1] Farmer GreeneBeene 2] Farmer Applebee 3] Farmer Barleycorn 4] Farmer John 5] Fairy 6] Fairy 1-1] Howdee, Spyro. These here pests have infested our farm. Could you find the time to help us get rid of 'em? 1-2] Them bugs are mighty tough... I reckon you'd need to shoot some of 'em out of the sky with that there pea-shot. 1-3] Find your way over to the giant bug lamp and turn it on so we can zap any more invading pests. 2-1] These darn bugs are makin' a joke of my expensive robot scarecrows! Can you chase 'em down and flame 'em Spyro? &[Flame the bugs. 2-2] Aagh, look at those bugs! I'd swear they were makin' fun of me! &[Flame the bugs. 2-3] My fields are safe from those flyin' vermin, Spyro. Take this doodad I done dug up yesterday. 2-4] Gosh-darn-it!! The birds are back! Can you see fit to giving it another go Spyro...? &[Flame the birds again. 2-5] These birds sure seem faster than the others too... &[Flame the fast birds. 2-6] Ah, that'll do 'em Spyro. Good work. Here, take this last orb of mine. 3-1] I used to drive my tractor all around the farm, but some fool robot blocked the path up. Do you think you could knock 'em down with a bit of a supercharge? &[Clear the tractor path. 3-2] You look as useless as me without this here powerup... 3-3] A fine piece of steerin' that was, dragon. Here, take this thing-a-ma-jig I found in the cow pen. 4-1] Way to go, Spyro! Them varmints won't be comin' near our crops now. Can I offer you a reward?