203, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_InnerBottom_Int32 = 2204, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterLeft_Int32 = 2205, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterRight_Int32 = 2206, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterTop_Int32 = 2207, Prop_DriverRequestedMuraFeather_OuterBottom_Int32 = 2208, Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String = 2300, Prop_Audio_DefaultRecordingDeviceId_String = 2301, Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume_Float = 2302, Prop_Audio_SupportsDualSpeakerAndJackOutput_Bool = 2303, Prop_Audio_DriverManagesPlaybackVolumeControl_Bool = 2304, Prop_Audio_DriverPlaybackVolume_Float = 2305, Prop_Audio_DriverPlaybackMute_Bool = 2306, Prop_Audio_DriverManagesRecordingVolumeControl_Bool = 2307, Prop_Audio_DriverRecordingVolume_Float = 2308, Prop_Audio_DriverRecordingMute_Bool = 2309, // Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_Controller Prop_AttachedDeviceId_String = 3000, Prop_SupportedButtons_Uint64 = 3001, Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 = 3002, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType Prop_Axis1Type_Int32 = 3003, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType Prop_Axis2Type_Int32 = 3004, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType Prop_Axis3Type_Int32 = 3005, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType Prop_Axis4Type_Int32 = 3006, // Return value is of type EVRControllerAxisType Prop_ControllerRoleHint_Int32 = 3007, // Return value is of type ETrackedControllerRole // Properties that are unique to TrackedDeviceClass_TrackingReference Prop_FieldOfViewLeftDegrees_Float = 4000, Prop_FieldOfViewRightDegrees_Float = 4001, Prop_FieldOfViewTopDegrees_Float = 4002, Prop_FieldOfViewBottomDegrees_Float = 4003, Prop_TrackingRangeMinimumMeters_Float = 4004, Prop_TrackingRangeMaximumMeters_Float = 4005, Prop_ModeLabel_String = 4006, Prop_CanWirelessIdentify_Bool = 4007, // volatile, based on radio presence and fw discovery Prop_Nonce_Int32 = 4008, // Properties that are used for user interface like icons names Prop_IconPathName_String = 5000, // DEPRECATED. Value not referenced. Now expected to be part of icon path properties. Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceOff_String = 5001, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceSearching_String = 5002, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert_String = 5003, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceReady_String = 5004, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert_String = 5005, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady_String = 5006, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceStandby_String = 5007, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow_String = 5008, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceStandbyAlert_String = 5009, // {driver}/icons/icon_filename - PNG for static icon, or GIF for animation, 50x32 for headsets and 32x32 for others // Properties that are used by helpers, but are opaque to applications Prop_DisplayHiddenArea_Binary_Start = 5100, Prop_DisplayHiddenArea_Binary_End = 5150, Prop_ParentContainer = 5151, Prop_OverrideContainer_Uint64 = 5152, // Properties that are unique to drivers Prop_UserConfigPath_String = 6000, Prop_InstallPath_String = 6001, Prop_HasDisplayComponent_Bool = 6002, Prop_HasControllerComponent_Bool = 6003, Prop_HasCameraComponent_Bool = 6004, Prop_HasDriverDirectModeComponent_Bool = 6005, Prop_HasVirtualDisplayComponent_Bool = 6006, Prop_HasSpatialAnchorsSupport_Bool = 6007, Prop_SupportsXrTextureSets_Bool = 6008, // Properties that are set internally based on other information provided by drivers Prop_ControllerType_String = 7000, //Prop_LegacyInputProfile_String = 7001, // This is no longer used. See "legacy_binding" in the input profile instead. Prop_ControllerHandSelectionPriority_Int32 = 7002, // Allows hand assignments to prefer some controllers over others. High numbers are selected over low numbers // Vendors are free to expose private debug data in this reserved region Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000, Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 10999, Prop_TrackedDeviceProperty_Max = 1000000, }; /** No string property will ever be longer than this length */ static const uint32_t k_unMaxPropertyStringSize = 32 * 1024; /** Used to return errors that occur when reading properties. */ enum ETrackedPropertyError { TrackedProp_Success = 0, TrackedProp_WrongDataType = 1, TrackedProp_WrongDeviceClass = 2, TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall = 3, TrackedProp_UnknownProperty = 4, // Driver has not set the property (and may not ever). TrackedProp_InvalidDevice = 5, TrackedProp_CouldNotContactServer = 6, TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7, TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8, TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9, // The property value isn't known yet, but is expected soon. Call again later. TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10, TrackedProp_InvalidOperation = 11, TrackedProp_CannotWriteToWildcards = 12, TrackedProp_IPCReadFailure = 13, TrackedProp_OutOfMemory = 14, TrackedProp_InvalidContainer = 15, }; /** Used to drive certain text in the UI when talking about the tracking system for the HMD */ enum EHmdTrackingStyle { HmdTrackingStyle_Unknown = 0, HmdTrackingStyle_Lighthouse = 1, // base stations and lasers HmdTrackingStyle_OutsideInCameras = 2, // Cameras and LED, Rift 1 style HmdTrackingStyle_InsideOutCameras = 3, // Cameras on HMD looking at the world }; typedef uint64_t VRActionHandle_t; typedef uint64_t VRActionSetHandle_t; typedef uint64_t VRInputValueHandle_t; static const VRActionHandle_t k_ulInvalidActionHandle = 0; static const VRActionSetHandle_t k_ulInvalidActionSetHandle = 0; static const VRInputValueHandle_t k_ulInvalidInputValueHandle = 0; /** Allows the application to control how scene textures are used by the compositor when calling Submit. */ enum EVRSubmitFlags { // Simple render path. App submits rendered left and right eye images with no lens distortion correction applied. Submit_Default = 0x00, // App submits final left and right eye images with lens distortion already applied (lens distortion makes the images appear // barrel distorted with chromatic aberration correction applied). The app would have used the data returned by // vr::IVRSystem::ComputeDistortion() to apply the correct distortion to the rendered images before calling Submit(). Submit_LensDistortionAlreadyApplied = 0x01, // If the texture pointer passed in is actually a renderbuffer (e.g. for MSAA in OpenGL) then set this flag. Submit_GlRenderBuffer = 0x02, // Do not use Submit_Reserved = 0x04, // Set to indicate that pTexture is a pointer to a VRTextureWithPose_t. // This flag can be combined with Submit_TextureWithDepth to pass a VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t. Submit_TextureWithPose = 0x08, // Set to indicate that pTexture is a pointer to a VRTextureWithDepth_t. // This flag can be combined with Submit_TextureWithPose to pass a VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t. Submit_TextureWithDepth = 0x10, // Set to indicate a discontinuity between this and the last frame. // This will prevent motion smoothing from attempting to extrapolate using the pair. Submit_FrameDiscontinuty = 0x20, // Set to indicate that pTexture->handle is a contains VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t Submit_VulkanTextureWithArrayData = 0x40, // If the texture pointer passed in is an OpenGL Array texture, set this flag Submit_GlArrayTexture = 0x80, // If the texture is an EGL texture and not an glX/wGL texture (Linux only, currently) Submit_IsEgl = 0x100, // Do not use Submit_Reserved2 = 0x08000, Submit_Reserved3 = 0x10000, }; /** Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. * Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. * Please see https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/Vulkan for Vulkan-specific documentation */ struct VRVulkanTextureData_t { uint64_t m_nImage; // VkImage VkDevice_T *m_pDevice; VkPhysicalDevice_T *m_pPhysicalDevice; VkInstance_T *m_pInstance; VkQueue_T *m_pQueue; uint32_t m_nQueueFamilyIndex; uint32_t m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_nFormat, m_nSampleCount; }; /** Data required for passing Vulkan texture arrays to IVRCompositor::Submit. * Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. * Please see https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/Vulkan for Vulkan-specific documentation */ struct VRVulkanTextureArrayData_t : public VRVulkanTextureData_t { uint32_t m_unArrayIndex; uint32_t m_unArraySize; }; /** Data required for passing D3D12 textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. * Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. */ struct D3D12TextureData_t { ID3D12Resource *m_pResource; ID3D12CommandQueue *m_pCommandQueue; uint32_t m_nNodeMask; }; /** Status of the overall system or tracked objects */ enum EVRState { VRState_Undefined = -1, VRState_Off = 0, VRState_Searching = 1, VRState_Searching_Alert = 2, VRState_Ready = 3, VRState_Ready_Alert = 4, VRState_NotReady = 5, VRState_Standby = 6, VRState_Ready_Alert_Low = 7, }; /** The types of events that could be posted (and what the parameters mean for each event type) */ enum EVREventType { VREvent_None = 0, VREvent_TrackedDeviceActivated = 100, VREvent_TrackedDeviceDeactivated = 101, VREvent_TrackedDeviceUpdated = 102, VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionStarted = 103, VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionEnded = 104, VREvent_IpdChanged = 105, VREvent_EnterStandbyMode = 106, VREvent_LeaveStandbyMode = 107, VREvent_TrackedDeviceRoleChanged = 108, VREvent_WatchdogWakeUpRequested = 109, VREvent_LensDistortionChanged = 110, VREvent_PropertyChanged = 111, VREvent_WirelessDisconnect = 112, VREvent_WirelessReconnect = 113, VREvent_Reserved_01 = 114, VREvent_Reserved_02 = 115, VREvent_ButtonPress = 200, // data is controller VREvent_ButtonUnpress = 201, // data is controller VREvent_ButtonTouch = 202, // data is controller VREvent_ButtonUntouch = 203, // data is controller // VREvent_DualAnalog_Press = 250, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_Unpress = 251, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_Touch = 252, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_Untouch = 253, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_Move = 254, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_ModeSwitch1 = 255, // No longer sent // VREvent_DualAnalog_ModeSwitch2 = 256, // No longer sent VREvent_Modal_Cancel = 257, // Sent to overlays with the VREvent_MouseMove = 300, // data is mouse VREvent_MouseButtonDown = 301, // data is mouse VREvent_MouseButtonUp = 302, // data is mouse VREvent_FocusEnter = 303, // data is overlay VREvent_FocusLeave = 304, // data is overlay VREvent_ScrollDiscrete = 305, // data is scroll VREvent_TouchPadMove = 306, // data is mouse VREvent_OverlayFocusChanged = 307, // data is overlay, global event VREvent_ReloadOverlays = 308, VREvent_ScrollSmooth = 309, // data is scroll VREvent_LockMousePosition = 310, // data is mouse VREvent_UnlockMousePosition = 311, // data is mouse VREvent_InputFocusCaptured = 400, // data is process DEPRECATED VREvent_InputFocusReleased = 401, // data is process DEPRECATED // VREvent_SceneFocusLost = 402, // data is process // VREvent_SceneFocusGained = 403, // data is process VREvent_SceneApplicationChanged = 404, // data is process - The App actually drawing the scene changed (usually to or from the compositor) // VREvent_SceneFocusChanged = 405, // data is process - This is defunct and will not be called. VREvent_InputFocusChanged = 406, // data is process // VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted = 407, VREvent_SceneApplicationUsingWrongGraphicsAdapter = 408, // data is process VREvent_ActionBindingReloaded = 409, // data is process - The App that action binds reloaded for VREvent_HideRenderModels = 410, // Sent to the scene application to request hiding render models temporarily VREvent_ShowRenderModels = 411, // Sent to the scene application to request restoring render model visibility VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged = 412, // No data; but query VRApplications()->GetSceneApplicationState(); VREvent_SceneAppPipeDisconnected = 413, // data is process - Called when the scene app's pipe has been closed. VREvent_ConsoleOpened = 420, VREvent_ConsoleClosed = 421, VREvent_OverlayShown = 500, // Indicates that an overlay is now visible to someone and should be rendering normally. Reflects IVROverlay::IsOverlayVisible() becoming true. VREvent_OverlayHidden = 501, // Indicates that an overlay is no longer visible to someone and doesn't need to render frames. Reflects IVROverlay::IsOverlayVisible() becoming false. VREvent_DashboardActivated = 502, VREvent_DashboardDeactivated = 503, //VREvent_DashboardThumbSelected = 504, // Sent to the overlay manager - data is overlay - No longer sent VREvent_DashboardRequested = 505, // Sent to the overlay manager - data is overlay VREvent_ResetDashboard = 506, // Send to the overlay manager //VREvent_RenderToast = 507, // Send to the dashboard to render a toast - data is the notification ID -- no longer sent VREvent_ImageLoaded = 508, // Sent to overlays when a SetOverlayRaw or SetOverlayFromFile call finishes loading VREvent_ShowKeyboard = 509, // Sent to keyboard renderer in the dashboard to invoke it VREvent_HideKeyboard = 510, // Sent to keyboard renderer in the dashboard to hide it VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusGained = 511, // Sent to an overlay when IVROverlay::SetFocusOverlay is called on it VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusLost = 512, // Send to an overlay when it previously had focus and IVROverlay::SetFocusOverlay is called on something else VREvent_OverlaySharedTextureChanged = 513, //VREvent_DashboardGuideButtonDown = 514, // These are no longer sent //VREvent_DashboardGuideButtonUp = 515, VREvent_ScreenshotTriggered = 516, // Screenshot button combo was pressed, Dashboard should request a screenshot VREvent_ImageFailed = 517, // Sent to overlays when a SetOverlayRaw or SetOverlayfromFail fails to load VREvent_DashboardOverlayCreated = 518, VREvent_SwitchGamepadFocus = 519, // Screenshot API VREvent_RequestScreenshot = 520, // Sent by vrclient application to compositor to take a screenshot VREvent_ScreenshotTaken = 521, // Sent by compositor to the application that the screenshot has been taken VREvent_ScreenshotFailed = 522, // Sent by compositor to the application that the screenshot failed to be taken VREvent_SubmitScreenshotToDashboard = 523, // Sent by compositor to the dashboard that a completed screenshot was submitted VREvent_ScreenshotProgressToDashboard = 524, // Sent by compositor to the dashboard that a completed screenshot was submitted VREvent_PrimaryDashboardDeviceChanged = 525, VREvent_RoomViewShown = 526, // Sent by compositor whenever room-view is enabled VREvent_RoomViewHidden = 527, // Sent by compositor whenever room-view is disabled VREvent_ShowUI = 528, // data is showUi VREvent_ShowDevTools = 529, // data is showDevTools VREvent_DesktopViewUpdating = 530, VREvent_DesktopViewReady = 531, VREvent_StartDashboard = 532, VREvent_ElevatePrism = 533, VREvent_OverlayClosed = 534, VREvent_DashboardThumbChanged = 535, // Sent when a dashboard thumbnail image changes VREvent_DesktopMightBeVisible = 536, // Sent when any known desktop related overlay is visible VREvent_DesktopMightBeHidden = 537, // Sent when all known desktop related overlays are hidden VREvent_MutualSteamCapabilitiesChanged = 538, // Sent when the set of capabilities common between both Steam and SteamVR have changed. VREvent_OverlayCreated = 539, // An OpenVR overlay of any sort was created. Data is overlay. VREvent_OverlayDestroyed = 540, // An OpenVR overlay of any sort was destroyed. Data is overlay. VREvent_Notification_Shown = 600, VREvent_Notification_Hidden = 601, VREvent_Notification_BeginInteraction = 602, VREvent_Notification_Destroyed = 603, VREvent_Quit = 700, // data is process VREvent_ProcessQuit = 701, // data is process //VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt = 702, // data is process VREvent_QuitAcknowledged = 703, // data is process VREvent_DriverRequestedQuit = 704, // The driver has requested that SteamVR shut down VREvent_RestartRequested = 705, // A driver or other component wants the user to restart SteamVR VREvent_InvalidateSwapTextureSets = 706, VREvent_ChaperoneDataHasChanged = 800, // this will never happen with the new chaperone system VREvent_ChaperoneUniverseHasChanged = 801, VREvent_ChaperoneTempDataHasChanged = 802, // this will never happen with the new chaperone system VREvent_ChaperoneSettingsHaveChanged = 803, VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset = 804, VREvent_ChaperoneFlushCache = 805, // Sent when the process needs to reload any cached data it retrieved from VRChaperone() VREvent_ChaperoneRoomSetupStarting = 806, // Triggered by CVRChaperoneClient::RoomSetupStarting VREvent_ChaperoneRoomSetupFinished = 807, // Triggered by CVRChaperoneClient::CommitWorkingCopy VREvent_StandingZeroPoseReset = 808, VREvent_AudioSettingsHaveChanged = 820, VREvent_BackgroundSettingHasChanged = 850, VREvent_CameraSettingsHaveChanged = 851, VREvent_ReprojectionSettingHasChanged = 852, VREvent_ModelSkinSettingsHaveChanged = 853, VREvent_EnvironmentSettingsHaveChanged = 854, VREvent_PowerSettingsHaveChanged = 855, VREvent_EnableHomeAppSettingsHaveChanged = 856, VREvent_SteamVRSectionSettingChanged = 857, VREvent_LighthouseSectionSettingChanged = 858, VREvent_NullSectionSettingChanged = 859, VREvent_UserInterfaceSectionSettingChanged = 860, VREvent_NotificationsSectionSettingChanged = 861, VREvent_KeyboardSectionSettingChanged = 862, VREvent_PerfSectionSettingChanged = 863, VREvent_DashboardSectionSettingChanged = 864, VREvent_WebInterfaceSectionSettingChanged = 865, VREvent_TrackersSectionSettingChanged = 866, VREvent_LastKnownSectionSettingChanged = 867, VREvent_DismissedWarningsSectionSettingChanged = 868, VREvent_GpuSpeedSectionSettingChanged = 869, VREvent_WindowsMRSectionSettingChanged = 870, VREvent_OtherSectionSettingChanged = 871, VREvent_AnyDriverSettingsChanged = 872, VREvent_StatusUpdate = 900, VREvent_WebInterface_InstallDriverCompleted = 950, VREvent_MCImageUpdated = 1000, VREvent_FirmwareUpdateStarted = 1100, VREvent_FirmwareUpdateFinished = 1101, VREvent_KeyboardClosed = 1200, // DEPRECATED: Sent only to the overlay it closed for, or globally if it was closed for a scene app VREvent_KeyboardCharInput = 1201, VREvent_KeyboardDone = 1202, // Sent when DONE button clicked on keyboard VREvent_KeyboardOpened_Global = 1203, // Sent globally when the keyboard is opened. data.keyboard.overlayHandle is who it was opened for (scene app if k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid) VREvent_KeyboardClosed_Global = 1204, // Sent globally when the keyboard is closed. data.keyboard.overlayHandle is who it was opened for (scene app if k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid) //VREvent_ApplicationTransitionStarted = 1300, //VREvent_ApplicationTransitionAborted = 1301, //VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppStarted = 1302, VREvent_ApplicationListUpdated = 1303, VREvent_ApplicationMimeTypeLoad = 1304, // VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppLaunchComplete = 1305, VREvent_ProcessConnected = 1306, VREvent_ProcessDisconnected = 1307, //VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowShown = 1400, // DEPRECATED //VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowHidden = 1401, // DEPRECATED VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsShown = 1410, VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsHidden = 1411, VREvent_Compositor_DisplayDisconnected = 1412, VREvent_Compositor_DisplayReconnected = 1413, VREvent_Compositor_HDCPError = 1414, // data is hdcpError VREvent_Compositor_ApplicationNotResponding = 1415, VREvent_Compositor_ApplicationResumed = 1416, VREvent_Compositor_OutOfVideoMemory = 1417, VREvent_Compositor_DisplayModeNotSupported = 1418, // k_pch_SteamVR_PreferredRefreshRate VREvent_Compositor_StageOverrideReady = 1419, VREvent_Compositor_RequestDisconnectReconnect = 1420, VREvent_TrackedCamera_StartVideoStream = 1500, VREvent_TrackedCamera_StopVideoStream = 1501, VREvent_TrackedCamera_PauseVideoStream = 