### 0.10.3 - Bug fix [[BUG] Can no longer delete inventory items.](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/68) ### 0.10.1-2 - Add integration with DAE - Add module setting 'Enable DAE integration' by default is true - Bug fix [VariantEncumbrance calculates from original data rather than derived data (DAE support)](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/30) - Bug fix [[Request] Increasing carry weight on single actor isn't possible, could there be a % based system?](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/66) ### 0.10.0 - Big update - Added dependency to 'active-effect-manager-lib' - Bug fix on render actor sheet for the active ffect application ### 0.9.15 - Add moduel setting 'enableCurrencyWeight' ### 0.9.14 - Update API ### 0.9.12-13 - Add more debug log for help me with issues - Bug fix: Solved the strange case of Mr. 'Maxwell Trevallian' - Update labels ### 0.9.9-11 - Bug fix [Variant Encumbrance prevents me from adding items to inventory](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/65) ### 0.9.9-10 - Better integration with inventory-plus - Add new homebrew rule feature: Do Not increase weight by quantity for no ammunition item ### 0.9.8 - Add the none on the bulk data ### 0.9.7 - Add API Method calculateBulkOnActorWithItems ### 0.9.6 - Add API Method calculateWeightOnActorWithItems ### 0.9.5 - Add on apiithe method 'convertLbToBulk' - Bugg fix with inventory plus integration ### 0.9.4 - Better model data for recover encumbranc einformation in other modules (for the integration with inventory plus) ### 0.9.3 - Add some API method for retrieve the weight with all the filters applied ### 0.9.2 - Some bug fix for bulk system ### 0.9.1 - Little html and css fix ### 0.9.0 - BIG UPDATE: Clean up everything and integration with the long waited system bulk variant for dnd5e ### 0.8.5 - Avoid reset of the socket handler ### 0.8.4 [BREAKING CHANGE] - Big update of the manager effect - Bug fix for the metric system: Add support for metric ssystem on active effect (convert 10ft to 3mt and 20 ft to 6 mt) - Bug fix for the metric system: Add module setting 'lightWeightDecreaseMetric' - Bug fix for the metric system: Add module settings 'heavyWeightDecreaseMetric' ### 0.8.3 - Bug fix for the metric system: fail to calculate with modules setting 'enable Varian Encumbrance Weight On Actor Flag' - Bug fix for the metric system: Replace standard metric weight steps from 2.3/4.5/6.8 to 2.5/5/7.5 ### 0.8.2 - Add new Feature: Fake the metric system calculation, but we using the imperial one under the hood - Add new module setting 'Fake the metric system calculation, but we using the imperial one' ### 0.8.1 - Some small bug fix ### 0.8.0 [BREAKING CHANGES] - Update typescript - Abbandoned 0.8.X developing - Update design pattern of the project and integration with socketlib - Update effect handler - Bug fix overburdened not applied - Remove check of dae because DAE has some strange bug ??? (to ask to tim posney about it ) - Update the labels and module settings ### 0.7.8 - bug fix [Encumbrance movement penalty is doubled when DAE is enabled](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/59) ### 0.7.7 - Bug fix - Remove dynamic effects for longstrider and encumbrance movement ### 0.7.6 - Add check for verify if at least a gm is connected ### 0.7.5 - Ad more check for sokcet when using the popout module for fix [[BUG] Throwing Errors When Used with Pop Out and Item Containers](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/56) - Fix a error on the workflow avoid to return null seem to stop the weight calculation ### 0.7.4 - Add some check for fix [[BUG] Throwing Errors When Used with Pop Out and Item Containers](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/56) and [[BUG] Additional Error When Used with Pop Out and Item Containers](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/57) ### 0.7.3 - Add `item.flags` to the checking for the inventory + module during the weight calculation, from the issue [Inherent weight miscalculation in Inventory + module](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/43), very special ty to @aprusik for pointed that out. ### 0.7.2 - Clean up and update typescript ### 0.7.1 - Update README table of settings - Rename label 'useVarianEncumbranceWithSpecificActorType' to 'useVarianEncumbranceWithSpecificType' - change configuration 'useVarianEncumbranceWithSpecificType' from false to true ### Update 0.7.0 - Add new effect-handler, preparation to foundryvtt 9 ### Update 0.6.14 - Add [CHANGELOGS & CONFLICTS](https://github.com/theripper93/libChangelogs) hooks for better management of the conflicts ### Update 0.6.13 - Little performance add check if sheet is rendered avoid to recalculate for compatibility with others modules ### Update 0.6.12 - Add try catch for module compatibility on the mergeObject method during the update of a item ### Update 