var AgisLibray = /** @class */ (function () { function AgisLibray() { var _this = this; this.nodes = []; = function (parameter, context) { // Allow for spaces before or after parameter = parameter.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, ''); if (/^ for some f***ed up reason if (/^\s* ]/.test(html)) { return new AgisLibray().init(document.createElement('table')).html(html).children().children().nodes; } else if (/^\s* ]/.test(html)) { return new AgisLibray().init(document.createElement('table')).html(html).children().children().children().nodes; } else if (/^\s* u(e).children().length) if (typeof selector === 'function') callback = selector; // filter() receives an instance of Agis as in .filter(u('a')) if (selector instanceof AgisLibray) { callback = function (node) { return (selector.nodes).indexOf(node) !== -1; }; } return isNative ? _this.nodes.filter(callback) : new AgisLibray().init(_this.nodes.filter(callback)); }; // Find all the nodes children of the current ones matched by a selector this.find = function (selector) { return (node) { return new AgisLibray().init(selector || '*', node); }); }; = function (callback) { return callback ? new AgisLibray().init(_this.array(callback)).unique() : _this; }; // Merge all of the nodes that the callback return into a simple array this.array = function (callback) { callback = callback; var self = _this; return _this.nodes.reduce(function (list, node, i) { var val; if (callback) { val =, node, i); if (!val) val = false; if (typeof val === 'string') val = new AgisLibray().init(val); if (val instanceof AgisLibray) val = val.nodes; } else { val = node.innerHTML; } return list.concat(val !== false ? val : []); }, []); }; // Removed duplicated nodes, used for some specific methods this.unique = function () { return new AgisLibray().init(_this.nodes.reduce(function (clean, node) { var istruthy = node !== null && node !== undefined && node !== false; return (istruthy && clean.indexOf(node) === -1) ? clean.concat(node) : clean; }, [])); }; // Add class(es) to the matched nodes this.addClass = function (args) { return _this.eacharg(args, function (el, name) { el.classList.add(args); }); }; // Loop through the combination of every node and every argument passed this.eacharg = function (args, callback) { return _this.each(function (node, i) { _this.args(args, node, i).forEach(function (arg) { // Perform the callback for this node // By doing we allow "this" to be the context for // the callback (see precisely) callback(node, arg); }, _this); }); }; // Normalize the arguments to an array of strings // Allow for several class names like "a b, c" and several parameters this.args = function (args, node, i) { if (typeof args === 'function') { args = args(node, i); } // First flatten it all to a string // If we try to slice a string bad things happen: ['n', 'a', 'm', 'e'] if (typeof args !== 'string') { args = _this.slice(args).map(_this.str(node, i)); } // Then convert that string to an array of not-null strings return args.toString().split(/[\s,]+/).filter(function (e) { return e.length; }); }; this.str = function (node, i) { return function (arg) { // Call the function with the corresponding nodes if (typeof arg === 'function') { return, node, i); } // From an array or other 'weird' things return arg.toString(); }; }; this.removeClass = function (args) { // Loop the combination of each node with each argument return _this.eacharg(args, function (el, name) { // Remove the class using the native method el.classList.remove(name); }); }; this.hasClass = function (args) { var nodeLen = _this.nodes.length; if (nodeLen == 0) { return false; } _this.each(function (ele, index) { if (ele.classList.contains(args)) { return true; } if (index == nodeLen - 1) { return false; } }); }; // Travel the matched elements one node up // parent_ = (selector?: any) => { // return any) => { // return node.parentNode; // }).filter(selector); // } this._siblings = function (n, elem) { var matched = []; for (; n; n = n.nextSibling) { if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem) { matched.push(n); } } return matched; }; this.siblings = function (selector) { return (elem) { return _this._siblings((elem.parentNode || {}).firstChild, elem); }).filter(selector).nodes; }; this.children = function (selector) { return (node) { return this.slice(node.children); }).filter(selector).nodes; }; this.dir = function (elem, dir) { var matched = []; while ((elem = elem[dir]) && elem.nodeType !== 9) { if (elem.nodeType === 1) { matched.push(elem); } } return matched; }; this._parent = function (selector) { return (elem) { var parent = elem.parentNode; return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; }).filter(selector, true); }; this.parent = function (selector) { return (elem) { var parent = elem.parentNode; return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; }).filter(selector, true); }; this.parents = function (selector) { var parents = []; return (elem) { parents.push(_this.dir(elem, "parentNode")); return parents; }).filter(selector, true); }; } AgisLibray.prototype.init = function (parameter, context) { if (!(this instanceof AgisLibray)) { return new AgisLibray().init(parameter, context); } if (parameter instanceof AgisLibray) { return parameter; } if (typeof parameter === 'string') { parameter =, context); } // If we're referring a specific node as in on('click', function(){ u(this) }) // or the select() function returned a single node such as in '#id' if (parameter && parameter.nodeName) { parameter = [parameter]; } // Convert to an array, since there are many 'array-like' stuff in js-land this.nodes = this.slice(parameter); return this; }; return AgisLibray; }()); var Agis = new AgisLibray().init;