1502, VREvent_TrackedCamera_ResumeVideoStream = 1503, VREvent_TrackedCamera_EditingSurface = 1550, VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture = 1600, VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601, VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602, VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650, VREvent_MessageOverlayCloseRequested = 1651, VREvent_Input_HapticVibration = 1700, // data is hapticVibration VREvent_Input_BindingLoadFailed = 1701, // data is inputBinding VREvent_Input_BindingLoadSuccessful = 1702, // data is inputBinding VREvent_Input_ActionManifestReloaded = 1703, // no data VREvent_Input_ActionManifestLoadFailed = 1704, // data is actionManifest VREvent_Input_ProgressUpdate = 1705, // data is progressUpdate VREvent_Input_TrackerActivated = 1706, VREvent_Input_BindingsUpdated = 1707, VREvent_Input_BindingSubscriptionChanged = 1708, VREvent_SpatialAnchors_PoseUpdated = 1800, // data is spatialAnchor. broadcast VREvent_SpatialAnchors_DescriptorUpdated = 1801, // data is spatialAnchor. broadcast VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestPoseUpdate = 1802, // data is spatialAnchor. sent to specific driver VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestDescriptorUpdate = 1803, // data is spatialAnchor. sent to specific driver VREvent_SystemReport_Started = 1900, // user or system initiated generation of a system report. broadcast VREvent_Monitor_ShowHeadsetView = 2000, // data is process VREvent_Monitor_HideHeadsetView = 2001, // data is process VREvent_Audio_SetSpeakersVolume = 2100, VREvent_Audio_SetSpeakersMute = 2101, VREvent_Audio_SetMicrophoneVolume = 2102, VREvent_Audio_SetMicrophoneMute = 2103, // Vendors are free to expose private events in this reserved region VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000, VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999, }; /** Level of Hmd activity */ // UserInteraction_Timeout means the device is in the process of timing out. // InUse = ( k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction || k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction_Timeout ) // VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionStarted fires when the devices transitions from Standby -> UserInteraction or Idle -> UserInteraction. // VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionEnded fires when the devices transitions from UserInteraction_Timeout -> Idle enum EDeviceActivityLevel { k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Unknown = -1, k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle = 0, // No activity for the last 10 seconds k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction = 1, // Activity (movement or prox sensor) is happening now k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction_Timeout = 2, // No activity for the last 0.5 seconds k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Standby = 3, // Idle for at least 5 seconds (configurable in Settings -> Power Management) k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle_Timeout = 4, }; /** VR controller button and axis IDs */ enum EVRButtonId { k_EButton_System = 0, k_EButton_ApplicationMenu = 1, k_EButton_Grip = 2, k_EButton_DPad_Left = 3, k_EButton_DPad_Up = 4, k_EButton_DPad_Right = 5, k_EButton_DPad_Down = 6, k_EButton_A = 7, k_EButton_ProximitySensor = 31, k_EButton_Axis0 = 32, k_EButton_Axis1 = 33, k_EButton_Axis2 = 34, k_EButton_Axis3 = 35, k_EButton_Axis4 = 36, // aliases for well known controllers k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad = k_EButton_Axis0, k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger = k_EButton_Axis1, k_EButton_Dashboard_Back = k_EButton_Grip, k_EButton_IndexController_A = k_EButton_Grip, k_EButton_IndexController_B = k_EButton_ApplicationMenu, k_EButton_IndexController_JoyStick = k_EButton_Axis3, k_EButton_Reserved0 = 50, k_EButton_Reserved1 = 51, k_EButton_Max = 64 }; inline uint64_t ButtonMaskFromId( EVRButtonId id ) { return 1ull << id; } /** used for controller button events */ struct VREvent_Controller_t { uint32_t button; // EVRButtonId enum }; /** used for simulated mouse events in overlay space */ enum EVRMouseButton { VRMouseButton_Left = 0x0001, VRMouseButton_Right = 0x0002, VRMouseButton_Middle = 0x0004, }; /** used for simulated mouse events in overlay space */ struct VREvent_Mouse_t { float x, y; // co-ords are in GL space, bottom left of the texture is 0,0 uint32_t button; // EVRMouseButton enum // if from an event triggered by cursor input on an overlay that supports multiple cursors, this is the index of // which tracked cursor the event is for uint32_t cursorIndex; }; /** used for simulated mouse wheel scroll */ struct VREvent_Scroll_t { float xdelta, ydelta; uint32_t unused; float viewportscale; // For scrolling on an overlay with laser mouse, this is the overlay's vertical size relative to the overlay height. Range: [0,1] // if from an event triggered by cursor input on an overlay that supports multiple cursors, this is the index of // which tracked cursor the event is for uint32_t cursorIndex; }; /** when in mouse input mode you can receive data from the touchpad, these events are only sent if the users finger is on the touchpad (or just released from it). These events are sent to overlays with the VROverlayFlags_SendVRTouchpadEvents flag set. **/ struct VREvent_TouchPadMove_t { // true if the users finger is detected on the touch pad bool bFingerDown; // How long the finger has been down in seconds float flSecondsFingerDown; // These values indicate the starting finger position (so you can do some basic swipe stuff) float fValueXFirst; float fValueYFirst; // This is the raw sampled coordinate without deadzoning float fValueXRaw; float fValueYRaw; }; /** notification related events. Details will still change at this point */ struct VREvent_Notification_t { uint64_t ulUserValue; uint32_t notificationId; }; /** Used for events about processes */ struct VREvent_Process_t { uint32_t pid; uint32_t oldPid; bool bForced; // If the associated event was triggered by a connection loss bool bConnectionLost; }; /** Used for a few events about overlays */ struct VREvent_Overlay_t { uint64_t overlayHandle; // VROverlayHandle_t uint64_t devicePath; uint64_t memoryBlockId; // if from an event triggered by cursor input on an overlay that supports multiple cursors, this is the index of // which tracked cursor the event is for uint32_t cursorIndex; }; /** Used for a few events about overlays */ struct VREvent_Status_t { uint32_t statusState; // EVRState enum }; /** Used for keyboard events */ struct VREvent_Keyboard_t { char cNewInput[8]; // 7 bytes of utf8 + null uint64_t uUserValue; // caller specified opaque token uint64_t overlayHandle; // VROverlayHandle_t }; struct VREvent_Ipd_t { float ipdMeters; }; struct VREvent_Chaperone_t { uint64_t m_nPreviousUniverse; uint64_t m_nCurrentUniverse; }; /** Not actually used for any events */ struct VREvent_Reserved_t { uint64_t reserved0; uint64_t reserved1; uint64_t reserved2; uint64_t reserved3; uint64_t reserved4; uint64_t reserved5; }; struct VREvent_PerformanceTest_t { uint32_t m_nFidelityLevel; }; struct VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t { bool bResetBySystemMenu; }; struct VREvent_Screenshot_t { uint32_t handle; uint32_t type; }; struct VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t { float progress; }; struct VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t { uint32_t pid; uint32_t unArgsHandle; }; struct VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t { uint64_t overlayHandle; uint32_t nVisualMode; }; struct VREvent_MessageOverlay_t { uint32_t unVRMessageOverlayResponse; // vr::VRMessageOverlayResponse enum }; struct VREvent_Property_t { PropertyContainerHandle_t container; ETrackedDeviceProperty prop; }; struct VREvent_HapticVibration_t { uint64_t containerHandle; // property container handle of the device with the haptic component uint64_t componentHandle; // Which haptic component needs to vibrate float fDurationSeconds; float fFrequency; float fAmplitude; }; struct VREvent_WebConsole_t { WebConsoleHandle_t webConsoleHandle; }; struct VREvent_InputBindingLoad_t { vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulAppContainer; uint64_t pathMessage; uint64_t pathUrl; uint64_t pathControllerType; }; struct VREvent_InputActionManifestLoad_t { uint64_t pathAppKey; uint64_t pathMessage; uint64_t pathMessageParam; uint64_t pathManifestPath; }; struct VREvent_SpatialAnchor_t { SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle; }; struct VREvent_ProgressUpdate_t { uint64_t ulApplicationPropertyContainer; uint64_t pathDevice; uint64_t pathInputSource; uint64_t pathProgressAction; uint64_t pathIcon; float fProgress; }; enum EShowUIType { ShowUI_ControllerBinding = 0, ShowUI_ManageTrackers = 1, // ShowUI_QuickStart = 2, // Deprecated ShowUI_Pairing = 3, ShowUI_Settings = 4, ShowUI_DebugCommands = 5, ShowUI_FullControllerBinding = 6, ShowUI_ManageDrivers = 7, }; struct VREvent_ShowUI_t { EShowUIType eType; }; struct VREvent_ShowDevTools_t { int32_t nBrowserIdentifier; }; enum EHDCPError { HDCPError_None = 0, HDCPError_LinkLost = 1, HDCPError_Tampered = 2, HDCPError_DeviceRevoked = 3, HDCPError_Unknown = 4 }; struct VREvent_HDCPError_t { EHDCPError eCode; }; struct VREvent_AudioVolumeControl_t { float fVolumeLevel; }; struct VREvent_AudioMuteControl_t { bool bMute; }; typedef union { VREvent_Reserved_t reserved; VREvent_Controller_t controller; VREvent_Mouse_t mouse; VREvent_Scroll_t scroll; VREvent_Process_t process; VREvent_Notification_t notification; VREvent_Overlay_t overlay; VREvent_Status_t status; VREvent_Keyboard_t keyboard; VREvent_Ipd_t ipd; VREvent_Chaperone_t chaperone; VREvent_PerformanceTest_t performanceTest; VREvent_TouchPadMove_t touchPadMove; VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t seatedZeroPoseReset; VREvent_Screenshot_t screenshot; VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t screenshotProgress; VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t applicationLaunch; VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t cameraSurface; VREvent_MessageOverlay_t messageOverlay; VREvent_Property_t property; VREvent_HapticVibration_t hapticVibration; VREvent_WebConsole_t webConsole; VREvent_InputBindingLoad_t inputBinding; VREvent_InputActionManifestLoad_t actionManifest; VREvent_SpatialAnchor_t spatialAnchor; VREvent_ProgressUpdate_t progressUpdate; VREvent_ShowUI_t showUi; VREvent_ShowDevTools_t showDevTools; VREvent_HDCPError_t hdcpError; VREvent_AudioVolumeControl_t audioVolumeControl; VREvent_AudioMuteControl_t audioMuteControl; /** NOTE!!! If you change this you MUST manually update openvr_interop.cs.py and openvr_api_flat.h.py */ } VREvent_Data_t; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) // This structure was originally defined mis-packed on Linux, preserved for // compatibility. #pragma pack( push, 4 ) #endif /** An event posted by the server to all running applications */ struct VREvent_t { uint32_t eventType; // EVREventType enum TrackedDeviceIndex_t trackedDeviceIndex; float eventAgeSeconds; // event data must be the end of the struct as its size is variable VREvent_Data_t data; }; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #pragma pack( pop ) #endif typedef uint32_t VRComponentProperties; enum EVRComponentProperty { VRComponentProperty_IsStatic = (1 << 0), VRComponentProperty_IsVisible = (1 << 1), VRComponentProperty_IsTouched = (1 << 2), VRComponentProperty_IsPressed = (1 << 3), VRComponentProperty_IsScrolled = (1 << 4), VRComponentProperty_IsHighlighted = (1 << 5), }; /** Describes state information about a render-model component, including transforms and other dynamic properties */ struct RenderModel_ComponentState_t { HmdMatrix34_t mTrackingToComponentRenderModel; // Transform required when drawing the component render model HmdMatrix34_t mTrackingToComponentLocal; // Transform available for attaching to a local component coordinate system (-Z out from surface ) VRComponentProperties uProperties; }; enum EVRInputError { VRInputError_None = 0, VRInputError_NameNotFound = 1, VRInputError_WrongType = 2, VRInputError_InvalidHandle = 3, VRInputError_InvalidParam = 4, VRInputError_NoSteam = 5, VRInputError_MaxCapacityReached = 6, VRInputError_IPCError = 7, VRInputError_NoActiveActionSet = 8, VRInputError_InvalidDevice = 9, VRInputError_InvalidSkeleton = 10, VRInputError_InvalidBoneCount = 11, VRInputError_InvalidCompressedData = 12, VRInputError_NoData = 13, VRInputError_BufferTooSmall = 14, VRInputError_MismatchedActionManifest = 15, VRInputError_MissingSkeletonData = 16, VRInputError_InvalidBoneIndex = 17, VRInputError_InvalidPriority = 18, VRInputError_PermissionDenied = 19, VRInputError_InvalidRenderModel = 20, }; enum EVRSpatialAnchorError { VRSpatialAnchorError_Success = 0, VRSpatialAnchorError_Internal = 1, VRSpatialAnchorError_UnknownHandle = 2, VRSpatialAnchorError_ArrayTooSmall = 3, VRSpatialAnchorError_InvalidDescriptorChar = 4, VRSpatialAnchorError_NotYetAvailable = 5, VRSpatialAnchorError_NotAvailableInThisUniverse = 6, VRSpatialAnchorError_PermanentlyUnavailable = 7, VRSpatialAnchorError_WrongDriver = 8, VRSpatialAnchorError_DescriptorTooLong = 9, VRSpatialAnchorError_Unknown = 10, VRSpatialAnchorError_NoRoomCalibration = 11, VRSpatialAnchorError_InvalidArgument = 12, VRSpatialAnchorError_UnknownDriver = 13, }; /** The mesh to draw into the stencil (or depth) buffer to perform * early stencil (or depth) kills of pixels that will never appear on the HMD. * This mesh draws on all the pixels that will be hidden after distortion. * * If the HMD does not provide a visible area mesh pVertexData will be * NULL and unTriangleCount will be 0. */ struct HiddenAreaMesh_t { const HmdVector2_t *pVertexData; uint32_t unTriangleCount; }; enum EHiddenAreaMeshType { k_eHiddenAreaMesh_Standard = 0, k_eHiddenAreaMesh_Inverse = 1, k_eHiddenAreaMesh_LineLoop = 2, k_eHiddenAreaMesh_Max = 3, }; /** Identifies what kind of axis is on the controller at index n. Read this type * with pVRSystem->Get( nControllerDeviceIndex, Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 + n ); */ enum EVRControllerAxisType { k_eControllerAxis_None = 0, k_eControllerAxis_TrackPad = 1, k_eControllerAxis_Joystick = 2, k_eControllerAxis_Trigger = 3, // Analog trigger data is in the X axis }; /** contains information about one axis on the controller */ struct VRControllerAxis_t { float x; // Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 for joysticks and track pads. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 for triggers were 0 is fully released. float y; // Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 for joysticks and track pads. Is always 0.0 for triggers. }; /** the number of axes in the controller state */ static const uint32_t k_unControllerStateAxisCount = 5; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) // This structure was originally defined mis-packed on Linux, preserved for // compatibility. #pragma pack( push, 4 ) #endif /** Holds all the state of a controller at one moment in time. */ struct VRControllerState001_t { // If packet num matches that on your prior call, then the controller state hasn't been changed since // your last call and there is no need to process it uint32_t unPacketNum; // bit flags for each of the buttons. Use ButtonMaskFromId to turn an ID into a mask uint64_t ulButtonPressed; uint64_t ulButtonTouched; // Axis data for the controller's analog inputs VRControllerAxis_t rAxis[ k_unControllerStateAxisCount ]; }; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #pragma pack( pop ) #endif typedef VRControllerState001_t VRControllerState_t; /** determines how to provide output to the application of various event processing functions. */ enum EVRControllerEventOutputType { ControllerEventOutput_OSEvents = 0, ControllerEventOutput_VREvents = 1, }; /** Collision Bounds Style */ enum ECollisionBoundsStyle { COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_BEGINNER = 0, COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_INTERMEDIATE, COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_SQUARES, COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_ADVANCED, COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_NONE, COLLISION_BOUNDS_STYLE_COUNT }; /** used to refer to a single VR overlay */ typedef uint64_t VROverlayHandle_t; static const VROverlayHandle_t k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid = 0; /** Errors that can occur around VR overlays */ enum EVROverlayError { VROverlayError_None = 0, VROverlayError_UnknownOverlay = 10, VROverlayError_InvalidHandle = 11, VROverlayError_PermissionDenied = 12, VROverlayError_OverlayLimitExceeded = 13, // No more overlays could be created because the maximum number already exist VROverlayError_WrongVisibilityType = 14, VROverlayError_KeyTooLong = 15, VROverlayError_NameTooLong = 16, VROverlayError_KeyInUse = 17, VROverlayError_WrongTransformType = 18, VROverlayError_InvalidTrackedDevice = 19, VROverlayError_InvalidParameter = 20, VROverlayError_ThumbnailCantBeDestroyed = 21, VROverlayError_ArrayTooSmall = 22, VROverlayError_RequestFailed = 23, VROverlayError_InvalidTexture = 24, VROverlayError_UnableToLoadFile = 25, VROverlayError_KeyboardAlreadyInUse = 26, VROverlayError_NoNeighbor = 27, VROverlayError_TooManyMaskPrimitives = 29, VROverlayError_BadMaskPrimitive = 30, VROverlayError_TextureAlreadyLocked = 31, VROverlayError_TextureLockCapacityReached = 32, VROverlayError_TextureNotLocked = 33, VROverlayError_TimedOut = 34, }; /** enum values to pass in to VR_Init to identify whether the application will * draw a 3D scene. */ enum EVRApplicationType { VRApplication_Other = 0, // Some other kind of application that isn't covered by the other entries VRApplication_Scene = 1, // Application will submit 3D frames VRApplication_Overlay = 2, // Application only interacts with overlays VRApplication_Background = 3, // Application should not start SteamVR if it's not already running, and should not // keep it running if everything else quits. VRApplication_Utility = 4, // Init should not try to load any drivers. The application needs access to utility // interfaces (like IVRSettings and IVRApplications) but not hardware. VRApplication_VRMonitor = 5, // Reserved for vrmonitor VRApplication_SteamWatchdog = 6,// Reserved for Steam VRApplication_Bootstrapper = 7, // reserved for vrstartup VRApplication_WebHelper = 8, // reserved for vrwebhelper VRApplication_OpenXRInstance = 9, // reserved for openxr (created instance, but not session yet) VRApplication_OpenXRScene = 10, // reserved for openxr (started session) VRApplication_OpenXROverlay = 11, // reserved for openxr (started overlay session) VRApplication_Prism = 12, // reserved for the vrprismhost process VRApplication_RoomView = 13, // reserved for the RoomView process VRApplication_Max }; /** returns true if the specified application type is one of the * OpenXR types */ inline bool IsOpenXRAppType( EVRApplicationType eType ) { return eType == VRApplication_OpenXRInstance || eType == VRApplication_OpenXRScene || eType == VRApplication_OpenXROverlay; } /** returns true if the specified application type submits eye buffers */ inline bool BAppTypeSubmitsEyeBuffers( EVRApplicationType eType ) { return eType == VRApplication_Scene || eType == VRApplication_OpenXRScene || eType == VRApplication_RoomView; } /** error codes for firmware */ enum EVRFirmwareError { VRFirmwareError_None = 0, VRFirmwareError_Success = 1, VRFirmwareError_Fail = 2, }; /** error codes for notifications */ enum EVRNotificationError { VRNotificationError_OK = 0, VRNotificationError_InvalidNotificationId = 100, VRNotificationError_NotificationQueueFull = 101, VRNotificationError_InvalidOverlayHandle = 102, VRNotificationError_SystemWithUserValueAlreadyExists = 103, VRNotificationError_ServiceUnavailable = 104, }; enum EVRSkeletalMotionRange { // The range of motion of the skeleton takes into account any physical limits imposed by // the controller itself. This will tend to be the most accurate pose compared to the user's // actual hand pose, but might not allow a closed fist for example VRSkeletalMotionRange_WithController = 0, // Retarget the range of motion provided by the input device to make the hand appear to move // as if it was not holding a controller. eg: map "hand grasping controller" to "closed fist" VRSkeletalMotionRange_WithoutController = 1, }; enum EVRSkeletalTrackingLevel { // body part location can't be directly determined by the device. Any skeletal pose provided by // the device is estimated by assuming the