0.6.11 - Just add color to the header sheet button inspired from [Actor Link Indicator for Foundry VTT](https://github.com/saif-ellafi/foundryvtt-actor-link-indicator) ### Update 0.6.10 - change the default value of setting 'useStrengthMultiplier' to 'false' for bad feedback on the feature - Bug fix [Max weight values now many times larger than they should be](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/54) ### Update 0.6.9 - Better integration with [Inventory +](https://github.com/syl3r86/inventory-plus) - Add a module settings for the integration with the equipped/unequipped feature of the [Item Collection/Item Containers](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/itemcollection) module - Bug fix straneg behavior on the hook render actor need a mrge object for set up the correct values of the flags - Integration with [DragonFlagon Quality of Life, Vehicle Cargo Capacity Unit Feature](https://github.com/flamewave000/dragonflagon-fvtt/blob/master/df-qol/README.md#vehicle-cargo-capacity-unit) - Add new settings 'useStrengthMultiplier' - Add new settings 'useVarianEncumbranceWithSpecificType' - Many big fix ### Update 0.6.8 - Bug fix [[BUG]](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/52), forgot to add check for module 'DFreds Convenient Effects' - Add removAE for empty label but with the flag correct ### Update 0.6.7 - Change origin string on add effect from 'actorEntity.id' to `Actor.${actorEntity.data._id}` for strange buf of retrocomaptibility ### Update 0.6.6 [THE ANGRY PATCH AND ALSO BREAKING CHANGES] - Add stupid feature for some people want ot save 1s on the 2s i need for the weight calculation for manage all the settings and integration with external module.... - Add new integration with dfred convenient effects for print on chat external custom effects - Add 3 configuration instead of 2 on header sheet of the actor... checkout the readme for details... - Add setting for rollback to the standard dnd5e system calculation weight for save 1s on thewieght calculation... - Full integration metric system, "Viva l'italia" - Add feature new button state for this request ???? [Button to calculate the weight of items](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/51) - Bug fix error for the vehicle character sheet - Bug fix some strange behavior with Item Container module when equip/uneqipped the bakcpack item ### Update 0.6.5 - Bug fix "wrong" check for the weight value of the encumbrance tier (ty to gambet) - try to fix the bug [Variant Encumbrance module issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/qpyuv6/variant_encumbrance_module_issues/) - Add new checks for remove Active Effects for strange feedback from the users - Add new buttons on the header sheet of the actor for choose when to avoid to add the Active Effect - Added a feature solution for [Provide alternative weight trigger method](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/49) - Update readme.md and wiki - try to fix a possible incompatibility/bug with module [Illandril's Inventory Sorter (5e)](https://github.com/illandril/FoundryVTT-inventory-sorter) (ty to gambet) ### Update 0.6.4 [BREAKING CHANGES] - Clean up of the code - Write a new and better workflow for calculate the weight - Try to fix again (Bug fix [[BUG] Item Containers weight calculation with backpacks becomes reverse of intended](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/47)) ### Update 0.6.3 - Add custom currency weight calculation to the items of the item container backpack - Try to fix again (Bug fix [[BUG] Item Containers weight calculation with backpacks becomes reverse of intended](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/47)) ### Update 0.6.2 - Bug fix wrong addition of active effect during the load of the world - Add isConvinient flag to all the active effects for use the new midi qol integration ### Update 0.6.1 - Solve module incompatibility with [Item Collection/Item Containers](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/itemcollection) - Bug fix [[BUG] Item Containers weight calculation with backpacks becomes reverse of intended](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/47) ### Update 0.6.0 - Some bug fix and performance ### Update 0.5.28 - Remove await from add and remove Effect function for avoid some socket exception - Add i18 internazionalization ### Update 0.5.22-27 - Big, Very Big Bug fix and many module collision - Bug fix active effects add in loop during the initialization - Better checker for remove and addition of Active Effects - Remove await from remove Effect function ### Update 0.5.21 - Added integration for Vehicle - Try to fix again [Inherent weight miscalculation in Inventory + module](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/43) - Revert bug fix for the drag and drop use case ### Update 0.5.20 - Add github workflow for generation with new release on github - Try to