1] Hunter 2] Alchemist 3] Satyr 4] Satyr 5] Satyr 6] Satyr 7] Satyr 8] Satyr 9] Lila the Faun 10] Krista the Faun 11] Spinner the Faun 12] Sheila the Faun 1-1] Man do my feet feel better! Would you look after this for me? 1-2] We have to get all of them at once, or they'll just invite more of their friends. Let's go! &[Headbash Earthshapers after Hunter shoots them. 1-3] We make a great team! Here, I was going to give this to the Alchemist but I'm a bit annoyed at him at the moment. 1-4] All right. When I shoot an Earthshaper with an arrow, you @4headbash@0 him before he gets back up. Remember, headbash by jumping and then pressing the } button. 1-5] Come back and meet me here when you've learned how to @4headbash@0, and we can kick some Earthshaper butt together! 1-6] As long as you're here, would you like to help me take out these stubborn Earthshapers? &Kick Earthshaper butt?&Yes&No 1-7] OK, come back later and we'll finish them off! 1-8] Want to try again?&Try again?&Yes&No 2-1] I've been experimenting with this potion... I'd like to test it out but the Earthshapers out there have made going out a bit difficult. Could you kindly offer me an escort? &Escort the Alchemist?&Yes&No 2-2] Great! Just keep those Earthshapers away from me and I'll take this potion to Hunter. &[Protect the alchemist from the Earthshapers. 2-3] Hmm, I really thought my potion would turn that rock into gold. Perhaps a touch more salt... 2-4] OK, I'll be waiting here, but Hunter will be very angry with me if I don't get this potion to him soon! 2-5] Will you escort me past those Earthshapers? &Escort the Alchemist?&Yes&No 3-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 3-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 3-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 3-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 4-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 4-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 4-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 4-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 5-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 5-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 5-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 5-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 6-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 6-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 6-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 6-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 7-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 7-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 7-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 7-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 8-1] Thank you for releasing me. There are still some Satyrs trapped in stone. 8-2] It's great to be free! Now there is only one Satyr left to rescue. 8-3] Now that you have rescued all the Satyrs in Fracture Hills, you ought to go into the temple. 8-4] Music can calm the savage beast...and bagpipe music can break solid rock! 9-1] Well hello there, Mr. Dragon. Hmmm, you're pretty cute for a quadruped. I wish I could take you on a tour of our temple, but a bunch of lousy Earthshapers have encased it in stone. 9-2] The Satyrs that live here could break the stone with their magical songs, but the Earthshapers have encased them in stone, too. 10-1] Oh, thank goodness you broke that door down for me. I thought I'd be stuck in here forever. I found this fancy orb in here. Please take it. 11-1] Oh, a dragon! Perhaps you can help. My friend is locked in this room and lost the key, and you know how hard it is to find a locksmith at this time of night. &[Break down the door on the building. 11-2] Can you please help? Maybe if you hit that door really hard... &[Break down the door on the building. 12-1] Oh, hi, dragon-boy. You're probably expecting me to be all, like, 'you're my hero, thanks for saving poor helpless little me, blah, blah, blah.' Sorry, short-stuff. I was only in here because I liked the peace and quiet. Anyway, um, the other fauns wanted me to give you this talisman. 12-2] Umm, sorry if I sounded unfriendly. I didn't mean to.