position required to active buttons, triggers, joysticks, // or other input sensors. // E.g. Vive Controller, Gamepad VRSkeletalTracking_Estimated = 0, // body part location can be measured directly but with fewer degrees of freedom than the actual body // part. Certain body part positions may be unmeasured by the device and estimated from other input data. // E.g. Index Controllers, gloves that only measure finger curl VRSkeletalTracking_Partial = 1, // Body part location can be measured directly throughout the entire range of motion of the body part. // E.g. Mocap suit for the full body, gloves that measure rotation of each finger segment VRSkeletalTracking_Full = 2, VRSkeletalTrackingLevel_Count, VRSkeletalTrackingLevel_Max = VRSkeletalTrackingLevel_Count - 1 }; /** Type used for referring to bones by their index */ typedef int32_t BoneIndex_t; const BoneIndex_t k_unInvalidBoneIndex = -1; /** error codes returned by Vr_Init */ // Please add adequate error description to https://developer.valvesoftware.com/w/index.php?title=Category:SteamVRHelp enum EVRInitError { VRInitError_None = 0, VRInitError_Unknown = 1, VRInitError_Init_InstallationNotFound = 100, VRInitError_Init_InstallationCorrupt = 101, VRInitError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound = 102, VRInitError_Init_FileNotFound = 103, VRInitError_Init_FactoryNotFound = 104, VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound = 105, VRInitError_Init_InvalidInterface = 106, VRInitError_Init_UserConfigDirectoryInvalid = 107, VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound = 108, VRInitError_Init_NotInitialized = 109, VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotFound = 110, VRInitError_Init_NoConfigPath = 111, VRInitError_Init_NoLogPath = 112, VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotWritable = 113, VRInitError_Init_AppInfoInitFailed = 114, VRInitError_Init_Retry = 115, // Used internally to cause retries to vrserver VRInitError_Init_InitCanceledByUser = 116, // The calling application should silently exit. The user canceled app startup VRInitError_Init_AnotherAppLaunching = 117, VRInitError_Init_SettingsInitFailed = 118, VRInitError_Init_ShuttingDown = 119, VRInitError_Init_TooManyObjects = 120, VRInitError_Init_NoServerForBackgroundApp = 121, VRInitError_Init_NotSupportedWithCompositor = 122, VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToUtilityApps = 123, VRInitError_Init_Internal = 124, VRInitError_Init_HmdDriverIdIsNone = 125, VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFoundPresenceFailed = 126, VRInitError_Init_VRMonitorNotFound = 127, VRInitError_Init_VRMonitorStartupFailed = 128, VRInitError_Init_LowPowerWatchdogNotSupported = 129, VRInitError_Init_InvalidApplicationType = 130, VRInitError_Init_NotAvailableToWatchdogApps = 131, VRInitError_Init_WatchdogDisabledInSettings = 132, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardNotFound = 133, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardStartupFailed = 134, VRInitError_Init_VRHomeNotFound = 135, VRInitError_Init_VRHomeStartupFailed = 136, VRInitError_Init_RebootingBusy = 137, VRInitError_Init_FirmwareUpdateBusy = 138, VRInitError_Init_FirmwareRecoveryBusy = 139, VRInitError_Init_USBServiceBusy = 140, VRInitError_Init_VRWebHelperStartupFailed = 141, VRInitError_Init_TrackerManagerInitFailed = 142, VRInitError_Init_AlreadyRunning = 143, VRInitError_Init_FailedForVrMonitor = 144, VRInitError_Init_PropertyManagerInitFailed = 145, VRInitError_Init_WebServerFailed = 146, VRInitError_Init_IllegalTypeTransition = 147, VRInitError_Init_MismatchedRuntimes = 148, VRInitError_Init_InvalidProcessId = 149, VRInitError_Init_VRServiceStartupFailed = 150, VRInitError_Init_PrismNeedsNewDrivers = 151, VRInitError_Init_PrismStartupTimedOut = 152, VRInitError_Init_CouldNotStartPrism = 153, VRInitError_Init_PrismClientInitFailed = 154, VRInitError_Init_PrismClientStartFailed = 155, VRInitError_Init_PrismExitedUnexpectedly = 156, VRInitError_Init_BadLuid = 157, VRInitError_Init_NoServerForAppContainer = 158, VRInitError_Init_DuplicateBootstrapper = 159, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardServicePending = 160, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardServiceTimeout = 161, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardServiceStopped = 162, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardAlreadyStarted = 163, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardCopyFailed = 164, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardTokenFailure = 165, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardEnvironmentFailure = 166, VRInitError_Init_VRDashboardPathFailure = 167, VRInitError_Driver_Failed = 200, VRInitError_Driver_Unknown = 201, VRInitError_Driver_HmdUnknown = 202, VRInitError_Driver_NotLoaded = 203, VRInitError_Driver_RuntimeOutOfDate = 204, VRInitError_Driver_HmdInUse = 205, VRInitError_Driver_NotCalibrated = 206, VRInitError_Driver_CalibrationInvalid = 207, VRInitError_Driver_HmdDisplayNotFound = 208, VRInitError_Driver_TrackedDeviceInterfaceUnknown = 209, // VRInitError_Driver_HmdDisplayNotFoundAfterFix = 210, // not needed: here for historic reasons VRInitError_Driver_HmdDriverIdOutOfBounds = 211, VRInitError_Driver_HmdDisplayMirrored = 212, VRInitError_Driver_HmdDisplayNotFoundLaptop = 213, VRInitError_Driver_PeerDriverNotInstalled = 214, VRInitError_Driver_WirelessHmdNotConnected = 215, // Never make error 259 because we return it from main and it would conflict with STILL_ACTIVE VRInitError_IPC_ServerInitFailed = 300, VRInitError_IPC_ConnectFailed = 301, VRInitError_IPC_SharedStateInitFailed = 302, VRInitError_IPC_CompositorInitFailed = 303, VRInitError_IPC_MutexInitFailed = 304, VRInitError_IPC_Failed = 305, VRInitError_IPC_CompositorConnectFailed = 306, VRInitError_IPC_CompositorInvalidConnectResponse = 307, VRInitError_IPC_ConnectFailedAfterMultipleAttempts = 308, VRInitError_IPC_ConnectFailedAfterTargetExited = 309, VRInitError_IPC_NamespaceUnavailable = 310, VRInitError_Compositor_Failed = 400, VRInitError_Compositor_D3D11HardwareRequired = 401, VRInitError_Compositor_FirmwareRequiresUpdate = 402, VRInitError_Compositor_OverlayInitFailed = 403, VRInitError_Compositor_ScreenshotsInitFailed = 404, VRInitError_Compositor_UnableToCreateDevice = 405, VRInitError_Compositor_SharedStateIsNull = 406, VRInitError_Compositor_NotificationManagerIsNull = 407, VRInitError_Compositor_ResourceManagerClientIsNull = 408, VRInitError_Compositor_MessageOverlaySharedStateInitFailure = 409, VRInitError_Compositor_PropertiesInterfaceIsNull = 410, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateFullscreenWindowFailed = 411, VRInitError_Compositor_SettingsInterfaceIsNull = 412, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToShowWindow = 413, VRInitError_Compositor_DistortInterfaceIsNull = 414, VRInitError_Compositor_DisplayFrequencyFailure = 415, VRInitError_Compositor_RendererInitializationFailed = 416, VRInitError_Compositor_DXGIFactoryInterfaceIsNull = 417, VRInitError_Compositor_DXGIFactoryCreateFailed = 418, VRInitError_Compositor_DXGIFactoryQueryFailed = 419, VRInitError_Compositor_InvalidAdapterDesktop = 420, VRInitError_Compositor_InvalidHmdAttachment = 421, VRInitError_Compositor_InvalidOutputDesktop = 422, VRInitError_Compositor_InvalidDeviceProvided = 423, VRInitError_Compositor_D3D11RendererInitializationFailed = 424, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToFindDisplayMode = 425, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateSwapChain = 426, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToGetBackBuffer = 427, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateRenderTarget = 428, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateDXGI2SwapChain = 429, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedtoGetDXGI2BackBuffer = 430, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateDXGI2RenderTarget = 431, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToGetDXGIDeviceInterface = 432, VRInitError_Compositor_SelectDisplayMode = 433, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateNvAPIRenderTargets = 434, VRInitError_Compositor_NvAPISetDisplayMode = 435, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateDirectModeDisplay = 436, VRInitError_Compositor_InvalidHmdPropertyContainer = 437, VRInitError_Compositor_UpdateDisplayFrequency = 438, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateRasterizerState = 439, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateWireframeRasterizerState = 440, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateSamplerState = 441, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateClampToBorderSamplerState = 442, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateAnisoSamplerState = 443, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlaySamplerState = 444, VRInitError_Compositor_CreatePanoramaSamplerState = 445, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateFontSamplerState = 446, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateNoBlendState = 447, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBlendState = 448, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateAlphaBlendState = 449, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBlendStateMaskR = 450, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBlendStateMaskG = 451, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBlendStateMaskB = 452, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateDepthStencilState = 453, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateDepthStencilStateNoWrite = 454, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateDepthStencilStateNoDepth = 455, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateFlushTexture = 456, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateDistortionSurfaces = 457, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateConstantBuffer = 458, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateHmdPoseConstantBuffer = 459, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateHmdPoseStagingConstantBuffer = 460, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateSharedFrameInfoConstantBuffer = 461, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlayConstantBuffer = 462, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateSceneTextureIndexConstantBuffer = 463, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateReadableSceneTextureIndexConstantBuffer = 464, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLayerGraphicsTextureIndexConstantBuffer = 465, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLayerComputeTextureIndexConstantBuffer = 466, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLayerComputeSceneTextureIndexConstantBuffer = 467, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateComputeHmdPoseConstantBuffer = 468, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateGeomConstantBuffer = 469, VRInitError_Compositor_CreatePanelMaskConstantBuffer = 470, VRInitError_Compositor_CreatePixelSimUBO = 471, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateMSAARenderTextures = 472, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateResolveRenderTextures = 473, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateComputeResolveRenderTextures = 474, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateDriverDirectModeResolveTextures = 475, VRInitError_Compositor_OpenDriverDirectModeResolveTextures = 476, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateFallbackSyncTexture = 477, VRInitError_Compositor_ShareFallbackSyncTexture = 478, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlayIndexBuffer = 479, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlayVertexBuffer = 480, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateTextVertexBuffer = 481, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateTextIndexBuffer = 482, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateMirrorTextures = 483, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateLastFrameRenderTexture = 484, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateMirrorOverlay = 485, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateVirtualDisplayBackbuffer = 486, VRInitError_Compositor_DisplayModeNotSupported = 487, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlayInvalidCall = 488, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateOverlayAlreadyInitialized = 489, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToCreateMailbox = 490, VRInitError_Compositor_WindowInterfaceIsNull = 491, VRInitError_Compositor_SystemLayerCreateInstance = 492, VRInitError_Compositor_SystemLayerCreateSession = 493, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateInverseDistortUVs = 494, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBackbufferDepth = 495, VRInitError_Compositor_CannotDRMLeaseDisplay = 496, VRInitError_Compositor_CannotConnectToDisplayServer = 497, VRInitError_Compositor_GnomeNoDRMLeasing = 498, VRInitError_Compositor_FailedToInitializeEncoder = 499, VRInitError_Compositor_CreateBlurTexture = 500, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_UnableToConnectToOculusRuntime = 1000, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_WindowsNotInDevMode = 1001, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_OculusLinkNotEnabled = 1002, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_CantOpenDevice = 1101, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToRequestConfigStart = 1102, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_NoStoredConfig = 1103, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigTooBig = 1104, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigTooSmall = 1105, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToInitZLib = 1106, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_CantReadFirmwareVersion = 1107, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToSendUserDataStart = 1108, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToGetUserDataStart = 1109, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnableToGetUserDataNext = 1110, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UserDataAddressRange = 1111, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UserDataError = 1112, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_ConfigFailedSanityCheck = 1113, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_OculusRuntimeBadInstall = 1114, VRInitError_VendorSpecific_HmdFound_UnexpectedConfiguration_1 = 1115, VRInitError_Steam_SteamInstallationNotFound = 2000, // Strictly a placeholder VRInitError_LastError }; enum EVRScreenshotType { VRScreenshotType_None = 0, VRScreenshotType_Mono = 1, // left eye only VRScreenshotType_Stereo = 2, VRScreenshotType_Cubemap = 3, VRScreenshotType_MonoPanorama = 4, VRScreenshotType_StereoPanorama = 5 }; enum EVRScreenshotPropertyFilenames { VRScreenshotPropertyFilenames_Preview = 0, VRScreenshotPropertyFilenames_VR = 1, }; enum EVRTrackedCameraError { VRTrackedCameraError_None = 0, VRTrackedCameraError_OperationFailed = 100, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidHandle = 101, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidFrameHeaderVersion = 102, VRTrackedCameraError_OutOfHandles = 103, VRTrackedCameraError_IPCFailure = 104, VRTrackedCameraError_NotSupportedForThisDevice = 105, VRTrackedCameraError_SharedMemoryFailure = 106, VRTrackedCameraError_FrameBufferingFailure = 107, VRTrackedCameraError_StreamSetupFailure = 108, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidGLTextureId = 109, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidSharedTextureHandle = 110, VRTrackedCameraError_FailedToGetGLTextureId = 111, VRTrackedCameraError_SharedTextureFailure = 112, VRTrackedCameraError_NoFrameAvailable = 113, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidArgument = 114, VRTrackedCameraError_InvalidFrameBufferSize = 115, }; enum EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout { EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout_Mono = 0x0001, EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout_Stereo = 0x0002, EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout_VerticalLayout = 0x0010, // Stereo frames are Top/Bottom (left/right) EVRTrackedCameraFrameLayout_HorizontalLayout = 0x0020, // Stereo frames are Left/Right }; enum EVRTrackedCameraFrameType { VRTrackedCameraFrameType_Distorted = 0, // This is the camera video frame size in pixels, still distorted. VRTrackedCameraFrameType_Undistorted, // In pixels, an undistorted inscribed rectangle region without invalid regions. This size is subject to changes shortly. VRTrackedCameraFrameType_MaximumUndistorted, // In pixels, maximum undistorted with invalid regions. Non zero alpha component identifies valid regions. MAX_CAMERA_FRAME_TYPES }; enum EVRDistortionFunctionType { VRDistortionFunctionType_None, VRDistortionFunctionType_FTheta, VRDistortionFunctionType_Extended_FTheta, MAX_DISTORTION_FUNCTION_TYPES, }; static const uint32_t k_unMaxDistortionFunctionParameters = 8; typedef uint64_t TrackedCameraHandle_t; #define INVALID_TRACKED_CAMERA_HANDLE ((vr::TrackedCameraHandle_t)0) struct CameraVideoStreamFrameHeader_t { EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType; uint32_t nWidth; uint32_t nHeight; uint32_t nBytesPerPixel; uint32_t nFrameSequence; TrackedDevicePose_t trackedDevicePose; uint64_t ulFrameExposureTime; // mid-point of the exposure of the image in host system ticks }; // Screenshot types typedef uint32_t ScreenshotHandle_t; static const uint32_t k_unScreenshotHandleInvalid = 0; /** Compositor frame timing reprojection flags. */ const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionReason_Cpu = 0x01; const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionReason_Gpu = 0x02; const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionAsync = 0x04; // This flag indicates the async reprojection mode is active, // but does not indicate if reprojection actually happened or not. // Use the ReprojectionReason flags above to check if reprojection // was actually applied (i.e. scene texture was reused). // NumFramePresents > 1 also indicates the scene texture was reused, // and also the number of times that it was presented in total. const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionMotion = 0x08; // This flag indicates whether or not motion smoothing was triggered for this frame const uint32_t VRCompositor_PredictionMask = 0xF0; // The runtime may predict more than one frame ahead if // it detects the application is taking too long to render. These // bits will contain the count of additional frames (normally zero). // Use the VR_COMPOSITOR_ADDITIONAL_PREDICTED_FRAMES macro to read from // the latest frame timing entry. const uint32_t VRCompositor_ThrottleMask = 0xF00; // Number of frames the compositor is throttling the application. // Use the VR_COMPOSITOR_NUMBER_OF_THROTTLED_FRAMES macro to read from // the latest frame timing entry. #define VR_COMPOSITOR_ADDITIONAL_PREDICTED_FRAMES( timing ) ( ( ( timing ).m_nReprojectionFlags & vr::VRCompositor_PredictionMask ) >> 4 ) #define VR_COMPOSITOR_NUMBER_OF_THROTTLED_FRAMES( timing ) ( ( ( timing ).m_nReprojectionFlags & vr::VRCompositor_ThrottleMask ) >> 8 ) #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #pragma pack( push, 4 ) #endif /** Provides a single frame's timing information to the app */ struct Compositor_FrameTiming { uint32_t m_nSize; // Set to sizeof( Compositor_FrameTiming ) uint32_t m_nFrameIndex; uint32_t m_nNumFramePresents; // number of times this frame was presented uint32_t m_nNumMisPresented; // number of times this frame was presented on a vsync other than it was originally predicted to uint32_t m_nNumDroppedFrames; // number of additional times previous frame was scanned out uint32_t m_nReprojectionFlags; /** Absolute time reference for comparing frames. This aligns with the vsync that running start is relative to. */ double m_flSystemTimeInSeconds; /** These times may include work from other processes due to OS scheduling. * The fewer packets of work these are broken up into, the less likely this will happen. * GPU work can be broken up by calling Flush. This can sometimes be useful to get the GPU started * processing that work earlier in the frame. */ float m_flPreSubmitGpuMs; // time spent rendering the scene (gpu work submitted between WaitGetPoses and second Submit) float m_flPostSubmitGpuMs; // additional time spent rendering by application (e.g. companion window) float m_flTotalRenderGpuMs; // time between work submitted immediately after present (ideally vsync) until the