fix again [Inherent weight miscalculation in Inventory + module](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/43) - Refactor the code and add some clean on the code - Remove the dist ### Update 0.5.19 - Bug fix [Inherent weight miscalculation in Inventory + module](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/43) - Bug fix [Module eliminates calculation of coin weight](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/44) ### Update 0.5.18 - Try to solve again [compatibility with Inventory + mod](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/42) ### Update 0.5.17 - Add additional check for the property flags for use case with inventory plus ### Update 0.5.16 - Small fixes for avoid warning ### Update 0.5.15 - Little bug fix for inventory plus flags not present ### Update 0.5.14 - Finally solved [compatibility with Inventory + mod](https://github.com/VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance/issues/42) ### Update 0.5.13 - Bug fix add hook for intercept create of module inventory+ - ### Update 0.5.12 - Bug fix add hook for intercept update of module inventory+ ### Update 0.5.11 Gambet performance - Some performance on the code - Update the flags (remove redundant info) - bug fix any time you equip an item, it seems to flash the whole inventory list - bug fix weight is undefined for some strange use case - bug fix solved "Nan/Nan" for item with weight undefined - big bug fix on active effect been removed (stupid,stupid,stupid) ### Update 0.5.10 - Bug fix , when update the strentgh of the character the value of the weight carried doesn't update right away ### Update 0.5.9 I'm so Soorrry - Bug fix when try to delete a item ### Update 0.5.8 I'm Soorrry - Bunch of bug fix (ty gambet) - Clean up some code - Little performance ### Update 0.5.7 - Bug fix for remove effect before the item is check twice for a strange use case ### Update 0.5.6 - Bug fix DnD beyond Character sheet ### Update 0.5.5 - Some other bug fixing ### Update 0.5.4 - Many, Many Bug fixing and use case ### Update 0.5.3 - Bug fix on the new module id ### Update 0.5.2 - Bug fix module.json ### Update 0.5.1 - Add check for dndbeyond character sheet ### Update 0.5.0 - change module if from "VariantEncumbrance" to "variant-encumbrance-dnd5e" for future management of foundry - partial integration for character sheet "compact-beyond-5e-sheet" ### Update 0.4.6 - Add check for "feat" and "spell" type for a more performance update of the sheet ### Update 0.4.5 - Revert url repository form p4535992 to VanirDev and fix the module.json ### Update 0.4.4 - Some minor bug fix, - Applied prettier ### Update 0.4.3 - Bug fix make sure to remove active effect if you rename the active effect ### Update 0.4.2 - Add more i18n support ### Update 0.4.1 - BUg fixing euiped and unequiped listener ### Update 0.4.0 - Bug fix compatibility with inventory + module - Bug fix unequipped mutliplier set 0 still get weight and broke encumbrance calculation ### Update 0.3.9 - Stupid , Stupid bug - Clean up code - Add check for active effect present when ecumerance leevel not change ### Update 0.3.8 - Add implementation with the core foundry 0.8.8 and D&D5e 1.4.2 for encumbrance rule ### Update 0.3.7 - Many bug fix and updates - Finally integration with Active effects for encumbrance ### Update 0.3.6 - Many bug fix and updates ### Update 0.3.5 - Converted to typescript (because i iike it better than javascript) and some bug fix ### Update 0.3.4 * Update for 0.8.8 * Add internazionalization * Add fix from [hmqgg fork](https://github.com/hmqgg/VariantEncumbrance/commit/27004558654bbd28eeb419c35d8f88093fbb7605) * Add optional use of the module midi (if the module is installed or not) request from tgp (unkwnon discord name) * Minor bug fix ### Update 0.3.3 * Bugfixes for foundryvtt 0.8.6 * Setup npm for better build the project in the future ### Update 0.3.2 * Bugfixes for inventory+ support * Added support for Dynamic Active Effects ### Update 0.3 * Complete support for the Inventory+ mod * Major bugfixes for the effects-based system involving unwanted stacked effects, and permission errors. Major thanks to [Paul Lessing](https://github.com/paullessing) for his contributions here. * Support for custom units and speed decreases in the module settings. * Improved weight calculation to support active effects that affect the data.attributes.encumbrance.value value. ### Update 0.2 * [Reworked weight reduction to use the new Active Effects system.](#ActiveEffects) * Refactored weight calculations to happen on inventory update, instead of only re-calculating weight when opening the character sheet. ### Update 0.1.5 * Added weight multiplier for unequipped items ### Update 0.1.4 * Support for Tidy5e dark theme character sheet * [Improved weight calculations to support creature size and powerful build](#sizeAndBuild) * [Added flags to support 3rd party module integration](#variantFlags)