end of compositor submitted work float m_flCompositorRenderGpuMs; // time spend performing distortion correction, rendering chaperone, overlays, etc. float m_flCompositorRenderCpuMs; // time spent on cpu submitting the above work for this frame float m_flCompositorIdleCpuMs; // time spent waiting for running start (application could have used this much more time) /** Miscellaneous measured intervals. */ float m_flClientFrameIntervalMs; // time between calls to WaitGetPoses float m_flPresentCallCpuMs; // time blocked on call to present (usually 0.0, but can go long) float m_flWaitForPresentCpuMs; // time spent spin-waiting for frame index to change (not near-zero indicates wait object failure) float m_flSubmitFrameMs; // time spent in IVRCompositor::Submit (not near-zero indicates driver issue) /** The following are all relative to this frame's SystemTimeInSeconds */ float m_flWaitGetPosesCalledMs; float m_flNewPosesReadyMs; float m_flNewFrameReadyMs; // second call to IVRCompositor::Submit float m_flCompositorUpdateStartMs; float m_flCompositorUpdateEndMs; float m_flCompositorRenderStartMs; vr::TrackedDevicePose_t m_HmdPose; // pose used by app to render this frame uint32_t m_nNumVSyncsReadyForUse; uint32_t m_nNumVSyncsToFirstView; float m_flTransferLatencyMs; }; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #pragma pack( pop ) #endif /** Provides compositor benchmark results to the app */ struct Compositor_BenchmarkResults { float m_flMegaPixelsPerSecond; // Measurement of GPU MP/s performed by compositor benchmark float m_flHmdRecommendedMegaPixelsPerSecond; // Recommended default MP/s given the HMD resolution, refresh, and panel mask. }; /** Frame timing data provided by direct mode drivers. */ struct DriverDirectMode_FrameTiming { uint32_t m_nSize; // Set to sizeof( DriverDirectMode_FrameTiming ) uint32_t m_nNumFramePresents; // number of times frame was presented uint32_t m_nNumMisPresented; // number of times frame was presented on a vsync other than it was originally predicted to uint32_t m_nNumDroppedFrames; // number of additional times previous frame was scanned out (i.e. compositor missed vsync) uint32_t m_nReprojectionFlags; }; /** These flags will be set on DriverDirectMode_FrameTiming::m_nReprojectionFlags when IVRDriverDirectModeComponent::GetFrameTiming is called for drivers to optionally respond to. */ const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionMotion_Enabled = 0x100; // Motion Smoothing is enabled in the UI for the currently running application const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionMotion_ForcedOn = 0x200; // Motion Smoothing is forced on in the UI for the currently running application const uint32_t VRCompositor_ReprojectionMotion_AppThrottled = 0x400; // Application is requesting throttling via ForceInterleavedReprojectionOn enum EVSync { VSync_None, VSync_WaitRender, // block following render work until vsync VSync_NoWaitRender, // do not block following render work (allow to get started early) }; enum EVRMuraCorrectionMode { EVRMuraCorrectionMode_Default = 0, EVRMuraCorrectionMode_NoCorrection }; /** raw IMU data provided by IVRIOBuffer from paths to tracked devices with IMUs */ enum Imu_OffScaleFlags { OffScale_AccelX = 0x01, OffScale_AccelY = 0x02, OffScale_AccelZ = 0x04, OffScale_GyroX = 0x08, OffScale_GyroY = 0x10, OffScale_GyroZ = 0x20, }; struct ImuSample_t { double fSampleTime; HmdVector3d_t vAccel; HmdVector3d_t vGyro; uint32_t unOffScaleFlags; }; #pragma pack( pop ) // figure out how to import from the VR API dll #if defined(_WIN32) #if !defined(OPENVR_BUILD_STATIC) #ifdef VR_API_EXPORT #define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __declspec( dllimport ) #endif #else #define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" #endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(COMPILER_GCC) || defined(__APPLE__) #ifdef VR_API_EXPORT #define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #else #define VR_INTERFACE extern "C" #endif #else #error "Unsupported Platform." #endif #if defined( _WIN32 ) #define VR_CALLTYPE __cdecl #else #define VR_CALLTYPE #endif } // namespace vr #endif // _INCLUDE_VRTYPES_H // vrannotation.h #ifdef API_GEN # define VR_CLANG_ATTR(ATTR) __attribute__((annotate( ATTR ))) #else # define VR_CLANG_ATTR(ATTR) #endif #define VR_METHOD_DESC(DESC) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "desc:" #DESC ";" ) #define VR_IGNOREATTR() VR_CLANG_ATTR( "ignore" ) #define VR_OUT_STRUCT() VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_struct: ;" ) #define VR_OUT_STRING() VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_string: ;" ) #define VR_OUT_ARRAY_CALL(COUNTER,FUNCTION,PARAMS) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_array_call:" #COUNTER "," #FUNCTION "," #PARAMS ";" ) #define VR_OUT_ARRAY_COUNT(COUNTER) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_array_count:" #COUNTER ";" ) #define VR_ARRAY_COUNT(COUNTER) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "array_count:" #COUNTER ";" ) #define VR_ARRAY_COUNT_D(COUNTER, DESC) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "array_count:" #COUNTER ";desc:" #DESC ) #define VR_BUFFER_COUNT(COUNTER) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "buffer_count:" #COUNTER ";" ) #define VR_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT(COUNTER) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_buffer_count:" #COUNTER ";" ) #define VR_OUT_STRING_COUNT(COUNTER) VR_CLANG_ATTR( "out_string_count:" #COUNTER ";" ) // vrtrackedcameratypes.h #ifndef _VRTRACKEDCAMERATYPES_H #define _VRTRACKEDCAMERATYPES_H namespace vr { #pragma pack( push, 8 ) enum ECameraVideoStreamFormat { CVS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, CVS_FORMAT_RAW10 = 1, // 10 bits per pixel CVS_FORMAT_NV12 = 2, // 12 bits per pixel CVS_FORMAT_RGB24 = 3, // 24 bits per pixel CVS_FORMAT_NV12_2 = 4, // 12 bits per pixel, 2x height CVS_FORMAT_YUYV16 = 5, // 16 bits per pixel CVS_FORMAT_BAYER16BG = 6, // 16 bits per pixel, 10-bit BG-format Bayer, see https://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/de/d25/imgproc_color_conversions.html CVS_FORMAT_MJPEG = 7, // variable-sized MJPEG Open DML format, see https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000063.shtml CVS_FORMAT_RGBX32 = 8, // Full-sized pixels, 4BPP, LSB = RED CVS_MAX_FORMATS }; enum ECameraCompatibilityMode { CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_BULK_DEFAULT = 0, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_BULK_64K_DMA = 1, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_BULK_16K_DMA = 2, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_BULK_8K_DMA = 3, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_52FPS = 4, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_50FPS = 5, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_48FPS = 6, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_46FPS = 7, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_44FPS = 8, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_42FPS = 9, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_40FPS = 10, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_35FPS = 11, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_30FPS = 12, CAMERA_COMPAT_MODE_ISO_15FPS = 13, MAX_CAMERA_COMPAT_MODES }; enum ECameraRoomViewStyle { CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_DEFAULT = 0, CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_EDGE_A = 1, CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_EDGE_B = 2, CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_VIDEO_TRANSLUSCENT = 3, CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_VIDEO_OPAQUE = 4, CAMERA_ROOMVIEW_STYLE_COUNT = 5, }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( x ) __declspec( align( x ) ) #else #define VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( x ) // #endif static const uint32_t k_unMaxCameras = 4; static const uint32_t k_unMaxCameraFrameSharedHandles = 4; VR_CAMERA_DECL_ALIGN( 8 ) struct CameraVideoStreamFrame_t { ECameraVideoStreamFormat m_nStreamFormat; uint32_t m_nWidth; uint32_t m_nHeight; uint32_t m_nImageDataSize; // Based on stream format, width, height uint32_t m_nFrameSequence; // Starts from 0 when stream starts. uint32_t m_nBufferIndex; // Identifies which buffer the image data is hosted uint32_t m_nBufferCount; // Total number of configured buffers uint32_t m_nExposureTime; uint32_t m_nISPFrameTimeStamp; // Driver provided time stamp per driver centric time base uint32_t m_nISPReferenceTimeStamp; uint32_t m_nSyncCounter; uint32_t m_nCamSyncEvents; uint32_t m_nISPSyncEvents; double m_flReferenceCamSyncTime; double m_flFrameElapsedTime; // Starts from 0 when stream starts. In seconds. double m_flFrameDeliveryRate; double m_flFrameCaptureTime_DriverAbsolute; // In USB time, via AuxEvent double m_flFrameCaptureTime_ServerRelative; // In System time within the server uint64_t m_nFrameCaptureTicks_ServerAbsolute; // In system ticks within the server double m_flFrameCaptureTime_ClientRelative; // At the client, relative to when the frame was exposed/captured. double m_flSyncMarkerError; TrackedDevicePose_t m_RawTrackedDevicePose; // Raw-and-uncalibrated pose, supplied by HMD layer when used as a tracked camera uint64_t m_pImageData; }; #pragma pack( pop ) } #endif // _VRTRACKEDCAMERATYPES_H // ivrsettings.h #include namespace vr { enum EVRSettingsError { VRSettingsError_None = 0, VRSettingsError_IPCFailed = 1, VRSettingsError_WriteFailed = 2, VRSettingsError_ReadFailed = 3, VRSettingsError_JsonParseFailed = 4, VRSettingsError_UnsetSettingHasNoDefault = 5, // This will be returned if the setting does not appear in the appropriate default file and has not been set VRSettingsError_AccessDenied = 6, }; // The maximum length of a settings key static const uint32_t k_unMaxSettingsKeyLength = 128; class IVRSettings { public: virtual const char *GetSettingsErrorNameFromEnum( EVRSettingsError eError ) = 0; virtual void SetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, bool bValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void SetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, int32_t nValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void SetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, float flValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void SetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, const char *pchValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; // Users of the system need to provide a proper default in default.vrsettings in the resources/settings/ directory // of either the runtime or the driver_xxx directory. Otherwise the default will be false, 0, 0.0 or "" virtual bool GetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual int32_t GetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual float GetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void GetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unValueLen, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void RemoveSection( const char *pchSection, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; virtual void RemoveKeyInSection( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char * const IVRSettings_Version = "IVRSettings_003"; class CVRSettingHelper { IVRSettings *m_pSettings; public: CVRSettingHelper( IVRSettings *pSettings ) { m_pSettings = pSettings; } const char *GetSettingsErrorNameFromEnum( EVRSettingsError eError ) { return m_pSettings->GetSettingsErrorNameFromEnum( eError ); } void SetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, bool bValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->SetBool( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, bValue, peError ); } void SetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, int32_t nValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->SetInt32( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, nValue, peError ); } void SetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, float flValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->SetFloat( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, flValue, peError ); } void SetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, const char *pchValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->SetString( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, pchValue, peError ); } void SetString( const std::string & sSection, const std::string & sSettingsKey, const std::string & sValue, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->SetString( sSection.c_str(), sSettingsKey.c_str(), sValue.c_str(), peError ); } bool GetBool( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { return m_pSettings->GetBool( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, peError ); } int32_t GetInt32( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { return m_pSettings->GetInt32( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, peError ); } float GetFloat( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { return m_pSettings->GetFloat( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, peError ); } void GetString( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unValueLen, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->GetString( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, pchValue, unValueLen, peError ); } std::string GetString( const std::string & sSection, const std::string & sSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { char buf[4096]; vr::EVRSettingsError eError; m_pSettings->GetString( sSection.c_str(), sSettingsKey.c_str(), buf, sizeof( buf ), &eError ); if ( peError ) *peError = eError; if ( eError == vr::VRSettingsError_None ) return buf; else return ""; } void RemoveSection( const char *pchSection, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->RemoveSection( pchSection, peError ); } void RemoveKeyInSection( const char *pchSection, const char *pchSettingsKey, EVRSettingsError *peError = nullptr ) { m_pSettings->RemoveKeyInSection( pchSection, pchSettingsKey, peError ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // steamvr keys static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Section = "steamvr"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RequireHmd_String = "requireHmd"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedDriverKey_String = "forcedDriver"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForcedHmdKey_String = "forcedHmd"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebug_Bool = "displayDebug"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DebugProcessPipe_String = "debugProcessPipe"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebugX_Int32 = "displayDebugX"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayDebugY_Int32 = "displayDebugY"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SendSystemButtonToAllApps_Bool= "sendSystemButtonToAllApps"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_LogLevel_Int32 = "loglevel"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_IPD_Float = "ipd"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_Background_String = "background"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BackgroundUseDomeProjection_Bool = "backgroundUseDomeProjection"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BackgroundCameraHeight_Float = "backgroundCameraHeight"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BackgroundDomeRadius_Float = "backgroundDomeRadius"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_GridColor_String = "gridColor"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PlayAreaColor_String = "playAreaColor"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_TrackingLossColor_String = "trackingLossColor"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowStage_Bool = "showStage"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DrawTrackingReferences_Bool = "drawTrackingReferences"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ActivateMultipleDrivers_Bool = "activateMultipleDrivers"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_UsingSpeakers_Bool = "usingSpeakers"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SpeakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees_Float = "speakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BaseStationPowerManagement_Int32 = "basestationPowerManagement"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowBaseStationPowerManagementTip_Int32 = "ShowBaseStationPowerManagementTip"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_NeverKillProcesses_Bool = "neverKillProcesses"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SupersampleScale_Float = "supersampleScale"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MaxRecommendedResolution_Int32 = "maxRecommendedResolution"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MotionSmoothing_Bool = "motionSmoothing"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MotionSmoothingOverride_Int32 = "motionSmoothingOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_FramesToThrottle_Int32 = "framesToThrottle"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_AdditionalFramesToPredict_Int32 = "additionalFramesToPredict"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_WorldScale_Float = "worldScale"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_FovScale_Int32 = "fovScale"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_FovScaleLetterboxed_Bool = "fovScaleLetterboxed"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisableAsyncReprojection_Bool = "disableAsync"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForceFadeOnBadTracking_Bool = "forceFadeOnBadTracking"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DefaultMirrorView_Int32 = "mirrorView"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ShowLegacyMirrorView_Bool = "showLegacyMirrorView"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewVisibility_Bool = "showMirrorView"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewDisplayMode_Int32 = "mirrorViewDisplayMode"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewEye_Int32 = "mirrorViewEye"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometry_String = "mirrorViewGeometry"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_MirrorViewGeometryMaximized_String = "mirrorViewGeometryMaximized"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PerfGraphVisibility_Bool = "showPerfGraph"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartMonitorFromAppLaunch = "startMonitorFromAppLaunch"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartCompositorFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startCompositorFromAppLaunch"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartDashboardFromAppLaunch_Bool = "startDashboardFromAppLaunch"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_StartOverlayAppsFromDashboard_Bool = "startOverlayAppsFromDashboard"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableHomeApp = "enableHomeApp"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec_Int32 = "CycleBackgroundImageTimeSec"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_RetailDemo_Bool = "retailDemo"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_IpdOffset_Float = "ipdOffset"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_AllowSupersampleFiltering_Bool = "allowSupersampleFiltering"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_SupersampleManualOverride_Bool = "supersampleManualOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableLinuxVulkanAsync_Bool = "enableLinuxVulkanAsync"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_AllowDisplayLockedMode_Bool = "allowDisplayLockedMode"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_HaveStartedTutorialForNativeChaperoneDriver_Bool = "haveStartedTutorialForNativeChaperoneDriver"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_ForceWindows32bitVRMonitor = "forceWindows32BitVRMonitor"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DebugInputBinding = "debugInputBinding"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DoNotFadeToGrid = "doNotFadeToGrid"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableSharedResourceJournaling = "enableSharedResourceJournaling"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_EnableSafeMode = "enableSafeMode"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_PreferredRefreshRate = "preferredRefreshRate"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_LastVersionNotice = "lastVersionNotice"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_LastVersionNoticeDate = "lastVersionNoticeDate"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_HmdDisplayColorGainR_Float = "hmdDisplayColorGainR"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_HmdDisplayColorGainG_Float = "hmdDisplayColorGainG"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_HmdDisplayColorGainB_Float = "hmdDisplayColorGainB"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CustomIconStyle_String = "customIconStyle"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CustomOffIconStyle_String = "customOffIconStyle"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_CustomIconForceUpdate_String = "customIconForceUpdate"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_AllowGlobalActionSetPriority = "globalActionSetPriority"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_OverlayRenderQuality = "overlayRenderQuality_2"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BlockOculusSDKOnOpenVRLaunchOption_Bool = "blockOculusSDKOnOpenVRLaunchOption"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_BlockOculusSDKOnAllLaunches_Bool = "blockOculusSDKOnAllLaunches"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_HDCPLegacyCompatibility_Bool = "hdcp14legacyCompatibility"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_DisplayPortTrainingMode_Int = "displayPortTrainingMode"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_UsePrism_Bool = "usePrism"; static const char * const k_pch_SteamVR_AllowFallbackMirrorWindowLinux_Bool = "allowFallbackMirrorWindowLinux"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // openxr keys static const char * const k_pch_OpenXR_Section = "openxr"; static const char * const k_pch_OpenXR_MetaUnityPluginCompatibility_Int32 = "metaUnityPluginCompatibility"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // direct mode keys static const char * const k_pch_DirectMode_Section = "direct_mode"; static const char * const k_pch_DirectMode_Enable_Bool = "enable"; static const char * const k_pch_DirectMode_Count_Int32 = "count"; static const char * const k_pch_DirectMode_EdidVid_Int32 = "edidVid"; static const char * const k_pch_DirectMode_EdidPid_Int32 = "edidPid"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lighthouse keys static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_Section = "driver_lighthouse"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisableIMU_Bool = "disableimu"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisableIMUExceptHMD_Bool = "disableimuexcepthmd"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_UseDisambiguation_String = "usedisambiguation"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DisambiguationDebug_Int32 = "disambiguationdebug"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PrimaryBasestation_Int32 = "primarybasestation"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_DBHistory_Bool = "dbhistory"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_EnableBluetooth_Bool = "enableBluetooth"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PowerManagedBaseStations_String = "PowerManagedBaseStations"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_PowerManagedBaseStations2_String = "PowerManagedBaseStations2"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_InactivityTimeoutForBaseStations_Int32 = "InactivityTimeoutForBaseStations"; static const char * const k_pch_Lighthouse_EnableImuFallback_Bool = "enableImuFallback"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // null keys static const char * const k_pch_Null_Section = "driver_null"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_SerialNumber_String = "serialNumber"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_ModelNumber_String = "modelNumber"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowX_Int32 = "windowX"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowY_Int32 = "windowY"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowWidth_Int32 = "windowWidth"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_WindowHeight_Int32 = "windowHeight"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_RenderWidth_Int32 = "renderWidth"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_RenderHeight_Int32 = "renderHeight"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float = "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons"; static const char * const k_pch_Null_DisplayFrequency_Float = "displayFrequency"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Windows MR keys static const char * const k_pch_WindowsMR_Section = "driver_holographic"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // user interface keys static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_Section = "userinterface"; static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_StatusAlwaysOnTop_Bool = "StatusAlwaysOnTop"; static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_MinimizeToTray_Bool = "MinimizeToTray"; static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_HidePopupsWhenStatusMinimized_Bool = "HidePopupsWhenStatusMinimized"; static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_Screenshots_Bool = "screenshots"; static const char * const k_pch_UserInterface_ScreenshotType_Int = "screenshotType"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // notification keys static const char * const k_pch_Notifications_Section = "notifications"; static const char * const k_pch_Notifications_DoNotDisturb_Bool = "DoNotDisturb"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // keyboard keys static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_Section = "keyboard"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_TutorialCompletions = "TutorialCompletions"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_ScaleX = "ScaleX"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_ScaleY = "ScaleY"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_OffsetLeftX = "OffsetLeftX"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_OffsetRightX = "OffsetRightX"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_OffsetY = "OffsetY"; static const char * const k_pch_Keyboard_Smoothing = "Smoothing"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // perf keys static const char * const k_pch_Perf_Section = "perfcheck"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_PerfGraphInHMD_Bool = "perfGraphInHMD"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_AllowTimingStore_Bool = "allowTimingStore"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_SaveTimingsOnExit_Bool = "saveTimingsOnExit"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_TestData_Float = "perfTestData"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_GPUProfiling_Bool = "GPUProfiling"; static const char * const k_pch_Perf_GpuBusMonitoring_Bool = "gpuBusMonitoring"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // collision bounds keys static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_Section = "collisionBounds"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_Style_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsStyle"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_GroundPerimeterOn_Bool = "CollisionBoundsGroundPerimeterOn"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_CenterMarkerOn_Bool = "CollisionBoundsCenterMarkerOn"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_PlaySpaceOn_Bool = "CollisionBoundsPlaySpaceOn"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_FadeDistance_Float = "CollisionBoundsFadeDistance"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_WallHeight_Float = "CollisionBoundsWallHeight"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaR_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaR"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaG_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaG"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaB_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaB"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_ColorGammaA_Int32 = "CollisionBoundsColorGammaA"; static const char * const k_pch_CollisionBounds_EnableDriverImport = "enableDriverBoundsImport"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // camera keys static const char * const k_pch_Camera_Section = "camera"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_EnableCamera_Bool = "enableCamera"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_ShowOnController_Bool = "showOnController"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_EnableCameraForCollisionBounds_Bool = "enableCameraForCollisionBounds"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_RoomView_Int32 = "roomView"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_BoundsColorGammaR_Int32 = "cameraBoundsColorGammaR"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_BoundsColorGammaG_Int32 = "cameraBoundsColorGammaG"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_BoundsColorGammaB_Int32 = "cameraBoundsColorGammaB"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_BoundsColorGammaA_Int32 = "cameraBoundsColorGammaA"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_BoundsStrength_Int32 = "cameraBoundsStrength"; static const char * const k_pch_Camera_RoomViewStyle_Int32 = "roomViewStyle"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // audio keys static const char * const k_pch_audio_Section = "audio"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_SetOsDefaultPlaybackDevice_Bool = "setOsDefaultPlaybackDevice"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnablePlaybackDeviceOverride_Bool = "enablePlaybackDeviceOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackDeviceOverride_String = "playbackDeviceOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackDeviceOverrideName_String = "playbackDeviceOverrideName"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_SetOsDefaultRecordingDevice_Bool = "setOsDefaultRecordingDevice"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnableRecordingDeviceOverride_Bool = "enableRecordingDeviceOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_RecordingDeviceOverride_String = "recordingDeviceOverride"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_RecordingDeviceOverrideName_String = "recordingDeviceOverrideName"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnablePlaybackMirror_Bool = "enablePlaybackMirror"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackMirrorDevice_String = "playbackMirrorDevice"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_PlaybackMirrorDeviceName_String = "playbackMirrorDeviceName"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_OldPlaybackMirrorDevice_String = "onPlaybackMirrorDevice"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_ActiveMirrorDevice_String = "activePlaybackMirrorDevice"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_EnablePlaybackMirrorIndependentVolume_Bool = "enablePlaybackMirrorIndependentVolume"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_LastHmdPlaybackDeviceId_String = "lastHmdPlaybackDeviceId"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_VIVEHDMIGain = "viveHDMIGain"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_DualSpeakerAndJackOutput_Bool = "dualSpeakerAndJackOutput"; static const char * const k_pch_audio_MuteMicMonitor_Bool = "muteMicMonitor"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // power management keys static const char * const k_pch_Power_Section = "power"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_PowerOffOnExit_Bool = "powerOffOnExit"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_TurnOffScreensTimeout_Float = "turnOffScreensTimeout"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_TurnOffControllersTimeout_Float = "turnOffControllersTimeout"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_ReturnToWatchdogTimeout_Float = "returnToWatchdogTimeout"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_AutoLaunchSteamVROnButtonPress = "autoLaunchSteamVROnButtonPress"; static const char * const k_pch_Power_PauseCompositorOnStandby_Bool = "pauseCompositorOnStandby"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dashboard keys static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_Section = "dashboard"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_EnableDashboard_Bool = "enableDashboard"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_ArcadeMode_Bool = "arcadeMode"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_Position = "position"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_DesktopScale = "desktopScale"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_DashboardScale = "dashboardScale"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_UseStandaloneSystemLayer = "standaloneSystemLayer"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_StickyDashboard = "stickyDashboard"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_AllowSteamOverlays_Bool = "allowSteamOverlays"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_AllowVRGamepadUI_Bool = "allowVRGamepadUI"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_AllowVRGamepadUIViaGamescope_Bool = "allowVRGamepadUIViaGamescope"; static const char * const k_pch_Dashboard_SteamMatchesHMDFramerate = "steamMatchesHMDFramerate"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // model skin keys static const char * const k_pch_modelskin_Section = "modelskins"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // driver keys - These could be checked in any driver_ section static const char * const k_pch_Driver_Enable_Bool = "enable"; static const char * const k_pch_Driver_BlockedBySafemode_Bool = "blocked_by_safe_mode"; static const char * const k_pch_Driver_LoadPriority_Int32 = "loadPriority"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // web interface keys static const char* const k_pch_WebInterface_Section = "WebInterface"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // vrwebhelper keys static const char* const k_pch_VRWebHelper_Section = "VRWebHelper"; static const char* const k_pch_VRWebHelper_DebuggerEnabled_Bool = "DebuggerEnabled"; static const char* const k_pch_VRWebHelper_DebuggerPort_Int32 = "DebuggerPort"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tracking overrides - keys are device paths, values are the device paths their // tracking/pose information overrides static const char* const k_pch_TrackingOverride_Section = "TrackingOverrides"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // per-app keys - the section name for these is the app key itself. Some of these are prefixed by the controller type static const char* const k_pch_App_BindingAutosaveURLSuffix_String = "AutosaveURL"; static const char* const k_pch_App_BindingLegacyAPISuffix_String = "_legacy"; static const char *const k_pch_App_BindingSteamVRInputAPISuffix_String = "_steamvrinput"; static const char *const k_pch_App_BindingOpenXRAPISuffix_String = "_openxr"; static const char* const k_pch_App_BindingCurrentURLSuffix_String = "CurrentURL"; static const char* const k_pch_App_BindingPreviousURLSuffix_String = "PreviousURL"; static const char* const k_pch_App_NeedToUpdateAutosaveSuffix_Bool = "NeedToUpdateAutosave"; static const char* const k_pch_App_DominantHand_Int32 = "DominantHand"; static const char* const k_pch_App_BlockOculusSDK_Bool = "blockOculusSDK"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // configuration for trackers static const char * const k_pch_Trackers_Section = "trackers"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // configuration for desktop UI windows static const char * const k_pch_DesktopUI_Section = "DesktopUI"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Last known keys for righting recovery static const char * const k_pch_LastKnown_Section = "LastKnown"; static const char* const k_pch_LastKnown_HMDManufacturer_String = "HMDManufacturer"; static const char *const k_pch_LastKnown_HMDModel_String = "HMDModel"; static const char* const k_pch_LastKnown_ActualHMDDriver_String = "ActualHMDDriver"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dismissed warnings static const char * const k_pch_DismissedWarnings_Section = "DismissedWarnings"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Input Settings static const char * const k_pch_Input_Section = "input"; static const char* const k_pch_Input_LeftThumbstickRotation_Float = "leftThumbstickRotation"; static const char* const k_pch_Input_RightThumbstickRotation_Float = "rightThumbstickRotation"; static const char* const k_pch_Input_ThumbstickDeadzone_Float = "thumbstickDeadzone"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Log of GPU performance static const char * const k_pch_GpuSpeed_Section = "GpuSpeed"; } // namespace vr // iservertrackeddevicedriver.h namespace vr { struct DriverPoseQuaternion_t { double w, x, y, z; }; struct DriverPose_t { /* Time offset of this pose, in seconds from the actual time of the pose, * relative to the time of the PoseUpdated() call made by the driver. */ double poseTimeOffset; /* Generally, the pose maintained by a driver * is in an inertial coordinate system different * from the world system of x+ right, y+ up, z+ back. * Also, the driver is not usually tracking the "head" position, * but instead an internal IMU or another reference point in the HMD. * The following two transforms transform positions and orientations * to app world space from driver world space, * and to HMD head space from driver local body space. * * We maintain the driver pose state in its internal coordinate system, * so we can do the pose prediction math without having to * use angular acceleration. A driver's angular acceleration is generally not measured, * and is instead calculated from successive samples of angular velocity. * This leads to a noisy angular acceleration values, which are also * lagged due to the filtering required to reduce noise to an acceptable level. */ vr::HmdQuaternion_t qWorldFromDriverRotation; double vecWorldFromDriverTranslation[ 3 ]; vr::HmdQuaternion_t qDriverFromHeadRotation; double vecDriverFromHeadTranslation[ 3 ]; /* State of driver pose, in meters and radians. */ /* Position of the driver tracking reference in driver world space * +[0] (x) is right * +[1] (y) is up * -[2] (z) is forward */ double vecPosition[ 3 ]; /* Velocity of the pose in meters/second */ double vecVelocity[ 3 ]; /* Acceleration of the pose in meters/second */ double vecAcceleration[ 3 ]; /* Orientation of the tracker, represented as a quaternion */ vr::HmdQuaternion_t qRotation; /* Angular velocity of the pose in axis-angle * representation. The direction is the angle of * rotation and the magnitude is the angle around * that axis in radians/second. */ double vecAngularVelocity[ 3 ]; /* Angular acceleration of the pose in axis-angle * representation. The direction is the angle of * rotation and the magnitude is the angle around * that axis in radians/second^2. */ double vecAngularAcceleration[ 3 ]; ETrackingResult result; bool poseIsValid; bool willDriftInYaw; bool shouldApplyHeadModel; bool deviceIsConnected; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Represents a single tracked device in a driver // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ITrackedDeviceServerDriver { public: // ------------------------------------ // Management Methods // ------------------------------------ /** This is called before an HMD is returned to the application. It will always be * called before any display or tracking methods. Memory and processor use by the * ITrackedDeviceServerDriver object should be kept to a minimum until it is activated. * The pose listener is guaranteed to be valid until Deactivate is called, but * should not be used after that point. */ virtual EVRInitError Activate( uint32_t unObjectId ) = 0; /** This is called when The VR system is switching from this Hmd being the active display * to another Hmd being the active display. The driver should clean whatever memory * and thread use it can when it is deactivated */ virtual void Deactivate() = 0; /** Handles a request from the system to put this device into standby mode. What that means is defined per-device. */ virtual void EnterStandby() = 0; /** Requests a component interface of the driver for device-specific functionality. The driver should return NULL * if the requested interface or version is not supported. */ virtual void *GetComponent( const char *pchComponentNameAndVersion ) = 0; /** A VR Client has made this debug request of the driver. The set of valid requests is entirely * up to the driver and the client to figure out, as is the format of the response. Responses that * exceed the length of the supplied buffer should be truncated and null terminated */ virtual void DebugRequest( const char *pchRequest, char *pchResponseBuffer, uint32_t unResponseBufferSize ) = 0; // ------------------------------------ // Tracking Methods // ------------------------------------ virtual DriverPose_t GetPose() = 0; }; static const char *ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_Version = "ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_005"; } // ivrdisplaycomponent.h namespace vr { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The display component on a single tracked device // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRDisplayComponent { public: // ------------------------------------ // Display Methods // ------------------------------------ /** Size and position that the window needs to be on the VR display. */ virtual void GetWindowBounds( int32_t *pnX, int32_t *pnY, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0; /** Returns true if the display is extending the desktop. */ virtual bool IsDisplayOnDesktop( ) = 0; /** Returns true if the display is real and not a fictional display. */ virtual bool IsDisplayRealDisplay( ) = 0; /** Suggested size for the intermediate render target that the distortion pulls from. */ virtual void GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize( uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0; /** Gets the viewport in the frame buffer to draw the output of the distortion into */ virtual void GetEyeOutputViewport( EVREye eEye, uint32_t *pnX, uint32_t *pnY, uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight ) = 0; /** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your * application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */ virtual void GetProjectionRaw( EVREye eEye, float *pfLeft, float *pfRight, float *pfTop, float *pfBottom ) = 0; /** Returns the result of the distortion function for the specified eye and input UVs. UVs go from 0,0 in * the upper left of that eye's viewport and 1,1 in the lower right of that eye's viewport. */ virtual DistortionCoordinates_t ComputeDistortion( EVREye eEye, float fU, float fV ) = 0; /** Computes the result of the inverse distortion function for the specified eye, channel, and input UV. * Operation can fail, returns success/failure, on success result is stored in *pResult */ virtual bool ComputeInverseDistortion( HmdVector2_t *pResult, EVREye eEye, uint32_t unChannel, float fU, float fV ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRDisplayComponent_Version = "IVRDisplayComponent_003"; } // ivrdriverdirectmodecomponent.h namespace vr { enum VRSwapTextureFlag { // Specify that the shared texture resource was created with the SHARED_NTHANDLE option (Windows) VRSwapTextureFlag_Shared_NTHandle = 1 << 0, }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: This component is used for drivers that implement direct mode entirely on their own // without allowing the VR Compositor to own the window/device. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRDriverDirectModeComponent { public: // ----------------------------------- // Direct mode methods // ----------------------------------- struct SwapTextureSetDesc_t { uint32_t nWidth; uint32_t nHeight; uint32_t nFormat; uint32_t nSampleCount; }; struct SwapTextureSet_t { vr::SharedTextureHandle_t rSharedTextureHandles[ 3 ]; uint32_t unTextureFlags; }; /** Called to allocate textures for applications to render into. One of these per eye will be passed back to SubmitLayer each frame. */ virtual void CreateSwapTextureSet( uint32_t unPid, const SwapTextureSetDesc_t *pSwapTextureSetDesc, SwapTextureSet_t *pOutSwapTextureSet ) {} /** Used to textures created using CreateSwapTextureSet. Only one of the set's handles needs to be used to destroy the entire set. */ virtual void DestroySwapTextureSet( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t sharedTextureHandle ) {} /** Used to purge all texture sets for a given process. */ virtual void DestroyAllSwapTextureSets( uint32_t unPid ) {} /** After Present returns, calls this to get the next index to use for rendering. */ virtual void GetNextSwapTextureSetIndex( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t sharedTextureHandles[ 2 ], uint32_t( *pIndices )[ 2 ] ) {} /** Call once per layer to draw for this frame. One shared texture handle per eye. Textures must be created * using CreateSwapTextureSet and should be alternated per frame. Call Present once all layers have been submitted. */ struct SubmitLayerPerEye_t { // Shared texture handles (depth not always provided). vr::SharedTextureHandle_t hTexture, hDepthTexture; // Valid region of provided texture (and depth). vr::VRTextureBounds_t bounds; // Projection matrix used to render the depth buffer. vr::HmdMatrix44_t mProjection; // Hmd pose used to render this layer. vr::HmdMatrix34_t mHmdPose; // Time in seconds from now that mHmdPose was predicted to. float flHmdPosePredictionTimeInSecondsFromNow; }; virtual void SubmitLayer( const SubmitLayerPerEye_t( &perEye )[ 2 ] ) {} /** Submits queued layers for display. */ virtual void Present( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t syncTexture ) {} /** Called after Present to allow driver to take more time until vsync after they've successfully acquired the sync texture in Present. * Set Prop_Hmd_SupportsAppThrottling_Bool to enable throttling / prediction UI in per-app video settings. */ struct Throttling_t { uint32_t nFramesToThrottle; uint32_t nAdditionalFramesToPredict; }; virtual void PostPresent( const Throttling_t *pThrottling ) {} /** Called to get additional frame timing stats from driver. Check m_nSize for versioning (new members will be added to end only). */ virtual void GetFrameTiming( DriverDirectMode_FrameTiming *pFrameTiming ) { /** VRCompositor_ReprojectionMotion_XXX flags get passed in, and since these overlap with VRCompositor_ThrottleMask, they need * to be cleared out if this function isn't implemented; otherwise, those settings will get interpreted as throttling. */ pFrameTiming->m_nReprojectionFlags = 0; } }; static const char *IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_Version = "IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_009"; } // ivrcameracomponent.h namespace vr { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ICameraVideoSinkCallback { public: virtual void OnCameraVideoSinkCallback() = 0; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: The camera on a single tracked device // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRCameraComponent { public: // ------------------------------------ // Camera Methods // ------------------------------------ virtual bool GetCameraFrameDimensions( vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat nVideoStreamFormat, uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight ) = 0; virtual bool GetCameraFrameBufferingRequirements( int *pDefaultFrameQueueSize, uint32_t *pFrameBufferDataSize ) = 0; virtual bool SetCameraFrameBuffering( int nFrameBufferCount, void **ppFrameBuffers, uint32_t nFrameBufferDataSize ) = 0; virtual bool SetCameraVideoStreamFormat( vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat nVideoStreamFormat ) = 0; virtual vr::ECameraVideoStreamFormat GetCameraVideoStreamFormat() = 0; virtual bool StartVideoStream() = 0; virtual void StopVideoStream() = 0; virtual bool IsVideoStreamActive( bool *pbPaused, float *pflElapsedTime ) = 0; virtual const vr::CameraVideoStreamFrame_t *GetVideoStreamFrame() = 0; virtual void ReleaseVideoStreamFrame( const vr::CameraVideoStreamFrame_t *pFrameImage ) = 0; virtual bool SetAutoExposure( bool bEnable ) = 0; virtual bool PauseVideoStream() = 0; virtual bool ResumeVideoStream() = 0; virtual bool GetCameraDistortion( uint32_t nCameraIndex, float flInputU, float flInputV, float *pflOutputU, float *pflOutputV ) = 0; virtual bool GetCameraProjection( uint32_t nCameraIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, float flZNear, float flZFar, vr::HmdMatrix44_t *pProjection ) = 0; virtual bool SetFrameRate( int nISPFrameRate, int nSensorFrameRate ) = 0; virtual bool SetCameraVideoSinkCallback( vr::ICameraVideoSinkCallback *pCameraVideoSinkCallback ) = 0; virtual bool GetCameraCompatibilityMode( vr::ECameraCompatibilityMode *pCameraCompatibilityMode ) = 0; virtual bool SetCameraCompatibilityMode( vr::ECameraCompatibilityMode nCameraCompatibilityMode ) = 0; virtual bool GetCameraFrameBounds( vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, uint32_t *pLeft, uint32_t *pTop, uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight ) = 0; virtual bool GetCameraIntrinsics( uint32_t nCameraIndex, vr::EVRTrackedCameraFrameType eFrameType, HmdVector2_t *pFocalLength, HmdVector2_t *pCenter, vr::EVRDistortionFunctionType *peDistortionType, double rCoefficients[ k_unMaxDistortionFunctionParameters ] ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRCameraComponent_Version = "IVRCameraComponent_003"; } // itrackeddevicedriverprovider.h namespace vr { class ITrackedDeviceServerDriver; struct TrackedDeviceDriverInfo_t; struct DriverPose_t; /** This interface is provided by vrserver to allow the driver to notify * the system when something changes about a device. These changes must * not change the serial number or class of the device because those values * are permanently associated with the device's index. */ class IVRDriverContext { public: /** Returns the requested interface. If the interface was not available it will return NULL and fill * out the error. */ virtual void *GetGenericInterface( const char *pchInterfaceVersion, EVRInitError *peError = nullptr ) = 0; /** Returns the property container handle for this driver */ virtual DriverHandle_t GetDriverHandle() = 0; }; /** This interface must be implemented in each driver. It will be loaded in vrserver.exe */ class IServerTrackedDeviceProvider { public: /** initializes the driver. This will be called before any other methods are called. * If Init returns anything other than VRInitError_None the driver DLL will be unloaded. * * pDriverHost will never be NULL, and will always be a pointer to a IServerDriverHost interface * * pchUserDriverConfigDir - The absolute path of the directory where the driver should store user * config files. * pchDriverInstallDir - The absolute path of the root directory for the driver. */ virtual EVRInitError Init( IVRDriverContext *pDriverContext ) = 0; /** cleans up the driver right before it is unloaded */ virtual void Cleanup() = 0; /** Returns the version of the ITrackedDeviceServerDriver interface used by this driver */ virtual const char * const *GetInterfaceVersions() = 0; /** Allows the driver do to some work in the main loop of the server. */ virtual void RunFrame() = 0; // ------------ Power State Functions ----------------------- // /** Returns true if the driver wants to block Standby mode. */ virtual bool ShouldBlockStandbyMode() = 0; /** Called when the system is entering Standby mode. The driver should switch itself into whatever sort of low-power * state it has. */ virtual void EnterStandby() = 0; /** Called when the system is leaving Standby mode. The driver should switch itself back to full operation. */ virtual void LeaveStandby() = 0; }; static const char *IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_Version = "IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004"; /** This interface must be implemented in each driver. It will be loaded in vrclient.dll */ class IVRWatchdogProvider { public: /** initializes the driver in watchdog mode. */ virtual EVRInitError Init( IVRDriverContext *pDriverContext ) = 0; /** cleans up the driver right before it is unloaded */ virtual void Cleanup() = 0; }; static const char *IVRWatchdogProvider_Version = "IVRWatchdogProvider_001"; /** This is an optional interface drivers may implement. It will be loaded in vrcompositor.exe */ class IVRCompositorPluginProvider { public: /** initializes the driver when used to load compositor plugins */ virtual EVRInitError Init( IVRDriverContext *pDriverContext ) = 0; /** cleans up the driver right before it is unloaded */ virtual void Cleanup() = 0; /** Returns the versions of interfaces used by this driver */ virtual const char * const *GetInterfaceVersions() = 0; /** Requests a component interface of the driver for specific functionality. The driver should return NULL * if the requested interface or version is not supported. */ virtual void *GetComponent( const char *pchComponentNameAndVersion ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRCompositorPluginProvider_Version = "IVRCompositorPluginProvider_001"; } // ivrproperties.h #include #include namespace vr { /** This container is automatically created before a display redirect device is activated. * Any properties in this container will be returned when that property is read from the HMD's * property container. */ static const PropertyContainerHandle_t k_ulDisplayRedirectContainer = 0x600000003; enum EPropertyWriteType { PropertyWrite_Set = 0, PropertyWrite_Erase = 1, PropertyWrite_SetError = 2 }; struct PropertyWrite_t { ETrackedDeviceProperty prop; EPropertyWriteType writeType; ETrackedPropertyError eSetError; void *pvBuffer; uint32_t unBufferSize; PropertyTypeTag_t unTag; ETrackedPropertyError eError; }; struct PropertyRead_t { ETrackedDeviceProperty prop; void *pvBuffer; uint32_t unBufferSize; PropertyTypeTag_t unTag; uint32_t unRequiredBufferSize; ETrackedPropertyError eError; }; class IVRProperties { public: /** Reads a set of properties atomically. See the PropertyReadBatch_t struct for more information. */ virtual ETrackedPropertyError ReadPropertyBatch( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, PropertyRead_t *pBatch, uint32_t unBatchEntryCount ) = 0; /** Writes a set of properties atomically. See the PropertyWriteBatch_t struct for more information. */ virtual ETrackedPropertyError WritePropertyBatch( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, PropertyWrite_t *pBatch, uint32_t unBatchEntryCount ) = 0; /** returns a string that corresponds with the specified property error. The string will be the name * of the error enum value for all valid error codes */ virtual const char *GetPropErrorNameFromEnum( ETrackedPropertyError error ) = 0; /** Returns a container handle given a tracked device index */ virtual PropertyContainerHandle_t TrackedDeviceToPropertyContainer( TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDevice ) = 0; }; static const char * const IVRProperties_Version = "IVRProperties_001"; class CVRPropertyHelpers { public: CVRPropertyHelpers( IVRProperties * pProperties ) : m_pProperties( pProperties ) {} /** Gets the typed property according to the caller's expected return type. */ template T GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ); /** Returns a scaler property. If the device index is not valid or the property value type does not match, * this function will return false. */ bool GetBoolProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); float GetFloatProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); int32_t GetInt32Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); uint64_t GetUint64Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); HmdVector2_t GetVec2Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); HmdVector3_t GetVec3Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); HmdVector4_t GetVec4Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); double GetDoubleProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); /** Returns a single typed property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing * null. Strings will always fit in buffers of k_unMaxPropertyStringSize characters. */ uint32_t GetProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, VR_OUT_STRING() void *pvBuffer, uint32_t unBufferSize, PropertyTypeTag_t *punTag, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); /** Returns a string property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing * null. Strings will always fit in buffers of k_unMaxPropertyStringSize characters. */ uint32_t GetStringProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ); /** Returns a string property as a std::string. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return an empty string. */ std::string GetStringProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError = nullptr ); /** Reads a std::vector of data from a property. */ template< typename T> ETrackedPropertyError GetPropertyVector( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, PropertyTypeTag_t unExpectedTag, std::vector *pvecResults ); /** Sets a scaler property. The new value will be returned on any subsequent call to get this property in any process. */ ETrackedPropertyError SetBoolProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, bool bNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetFloatProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, float fNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetInt32Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, int32_t nNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetUint64Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, uint64_t ulNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetVec2Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector2_t & vNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetVec3Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector3_t & vNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetVec4Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector4_t & vNewValue ); ETrackedPropertyError SetDoubleProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, double vNewValue ); /** Sets a string property. The new value will be returned on any subsequent call to get this property in any process. */ ETrackedPropertyError SetStringProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const char *pchNewValue ); /** Sets a single typed property. The new value will be returned on any subsequent call to get this property in any process. */ ETrackedPropertyError SetProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, void *pvNewValue, uint32_t unNewValueSize, PropertyTypeTag_t unTag ); /** Sets the error return value for a property. This value will be returned on all subsequent requests to get the property */ ETrackedPropertyError SetPropertyError( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError eError ); /** Clears any value or error set for the property. */ ETrackedPropertyError EraseProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop ); /* Turns a device index into a property container handle. */ PropertyContainerHandle_t TrackedDeviceToPropertyContainer( TrackedDeviceIndex_t nDevice ) { return m_pProperties->TrackedDeviceToPropertyContainer( nDevice ); } /** Sets a std::vector of typed data to a property. */ template< typename T> ETrackedPropertyError SetPropertyVector( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, PropertyTypeTag_t unExpectedTag, std::vector *vecProperties ); /** Returns true if the specified property is set on the specified container */ bool IsPropertySet( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *peError = nullptr ); private: template T GetPropertyHelper( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError, T bDefault, PropertyTypeTag_t unTypeTag ); IVRProperties *m_pProperties; }; /** Returns a string property as a std::string. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return an empty string. */ template <> inline std::string CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetStringProperty( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline bool CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetBoolProperty( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline float CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetFloatProperty( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline int32_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetInt32Property( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline uint64_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetUint64Property( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline HmdVector2_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetVec2Property( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline HmdVector3_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetVec3Property( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline HmdVector4_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetVec4Property( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } template <> inline double CVRPropertyHelpers::GetTypedProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { return GetDoubleProperty( ulContainer, prop, peError ); } inline uint32_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, VR_OUT_STRING() void *pvBuffer, uint32_t unBufferSize, PropertyTypeTag_t *punTag, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { PropertyRead_t batch; batch.prop = prop; batch.pvBuffer = pvBuffer; batch.unBufferSize = unBufferSize; m_pProperties->ReadPropertyBatch( ulContainerHandle, &batch, 1 ); if ( pError ) { *pError = batch.eError; } if ( punTag ) { *punTag = batch.unTag; } return batch.unRequiredBufferSize; } /** Sets a single typed property. The new value will be returned on any subsequent call to get this property in any process. */ inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, void *pvNewValue, uint32_t unNewValueSize, PropertyTypeTag_t unTag ) { PropertyWrite_t batch; batch.writeType = PropertyWrite_Set; batch.prop = prop; batch.pvBuffer = pvNewValue; batch.unBufferSize = unNewValueSize; batch.unTag = unTag; m_pProperties->WritePropertyBatch( ulContainerHandle, &batch, 1 ); return batch.eError; } /** Returns a string property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing * null. Strings will always fit in buffers of k_unMaxPropertyStringSize characters. */ inline uint32_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetStringProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { PropertyTypeTag_t unTag; ETrackedPropertyError error; uint32_t unRequiredSize = GetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, pchValue, unBufferSize, &unTag, &error ); if ( unTag != k_unStringPropertyTag && error == TrackedProp_Success ) { error = TrackedProp_WrongDataType; } if ( pError ) { *pError = error; } if ( error != TrackedProp_Success ) { if ( pchValue && unBufferSize ) { *pchValue = '\0'; } } return unRequiredSize; } /** Returns a string property as a std::string. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will * return an empty string. */ inline std::string CVRPropertyHelpers::GetStringProperty( vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, vr::ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { char buf[1024]; vr::ETrackedPropertyError err; uint32_t unRequiredBufferLen = GetStringProperty( ulContainer, prop, buf, sizeof(buf), &err ); std::string sResult; if ( err == TrackedProp_Success ) { sResult = buf; } else if ( err == TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall ) { char *pchBuffer = new char[unRequiredBufferLen]; unRequiredBufferLen = GetStringProperty( ulContainer, prop, pchBuffer, unRequiredBufferLen, &err ); sResult = pchBuffer; delete[] pchBuffer; } if ( peError ) { *peError = err; } return sResult; } /** Sets a string property. The new value will be returned on any subsequent call to get this property in any process. */ inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetStringProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const char *pchNewValue ) { if ( !pchNewValue ) return TrackedProp_InvalidOperation; // this is strlen without the dependency on string.h const char *pchCurr = pchNewValue; while ( *pchCurr ) { pchCurr++; } return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, (void *)pchNewValue, (uint32_t)(pchCurr - pchNewValue) + 1, k_unStringPropertyTag ); } template inline T CVRPropertyHelpers::GetPropertyHelper( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError, T bDefault, PropertyTypeTag_t unTypeTag ) { T bValue; ETrackedPropertyError eError; PropertyTypeTag_t unReadTag; GetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &bValue, sizeof( bValue ), &unReadTag, &eError ); if ( unReadTag != unTypeTag && eError == TrackedProp_Success ) { eError = TrackedProp_WrongDataType; }; if ( pError ) *pError = eError; if ( eError != TrackedProp_Success ) { return bDefault; } else { return bValue; } } inline bool CVRPropertyHelpers::GetBoolProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, false, k_unBoolPropertyTag ); } inline float CVRPropertyHelpers::GetFloatProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, 0.f, k_unFloatPropertyTag ); } inline double CVRPropertyHelpers::GetDoubleProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, 0., k_unDoublePropertyTag ); } inline int32_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetInt32Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, 0, k_unInt32PropertyTag ); } inline uint64_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetUint64Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, 0, k_unUint64PropertyTag ); } inline HmdVector2_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetVec2Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { HmdVector2_t defaultval = { { 0, 0 } }; return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, defaultval, k_unHmdVector2PropertyTag ); } inline HmdVector3_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetVec3Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { HmdVector3_t defaultval = { { 0, 0, 0 } }; return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, defaultval, k_unHmdVector3PropertyTag ); } inline HmdVector4_t CVRPropertyHelpers::GetVec4Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError ) { HmdVector4_t defaultval = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; return GetPropertyHelper( ulContainerHandle, prop, pError, defaultval, k_unHmdVector4PropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetBoolProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, bool bNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &bNewValue, sizeof( bNewValue ), k_unBoolPropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetFloatProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, float fNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &fNewValue, sizeof( fNewValue ), k_unFloatPropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetDoubleProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, double fNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &fNewValue, sizeof( fNewValue ), k_unDoublePropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetInt32Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, int32_t nNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &nNewValue, sizeof( nNewValue ), k_unInt32PropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetUint64Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, uint64_t ulNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, &ulNewValue, sizeof( ulNewValue ), k_unUint64PropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetVec2Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector2_t & vNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, ( void * ) &vNewValue, sizeof( HmdVector2_t ), k_unHmdVector2PropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetVec3Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector3_t & vNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, ( void * ) &vNewValue, sizeof( HmdVector3_t ), k_unHmdVector3PropertyTag ); } inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetVec4Property( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, const HmdVector4_t & vNewValue ) { return SetProperty( ulContainerHandle, prop, ( void * ) &vNewValue, sizeof( HmdVector4_t ), k_unHmdVector4PropertyTag ); } /** Sets the error return value for a property. This value will be returned on all subsequent requests to get the property */ inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetPropertyError( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError eError ) { PropertyWrite_t batch; batch.writeType = PropertyWrite_SetError; batch.prop = prop; batch.eSetError = eError; m_pProperties->WritePropertyBatch( ulContainerHandle, &batch, 1 ); return batch.eError; } /** Clears any value or error set for the property. */ inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::EraseProperty( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainerHandle, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop ) { PropertyWrite_t batch; batch.writeType = PropertyWrite_Erase; batch.prop = prop; m_pProperties->WritePropertyBatch( ulContainerHandle, &batch, 1 ); return batch.eError; } template< typename T > ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::SetPropertyVector(PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, PropertyTypeTag_t unTag, std::vector *pvecProperties) { return SetProperty( ulContainer, prop, &(*pvecProperties)[0], (uint32_t)(pvecProperties->size() * sizeof( T )), unTag ); } template< typename T > ETrackedPropertyError CVRPropertyHelpers::GetPropertyVector( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, PropertyTypeTag_t unExpectedTag, std::vector *pvecResults ) { ETrackedPropertyError err; PropertyTypeTag_t unTag; uint32_t unNeeded; if ( pvecResults->empty() ) unNeeded = GetProperty( ulContainer, prop, nullptr, 0, &unTag, &err ); else unNeeded = GetProperty( ulContainer, prop, &(*pvecResults)[0], (uint32_t)(pvecResults->size() * sizeof( T )), &unTag, &err ); uint32_t unFound = unNeeded / sizeof( T ); if ( err == TrackedProp_Success ) { if ( unTag != unExpectedTag && unFound > 0 ) { return TrackedProp_WrongDataType; } pvecResults->resize( unFound ); return TrackedProp_Success; } else if ( err == TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall ) { pvecResults->resize( unFound ); unNeeded = GetProperty( ulContainer, prop, &(*pvecResults)[0], (uint32_t)(pvecResults->size() * sizeof( T )), &unTag, &err ); unFound = unNeeded / sizeof( T ); if ( err == TrackedProp_Success ) { if ( unTag != unExpectedTag ) { return TrackedProp_WrongDataType; } pvecResults->resize( unFound ); return TrackedProp_Success; } } return err; } inline bool CVRPropertyHelpers::IsPropertySet( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { ETrackedPropertyError error; GetProperty( ulContainer, prop, nullptr, 0, nullptr, &error ); if ( peError ) *peError = error; return error == TrackedProp_Success || error == TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall; } } // ivrdriverinput.h namespace vr { typedef uint64_t VRInputComponentHandle_t; static const VRInputComponentHandle_t k_ulInvalidInputComponentHandle = 0; enum EVRScalarType { VRScalarType_Absolute = 0, VRScalarType_Relative = 1, }; enum EVRScalarUnits { VRScalarUnits_NormalizedOneSided = 0, // Value ranges from 0 to 1 VRScalarUnits_NormalizedTwoSided = 1, // Value ranges from -1 to 1 }; class IVRDriverInput { public: /** Creates a boolean input component for the device */ virtual EVRInputError CreateBooleanComponent( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, const char *pchName, VRInputComponentHandle_t *pHandle ) = 0; /** Updates a boolean component */ virtual EVRInputError UpdateBooleanComponent( VRInputComponentHandle_t ulComponent, bool bNewValue, double fTimeOffset ) = 0; /** Creates a scalar input component for the device */ virtual EVRInputError CreateScalarComponent( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, const char *pchName, VRInputComponentHandle_t *pHandle, EVRScalarType eType, EVRScalarUnits eUnits ) = 0; /** Updates a boolean component */ virtual EVRInputError UpdateScalarComponent( VRInputComponentHandle_t ulComponent, float fNewValue, double fTimeOffset ) = 0; /** Creates a haptic component for the device */ virtual EVRInputError CreateHapticComponent( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, const char *pchName, VRInputComponentHandle_t *pHandle ) = 0; /** Creates a skeleton component. */ virtual EVRInputError CreateSkeletonComponent( PropertyContainerHandle_t ulContainer, const char *pchName, const char *pchSkeletonPath, const char *pchBasePosePath, EVRSkeletalTrackingLevel eSkeletalTrackingLevel, const VRBoneTransform_t *pGripLimitTransforms, uint32_t unGripLimitTransformCount, VRInputComponentHandle_t *pHandle ) = 0; /** Updates a skeleton component. */ virtual EVRInputError UpdateSkeletonComponent( VRInputComponentHandle_t ulComponent, EVRSkeletalMotionRange eMotionRange, const VRBoneTransform_t *pTransforms, uint32_t unTransformCount ) = 0; }; static const char * const IVRDriverInput_Version = "IVRDriverInput_003"; } // namespace vr // ivrdriverlog.h namespace vr { class IVRDriverLog { public: /** Writes a log message to the log file prefixed with the driver name */ virtual void Log( const char *pchLogMessage ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRDriverLog_Version = "IVRDriverLog_001"; } // ivrserverdriverhost.h namespace vr { class ITrackedDeviceServerDriver; struct TrackedDeviceDriverInfo_t; struct DriverPose_t; /** This interface is provided by vrserver to allow the driver to notify * the system when something changes about a device. These changes must * not change the serial number or class of the device because those values * are permanently associated with the device's index. */ class IVRServerDriverHost { public: /** Notifies the server that a tracked device has been added. If this function returns true * the server will call Activate on the device. If it returns false some kind of error * has occurred and the device will not be activated. */ virtual bool TrackedDeviceAdded( const char *pchDeviceSerialNumber, ETrackedDeviceClass eDeviceClass, ITrackedDeviceServerDriver *pDriver ) = 0; /** Notifies the server that a tracked device's pose has been updated */ virtual void TrackedDevicePoseUpdated( uint32_t unWhichDevice, const DriverPose_t & newPose, uint32_t unPoseStructSize ) = 0; /** Notifies the server that vsync has occurred on the the display attached to the device. This is * only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */ virtual void VsyncEvent( double vsyncTimeOffsetSeconds ) = 0; /** Sends a vendor specific event (VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start..VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End */ virtual void VendorSpecificEvent( uint32_t unWhichDevice, vr::EVREventType eventType, const VREvent_Data_t & eventData, double eventTimeOffset ) = 0; /** Returns true if SteamVR is exiting */ virtual bool IsExiting() = 0; /** Returns true and fills the event with the next event on the queue if there is one. If there are no events * this method returns false. uncbVREvent should be the size in bytes of the VREvent_t struct */ virtual bool PollNextEvent( VREvent_t *pEvent, uint32_t uncbVREvent ) = 0; /** Provides access to device poses for drivers. Poses are in their "raw" tracking space which is uniquely * defined by each driver providing poses for its devices. It is up to clients of this function to correlate * poses across different drivers. Poses are indexed by their device id, and their associated driver and * other properties can be looked up via IVRProperties. */ virtual void GetRawTrackedDevicePoses( float fPredictedSecondsFromNow, TrackedDevicePose_t *pTrackedDevicePoseArray, uint32_t unTrackedDevicePoseArrayCount ) = 0; /** Requests that SteamVR be restarted. The provided reason will be displayed to the user and should be in the current locale. */ virtual void RequestRestart( const char *pchLocalizedReason, const char *pchExecutableToStart, const char *pchArguments, const char *pchWorkingDirectory ) = 0; /** Interface for copying a range of timing data. Frames are returned in ascending order (oldest to newest) with the last being the most recent frame. * Only the first entry's m_nSize needs to be set, as the rest will be inferred from that. Returns total number of entries filled out. */ virtual uint32_t GetFrameTimings( Compositor_FrameTiming *pTiming, uint32_t nFrames ) = 0; /** Notifies the server that a tracked device's display component transforms have been updated. * only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */ virtual void SetDisplayEyeToHead( uint32_t unWhichDevice, const HmdMatrix34_t & eyeToHeadLeft, const HmdMatrix34_t & eyeToHeadRight ) = 0; /** Notifies the server that a tracked device's display projection has changed. * only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */ virtual void SetDisplayProjectionRaw( uint32_t unWhichDevice, const HmdRect2_t & eyeLeft, const HmdRect2_t & eyeRight ) = 0; /** Notifies the server that a tracked device's recommended render target resolution has changed. * only permitted on devices of the HMD class. */ virtual void SetRecommendedRenderTargetSize( uint32_t unWhichDevice, uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRServerDriverHost_Version = "IVRServerDriverHost_006"; } // ivrcompositordriverhost.h namespace vr { class IVRCompositorDriverHost { public: /** Returns true and fills the event with the next event on the queue if there is one. If there are no events * this method returns false. uncbVREvent should be the size in bytes of the VREvent_t struct */ virtual bool PollNextEvent( VREvent_t *pEvent, uint32_t uncbVREvent ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRCompositorDriverHost_Version = "IVRCompositorDriverHost_001"; } // ivrhiddenarea.h namespace vr { class CVRHiddenAreaHelpers { public: CVRHiddenAreaHelpers( IVRProperties *pProperties ) : m_pProperties( pProperties ) {} /** Stores a hidden area mesh in a property */ ETrackedPropertyError SetHiddenArea( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type, HmdVector2_t *pVerts, uint32_t unVertCount ); /** retrieves a hidden area mesh from a property. Returns the vert count read out of the property. */ uint32_t GetHiddenArea( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type, HmdVector2_t *pVerts, uint32_t unVertCount, ETrackedPropertyError *peError ); private: ETrackedDeviceProperty GetPropertyEnum( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type ) { return (ETrackedDeviceProperty)(Prop_DisplayHiddenArea_Binary_Start + ((int)type * 2) + (int)eEye); } IVRProperties *m_pProperties; }; inline ETrackedPropertyError CVRHiddenAreaHelpers::SetHiddenArea( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type, HmdVector2_t *pVerts, uint32_t unVertCount ) { ETrackedDeviceProperty prop = GetPropertyEnum( eEye, type ); CVRPropertyHelpers propHelpers( m_pProperties ); return propHelpers.SetProperty( propHelpers.TrackedDeviceToPropertyContainer( k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd ), prop, pVerts, sizeof( HmdVector2_t ) * unVertCount, k_unHiddenAreaPropertyTag ); } inline uint32_t CVRHiddenAreaHelpers::GetHiddenArea( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type, HmdVector2_t *pVerts, uint32_t unVertCount, ETrackedPropertyError *peError ) { ETrackedDeviceProperty prop = GetPropertyEnum( eEye, type ); CVRPropertyHelpers propHelpers( m_pProperties ); ETrackedPropertyError propError; PropertyTypeTag_t unTag; uint32_t unBytesNeeded = propHelpers.GetProperty( propHelpers.TrackedDeviceToPropertyContainer( k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd ), prop, pVerts, sizeof( HmdVector2_t )*unVertCount, &unTag, &propError ); if ( propError == TrackedProp_Success && unTag != k_unHiddenAreaPropertyTag ) { propError = TrackedProp_WrongDataType; unBytesNeeded = 0; } if ( peError ) { *peError = propError; } return unBytesNeeded / sizeof( HmdVector2_t ); } } // ivrwatchdoghost.h namespace vr { /** This interface is provided by vrclient to allow the driver to make everything wake up */ class IVRWatchdogHost { public: /** Client drivers in watchdog mode should call this when they have received a signal from hardware that should * cause SteamVR to start */ virtual void WatchdogWakeUp( vr::ETrackedDeviceClass eDeviceClass ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRWatchdogHost_Version = "IVRWatchdogHost_002"; }; // ivrvirtualdisplay.h namespace vr { struct PresentInfo_t { SharedTextureHandle_t backbufferTextureHandle; EVSync vsync; uint64_t nFrameId; double flVSyncTimeInSeconds; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: This component is used for drivers that implement a virtual display (e.g. wireless). // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRVirtualDisplay { public: /** Submits final backbuffer for display. */ virtual void Present( const PresentInfo_t *pPresentInfo, uint32_t unPresentInfoSize ) = 0; /** Block until the last presented buffer start scanning out. */ virtual void WaitForPresent() = 0; /** Provides timing data for synchronizing with display. */ virtual bool GetTimeSinceLastVsync( float *pfSecondsSinceLastVsync, uint64_t *pulFrameCounter ) = 0; }; static const char *IVRVirtualDisplay_Version = "IVRVirtualDisplay_002"; } // ivrresources.h namespace vr { class IVRResources { public: // ------------------------------------ // Shared Resource Methods // ------------------------------------ /** Loads the specified resource into the provided buffer if large enough. * Returns the size in bytes of the buffer required to hold the specified resource. */ virtual uint32_t LoadSharedResource( const char *pchResourceName, char *pchBuffer, uint32_t unBufferLen ) = 0; /** Provides the full path to the specified resource. Resource names can include named directories for * drivers and other things, and this resolves all of those and returns the actual physical path. * pchResourceTypeDirectory is the subdirectory of resources to look in. */ virtual uint32_t GetResourceFullPath( const char *pchResourceName, const char *pchResourceTypeDirectory, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchPathBuffer, uint32_t unBufferLen ) = 0; }; static const char * const IVRResources_Version = "IVRResources_001"; } // ivriobuffer.h namespace vr { typedef uint64_t IOBufferHandle_t; static const uint64_t k_ulInvalidIOBufferHandle = 0; enum EIOBufferError { IOBuffer_Success = 0, IOBuffer_OperationFailed = 100, IOBuffer_InvalidHandle = 101, IOBuffer_InvalidArgument = 102, IOBuffer_PathExists = 103, IOBuffer_PathDoesNotExist = 104, IOBuffer_Permission = 105, }; enum EIOBufferMode { IOBufferMode_Read = 0x0001, IOBufferMode_Write = 0x0002, IOBufferMode_Create = 0x0200, }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRIOBuffer { public: /** opens an existing or creates a new IOBuffer of unSize bytes */ virtual vr::EIOBufferError Open( const char *pchPath, vr::EIOBufferMode mode, uint32_t unElementSize, uint32_t unElements, vr::IOBufferHandle_t *pulBuffer ) = 0; /** closes a previously opened or created buffer */ virtual vr::EIOBufferError Close( vr::IOBufferHandle_t ulBuffer ) = 0; /** reads up to unBytes from buffer into *pDst, returning number of bytes read in *punRead */ virtual vr::EIOBufferError Read( vr::IOBufferHandle_t ulBuffer, void *pDst, uint32_t unBytes, uint32_t *punRead ) = 0; /** writes unBytes of data from *pSrc into a buffer. */ virtual vr::EIOBufferError Write( vr::IOBufferHandle_t ulBuffer, void *pSrc, uint32_t unBytes ) = 0; /** retrieves the property container of an buffer. */ virtual vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t PropertyContainer( vr::IOBufferHandle_t ulBuffer ) = 0; /** inexpensively checks for readers to allow writers to fast-fail potentially expensive copies and writes. */ virtual bool HasReaders( vr::IOBufferHandle_t ulBuffer ) = 0; }; static const char * const IVRIOBuffer_Version = "IVRIOBuffer_002"; } // ivrdrivermanager.h namespace vr { class IVRDriverManager { public: virtual uint32_t GetDriverCount() const = 0; /** Returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing null. */ virtual uint32_t GetDriverName( vr::DriverId_t nDriver, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize ) = 0; virtual DriverHandle_t GetDriverHandle( const char *pchDriverName ) = 0; virtual bool IsEnabled( vr::DriverId_t nDriver ) const = 0; }; static const char * const IVRDriverManager_Version = "IVRDriverManager_001"; } // namespace vr // ivrdriverspatialanchors.h namespace vr { struct SpatialAnchorDriverPose_t { /** This position is in the same "world" space (+Y up) as provided by DriverPose_t. */ vr::HmdQuaternion_t qWorldRotation; vr::HmdVector3d_t vWorldTranslation; /** The pose will automatically start returning VRSpatialAnchorError_NotAvailableInThisUniverse * if this is nonzero and does not match the current universe ID. */ uint64_t ulRequiredUniverseId; /** When this time expires, SteamVR will start generating * VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestPoseUpdate when the pose is read by an application * to let the driver know it is still worth updating. * You can use this facility in several ways: * 1. Set to -1 to never receive an update request for this pose. The driver * may still update poses at any time. * 2. Set to 0 to always receive an update request *after* each time the pose * is read. The rate of requests could be very high if the application gets * the pose at framerate. * 3. If the driver knows there is no reason to update the pose for some amount of * time, it can set that time here and receive the update request reminder later. * 4. If the driver plans to automatically update this pose for some amount of time * (as it gets better information about the virtual location of this anchor) it can * set that duration here to indicate that no "update requested" reminders are needed. * When that automatic update period expires, any future interest in the pose will * be indicated by a pose update request. * The driver may always update the pose, including during the valid duration. */ double fValidDuration; // seconds }; class IVRDriverSpatialAnchors { public: /* NOTE: You must declare support for spatial anchors in your driver manifest. Add * "spatialAnchorsSupport": true to your manifest. Without that setting, SteamVR * will short-circuit anchor requests from applications and provide a generic descriptor * that does not have any of the advantages of true spatial anchors. */ /* The driver should monitor for events VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestPoseUpdate (for new * descriptors from applications that need UpdateSpatialAnchorPose()) and for * VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestDescriptorUpdate (for new poses that need UpdateSpatialAnchorDescriptor()). * For automatic pose updates over time, the driver should keep track of the handles it * has seen and provide updates when conditions change. If the driver uses fValidDuration, * it may wait for VREvent_SpatialAnchors_RequestPoseUpdate instead of keeping track itself. */ /** Update a pose for a spatial anchor. Should be called when an event notifies the driver that a * new descriptor has been registered by an application. May be called for any anchor whenever the * driver has better information about the best virtual coordinate to represent the anchor. Should * be called on all active handles whenever driver state changes in a way that changes how physical * world locations map to virtual coordinates (e.g. anything that would cause a universe ID change). * This fires an event when it is called for the first time (to alert whoever submitted the descriptor). */ virtual EVRSpatialAnchorError UpdateSpatialAnchorPose( SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle, const SpatialAnchorDriverPose_t *pPose ) = 0; /** Invalidate any pose associated with the handle and cause future calls to GetSpatialAnchorPose (on * both the client and driver side) to return the specified error. eError must be one of * VRSpatialAnchorError_NotYetAvailable, VRSpatialAnchorError_NotAvailableInThisUniverse, or * VRSpatialAnchorError_PermanentlyUnavailable */ virtual EVRSpatialAnchorError SetSpatialAnchorPoseError( SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle, EVRSpatialAnchorError eError, double fValidDuration ) = 0; /** Update the descriptor for a spatial anchor. Should be called when an event notifies the driver * that a new pose has been registered by an application. May be called for any anchor whenever the * driver has better or additional information it wants to include in the anchor descriptor. Note, * however, that the application may never fetch the updated anchor descriptor and may request the * original descriptor in a future session having ignored the update. * The supplied descriptor should be only the driver's opaque internal data, not the decorated form that * is used by clients (wrapped by runtime metadata). The descriptor must not contain non-ASCII characters or * the two special characters ~ or " * This fires an event every time it is called. */ virtual EVRSpatialAnchorError UpdateSpatialAnchorDescriptor( SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle, const char *pchDescriptor ) = 0; /** Get the pose for a given handle. */ virtual EVRSpatialAnchorError GetSpatialAnchorPose( SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle, SpatialAnchorDriverPose_t *pDriverPoseOut ) = 0; /** Get the descriptor for a given handle. This will be VRSpatialAnchorError_NotYetAvailable for handles * where the driver has not yet built a descriptor. It will be the application-supplied descriptor for previously * saved anchors that the application is requesting poses for. If the driver has called UpdateSpatialAnchorDescriptor() * already in this session, it will be the descriptor provided by the driver. * If bDecorated, returns the descriptor wrapped with runtime metadata suitable for a client to save. Else returns only * the driver's opaque internal data. */ virtual EVRSpatialAnchorError GetSpatialAnchorDescriptor( SpatialAnchorHandle_t unHandle, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchDescriptorOut, uint32_t *punDescriptorBufferLenInOut, bool bDecorated ) = 0; }; static const char * const IVRDriverSpatialAnchors_Version = "IVRDriverSpatialAnchors_001"; } // namespace vr // ivripcresourcemanagerclient.h namespace vr { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Interact with the IPCResourceManager // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IVRIPCResourceManagerClient { public: /** Create a new tracked Vulkan Image * * nImageFormat: in VkFormat */ virtual bool NewSharedVulkanImage( uint32_t nImageFormat, uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight, bool bRenderable, bool bMappable, bool bComputeAccess, uint32_t unMipLevels, uint32_t unArrayLayerCount, vr::SharedTextureHandle_t *pSharedHandle ) = 0; /** Create a new tracked Vulkan Buffer */ virtual bool NewSharedVulkanBuffer( size_t nSize, uint32_t nUsageFlags, vr::SharedTextureHandle_t *pSharedHandle ) = 0; /** Create a new tracked Vulkan Semaphore */ virtual bool NewSharedVulkanSemaphore( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t *pSharedHandle ) = 0; /** Grab a reference to hSharedHandle, and optionally generate a new IPC handle if pNewIpcHandle is not nullptr */ virtual bool RefResource( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t hSharedHandle, uint64_t *pNewIpcHandle ) = 0; /** Drop a reference to hSharedHandle */ virtual bool UnrefResource( vr::SharedTextureHandle_t hSharedHandle ) = 0; protected: /** Non-deletable */ virtual ~IVRIPCResourceManagerClient() {}; }; static const char *IVRIPCResourceManagerClient_Version = "IVRIPCResourceManagerClient_001"; } namespace vr { #if !defined( OPENVR_INTERFACE_INTERNAL ) static const char * const k_InterfaceVersions[] = { IVRSettings_Version, ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_Version, IVRDisplayComponent_Version, IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_Version, IVRCameraComponent_Version, IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_Version, IVRWatchdogProvider_Version, IVRVirtualDisplay_Version, IVRDriverManager_Version, IVRResources_Version, IVRCompositorPluginProvider_Version, IVRIPCResourceManagerClient_Version, nullptr }; inline IVRDriverContext *&VRDriverContext() { static IVRDriverContext *pHost; return pHost; } class COpenVRDriverContext { public: COpenVRDriverContext() : m_propertyHelpers(nullptr), m_hiddenAreaHelpers(nullptr) { Clear(); } void Clear(); EVRInitError InitServer(); EVRInitError InitWatchdog(); EVRInitError InitCompositor(); IVRSettings *VRSettings() { if ( m_pVRSettings == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRSettings = (IVRSettings *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRSettings_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRSettings; } IVRProperties *VRPropertiesRaw() { if ( m_pVRProperties == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRProperties = (IVRProperties *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRProperties_Version, &eError ); m_propertyHelpers = CVRPropertyHelpers( m_pVRProperties ); m_hiddenAreaHelpers = CVRHiddenAreaHelpers( m_pVRProperties ); } return m_pVRProperties; } CVRPropertyHelpers *VRProperties() { VRPropertiesRaw(); return &m_propertyHelpers; } CVRHiddenAreaHelpers *VRHiddenArea() { VRPropertiesRaw(); return &m_hiddenAreaHelpers; } IVRServerDriverHost *VRServerDriverHost() { if ( m_pVRServerDriverHost == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRServerDriverHost = (IVRServerDriverHost *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRServerDriverHost_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRServerDriverHost; } IVRWatchdogHost *VRWatchdogHost() { if ( m_pVRWatchdogHost == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRWatchdogHost = (IVRWatchdogHost *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRWatchdogHost_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRWatchdogHost; } IVRCompositorDriverHost *VRCompositorDriverHost() { if ( m_pVRCompositorDriverHost == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRCompositorDriverHost = ( IVRCompositorDriverHost * )VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRCompositorDriverHost_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRCompositorDriverHost; } IVRDriverLog *VRDriverLog() { if ( m_pVRDriverLog == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRDriverLog = (IVRDriverLog *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRDriverLog_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRDriverLog; } DriverHandle_t VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverHandle() { return VRDriverContext()->GetDriverHandle(); } IVRDriverManager *VRDriverManager() { if ( !m_pVRDriverManager ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRDriverManager = (IVRDriverManager *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRDriverManager_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRDriverManager; } IVRResources *VRResources() { if ( !m_pVRResources ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRResources = (IVRResources *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRResources_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRResources; } IVRDriverInput *VRDriverInput() { if ( !m_pVRDriverInput ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRDriverInput = (IVRDriverInput *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRDriverInput_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRDriverInput; } IVRIOBuffer *VRIOBuffer() { if ( !m_pVRIOBuffer ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRIOBuffer = (IVRIOBuffer *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRIOBuffer_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRIOBuffer; } IVRDriverSpatialAnchors *VRDriverSpatialAnchors() { if ( !m_pVRDriverSpatialAnchors ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRDriverSpatialAnchors = (IVRDriverSpatialAnchors *)VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRDriverSpatialAnchors_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRDriverSpatialAnchors; } IVRIPCResourceManagerClient *VRIPCResourceManager() { if ( m_pVRIPCResourceManager == nullptr ) { EVRInitError eError; m_pVRIPCResourceManager = ( IVRIPCResourceManagerClient * )VRDriverContext()->GetGenericInterface( IVRIPCResourceManagerClient_Version, &eError ); } return m_pVRIPCResourceManager; } private: CVRPropertyHelpers m_propertyHelpers; CVRHiddenAreaHelpers m_hiddenAreaHelpers; IVRSettings *m_pVRSettings; IVRProperties *m_pVRProperties; IVRServerDriverHost *m_pVRServerDriverHost; IVRWatchdogHost *m_pVRWatchdogHost; IVRCompositorDriverHost *m_pVRCompositorDriverHost; IVRDriverLog *m_pVRDriverLog; IVRDriverManager *m_pVRDriverManager; IVRResources *m_pVRResources; IVRDriverInput *m_pVRDriverInput; IVRIOBuffer *m_pVRIOBuffer; IVRDriverSpatialAnchors *m_pVRDriverSpatialAnchors; IVRIPCResourceManagerClient *m_pVRIPCResourceManager; }; inline COpenVRDriverContext &OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext() { static void *ctx[sizeof( COpenVRDriverContext ) / sizeof( void * )]; return *(COpenVRDriverContext *)ctx; // bypass zero-init constructor } inline IVRSettings *VR_CALLTYPE VRSettings() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRSettings(); } inline IVRProperties *VR_CALLTYPE VRPropertiesRaw() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRPropertiesRaw(); } inline CVRPropertyHelpers *VR_CALLTYPE VRProperties() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRProperties(); } inline CVRHiddenAreaHelpers *VR_CALLTYPE VRHiddenArea() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRHiddenArea(); } inline IVRDriverLog *VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverLog() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRDriverLog(); } inline IVRServerDriverHost *VR_CALLTYPE VRServerDriverHost() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRServerDriverHost(); } inline IVRWatchdogHost *VR_CALLTYPE VRWatchdogHost() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRWatchdogHost(); } inline IVRCompositorDriverHost *VR_CALLTYPE VRCompositorDriverHost() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRCompositorDriverHost(); } inline DriverHandle_t VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverHandle() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRDriverHandle(); } inline IVRDriverManager *VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverManager() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRDriverManager(); } inline IVRResources *VR_CALLTYPE VRResources() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRResources(); } inline IVRDriverInput *VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverInput() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRDriverInput(); } inline IVRIOBuffer *VR_CALLTYPE VRIOBuffer() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRIOBuffer(); } inline IVRDriverSpatialAnchors *VR_CALLTYPE VRDriverSpatialAnchors() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRDriverSpatialAnchors(); } inline IVRIPCResourceManagerClient *VR_CALLTYPE VRIPCResourceManager() { return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().VRIPCResourceManager(); } inline void COpenVRDriverContext::Clear() { m_pVRSettings = nullptr; m_pVRProperties = nullptr; m_pVRServerDriverHost = nullptr; m_pVRWatchdogHost = nullptr; m_pVRCompositorDriverHost = nullptr; m_pVRDriverLog = nullptr; m_pVRDriverManager = nullptr; m_pVRResources = nullptr; m_pVRDriverInput = nullptr; m_pVRIOBuffer = nullptr; m_pVRDriverSpatialAnchors = nullptr; m_pVRIPCResourceManager = nullptr; } inline EVRInitError COpenVRDriverContext::InitServer() { Clear(); // VRIPCResourceManager initialized async. if ( !VRServerDriverHost() || !VRSettings() || !VRProperties() || !VRDriverLog() || !VRDriverManager() || !VRResources() ) return VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound; return VRInitError_None; } inline EVRInitError COpenVRDriverContext::InitWatchdog() { Clear(); if ( !VRWatchdogHost() || !VRSettings() || !VRDriverLog() ) return VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound; return VRInitError_None; } inline EVRInitError COpenVRDriverContext::InitCompositor() { Clear(); if ( !VRCompositorDriverHost() || !VRSettings() || !VRProperties() || !VRDriverLog() || !VRDriverManager() || !VRResources() ) return VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound; return VRInitError_None; } inline EVRInitError InitServerDriverContext( IVRDriverContext *pContext ) { VRDriverContext() = pContext; return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().InitServer(); } inline EVRInitError InitWatchdogDriverContext( IVRDriverContext *pContext ) { VRDriverContext() = pContext; return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().InitWatchdog(); } inline EVRInitError InitCompositorDriverContext( IVRDriverContext *pContext ) { VRDriverContext() = pContext; return OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().InitCompositor(); } inline void CleanupDriverContext() { VRDriverContext() = nullptr; OpenVRInternal_ModuleServerDriverContext().Clear(); } #define VR_INIT_SERVER_DRIVER_CONTEXT( pContext ) \ { \ vr::EVRInitError eError = vr::InitServerDriverContext( pContext ); \ if( eError != vr::VRInitError_None ) \ return eError; \ } #define VR_CLEANUP_SERVER_DRIVER_CONTEXT() \ vr::CleanupDriverContext(); #define VR_INIT_WATCHDOG_DRIVER_CONTEXT( pContext ) \ { \ vr::EVRInitError eError = vr::InitWatchdogDriverContext( pContext ); \ if( eError != vr::VRInitError_None ) \ return eError; \ } #define VR_CLEANUP_WATCHDOG_DRIVER_CONTEXT() \ vr::CleanupDriverContext(); #define VR_INIT_COMPOSITOR_DRIVER_CONTEXT( pContext ) \ { \ vr::EVRInitError eError = vr::InitCompositorDriverContext( pContext ); \ if( eError != vr::VRInitError_None ) \ return eError; \ } #define VR_CLEANUP_COMPOSITOR_DRIVER_CONTEXT() \ vr::CleanupDriverContext(); #endif // OPENVR_INTERFACE_INTERNAL } // End #endif // _OPENVR_DRIVER_API